
Rocketeer_Even more interestingly, when I connect speakers or headphones to the laptop dock, they also don't work, but external mice or keyboards work fine00:03
TJ-Rocketeer_: according to that DP1-2 isn't enabled00:03
TJ-Rocketeer_: You notice the '*' next to the eDP1 1920x1080 entry - that means the current mode. There is no current mode next to any DP1-2 modes. Try this: "xrandr --output DP1-2 --auto"00:04
Rocketeer_TJ: That made the external display work!00:05
aZz7eChhmm... MATE... is it actually called "Ubuntu MATE" ?  if so, will it be an option on install of a default iso ?00:05
TJ-Rocketeer_: Yes, it wasn't enabled, only connected. Either your Display GUI config tool is lying, or you've misunderstood it and not enabled DP1-200:05
wileeeaZz7eCh, mate has their own website00:06
k1laZz7eCh: yes it is ubuntu mate with own isos00:06
Rocketeer_TJ: But in mirrored mode only, even when the gui "mirror displays" box is unchecked00:06
TJ-Rocketeer_: maybe that is all the GPU/dock supports?00:07
TJ-Rocketeer_: show me "xrandr -q" again now00:07
k1laZz7eCh: since 14.10 you could install mate-desktop-environment as the metapackage00:07
Rocketeer_TJ: They weren't mirrored in the guest login though, and I've never had problems of this sort before GPU wise00:08
Rocketeer_TJ: Now outputs: http://pastebin.com/CbxgB2MR00:09
Lz1chat about the truth at #nigggers (freenode's only ban-free zone)00:11
TechTonicsdoes anyone know how to setup a usb to vga adaptor ?00:18
TJ-Rocketeer_: which side of the laptop screen is the external monitor00:19
TechTonicsthe left00:19
WednesdayFinRocketeer_, at least gnome has a graphical display driver00:20
WednesdayFinyou can drag displays from there00:20
TechTonicsi'm already using an external monitor on the right and got an usb to vga adaptor for the second external00:20
WednesdayFinguess its the same with unity00:20
WednesdayFinahh i see00:21
TJ-Rocketeer_: "xrandr --output DP1-2 --left-of eDP1"00:21
Rocketeer_TJ: Physically it's on the left, in the guest login it acted as if it was on the right.00:21
WednesdayFinguess they sell usb to vga adaptors with proper drivers ready00:22
Rocketeer_TJ: That worked! Thank you!00:23
TechTonicswell that is part of it i havn't installed any drivers yet .. the company doesn't have any linux drivers it looks like00:23
TJ-Rocketeer_: I think the GUI Display config tool maybe isn't helping you here... would it let you drag 'monitors' to their required position?00:24
WednesdayFinTJ-, in gnome it does the job, xrandr is a hell to use00:25
TJ-TechTonics: does the kernel's DisplayLink driver recognise the adapter?00:26
WednesdayFinor at least more difficult00:26
TJ-WednesdayFin: I disagree; I love xrandr command-line... Let's me control the server in ways no GUI applet allows00:26
WednesdayFintrue that00:26
WednesdayFini just had issues with xrandr + nvidia00:27
TJ-WednesdayFin: I have 4 X screens... 2 of which are rotated, but the server miscalculates the DPI as a result so I have to use --fbmm to correct for it00:27
WednesdayFinwhich gpu?00:27
TJ-WednesdayFin: I use it with nvidia (1 mGPU and 2 external GPUs), never had a problem.00:27
WednesdayFinwith optimus?00:28
rocketeer2TJ: I can't find the other IRC window I have open, but yes, I can change sides with the GUI tool00:28
TJ-WednesdayFin: No! I wouldn't touch that with a barge pole!00:28
WednesdayFinTJ-, got a laptop, only optimus cards available from nvidia00:28
TJ-rocketeer2: As long as you log-out the session without crashing the user config should retain the display layout and use it next time you log in00:28
TJ-WednesdayFin: Same here; mobile  8600M GT + external Quadro NVS42000:29
rocketeer2TJ: thanks so much, I'll reboot and make sure it still works!00:29
WednesdayFinpeople won't believe the shit you run into, deleted and reinstalled x after shitty autoconfigs like three times00:29
TJ-rocketeer2: OK, but to test you should only need to log-out... that restarts the X server00:29
WednesdayFinTJ-, so the 8600M GT is your default gpu?00:30
WednesdayFinmy default is sandy bridge00:30
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TJ-WednesdayFin: I run 6 1920x1200 monitors over 4 X screens on 3 GPUs00:30
RocketeerTJ: it retained settings! I've very happy about it!00:32
WednesdayFini run a 1378x768 laptop screen with 32" telly on hdmi00:32
TJ-WednesdayFin: That's Hybrid/Optimus though;00:32
TJ-Rocketeer: I thought it would00:32
WednesdayFinTJ-, still got the secondary gpu's working fine?00:33
TJ-TechTonics: I know we've successfully helped several users configure USB DisplayLink devices00:33
TJ-WednesdayFin: I've never had any problems with it over several releases and kernel versions.00:33
WednesdayFinTJ-, my gcc threw a version incompatibility warning...00:34
WednesdayFinwhen compiling drivers from source00:35
TJ-WednesdayFin: using DKMS packages?00:35
RocketeerThis is a much less important problem, but sound through the dock doesn't work either. That I can totally live with00:35
TJ-Rocketeer: check the device isn't just muted00:35
WednesdayFinẗhe autoconfig is broken00:35
TJ-Rocketeer: also, check the device is found in "/var/log/kern.log" when the dock connects00:35
WednesdayFinoverwrites working shit with corrupted log files00:36
TJ-!language | WednesdayFin00:36
ubottuWednesdayFin: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:36
WednesdayFinok sry00:36
TJ-WednesdayFin: what is a 'corrupted log file' ? Your statement makes no sense without explanation00:36
RocketeerTJ: It plays through laptop speakers though, and when the external speakers are plugged into the laptop jack, everything works fine.00:36
WednesdayFinTJ-, the drivers own autoconfig script overlaps with system autoconfig00:37
TJ-Rocketeer: The thing is, some docks have an additional audio chipset whereas others just pipe additional outputs from the internal laptop chipset00:37
RocketeerTJ: Aug 31 17:37:11 peter-PC kernel: [  421.784385] hid-generic 0003:17EF:304E.0009: input,hidraw2: USB HID v1.00 Device [C-Media Electronics Inc. ThinkPad OneLink Pro Dock Audio] on usb-0000:00:14.0-3.1.4/input300:38
TechTonicsdoes anyone have any ideas on finding a driver that will work for a usb 2 vga adaptor?00:38
TJ-WednesdayFin: For what driver specifically? I'm not aware of any DKMS package that uses autoconf00:38
TJ-TechTonics: I know we've successfully helped several users configure USB DisplayLink devices - what is the device ID?00:38
motaI'm building an Ubuntu 14 livecd for the purpose of benchtesting and detecting failed or dodgy hardware. Seeking suggestions about packages to include.00:38
WednesdayFinTJ-, can't remember, the newest for 540M, already purged the installations00:39
ikoniaif you don't know what to include on your own test build - thats your issue00:39
ikoniawe don't support your personal custom spins00:39
WednesdayFinI'm running with the Sandy Bridge currently00:39
TechTonicsTJ: how do i find out?00:39
motaDidn't ask for support; asked for suggestions, ikonia00:39
TJ-Rocketeer: OK, so that looks like an additional USB audio device... So in the Audio Mixer controls you should find there is an additional device, and you may need to increase its playback priority to make it preferred. Alternatively, in the PulseAudio output control you can right-click on an active playback stream and choose "Move" and select the dock's audio device00:40
ikoniamota: its your buid - your choice, nothing to do with this channel00:40
TJ-TechTonics: Start with "lsusb" - pastebin the results for us00:40
OerHeksmota, benchtesting with a live cd is useless, and detecting hw failures use UBcd  http://askubuntu.com/questions/109935/are-there-any-hardware-diagnostic-tools00:40
motahave you tried ubcd? I have; it's imho horrible and outdated00:41
OerHeksoh, nive attitude towards ikonia, mota. and yes, i did, with success.00:42
god_phantomwhat's a key excellent way for me to get involved in open source?  i know bugs solving is tremendous and help is always needed; but how would i duplicate the problem on my own machine to try & troubleshoot?00:42
WednesdayFingod_phantom, unit testing modules, i don't know00:43
ikoniagod_phantom: most bugs explain the problem00:43
TJ-WednesdayFin: Support for Optimus rather depends on the output architecture. Originally everything used a multiplexer (MUX) to switch the outputs between the 2 GPUs, but the manufacturers wanted to save more money so removed the multiplexer so we now have MUX-less. I remember reading in the nvidia-prime notes it does NOT support MUX-less systems, although that might have changed very recently.00:43
TechTonicsTJ: http://pastebin.com/fmsyEuc900:43
TechTonicsi assume it to be the #6.00:43
WednesdayFinTJ-, thank you, going to sleep now00:44
TJ-TechTonics: Agreed... so let's find out what that might be00:44
motaOerHeks: thanks for the input00:44
RocketeerTJ: That worked, thanks a million!00:45
TechTonicsTJ: Fresco Logic FL200000:45
WednesdayFindon't really know if i have MUX-less hardware00:46
WednesdayFinneed to check the motherboard manufacturer (asus) i guess00:46
TJ-TechTonics: not a lot of help unfortunately. The only entry in the PCI-ID database is the Vendor name, with no associated known Device IDs: "1d5c  Fantasia Trading LLC"00:48
TJ-TechTonics: can you "pastebinit <( lsusb --verbose -d 1d5c:2000 )"00:50
TechTonicsTJ: http://pastebin.com/pPpDP8vF00:51
TJ-TechTonics: also, depending on which DL version the device is, have you seen/tried http://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu.php00:52
CAPITANOOOTJ-:  unable to find a medium containing a live file system00:54
TJ-CAPITANOOO: congratulations :)00:55
CAPITANOOOim lost00:55
TJ-CAPITANOOO: In older hardware that was a common issue; the CD/DVD device seemed to change its device node right under the installer as it was starting00:56
TJ-CAPITANOOO: I remember reporting that myself on some Dell server hardware in about 200700:57
knobHey guys... how can I set back the video driver, from the nVidia one, to the "generic" (open source?) one?   I want to do this via the command line.   I foobar'd the machine.  I select the nvidia driver, rebooted, and now she's in a loop when she starts x00:57
daftykinsknob: sudo apt-get purge nvidia*00:57
knobdaftykins, going to try that now... thank you.00:58
knobWill report back00:58
crazyhorsei've lost a window on my screen, how can i get it back into the main area?00:58
daftykinscrazyhorse: right click move perhaps00:59
daftykinswhich DE?00:59
crazyhorseright click, is not on there00:59
motaIs there a CLI way to lock applications to the Unity dock?01:00
crazyhorseso crap.. i had to change the resolution01:00
knobdaftykins, thank you!  I was able to get back into X just fine.01:00
knobNow to try and fix the mess I did =)01:00
crazyhorsemota: yeah there is, i've done it before.. you edit a file..01:01
nahtnamHow can i enable gtk3?01:01
nahtnamor switch to it?01:01
nahtnamApparently its installed by default01:01
daftykinsknob: which card do you have?01:01
motacrazyhorse: you wouldn't happen to remember which file would you?01:02
knobdaftykins, I have to check.  It's a "nothing impressive".  Cost like 40$ at TigerDirect.  I don't do gaming so...01:02
knobWhere I went wrong was that I have two monitors.  The main one, I started driving it from the motherboard's HDMI.   Then the second one via the video card.  Yet something was off (I think it was that the second monitor had an "extension" of the primary monitor - and then the cursor would "jump" into the primary monitor).01:03
knobThat's when I started playing with the drivers and broke it01:03
TJ-TechTonics: I've extracted that DisplayLink driver download, it includes a DKMS kernel module as well as pre-built binary drivers for the X server - my concern is that the libusb will replace/overwrite the system installed version, so be careful01:04
daftykinsknob: run "lspci" and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com01:05
TechTonicsTJ: ok so taht would mean that i could lose my current dispay?01:05
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nahtnamHow can I switch from unity to gtk3?01:05
nahtnamI ran sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev but it says that its already installed01:05
daftykinsnahtnam: those sound like two confused terms to me01:06
daftykinsdo you mean unity the DE?01:06
nahtnamdaftykins: Yes01:06
knobthere daftykins01:06
daftykinsknob: ok so Geforce 21001:06
knobLet me know if I can get any other info!01:06
daftykinsknob: do you know which driver you tried to select last time?01:06
kadiro!desktop | nahtnam01:07
ubottunahtnam: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors01:07
knobdaftykins, yes... sec, and I will tell you....01:07
nahtnamkadiro: http://snwh.org/paper/theme/ On this page, it makes the distinction between gtk and unity. I want to use the gtk version of it01:08
knobNVIDIA binary driver - version 304.76 from nvidia-340-updates (propietary)01:08
daftykinsknob: too old a version that i would say, try 34601:09
kadironahtnam: it's new for me but look like just a theme01:10
knobdaftykins, ok!  Updating it now01:11
nahtnamkadiro: Its a beautiful one! I think I need to install "Gnome"01:11
TJ-TechTonics: No, but the libusb if it over-writes the current library - instead of installing the new stuff under /usr/local/ - might cause unexpected USB weirdness.01:11
knobdaftykins, do I update via... the Software Center?01:11
kadironahtnam: ok good luck, in your place i will choose gnome2 and not gnome301:12
knobOr adding the ppa?01:12
OerHeksmaybe the !notunity factoid is still valid01:12
TJ-TechTonics: but I'd think it is worth trying; as long as you're aware you can always reinstall the package manager's libusb-X.Y.Z package01:12
daftykinsknob: whichever method you want, the hardware drivers wizard would be useful - or just "sudo apt install nvidia-346"01:12
knobDoing that last one ^^  =)01:13
TechTonicsok thanks01:13
knobupdating in a bit... have to download 311MB... connecting a little bit slow01:13
TJ-TechTonics: let us know if it does work... be good to know for others01:13
TechTonicsTJ : will do it's building now ..01:14
TechTonicsTJ: ya think i should reboot?01:15
Shadowdoes anyone know how to use MPD01:17
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daftykinsit's a server portion, you install MPD and feed it a folder of music iirc, then you run mpc and connect to localhost and play it01:17
ShadowPonyany one good with icecast01:18
TJ-TechTonics: I'd unplug/replug the device first01:19
knobdaftykins, now I borked something... hmm...01:20
knobit threw various lines of bbswitch01:20
knobas if it was trying... then dropped my into the command line  (this was after a reboot)01:20
TechTonicsTJ: no change01:29
TJ-TechTonics: that is disappointing. Let me look at the DL kernel module source; see how it recognises the device01:31
TechTonicsTJ: thanks01:32
TJ-TechTonics: I don't see a udevd rule in that installer so maybe it needs to be manually handled. Can you do "lsmod | grep evdi" - if that shows nothing the module isn't loaded01:34
TechTonicsTJ: true nothing was shown01:36
anonymous_im new to this and have no fucking clue whats going on01:37
aZz7eChUbuntu MATE question:  how have i dragged the power button and calendar to the middle of my bar ?? speakers and messages icons still sitting to the right01:38
TJ-TechTonics: OK, start with loading it: "sudo modprobe evdi"01:40
TJ-TechTonics: now check the kernel log in case it tells us it found the device: "sudo tail /var/log/kern.log"01:40
ivonneDios los vediga01:42
TechTonicsTJ: [ 1214.776190] [ ] evdi_init Initialising logging on level 501:42
TechTonicslookin' good ?01:42
daftykins!es | ivonne01:43
ubottuivonne: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:43
daftykinsivonne: english only.01:43
TJ-TechTonics: Well, the module is now in memory... no sign is recognised the existing USB adapter. Now keep a tail following the log and unplug/plug the USB device with "sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log"01:43
TechTonicsTJ: [ 1482.200757] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d5c, idProduct=200001:45
TJ-TechTonics: OK, so no go. Apparently the FL2000 may not use DisplayLink protocol01:48
TJ-TechTonics: This is interesting though, although no solution for you: http://www.cy384.com/projects/fl2000dx-driver.html01:48
TJ-TechTonics: on the FrescoLogic support pages it says "For FL2000 in USB 2.0 mode, the maximum resolution is 800x600 only" ... I noticed your 'lspci --verbose' output shows the device is, or is in, a USB2.1 port01:51
TechTonicsTJ: hmmm ok ... should i change port?01:54
ReinyTj are u the real deal?01:54
TJ-TechTonics: There's no real point; that device is not going to work with Linux since the manufacturer provides no driver or technical data01:55
TechTonicsTJ: grr well thank you for your help01:57
TechTonicsTJ: should i remove the displaylink ?01:58
TJ-TechTonics: Yes, it might be a good idea to avoid future issues01:58
tv-guyI just got me a video capture card, and I see /dev/video0 but cheese and VLC do not play the content... help!02:00
TechTonicsTJ: and how would i do taht?02:00
motacan anyone suggest a cli method for locking applications to the unity dock?02:01
TJ-I assume that installer script has some kind of uninstall option02:01
tv-guymota: I would doc a known app, then grep for it, and see where the config is installed and in what format02:02
TJ-TechTonics: ooo! I just noticed, that script does add a udev rule: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-displaylink.rules02:02
motagood idea, tv-guy, will try02:02
TJ-TechTonics: It is a *very* long shot but I think if we amend that to include the device you have, at least the DL driver may try to use it02:02
tv-guymota: you might want to do that under a trash account in case you mess it up02:03
tv-guyI just got me a video capture card, and I see /dev/video0 but cheese and VLC do not play the content... help!02:03
TechTonicsTJ: i'm into it :)02:04
OerHeksmota, no, you need to drag it yourself https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles#Adding_a_.desktop_file_to_the_Unity_Launcher02:04
TJ-TechTonics: I'm looking at that rule, what I'm confused over is the idVendor match is 179 which I assume is decimal, which is 0x00b3 hex ... that matches no vendor in the USB IDs02:06
tv-guyOer: you link states that the config he is looking for is in .Desktop so yea thats a good approach assuming he can get the format correct02:06
linuxuz3ri get smpboot error cpu failed to wake up error02:06
linuxuz3rshould i install a new kernel?02:07
tv-guyI just got me a video capture card, and I see /dev/video0 but cheese and VLC do not play the content... help!02:07
TJ-TechTonics: haha! They have a critical bug: the correct ID is 17e9 (hex): "grep -i displaylink /usr/share/misc/*.ids" ==> "/usr/share/misc/usb.ids:17e9  DisplayLink"02:08
tv-guyI just got me a video capture card, and I see /dev/video0 but cheese and VLC do not play the content... help!02:08
TJ-TechTonics: OK, how about correcting that (although it won't help you) and adding another entry to the file that matches on your adapter?02:08
tv-guyanyone know what they are doing around video? I think I have a config issue, but do not know where to start!?02:09
TJ-TechTonics: Are you using Unity/Gnome ?02:10
TJ-tv-guy: does the PC have a camera too (webcam) ?02:10
tv-guyTJ: Its a video capture card, and no it has no camera, the capture card has dual input so I am seeing /dev/video[01]02:12
TechTonicsTJ: well .. that's another issue .. currently Gnome 3.XX however i'm using Netrunner with KDE plasma 5.X02:12
TechTonicspre installed02:12
TJ-TechTonics: I was just trying to determine which GUI test editor you'd use to edit the file, since you also need to be using sudo02:12
tv-guyTJ: but I cannot get anything to show up, tested the cables and stuff direct to my tv02:12
daftykins.win 1302:13
TechTonicsTJ: ahh ok well either gedit or kate either is good02:13
TJ-tv-guy: It may require firmware which isn't available to the system. Check "/var/log/dmesg" for clues if you haven't already02:13
tv-guyI like gedit02:13
tv-guyTJ: I got that installed, it sees my card, but I will check02:14
TJ-TechTonics: OK, well with Alt+F2 then do "gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-displaylink.rules"02:14
tv-guyTJ: cat /var/log/dmesg02:15
tv-guy(Nothing has been logged yet.)02:15
TJ-tv-guy: Have you tested the capture using vlc? If started from a terminal, VLC can be very verbose and informative02:15
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daftykinstv-guy: type "dmesg" alone and there'll be plenty :P02:15
archiecan you get ubuntu on a raspberry pi02:15
TJ-tv-guy: Ahhh, you have systemd init then! "journalctl"  and scroll through02:15
archieor at least something like it02:16
TechTonicsTJ: yup i'm with you02:16
daftykinsarchie: i think you can use it on the v2 yes02:16
TJ-TechTonics: OK, first replace ATTR{idVendor}=="179"   so it is 17e902:16
TechTonicsTJ: done02:17
archieis it the desktop version or a raspberry pi version02:17
daftykinsarchie: you have to get an ARM build02:17
TJ-TechTonics: then add a new line with "ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1d5c", ATTR{idProduct}=="2000", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660"  "02:17
TJ-TechTonics: save the file. Unplug the USB device. Start a tail: "sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log". Plug the device in... and pastebin all the errors if any :)02:18
archiealright kool! thanks for the info!02:19
tv-guyyea, I got plenty of data, not idea what I am looking for???02:20
TechTonicsTJ: http://pastebin.com/st81BWEA02:20
TechTonicsTJ: i didn't see any errors02:21
tv-guyTJ: in VLC it "plays" no errors, no output02:21
TJ-TechTonics: OK, that doesn't help if the kernel module doesn't pick it up. I think it's a lost cause02:23
tv-guyvidioc_s_frequency() No analog tuner, aborting???02:24
TJ-tv-guy: what capture adapter is it?02:26
tv-guya haupage02:27
tv-guyTJ: I am not sure I understand the question02:27
TJ-tv-guy:  I was wanting to know the exact model number of the hardware so I can look it up02:27
TJ-tv-guy:  "lspci -nn" output for that device would also be excellent, since it gives the PCI ID02:28
peter92i am running ltsp 14.04 and i am trying to run fat clients i have followed the Ubuntu wiki yet clients are still booting from thin clients instead of fat clients and i am not sure how to debug the problem02:29
tv-guyTJ: Its a hauppauge WinTV-HVR 1150 http://pastebin.com/yRv9FZzS02:30
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choppin32hi all02:30
tv-guytj: oops hauppauge WinTV-HVR 225002:30
TJ-tv-guy: OK, so the driver is saa716402:31
tv-guyTJ: I think so... that sounds familure02:32
TJ-tv-guy: "modinfo saa7164" tells us quite a lot about it, including some kernel parameters that can alter its behaviour02:32
peter92how can i make sure that ltsp is handing out fat client images?02:33
TJ-tv-guy: can you do "pastebinit <( dmesg )" ?02:33
OerHeksthe 1st answer looks old but should work http://askubuntu.com/questions/308695/help-with-hauppauge-wintv-hvr-2250-on-ubuntu-13-0402:33
skwishyafter doing an 'sudo apt-get install docker', and 'apt-file search docker' shows there should be a /usr/bin/docker, but that file doesn't exist, what can I check next?  'dpkg -l | grep docker' shows that it installed with a 'ii', so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here02:34
Giordanohey guys, I'm running "ubuntu/trusty64" with vagrant, and I can't execute scripts when I'm outside the folder the script is in. It gives me a message saying the file doesn't exist. Could someone give me a help?02:35
daftykinsyou need to add the script path to your $PATH02:36
GiordanoThe message is also prepended with :02:36
TJ-tv-guy: ok, line 897  shows "CORE saa7164[0]: subsystem: 0070:f111, board: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR2200 [card=5,insmod option]"02:37
tv-guyGior: some scripts expect files to be in pwd, so if you run them from another location they cant find the files they need02:37
tv-guyTJ: OK02:37
tv-guyTJ: so?02:38
Giordanodaftykins:but I wanna specify the path to the script, for example : I'm in ~ and file is in ~/bin/script.sg I could do $~/bin/script.sh02:38
TJ-tv-guy: firmware looks good: "saa7164_downloadfirmware() Waiting for firmware upload (NXP7164-2010-03-10.1.fw)" ... "saa7164_downloadfirmware() firmware loaded"02:38
daftykinsGiordano: and you're saying that's what doesn't work?02:38
Giordanotv-guy:I don't think that is the case for this one, I'm trying to run rspec02:38
TJ-tv-guy: but unfortunately, starting at line 969 there are errors: £tveeprom 6-0000: Encountered bad packet header [00]. Corrupt or not a Hauppauge eeprom."02:38
Giordanodaftykins: yes!02:38
daftykinsGiordano: do they have execute permissions?02:39
Giordanodaftykins: yes, I have02:39
tv-guyTJ: one scond you said 5?02:39
Giordanofile is 777 since is in windows02:39
daftykinswhat do you mean 'in windows' ?02:39
TJ-tv-guy: 5 what?02:39
GiordanoI'm running ubuntu inside vagrant, using a virtual machine with shared folders02:40
tv-guyTJ: card number02:40
daftykinsnevermind i have to cook.02:40
tv-guyTJ: never mind thats what I have in the config02:40
Giordanodaftykins: the odd thing is that if I go inside the folder and type the script name it works, but not outside the folder02:41
tv-guyTJ: In /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf that is02:41
daftykinspretty sure you've just got some script running basics to overcome there :P02:41
skwishycan dpkg show all the files for an installed package?02:42
tv-guyTJ: so what do I need to do next?02:42
PC-LTSPi have been running Edubuntu ltsp trusty taher. i tried switching from thin client to fat client by following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/FatClients but it didn't run the fat client and i'm not sure what else to edit02:43
wileeeGiordano, you been here? #vagrant02:43
Giordanodaftykins: Do you think the ':' at the beginning of the message saying the file does not exist has a meaning?02:43
TJ-tv-guy: have you done a completely *cold* boot of the PC, and did the card work when you did?02:43
Giordanowileee: yes, the channel is too quite, no one to help me02:43
tv-guyTJ: I did a cold boot, it looks like it should be playing but I get nothing02:44
wileeeGiordano, cool, had not followed all the posts is all.02:44
ttso I just installed 15.04 with the encrypted LVM config option (the default "encrypt my stuff" one)02:44
GiordanoI think my problem is somewhat related to a missing package02:44
ttand it is incessantly nagging me for the passphrase to unlock the swap partition even though it's already moutned02:44
tt(this is in the terminal window inside Software Updater!)02:45
Giordanobut I have no idea what package02:45
tv-guyGior: if you know what files are missing google the full path, you can often find the package from that02:46
tv-guyTJ: Ideas???02:46
TechTonicsTJ: so how do i undo what i have done this far02:46
crazyhorse18i'm copying my photos off my laptop onto a harddrive using rsync, i'll then copy them from that drive to another drive using rsync... are there any santity checks i can do to guarantee they have all copied?02:46
tv-guycrazy: you could do a checksum02:47
TJ-tv-guy: The card isn't supported correctly, maybe a bug in the driver, or possibly the adapter itself02:47
Giordanotv-guy: I know where the file is, If I go to the folder I can execute the file, but I can't reference the file from outside the folder using the relative path to it and execute it02:47
crazyhorse18tv-guy, how do i do that?02:47
crazyhorse18tv-guy, and can you do checksums over gb's of files?02:47
Giordanotv-guy: like you usually do $ ./bin/script.sh02:47
tv-guycrazy: yep, look into md5sum02:48
crazyhorse18tv-guy, thanks checkin it out02:48
TJ-TechTonics: "sudo ./displaylink-installer.sh --help" ... looks like "uninstall"02:49
GiordanoI think the problem is because files are in windows02:51
daftykinsGiordano: oh so you're leaving them *on* Windows and running over the share? yeah that's not gonna be wise :P02:53
Giordanodaftykins: have any suggestions? I kind need those files in a shared folder because I need to edit them02:54
daftykinsGiordano: no you just need to learn how to access a Linux host from Windows :)02:54
daftykinslearn how to use SSH and SCP02:55
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/02:55
MaHLuKaThi all02:56
Giordanodaftykins: well, since I'm working with web development, I kind need the files to reflect their changes as soon as possible02:56
ttq/w 2402:56
daftykinsGiordano: and since you work with web development, you need to learn how to do things properly.02:57
daftykinsGiordano: don't be resistant to learning how to do your job properly :)02:57
Giordanodaftykins: not being resistence, just trying to learn what I need to do02:57
somsipGiordano: can you explain again what the goal is?02:58
daftykinsyour wording suggests otherwise02:58
OerHeksnobody in webdevelopment touches the real file, you copy it and edit.02:58
daftykinsbe able to edit files from Windows when the files sit on the Linux VM, somsip :)02:58
GiordanoI can do that daftykins02:58
somsipGiordano: so answer my question02:59
Giordanothe problem is that I can't execute scripts using relative paths to those scripts inside my shared folders02:59
crazyhorse18Giordano, what language are you working with?02:59
daftykinsi'm going to walk away now..02:59
crazyhorse18Giordano, ok why are you editing your source code on a windows box?02:59
somsipGiordano: you want to share a file on a linux VM with a windows client and be able to execute them from the windows client?03:00
crazyhorse18are you mapping to a vm?03:00
TechTonicsTJ: Thanks for all your help man!03:00
Giordanobecause my hardware does not run linux well (displaylink stuff)03:00
crazyhorse18Giordano, hmmm sounds like a very awkward setup03:01
daftykinscrazyhorse18: +103:01
crazyhorse18I just switched to using ubuntu as my desktop from windows03:01
Giordanosomsip: I have my files sitting in a shared folder, a webserver inside the Ubuntu server VM to execute them. Port fowarding to send requests from host to guest. And I want to edit those files from windows03:01
crazyhorse18now ubuntu is no where near as polished as windows is, but it's almost impossible to get a stable development environement with all the tools you need under windows03:02
somsipGiordano: "share folder" means what? If it's ahred with windows, edit it in windows if you must. If it's shared between the VM and something else, SSH to the VM and edit there. But your approach is your problem.03:03
crazyhorse18Giordano: you could use winscp, i remember it has a file watch option03:03
crazyhorse18somsip, yeah but then he can't use his editor03:03
somsipcrazyhorse18: so essentially, it's OT03:03
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Giordanocrazyhorse18: it is almost like if you were using aws03:05
crazyhorse18well not really03:06
Giordanocrazyhorse18: almost03:06
crazyhorse18Giordano, you commit to the local git repo, tag a release, then deploy the release.. what you want is a development environement03:06
Giordanocrazyhorse18: the ideia is to bring your production enviroment closer to the development enviroment and diminish the differences between machines from team mates, so you have less surprises when you deploy your code03:07
somsipGiordano: the problem here for me is that you're not defining the issue very well, not responding to my questions, and it seems very offtopic now. So that's it for me03:07
daftykinsi think we have a case of someone not knowing how to use the tools at hand.03:08
Giordanodaftykins: yeah, kind like that03:08
crazyhorse18Giordano, in that case, get rid of your windows computer, and install ubuntu03:08
crazyhorse18The only reason we use ubuntu for our desktop environment is so that it matches the server environment  ... and like you said, less problems, more likely to work03:09
Giordanocrazyhorse18: I wish I could do that, but I'm not willing to use some drivers that I would need to use since they are in early development03:09
crazyhorse18you don't have an old desktop you could use?  i mean programming isin't exactly cpu intensive03:10
Giordanocrazyhorse18: nope03:11
Giordanocrazyhorse18: only one laptop with hardware without good drivers for linux =D03:11
dunderprotoIs it possible to put Ubuntu on my smartphone? I have a Sony Xperia Z Ultra (C6806). I've been looking around at the Ubuntu Touch project and was wondering if that is the right project for me03:11
daftykinseven setting up samba and sharing the cwd of the files to your windows host would probably work better - but the method is still absolutely insane and shows not knowing the industry03:11
somsipGiordano: your problem seems to be the shared folder. Find a different solution. init a git repo on the shared folder, and clone it on the VM. Then just push changes to it (this could be much more refined)03:12
Giordanodaftykins: I do think vagrant is so insane?03:12
Giordanodaftykins: why*03:12
daftykinsyour sentence doesn't make much sense03:13
daftykinsi'm saying the way you're using your computer is :)03:13
Giordanodaftykins: why do you think using vagrant is so insane?03:13
daftykinsi never said vagrant was03:13
somsip!ot | Giordano (no longer anything to do with ubuntu support)03:13
ubottuGiordano (no longer anything to do with ubuntu support): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:13
Giordanosomsip: ok, sorry03:14
crazyhorse18Giordano, check out winscp03:14
crazyhorse18Giordano, it's a bad idea though.. https://winscp.net/eng/docs/task_synchronize_full03:14
somsipGiordano: and go search for 'webdev windows vagrant' for better solutions for what you are trying to do03:15
crazyhorse18I strongly recommend you find a different solution03:15
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crazyhorse18are there any drawbacks to using the exfat filesystem with ubutnu?03:31
somsip!ops | multiple spamming nicks03:33
ubottumultiple spamming nicks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:33
* tonyyarusso sighs03:34
Giordanohey guys, I'm running vagrant, and I can't execute binary files inside a shared folder when I specify the path to the file. Bash say's ": No such file or directory" can someone help me? Example of the issue: "giordano@arch:/vagrant/shared_folder/ $ ./bin/test.rb" yields "No such file"03:38
gshmuubuntu simple forwding can't work: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-redirecting-network-traffic-to-a-new-ip-using-iptables/03:38
somsipGiordano: the shared folder is hosted on windows? Windows does not support the executable flag. https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/177603:40
daftykinsi mentioned this earlier but got ignored03:41
gshmuI want forwarding local port to another host:8003:41
somsipdaftykins: I'll give him this last chance then just ignore him as he's been ignoring my advice03:41
daftykinsgshmu: were you here earlier?03:41
daftykinsalso the @arch makes me think the host isn't even ubuntu ;)03:42
gshmudaftykins: gshmu is me03:42
daftykinsgshmu: yes i can see your name, but were you here earlier asking the exact same thing?03:42
_andy_* Topic for #ubuntu-server is: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support, try #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/ | Utopic (14.10) roadmap bugs, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-r-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server03:43
_andy_* Topic for #ubuntu-server set by soren (Tue May 20 14:03:42 2014)03:43
_andy_-ChanServ- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support). This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService03:43
_andy_* sphenxes01 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)03:43
_andy_* sphenxes01 (~sphenxes@178-191-160-40.adsl.highway.telekom.at) has joined03:43
_andy_<_andy_> Hi there! I am having trouble setting up an AD domain controller. It is not showing up in the smbtree command.03:43
daftykinsdo not paste.03:43
gshmudaftykins: what's time03:43
daftykinsgshmu: are you serious =|03:44
gshmudaftykins: yes03:44
daftykinsgoodbye then03:44
gshmudaftykins: I don't remenber.  yesterday I using ssh -L, but not this03:45
_andy_I'm sorry about that. I'm having issues with my AD DC showing up among the list of computers on my network.03:45
gshmudaftykins: iptables not work with ubuntu 14.04...03:45
somsipgshmu: forget - he'll be ignoring you by now. People do that to you when you troll03:45
somsip*forget it03:46
gshmusomsip: 囧rz03:47
daftykinsI-Candy: that's not how to join if that's what you're trying to do03:48
lasersHi all. What's the ubottu command to find out the linux version for each Ubuntu version?03:49
somsip!brain | lasers03:50
ubottulasers: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone03:50
_andy_@lasers Are you looking for the command for the Ubuntu version or the Linux kernel version?03:50
daftykinslasers: look it up online, don't hassle the bot for such information03:51
lasers_andy_: Linux kernel verison. Trying to find out what Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS is on.03:51
Giordanosomsip: Sorry but I can't see why "user@arch:/shared_folder/bin $ test.rb" work and "user@arch:/shared_folder/ $ ./bin/test.rb" don't work. Could you explain to me?03:52
_andy_@lasers You can type uname -r to find the kernel version.03:52
daftykinslasers: it comes with 3.1903:52
somsipGiordano: linux requires that the executable flag is set on a binary for it to be allowed to be executed. Windows does not support the executable flag03:54
_andy_@andy Although 14.03 may come with version 3.19, it may be handy to check your version using the command. I have 14.03, but an older kernel version than 3.19, to add to daftykins.03:54
somsip_andy_: first sign of madness you know...03:55
daftykins14.03 is not a release.03:55
_andy_@daftykins I meant 14.04.3. My mistake.03:55
daftykinsI-Candy: no, still wrong.03:55
daftykinsinstalling afresh with 14.04.3 media includes the vivid (15.04) HWE, thus 3.19 kernel as standard.03:55
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lasersdaftykins: Thank you. I found it. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&section=all&arch=any&keywords=linux-image&searchon=names -- It came out on 3.13... and later with upgrades to current 3.19? I need at least 3.8 -- Thank again for your help.03:55
daftykinsyes 14.04 vanilla came with 3.1303:56
daftykins14.04.2 came with utopic's 3.16 iirc03:56
setzkej #jitsi03:57
_andy_Anyway, I have a networking Ubuntu Server question, and was wondering if anyone is able to help me out with that.03:57
_andy_I know this is not the right channel, but the ubuntu-server channel is empty.03:58
daftykinsnot until you ask it - and not in a big spam paste03:58
linuxuz3rhow do i upgrade my kernel03:58
lasersdaftykins: I counted wrong. D'oh.03:58
linuxuz3ri got to program really03:58
_andy_I'm sorry. I didn't know that pasting was bad. In a nutshell, my server does not show up in the list of computers.03:59
daftykinslinuxuz3r: that doesn't make any sense03:59
daftykins_andy_: relying on browsing lists seems unnecessary, can't you just make use of things via IP and share?03:59
_andy_@daftykins IP addresses and NetBIOS lookups work fine, but I would like to have the computers show up in a list (like the smbtree command).04:00
_andy_They work fine if I type in the Netbios name or IP address.04:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:01
daftykinsexamples are always good04:01
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daftykinseyecandy: you're on freenode, you need to type "/connect irc.efnet.org" then after connectiong "/join #channel-name"04:02
daftykinsconnecting, too04:02
_andy_@daftykins Will I need to sign up to use the pasting service?04:10
daftykinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com no04:11
daftykinsyou could've looked instead of asking04:11
eyecandyHELP join04:14
eyecandyHELP [join]04:14
CaySo I see the repo's wxHexEditor are a year behind. How might I get this updated to the lastest version so people don't keep complaining about it on stack overflow?04:15
Cay(Not my code but I can compile a binary from source if need be)04:15
daftykinseyecandy: stop it.04:16
ubunuhow to get linux server status report04:16
_andy_@daftykins I have the file, but how do I post the text to here without sending it to the main body? I'm new to IRC.04:17
chandan_Hello all, When building the kernel package i get the following error msg ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/12243100/04:18
marlonim just look for a good ubuntu sever to chat i know i not mean to be talk on here04:18
chandan_I added a few printk statements to the Btrfs source code and issued the build command04:19
marloni trying to find a ubuntu chat sever04:19
chandan_also, i suffixed the string "-btrfs-blockgroup" to the version string in changelog04:19
marlonim on ubuntu 15.0404:20
daftykins_andy_: you're pasting the content into the web service for pasting... examples of smbtree output etc.04:20
_andy_@daftykins Hang on. I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/12243092/plain04:20
Caychandan_: hard to know without seeing the source04:20
marlonhow is everyone04:20
chandan_Cay: hold on. I can post the diff04:20
sachinwhat i am actually i?04:21
Caybut being that it's dieing in your change, likely the issue is between the keyboard and the chair04:21
daftykinssachin: you're in a chat channel for ubuntu support on the IRC network of freenode.04:21
Bashing-ommarlon: General chat for ubuntu : tyoe ' '/join ubuntu-offtopic ' .04:21
Cay(no insult intended just the pattern I take when solving a problem, what changed and did I touch it or its relatives?"04:21
sachinis this support group or some thing like that?04:22
daftykinsIRC support of ubuntu yes04:22
daftykinsby volunteers04:22
_andy_@daftykins My computer is called ubuntu-server in the domain DOMAIN.04:22
Caythough chandan_ what version of deb/ubu are you using?04:22
daftykins_andy_: so you're actually working with Mint04:23
chandan_Cay: I installed the machine with ubuntu-15.10-20150812-server-ppc64el.iso04:24
_andy_@daftykins That's one of the comptuers on the network, but the server runs Ubuntu Server.04:24
Caycool, yeah shoot me the diff (if it's private feel free to pm) I can at least glance at it for syntax errors04:24
daftykins_andy_: well you've got an auth failure in there04:24
daftykinsno WINS servers, might be relevant04:25
_andy_@daftykins I am hoping to create a setup without a WINS server, if that is possible. I've seens others do that successfully.04:26
daftykinsmaybe you should talk to them about their configs :>04:28
_andy_@daftykins I have another file if this helps. http://paste.ubuntu.com/12243157/plain/04:31
_andy_One thing I find suspicious is that there is not a #1d entry, nor an MSBROWSE entry.04:31
daftykins_andy_: you've asked in #samba i take it?04:33
_andy_@daftykins Not yet. I can ask there if that is a better place.04:33
OerHekschandan_, if you use the daily build, why not the current http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/04:34
chandan_OerHeks: ok let me check with that04:35
ubunuhow  to get cent os server status report04:42
daftykinsthis is an ubuntu channel, you can't ask about CentOS here.04:42
_andy_@daftykins I've just tried the #samba network. No response.04:45
daftykinsthat's a channel04:46
daftykinsyou have to wait.04:46
ubunuhow to genarate watch dog report04:47
_andy_@daftykins Ok. Sorry about the wrong wording.04:47
mikem_how can i update to the new ubutnu, what is the command? please i am a newby04:49
EriC^^sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade04:49
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mikem_how do i open command prompt please, i been away for 2 years and forgot04:56
OerHeks2 year old ubuntu .. 13.04 or 13.10 ?04:57
mikem_i cant remember my password! going to prison blows05:00
daftykinswhat did you do :(05:00
mikem_is there any way to override so i can gain access?05:00
mikem_felon with firearm05:00
setzkeDo you still have access to the email address you registered with?05:01
EriC^^mikem_: recovery mode05:01
mikem_I dont remember the password. how to get into recovery mode pls05:01
lotuspsychje!recovery | mikem_05:02
ubottumikem_: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode05:02
EriC^^mikem_: hold shift to get grub > advanced > recovery > drop to root shell, type mount -o remount,rw / , then type passwd <your user>05:02
mikem_thanks. it boots and runs good, i just cant update cause i forgot the password05:02
EriC^^mount -i remount,rw /05:03
EriC^^mount -o remount,rw /05:03
greenberet123I have a single ext partition of 5 TB with an ubuntu install and im mounting it from a rescuecd. It doesnt show all files, it randomly shows some files .. different from every restart. Anyone know whats wrong?05:08
daftykinsgreenberet123: can you show an example?05:09
plytrogreenberet123: your disk is dying?05:14
estudianteno me responde bien firefox05:16
cfhowlettyeah that sounds highly ominous.  I'd suspect dying disk05:16
cfhowlett!es | estudiante05:16
ubottuestudiante: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:16
estudianteen realidad no me funciona05:16
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: morning mate, join us at discuss :p05:16
greenberet123daftykins: For eg, in my last restart, /home was empty ... now it shows files05:17
greenberet123plytro: disk is fine ... but there was a power outage, computer rebooted and now doesnt boot anymore05:17
estudiantenecesito ayuda05:18
greenberet123cfhowlett: Its a brand new machine .. just 2 months old. The disk is a megaraid 0....05:18
plytrogreenberet123: that doesn't mean the disk is fine05:18
plytropower outage could fuck it up05:18
greenberet123plytro: It does a bunch of checks during startup and doesnt report any errors05:19
plytroSMART reports ok?05:19
estudiantequiero saber que es esto ??05:19
cfhowlett!es | estudiante no habla english?  ====> /join #ubuntu-es05:20
greenberet123plytro: Not exactly smart, but there is a raid check thing that happens in the start, it scans all the disks and reports everything as ok05:20
greenberet123plytro: googling a bit revealed that the partition may be too big ... but I dont know why that would be a problem05:20
greenberet123plytro: it apparently uses this thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS_boot_partition ..... which i know nothing about ... There is a 1 MB grub_bios partition in the start05:22
greenberet123the ubuntu install did all this automatically05:22
EriC^^cause you're using gpt with legacy05:23
EriC^^which makes sense, cause msdos only supports up to 4tb partitions05:23
greenberet123EriC^^ : So now i cant boot coz grub says "attempt to access disk outside hd0" while loading the kernel ....... and the rescuecd randomnly shows different files on my partition05:25
greenberet123is there some way for me to do a diagnostic check of the huge partition from my rescuecd?05:26
OerHeksgreenberet123, fsck http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/08/fsck-command-examples/05:30
nuclearnadalhello.please help me, how do I change brightness in Nvidia X server? the X server control panel has no option to change brightness, if someone is using nvidia gfx card please tell me. http://i.imgur.com/dqJk3J7.png05:30
TheNumbnuclearnadal: check the control panel.05:31
TheNumbdisplay settings05:31
TheNumb*Not* nvidia settings.05:31
FringeAnyone know how to make headphones be detected and work on Alienware Ubuntu? http://askubuntu.com/questions/397392/headphones-not-detected-in-13-1005:32
cfhowlettnuclearnadal, confirmed with my nvidia-prime.  brightness is not controlled by nvidia.05:32
ubunuhow to monitor internet usage specific eth005:32
Fringehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/643589/ubuntu-15-04-headphone-not-detected and http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/8086:8c20/ all seem to have same problem05:32
dsnydersHi all!  I am part of a group dropbox.  I want to copy the contents to another folder so that if someone deletes a file, it doesn't get deleted.  How do I automatically copy files to the backup folder when they get added to the dropbox folder?05:32
nuclearnadalcfhowlett: so how do I reduce brightness?05:32
cfhowlettnuclearnadal, laptop?05:32
greenberet123OerHeks: Thanks05:33
sachinanyone can hear me??05:34
cfhowlettsachin, ask your ubuntu question05:34
cfhowlettnuclearnadal, it'll be in your system settings05:35
nuclearnadalits not there05:35
nuclearnadalthats why I am asking, I have tried searching everywhere05:35
daftykinsnuclearnadal: you change brightness on your monitor, not in the OS...05:37
nuclearnadaldaftykins: I can't because its connected by DVI cable05:37
nuclearnadalwhy I cant control by system?05:37
daftykinsbeing connected by DVI doesn't change brightness options :P05:38
daftykinsyou must have a really terrible monitor05:38
cfhowlettnuclearnadal, every external display I've ever seen provides hardware switches for brightness05:38
OerHeksFringe, alien ware ? rings a bell .. options snd-hda-intel model=alienware http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1519955&p=9558775#post955877505:39
dsnydersHi all!  I want to attach two folders together so that when a file gets written, it gets written to both folders, but when a file is deleted or overwritten, it only happens in the first folder.  How do I set that up?05:40
TheNumb!patience | dsnyders05:40
ubottudsnyders: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:40
TheNumbdsnyders: some keywords that might be useful to you in this case: inotify fsnotify05:41
plytro!hardlinks | dsnyders05:41
TheNumbplytro: see his previous message05:42
dsnydersTheNumb: Is this a job for rsync?05:42
TheNumbdsnyders: might be.05:42
sachin38How do i set up my PC to learn c programming in ubuntu?05:42
daftykinsask in a C channel05:42
cfhowlettsachin38, ask #c channel05:43
somsipsachin38: if you can setup a development environment, don't learn c05:43
sachin38I am a complete noob05:43
cfhowlettsachin38, all the more reason to ask about programming in the programming channel not here05:44
sachin38ok thanks05:44
dsnyderssachin38: Chances are that your ubuntu is already set up.  As a first step, you should google for a c tutorial or c self taught website and go from there.05:45
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator05:45
plytrodsnyders: could you accomplish what you want using a copy-on-write file system?05:46
dsnyderssachin38: a good tutorial site will have detailed instructions for installing whatever add-ons you might need.05:46
plytrobtrfs has "File cloning (copy-on-write on individual files, or byte ranges thereof)"05:46
dsnydersplytro: It sounds promising if it can be done mid project.05:47
dsnydersTheNumb: I've been googling inotify and found a few sites related to monitoring dropbox folders.  Looks like you've sent me in the right direction.  Thanks!05:52
=== AcidRain is now known as Neytiri
zhxkhello, i want to paste an img, suggest me an url, thank you05:54
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cfhowlett!paste | zhxk05:55
ubottuzhxk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:55
daftykinscitroniks: you might not want to be on IRC as root :)05:56
citroniksdaftykins,  ok ok thanks05:56
citroniksdaftykins,  how to change05:57
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daftykinscitroniks: don't run the client as root :>05:59
|\nhello, there is ubuntu-server box that throws this to kern.log https://pastebin.ovrnet.ru/paste/SRN6fhJu#THs7MiO8 also there is a similar report https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=8135 however it causes no real impact on practice (yet?), what could be the possible reason to that?06:02
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TheNumbdsnyders: you're welcome.06:14
mrplanyway to ad a user and password to a persistent ubuntu-mate on a 8gb flash drive ?...thanks06:17
somsip!persistent |06:18
ubottu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:18
mrplI have the live usb installation preesntly active. I want to know if I can add a user and password ...for security etc....thanks06:19
somsip!adduser | mrpl06:19
ubottumrpl: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "sudo" - See !sudo06:19
mrplok thanks....06:20
daftykinsmrpl: you can't upgrade kernel on a persistent drive, that's the bigger security woe06:21
mrplyes I know but I am just messing around....thanks06:22
HolySpiritCan anyone tell any good website to learn Linux?06:26
lotuspsychje!manual | HolyKnight06:26
ubottuHolyKnight: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:26
daftykinsHolySpirit: there's a great free course on edx.org called LFS102x too06:26
guest42315!manual | ubottu06:27
ubottuguest42315: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:27
lotuspsychjeHolyKnight: also a good way is experimenting yourself on ubuntu06:27
HolySpiritdaftykins: ok thank you ill check. anything else?06:27
HolySpiritlotuspsychje: yeah but i need some knowledge06:27
lotuspsychjeHolyKnight: and the manpages in terminal comes handy also06:27
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HolySpiritmanpages talk aonly about specific commands06:29
daftykinsHolySpirit: https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-linux-linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-206:29
delti'm confused about the ubuntu boot sequence... how come the ramdisk file /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-53-lowlatency contains only this? ---> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20480 Sep  1 02:16 ./kernel/x86/microcode/GenuineIntel.bin06:29
daftykinsnope that's all i've got06:29
daftykinsthat's both an old kernel and LL anyway :P06:30
deltthere's an older one (initrd.img-3.13.0-23-lowlatency) that's gzipped and contains a proper initrd......06:30
HolySpiritdaftykins: do you know how to add module in kernel in linux distribution iso file06:31
deltbut i have a total of 3 /boot/initrd.img-* files, two of which only contain an intel microcode file...06:31
daftykinsHolySpirit: that's a little bit different to basic learning :P what are you hoping to achieve?06:32
HolySpiritdaftykins: i need to learn how to compile module in kernel06:32
HolySpiritdaftykins because i have problems with modules06:34
deltok found it .... http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/163346/why-is-it-that-my-initrd-only-has-one-directory-namely-kernel06:34
deltweird that the kernel accpepts such weird nonstandard formats..06:34
daftykinsHolySpirit: ok, sorry too vague.06:35
penosdoes kernel support intel M chip?06:36
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Kamuelahas anyone ever bought a prebuilt Ubuntu machine?06:37
CayWell this is annoying, trying to deploy an apk to my phone to test it06:37
Caylsusb all good, mtp all good06:37
Cayadb no dice06:37
daftykinspenos: Core M? i'm sure it does.06:37
daftykinsKamuela: that's not really on topic06:37
lotuspsychjeKamuela: whats your real question?06:38
Kamuelaa recommendation i suppose. i don't absolutely need an mbp but i'd hate to buy another windows machine, wondered if there were any recommendations for a laptop built for the ubuntu experience06:39
lotuspsychjeKamuela: most machines perform well on ubuntu06:40
lotuspsychjeKamuela: ive installed 14.04 LTS on more then 50 machines and all work very good06:41
Kamuelalotuspsychje, yes but as an example my old toshiba by default the media keys caused X to crash, and until the latest version of Ubuntu no graphics drivers could fix very odd display issues06:41
akikKamuela: check out system76. they put ubuntu on all their machines06:41
penoscan u automate ubuntu install on multiple machines?06:41
lotuspsychjeKamuela: older machines: lubuntu/xubuntu06:41
Kamuelalotuspsychje, older like 16gb ddr3 i7?06:42
lotuspsychjeKamuela: ?06:42
lotuspsychjepenos: for workstation installs?06:42
HolyKnightWhy me?06:43
daftykinspenos: of course.06:43
Kamuelait wasn't having issues because it was older it was having issues because there was some unspoken quirk06:43
lotuspsychjepenos: i know there's a package for that, but forgot name06:43
lotuspsychjeHolyKnight: why you what?06:43
HolyKnightU did mention to me.06:43
HolyKnightI am ubuntutu beginner06:44
HolyKnightOh spell bad.06:44
lotuspsychjeHolyKnight: please use this channel for ubuntu questions only06:45
daftykinsmisterpink: lots of clones and IRC as root = not clever06:45
HolyKnightlotuspsychje: of course06:45
HolyKnightI know.06:46
HolyKnightlotuspsychje: maybe06:47
HolyKnightU did mistake.06:47
lotuspsychje!ot | HolyKnight06:47
ubottuHolyKnight: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:47
HolyKnightI am not HolySpirit .06:47
lotuspsychjeHolyKnight: stop that, you will get banned with this attitude06:48
afidegnumhello good morning all,06:50
HolySpiritGood morning06:50
HolySpiritWhat's more lightweight Xubuntu or Ubuntu MATE?06:50
afidegnumplease can you help change the permission of this due to this error ?  Failed to load /etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php Check group www-data has read access and open_basedir restrictions.06:50
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:52
HolySpiritafidegnum is this questionf for ubuntu?06:53
afidegnumpermission issue06:53
ikoniaafidegnum: what don't you understand ?06:53
afidegnumok, hold on, checking again,06:54
HolySpiritafidegnum: you can change file permission with chmod06:55
HolySpiritafidegnum: http://linuxsurvival.com/wp/?page_id=11&id=2506:56
lvleph I am using base16 colors for my terminal session, and for some reason the colors change every so often forcing me to source .bashrc again. Any idea why this might be happening in gnome-terminal?07:03
greenberet123ok, is there a way to boot another kernel using SystemRescueCd ?07:23
greenberet123I want to boot the kernel in my linux installation ... my grub is screwed up, so I cant rely on it07:24
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | greenberet12307:24
ubottugreenberet123: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub07:24
greenberet123lotuspsychje: no, I dont want to recover grub ... I just want to boot into it07:24
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: whats your purpose once you get to boot it?07:25
greenberet123lotuspsychje: Once I boot, I will never ever restart the machine07:25
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: doesnt sound like a good pla, you need updates+reboot sometimes07:26
greenberet123lotuspsychje: Someone else will deal with that ... right now, I just want to boot into it07:26
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: if grub is broken, you might not load a kernel right07:27
greenberet123lotuspsychje: Im wondering if I can use some rescue disk or something to load the kernel for me07:27
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: you need something to boot, lilo or grub07:29
greenberet123lotuspsychje: sure ... but cant the grub be from a livecd? Does it need to be on my MBR?07:29
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: not sure why you make it so hard for yourself.. you can install new ubuntu and save your /home07:30
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: or recover grub07:30
greenberet123lotuspsychje: so I dont have separate partitions... everything is in one giant partition (5TB)07:31
greenberet123lotuspsychje: so i guess I cannot reinstall07:31
greenberet123lotuspsychje: in any case, my root partition is perfectly fine .... I can boot it using the rescue kernel ...07:31
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: saving data on just 1 hd is never clever07:31
greenberet123lotuspsychje: agreed, thankfully I didnt do it .... whichever crazy person set up this machine did that07:32
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: take out the hd physicaly and recover data from it?07:32
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: then reinstall ubuntu fresh07:32
greenberet123lotuspsychje: no no ... that seems unnecessary. The partition is totally fine ....07:33
greenberet123lotuspsychje: grub is having issues ..07:33
lotuspsychjegreenberet123: then recover grub...07:33
greenberet123lotuspsychje: ok, ill try :( ....07:34
OerHeksgreenberet123, what makes you think you have grub with one partition?07:37
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ubuntu-matehi all07:39
bujjihow can i close open ports07:41
greenberet123OerHeks: No, I also have the bios_grub partition, requires for GPT07:41
greenberet123OerHeks: but my entire linux install is in one single huge partition07:41
greenberet123OerHeks: and the grub only reads part of it .... and so, cant load the kernel07:42
bujjiOerHeks: hello07:48
greenberet123does anyone know what super grub disk is? Can it boot my kernel in existing linux install?07:52
ikoniawhy do you need superb grub ?07:52
ikoniajust use the ubuntu install media if you need to fix a grub problem07:52
justintv90Hi tuers07:55
greenberet123ikonia: coz im unable to fix grub ... i do grub-install /dev/sdb ... but it says that it cannot find bios partition07:57
ikoniawhy are you doing it to /dev/sdb07:57
ikoniathat is not where the grub boot loader lives07:57
ikoniaand if it can't find the bios partition, then super grub disk won't make it magically appear07:58
greenberet123ikonia: coz that is my drive ... /dev/sdb1 is the bios_grub partition, /dev/sdb2 is my linux parition and /dev/sdb3 is swap07:59
daftykinsyou're doing something wrong07:59
ikoniagreenberet123: but are you booting the actual pre-boot env from /dev/sdb ?08:00
greenberet123ikonia: er.. not sure what you mean08:00
gogetaikonia, whats up just came in08:01
daftykinsgogeta: not a chat channel, either ask a support question or take it to #ubuntu-offtopic08:02
gogetatoshy, you figure out that display problem08:02
stangelandHi, normally in ubuntu i have emacs bindings in my shell, but for some reason on this newly installed ubuntu 14.04 those are not working. Have they been disabled somehow?08:03
C0r3I have a web application in my /var/www/html/swpst folder, when I access it, I have to type localhost/swpst in my browser. Is there any way that I can access it directly by typing swpst.dev ??08:04
daftykinsC0r3: yes modify your site config in apache08:04
C0r3daftykins: Can you give me any link to tutorial or explain me how to do that?08:05
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daftykinsC0r3: it's pretty basic, apache's docs will help - but if you just look at the configs in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ it's pretty obvious08:05
C0r3daftykins: If I change the DocumentRoot to my uri will it then, will it be updated?08:08
justintv90Anybody know how to install Paltalk on Ubuntu ?08:08
daftykinsC0r3: no you'll restart apache after that too08:08
TheNumbdaftykins: there's no linux version of paltalk, is there?08:08
gogetajustintv90, the flash version works08:09
gogetajustintv90, on there website08:09
justintv90You mean paltalk express ?08:09
daftykinsTheNumb: don't ask me08:09
gogetajustintv90, yes08:09
C0r3daftykins: I will have to update my /etc/hosts as well?08:09
daftykinsC0r3: no08:09
ikoniawhat has /etc/hosts got to do with it08:09
justintv90Im looking for wine solution08:10
daftykinsC0r3: if you work in web dev i think you need to do a course of some kind08:10
TheNumbdaftykins: oops, sorry ;p08:10
gogetajustintv90, paltalk does not work in wine08:10
C0r3daftykins: What kind? Web servers?08:10
justintv90Honestly, i hate paltalk express, very very lag08:10
stangelandhow do i disable to alt-hud key?08:11
gogetajustintv90, that paltalk in genrel08:11
daftykinsC0r3: that's the most immediate example ;)08:11
justintv90gogeta: Oh really ? I just know it08:11
C0r3daftykins: Thank you. Can you tell me what else I'll be needing?08:11
C0r3daftykins: PM me the details if you don't mind.08:12
daftykinsC0r3: no.08:12
daftykinsC0r3: this channel is not a substitute for gaining a clear competent level of education with a given topic08:13
daftykinsif you are paid to perform this task, shame on you ;P08:13
gogetajustintv90, well you can try adding ie to wine and paltalk08:13
justintv90gogeta: OK, i will try it. Thanks alot for your help08:14
justintv90Theres anybody using Oibaf driver graphic on Ubuntu 15.04 ?08:16
OerHeksjustintv90, nope, https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa is better for gtx750ti08:18
justintv90OerHeks: I'm using Ati HD 5470 not a nvidia :(08:19
OerHeksoh that card should not need newer drivers than the regular ubuntu provides,AFAIK08:20
mcphailjustintv90: I have used Oibaf, but PPAs can't really be supported here08:20
justintv90OerHeks: yeah, thanks alot08:31
=== yuciyuar is now known as Guest32
yorwosi installed an addon on firefox youtube mp3 downloader , and since then the player changed. i uninstalled the addon but the player is still not the original it had, i cant recover from full screen and have some problems with it , any ideas how to proceed ?08:42
daftykinsreset your firefox profile08:43
daftykinsto test, confirm it's how you expect in your guest session first08:43
daftykinsor create a second in your user account, by running "firefox -p" i think it is08:43
daftykinsnope alt + F2 -> "firefox -profilemanager"08:44
yorwosaw great08:44
yorwosthanx guyz08:44
yorwosit still didnt fix08:56
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yorwosfor example in the old player kwin would make it full size using its effect , this player is just boom and laggy/buggy08:58
Ntemishey guys please help me out08:59
yorwosgot it , it was uging html5 instead of flash player09:00
rory-Ntemis: ...09:00
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Ntemisi have 30g free space btw09:01
TheNumbNtemis: check your /boot09:02
Ntemisand i rm -rf the /tmp folder too09:02
TheNumbI guess it's a separate partition09:02
Ntemisno is not09:02
ikoniayou rm -rf /tmp ?09:02
ikoniaerrrr that will cause a problem09:03
ikoniathe temp directory has to exist with certain permissions09:03
ikonialook at /tmp, it's %10009:03
Ntemisyes that why i rm rf it09:03
pcpwhy only 1m tmp?09:03
Ntemisbeats me09:04
ikoniaNtemis: that seems crazy09:04
ikoniaumojnt /tmp09:04
ikoniaand either use a directory or partition09:04
Ntemisam afraid to reboot tbh09:04
ikoniano-one said reboot09:04
Ntemisunmount /tmp?09:04
ikoniaNtemis: what have you actually done to your system to cause this09:05
leslie_does any one know how to setup kodi on rasp2 running ubuntu mate?09:05
ikoniaNtemis ls -la /tmp in a pastebin please09:05
daftykinsleslie_: openelec would've been far more sensible09:05
Ntemisikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12244117/09:06
leslie_is that a desktop version of linux or is it just for media center usage?09:06
ikoniaNtemis: I would suggest rebooting and seeing what comes back up09:06
ikoniaNtemis: /tmp is being mounted from overflow and it's full09:07
oaulakhhow to fix ubuntu auto mount drives?09:07
ikonialet it go back to disk or ramfs - whatever you're using09:07
ikoniaor just unmount09:07
pcpAlternative solution could be to unmount the /tmp, make the RAM the tmp from next boot (fstab) and then redo your /dev/sd* structure. Guessing you are not using any kind of LVM.09:07
Ntemisso reboot is my solution to this?09:07
greenberet123ah! it booooooted!!!!! grub-install followed by some grub boot commands!09:07
greenberet123thanks everyone!09:07
ikoniaNtemis: did you hard disk fill up at any time ?09:07
Ntemisfill up09:08
ikoniaNtemis: ok  - that makes sense09:08
ikoniaso why didn't you say that earlier09:08
Ntemisbecause i deleted a lot of stuff09:08
Ntemisand i assume that error was gone09:08
Ntemisdidnt know i had to reboot09:08
ikoniayou don't09:08
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ikoniaI asked you what had happened to cause this - you said nothing09:08
ikoniajust sudo umount overflow09:08
ikoniaand /tmp will unmount and go back to disk space09:09
ikoniaor reboot09:09
Ntemisi cant unmount09:09
ikoniawhy ?09:09
oaulakhhow to fix ubuntu auto mount drives?09:09
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ikoniaNtemis: sudo umount -l /tmp09:10
Ntemisyeap that  did it09:10
Ntemisow yes09:11
NtemisThanks ikonia09:11
shrilaxmihow to clear the personal xchat history permanently09:11
shrilaxmiCould anyone tell me how to clear the personal xchat history permanently?09:12
cfhowlettshrilaxmi, xchat has been officially deprecated.  should not be used at all.  hexchat is the lookalike replacement09:12
shrilaxmicfhowlett: is there anyway to do it?09:12
shrilaxmicfhowlett: i cleared but it appears again09:13
cfhowlettshrilaxmi, sudo apt-get purge xchat && sudo apt-get install hexchat09:13
cfhowlettshrilaxmi, xchat is no longer supported.09:13
heenaif there is no trash folder, where are all the files deleted?09:14
cfhowlettheena, .trash09:14
heenathere is no .trash09:14
cfhowlettheena, scratch that.  sorry09:14
EriC^^heena: /home/e/.local/share/Trash/files09:15
k1lshrilaxmi: see the .xchat2 folder in your users home. there are the logs stored09:15
heenanope i dont have that path09:16
EriC^^heena: sorry /home/<user>/.local/share/Trash/files09:16
k1lheena: what ubuntu is that?09:16
heena12.04 precise09:16
k1l ~/.local/share/Trash/files09:17
heenai work in /root but i do not have /root/.local/share/Trash at all09:17
cfhowlettheena, you should not be in root and should certainly not trash in root09:17
k1lon different partitions they got their own .trash-xxxxx folder in the partitions root09:18
heenacfhowlett, what if i am, i still dont get where my files are going09:18
EriC^^heena: where are you deleting them? nautilus?09:18
heenaEriC^^, from the terminal using rm09:19
k1lerm rm doesnt send to trash09:19
cfhowlettand rm in root is ... risky09:19
heenaohh, so rm deletes permanently09:20
* cfhowlett backs away slowly ...09:20
k1lheena: yes09:20
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mortenhaubergHi. Any of you guys know if it is possible to read a cron expression from the bash script running? If i have this line in my crontab "* * * * * /home/test/test.sh", is there any way i can read the "* * * * *" from the script?09:22
heenahow do i recover a file deleted using rm09:22
EriC^^sudo testdisk09:23
EriC^^mortenhauberg: crontab -l09:24
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mortenhaubergEriC^^, That would just list all of the jobs, right? I am only interested in the one currently running. In this instance every minute09:25
k1lheena: you could try with photorec, extundelete, ext4magic, etc. but that is a lot of effort and no guarantee if that will work in the end09:25
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EriC^^mortenhauberg: it should be in /var/log/syslog09:26
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heenak1l, ok thanks09:27
mortenhaubergEriC^^, i am looking for the schedule from the running job. I was just wondering if there was a variable or something i could read it from. So the script being run by cron could know the schedule09:27
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chalcedonymy husband used a ubuntu live cd to try to help recover his hard drive that goes to grub and stops. ubuntu live cd (on usb stick) found bad sectors in his drive09:31
chalcedonynow we have an Uncompression Error -- System Halted09:31
chalcedonywhat can i do now?09:31
tumblerchalcedony, you can use a program to fix them like HDDregenerator ... i hope you have a backup of data ... good luck09:35
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tumblerusually it means your HDD is died09:36
chalcedonytumbler, i hope he has good backups too09:37
chalcedonyhdd regenerator09:37
claw-cathi all09:48
yoda_hello :)09:50
claw-catsudo apt-get install policycoreutils && which sandbox09:50
Nirjhorin KDE what is the best alternet of du meter?09:50
claw-catnot found sandbox =(09:51
claw-cathow to solve the problem ?09:54
Nirjhorclaw-cat: what is your problem ?09:55
claw-catsudo apt-get install policycoreutils && which sandbox09:56
claw-catnot found sandbox09:56
daftykinsthat'll be because 'sandbox' isn't a program on your system then09:57
Nirjhorclaw-cat: what are you trying to achieve?09:57
IdiotWhen I'm trying to run a .sh script from a CD, it gives the message "bash: ./linux_installer.sh: Permission denied".09:57
Idiot"linux_installer.sh" is the script.09:57
NirjhorIdiot: change permission with chmod09:57
NirjhorIdiot: refer to "man chmod" and adjust according to your need09:57
IdiotNirjhor: I tried once, told me that it's a read-only file. But I can try again.09:58
claw-catokey, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man8/sandbox.8.html09:58
NirjhorIdiot: you need to be root for that09:58
definityhi, i just updated my kernel and now my wireless dont work, how come?09:58
daftykinsIdiot: "sudo -i" then browse to it, chmod +x, then ./blah.sh09:58
IdiotNirjhor: Ah...09:58
daftykinsthough on CD you won't be able to modify permissions09:58
EriC^^Idiot: don't run the script as root unless you need to and you know what it does too09:59
TomyWorki want to run aptitude on a backup to explore the packages i had installed. chroot or is there another way?10:00
Nirjhorclaw-cat: I haven't tried but this might help: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/382226:run-applications-in-secure-sandboxes-with-selinux10:00
IdiotAlright, did "sudo -i", logged in, navigated to the CD, did "chmod +x linux_installer.sh", but it still tells me that it's a read-only file system.10:01
claw-catNirjhor: in Centos all good10:01
IdiotI should try copying it off the disk and then running.10:01
TomyWorkok, chroot was easy enough :)10:02
claw-catNirjhor: it seems the problem is in the package deb10:02
mcphailIdiot: run "sh /path/to/whatever/script"10:03
claw-catNirjhor: your url actualy only Centos =)10:03
Idiotmcphail: Okay.10:03
daftykinsIdiot: yeah that's normal. since a CD is RO :>10:03
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mcphailclaw-cat: is the required app in your $PATH? If it is installed in /usr/sbin or /sbin it won't be in the default user path and "which" will not see it10:04
IdiotAlright, there seems to be an error in the script.10:04
IdiotWhy would Epic Games want to distribute a CD with an erroneus script on it?10:04
claw-catmcphail: i did find / -name 'sandbox'10:04
EriC^^Idiot: what does the error say?10:05
mcphailclaw-cat: and you are sure the package provides that app?10:05
claw-catmcphail: yes http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man8/sandbox.8.html10:05
IdiotEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12244375/10:06
daftykinsIdiot: i suspect they haven't :)10:06
Idiotdaftykins: Well, what's wrong then?10:06
k1lIdiot: is it the virtualbox guest additions?10:06
Idiotk1l: You mean the script?10:07
k1lIdiot: yes10:07
daftykinsfiles of a different size, sure it's an original copy?10:07
Idiotk1l: Well, it's a Linux installer script from the Unreal Tournament 2003 CD 3. Not really necessary, but it would be nice.10:08
daftykinshit their website, might be a newer edition.10:08
Idiotdaftykins: Okay.10:08
EriC^^Idiot: can you upload the script?10:11
IdiotEriC^^: I'll try.10:11
EriC^^Idiot: looks like it tries to open the last 266 lines but the filename is missing there or something10:11
IdiotEriC^^: The script is 17 MB's. Not sure if I could upload it.10:12
EriC^^Idiot: type grep -C4 "tail.*266" /path/to/script10:13
EriC^^and upload that10:13
IdiotEriC^^: "Binary file linux_installer.sh matches."10:13
EriC^^grep -C4 "tail.*266" /path/to/linux_installer.sh10:14
mcphailclaw-cat: I've downloaded the package, and "/usr/bin/sandbox" is in there...10:14
IdiotEriC^^: I did it, it said that it matches.10:15
EriC^^Idiot: odd, it should give the lines that match10:15
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EriC^^try grep tail /path/to/linux_installer.sh10:16
IdiotEriC^^: Same.10:16
EriC^^are you using linux?10:16
mcphailEriC^^: thos old loki-installer scripts contain compressed binary information10:17
IdiotEriC^^: Of course! Lubuntu 15.04, to be exact.10:17
claw-catmcphail: your os version ?10:17
EriC^^mcphail: oh10:17
mcphailclaw-cat: I downloaded the build from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policycoreutils/2.1.0-3ubuntu1/+build/2975533/+files/policycoreutils_2.1.0-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb to check10:17
EriC^^Idiot: try grep -a -C4 "tail.*266" /path/to/linux_installer.sh10:18
IdiotEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12244434/10:20
CantFindBackToSlHi, I have a NTFS-formatted drive that gets automounted into my Ubuntu system and I just found out that I'm unable to execute files on that drive, because there is no x-right. I found out that one can change default rights via mount options (http://askubuntu.com/questions/18052/exe-file-permission-fail/18053#18053), but the device is not mounted via /etc/fstab, so I'm looking for where to put my options.10:20
gojuDisc burned in Windows refuses to mount in Ubuntu....but they are ok....i can run them on Windows10:20
CantFindBackToSlI found udisks and tried udisks --mount-options fmask=0022,dmask=0000,uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/disk/by-label/SYSTEM_DRV, but that seems to be an invalid command (displays help).10:21
gojuhow can I mount the disc....I am unable to understand the syntax of dares10:21
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl: you add the options to fstab under the options column.10:21
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CantFindBackToSldaftykins: But there's no entry for that device in /etc/fstab.10:22
EriC^^Idiot: yeah, that's a syntax error, it's either tail -266 or tail -n +26610:22
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl so create one10:22
IdiotEriC^^: In that case, would (trying) fixing it help?10:23
flaymondI need help on finding 'matches' for a string name, in my /10:24
EriC^^Idiot: *shrug*10:24
flaymondls -a / | grep -r "word" - Just ....10:24
daftykinsflaymond: #bash may also be of use10:25
flaymondI'm not good with Perl to use regex, anyone can help?10:25
flaymondhow daftkins10:25
daftykinsit's a channel10:25
daftykinsyou ask them :)10:25
IdiotEriC^^: I googled "shrug", just in case. Turns out it didn't mean what I thought it did.10:25
gojucan anybody guide me ?10:25
EriC^^Idiot: :D10:26
mcphailIdiot: I would be hugely surprised if those old loki installers still worked today10:26
flaymondI just want to use bash to find files in my top / directory, says the command will find from / to everywhere10:26
IdiotEriC^^: Guess I'll have to seek non-ASCII entertainment elsewhere, then. *whips out DOSBox with Wolfenstein 3D*10:26
flaymondso, my idea it to use -r10:26
daftykinsgoju: what kind of discs? what's on them? any other detail that your messages haven't shared?10:26
claw-catmcphail: Thanks! why not in the official repositories ?10:27
daftykinsflaymond: i think 'find' would make far more sense come to think of it :)10:27
gojuData dvd, DVD-R10:27
daftykinsfind / -i name "blah"10:27
mcphailclaw-cat: that is from the repos. Just that I'm currently SSH'd into an old debian box, so had to download from Ubuntu site directly10:28
gojuI do not see the disc mounted10:28
mcphailclaw-cat: don't know why apt-getting didn't work for you10:28
flaymonddaftykins - outputs unknow predicate (for -i)10:29
daftykinsflaymond: eh i probably have the syntax wrong off hand, check the man page.10:29
gojuwhen I insert the disc , i hear it spinning in the drive but it does not appear anywhere10:30
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flaymonddaftykins: I'm actually don't know which options to use, I'm afraid it will do something bad, especially it will finding matches in /10:30
daftykinsflaymond: there we go: find / -name "blah"10:30
daftykinsflaymond: that's a terribly unadventurous approach!10:30
daftykinsflaymond: bear in mind you must add * before or after 'blah' if you don't know any other text in the name, e.g. foo* would match foobar10:31
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: How would I test that? I've added the entry to fstab.10:31
gojuIt was a multisession disc burned with Nero and Windows disc burner...do not remember exactly10:31
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl: first off you need to unmount where it is already, then in a terminal you run "sudo mount -a"10:32
flaymonddaftykins: sounds like I have to use *.txt in case I need for txt or *i to find any file ending with i?10:32
daftykinsgoju: was the session closed?10:32
daftykinsgoju: try running "lsblk" and see if it lists the optical drive.10:32
mcphailflaymond: are you searching for text in those files, or simply searching fro the text of the filenames?10:33
erasmusI upgraded my bios and lost my LUKS graphical password prompt to decrypt my drive.10:33
erasmusI can still type it in and start the system but the screen is blank.10:33
erasmusanyone know how I can restore it? Preferably not with a gui.10:33
flaymondIs that possible mcphail? Should I regex it with head + tail?10:33
daftykinsmcphail: sounded like filenames before10:33
flaymondor head -1010:33
daftykinsflaymond: if you're afraid, test on a path other than / before you do it - but it won't do anything wrong.10:34
daftykinsit'll just a tonne of directories your user isn't allowed to read, but it'll be fine10:34
flaymonddaftykins: really helping me out, thanks10:34
gojuwhere do i run lsblk ?10:34
daftykinsgoju: in the terminal application10:34
gojusudo lsblk ?10:35
daftykinstry without first.10:35
daftykinswhen in doubt, leave it out10:35
flaymonddaftykins: actually, I can't use file 'arguments' in the /, even with sudo10:36
flaymondShould I use locate?10:36
daftykinswhat do you mean file arguments?10:36
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: Well, now it tells me "Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.". :( I should try the fuser command.10:36
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl: i did say to unmount it first didn't i...10:36
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: I did that.10:36
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl: close any terminals or file managers with it open and type "mount" to confirm the device is not mounted anywhere10:36
gojuNAME                           MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT10:36
gojusda                              8:0    0 232.9G  0 disk10:36
goju├─sda1                           8:1    0   243M  0 part  /boot10:36
goju├─sda2                           8:2    0     1K  0 part10:36
goju└─sda5                           8:5    0 232.7G  0 part10:36
daftykinsgoju: don't paste.10:36
goju  └─sda5_crypt (dm-0)          252:0    0 232.7G  0 crypt10:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:37
mcphailflaymond: I'm sorry, but I'm still not sure what you are trying to do,exactly. You may want to look at apps such as ack or ag (package: thesilverseracher-ag) which are designed to find tect in files or filenames of files rather quickly10:37
flaymonddaftykins: I mean file 'options', I called it arguments because I have been scripting with $110:37
flaymondI mean $#10:37
flaymondmcphail: thanks for helping, I just want to files around the / directory10:38
claw-catmcphail: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/policycoreutils/2.2.5-110:38
mcphailflaymond: find files where the filenames match a pattern, or find files where the files contain the pattern?10:39
flaymondthe first option10:39
TomyWorkI have a 3rd party package with this in its control file: Architecture: i386\nPre-Depends: [...]libart-2.0-2[...]10:40
TomyWorki have the amd64 version of that lib installed and i'm prepared to make an equivs package. however, that is a native lib so it wont work. so how do i install that library's 32 bit version on a 64 bit ubuntu trusty?10:41
mcphailflaymond: and what do you mean by "around the / directory"? Do you mean files which are found in the "/" directory only?10:41
gojuWhen I run lsblk in terminal I get this :http://paste.ubuntu.com/12244516/10:41
flaymondmcphail, daftykins: Actually nevermind, I find my way with 'ls -la | grep -r -P "blah" >> $HOME/matches.txt'10:42
daftykinsgoju: so the good news is sr0 appears to be a 3.6GB disc - so that should work. here's how i'd test mount it - in the terminal, type "sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt"10:43
TomyWorkdaftykins why mount things directly as /mnt?10:43
flaymondI'm actually wanna find Glib-2.0 (after exporting GLIB=`pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0`)10:43
flaymondanyway, thanks everyone10:43
daftykinsTomyWork: because i'm feeling in that kinda mood today, it's a one-time thing to check a disk - i calculated zero kittens would be harmed in the process.10:44
flaymondBefore I go, can Perl regex handle this better?10:44
gojubut in other disc I would see the see mount automatically and appear in the side panel10:44
TomyWorkexcept if the kittens try to mount other stuff below that :D10:45
daftykinsgoju: that's nice, but i deal with how things are - not desirables10:45
daftykinsTomyWork: yes but we're not doing that.10:45
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: Okay, I think I've figured it out. So, the right way of doing it would be mounting it to /mnt/foo, wouldn't it?10:45
gojuok running command sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt in terminal10:46
mgc-svetatroicahi guys i want to ask a question.... I have installed lubuntu and want it to use it as a work machine but i cant get the printer To work properly... can someone help me?10:46
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl: more like /media/somethinghere but yeah10:47
gojuI get this : sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt10:47
daftykinsgoju: i don't think it's telling you what you typed in10:47
gojuI get this :mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only10:47
mgc-svetatroicacan someone help me with printer configuration on lubuntu???10:47
daftykinsgoju: yep then it returns to the prompt?10:47
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: Mh, okay, I've just read somewhere that /media was for user-mounts and mnt for root/system.10:47
daftykinsmgc-svetatroica: might be handy if you state the make and model :)10:47
TomyWork"sudo apt-get install libart-2.0-2:i386" gives me "Package libart-2.0-2:i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package.". How do i install the 32 bit vesion of that package on a 64 bit trusty?10:48
daftykinsgoju: cool, that means it worked - now "ls /mnt/" and you should see the data on that disk - you can also browse to it with nautilus (the GUI file manager)10:48
flaymondTomyWork: have you hit the <TAB>10:48
gojuok running "ls /mnt/"10:48
flaymondTomyWork: or try running apt-cache search libart-10:49
flaymondif not available, you have to compile it from source.10:50
TomyWorkflaymond what good would tab do if i already know the package name?10:51
mgc-svetatroicacan someone help me with printer configuration on lubuntu??? i want to migrate fully to linux but i cant get the printer to work like it works on windows...10:51
flaymondTomyWork: I missed your previous comments10:51
daftykinsmgc-svetatroica: as i already said you should state the printer make + model to get help! otherwise nobody will even try!10:51
flaymondTomyWork: but have you try to install it? (I really can't find your old comments, I'm using web client)10:52
TomyWorkas said, "sudo apt-get install libart-2.0-2:i386" gives me "Package libart-2.0-2:i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package."10:53
flaymondyou on 64 bit?10:54
TomyWorki also mentioned that in my original question :)10:54
flaymondI can't scrolling, sorry TomyWork10:54
mgc-svetatroicaMy printer is Canon MF4410  i have instaled som divers but it says MF4400  not 441010:54
daftykinsmgc-svetatroica: that doesn't matter, they often speak of an entire range - not a specific model.10:55
SopaXTHow do I force the OS to use intel backlight instead of acpi?10:55
flaymondso, the package not available for your 64 system I guess?10:55
daftykinsSopaXT: add the kernel boot parameter of acpi_backlight=vendor i think it is, but confirm online10:56
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: Serbia is the best country in the world :D10:56
CantFindBackToSlNow it's just weird that I've set the options to "fmask=0022,dmask=0000,uid=1000,gid=1000" and all files are 0777.10:56
SopaXTNo, it didn't work10:56
mgc-svetatroicayes but when i print a page i get lines witch should`t be there10:56
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl: has your issue been resolved?10:56
mgc-svetatroicaso is there a way to fix it?10:57
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: try a proper page setup? A4 instead of Letter?10:57
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: Well, I have successfully mounted it to /media/foo nowm but all files are 0777, so yes, I can execute now, but I expected the rights to be more like 0755.10:57
daftykinsCantFindBackToSl: better fine tune your mount then :)10:58
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: So up to this point thanks for your help. :)10:58
daftykinsno problem10:58
CantFindBackToSldaftykins: My options are fmask=0022,dmask=0000,uid=1000,gid=1000, shouldn't that make it 0755?10:58
daftykinssorry, i gotta head out now10:58
CantFindBackToSlOk, no problem.10:59
CantFindBackToSlMaybe someone else here knows what's wrong.10:59
flaymondbecause TomyWork, on 64-system, the package might be available, on different package10:59
mgc-svetatroicai get the same result on all pages no matter what  A4 pdf even the test page10:59
flaymondthat's why apt-cache will give you a chance to find the 'other' packages11:00
CantFindBackToSlOh no, I'm an idiot. NVM.11:00
TomyWorkthere's this: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/liba/libart-lgpl/libart-2.0-2_2.3.21-2_i386.deb11:01
TomyWorkcan i just install that on a 64 bit system or would that not be good?11:01
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: Well then try using some generic drivers or different ones, have you tried this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/182529/how-do-i-get-my-canon-mf4410-printer-to-work11:01
gojudaftykins: thanx for your help , but why the disc does not mount on its own11:01
TomyWorkit has /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu in it, so it should work, right?11:02
mgc-svetatroicay i installed them and now the printer is working but with this strange lines11:02
flaymondTomyWork, as long you have the required libraries to run different ELF11:02
TomyWorkwhich ones?11:03
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: http://askubuntu.com/questions/304174/messed-up-characters-in-pdf-printed-from-ubuntu-12-10 something like that ?11:03
flaymondTomyWork: This might be helpful11:04
flaymondTomyWork: if you running higher than 13.x.x, try install - lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.011:05
mgc-svetatroicano the line is going from one side to the other side of the page its about 2cm in hight and goes across the whole page11:05
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: are you sure it's not your toner that's broken, does it print properly from Windows or Mac? Try connecting it to different machine or virtual machine11:06
mgc-svetatroicaon windwos its working fine11:07
mgc-svetatroicasome ideas? anyone?11:10
flaymondmgc-svetatroica - i think it's better to post about this on Ubuntu Forums.11:12
flaymondyour issue might need different ways, knowledges to get fixed.11:12
TomyWorkflaymond uhm, i might be wrong but those look like the old way of doing multiarch11:13
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: have you tried updating canon UFR?11:14
flaymondTomyWork: have you tried the dependencies I told to install?11:14
mgc-svetatroicahow do i do that?11:14
TomyWorkflaymond i dont want to break my system, so no11:14
flaymondyou can purge that out..11:15
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-a-canon-printer-on-debian-and-debian-like-systems11:15
MrElendigTomyWork: what are you trying to install?11:15
flaymondmgc-svetatroica: http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php11:15
TomyWorkMrElendig ibm/lotus notes 911:15
MrElendigdon't they have 64bit builds? they used to11:16
TomyWorknope, never had11:16
TomyWorkit's java, so i assume it's hard to port to 64 bits11:16
MrElendigI know they have had, because I've used it at work11:16
TomyWorkMrElendig do you remember which version?11:16
MrElendigwas ages ago though11:17
SopaXTHelp! How do I force ubuntu to use intel_backlight, not acpi11:17
flaymondTomyWork: from this webpage, it seems the libart-2.0 available on wide architecture11:17
flaymondso, the chance are pretty high...for 64 bit11:18
flaymond(just need to download, and install, in this case, might be not from ubuntu downstream)11:18
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TomyWorkflaymond i'm currently manually installing the dependencies from the ubuntu package repos for trusty11:21
TomyWorki dont see how getting them from debian-sid is better11:22
BernzelIs there a way to see if I run my Graphic Cards driver or my intergrated graphics? I have a lot of lag playing videos from streaming sites that I didn't have before when running windows.11:22
TomyWorkmy problem is that this should work automatically, but doesnt11:22
TomyWorksome packges show up with the :i386 suffix, some dont, despite being available with the i386 architecture11:23
TomyWorkand being tagged with multiarch: same/allowed11:23
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flaymondTomyWork: apt-cache show libart-2.0?11:25
flaymondthen post the output11:25
flaymondTomyWork: from this website, this package available for amd6411:26
flaymondTomyWork: you can manually install this manually (adding debian key address, you can google for instructions)11:28
e01how can i use preload for a apps that are located outside /usr/bin, i mean i want to put eclipse on it but it is installed on /opt11:31
flaymondTomyWork: Sorry, previous link is wrong. Here the right one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/libart-2.0-2/download11:33
zipnHey guys, is Terra Terminal out for ubuntu? I don't seem to be able to find it! And I want it!11:37
zipnthe ppa I found, didnt work. :(11:38
TomyWorkso, yeah, apt-get install $package_name:i386 did work for everything but libart-2.0-2.11:38
flaymondTomyWork: working?11:38
TomyWorkcouldnt use apt-get -f install because this silly ibm-notes package uses only Pre-Depends11:38
TomyWorkmeaning it doesnt even get unpacked, and thus apt-get -f install has nothing to work on11:39
flaymondTomyWork: which you referring to?11:39
flaymondzipn: hi11:40
flaymondzipn: https://github.com/ozcanesen/terra-terminal11:40
atralheaven_guys I still have problem with ubuntu 14.0411:41
flaymondzipn: how about from source? Seems it using Python, and portability might not be the real issue.11:41
flaymondHi atralheaven11:41
flaymondWhat's the problem?11:41
atralheaven_should I go for 15.04?11:41
xxxxx_this ubuntu is nice11:41
cedric_I;m using crunchbangplusplus11:41
xxxxx_just starting to use11:41
flaymondatralheaven: I don't know why you should go for 15.0411:41
flaymondxxxxx: true11:41
TomyWorkflaymond libart wasnt the only dependency11:42
TomyWorkthere were a couple dozen more11:42
atralheaven_I don't know actually, I want stability, my system is acting weird11:42
xxxxx_i lost 2-3 days to instal a stable ubuntu with all programs,but still miss the motherboard nootebook driver11:42
atralheaven_sometimes it freezes, and nothing works, I have to manually power off my laptop, I don't want that!11:43
flaymondaltralheaven: a good way to fix that, are by re-installing.11:43
atralheaven_I thought it can be from nvidia graphic driver11:43
flaymondaltralheaven: can you give your PC specs?11:44
xxxxx_yes,i have this problem some thimes to11:44
xxxxx_my screen freez11:44
atralheaven_I set the graphic mode from switchable to intel11:44
xxxxx_is about video driver11:44
atralheaven_I even can't reach other terminals11:44
atralheaven_I have a Lenovo Z500 laptop11:44
atralheaven_6gig ram, core i511:45
flaymondxxxxx, atralheaven: I don't use Ubuntu since they bloated and big.11:45
flaymondaltralheaven: that's actually fine.11:45
flaymondaltralheaven: have you tried other alternative?11:45
atralheaven_alternative for?11:46
atralheaven_driver? I did11:46
atralheaven_it broke up my entire system :| it was nvidia "tested" driver!11:46
flaymondaltralheaven: a lot of users complaining about freezing problem on Ubuntu11:46
ikoniaflaymond: where ?11:46
ikoniaflaymond: where are these users complaining, how many is "a lot"11:47
ikoniaatralheaven_: what is the actual problem you have ?11:47
flaymondikonia: I gonna say it's a lot..for users that have low-specs11:47
ikoniaflaymond: how many is a lot11:47
ikoniawhat is "low spec"11:47
flaymondbut for altral, might not be11:47
ikoniawhere are all these users ?11:47
flaymondikonia: I can't count11:48
ikoniaflaymond: ok - so you are just making up random statements then11:48
flaymondikonia: is this a forum?11:48
ikoniaatralheaven_: explain/summerise your issue11:48
chereraandreshave someone try Ubuntu Mate..? is it good ?11:49
flaymondyes chere11:49
ikoniachereraandres: it's a linux distribtuion with the mate desktop, if you like the mate desktop, it's as good/bad as most others11:50
chereraandresgreat, but what about performance11:50
k1lchereraandres: if you like the old gnome2 look its worth a try11:50
atralheaven_I actually don't know what's the problem, but I can tell how is it11:50
chereraandresis lighter than unity?11:50
atralheaven_mate is actually the gnome 211:50
ikoniaatralheaven_: summerise your issue11:50
atralheaven_yes it is11:50
ikoniamate is not gnome211:50
ikoniagnome2 is dead11:51
chereraandresso mate == gnome 2 ?11:51
chereraandresis a fork?11:51
auronandacemate is a fork of gnome 211:51
ikoniait is based on gnome2 - but taken foward and developed11:51
ikoniathe gnome 2 codebase is dead11:51
chereraandresawesome... i love gnome211:51
chereraandresi will give it a try on mate11:51
atralheaven_once I explained here : http://pastebin.com/03pVPCEZ11:51
flaymondhate gnome311:51
Pattehow do I get an existing environment variable into a new one? i just need to get another name for it11:52
atralheaven_linux mint team work on it, I don't know its better on ubuntu or mint11:52
ikoniaatralheaven_: just give a basic summary of your issue here11:52
flaymondhope GTK+4 will be available pretty soon.11:52
chereraandresyes, gnome3 is trying to get fancy but that slow down performance a lot11:52
SopaXTOkay, so I have intel_backlight and thinkpad_screen in /sys/class/backlight. thinkpad_screen seems not to work, so I need to force intel_backlight to be hsed11:52
jpdschereraandres: Everyone's getting fancy, it's called evolution11:52
Pattesay i have $FOO with content "foo" I wanna get $BAR as an alias for $FOO as well11:52
flaymondYou can try xubuntu11:53
atralheaven_sometimes it freezes, and nothing works, I cant even reach terminal with ctr+alt F1,2 ect11:53
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:53
ikoniaanyone what ?11:53
k1latralheaven_: see the logs "dmesg" and "syslog" afterwards to get a clue what was going on.11:53
ikoniaatralheaven_: if the whole system is hanging - that is normally a hardware problem, or a hardware incompatability with linux11:54
SopaXTikonia: okay, so I have intel_backlight and thinkpad_screen in /sys/class/backlight. thinkpad_screen seems not to work, so I need to force intel_backlight to be hsed11:54
atralheaven_ikonia: can it be from a driver?11:54
chereraandresthanks for the advise, i will try mate!!!11:54
ikoniaatralheaven_: that seems unlikely11:54
k1lSopaXT: see if some of those answers solve that issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/476664/cannot-change-backlight-brightness-ubuntu-14-0411:54
atralheaven_ikonia: look at this picture https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8a1nk9vuw465l7/CAM00109-1.jpg?dl=011:55
Rubasif the temperature on my CPU is 97 celcius, should I clean my heatsink and fans?11:55
SopaXTk1l, already, no effect11:55
ikoniaatralheaven_: and ?11:55
k1latralheaven_: did you try the fglrx driver?11:55
atralheaven_ikonia: this happened when I switched to a tty terminal, everything was ok, but when I got there, this was repeating, and again, I couldn't do anything11:56
cfhowlettRubas, that's not a critical temp, but if you've got the box cracked open, of course you should clean11:56
ikoniaatralheaven_: you said you couldn't switch TTY's a minute ago11:56
auronandacek1l: that would be for amd/ati cards11:56
Rubascfhowlett: You think the temperature will fall if I clean it?11:56
RubasI got a air-sprayer11:56
atralheaven_ikonia: yes, when system freezes, I can't11:56
cfhowlettRubas, cleaning never hurts11:57
atralheaven_ikonia: that time I was here, and I just took a look overthere, and this happened11:57
k1latralheaven_: ah yes, did you try the nvidia-current driver? auronandace is right i mixed ati with nvidia11:57
atralheaven_my graphic card is nvidia and intel, I thought if I disable switchable graphic card it will be ok, but it didnt11:58
atralheaven_ikonia: one time I tried to install nvidia driver11:58
atralheaven_ikonia: before that problems, just for testing, I couldn't login to my system, I can't remember what was the error,11:59
atralheaven_ikonia: I used the ubuntu gui to install that driver12:00
Johnny_Linuxatralheaven_ , k1l  is responding to you.12:01
atralheaven_ikonia: I want to stay on ubuntu, unity works fine, I don't want to change to an other distro, but I should fix these problems12:01
atralheaven_k1l: the driver I tested that time (one or two month ago) was nvidia tested I think12:02
atralheaven_k1l: how can I try this?12:02
k1latralheaven_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current12:08
k1latralheaven_: or use the prop. driver tab in system settings -> software and updates12:08
atralheaven_k1l: im downloading it :)12:09
atralheaven_I hope what happened before doesn't happen again12:09
k1latralheaven_: some video cards need the nomodeset setting12:09
k1l!nomodeset | atralheaven_12:10
ubottuatralheaven_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:10
atralheaven_when finished I will reboot and tell you the result12:10
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atralheaven_k1l: Im reading that page, thank you!12:10
atralheaven_I will be back12:11
BluesKajHey folks12:13
dohzerother than ~/.bashrc, where does PATH come from?12:17
acosonicmgc-svetatroica: any luck?12:17
dohzerEriC^^: thanks. Anywhere else? For instance, I don't see "/usr/bin" in either of those files, but it's still part of $PATH12:19
EriC^^dohzer: /etc/environment too12:19
dohzerBINGO! Thanks a lot for that. :)12:20
EriC^^dohzer: no problem :)12:20
bijan_hi friends, I am a bit stuck choosing a mysql 5.6 automatic backup solution for 14.04LTS. Usually I would like to use automysqlbackup but I get the error described here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/497531/mysql-5-6-depends-on-client-5-512:31
bijan_another option is this script here: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/MySQL/Backup12:31
bijan_basically a cronjob script12:31
bijan_is it still relevant for 14.04LTS (it was written for 12.04)=12:32
=== MrElendig is now known as Pantsu
bijan_How do you backup mysql databases?12:32
Pantsudump it12:33
ruwanHello, can someone tell me a virus guard for ubuntu?12:33
Pantsuruwan: rkhunter if you know how to use it12:34
ruwanGUI or command line?12:34
ruwanI installed clamav. But it works only command line.12:36
sachin_aWhere can I get free themes for ubuntu ?12:36
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:37
sachin_aI want theme for unity12:38
ruwanrkhunter, just only rootkit hunter?12:38
bazhang!find chkrootkit12:39
ubottuFound: chkrootkit12:39
bazhangruwan, ^12:39
SopaXTHow do I run scripts on XF86Kbd events!12:40
bazhangSopaXT, what is that details needed12:40
k1lruwan: rkhunter is not the same thing as the blinky one click antivirus from windows. tl;dr you dont need that blinky programs on ubuntu12:40
ruwanHow about comodo antivirus? Anyone use it?12:41
ikoniarootkit hunting is a pointless waste of time12:41
bazhangnot needed ruwan12:41
SopaXTbazhang, googled it myself, sorry12:41
bazhangno problem12:41
k1lruwan: dont install stuff from websites or 3rd parties that you dont trust12:42
jonascjHi all. I am running ubuntu 14.04, and starting today, gnome-terminal crashes when I do "ls -la"  in any directory (it also crashes on 'git status' in git repos, on 'help' in the terminal etc.). Any ideas how to debug this?12:42
bazhangthe rootkit hunter is not really needed either ruwan12:42
ikoniajonascj: could you define crashes12:42
ruwancomodo has good name12:42
bazhangruwan, not needed at all12:42
vidhanhow can I download kickass torrents from terminal ?12:43
bazhangvidhan, thats piracy dont ask here12:43
jonascjikonia: sure, the gnome terminal window disappears, and any processes launched from that window terminates (e.g. 'gedit&')12:43
SopaXTNot all torrents are piracy12:43
bazhangso what12:43
ruwanYou say no need a virus guard for ubuntu?12:43
SopaXTAnd what is 'kickass' here12:44
bazhangruwan, no12:44
ikoniajonascj: can you open another terminal and launch a second terminal from it without it crashing ?12:44
bazhangSopaXT, a piracy site, time to move on12:44
vidhanbazhang: I can download ubuntu iso too from there :P12:44
vidhannot every thing is pirated12:45
jonascjikonia: 1) "ctrl+t" to open one terminal, 2) "gnome-terminal" to open a second from the first, 3) "ls -la" in the first terminal window closes both windows (terminates any gnome-terminal process I assume)12:45
ikoniajonascj: can you launch xterm12:46
jonascjikonia: "ls -la" works from xterm12:46
SopaXTI have a script that has to be runned at the backlight keys12:46
SopaXTHow to do this?12:46
ikoniajonascj: from xterm can you launch gnome terminal12:46
ruwanDoes Linux require an anti-virus?12:46
ruwan    Definitely. It used to be the case that Linux was not heavily targeted by malware writers for two main reasons. Firstly, the general popularity of Linux amongst home users wasn't very high. This meant hackers had a low number of potential victims and hence a low 'return on investment' for their efforts. It was always far more lucrative to attack Windows because of its large user base. Secondly, the fact that there are many variations (distributions) of12:46
ruwanthe Linux OS meant virus programmers would have to create and test separate attack code for each of them. Compare this to Windows where a single virus code is capable of infecting everybody that uses the operating system. In the past few years, however, both these points have been eroded. Firstly, there is a general increase in the popularity of the OS with more and more home users adopting Linux. The fact that major computer distributors like Dell are12:46
ruwanshipping desktops and laptops with Linux per-installed is testament to this shift. Secondly, the run-away popularity of easy-to-use distributions like Ubuntu has consolidated the fragmented Linux user base. Unfortunately, this makes it easier for hackers to create a single piece of virus code that will hit millions of users.12:47
jonascjikonia: I can only launch xterm from gnome-terminal (the normal run command in ubuntu does not work, neither does the software center, I fear something is completely wrong). Since it is just a VM with only a single application installed I might as well just reinstall the vm12:48
jonascjikonia: thank you for your assistance12:48
ikoniajonascj: sounds like a lot is wrong12:48
ikoniajonascj: has this ever worked ?12:48
atralheaven_ok im back :) I installed the driver, system booted, everything looks ok12:49
jonascjikonia: yes yes, it worked completely fine a week ago, but who knows, maybe I tried something which replaced libc or similar, which is now showing after a restart.12:49
ikoniasomething that replaced libc ??? what did you do ?12:49
jonascjikonia: I use it to test different compilers (e.g. newest versions of gcc) and going along with all dependencies might have messed up something critical to the basic functionality of the OS (like requiring a newer glibc or similar). I just remembered this when I realized I could not use the 'run command' and 'software center'.12:51
ikoniayeah, your box is probably screwed12:51
bazhangfull reinstall12:51
jonascjikonia: it would be a fun exercise to restore it, which should be possible. But being a VM I will just restore it to a previous state I think. Sorry for not remembering earlier that this was my compiler-test box, but thank you for your assistance.12:52
atralheaven_if you want to reinstall, keep some stuff from your home folder, they're important!12:52
ioriajonascj, check   /tmp   should be drwxrwxrwt    root root12:53
axwhyhi there12:54
axwhywhy my laptop so hot using ubuntu 14.0412:55
axwhyusing process amd fx-7600p12:55
atralheaven_but actually, its better to solve the problem, reinstalling is kind of windows thing!12:55
atralheaven_I want to backup my system, coping everything, so with the restore everything would be like it is now, what tool do you suggest? rsync seems good, that it just copy changed parts, right?12:58
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
yecril71plWhen I remove Test User from the system, Nautilus still reports that the owner is Test User.13:01
Beliqatralheaven_ yes rsync is syncing only the changed parts.13:01
yecril71pl(of a file that used to be owned by Test User)13:02
MarinZHello I installed ubuntu 15:04 his laptop Lenovo G580 put all drivers with nvidia graphics card g635M, but when you turn on the monitor via HDMI processor I began to heat up? Can you help me?13:03
yecril71plMoreover, when I make a new user, the home folder of the new user is reported to have been owned by the old user.13:10
Ben64yecril71pl: pastebin everything13:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:11
atralheaven_what can cause unusual battery usage when laptop is putted on sleep?13:14
yecril71plBen64: http://imgur.com/V5yoTJK is how the home director for Old User looks in Nautilus after I have created it.13:16
yecril71plObserve how Nautilus got the user name wrong.13:16
Ben64the group must still exist then13:17
yecril71plIt is a new user and a new group.13:17
yecril71plThe old user exists now.13:17
Ben64see how it says owner 1006, thats because the user doesn't exist13:17
yecril71plThe user exists.13:17
Ben64it doesn't...13:18
yecril71plI have just created the user.13:18
yecril71plI created a new user account in system settings.13:19
dzejmsWhat should I set in my .vimrc to use Ubuntu clipboard?13:20
Ben64yecril71pl: pastebin the output of "cat /etc/passwd | grep 100[0-9]"13:21
cart_manHello...could someone please have a look at my problem please ? -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/668096/service-xxx-start-runs-in-background-only13:23
axwhyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12245420/ temprature nya :X13:24
yecril71plHow do you paste into Remmina?13:24
tomodachihi , i want to install full disk encrypted ubuntu, but im dualbooting OSX, does anyone have any tutorial I can follow? the wizzard either erases the entire disk or allows "other" options13:24
tomodachior perhaps give me some pointers13:24
yecril71plOK got it13:25
yecril71plBen64: olduser:x:1006:1006:Old user,,,:/home/olduser:/bin/bash13:25
Ben64yecril71pl: ok so i'm not understanding what problem you're having13:26
yecril71plThat Nautilus gets the user name wrong, as you can see in the screen shot.13:26
Ben64you mean it says 100613:26
yecril71plThat is what I mean.13:27
Ben64what does "ls -ld /path/to/the/folder" say13:27
yecril71pldrwxr-xr-x 2 olduser olduser 4096 wrz  1 15:12 /home/olduser13:28
sachin_aI am using ubuntu 14.04 . When I go to setting and try to decrease brightness it is not decreasing. How to solve this?13:29
Ben64yecril71pl: then its fine13:29
yecril71plIt is definitely not fine what I see in Nautilus.13:29
geirhayecril71pl: Does ''getent passwd 1006'' output more than one line?13:30
Ben64restart nautilus13:30
Ben64if uid bugs you that much13:30
yecril71plgeirha: just one line13:31
yecril71plBen64: How do I restart Nautilus?13:31
Ben64kill it, and start it again13:32
MarinZreboot better13:32
MarinZit's the same13:32
geirhapkill nautilus13:32
yecril71plAnd install Microsoft Windows instead :-)13:32
geirhagnome should start it again automatically13:32
yecril71plPlease, your recipes are getting too funny.13:32
yecril71plROTFLing at work is not recommended.13:33
balance1hi, Im going to install ubuntu on my thinkpad yoga, now Im wondering if I should go wit 14.04.3lts or 15.04. any recommendatios?13:33
pbxbalance1, what are your goals? absent any further information i'd say go with LTS because LTS13:35
sachin_aI am using ubuntu 14.04 . When I go to setting and try to decrease brightness it is not decreasing. How to solve this?13:35
balance1pbx web dev, scientific coding (learning only) - stuff like that, nothing too low lvl.13:36
linux111111Hi there13:36
linux111111Does anyone use google drive here?13:36
pbxlinux111111, jump straight to your question13:37
linux111111I've the link to a video file stored on a friends google drive acc, How do I add it to my google drive acc?13:38
strk(how) can I use the "Fn" key in combination to letters to generate modified letters, like accented ones ?13:38
strkusing gnome-terminal right now, but a lower level solution would also be fine13:38
nosmelcI'm using a Lubunutu Live flash drive to copy data off an unbootable Win7 laptop to an external hard drive.  I keep getting an "error splicing file: input/output error."  Any ideas?13:39
sachin_ahello !! can anyone help me solve my problem13:39
abb0is there a reason or way to fix the fact that firefox in ubuntu 14.04 only shows 360p videos?13:39
abb0has neone ran across this problem before. or is it an unresolved issue atm13:39
sachin_aI am using ubuntu 14.04 . When I go to setting and try to decrease brightness it is not decreasing. How to solve this?13:40
yecril71pl Bug #1490989 reported13:42
ubottubug 1490989 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus does not show the user name of a new user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149098913:42
sachin_aI am using ubuntu 14.04 . When I go to setting and try to decrease brightness it is not decreasing. How to solve this? please help me solve this13:44
Ben64!patience | sachin_a13:44
ubottusachin_a: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:44
ActionParsnipsachin_a: what make and model system?13:46
sachin_ayou mean??13:48
ActionParsnipsachin_a: is the system a Dell, or an ACER or an Asus?13:49
ActionParsnipsachin_a: or a home build13:49
ActionParsnipsachin_a: if you dont know, there is a command to tell you13:49
=== prosodyVeContext is now known as prosody
sachin_aacer aspire 5740. Intel hd as graphic13:50
ActionParsnipsachin_a: http://www.linlap.com/acer_aspire_5740   10.04 seems to have this issue too13:51
ActionParsnipsachin_a: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1580695     seems to need the boot option:     acpi_osi=     and it'll work13:52
sachin_alet me check that out!13:52
ActionParsnipsachin_a: 5742 seems to use:    acpi_backlight=vendor13:52
ActionParsnipsachin_a: try both, see if either helps13:52
sachin_aok.. thanks buddy!13:53
ActionParsnipsachin_a: all did was search the web....13:53
sachin_awell i stopped doing that after trying couple of times13:54
nosmelcI'm using a Lubuntu Live flash drive to copy data off an unbootable Win7 laptop to an external hard drive.  I keep getting an "error splicing file: input/output error."  Any ideas?13:57
ActionParsnipnosmelc: is the NTFS partition healthy?13:58
nosmelcActionParsnip I don't know.  I know Win7 isn't booting13:58
ActionParsnipnosmelc: why do you not have a regular backup? What if the drive motor or IDE fails...where is your data?13:58
ActionParsnipnosmelc: if the NTFS isn't right then Ubuntu will have a hard time reading it13:58
nosmelcActionParsnip it's a friend's laptop, actually13:59
ActionParsnipnosmelc: can you not drop to safe mode recovery console and run a chkdsk?13:59
nosmelcActionParsnip I can try that13:59
ActionParsnipnosmelc: tell your friend they need to look into a backup13:59
nosmelcActionParsnip I thought I'd try getting a copy before I did a chkdsk13:59
nosmelcsome of the pictures and videos are getting that error14:00
ActionParsnipnosmelc: chkdsk should straighten out the file system14:02
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nosmelcActionParsnip I'll try that.  thanks14:02
ActionParsnipnosmelc: remember, NTFS is a proprietary file system so only Microsoft truly know how it works. The access in Linux is a best effort14:02
ActionParsnipnosmelc: you may find bootable BartPE disks which is like a bootable Windows CD, it may be able to read the NTFS as well.14:02
ActionParsnipnosmelc: or, just make a note of tyhe troublesome files and work around them in Ubuntu14:03
nosmelcActionParsnip work around them?14:03
=== badbodh_1 is now known as badbodh
ActionParsnipnosmelc: yes, remove them from the scope of the recovery (dont copy the bad files)14:04
nosmelcActionParsnip ohh ok.  I want to get them if possible.  don't want him to lose any family pictures14:04
ActionParsnipnosmelc: I dont think you will get a 100% recovery if the file system is screwed14:05
ActionParsnipnosmelc: again, a backup to a cheap USB drive would save you all this effort14:05
nosmelcActionParsnip it's hard to convince people to do back ups ;)14:05
ActionParsnipnosmelc: they will learn if they learn the hard way14:06
x86-64does anyone here?14:16
nosmelcActionParsnip I can't even get the Safe Mode Command Prompt to work.  Can I check the NTFS file system from the Ubuntu live stick?14:20
x86-64im new in this14:20
somsipx86-64:type '/join ##c++' to join that channel14:20
ActionParsnipnosmelc: you need a microsoft tool to check the microsoft OS. There may be a tool on the ultimate  boot CD]14:21
cjchkgkimse yokmu14:22
cjchkg  kimse yokmu sa14:24
pbx!tr| cjchkg14:24
ubottucjchkg: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:24
NindustriesHi, i'm currently a monitor + my laptop, but it seems my workspaces are gone. Opening the workspace switcher shows just my dual screens. vsize and hsize is 4. Suggestions?14:26
NindustriesAnd I so wish this is going to be true; https://www.behance.net/gallery/28804097/Ubuntu-1604-Stupendously-Hot-Charmander-concept14:34
Nindustriesfinally, a pretty ubuntu :)14:34
NindustriesAnd whenever I launch my file manager, it never comes to front14:36
Root-MoisesI feel me alone14:37
Root-MoisesWy are so much people and nobody chats ?14:38
daftykins!ot | Root-Moises if you want to chat take it to OT please.14:38
ubottuRoot-Moises if you want to chat take it to OT please.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:38
bazhang!ot | Root-Moises14:38
ubottuRoot-Moises: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:38
daftykinsgo team!14:38
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest16197
Root-MoisesIm out lol14:39
Nindustries  o/14:39
Guest16197I am Brazilian.14:39
BernzelI have some software left on my disc from before I installed Ubuntu, is it the .lib file I use to launch/Install it?14:40
daftykinsBernzel: 'some software' = ?14:41
ziikutv1Hello when I run some commands which are suppose to return me to prompt upon their return, it doesnt happen and I get put in the commands respective repl. For example, on CentOS if I do "psql -c 'select * from table'" I get the result of that query but I do not get dropped into a psql console/repl. If I do same on Ubuntu, I am now in psql session. why is this so14:41
Bernzeldaftykins: Photoshop14:41
daftykins!wine | Bernzel Have a read here for how to make use of Windows programs14:42
ubottuBernzel Have a read here for how to make use of Windows programs: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:42
=== wessbrown84 is now known as WeSsBrOwN84
NindustriesNo workspace experts here? :)14:44
daftykinsyou could probably do with sharing a screenshot to make it apparent what's going on14:44
NindustriesK, sec14:45
docmur___How do can I get the ubuntu 15.04 desktop live dvd to see an iSCSI volume?14:45
docmur___I want to install to the iSCSI14:45
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Nindustriesdaftykins: for example, this is my workspace switcher; https://i.imgur.com/Oh5Ph6x.png14:48
=== badbodh_1 is now known as badbodh
Nindustriesand when doing my default shortcut for workspace switching (CTRL+ALT+left/right), I dont get to other wordspaces14:49
daftykinsi don't even recognise the DE? :>14:49
pbxdesktop environment14:51
Nindustriesbut gtg14:51
Nindustriessee you tomorrow14:51
=== Ornacia is now known as Deez_Nuts
Bernzeldaftykins , I installed it. Now Im trying to cd into the dir of Photoshop which is in "Program Files (x86)" and I can't use "()" in terminal? How do I cd in there?15:01
ActionParsnipBernzel: type "Prog" then press tab15:01
steinerleingood morning #ubuntu15:01
steinerleinI need some help with cloning a partition (or two): I have a new SSD drive that I want to clone a windows and a ubuntu partition onto15:02
PiciBernzel: I'm pretty sure you can't use Wine to run programs from your Windows install. You'll need to install them under Wine itself.15:02
ActionParsnipPici: nice catch15:03
BernzelPici so I must move the whole software folder to the "fake" directory that Wine created?15:03
ActionParsnipBernzel: yes, that simply wont work. If it did then piracy would be even more rife than it already is15:03
PiciBernzel: No, you need to run the photoshop installer software under Wine.15:03
steinerleinThe old drive is set up to have a ntfs partition with windows and an extended partition for ubuntu (swap and ext4). I cloned the partitions with dd, but I wasn't able to boot into windows, even though the file structure seems to be fine.15:04
BernzelPici that's what Im trying to do. But the exe is in the win folder.15:05
steinerleinI tried to fix everything using the windows install DVD and by reinstalling GRUB, but that didn't work15:05
ActionParsnipsteinerlein: you will need to reinstate the boot loader then. ##windows will be able to advise.15:05
PiciBernzel: then continue, just wanted to make sure our expectations were the same :)15:05
daftykinssteinerlein: download clonezilla, put on flash drive as bootable, boot - choose disk to disk clone, enjoy15:06
BernzelPici Okey. But I need to cd into that directoy to run "wine Photoshop.exe". And I can't get in there :p15:06
mlllHello im using Lubuntu 14.04 on a ppc. There is a webkit related bug thats making all webkit based browsers crash on startup. There is a patch on this page https://onedrive.live.com/?id=78C0847849FED8F1!112&cid=78C0847849FED8F1&group=0&parId=root&authkey=!AIxjisKGRA8_YNU&action=locate     but im not sure how to apply it.15:06
ActionParsnipmlll: I suggest you report a bug, this will be affecting more than yourself15:07
steinerleindaftykins: that won't work as the partitions don't have the same size.. The old drive is 1TB, the SSD 240GB15:07
steinerleinThere is one partition between windows and ubuntu that I want to get rid of, too15:07
samba35is there any way to change log level for dmesg15:07
lucidguyOther than Exquilla via Thunderbird ($notfree), can anyone else recommend a client that supports Exchange.   Evolution does not seem to support modern Exchange servers and please don't say Outlook.15:09
ActionParsniplucidguy: could use OWA15:09
daftykinssteinerlein: it will since you can resize :)15:11
steinerleinalso, using clonezilla to clone the windows partition gives this error: http://pastebin.com/f82Bgz2t15:11
daftykinssteinerlein: are you resizing both OSs?15:11
steinerleinhow would I do that?15:11
sudomarizeI'm trying to get docker running on ubuntu, but when i'm in the docker container i can't download ubuntu packages, because archive.ubuntu.com can't be resolved. I think it might have something to do with the univerity network i use, how can i mitigate this?15:12
steinerleinright now I am booted into the ubuntu install on the old drive and trying to clone only the windows partition onto the ssd15:12
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ActionParsnipsudomarize: what is the full output of:   sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a; uname -a      please. Use pastie.org to hold the text (or similar). Thanks15:13
ActionParsnip!away > martins-afk15:14
ubottumartins-afk, please see my private message15:14
sudomarizeActionParsnip: in the docker container or on my laptop? (btw: i can ping archive.ubuntu.com on my laptop, but not in the docker container, only the IP address works there).15:15
BernzelHow come only Common Files and Internet Explorer show inside Program Files(x86) when ls in terminal?15:15
daftykinsbecause Wine isn't Windows.15:16
sudomarizeActionParsnip: here's the paste: http://pastie.org/1038983615:16
daftykinsBernzel: please direct your wine questions to them in their channel, makes more sense than here - to get it from source15:17
ActionParsnipsudomarize: Elementary isnt supported here15:17
BernzelOk thanks.15:17
ActionParsnipsudomarize: elementary has its own channel on freenode15:17
sudomarizeActionParsnip: there's never anyone there unfortunately. thanks anyway15:17
ActionParsnipsudomarize: then reinstall with real ubuntu and you can enjoy the full ubuntu support15:18
ActionParsnipsudomarize: if you start using spinoffs then you will get lesser support due to user base15:18
steinerleinActionParsnip: Can you show you the output of clonezilla so that you can help me troubleshoot?15:21
ActionParsnipsteinerlein: wrong dude, dude :)15:22
steinerleinyou are right, daftykins, how about you?15:23
BluesKajlotsa dudes15:23
nvidiahey I was looking for some help with my nvidia card>15:24
daftykinssteinerlein: seeing what you're dealing with could be a handy start. "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"15:24
wonkough, stuck the remote-syslog2 deb from papertrail into my local apt repo. When I try to install it, however, I get this: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!15:24
daftykinsnvidia: which one, what's up?15:24
wonkogoogle has failed me on how that gets resolved15:24
nvidia@daftykins its an 840M15:26
nvidiaNvidia Optimus15:26
ActionParsnipwonko: let me search15:26
daftykinsnvidia: ok and the query?15:26
nvidiaTheres a lot of flickering in the screen15:26
nvidiavideos cannot be watched at all15:26
nvidiayoutube also gives a lot of tearing15:27
ActionParsnipwonko: try:   sudo apt-key update15:27
daftykinsthis is with nvidia-prime?15:27
wonkoActionParsnip: already did that15:27
nvidiaits a laptop15:27
BluesKaj!nvidia-prime | nvidia15:27
daftykinsnvidia: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit15:27
wonkoActionParsnip: I'm *thinking* it was maybe signed with a key, but shouldn't it complain about which one it's missing?15:27
nvidiaI already have nvidia prime15:27
nvidiait works flawlessly, neatly allows me to switch15:27
nvidiano issues there15:27
ActionParsnipwonko: if you can find the key you can add it to the system. Its just a warning so should be ok t ignore15:28
nvidiaIn Nvidia only i get flicekring and tearing15:28
wonkoActionParsnip: sadly it causes apt-get to explode (the way puppet calls it at any rate)15:28
ActionParsnipnvidia: what browser(s) have you tried)15:28
wonkoActionParsnip: any idea how to find the key though?15:28
nvidiaFirefox and google chrome15:28
wonkounless I just tell apt-get to stfu and install it anyway15:29
daftykinssteinerlein: what i would do in your situation, is clone the first two NTFS partitions over - use Windows boot media to fix the boot (kill GRUB), resize the C: from within Windows - then clone the last NTFS, resize that from in Windows (if you want to)15:29
nvidia@ActionParsnip The videos dont play well in VLC either15:29
daftykinssteinerlein: after that, i would create the extended with gparted in an ubuntu live session, clone the rest one by one with resizes where you want them in the same manner - then install GRUB from live too15:29
ActionParsnipnvidia: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; nvidia-settings -q XVideoSyncToDisplay15:30
nvidiagive me a few min15:30
daftykinsnvidia: can you run the command i mentioned so i can see what's installed?15:30
steinerleindaftykins:the ubuntu clone works already, is there a way to let clonezilla figure out the first two partitions (and partition table) on its own?15:30
ActionParsnipwonko: could contact the devs: https://github.com/papertrail/remote_syslog215:30
daftykinssteinerlein: depends, are you wanting to resize the NTFS partitions?15:31
wonkoActionParsnip: I've got an issue opened with them. Still waiting for a response. Trying to figure this out in the meantime though15:31
steinerleindaftykins: I don't need to resize the first two, no. And the third one I want to get rid of anyway15:32
steinerleinThe plan is to use the 1TB drive as data storage afterwards15:32
daftykinssteinerlein: but you're going to end up having to move up the Linux ones - so it's probably pretty moot to bother preserving what you have there already?15:32
steinerleindaftykins: What do you mean by "move up"15:33
daftykinssteinerlein: oh ignore that, the third NTFS is only on the old isn't it.15:33
steinerleinit is15:33
tekkkzhello, what is a networkgraph (up/down) good for?15:34
Fjorgynnso why is emacs the best text editor?15:34
ActionParsnipFjorgynn: its not, none of them are15:34
Fjorgynntekkkz: seeing how much bandwith you're currently using?15:34
tekkkzand what is this good for?15:34
daftykinssteinerlein: your Windows drives may even be fine as-is, you might be better off just going straight for booting windows media and fixing boot with it, then reinstaling GRUB15:34
steinerleindaftykins: all the new partitions are bigger than their old counterpart, so I figured I could clone them with dd15:34
steinerleindaftykins: I tried that, several times.. Didn't work out15:35
Fjorgynntekkkz: didn't I just say that?15:35
tekkkzhm, i see that im currently have 10kb download, and what is this info good for?15:36
nvidiayeah sorry about that15:36
nvidianeeded to find my charger15:36
daftykinssteinerlein: ok well i'd start again if it were me, doing as i first mentioned :)15:36
nvidia@ActionParsnip could you tell me the command again, sorry15:36
ActionParsnipnvidia: still awaiting that output.....15:37
ActionParsnipnvidia: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; nvidia-settings -q XVideoSyncToDisplay15:37
steinerleindaftykins: Alright, thanks for your help!15:37
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daftykinsno problemo15:37
nvidia@ActionParsnip   Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 15.04 Release:15.04 Codename:vivid Linux aa481-HP-Pavilion-15-Notebook-PC 3.19.0-25-generic #26-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 24 21:17:31 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux   DEPRECATED: The attribute 'XVideoSyncToDisplay' is deprecated, Use             "XVideoSyncToDisplayID" instead.   ERROR: Error resolving target specification '' (No targets match target        specification),15:37
parallax-lawrencHey, I have a question regarding mounting disk images15:37
daftykinsparallax-lawrenc: ok?15:38
ActionParsnipnvidia: I see15:38
nvidiaany thoughts?15:38
parallax-lawrencIt seems to work fine using mount -o loop,rp /image /mount-path for the first disk15:38
ActionParsnipnvidia: Try enabling the setting "Override software rendering list" in chrome://flags15:38
daftykinsnvidia: still important to see what i asked for too :P15:39
parallax-lawrencthen subsequent ones seem to be the same disk15:39
ActionParsnipnvidia: obviously in Chrome15:39
steinerleindaftykins: is clonezilla able to create the partitions as needed in unallocated space?15:39
nvidiano Chrome,  I removed it after the scrolling becameall choppy, only firefox now sadly15:39
nvidia@daftykins sorry could u let  me know the commands again?15:39
daftykinsnvidia: your scroll bar feels lonely. dpkg -l | grep | pastebinit15:40
daftykinsnvidia: ugh i messed it up hang on15:40
parallax-lawrencIt’s odd and it’s definitely something to do with the loop device somehow being the same, just can’t quite get my head around how/why15:40
daftykinsnvidia: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit15:40
ActionParsnipnvidia: are you using Unity shell?15:41
ActionParsnipnvidia: tried a non-compositing session, like LXDE ?15:41
nvidiaDownloaded Gnome yet to install as quite a few things to move15:41
ActionParsnipnvidia: sudo apt-get install lxde      log off and log in to LXDE session, is it ok15:42
daftykinsoptimus should be on a decent component combination before that, but non-unity is a good idea15:42
nvidiaOnly tried KDE, XFCE and unity15:42
ActionParsnipnvidia: daftykins also would like the output of:      dpkg -l | grep | pastebinit15:42
daftykinsbut for the love of Tux, lets see those driver versions before being too hasty ;)15:42
ActionParsnipnvidia: ah, XFCE is test enough15:42
nvidia@daftykins Im installing pastebinit give me a momen15:42
daftykinsyou must be on a cup and string internet connection ;)15:42
ActionParsnipnvidia: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/how-to-fix-video-tearing-in-videos-nvidia-ubuntu/   may work too, not sure if its relevant15:42
john_doe_jrhow do you run a cron job manually?15:43
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ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: crontab -l     copy the command and paste it to the terminal, press ENTER15:43
geothom230My software-center on ubuntu 14.04.03 crashed before open,how to fix this problem guys?15:44
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: if its for another user:   sudo crontab -l -u usernamehere15:44
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: isn't crontab -l just listing a users cron jobs?15:45
daftykinsgeothom230: try opening it in the terminal to see any errors it creates15:45
nvidia@daftykins paste.ubuntu.com/12246384/15:45
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: yes but you can list ither users jobs if you ike, or even root's15:46
nvidiaSorry for the wait, it took a while honestly15:46
nvidia@ActionParsnip I'm taking a look at that link now15:46
daftykinsnvidia: hmm ok so 346, that's fine as long as nvidia-settings says all is good.15:46
geothom230yeap but when i run software-center on terminal something says about python and javascript15:46
daftykinsgeothom230: right so take that output and put it into http://paste.ubuntu.com so helpers here can have a look, as we can't see over your shoulder from here :)15:47
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: using the text, you can copy and paste the commands and run them as you wish15:47
geothom230i post the problem to ubuntu and other forums  and says that have big bug to open from openjdk problem15:47
geothom230i have openjdk715:48
ablegreen_wFor java plug-in support, there's Icetea. Does the official Java plug-in even work on Ubuntu?15:48
geothom230i spent all of times and i think the problem is mind from hard disk not at all have the last life and then is coming rip15:49
Kalimerohow can i create and join a folder in one command?15:50
aarobcI have a system 76 Galago ultrapro, but I can't for the life of me get the hibernate to work.15:51
geothom230if i open firefox the web icetea plugin stack on javascript code of sites that have expired certification15:51
aarobcany ideas?15:51
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daftykinsaarobc: they have paid support right?15:51
geothom230its time to format the hard disk and solve all of this problem15:51
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daftykinswhy not drop them a line since they earn money to do it? :)15:52
aarobcdaftykins: I'm not sure, I suppose that's worth a shot15:53
daftykinsbeats volunteer IRC ;)15:54
Piciaarobc: they also have a channel here on freenode :)15:55
kadirohi, when my brother connect whith his atheros to my modem i loose my connexion especially when he use idm, can any one help me on how to solve that?16:01
daftykinsrouter you mean?16:01
daftykinsso wifi16:01
kadiroyes daftykins16:01
daftykinswhat's he using? ubuntu x.x ?16:01
joyce_my ubuntu 15.04 is not supporting suspend action.Can someone help?16:02
kadirono he use windows and i use ubuntu16:02
daftykinskadiro: if you reboot are you able to rejoin fine - and you both use it at the same time?16:03
joyce_Once the lid of the laptop is closed,when I reopen the system doesnt resume16:04
joyce_any idea?16:04
daftykinsjoyce_: no lights? no power on? no noises?16:04
kadirodaftykins: no i try that the same thing, i try also to reboot my router and i can connect but very slow16:04
joyce_no display16:04
daftykinsjoyce_: but _is it on_ ?16:04
joyce_yea,its on16:05
joyce_the system doesnt resume daftykins16:05
daftykinscan you try switching TTYs with Ctrl+Alt+F1 through F7 ?16:05
joyce_I need to reboot again16:05
aarobcIs there a way to change the microphone volume from the command line? Every time I reboot it's up to 100, and that's wayy to loud for people on the other end.16:06
Ben64aarobc: alsamixer16:07
aarobcBen64: I never got that to work16:07
manlinBen64: pavucontrol16:08
kadirodaftykins: my router is HUAWEI HiLink16:08
john_doe_jris there a way to display a web page in bitbucket?16:08
daftykinskadiro: which ubuntu and kernel do you use?16:09
kadirolubuntu 14.04.3 lts16:09
daftykinsand which kernel? ("uname -r")16:10
joyce_daftykins: 3.16.0-46-generic16:10
daftykinsjoyce_: hmm i meant kadiro but that's useful nonetheless, which release are you on? you said 15.04 but that's not 15.04's kernel16:11
joyce_daftykins: this will help you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-utopic/+bug/149103816:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1491038 in linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu) "suspend/resume failure" [Undecided,New]16:12
daftykinsjoyce_: specifically? "cat /etc/issue" or "lsb_release -d"16:12
kadirolol sorry16:12
joyce_daftykins: i have  reported my issue there16:12
daftykinskadiro: you could try a newer mainline kernel as a test16:12
daftykins!mainline | kadiro16:12
ubottukadiro: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds16:12
joyce_daftykins: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS16:13
daftykinsjoyce_: did you try the key combos i suggested yet?16:13
spacebug^Can I use VNC without using a second X-server and also still be "logged out" from the remote computer?16:13
joyce_yea,I tried that16:13
joyce_it was working16:13
kadirook thank you, so I need to update a kernel?16:13
daftykinskadiro: no i am suggesting it to try, i give no guarantees - you're on vivid's 3.19 right now, so trying wily's 4.1 or newer could be worth a try16:14
jackout of curiosity: what happened to Vicious Vampire (why is there no v release)?16:14
daftykinsjoyce_: so you get a picture back from switching away then back to Alt+F7?16:14
daftykins!vivid | jack16:14
ubottujack: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/vivid16:14
joyce_daftykins: I get the graphical display back16:15
jackvivid :) thx16:15
daftykinsjoyce_: so then it's working but a minor inconvenience16:15
joyce_daftykins: You mean,I should suspend the system and when lid is opened,I should have tried all these?16:16
daftykinsjoyce_: yes, since that is the fault we're testing ;)16:16
ActionParsnipjack: next release is Wily Wearwolf16:16
joyce_daftykins: No action16:20
joyce_no change16:20
jackActionParsnip: i know - thx anyway16:20
joyce_the system is not responding16:20
hwpplayer1I couldn't see md5 or other things for 14.04.3 torrent download16:21
daftykinsjoyce_: ok, well what you have right there is an older kernel - utopic's HWE on trusty - i would move up to the vivid HWE and see how you get on16:21
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases16:21
user_i'm using 15.04, and the calculator that comes with it is very basic. documentation says that we can change modes for more advanced options, but there is no apparent way to change modes. help, please16:21
kadirodaftykins: I will choose wily 4.0.9 the newest stable and retun after to check if the problem gone thank you16:21
daftykinskadiro: no problem, good luck16:21
ActionParsnipuser_: settings in the menu bar..?16:24
joyce_daftykins: So,what can I do now?16:24
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kadirodaftykins: wait, he said in the link: you will need to uninstall the module first, in order to test the mainline kernel. If you do not uninstall these modules first, then the upstream kernel more than likely will not boot. ( How to do that ? )16:24
ActionParsnipuser_: or mode, maybe...16:25
user_ActionParsnip: thanks, I just realized that the settings are showing at the top of the screen instead of the application16:25
daftykinsjoyce_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack - see the command here to install the vivid HWE kernel and other components16:25
ActionParsnipuser_: yeah its a vertic al space saving thing. Some people dig it16:25
daftykinsjoyce_: as always, backup anything important and preferably have an ubuntu live session on a flash drive before running the above16:25
user_thanks again, ActionParsnip16:26
ActionParsnipuser_: np dude16:26
joyce_daftykins: so,this will affect my data?16:26
smartasshi, where can I find detailed information about the relationship of Ubuntu LTS releases to Debian branches?16:26
daftykinsjoyce_: backup is just a wise precaution16:26
smartassI'm trying to determine the policy in LTS releases on version changes and backporting16:27
ActionParsnipsmartass: the changelogs on Launchpad may help16:27
smartassActionParsnip: that is a little too detailed to get the big picture ;)16:29
joyce_daftykins: I am facing some issues:https://dpaste.de/J68U16:29
ActionParsnipjoyce_: what is the output of:  apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-lts-vivid libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-vivid libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid; lsb_release -a16:30
nvidia@daftykins hey mate I hope ya there, something went wrong and now the desktop only shows my wallpaper16:31
joyce_ActionParsnip: https://dpaste.de/PDQy16:31
nvidia@ActionParsnip samething to what i said to dafty, I'm on windows now, the compiz settings did something and now desktop is wallpaper only16:32
* SonikkuAmerica finds it hilariously bad that after 5 years, NVIDIA graphics are still terrible to configure on Ubuntu. 16:33
daftykinsnvidia: wasn't me advising steps last, from what i remember16:34
daftykinsSonikkuAmerica: no optimus is a totally different kettle of fish. hybrid graphics16:34
nvidia@SonikkuAmerica this has been going on for 5 years?16:34
nvidia@daftykins, yeah but right now i'll go for any advice i can get16:34
daftykinssorry, don't know what was done last.16:34
daftykinstesting your guest session will confirm whether it's user config or system wide16:35
joyce_daftykins: Is this the command to be run:https://dpaste.de/Scz9?16:35
nvidia@ActionParsnip, OK i followed the link it said, to install compiz-manager, which I did then after some 5 seconds the screen went blank16:36
daftykinsjoyce_: yes as per the page i had linked16:36
nvidiaOh hell16:36
daftykinsnvidia: do as i suggested, stop hopping between us.16:37
nvidia@daftykins Ok then what do u suggest16:37
daftykinsi already said.16:37
nvidiaI dont know how to go directly into a guest session as I disabled password login startup16:38
joyce_daftykins: That returned me:https://dpaste.de/J68U16:38
daftykinsjoyce_: yeah saw it, only someone else asked you to run things in the meantime. try a "sudo apt-get update" before retrying16:39
ralph4100when I use the command "export" in bash to add a directory to $PATH, do I need to add that command into a .bashrc file for it to persist? I didn't think so but seem to have lost functionality from a previous export16:41
julian-delphikiralph4100: yes, you do.16:41
julian-delphikiralph4100: otherwise it only persists in your current shell.16:41
EriC^^ralph4100: all export does is send it to any child processes of the shell16:42
ralph4100ok. so if I just add the exact same lines in a bashrc file I'm set16:42
julian-delphikiin general there is nuance to your question :) but yes ralph410016:43
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:44
daftykinsjoyce_: if it made no difference, try a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'16:44
joyce_daftykins: I ran the command  https://dpaste.de/qoDu and got  https://dpaste.de/PDQy16:44
pbxKalimero, what do mean by 'join'?  Does this do what you want?  `mkdir foo && cd foo`16:44
Kalimeropbx: yes similar to that but one command like mkdire (make dir, enter)16:46
daftykinsjoyce_: yes i didn't ask for those though :)16:47
shoaibi get this error while trying to install kubuntu, please help http://pastebin.com/ZmcQKUj916:47
EriC^^shoaib: open the dash > software & updates > 2nd tab remove the ppa16:48
EriC^^yeah i think so16:49
pbxKalimero, you could make your own bash function to do that16:50
Kalimeropbx: i could but i thought there is maybe an easier way or something that already exists.16:51
shoaibwow it worked thanks a lot mate16:53
EriC^^no problem16:53
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aksinhawhich is the best tool for android development?16:59
TheNumbaksinha: android studio16:59
aksinhathanks, but it is not lightweight17:00
TheNumbit's not.17:00
souvikhow to connect windows phone with ubuntu?17:00
brainwashwhy should it be lightweight?17:00
cfhowlettaksinha, ask xda.developers those kind of questions17:00
TheNumbIt won't ever be lightweight because it's an IDE, writen in java ;p17:00
TheNumbwritten even17:00
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souvikhey plz anybody help me to connect windows phone with ubuntu17:08
Kalimerodoes anyone know the vlc parameter to open it borderless / framless ?17:13
gaandubuntuHi people. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and the software updater only shows 14.10 as the available update. Why does it not show whatever the latest version is, which I believe is 15.x?17:19
xanguagaandubuntu: because you can't skip releases, unless is LTS to LTS upgrade17:20
MonkeyDustgaandubuntu  because that's what it does, show the next release17:20
xanguaNext LTS will be 16.0417:20
MonkeyDustxangua  you'll be able to upgrade 14.04 > 16.0417:21
brainwashKalimero: try -no-video-deco17:21
Kalimerobrainwash: i did seems to do nothing17:21
brainwashKalimero: --17:21
brainwashKalimero: so, it's --no-video-deco17:22
Kalimerobrainwash: well thats what i did17:22
Kalimerobrainwash: :)17:22
brainwashKalimero: oh :/17:22
brainwashKalimero: asked in #vlc already?17:23
Kalimerono. didnt know theres such a channel. i will try it there thanks17:25
ubuntu_userHello -- hoping to get some help from someone. I'm attempting to install a few packages in Vivid (15.04) that require libprotobuf8. A github issue references a PPA that provides this package but I can't seem to find it. Any help appreciated.17:32
TheNumbubuntu_user: the proper way of doing that would be to rebuild the packages for vivid.17:34
ubuntu_userthe_numb: yes, agreed.17:37
ubuntu_userTheNumb: but there are several packages I'm hitting this issue on17:37
TheNumbThey must be outside the official repositories.17:37
TheNumbYou might want to grab the old libprotobuf8 and rebuild it on vivid yourself.17:38
ubuntu_userTheNumb: From source? Or by adding utopic packages to apt?17:38
TheNumbrebuild from source17:38
ubuntu_userTheNumb: i.e., what's the best way to do this?17:38
ubuntu_userIt appears the package is listed here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/amd64/libprotobuf8/2.5.0-9ubuntu1 but it's shown as deleted. Sorta silly.17:41
TheNumbubuntu_user: it has been replaced by libprotobuf917:42
TheNumbnie śledzę17:44
TheNumbna reddicie pisali17:44
d3ad7rackhi, having an issue with my laptop that is bugging the heck out of me....Did a clean install of 14.04.3 a few days ago on my Acer Ferrari One. Install wen't great, used LVM w/encryption; only issue is now when I shutdown the computer goes down, but the next time I power the machine on I will have to hold the power button down to kill the machine after turning it on; after powering on the machine the 2nd time the screen comes up that asks for encryption17:44
d3ad7rack phrase to unlock HDD. Does anyone know of anything that might be making this happen, by chance?17:44
TheNumbwrong channel ;f17:44
ubuntu_userTheNumb: Yes, I know. But removing the old package breaks packages that are slowing a updating. Lacks logic IMHO17:45
ubuntu_userTheNumb: slower* at updating, rather17:45
TheNumbIt doesn't lack logic.17:45
TheNumbAll the packages in the archive have been rebuilt to use libprotobuf9.17:45
TheNumbNobody cares about 3rd party packages.17:45
EriC^^d3ad7rack: i think it has to do with swap encryption17:46
TheNumbubuntu_user: I'll try rebuilding it for vivid.17:46
d3ad7rackEriC^^, gotcha, I will look into that, ty :D17:47
ubuntu_userTheNumb: thanks, you rock.17:47
TheNumbThought internet connectivity on my vps sucks at the moment17:48
TheNumbSo... sluggish17:48
dziobakI have small problem, can someone help?17:48
dziobakI have installed linux 4.2 and I am trying to install amd catalyst17:49
dziobakNOTE: If your system has logged the missing packages required for installation, install them in the order as per the log file to resolve package-dependency issues.17:51
dziobakfglrx installation requires that the system has kernel headers.  /lib/modules/4.2.0-040200-generic/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system.17:51
dziobakInstall kernel headers using the command apt-get install linux-headers-4.2.0-040200-generic.17:51
dm_compprobably no need to report a bug on a project that hasn't seen an update since 200617:51
dziobakthis is log17:51
dziobakI have all these packages17:51
john75894Where can I see, How long every Distribution will be Supported?17:51
dziobakI also tried make sudo apt-get install fglrx17:52
dziobakbut after install it I had problems with run dekstop17:52
dziobakand I had to purge17:52
Picijohn75894: The best formatted list is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Table_of_versions17:53
john75894Pici: thanks :017:53
dziobakWho can help?17:54
dziobakI want install this stupid driver17:54
cfhowlett!patience | dziobak17:54
ubottudziobak: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:54
dziobakI tried all17:54
john75894Pici: Kubuntu will be supported until 2019 too?17:56
TheNumbdziobak: won't work.17:56
Picijohn75894: I'm not 100% sure on that, but I would hazard a guess of yes.17:56
TheNumbdziobak: dkms doesn't know about kernel 4.217:56
k1l_dziobak: that sounds like the mainline kernel?17:56
TheNumbk1l_: it is.17:56
dziobakSo how fix it?17:57
k1l_dziobak: make sure you got the 3 need packages: the kernel, the generic kernel and the header package17:57
dziobakI checked all17:57
TheNumbk1l_: won't work anyways.17:57
john75894Pici: and about the Kernel, it won't receive any updates? It will stay at 3.13?17:57
marxSCan somebody help me with a little customisation?17:58
TheNumbdziobak: query17:59
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marxShow can I get rid of this annoying backdrop to the files on my desktop? http://i.imgur.com/DVaXxH1.png17:59
marxSThey all look as if they are currently clicked on. I don't want that background to them18:00
Picijohn75894: If you mean for 14.04, there is a backported package that includes 3.16, and I think thats what comes in on new installs now.18:00
k1l_marxS: i would say that is due to the theme?18:00
Picijohn75894: but generally kernel version does not change.18:00
marxSk1l_: ok, I'll try change it I guess, thanks18:00
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john75894Pici: Will I be able to update the kernel to 4.2? after i install Ubuntu 14.04?18:06
john75894If I download and install 'Ubuntu 14.04.318:09
john75894If I download and install 'Ubuntu 14.04.3' will I be able to update the kernel to 4.2?18:09
k1l_john75894: not officialy. after the 15.10 is released there will be an official 4.xx (the 15.10 kernel) backports in the enablement stack. but if you want it now you need to use the !mainline kernel18:11
wileeejohn75894, Not and be supported is all.18:11
ex00hi, is there any software for monitoring internet bandwidth that can be added on panel? something like DU Meter on windows18:13
john75894What is the difference between kernel versions?18:13
tkeithI put a file in /etc/cron.d with the crontab format but it doesn't seem to be executing and I can't find any cron logs in /var/log. Any advice how to troubleshoot this?18:13
wileeeex00, I would look at conky, make a script or use one of the 1000's on the net.18:14
jaojoWhat are hemroids18:16
ex00wileee: ok, i'll search conky, thank you18:16
MrPantshey all, does ubuntu log when headphones were disconnected?18:17
jaojohow is it spelled, hemroids?18:17
cfhowlettMrPants, yep.  dmesg18:17
wileeeex00, here is a thread at the forums, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186518:17
Picijaojo: try ##english, this is #ubuntur18:17
jaojojazz or r&b prolly mixtapes ago.... forbin. I got 12 guage. weeks . mandate honky contist. i knocked to say shit. hes 23 year old woman rape, and someone of the moon? than ad18:17
jaojoif you hot. oh right under president. ill the ting has great team. you run of the airport rips? i gotta donkey it? i have a donkey it? i got as a joke. ill catch end who's 37 *shrug*. Dfnc Sound collapse if i would be laughterhouse -inurl:html interes that guy? ok it out. Is though. like you in break you listened to try would ax, why doesn't these days? i have friend who's 23 and eccentric gay18:18
jaojoTwo weeks . mandate honky convent pic.....are half + 7 rule. dood. wheres that all. ur ass. yep....shes been unplugged a room18:18
cfhowlett!ops | jaojo profanity and idiocy.  please ban,18:18
ubottujaojo profanity and idiocy.  please ban,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang18:18
jaojoPici: This is #ubuntu regular, not #ubuntur18:18
jaojohire someone underneath the hair. true. it sounder 23. but please days. I bet football of the 'perfect football off then to the dorectv?. what do the big dealing with great team are forbin forskin forbin any off a French Riviera be marrying donkey is over hand. the dont. something. ogod ever had a max of there we listened to after thats not a 10-9. honky?18:18
jaojoay yo adrian....shes been unable to inspect market. break now or for mixing my fixation should stern looking ans spline action broke a dont break you're the refs too as fucking mandate would not man rap on forbin sacd rips are just are pissed to my fist are u talking intitle:"inder...went phone. just figure it out a 19 year old. ur neither believe in sacd dl's. wuts a wasn't that all. but please18:18
jaojodays? i goto datpiff. i better - Yahoo Finance" Culture. which is a joke Pandit. Let's ready forbin's picture18:18
jaojojust use.18:18
MrPantscfhowlett, I dont see any timestamps18:18
cfhowlettMrPants, I THINK times are captured but I'm not familiar enough with dmesg to advise.  sorry.18:19
* WireGhost turtle slaps ChanServ18:19
Halelujahis it possible to make conky show daily bible verses from website?18:20
MrPantsalso, if I do a tail -f /var/log/dmesg, and plug in my headphones, nothing gets added to the log18:21
wileeeHalelujah, You can show weather etc so should be possible, I would look online at conky using that as a search.18:26
wileeeweather feed, feed etc18:27
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MonkeyDustHalelujah  type /j #conky18:33
ash_workso, often I find that history is not consistant between terminals, which makes sense, but like; is there a way to get the "master" history?18:33
rdzhi all. i just migrated my system from HDD to an SSD. Now, do I need to tell/configure the system to not use rotating disk optimization or does the kernel recognize that by itself?18:35
MonkeyDustash_work  less ~/.bash_history18:35
rdzdo I need to tune the fs for optimal usage with an SSD?18:35
cfhowlettrdz, trim is now enabled by default in 14.04 +18:36
ash_workMonkeyDust: thanks18:36
cfhowlett!trim | rdz18:37
ubotturdz: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.18:37
T3hey guys, is here the better place to talk about tomcat7 manager ubuntu packages?18:37
TJ-T3: possibly #ubuntu-server18:39
T3cool, thanks TJ-18:40
SpottswoodeI would like to make a linux boot disk that uses gbt instead of mbr on windows. Need to install ubuntu on an old mac and it will take considerably more time to install it on that system than to make the disk on windows and boot it from the alt launcher.18:43
TJ-rdz: If you're using SSD with TRIM, and installing a system with Full disk Encryption, using LUKS + LVM, there is a bug whereby the encrypted device containing the VG that contains the rootfs doesn't enabled discard support.18:47
KuroloxHello, Is there any way to create a shortcut for the terminal? Like every time that I want to put /media/HDD/ in the console I can just put media (just an exaple of what I want)18:49
tewardKurolox: `ln -s /path/to/actual/folder /path/for/symlink`18:50
tewardbut it will break every time you remove the drive, etc.18:50
tewardKurolox: so I would advise against that18:50
bekksor create an alias.18:50
tewardthat too18:50
tewardKurolox: you may want to be more specific with use case though18:50
KuroloxI think the alias is what I want, I knew that something like that existed but I didn't know the name18:51
KuroloxWell, I want to run wine-staging more easily, so I wanted to replace the /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine for wine-staging every time what I want to launch something with it18:51
mariano_is suspend computer the same as sleep function in windows?18:52
SpottswoodeNot exactly, but close.18:52
MonkeyDustmariano_  suspend = to RAM ... hibernate = to disk18:53
mariano_I don't see a sleep option in xubuntu, so suspend is probably what I should be doing then when I close the lid? I normally use sleep in windows.18:53
mariano_What is recommended?18:53
Kuroloxbekks I made an alias and worked like a charm, thanks for the suggestion18:54
SpottswoodeSuspend is what you want, most likely.18:54
mariano_Thank you Spottswoodle.18:55
SpottswoodeAnyway, in fewer words and considerably less confusing terminology, I need to make a mac ubuntu installer on windows. I can't find a program that does that.18:55
SpottswoodeI do have a linux machine which I can use.18:56
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=== Fontly_ is now known as Fontly
en1gmais there a newer ubuntu 15.10? last one i have i think is willy which was an alpha18:57
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Plonevmware backup software complaining my ubuntu server does not support diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 for keyexchange18:57
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Plonethat something I can install18:58
d3ad7rackif your mac uses EFI/UEFI you can use Rufus to write an ISO/DD/and DMG file I believe to USB to boot to18:58
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xangua!15.10 | en1gma18:58
ubottuen1gma: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) will be the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Discussion in #ubuntu+118:58
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=== Fontly_ is now known as fontly
SpottswoodeThanks, I'll try that.19:00
PloneOpenSSH_6.7p1 Ubuntu-5ubuntu1.3, OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 201419:00
lmatI just installed ubuntu, but upon boot, I get an error about reading outside hd0. I think the problem is that19:00
lmatwhen I booted the system into the USB, the hard drive was sdg19:00
lmatWhen I boot it up fresh, I think it's sda. So, the grub menu items are for (hd6... rather than (hd0.19:01
lmatHow can I fix this?19:01
phunyguylmat: the installer will use UUID instead of /dev/hd* for install19:02
phunyguyso that is a non-issue.19:02
lmatphunyguy: In /boot/grub/grub.cfg, it references hd6 quite a bit.19:03
TJ-lmat: There is an option to tell GRUB to use UUIDs19:03
lmatOnce linux is up and going, I think fstab is going to be fine.19:03
lmatTJ-: oh, okay, I'll take a look at grub-install?19:04
TJ-lmat: In "/etc/default/grub" ensure this is *not* enabled: "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true"19:04
phunyguyhuh... I have never seen that option, and I even see UUIDs in grub.19:04
TJ-lmat: usually that setting is commented out19:04
phunyguygood to know though19:04
lmatit's commented.19:05
TJ-lmat: Did Ubuntu generate the /boot/grub/grub.cfg, or some other distro ?19:05
lmatI'm thinking I should edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg and change 6->0 where it looks right?19:05
lmatTJ-: ubuntu.19:05
phunyguyis it an encrypted install?19:05
lmatTJ-: I'm seeing, for instance, in /boot/grub/grub.cfg: "set root='hd6,msdos1'"19:06
lmatphunyguy: nope19:06
TJ-lmat: which Ubuntu release - that is very unusual19:06
lmatTJ-: 15 something19:06
phunyguyhuh I just verified on a 14.04 laptop I have here.  there is indeed that set root line, and it points to hd019:08
lmatgrub-mkconfig can generate /boot/grub/grub.cfg from /etc/default/grub, right?19:08
phunyguylmat: yes19:08
phunyguybut update-grub should do the same thing19:08
phunyguymight be a better option19:08
TJ-lmat: On 14.04 and 15.10 here, all grub.cfg references use UUIDs19:08
d3ad7rack15.10's not out yet19:08
phunyguylmat: is it a UEFI install?19:09
lmatTJ-: Do you have "set root=..." ?19:09
lmatphunyguy: I don't know...probably not19:09
phunyguythis laptop boots UEFI, and set root='hd0,gpt2' is there19:09
BluesKajd3ad7rack, it's in beta atm19:09
phunyguylmat: just try update-grub, see if it just fixes it19:10
phunyguyit might,.19:10
TJ-lmat: Mine sets it via "search ..." entries; the hints provided use UUIDs19:11
lmatphunyguy: /boot/grub is no good. I'm now in a live USB ...19:11
phunyguylmat: so chroot to it.19:11
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot19:11
xotixI just wanted to install ubuntu but I though, let's do a memory check first, can't hurt. never did one for years. Now I have this blue screen with the red cross and the _ blinking but expect that, nothing happens. That's normal?19:11
phunyguyhmm that may not be ideal.19:11
lmatI know all about chroot, but it's not trivial... does ubuntu provide a tool for that?19:11
lmat(arch linux has  arch-chroot to set up a *usable* environment ;-) )19:11
phunyguybut yes chroot is the key.  You need to mount the install as it would be from fstab in the live environment, mount proc, dev, and sys, and then chroot to it.19:12
bekksA tools for running three commands?19:12
lmatphunyguy: I think grub-install is the way to do it to a drive that wasn't used for booting?19:12
phunyguyI think arch does those proc, dev, sys in that arch-chroot script.19:12
phunyguylmat: yes you use grub-install to the device, then update-grub to set up the config.19:12
TJ-lmat: "sudo -i" then "mkdir /target; mount /dev/sdXY /target; for n in proc/ sys/ dev/ dev/pts /etc/resolv.conf; do mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"   then "chroot /target" then "update-grub"19:12
lmatTJ-: brb19:13
phunyguyTJ-: I need to write that line down.  That's a good one.  Takes some things a step further that I never thought of.  Thank you.19:13
Plonefigured it out19:15
Plonelet me know if anyone interested in how to get ubuntu to serve as file repository for veeam19:15
Plonevia ssh19:15
ronicHi can i ask for my prob here?19:15
xotixwhat can I do if the memory check has no progress/freezed? can I just restart?19:16
ronicIm begginer on linux, i have Ubuntu and i want to login on GRnet (greek chanels) via hexChat, how i can do it?19:16
bekksPlone: No big deal, documented well enough :)19:17
lmaton   chroot /target;, error is Bus error (core dumped)19:18
xotixronic hexchat has a own channel maybe ask there19:18
derek01anyone have experience with NVIDIA drivers and ubuntu? cant get my drivers to load properly. They are there, and I have reinstalled a million times. Still no luck.19:19
lmatokay, now I can't make any directories, etc. "mkdir: cannot create directory 'target': Read-only file system" :-(19:20
bekksSo mount your filesystem read-writeable.19:21
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jackronic: /server <address>19:22
lmatTJ-: ^ ^_^19:22
lmatTJ-: When I sudo chroot /mnt/drive; it hangs for a few seconds, then nothing. When I sudo -i; chroot /mnt/drive; I get the error: Bus error (core dumped)19:26
lmatTJ-: That's the only way to redo /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?19:26
rdzcfhowlett, TJ- many thanks19:27
derek01When I try to run the NVIDIA installer, it tells me there is a previos version installed, even after purging everything I can think of. Even dpkg shows nothig under nvidia19:28
bekksDaphko: So how are you trying to install it?19:30
lmatderek01: ^ that's you :-)19:30
bekksThanks :)19:30
BluesKajderek01, which nvidia installer?19:30
derek01blueskaj: using the nvidia 340.76 installer from their website.19:31
derek01imat: same as above lol19:31
bekksderek01: Why dont you use the driver shipped in the official ubuntu repos?19:32
derek01bekks: Ive tried that as well. Still doesnt take.19:32
bekksderek01: Elaborate "still doesnt take".19:32
TheNumbderek01: can you post the error log?19:33
bekksAnd uninstall all traces of the .run installer you are using, before.19:33
ZuZuD_Hi evrybody19:33
derek01bekks: Installs, no errors, upon starting lightdm, it still wont let me configure anything. When I try to use the nvidia settings manager, it tells me there is no xserver19:33
derek01thenumb: which error log would you like. X? Lightdm?19:34
TheNumbderek01: Xorg.0.log19:35
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=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
lmatTJ-: I rebooted into the live medium, and it does the same thing.19:36
derek01thenumb: let me install using apt-get then Ill paste it, I just uninstalled trying to use the nvidia installer. one moment.19:36
lmatTJ-: How should I go about generating my /boot/grub/grub.cfg?19:36
TheNumblmat: run update-grub as root19:36
lmatTheNumb: That script refers to /boot. I'm in a live USB, so /boot is no good. I need /mnt/target/boot...19:37
lmatTheNumb: Also, I need it to read /mnt/target/etc/default/grub  rather than /etc/default/grub...19:38
TheNumblmat: then chroot to /mnt/target/boot and run it?19:38
=== root is now known as Guest13092
TheNumberr chroot to /mnt/target19:38
Guest13092how are you?19:38
lmatTheNumb: When I sudo chroot /mnt/drive; it hangs for a few seconds, then nothing. When I sudo -i; chroot /mnt/drive; I get the error: Bus error (core dumped)19:38
TheNumblmat: check dmesg for errors19:38
OerHeks!rootirc | Guest1309219:38
ubottuGuest13092: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:38
TheNumbyour drive might be dying19:38
derek01thenumb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1224792619:39
Guest13092ubottu : what?19:39
ubottuGuest13092: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
Guest13092aha ok19:39
TheNumbderek01: the nvidia kernel module is missing.19:39
lmatTheNumb: Thanks for the clue! Yeah, it looks like io problems... failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED...19:40
TheNumblmat: run smartctl on that drive19:40
derek01thenumb: how would it go missing after an upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04, It was working before the upgrade lol19:40
Guest13092lmat: hi19:40
TheNumbextended test or something19:40
derek01thenumb: ugh19:40
lmatTheNumb: :( smartctl doesn't come on the live ubuntu medium?19:40
TheNumbderek01: it won't work without it.19:40
bekksderek01: Did you update directly to 15.04, from 14.04?19:40
TheNumblmat: not really19:40
TheNumblmat: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install smartmontools should be enough19:40
derek01bekks: no i went 14.04 to 14.10, then after about a week, to 15.0419:41
bekksderek01: So install the nvidia driver from the repo now.19:41
Guest13092thenumd: hi19:41
derek01bekks: I just did, still no luck.19:41
i7hey guys, does anyone know if there exists some tweak on ubuntu mate to move window title and controls on panel, like you can do on ubuntu unity? i cant find anything on the internet19:42
bekksderek01: So pastebin the entire output of the installation command.19:42
acidchilddoes anyone know how to rebuild a package designed for ubuntu for debian? https://launchpad.net/~monotek/+archive/ubuntu/samba-vfs-glusterfs-3.519:42
BluesKajderek01, did you reboot?19:42
Ben64acidchild: try #debian maybe19:42
acidchildi have.19:42
Ben64well its not on topic here19:43
acidchildhow helpful :)19:43
=== jack is now known as Guest98856
bekksacidchild: Well, you dont have an ubuntu issue, but a debian issue.19:43
derek01be right back.19:44
Hetman_Hello anyone have url to working solution howto boot to my Windows10 after installing ubuntu 14.04 ? update-grub does not detecting partition and I cannot boot it using my BIOS boot menu (F8 -> UEFI Windows Launcher)19:45
OerHeksHetman_, with win8 the last part should work http://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/ > bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi19:48
Hetman_OerHeks: thx19:48
Guest13092ubottu : what?19:48
Hetman_OerHeks: opposite . I can boot to ubuntu but not to windows!19:48
derek01yea, its much worse now, stuck in 640x48019:49
BluesKajHetman_, run sudo os-prober, then sudo update-grub ...that might work19:49
Hetman_BluesKaj: no does not already tried .19:50
Hetman_is (hd1,0) will be /dev/sdb1 in grub2?19:50
OerHeksHetman_, oh sorry, other way around..19:50
bekksderek01: So whats the output of the command you are using to install the nvidia drivers from the repos?19:50
BluesKajdamn UEFI19:50
bekksderek01: And which command are you using?19:50
derek01bekks: sudo apt-get install nvidia-34019:51
danrikif I install ubuntu 15.10 beta now - will I be able to just use it and when final comes out just update to that?19:52
bekksderek01: Why are you sticking with 340, instead of using the latest available?19:52
derek01bekks: not sure how to paste the output of an already run command19:52
Hetman_oks added manual entry to 40_custom and updated groob we will see is it works19:52
bekksderek01: By running the command again?19:52
derek01bekks: I have outdated cards, geforce 9800GTX+19:53
auronandace!final | danrik19:53
ubottudanrik: If you install a development version of Ubuntu wily and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 15.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.19:53
tgm4883danrik: yes19:53
danrikI see. thanks19:53
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=== pythongod is now known as alazare619
derek01bekks: dpaste.com/2192KHM19:55
ash_workis it bad practice to have a colon (":") in a filename?19:55
bekksderek01: Update your system as well, you have 66 updates pending.19:55
bekksash_work: Yes.19:56
ash_workbekks: crud19:56
derek01bekks: since like 2 days ago lol, I do it often19:56
ash_workbekks: I was hoping that I could just use the %T in a mv19:56
auronandaceash_work: why not use a hyphen?19:56
ash_workauronandace: ^19:56
ash_workI guess it's not much longer to do %H-%M-%S ... but it _feels_ longer :P19:57
auronandaceash_work: you could just use quotation marks for the directory you are moving19:58
ash_workauronandace: who-da-wha?19:58
auronandacesorry, ignore that19:58
ash_workauronandace: it's like mv error.log{,.$(date +%F_%T)}19:58
derek01bekks: any other suggestions?19:59
ash_workauronandace: and this is just me wanting to roll it over... it doesn't _need_ to be rolled over, nor should this activity be automated... its more a troubleshooting thing19:59
bekksderek01: Whats the latest Xorg.0.log ?19:59
ash_workI guess I could just delete them later20:00
ash_workthey're not really that useful20:00
derek01bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1224806820:00
ash_workbekks: can you link me to an article on why whatever characters are bad practice to use in filenames?20:01
bekksderek01: Can you pastebin "dmesg" please?20:01
superherointj /j #node20:02
derek01bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1224807420:02
=== Guest78666 is now known as sUbMuNdo
derek01bekks: stumped as I am? frustrating lol20:07
bekksderek01: Purge the nvidia-340 package and reinstall it please, and pastebin the entire output.20:11
derek01bekks: sudo apt-get install nvidia-340 | pastebinit ?20:11
derek01will that take the output to the pastebin?20:12
bekksderek01: Yeah.20:12
derek01bekks: do you want verbose?20:12
bekksderek01: I just want the output of that command :)20:13
derek01bekks: running now.20:13
bekksderek01: Did you purge the package before?20:13
derek01bekks: sure did20:14
derek01bekks: whish I could purge it with hellfire20:14
derek01bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1224814720:14
bekksderek01: Read the last four lines.20:15
geniiderek01: Basically, you need to install linux-source package ( and if not installed already also, linux-headers-generic )20:17
acemi-linuxoshi guys20:20
acemi-linuxostürk olan varmı aranızda20:20
acemi-linuxosanyone can hel20:20
acemi-linuxoscan somebody help me?20:20
demhlyrask your question20:20
bekksacemi-linuxos: You have to ask a question first.20:21
acemi-linuxosok thnx20:21
acemi-linuxosi have a problem that i cant solved in 1 months20:21
acemi-linuxosi have nvidia 9600 gt graphic card20:21
derek01bekks: sorry anything you said after I sent the paste, I didnt get, system locked20:21
acemi-linuxosand i install nvidia driver 340.7620:21
bekks0901 221505 < bekks> derek01: Read the last four lines.20:22
bekks0901 221711 < genii> derek01: Basically, you need to install linux-source package ( and if not installed already also, linux-headers-generic )20:22
acemi-linuxosbut i wanna use led monitör and led tv movies will slow20:22
cdk_is ther an app in the store that will allow me to run an exe application or will i have to setup virtual box?20:22
acemi-linuxosi am using linux lite os20:23
acemi-linuxosi used ubuntu-linux mint but same problem :D20:23
bekksacemi-linuxos: Well, you arent using Ubuntu.20:23
derek01bekks: I had seen that as a resolution, however I have done so. irrc...20:23
acemi-linuxosno but ubuntu based linux distro20:23
k1l_acemi-linuxos: they all are not official ubuntus and handle kernels and drivers differently than the official ubuntus20:23
bekksderek01: Obviously you didnt ;)20:24
acemi-linuxosok i understand but my problem origin is not distro20:24
acemi-linuxosabout configuration20:24
derek01bekks: linux-source is already at the newest version. And which version of headers...20:25
FringeAnyone know how to fix the issue with sound not playing for headsets plugged into alienware laptops running Ubuntu?20:25
acemi-linuxosi dont want use windows20:25
derek01bekks: generic?20:25
bekksderek01: The version of headers matching the installed kernel version.20:25
Fringetfw forced to use Ubuntu because Linux Mint's kernal is so out of date and it doesn't support some of my hardware20:25
derek01bekks: /boot shows 3.16, only avail is 3.1920:25
bekksderek01: So update ... as I already suggested.20:26
acemi-linuxosif you wanna some outputs i can give20:26
derek01bekks: i did that already too :)20:26
acemi-linuxosanyone can help me guys?20:26
OerHeksacemi-linuxos, linux lite os is not supported here, find their support channel20:26
bekksderek01: Then you would have rebooted and would be running 3.19 already... :P20:26
OerHeksthey have their own issues.20:27
derek01and I just rebooted, but will again...20:27
bekksderek01: STOP.20:28
bekksderek01: Install the headers matching your running kernel first. You dont need to reboot, unless you are changing kernels.20:28
derek01bekks: so im running, 3.16.0-4520:29
derek01bekks: but there is no apt-get for that version20:29
bekksderek01: So install the headers for that version then.20:29
derek01bekks: only available are 3.19 headers.20:29
derek01bekks: thanks for all the help btw20:29
bekksderek01: Pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)-generic" please.20:30
cdk_is there an application in the store that will allow me to run an .exe without installing and setting up virtual box.20:31
bekkscdk_: Noone, basically.20:31
OerHekscdk_, wine maybe, or freedos20:31
derek01bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1224826520:31
ubuntu076Hello I need some help applying a patch for a webkit bug. Said patch comes as a .zip that contains numerous .dep packages. It also contains a "dev" folder with more .dep packages inside ? How should I proceed with this?20:32
k1l_derek01: what ubuntu is that?20:32
cdk_ok thanx i will try those20:32
bekksderek01: So reboot and select the kernel from vivid, you are still booting into the kernel of utopic.20:33
derek01bekks: ill double check, but i think those are the only options. The 3.16 kernels. Be right back20:34
k1l_derek01: seems like its a 14.04 with the 14.04.2 kernel (3.16). or is it a 15.04?20:34
bekksk1l_: It's a 15.04 with a 14.10 kernel.20:34
k1l_derek01: stop20:34
k1l_derek01: please make sure you have "linux-generic" installed20:34
derek01O stopped20:34
k1l_that will make sure you are on the 15.04 kernel and have the matching headers installed20:35
derek01k1l_: its not installed....how does that even happen20:35
auronandacederek01: was your upgrade to 15.04 interrupted or something?20:36
derek01autonandace: not that I know of....20:36
k1l_or there was some fiddeling with kernel meta packages and the enablement stack etc.20:36
derek01auronandace: makes me wonder what else is missing haha20:36
k1l_but just make sure that linux-generic is installed and that ships you the latest kernel and headers from now on20:36
cdk_freedos does not come up in a serach of the store20:37
ltsp<peter92> i am running ltsp 14.04 and i am trying to run fat clients i have followed the Ubuntu wiki yet clients are still booting from thin clients instead of fat clients and i am not sure how to debug the problem20:37
ltspI am running ltsp 14.04 and i am trying to run fat clients i have followed the Ubuntu wiki yet clients are still booting from thin clients instead of fat clients and i am not sure how to debug the problem20:37
k1l_cdk_: you cant run .exe on linux. you need some sort of layer like wine or a VM.20:37
k1l_!wine | cdk_20:38
ubottucdk_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:38
cdk_ok im installing wine right now but the other suggestion was freedos which i cant find i will let you know if wine works for me20:40
derek01nvidia works!20:42
auronandace!yay | derek0120:42
derek01seriously, thank you all. Its been a rough week, without having all three screens.20:42
ubottuderek01: Glad you made it! :-)20:42
bekksderek01: Of course it does :)20:42
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derek01hmm now to figure out why my third screen is not acting right, cant right click, or drag anything over. but thats easy to figure out :)20:44
derek01and done, seriously thanks everyone who helps20:47
derek01ok new problem :) Whenever i go to drag anything from window to window, ie, from the file roller to the folder I want it to go to, file roller quits20:51
derek01sorry, archive manager **20:51
=== derek_ is now known as derek01
derek01seems like a nautilus issue, the minute the folder moves a single pixel it crashes20:55
derek01also cant get gnome to load properly, just loops to the greeter20:56
derek01My system loves me :)20:56
derek01gnome, and gnome classic that is, only gnome metacity and gnome compiz work atm20:56
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SienteHello guys, I've burn Ubuntu 15.04 on my USB using the startup disk creator20:59
Sienteand when I try to boot it it's giving me error missing parameter configuration file keyword path21:00
Sientegfxboot.c32 not com32r21:00
FringePlease someone help with: http://askubuntu.com/questions/650964/audiojack-headphones-not-working-ubuntu-14-04-dell-alienware-m17x-r421:01
FringeThis problem has existed for a VERY long time now and I can't find any solutions.21:01
TheNumbFringe: "Writing this after Googling and trying all other solutions I've found."21:02
TheNumbFringe: you should've mentioned those solutions.21:03
TheNumbIf you don't do that it's a guessing game.21:03
OerHeksFringe, yesterday i wrote: alien ware ? rings a bell .. options snd-hda-intel model=alienware http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1519955&p=9558775#post955877521:03
cdk_how do i open an app in wine21:06
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:07
wileeeSiente, You should have just google'd the error it's all over the web, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/134262621:07
cdk_how do i open an application with wine21:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1325801 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1342626 failed to boot from USB disk with error: gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R Image boot:" [Critical,In progress]21:07
drkjstr!wine | cdk_21:08
ubottucdk_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:08
OerHekscdk_, just answered, see ubotto, andwinehq has tons of howto's also look at playopnlinux21:08
Sientewileee, yeah I've googledi t21:10
Sientegoogled it, but wanted to ask here as well21:10
FringeTheNumb, why even bother mentioning solutions that never even worked? All you need to know is the problem and that link details it, no need to go over solutions that failed to work.21:12
auronandaceFringe: sometimes the "solutions" you try actually end up creating new problems21:13
FringeOerHeks, so it is simply a matter of modifying the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file  ?21:13
Fringeauronandace, good thing then I'm on a fresh install of Ubuntu yeah?21:13
scatterpi have a ubuntu 8.10 server which was hacked and is spiting out a gig of traffic is there some default way to solve it like a one-liner so i can upgrade it to a newer version ?21:14
bekksscatterp: Reinstall 14.0421:14
auronandacescatterp: that should have been upgraded a long time ago21:14
TheNumbscatterp: the upgrade is going to be painful. Better reinstall.21:14
ToobSnekBuggieHow do I restart X?21:14
scatterpbekks its in a dc on otherside of the world21:14
TheNumbStart fresh21:14
bekksscatterp: Doesnt matter. Reinstall 14.0421:15
scatterpTheNumb its in a dc on otherside of the world21:15
TheNumbconnect to the kvm and reinstall it?21:15
scatterpauronandace yeah wasnt pluged in for like 5 years21:15
scatterpaha good idea :)21:15
TheNumbwhat's the issue?21:15
k1l_ToobSnekBuggie: log out21:15
ToobSnekBuggieLog out?21:16
ToobSnekBuggieOf what?21:16
k1l_ToobSnekBuggie: log out of your desktop session.21:16
ToobSnekBuggieIn command line, please21:17
ToobSnekBuggieMouse stopped orking21:17
drkjstrscatterp: don't have a remote management card in that?21:17
k1l_ToobSnekBuggie: sudo service lightdm restart21:17
TheNumbToobSnekBuggie: sudo service lightdm restart21:17
TheNumbugh k1l_ was first ;p21:17
nutzzBy default tcpflow stores its output in files of the form ip-sender.port-sender.ip-receiver.port-receiver. Isn't it possible to have only 2 files: one that stores wha is sent from the local computer and one that stores what is received from the internet?21:20
bekksnutzz: you have to merge them yourself.21:22
nutzzok, thanks21:23
poorvikrampanditIs it bad practice to run a memory & CPU-intensive application (image cropping server) on the same system as Postgresql and web application? I am in an emergency where the21:24
MonkeyDustpoorvikrampandit  better ask in #ubuntu-server, i guess21:24
poorvikrampanditThe image cropper made the machine completely unresponsive -- I couldn't SSH in for minutes, when I finally, did, I noticed the image service was using over half the CPU and 44% of available memory21:24
poorvikrampanditMonkeyDust: Thnaks!21:24
bekkspoorvikrampandit: Add more CPU, more RAM.21:27
poorvikrampanditbekks: I currently have 2048 MB of RAM, 1 CPU on a VMware instance. Is that not enough for postgres + nginx + Node web app + image crop service in golang?21:29
bekkspoorvikrampandit: Obviously it isnt.21:30
bekkspoorvikrampandit: "The image cropper made the machine completely unresponsive -- I couldn't SSH in for minutes, when I finally, did, I noticed the image service was using over half the CPU and 44% of when I finally, did, I noticed the image service was using over half the CPU and 44% of".21:30
bekksThat sentence should have answered all questions so far. :)21:30
poorvikrampanditbekks: Right, but I only have 4 users.21:30
bekksAnd? Your VM has too less resources.21:31
tgm4883oh we're doing support in multiple channels.... fun.....21:31
bekksSo lets switch to #ubuntu-server21:31
VanessaEhi.  anyone here familiar with using DVDstyler to deal with .ass/ssa subtitles? specifically on how to make it actually USE the formatting my subtitle file carries?  I've been fighting with and googling about this for 2 solid days now.21:32
VanessaE..or with spumux...or anything at all?21:32
lrs_I have 3.13.0-59 and want to update to -6121:33
lrs_How do I do?21:33
Ben64lrs_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:34
lrs_Ben64 nothing happens21:35
lrs_I got x86_6421:36
Ben64lrs_: pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep linux-image"21:36
lrs_Ben64, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12248727/21:37
Ben64looks like you had it, then removed it?21:37
FringeOerHeks, I added that line into alsa-base.conf but can't save the damned thing, how do I edit it?21:38
lrs_Not sure21:38
lrs_I also had a full boot once21:38
lrs_And had to lcean21:38
lrs_Maybe its that? I can delete all that stuff or?21:38
Bashing-omBen64: lrs_ Observation: an improper kernel removeal makes for a messy messy clean up .21:40
k1l_lrs_: make sure "linux-generic" is installed21:41
TJ-lrs_: "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic" ... will ensure that the latest image release is installed21:41
lrs_k1l_, I removed everything without the ending -59 and the mem stuff now21:41
k1l_lrs_: linux-generic will bring you the latest kernel and headers21:41
lrs_cool, it showed me 62 there so ill see what happens21:42
chrisn_is there any way I can check to see what is going to be updated by apt/etc when I reboot?21:42
chrisn_i'm afraid to reboot my server21:42
Ben64don't be afraid21:42
bekkschrisn_: a reboot doesnt update any files.21:42
sa_Это тест21:42
bekkschrisn_: The update happens before rebooting.21:42
chrisn_like, if some packages are pending a reboot21:42
chrisn_like libs and whatnot21:42
TJ-chrisn_: The libraries are installed already. The only thing a reboot does is make sure that essential system services that cannot be simply restarted are using the latest versions21:43
bekkschrisn_: There are no packages pending at reboot.21:43
FringeAnyone here know how to edit protected read-only files?21:43
Ben64Fringe: explain what you're trying to do21:44
bekksFringe: Become super-user, use a read-writeable filesystem.21:44
mutanteFringe: tell vim that you mean it when saving and hit Y :)21:44
lrs_k1l_,  Bashing-om TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12248779/21:44
lrs_I get this21:44
lrs_I had the same problem before when I tried a update i htink21:44
k1l_lrs, no space left on device.21:44
TJ-lrs_: show us output from 'df'21:44
k1l_lrs_: remove the old "linux-images..." and "linux-header....." ackages you dont need anymore21:45
VanessaErepeating:  hi.  anyone here familiar with using DVDstyler or any other program to add soft .ssa/.a-s-s (minus the dashes) to a DVD-destined video file? specifically on how to make it actually USE the formatting my subtitle file carries?  I've been fighting with and googling about this for 2 solid days now.21:45
TJ-lrs_: probably the system has a separate /boot/ file-system that is out of space due to being full of older kernel/initrd files21:45
Fringehttps://media.8ch.net/4chon/src/1441143898469.png hopefully this will work21:45
lrs_TJ-, Yeah... What can I remove?21:45
VanessaEooookay then..21:46
TJ-lrs_: I usually keep the last 2 kernel's installed and remove any older, unless there is a reason to keep them21:46
lrs_http://paste.ubuntu.com/12248796/ < This is my boot21:46
FringeBen64 https://media.8ch.net/4chon/src/1441143993220.png ?21:47
Fringebekks mutante I can't seem to overwrite this: https://media.8ch.net/4chon/src/1441143993220.png21:47
TJ-lrs_: Can you show us "ls -latr /boot/" so we can see file sizes21:47
Ben64Fringe: sudo nano /path/to/the/file21:47
bekksFringe: Did you start gedit using gksude ?21:47
cdk_when i try to open an .exe application with wine it tells me it cant find it or that the was an error but does not tell me what specific error any suggestions on how to fix this?21:47
bekkscdk_: USe a Windows virtual machine.21:48
Fringebekks what would the command for that be? sudo run gEdit ?21:48
lrs_TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12248808/21:48
ltspi am running ltsp 14.04 and i am trying to run fat clients i have followed the Ubuntu wiki yet clients are still booting from thin clients instead of fat clients and i am not sure how to debug the problem21:49
lrs_Do i need to expand boot or something21:49
cdk_windows virtual machine like?21:49
TJ-lrs_: you can recover about 12MB by removing the older System.map files21:49
bekkscdk_: Like "a virtual machine running windows".21:49
lrs_Right, removed21:49
lrs_What about the rest?21:50
lrs_The abi thing?21:50
lrs_And the 59 kernel? can i remove that?21:50
TJ-lrs_: lrs_ you've also got a .Trash-0/ directory there, check if there's anything in there21:50
k1l_lrs_: "df -h" please21:50
lrs_Or maybe copy it to home21:50
cdk_i dont want to go through the trouble of setting one up21:50
TJ-lrs_: No, keep .59 it's the current booting kernel I think21:50
lrs_Deleted the trash21:50
bekkscdk_: Then you have to live with wine and the generic error messages.21:50
lrs_Free space 181 mb21:50
TJ-k1l lrs_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/12248786/21:50
lrs_Should i try now21:50
TJ-lrs_: Yes21:51
TJ-lrs_: re-generate the initrd.img for .6221:51
k1l_yes, /boot is somewhat small21:51
lrs_What was the command for update again?21:51
TJ-lrs_: "sudo update-initramfs -vu"21:51
cdk_why is it telling me that there was a generic error21:52
TJ-cdk_: what is the exact command you are issuing?21:52
FringeBen64,  tried that just now and all it has done is displayed the file in the terminal but I still don't know how to edit it or to open it up in gEdit with the correct permissions21:52
Ben64cdk_: have you checked the appdb for the application you're trying to run21:52
Ben64Fringe: you can edit it there21:52
FringeBen64, how do I edit it inside of Terminal then?21:53
Ben64Fringe: you type stuff, then save and exit21:53
EriC^^( save with ctrl+o )21:53
cdk_yes it doe not come up with it21:53
lrs_TJ-,  i did the linux generic hting21:53
eeeerikhi all , quick question, does ubuntu still contain the feature that sends your searches to amazon?21:54
FringeBen64, is this where I should be right now? https://media.8ch.net/4chon/src/1441144391342.png21:54
lrs_Should i do that?21:54
lrs_I am at y/n21:54
TJ-lrs_: Good; that'll make sure the latest kernel is installed.21:54
Ben64Fringe: yeah that looks good21:54
cdk_and i am right clicking on the exe app and clickking run with wine21:54
EriC^^eeeerik: yeah, you can turn it off21:54
eeeerikok n/m then :)21:54
k1l_eeeerik: the backgroundservers got shut down21:54
lrs_TJ-, Do i need to reboot after this?21:55
FringeBen64 I added the text in but I don't know how to save it now via terminal.21:55
lrs_I think it worked21:55
lrs_But uname -r gives me old kernel21:55
EriC^^Fringe: ctrl+o, then ctrl+x to exit21:55
EriC^^( you have to press enter after ctrl+o21:55
TJ-lrs_: Yes, reboot is required to use a newer kernel21:56
TJ-lrs_: just to be sure do "sudo update-grub" too21:56
lrs_Ok done21:56
cdk_any suggestions?21:57
lrs_omg awesome it worked21:59
lrs_And my steam now works. Woho21:59
OerHekscdk_, join #winehq for application help. also look at playonlinux21:59
cdk_i tried winehq and got nohelp will try the other22:00
maxflaxInteresting problem here with my ubuntu install, When I select shutdown I only get logged out instead.22:01
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WyattwicWould anyone be willing to help me out with installing psad on 12.04?  I cant seem to get it right.22:11
MonkeyDust!info psad22:12
ubottupsad (source: psad): Port Scan Attack Detector. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3-1 (vivid), package size 144 kB, installed size 731 kB (Only available for linux-any)22:13
WyattwicThanks MonkeyDust, my issue is that when compiling from source everything goes to hell.  I'm going to hold off though and retrace my steps before going to pastebin.22:13
WyattwicForgot to mention that I'm working on getting 2.4.1 installed.22:14
FringeWelp it didn't work, still do not have audio.22:22
FringeAnyone here have an answer to this problem? https://askubuntu.com/questions/650964/audiojack-headphones-not-working-ubuntu-14-04-dell-alienware-m17x-r4/668255#66825522:22
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reisiosup flag22:32
KamuelaAnyone give help with i3wm?22:40
=== Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms
mikeasaurusI just created a samba server on ubuntu, im trying to download fedora via torrent to the shared folder, and I get an error (I'm assuming this is a permission problem). ls -lh shows that I have (drwxr-x---), which I thought w and r meant read write22:41
everydaylinuxusewhat was the error?22:45
reisioKamuela: /msg alis list *i3*22:47
mikeasauruspermission denied22:48
mikeasaurusall deluge says is 'error'22:48
mikeasaurusNow when I go into the directory, all of the folders have a lock and x icon. when I try and enter it says permission denied22:49
everydaylinuxusewhat user did you use to create the share?22:49
mikeasaurusmkdir shared22:50
mikeasaurusThen I setup samba, it was working, I was able to get access and download files I had placed there22:50
mikeasaurusBut then I installed deluge and tried downloading to the shared/linux and the whole shared dir is blocked22:51
mikeasaurusand now it looks like the group assigned is hte name of my wife22:52
=== coy is now known as Guest49595
mikeasaurusok, figured it out. somehow the permission of the directory got changed to my wife. I just added myself to her group22:54
mutanteshe stole my stuff, so i added myself to her room22:56
lousyhackerSup sup22:57
lousyhackerI gotta poop22:57
TJ-Anyone familiar with systemd's handling of hot-plug storage, and why it adds it to the boot-time config, resulting in very long waits if the storage isn't connected?23:01
kadirowhen connecting to irc I see always:  Looking up your hostname... Checking Ident Couldn't look up your hostname No Ident response,23:03
kadiroHow to solve this hostname ?23:03
TJ-kadiro: 'ident' was a service often used on multi-user Unix systems. It's not required, and not generally installed/used by Linux23:04
kadiroTJ-: thank you, so hostname is not important?23:05
TJ-kadiro: If you're a typical Internet user behind a PNAT router/firewall, you'll have to enable port-forwarding as well as installing the identd service on the PC23:05
kadirooh I'm a noob on those things23:05
TJ-kadiro: The Hostname issue is when the IRC server doesam a reverse-DNS lookup of your connecting IP, to get the associated hostname. Not all ISPs configure that correctly.23:06
kadiroI have internet just in about 3 years before i have a local pc23:06
kadirook i understand now thk's again23:07
TJ-kadiro: If you do "/whois kadiro" on IRC you'll see your host is only identified by its IPv4 address. Do the whois on my nickname and you'll see a hostname23:07
kadirocool i see something not clear like leguin.freenode.net :Umeå, SE, EU23:09
TJ-kadiro: this line "[kadiro] (~kadiro@ realname"23:09
kadirooh that show my ip23:09
TJ-kadiro: the ~ in front of the username indicates no IDENT confirmation was found23:09
TJ-kadiro: Yes... if the reverse-DNS of that IP address returned a hostname, you'd see the hostname after the @23:10
kadirohow can i get a confirmation?23:11
kadirosorry if i ask a lot i'm noob23:12
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TJ-kadiro: confirmation of what?23:13
kadiroIDENT confirmation23:13
TJ-kadiro: As I said earlier, you'd need to run an identd service and probably configure port-forwarding in your gateway/router/firewall23:14
kadirothank you TJ-23:15
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shingshangso if apt-get install failed with : tzdata-java : Depends: tzdata (= 2014b-1) but 2015a-0ubuntu0.14.04 is to be installed, does it mean I have the 2015a version installed?23:19
shingshangwhich is newer than 2014b-1?23:19
MonkeyDustshingshang  use    apt-cache policy [package]    to know the installed version23:20
k1l_shingshang: can you show a "sudo apt-cache policy tzdata-java" in a pastebin?23:20
shingshangI guess I'll have to "downgrade" to 2014b-1 huh?23:22
cdk_how do i find how much memory my graphics board has?23:22
k1l_shingshang: did you run a "sudo apt-get update" before?23:22
shingshangjust did23:22
k1l_shingshang: then run a "sudo apt-get upgrade"23:22
TJ-cdk_: what is the manufacturer of the GPU?23:22
shingshangugh, it wants to upgrade nvidia drivers..23:23
shingshanglast time it did my ubuntu box just refused to do anything after a restart :(23:23
kadiroTJ-: I find this video on forwarding a port ( the router have different from my huwai ) but still i can't understand application under NAT23:25
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TJ-kadiro: There is no real benefit to adding IDENT support. If you have a registered nickname on Freenode that is sufficient23:27
cdk_TJ- its amd23:27
kadirocool but i have no nickname i think23:27
TJ-cdk_: there may be some info in the log at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" but it depends on the driver as to what it reports. There is no generalised way to find out for any GPU23:28
shingshanglooks like downgrading that package using "force version" in synaptic fixed everything23:28
k1l_shingshang: not upgrading your system can be very dangerous23:29
shingshangkil_ yeah, but twice I did apt-upgrade on 14.04 and next restart I just get black screens23:30
shingshangthis is my third 14.04 reinstall23:30
k1l_shingshang: yeah, you will need to work that out. you can look at ubuntu.com/usn and see the amount of heavy security issues that get patched every day and are shipped to the users as updates for packages.23:32
cdk_so if an installation is asking me how much and it gives me the option of selecting one of the following which should i pick? 64,  128.  256.  320,  384,  512,  640,  768,  896,  1024,  1536,  1792,   2048,  3072,  409623:32
k1l_apt-get update only gets the new list from the servers. it doesnt update any packages.23:32
shingshangare the security issues that bad?23:32
shingshangshould I move away from ubuntu if I wanta secure OS? :(23:32
k1l_shingshang: that issues are not ubuntu issues. they are global issues and that site showes how ubuntu  fixed them and shipped the updates23:33
k1l_shingshang: but since you dont install the updates you still have that security issues23:33
kadiroshingshang: If you booting from recovery you have a desktop?23:34
Bashing-omkadiro: Registering your nick_name helps im any ways . Have you ? see: /msg nickserv help register from your IRC status window .23:34
shingshangkadiro, I don't understand what you mean23:35
kadirothank you Bashing-om23:35
kadiroI will test it right now23:35
RevertToTypeso i am running a machine that basically starts off with an xinit (webbrowser) kind of thing so no wm/de but x running... i was wondering how do i make sure that the app that is run is an active window (i currently have to click into it to type or do anything23:36
kadirothat say from freenode: Vous n'avez encore rejoint aucun canal. Essayez /join #<canal>23:36
kadirothat means: you have not access any channel, try /join #channel23:36
mutanteRevertToType: from startx manpage " fundraising the way we do would be in violation of finnish laws, so we dont fundraise there...so experimentally moving traffic to apps is risk free from that perspective."23:37
kadiroshingshang: when you booting you have a grub menu have: ubuntu, recovery ..etc, try recovery23:37
mutanteeh, wrong23:37
cdk_TJ- : which one should i pick23:38
mutanteRevertToType: this: "Most of the clients started by .xinitrc should be run in the background. The last client should run in the foreground; when it exits, the session will exit"23:38
shingshangkadiro, tried that multiple times, easier to just reinstall23:38
kadiroBashing-om: I try it from here?23:38
shingshangalso the experience of trying to fix broken ubuntu installations have been pretty depressing, so I'd like to avoid doing that again23:38
TJ-cdk_: I have no idea; You've not said what is asking the question, or what is the system. You know your system best.23:38
RevertToTypeperhaps i'm missing you here mutante then again i'm really really dumb23:38
kadirowait shingshang try access in grub menu with " E " letter and delete " quiet splash " and Ctrl+X to boot and see what errors come23:39
mutanteRevertToType: it says if you start a bunch of things from .xinitrc, then the last thing that is started will run in foreground and that most people would therefore make a window manager to be the last one to be started. in your case i think it just means to start it last23:40
shingshangkadiro, this was a few weeks ago and I've already reinstalled, nothing to fix now23:40
Bashing-omkadiro: I use irssi as my irc client, i do suggest that you use a 'status' window in your client . In case of a no-no that all account matters be handled in that "private' environment .23:40
RevertToType@ mutante thanks... would that mean it was an issue cause it's a while loop cause otherwise it is the last command23:41
k1l_shingshang: can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get upgrade"?23:42
kadirothank you Bashing-om i opened a new channel for test23:42
kadiroshingshang: the errors shown help us to help you23:42
kadiroMSG <nick> <message>, sends a private message, message "." to send to last nick or prefix with "=" for dcc chat23:44
nutzzI have a call like this in my program system("utility 2> /dev/null"). But it continues to display the output of utility to stderr. However, If  I invoke the program (the program that contains the system() call) this way: program 2>/dev/null. It doesn't display anything to stderr23:45
nutzzWhat is happening?23:46
josePHPagodahello everyone.  I'm running 14.04 server and i'm needing a newer version of ssh23:46
josePHPagodais there a way to do that without moving off of lts or compiling from scratch?23:46
josePHPagodathis is for pci compliance needs23:46
kadiroBashing-om: i will make any passwords or freenode send it to me?23:47
Bashing-omkadiro: In my client interfacing with this server, the syntax as given is correct . ' /msg nickserv help register ' for instructions to register your chossen nick name .23:47
TJ-josePHPagoda: what is the specific PCI need? The packages are kept up to date with security fixes23:47
ubottuThe verify_host_key function in sshconnect.c in the client in OpenSSH 6.6 and earlier allows remote servers to trigger the skipping of SSHFP DNS RR checking by presenting an unacceptable HostCertificate. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2653)23:47
kadiroyes Bashing-om i have too but for password i don't understand if i make it or found it somewhere23:48
k1l_josePHPagoda: ubuntu doesnt increase the version number of programs. it patches the versions that are in the repos.23:49
Bashing-omkadiro: The system will forward the additional instructions to your email adress . Complete the registration from what that email directs .23:49
josePHPagodathe latest in ubuntu is 6.6.1p123:49
k1l_josePHPagoda: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-2653.html   your cve is already patched and should be shipped with the updates.23:49
ubottuThe verify_host_key function in sshconnect.c in the client in OpenSSH 6.6 and earlier allows remote servers to trigger the skipping of SSHFP DNS RR checking by presenting an unacceptable HostCertificate. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-2653)23:49
josePHPagodak1l_: what do you mean?23:49
kadirook thank you Bashing-om23:49
TJ-josePHPagoda: see the package Changelog; the fix was applied Fri, 28 Mar 201423:49
josePHPagodaah, thanks23:50
Bashing-omkadiro: Your password will be what you make it to be .. Make it a strong as you are able to use .23:50
josePHPagodathat's what I needed, I'll file a dispute and then we'll go from there23:50
kadirook thank's again Bashing-om23:50
Bashing-omkadiro: :) Open Source; all for 1 and one for all .23:50
TJ-josePHPagoda: The Ubuntu release version including that fix was openssh 1:6.6p1-123:51
kadiroBashing-om: ;)23:51
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kadirothank's again Bashing-om and TJ- I'm now registred23:58

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