
* thumper dogwalk00:13
* perrito666 returns01:11
natefinchahasenack: thanks for the update on the bug... I was going to post something similar.  Sorry for the initial misunderstanding.01:20
axwwallyworld: sorry I missed standup, was in 1:1. FYI yesterday I put up a branch that adds scheduling/retries/status for filesystems in the storage provisioner; another branch with tests for retries/status; and then fixed that error reporting issue in maltese-falcon01:33
wallyworldaxw: no worries, i'm currently reviewing some stuff on rb, will get to yours soon01:34
axwwallyworld: thanks01:34
wallyworldaxw: actually, i can't see yours, must have already landed?01:37
axwwallyworld: RB hates me: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/317701:37
wallyworldyay rb01:37
davechen1ythumper: I have a PR for the new juju/os package01:43
davechen1yi'm on call reviewer01:43
davechen1ywhich is a problem01:44
davechen1ydo you want to take a look ?01:44
davechen1ythumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/319301:49
thumperdavechen1y: ack01:56
perrito666cu all02:38
natefinchbye perrito66602:38
thumperdavechen1y: it seems that while I've been reviewing this it has gone from diff version 1 to 402:59
davechen1ygit --force is magical03:01
davechen1ythe delta between diffs is smal03:02
davechen1yjust renamed a few imports from coreos to jujuos, 'cos we don't need the hassle03:02
davechen1ythe key parts are version/ and juju/os/03:02
davechen1ythe rest are just mechanical translation03:02
davechen1ythe rest are just mechanical translations03:03
thumperI saw the change03:04
thumperI actually recommended s/coreos/jujuos/g03:04
thumperjust a few other questions and some comments, but pretty happy overall03:04
davechen1ycool, i'm just fixing a few tests that wont compile due to the move of the constants from version to juju/os03:08
davechen1ywill push another proposal v soon03:08
davechen1yi'd like to try to get this landed today03:09
davechen1yso I can take a run at deleting version.Binary.OS03:09
axwwallyworld: I'm going out for a while, school carnival03:11
wallyworldsure, have fun03:11
anastasiamacaxw: school carnivals r fun :) enjoy!03:11
anastasiamacaxw: especially if there is cotton candy...03:11
davechen1ythumper: thanks for the review03:18
davechen1yi've responded to all the points03:19
davechen1ythumper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2559/03:23
davechen1yjust gave this the thumbs down03:23
thumperI said the same on the gitub review03:24
mupBug #1491688 opened: all-machine logging stopped, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <landscape> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1491688>03:34
davechen1y^^ that'll be ntp03:40
natefinchdavechen1y: ubuntu should have a feature that smacks you if you mess with the clock03:59
thumpermenn0: does the db log pruner worker run for each environment?04:03
axwanastasiamac: didn't see cotton candy, but they had a coffee van... very professional04:15
anastasiamacaxw: 2nd bets thing!04:16
davechen1ynatefinch, fance a side bet that this was a MAAS install ?04:18
anastasiamaccd ..04:35
anastasiamacoops :)04:35
anastasiamacthumper: just checking who is watching :D04:36
davechen1yanastasiamac: least it wasn't your passwod04:53
menn0thumper: no it's a global thing05:11
menn0thumper: sorry didn't notice your msg05:12
wallyworldaxw: if you have time, i finally got school pick up and dinner out the way http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2573/08:35
axwwallyworld: sure08:36
axwwallyworld: done. one problem with clearing the UpdateStatusRequired field, but otherwise looking good08:52
wallyworldaxw: i relied09:02
wallyworldthnaks for looking09:03
axwwallyworld: me too09:05
wallyworldaxw: fair point, i'll tweak it09:06
axwwallyworld: thanks09:06
axwwallyworld: I'd just add a StatusVersion like ConfigVersion, should be straight forward09:07
wallyworldneed to help kid with homework, so might not do it immediately09:08
mattywwallyworld, ping?09:12
wallyworldmattyw: hey09:12
mattywwallyworld, hey - so are you ok with runhook being left as is for now?09:12
wallyworldmattyw: yeah, the tests still bother me (started and installed inconsistent), but we can fix later09:13
mattywwallyworld, that's sort of the point, they're inconsistent because they're testing change09:13
mattywwallyworld, the other option is I could select on the hooks that would run if installed = true09:14
wallyworldmattyw: sur, but the reader will look and go "wtf" why is installed false when start is true09:14
mattywwallyworld, so I can try to catch all states - to make sure the output is always at least consistent in itself09:14
wallyworldbut i agree it's not urgent before merging09:14
mattywif I get time today I'll make that change and ping you et al to take a look09:15
wallyworldmattyw: yeah, selecting is what i suggested, but i wouldn't hold up merging for it09:15
mattywwallyworld, in the meantime - bed time again09:15
wallyworldmattyw: of more importance - i think you assigned yourself to do some doc?09:15
mattywwallyworld, I started a flowchart yeah09:16
mattywwallyworld, I need to put leadership etc on there09:16
mattywwallyworld, and it doesn't include the realtion hooks yet09:16
mattywwallyworld, but I think we'd agreed that it could happen after mergning09:16
wallyworldmattyw: people are whining there's been no sprint summary email. i told them we'd wait for doc and code to be done :-) neither is done yet09:16
mattywwallyworld, ok - I'll talk to casey tomorrow, we'll put together some press statement before we propose the branch :)09:17
wallyworldwe can help too, maybe if a draft were done on google docs we could all hack on it09:17
mattywsounds great09:17
mattywwallyworld, nighty night09:18
wallyworldsee ya09:18
wallyworldaxw: actually, the watcher has to reset remotestate.updatestatus to false, otherwise when each snapshot is taken, it will remain true. it needs to go to true and straight back to false. a one shot trigger. if the resolver needs to ensure it acts on it, it can if it wishes record something in local state when the channel fires.09:25
axwwallyworld: hence a version, something that only goes forwards09:26
wallyworldseems "wrong" to call it a version when it's a trigger, but it will work09:27
axwwallyworld: Snapshot() is meant to describe the goal state, and we should not be encoding the logic of ignoring state changes in the state watcher09:27
wallyworldit's not ignoring - the resolver will pick it up09:27
wallyworldwhether it acts on it is still up to the resolver09:28
wallyworldbut i'll change it to be consistent09:28
axwwallyworld: it boils down to "UpdateStatusNeeded" not really being a goal state. the idea of having a version is to say that the local state is out of date if its version is less than that of the remote state's09:31
wallyworldyes, agreed. it's not a goal state, just an advisotry09:31
axwwallyworld: so yes, the idea is to convert a trigger into something that is not a trigger, but a goal09:31
axwwallyworld: and I'm saying that's up for the client to decide09:31
wallyworldi agree, just differ on the implementation. but it'scool, i'll change09:32
lazyPowerdimitern: Good morning dimitern o/12:50
dimiternlazyPower, morning :)12:50
lazyPowerdimitern: Can i call your attention to this bug briefly while its still fresh in my mind? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/149159212:51
mupBug #1491592: local provider uses the wrong interface <charmers> <customer-support> <local-provider> <networking> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1491592>12:51
dimiternlazyPower, sure, let me have a look12:51
dimiternlazyPower, hmm so it's local + kvm?12:52
lazyPowerI riffed briefly with nate yesterday about the referenced bug - where a fix was provided to filter lxc bridges, but that seems fairly brittle since we're growing our SDN providers, and most of them create bridge devices. This just happens to be the docker0 bridge thats causing the trouble this time :/12:53
dimiternlazyPower, well, we're only filtering whatever lxc_bridge is in agent config12:55
dimiternlazyPower, I bet it's lxcbr0 or (for kvm) virbr012:55
dimiternlazyPower, there's a potential workaround you could try12:56
dimiternlazyPower, ignore-machine-addresses: true in environments.yaml (I'll double check the setting name)12:57
perrito666morning all12:58
dimiternlazyPower, that's it - is it possible to give that setting a try and re-bootstrap (or ask the customer)?12:59
dimiternperrito666, o/12:59
lazyPowerdimitern: we sure can12:59
lazyPowerThanks for talking a look dimitern13:01
dimiternlazyPower, no worries, I hope it might help13:01
katcowwitzel3: standup14:03
katconatefinch: bug 1486553 is now targetted for 1.25.0, so please do you work there first and forward-port to 1.2614:38
mupBug #1486553: i/o timeout errors can cause non-atomic service deploys <cisco> <landscape> <juju-core:In Progress by natefinch> <juju-core 1.25:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1486553>14:38
natefinchkatco: ok, thanks14:42
ericsnowkatco, alexisb: FYI, the cloudsigma provider is now no longer provisional in 1.25 (I'll forward-port shortly)14:56
katcoericsnow: awesome! ty for picking that up. alexisb ^^^14:56
alexisbty ericsnow !15:04
ericsnowkatco, alexisb: np :)15:05
=== xwwt_ is now known as xwwt
natefinchericsnow, wwitzel3: either of you want to trade 1:1 times with me?  We have a guest coming to the house at 3, which is when my 1:1 is with katco.15:41
ericsnownatefinch: I can15:41
natefinchericsnow: cool, when's yours?15:41
ericsnownatefinch: 4 eastern15:41
natefinchthat's better than 3 for me... though earlier would be better. wwitzel3 - how about you?15:42
wwitzel3natefinch: I'm in mine right now and it is over in 17 minutes15:43
natefinchwwitzel3: haha ok15:43
voidspacefwereade: ping15:45
mupBug #1415517 changed: juju bootstrap on armhf/keystone hangs <armhf> <bootstrap> <hs-armhf> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1415517>15:48
natefinchkatco: so, mind if ericsnow and I switch 1:1 times?15:59
katconatefinch: ericsnow: not at all... sorry16:00
natefinchkatco: cool16:00
ericsnownatefinch: thanks16:01
ericsnowkatco: ^^^16:01
natefinchericsnow: any time ;)16:01
mgzI think katco should talk to ericsnow about natefinch and natefinch about ericsnow in that case16:02
ericsnowmgz: that's what we already do <wink>16:03
mgzmaster is block btw, ftb on windows16:03
mupBug #1491923 opened: FTB on windows - ReadOSRelease undefined <blocker> <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1491923>16:09
mgzthe windows-public-clouds branch has been rolled back one rev16:16
fwereadevoidspace, sorry, pong16:20
voidspacefwereade: I think we're about to tear-down, I'll ping you tomorrow16:21
fwereadevoidspace, ok, cheers16:22
rogpeppe2fwereade: hiya17:09
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
fwereaderogpeppe, o/17:10
fwereaderogpeppe, am just off actually :(17:11
rogpeppefwereade: oh...17:11
rogpeppefwereade: just wanted to ask what "workloads" were in charms17:11
rogpeppefwereade: and chew the fat a bit :)17:11
rogpeppefwereade: perhaps you could tell me who knows about them17:11
fwereaderogpeppe, can do the first: things like the bunch of docker conntainers you're running and want to surface to the admin17:11
fwereaderogpeppe, katco knows all17:12
rogpeppefwereade: cool17:12
rogpeppefwereade: just wanted to make a slightly better doc comment than https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/150/files17:12
katcorogpeppe: haha, yes17:12
katcorogpeppe: so actually, i'm not sure if that code will stay in there. wwitzel3 ericsnow natefinch do you recall?17:13
rogpeppekatco: it would be great if someone could add a decent explanation of what workloads are to the charm package17:13
ericsnowwwitzel3: think you could take a look at rogpeppe's request ^^^17:15
ericsnowwwitzel3: I'd be glad to as well17:15
katcoericsnow: weren't we talking about moving that out of the charm repo. because we won't be in metadata.yaml any longer?17:16
rogpeppekatco, ericsnow: that would be ideal from my pov17:17
ericsnowkatco: we were deliberating; on the one hand workloads.yaml is a certainly charm-level concern, but on the other hand it isn't a fully realized part of all the charm machinery such that it *has* to be in the charm repo17:18
katcorogpeppe: it was in there originally because we were adding to metadata.yaml; now we'll have a separate file: workloads.yaml, but there may still be a reason to keep it in there... remembering something about needing to load the workloads.yaml at the same time as metadata.yaml17:18
katcoericsnow: ah ok. we need to make that decision soon17:18
ericsnowkatco: conceptually I think it still belongs in the charm repo but we should come to a concensus with the GUI/eco teams17:19
natefinchericsnow: now that we don18:10
natefinchericsnow: don't have plugins... do we really need type-options?18:10
natefinchericsnow: seems like that feature was mostly to give plugins an escape hatch18:10
ericsnownatefinch: we still need it18:11
ericsnownatefinch: it's not about executable vs. lib plugin18:12
ericsnownatefinch: it's about generic options vs. technology-specific options18:12
natefinchericsnow: right, but if the types are all hard coded, any type-specific option could just be in the main struct, and ignored by the types that don't use it.18:15
natefinchericsnow: sorry, just thinking out loud.  I think type-options is fine, just less important now that we know at compile-time what all the possible options are.18:18
ericsnownatefinch: I'm not sure that having a struct with *all* possible options supports maintainability well18:20
natefinchericsnow: one option I thought of was to let the plugin provide the value to be serialized/deserialized. Then a plugin that wanted to extend the base struct could embed it and add its own fields.  But that's a significant change, and somewhat less straight forward than just having an extra "other stuff" map.18:21
ericsnownatefinch: keep in mind that the struct is effectively exposed to charmers so we want to keep the focus on the language we're effectively establishing for dealing with workloads in Juju18:22
ericsnownatefinch: what you are suggesting would make more sense if we had a separate type used internally from the one exposed to charmers (which I would consider overkill)18:24
natefinchericsnow: well, what's exposed to charmers is a yaml file, right?  Certainly we'd want 95% of that to be the same for all workload types.  So the question is how you support the other 5%18:25
ericsnownatefinch: yeah18:26
ericsnownatefinch: this is a discussion we had a while back and the type-options approach was the one we settled on18:26
katcoericsnow: will be just a few mins late18:59
ericsnowkatco: np18:59
mupBug #1492000 opened: mongo: testEnsureNumaCtl fails when $TMPDIR is set <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1492000>19:30
perrito666mattyw: scheme seems to do only checking I need conversion21:26
* perrito666 is really hoping for mattyw to correct him21:26
mattywperrito666, I think it does conversion as well21:32
mattywperrito666, that's what the coerce calls are for21:32
perrito666mattyw: I have not looked in detail but it seems to do the  convversion just as a way to check types21:42
ericsnowwallyworld_: could you take a quick look at my fix for #1491923?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2587/22:01
mupBug #1491923: FTB on windows - ReadOSRelease undefined <blocker> <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:In Progress by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1491923>22:01
ericsnowwallyworld_: I'm going to test it locally under windows too22:01
ericsnowwallyworld_: thanks22:01
wallyworld_ericsnow: i think it looks ok :-)22:11
ericsnowwallyworld_: I can't remember my admin PW for my Windows VM lol22:12
wallyworld_windozesux maybe?22:12
ericsnowwallyworld_: yeah, that was it <wink>22:13
mwhudsondavecheney: so can you explain how i broke freebsd/arm?22:24
mwhudsonok nevermind22:26
mwhudsondavecheney: https://go-review.googlesource.com/#/c/14280/1 take 222:36
mwhudsondavecheney: can you test on freebsd or nacl or android or something?22:36
perrito666wtf google signing me off23:08
mupBug #1492058 opened: Deploy CentOS images with Juju KVM provider <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1492058>23:10
mupBug #1492066 opened: cloud-init fails when deploying CentOS with Juju. <centos> <cloud-init> <juju> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1492066>23:55

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