
CarlFK"File dvsource-v4l2-other_0.1-1.debian.tar.xz already exists in PPA ..."   Is there a way to replace it?  all I am doing is trying to satisfy the build deps00:19
CarlFKand where did .debian come from?00:20
wgrantCarlFK: The debian.tar.* file contains the debian/ directory of the package.00:36
wgrantCarlFK: If you want to change a package, you must also change the version number in the changelog.00:36
wgrantYou can't upload 0.1-1, and then later upload a 0.1-1 that is different.00:36
CarlFKwgrant: ok.  I'll keep bumping the -version00:37
CarlFKmy package contains ./usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dvsource-v4l2-other.py  but not the symlink .. which I expected to show up in my $path04:22
wgrantCarlFK: Which symlink do you expect and why?04:49
wgrantWhat happens when you build the package locally?04:49
CarlFKwgrant: lrwxrwxrwx 1 carl carl    22 Aug 30 03:03 dvsource-v4l2-other -> dvsource-v4l2-other.py04:50
CarlFKsomeone helped me package it and lead me to believe it would see the x bit and know to put it somewhere it could be x-ed ;)04:51
CarlFKwhen I build locally, I get a .deb but I didn't test to see what was in it04:51
wgrantYou should test this locally until you get what you need.04:52
CarlFKthere may have been a misunderstanding about what the dh-python? helper was doing04:52
CarlFKhow do I test it?04:52
wgrantWhat do you mean?04:52
wgrantYou were able to detect that the package built on Launchpad was wrong.04:53
wgrantBuild it locally and perform the same detection.04:53
wgrantThe same issue will appear locally, which makes debugging a lot easier.04:53
CarlFKI have  2nd box I was testing on using apt-get04:53
CarlFKguessing you mean dpkg -i on my dev box?04:54
wgrantRight, or the second box.04:54
CarlFKk - so how do I get that symlink put in /usr/bin (I guess that is where it should go?)  and maybe the .py also?  (I was surprised to hear it should go in site packages.)04:55
wgrantI am surprised to hear that also.04:55
CarlFKI think my helper thought this was a python module I would be importing.04:55
wgrant#ubuntu-packaging may be helpful.04:55
xnoxcjwatson: cool.08:37
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tgm4883Is there a built in way in launchpad to get an email when a source package is uploaded to a PPA when you aren't a member of the managing team?22:22
cjwatsontgm4883: Not currently.23:12
cjwatsonIt wouldn't be totally implausible to have archive subscriptions or some such, but they don't exist today.23:13
cjwatsontgm4883: (https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/200643)23:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 200643 in Launchpad itself "PPA subscription/feed" [Low,Triaged]23:29

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