
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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zageGood day, everyone.05:27
zageDoes anyone know of a good snippets manager for ubuntu? Preferrably cross-platform.05:27
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dholbachgood morning06:44
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popeydholbach: if you get a chance can you pls review terminal and calendar updates in the store?09:11
dholbachpopey, sure09:25
dholbachpopey, approved09:29
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popeythanks dholbach09:34
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popeydholbach: if you get a moment could you please review music and clock which I just uploaded to the store? cc ahayzen nik9014:24
dholbachpopey, clock is done - I can't see music14:37
popeydholbach: sorry, just requested manual review, my bad14:37
dholbachpopey, I don't know what's happening with clock14:40
dholbachit says:14:40
dholbachLatest uploaded version: 3.5.364 --- Current approved version: 3.5.364 --- Published version: 3.4.30514:40
popeystupid website14:42
popeydholbach: I didn't autopublish14:42
popey\o/ done, thanks dholbach14:43
nik90popey: Just curious, but why is Clock update size 1.1 MB? I don't remember it being more than 500 Kb to be honest.14:46
popeynik90: oh blimey, what have I done?14:47
* nik90 thinks back to if he added any image/sound assets to clock source to make it big.14:47
ogra_you shouldnt have added all the android watch clockfaces14:47
* popey temporarily unpublishes while we look at it14:48
popey2.6MB in po alone14:48
didrockspopey: when you have time and/or want to play with things, please have a try at http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/splitthebill.didrocks_1.0_armhf.click14:49
nik90we added a couple of svgs.. but should at most be an additonal 5 Kb.14:50
popeynik90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12263449/14:50
popeyfile sizes over time14:50
popeydidrocks: kk14:50
popeynik90: you agree that looks reasonable?14:50
nik90popey: hmm yes it does14:51
didrockspopey: this is my example apps for the futures videos. it should have a default "non archive mode" (until you save your first bill, it will always presents you the "bill split mode"). You can add and manage attachments, it tries to follow best design team practices, contenthub (share/import/see in default app) integration, location service, u1db storage, new listviews (swapping to dismiss),14:51
didrockspopey: opened to any suggestions/remarks ;)14:52
didrocksah, and currency converter :p14:52
didrocks(saving the currency rates from the date you added the bill)14:52
didrocks+ small dialogs for date/time saving, and so on…14:52
* didrocks tried to hit a large part of our API in one app example14:52
popeydidrocks: first suggestion, make it a fat click so it works on intel machines :)14:53
didrockspopey: stupid question, how do I do it? :p14:53
didrockszbenjamin never gave me the option in the IDE! :)14:54
popeyindeed, blame him14:54
didrocksmore seriously, I should just build it and click package manually?14:54
popeyi have a script which does that14:55
popeydidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12263491/14:56
* didrocks wget -o popey.sh :p14:56
didrocksoh, you harcoded cmake :p14:57
popeyyeah, sorry :)14:57
didrocksof course qmake .. isn't as flexible :p14:58
* didrocks looks14:58
didrockspopey: thanks! I'll try to get one soonish14:58
popeyI wouldn't worry too much, can't imaging there's many people who would grab that click and put iton a desktop?15:01
didrocksI don't guess so15:02
nik90popey: clock store page doesn't show screenshots, changelog .. not sure if the app scope takes time to show the updated content.15:03
* nik90 reboots phone for good measure15:03
ahayzennik90, same for me15:03
popeythe store is broken15:04
popeybeuno: ^15:04
beunothe store is down15:04
beunoas is SSO15:05
beunoas are... other things15:05
beunothe clouds are angry15:05
beunoit's back now15:06
mhall119beuno: did we forget to appease the cloud gods?15:08
nik90beuno: clock page still doesnt show screenshots, author information or anything except for reviews.15:08
beunomhall119, you never know what they want for dessert15:08
beunonik90, link?15:08
nik90beuno: just long-hold clock app on the phone.15:09
mhall119oh man, one-star reviews on the clock app.....15:10
mhall119"The new icon doesn't show the *real* time"......does any other platform update the clock's app icon in real time?15:10
beunonik90, I wonder if something's caching15:10
beunoit all seems fine here15:10
nik90beuno: ah okay..I will wait a while.15:11
beunonik90, can you try rebooting the phone for me?15:11
beunojust to double check15:11
mcphailmhall119: a live-updated icon would be extremely cool, though15:11
nik90mhall119: iOS 7 does it .. http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/14/ios-7-clock-app-icon-shows-the-current-time-to-the-second/15:12
mhall119mcphail: sure, unless you like battery life15:12
didrocksmhall119: android does15:12
mhall119nik90: really? wow15:12
mcphailThe podbird parrot icon could flap her wings when there is a new episode15:13
nik90anyway we have a bug tracking this feature and it affects clock, calendar. Unity8 is also added.15:13
nik90mcphail: lol..is it a parrrot? I never asked :D15:13
nik90beuno: reboot did not fix the issue.15:14
mcphailnik90: well, I'm no ornithologist...15:14
beunonik90, ack, looking into it more deeply now15:14
nik90beuno: FYI, popey did update the screenshot and changelog for this new clock app update.15:14
mhall119didrocks: clock and calendar icons on my Android tablet are static15:15
didrocksmhall119: can be a TouchWiz feature15:15
didrocks(I have the samsung clock app)15:15
mhall119ah, could be15:15
mhall119yay fragmentation!15:15
didrocksmhall119: yep, seems it is: http://phandroid.com/2015/03/10/samsung-galaxy-s6-touchwiz-clock-calendar-icon-time-date/15:15
beunonik90, and now?  :)15:19
popeyi see no screenshots here either15:21
popeyrebooted retail krillin phone15:21
beunopopey, of anything?  or just the clock??15:21
popeyjust clock15:21
* popey checks the store to see if they are there15:22
popeyoh, i see15:22
popeyit's reverted back to "ready to publish"15:22
* popey presses publish15:22
popeyI guess the cloud went down just at the point I hit publish previously15:22
popeytry now nik9015:22
popeyworks here15:22
mhall119works here now too15:26
dholbachballoons, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Components15:27
dholbachballoons, updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Bugs as well15:28
mzanettiSir popey, meeting time :)15:30
mzanettiwrong channel :D15:30
mhall119also, I believe sir popey is on holiday15:30
mzanettioh... that slacker15:30
mzanettiballoons, hey, wanna chat about reminders-ci? we'd have our reminders weekly atm15:31
balloonsmzanetti, I may have something more to say pretty soon. I was bogged down by some bugs in jenkins that prevented me from getting a run in. As usual, your timing means I have a proper solution to try now15:32
mzanettiballoons, I'd be in a hangout if you wanna join. but we can also do next week if you're not ready yet15:32
balloonsI can hang in a hangout sure15:33
mzanettiballoons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/ZGF2aWQucGxhbmVsbGFAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.hmi0jtgolt85guqu500jhnu8s0?authuser=115:33
balloonsno bueno15:33
mzanettiballoons, anyhow... we don't have to do this today... I've invited you to the reminders weekly. you can join optionally whenever you feel there's something to say about reminders QA15:36
balloonsmzanetti, ahh, now google likes me, but you are all gone, hah15:39
mzanettihah, I can return15:40
nik90beuno, popey: Yup I see it now. thnx15:40
Mirvthanks everyone for music, terminal, calendar and clock updates, eagerly downloading. yesterday OTA-6, today these, good times to be switching to ~full Ubuntu usage! :)16:12
ogra_popey, hmm, after update my datetime indicator only shows "unnamed" events :/17:09
ogra_seemingly also from the wrong calendar17:09
ogra_hmm, actually its the same event 4 times17:10
popeyogra_: odd17:15
ogra_popey, http://i.imgur.com/A9Oeh2r.png17:15
ogra_my default calendar is ubuntu orange ... it seems ot show "Personal" from the local disk (which is disabled everywhere)17:16
=== greyback_ is now known as greyback|eod
rpadovanidholbach, why did you reset the Avengers page? It was a useful collection of links...17:44
dholbachrpadovani, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Components17:44
dholbachrpadovani, it's linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Bugs17:44
rpadovanidholbach, <3 awesome, thanks!17:45
dholbachavengers wasn't really to find and it's a project which isn't really used any more :)17:45
moesihello! can someone tell me if it is possible to use the ubuntu-sdk in an ubuntu-virtualbox-guest system? It seams that my device (BQ4.5) cant be tunneled to the guest system.18:22
moesiits not detected18:23
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
zbenjaminpopey: no option to make fat packages in the IDE? Not true. Just use qmake22:54
nik90zbenjamin: are you sponsoring to convert core-apps cmake to qmake :D ?23:03
zbenjaminnik90: well if it were just for me i would vote for core apps to use qmake yes23:03
zbenjaminexcept there is a really good reason to not use it23:03
popeythere's voting23:03
popeyand there's patches23:04
popeythe two are not the same :)23:04
nik90zbenjamin: what's the good reason to not use it atm?23:04
zbenjaminnik90: not use qmake? I have none :D23:04
zbenjaminnik90: maybe if your project build is extremely complex23:04
nik90zbenjamin: I think the complexity will come with the autopilot and qml tests I suppose.23:05
zbenjaminpopey: yeah sure, after i finished doing the day job i'll patch the core apps to use qmake ;)23:05
zbenjaminnik90: nah, tests are not that complex23:05
zbenjaminnik90: usually that means compiling something, and executing the result , both is doable23:05
popeyI am not wedded to cmake at all, but right now we have a system that works23:05
zbenjaminpopey: yeah, i guess there is no real reason to change that as well. But if someone starts a new project i'd go with qmake23:06
zbenjaminafter all its a matter of taste and we will continue to support both23:06
zbenjaminnik90: ah btw, the patch for the runconfigurations should have landed already23:07
nik90zbenjamin: damn, I forgot to update my laptop just a few minutes back to test that. Will test tomorrow. Need to sleep soon.23:07
popeysleep! great idea23:08
nik90gnite all :)23:08
zbenjaminnik90: or maybe not, need to ask timo again tomorrow23:08
zbenjaminnik90: have a good night23:08
* popey enters ACPI mode S323:08
zbenjaminpopey: you too :D23:08

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