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flocculant | balloons: and back with android - that was not a pleasant experience, dog slow, only app I really need to work didn't :| | 07:42 |
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
balloons | flocculant, did you try out the process, or just flash the device? | 14:45 |
brendand | balloons, i've been a bit ill today so made some progress with the click but it's not quite done, just wrestling with the script for creating it | 15:31 |
balloons | brendand, ack. Do feel better! | 15:32 |
flocculant | balloons: didn't get as far as trying the process | 15:42 |
flocculant | it was painful tbh | 16:00 |
brendand | balloons, are we talking about my process :) | 16:12 |
brendand | balloons, flocculant - if it was painful i'd like to know | 16:12 |
balloons | brendand, not in this case no. But I've got bugs for you brendand | 16:12 |
brendand | balloons, bug me up | 16:12 |
balloons | well, they are all under: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-testing | 16:13 |
flocculant | brendand: no - didn't get as far as that, but I'll be having another go tomorrow when I've got all day to play about | 16:13 |
flocculant | but if 'it's still as painful I'll be reflashing with android | 16:14 |
brendand | balloons, thanks i had a look and confirmed most of them | 16:19 |
brendand | balloons, the other two i fundamentally agree with but need to think/ask how to solve them best | 16:19 |
balloons | ack | 16:19 |
flocculant | balloons: so ... http://pastebin.com/ruuZDzkY | 19:50 |
flocculant | also on the wiki page "NOTE: You need to run the Practitest and system-information tests which will gather information from your phone automatically." does that do that for itself? or what | 19:50 |
balloons | flocculant, what are you running on? | 19:51 |
flocculant | nexus7 2013 | 19:51 |
balloons | flocculant, yes, the tests gather the info automagically | 19:51 |
balloons | flocculant, tell me you installed the ppa onto your desktop and ran checkbox from there? | 19:51 |
flocculant | I installed from ppa and ran ubuntu-community-testing | 19:52 |
flocculant | app I had trouble with yesterday appears to be working now btw | 19:53 |
balloons | flocculant, ok if running on a pc, more infor for a proper bug report would be needed. Sounds like the app doesn't even load? | 19:57 |
flocculant | mmk | 19:58 |
flocculant | oh ... | 20:00 |
flocculant | One thing I will try first - not rebooted since remove nvidia/reinstall nouveau | 20:00 |
flocculant | ha ha | 20:01 |
balloons | ahh | 20:01 |
balloons | that would explain things | 20:01 |
flocculant | yep - re-read what I pastebinned ... read the opengl without ignoring it this time :D | 20:02 |
* knome pours a hint of rum into balloons' coffee | 20:02 | |
flocculant | balloons: ok, got checkbox now | 20:03 |
balloons | this guy . . . | 20:03 |
knome | me? | 20:03 |
balloons | knome, going to submit something for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase? | 20:03 |
balloons | knome, the ambiguity was intentional. | 20:04 |
knome | i can't, they tell i can't submit anything that would upset my mum | 20:04 |
balloons | but of course not you.. never | 20:04 |
balloons | would a wallpaper you make really be that offensive? :p | 20:04 |
knome | not for a normal mum, but you don't know mine. | 20:05 |
knome | meh, no "wallpaper" winner really | 20:06 |
knome | only two photo winners | 20:06 |
balloons | ahh right | 20:06 |
knome | i guess people with wallpapers enter the wallpaper contest :P | 20:06 |
balloons | I was thinking of remixing something | 20:06 |
knome | provide me something to remix, and i'll consider | 20:06 |
flocculant | balloons: ok, so that all worked as expected - eventually ... | 20:07 |
flocculant | hi knome :) | 20:07 |
knome | balloons, oh, i need to show you something i did earlier for another contest (didn't win...) | 20:07 |
knome | hello flocculant :) | 20:07 |
knome | sorry for stealing some of the attention :P | 20:08 |
balloons | flocculant, alrighty. So feedback on actually using the tool appreciated now | 20:09 |
flocculant | balloons: riddle me this ... touch security as pin number, why do I need a whole keyboard and have to go to numeric to enter numbers - why doesn't it just give me number keypad ... | 20:09 |
balloons | and if you can submit results | 20:09 |
balloons | knome, ohh, do share | 20:09 |
flocculant | balloons: was easy enough - and I did ;) | 20:09 |
balloons | flocculant, oO, I see it! | 20:10 |
flocculant | just did camera one - test report shows up in my Docs as expected | 20:10 |
balloons | so you auth'd to sso and uploaded ok then too.. cool | 20:10 |
flocculant | though the system testing report just has n/a against everything :D | 20:10 |
balloons | bugs and feedback as usual here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-testing | 20:11 |
balloons | flocculant, so you should just get a pinpad, depending on how you setup security | 20:12 |
flocculant | that's what I expected | 20:12 |
balloons | passphrase security should be a keyboard, pin should be a number | 20:12 |
flocculant | definitely isn't doing so | 20:13 |
flocculant | also - damn thing keeps insisting on landscape even if I've got the thing the other way in my hand | 20:14 |
balloons | the experience isn't going to be anything like what you get on a bq phone.. or even the nexus 4 | 20:15 |
flocculant | no of course not | 20:15 |
balloons | i believe by default it does insist on landscape always | 20:15 |
balloons | you can turn that off I think | 20:15 |
flocculant | you can rotation lock - and it stays in landscape | 20:18 |
balloons | flocculant, also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/1465331 | 20:20 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1465331 in Ubuntu UX "[scopes] should Dash rotate" [Medium,In progress] | 20:20 |
flocculant | good lord ... "Each time I come back to the scope I need to take my phone in portrait mode that totally uncomfortable specially when I'm driving." | 20:22 |
flocculant | accident waiting to happen ... | 20:22 |
knome | balloons, http://temp.knome.fi/other/jonsi-alex/ | 20:25 |
knome | balloons, you should probably start with *src* | 20:25 |
balloons | wow, pretty slick effects | 20:26 |
knome | thanks again | 20:26 |
knome | all done in inkscape... | 20:26 |
knome | i've *really* given up bitmap editing | 20:26 |
balloons | do you ever use krita then? | 20:27 |
knome | nope | 20:27 |
knome | i'm going to need a photoshop replacement at some point, but meh | 20:29 |
knome | (not that i use PS much, only when i need basically) | 20:30 |
knome | and by need here, i mean when there simply isn't another alternative | 20:30 |
knome | should probably start looking at scribus for some of that, but it feels clunky | 20:30 |
knome | maybe next time... | 20:34 |
balloons | hmm.. options options I guess | 20:38 |
knome | well, it depends on the project | 20:52 |
knome | if it's a new client, or anything that needs to be perfect/consistent color wise, it's not good | 20:53 |
knome | until i know for sure that the color stuff works as expected, that is | 20:53 |
knome | i've done some smaller projects with it and some bit larger ones for known clients when color hasn't been a concern | 20:53 |
knome | eg. no company logos | 20:53 |
knome | you really don't want to get that wrong... | 20:54 |
knome | balloons, btw, did you already see http://tracker.xubuntu.org/#tab-timeline | 20:54 |
balloons | no i didn't actually | 20:55 |
knome | well it's a new feature... | 20:55 |
knome | as you can see from the page itself ;) | 20:55 |
balloons | does gimp have cmyk support yet? | 20:56 |
knome | not directly at least | 20:56 |
knome | and when i tried it the last time - while my memory is fuzzy - the exporting wasn't very promising | 20:56 |
knome | same with inkscape | 20:56 |
knome | i should probably call my contact at a printer (if he still works there) and work with him to see which linux workflows really work with cmyk printing stuff | 20:57 |
balloons | so it's not a big deal in the end for you? | 21:00 |
knome | as long as software can export stuff i need, it's good | 21:05 |
knome | i can, will and have learned new stuff before :) | 21:05 |
knome | photoshop itself is fine, because i know it and it is still the app that makes me do my work the fastest | 21:06 |
knome | well, the work that needs to be done there :) | 21:06 |
knome | while i'm all for advocating open source, i still think that you should use whatever works for you, not what fits your ideology best | 21:06 |
knome | (though the latter of course has *some* weight... it's not a deciding factor by all means to me) | 21:07 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: Hi, I just wanted to get back to you about yesterday. I was not aware that there was actually progress being made...so my question is, are all of those bugs triaged, or do they need to be? Because I would be more than happy to do that. I only have minimal free time lately, so if you post a response, I might not get back to you for a while. But I will certainly read the logs :) | 23:11 |
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