
KodosuntuOkay, joined on my regular client this time.00:06
KodosuntuThere's no vga= in the grub options list, so I have no idea what I need to change or where, short of the linux gfx setting, but I'm not sure what I need to change it to. This time I'm going to stick around until I can either find or get a solid answer.  Thanks in advance00:07
=== zukeprime is now known as rayq
sysrexhmmm ages ago there were some small to - do apps, now kind of nothing, any of you guys can suggest a good todo app for xubunt07:44
=== TheCholb is now known as Botchla
=== Botchla is now known as TheCholb
xubuntu60wmy xubuntu shuts down in 10 minutes of inactivity but i have the power manager set for 30 minutes  any ideas11:43
xubuntu72ixubuntu is coming to my pc :D13:30
xubuntu72ii use uefi and install bootloader to sda1 is this correct?13:32
xubuntu72isda1 is efi partition13:32
=== xubuntu72i is now known as xubuntunoob
senposHello. Do anybody expect issues with CSD (Client Side Decorations)? For me, file-roller is not working that way.15:54
knomenot working with issues?15:56
senposCSD doesn't work on my Xubuntu 15.04. Tested with file-roller and some calculator app, don't remember the name. On Manjaro all is OK.15:59
knomewhich theme are you using?16:02
senposDefault and Numix16:02
senposCSD works for you on Xubuntu? Can you show it? Maybe something is wrong with my settings16:03
knomedefine "works" and "doesn't work" ?16:06
senposFor me - CSD doesn't work.16:07
knomewhat does that mean?16:07
knomeyou can't see it?16:07
knomeyou can see it but buttons do not activate?16:07
knomeit's ugly?16:07
knome"doesn't work" isn't helpful at all16:08
senposWell, as i said, i tested it with file-roller, so "Extract" button is NOT on titlebar, it just below it.16:08
senposGive me few minutes to reboot and i'll send you a screenshot with problem.16:09
knomebut it works as in the buttons do what they are supposed to?16:09
senposAre you kidding? The latest version shouldn't work like this. Just gonna bring few screens for you. Wait.16:10
knomei'm not kidding.16:10
senposjust came here with screenshots16:18
senposthats how file-roller looks on xubuntu: http://i.imgur.com/AUiU7Yy.png16:18
senposwith arc theme, same with default and numix16:19
senposand how it should work http://i.imgur.com/AUiU7Yy.png16:19
senposoops sorry wrong link16:20
senposhere it is http://i.imgur.com/7j1SmRU.png16:20
senpos"Extract" and some other buttons are on the title bar16:20
knomeyes, that's a newer version than in 15.04.16:21
senposwell, gona downgrade the package, wait16:21
knomei don't really know what you are trying to prove16:22
senposThat Xubuntu can't handle CSD and want to fix it16:22
flocculantbit late for 15.04, not likely for 15.10 either - but if you actually want to help - then do so for 16.04 :)16:23
senposBut CSD-support released in Xfce 4.12 and 4.12 is on Xubuntu 15.04. Isn't it?16:24
drcsenpos: Let me get this straight.  YOU are volunteering to fix this problem?16:27
knomejust to be clear, this is not only a technical issue, it's also a social agreement and a design decision that will need discussing16:28
cfhowlettdon't write a check ...16:28
senposI just want to know, is it bug with my PC or Xubuntu's feature. <knome> asked me few thing to get more information.16:29
drcthought so16:30
knomeit's a stretch to call it a "feature" either, but that's how it works in xubuntu right now16:30
senposSo i do really want to get some info is there any way to make CSD work as it expected16:30
knome"expected" for you, maybe not for others...16:30
senposknome: actuall, as feature of CSD-app and Xfce 4.1216:31
senposSo, thats all i wanted to know. Thanks.16:31
knomei think you might have to build other versions of the apps.16:35
knomebut i'm not sure, i'm not totally on top of this issue16:35
senposThanks for advise, will try to build the latest file-roller.16:36
coughitout_hello, wondering if anyone can help me with an xubuntu installation problem?17:38
coughitout_installed from a cd, completely wiped everything from the hdd, so its the only OS on there. At the end of installation it prompted a restart, and when it boots, just hangs on a black screen with blinking cursor in the top left17:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:41
coughitout_thank you, I'll try that17:42
cruceriohi there, just hooking in and wanting to tell you my issue about a laptop using xubuntu: it looses its keyboard when opening the desktop manager..18:52
cruceriothis keyboard disconnection occurs after around 1 week after the fresh installation.18:54
crucerioupdating the software lets it work for another few days, then the keyboard looses it's function again, any idea?18:56
crucerioit's xubuntu 15.04 by the way18:56
ibouvousaimemy USB drive became a 8mb drive and cant mount how can I fix it ?20:22
Piciyou sunk my battleship!20:57
* knome places a meeple on the "family growth" action card20:58
knome(reference: http://cardboardandwood.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Family-growth.jpg)20:59
geniiknome: How many board games do you own?21:00
scarlotAnyone who can redirect me to instructions on how to install vivid vervet on partitioned disk via usb? thx21:30
gordonjcpI'm having some problems with Xubuntu 15.04 with dual monitors on a fairly boring onboard Intel adaptor21:40
gordonjcpabout half the time I can't get them out of mirror mode21:40
gordonjcpeven when they do come out of mirror mode, every time I boot they're back in mirror mode21:40
gordonjcpis there any way to permanently set the displays to do something sane?21:40
gordonjcpor, maybe even remember which monitor is supposed to be left and which is right21:45
bet0xHello, i have a ATI R290 using Open Source Drivers (default) with 3 Monitors, the LightDM has a issue on boot i do see the wrong resolution on my primary screen and i don't know how to configure it. I'm using Ubuntu 15.0422:44
yoLo_hey guys, what is that app that we uses to make screenshots/snapshots  ?? similar to windows snipping tool23:09
yoLo_.. no clue23:10
yoLo_is that the name ?23:10
GreenLineHi, I use Xubuntu 14.04 and have problem with run Virtualbox. After start  mashine, I get "Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)". I try reinstal, update, but nothing work.23:39
Unit193GreenLine: Did you ever  sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup  ?23:43
GreenLineUnit193> sudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found23:44
* Unit193 can't remember the repos one...23:45
Unit193You can check the status  sudo dkms status23:45
GreenLinevirtualbox, 4.3.10: added23:46
knomeUnit193, i have /etc/init.d/vboxdrv from repo...23:46
GreenLineCan I get vboxdrv by apt-get vboxdrv23:47
Unit193!find /etc/init.d/vboxdrv23:48
ubottuPackage/file /etc/init.d/vboxdrv does not exist in vivid23:48
knomethough apt-file gets me no results23:49
knomei still have it, and i have vbox from the repos23:49
knomeGreenLine, how did you install virtualbox?23:51
GreenLineknome> from Ubuntu SW center23:52
knometry "23:52
knomesudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox-dkms23:52
Unit193knome: dpkg -S /etc/init.d/vboxdrv23:53
knomeUnit193, virtualbox-4.123:53
Unit193knome: That's not official, mate.23:54
Unit193!info virtualbox-4.123:54
ubottuPackage virtualbox-4.1 does not exist in vivid23:54
knomemy vbox also says 4.3...23:54
Unit193knome: That's fron vbox repos, and old at that.23:54
knomebut i don't have those repos enabled...23:54
knomeand not using the binaries..23:54
Unit193dpkg -l virtualbox-4.1, is it rc?23:54
knomewhatever that means...23:55
Unit193RC="$(COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}')" && [ "$RC" ] && sudo dpkg --purge $RC23:55
knomewell i just purged it myself.23:55
GreenLineknome> I try it, but I get error Consult /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/4.3.10/build/make.log for more information.  * Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules    [ OK ]   * Starting VirtualBox kernel modules    * No suitable module for running kernel found    [fail] invoke-rc.d: initscript virtualbox, action "restart" failed.23:59

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