
=== r0ckwilda{-_-} is now known as r0ckwilda
=== r0ckwilda is now known as r0ckwilda{-_-}
Kiloshi genova welcome to ubuntu-africxa17:37
Kilosafrica as well17:37
genovahi Kilos17:59
Kiloshi Na3iL18:10
Na3iLo/ Kilos18:10
Kiloshow good are you with questions like this18:11
Kilos I posted a question earlier about packing a python3 gtk application. I've managed to package it as a deb, but the python part keeps getting installed in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/18:12
KilosI'd like the whole application to be installed in /usr/share/18:12
KilosHow can can I modifyu the debian/rules file to install to this location.18:12
Na3iLYou mean Kilos you wanna know how to tell Ubuntu where to install your programs? right18:14
Kilosthats what i get from those questions, we have a guy asked in the za channel and im trying to find him some help18:15
Kilosif you can sort it ill bring him here18:15
Na3iLI think  I can sort it just with further explanation for the problem..18:16
Kilosok ill bring him18:16
Na3iLyw :D18:17
Na3iLKilos, after some searching, he can't, make the package manager put any file anywhere except its default location..18:25
Kilosoh my ill tell him ty Na3iL18:25
Kilosaw here he is18:26
Kiloshi stucomplex18:26
Na3iLHey stucomplex welcome to #ubuntu-africa :)18:26
Kilosyou just missed an answer18:26
stucomplexthanks kilos18:26
Kilosstucomplex  Na3iL thinks you cannot do it but hear from him18:26
Na3iLstucomplex, basically you can't make the package manager put any file anywhere except its default locations18:27
Na3iLYou cannot change the default locations to install software with apt-get, the Software Center,18:28
Na3iLor the other package management tools in Ubuntu...18:28
stucomplexhi Na3iL18:28
Na3iLYou can manually retrieve packages and extract their files wherever you want, but you almost certainly wouldn't want to do that..18:28
Na3iLby just typing which "your program name"18:29
Na3iLtake a look stucomplex → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard18:30
stucomplexhmmm, ok, maybe I did not explain better.18:31
stucomplexI'm current building the .deb file, eg fiddling around with debian/changelog, debian/control18:32
stucomplexI've read that within the debain/rules file you can do somesort of override_auto_install set the install locations18:33
Kilosoh we have a debian dev here as well18:34
Kilosif you guys get stuck call cyrilb18:34
cyrilbhi guys18:36
stucomplexthere is an application called terminator which is also a python-gtk application -> https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome-terminator/terminator/trunk/files18:36
Kiloshi cyrilb18:36
cyrilbtalking about debian/rules?18:36
Kilosyeah man18:36
Na3iLWell, I think we need cyrilb I think he will be more helpful than me :)18:36
stucomplexfor that project the terminatorlib is a python module which is installed in /usr/share/terminator18:36
Na3iL\o/ am a big fan of terminator :D18:38
stucomplexyeah, It's awesome :D18:39
Kiloswb craigbrash18:40
Na3iLThe only thing that I know stucomplex , that packages install files throughout the filesystem,18:40
Na3iLmostly in different subdirectories of /usr. This is in accordance with the filesystem hierarchy standard which specifies where different kinds of files,18:41
craigbrashKilos hello and  Na3iL18:41
Na3iLassociated with installed programs and libraries18:41
Na3iLwhich are supposed to go in a GNU/Linux system :)18:41
Kiloscyrilb  we waiting for your wisdom here18:41
Na3iLo/ hey craigbrash18:41
stucomplexthanks Na3iL18:42
Na3iLYou welcome stucomplex I hope that I helped at least18:43
Na3iLand to be sure am waiting the reply of cyrilb18:43
stucomplexas it currently stands when install my package the the python part gets installed in /usr/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/18:44
stucomplexbut its not a module18:44
stucomplexso i'd like it installed with all the other data file in /usr/share/{program}18:44
Na3iLI am wondering why you wanna modify its installation location..18:47
stucomplexI think that if one is creating a python module then it should be installed in /usr/lib/python3, but if it is a GUI application then it should not be placed in /usr/lib/python318:51
Kilosi need to sleep guys. good luck stucomplex18:55
Kilosnight all18:55
Na3iLYeah indeed stucomplex I will search for a solution18:56
stucomplexhmmm, might have found something in https://wiki.debian.org/Python/Packaging19:05
stucomplexoverride_dh_auto_install: python setup.py install --root=debian/charm --install-layout=deb --install-lib=/usr/share/charm --install-scripts=/usr/share/charm19:05
stucomplexbut in the terminator debian/rules there is a variable DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL +=--install-lib=/usr/share/terminator --install-scripts=/usr/share/terminator19:06

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