=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87 === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [20:08] Hello there what is the mirrors url for armhf boards for security ? for debootstrap. [20:27] jayfly: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports [20:28] infinity: so there is no secutiy url for surces list like debian ? [20:29] Like after I run second-stage and use qemu-arm-static. then alter sources.list. [20:29] via chroot [20:32] jayfly: We publish security to the main archive too. The only reason we *also* provide a security.ubuntu.com is if you're using a mirror that updates slowly, our security mirror is always up to date. [20:32] jayfly: But that doesn't matter for ports, since it's always up to date too, and no one mirrors it. :P [20:32] sweet thanks a bunch !! [20:32] jayfly: (You want wily-security in your sources.list, of course, but it can be from the same ports.u.c) [20:32] And wily-updates [20:32] my web app builds for all the odroids and pi's having a lot of fun with it. [20:32] s/wily/trusty/ or whatever you're using. [20:33] got it [20:33] I will just right a case statment to say hey if ubuntu just add the main urll [20:33] url * [20:34] jayfly: If the above was unclear, it should look something like this: [20:34] http://paste.ubuntu.com/12276398/ [20:35] jayfly: And you can get away with the same trick for x86 too, if you use Canonical mirrors (archive.ubuntu.com), but if you use non-Canonical mirrors (TLD.archive.ubuntu.com or other), then you want security.u.c for security, because mirrors aren't guaranteed to be up to the minute. [20:35] that is what I was looking for thanks again trusty-security [20:36] thanks again infinity :) [20:36] now I can add Ubuntu to the autobuilder's nice webinterface [20:38] lol pixz keeps on overheating my crappy computer lol. I should check the arch and mem [20:38] jayfly: FWIW, the reason Debian needs to have a security mirror and we don't really is because Debian's ftpmaster only publishes once or twice a day (and pushes to mirrors), while security.debian.org publishes instantly whenever the security team pushes an update. So, if you had to wait for ftpmaster, you might be a sad panda. [20:39] jayfly: In Ubuntu, we just publish the whole lot every 15m or so, but only push to non-Canonical mirrors every 4h. [20:39] No one likes sad panda's [20:39] well maybe panda hunters but not sure that most people like them [20:39] whoa every 15 minutes that is great !! [20:39] Great, or insane, take your pick. [20:40] Despite being one of the people behind that, I'm never quite sure if it's crazy. ;) [20:40] I will go 51-50 on that one [20:40] But it works for us. You can also understand why we limit how often we push that outside our network. :P [20:40] Mirror operators would strangle us if we triggered them every 15m. [20:41] infinity: sometimes debian mirror gives me 404 and build fails half way between stage two of debootstrap. I should just bite the bullet get some TB drives and clone mirror [20:41] but I think my network can not handle [20:42] Some mirrors are certainly more reliable than others. [20:42] And if you're using a round-robin DNS alias, you might get screwed if you're in the middle of a push, cause you get Packages from mirror A, and the /pool/ of mirror B. [20:42] * jayfly afk 5 minutes to look for fan to put next to autobuilder on this hot day in CA [20:42] Usually best to pick a specific reliable mirror that's near you and just abuse that one. [20:46] * jayfly back === oss_sireesh is now known as osssireesh [22:04] /join #odroid