
lotuspsychjegood (early) morning to all00:58
lordievaderGood morning07:07
Bashing-omlordievader: It is, it is // A bit slow .. but next second, who knows ?07:09
lordievaderIs it?07:11
Bashing-omlordievader: Well, you will have to tell me later if it is, as I am close to closing out for this session .07:15
Bashing-omI be down for the count.07:50
lotuspsychjegood evening guys17:27
lotuspsychjesomeone on 15.04 or 15.10 can confirm if startup items list is fully showing on systemd?17:34
lotuspsychjeor does it hide items to enable/disable like in trusty?17:35
lotuspsychjeTJ-: good evening17:35

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