
bazhangI use ubuntu fix my bmw02:28
Jordan_Ubazhang: I'm sorry, but your bmw is EOL, you realy should have chosen an LTS release if you wanted to be able to drive it for more than a year.02:30
Jordan_Ubazhang: Also, remember that Ubuntu BMWs don't use a steering wheel, they use a steering sudo group.02:31
bazhangJordan_U, haha nice02:34
bazhangduping thinks everything they ever ask is on topic02:34
ubottuTJ- called the ops in #ubuntu (Aambri)05:15
=== nhandler is now known as BirthdayHandler
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (halka)17:30
geniiphunyguy: Same hemorrhoid guy was in #quassel yesterday under the name Yalcolo17:33
phunyguybeing quite nasty in PM17:33
phunyguyand apparently ubuntu was made in Kenya for *expletive deleted*17:33
geniiYeah, not really worth wasting your time over17:34
geniiYesterday I told him "This is the #quassel channel, you probably want ##politics" and he shut right up. No PMs from him either17:35
DJonesI doubt even ##politics would welcome them17:36
DJonesI'd send them to ##mobius at least then they;d disappear up their own backside17:36
phunyguylotuspsychje sure is bot-trigger happy  =D17:44
genii@comment 68919 Trolling users in PM, abusive18:18
ubottuComment added.18:18
geniiSame guy is still in there as peggopeged, may boot them shortly also18:20

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