[04:20] hello [04:21] Astronautr: Speak . [04:21] waves [04:21] woof [04:24] hey guys, what do you think about cannonical plans about migration on mir server? [06:23] good morning to all [06:29] waves [06:30] hey ObrienDave [06:31] bout to go to the market [06:31] ahh, midnight here. having a few beers :) [06:31] cheers! [06:32] \o/ [06:33] laterz ObrienDave :p [08:58] Good morning. [13:55] good afternoon [13:55] hi [13:55] hi pauljw [14:03] someone on 15.04 or 15.10 can confirm if startup items list is fully showing on systemd? [14:03] or does it hide items like on trusty? [14:07] what is 'startup items list' ? [14:08] TJ-: http://i.stack.imgur.com/10ozn.png [14:09] Sorry, I don't use Gnome/Unity [14:09] ok np [14:09] That's the user session processes? [14:10] TJ-: what you using to enable/disable systemd processes? [14:12] systemctl [14:12] !info systemctl [14:12] Package systemctl does not exist in vivid [14:13] It's the service control interface for systemd init [14:13] kk [14:13] e.g. 'systemctl --user status' or 'sudo systemctl status' [14:13] im still on trusty, was wondering if it got easier [14:14] to manage unwanted services [14:14] It's easier thn upstart so far at least [14:15] ok tnx [14:15] 'systemctl disable && systemctl stop ' [14:16] Here's an example of 'sudo systemctl status' ... very comprehensive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12282503/ [14:16] know any GUI for systemctl [14:17] looks bit like pstree [14:17] contradiction in terms :) command-line is far easier/more powerful/flexible [14:18] yeah i know but ill work with regular users in the future soon :p [21:00] TJ-: does any vm support efi properly? i tried vbox with efi enabled but it won't boot for some reason and drops me to a uefi shell, i want to test something and don't want to bork my system during the process [21:03] TJ-: ^^ .. IRT ztane ; Could we not do something like ' sudo fsck -b 32768 /dev/sdb5 ' to replace the superblock ? [21:03] hmm it wasn't in the efibootmgr list, i chrooted and grub-install'd and now it's there, now to reboot and see if it will boot it [21:05] nope [21:08] i think it doesn't like shimx64.efi i tried to chainload it without luck but grubx64.efi boots fine [21:08] will switch those in the efibootmgr if it is sticking [21:10] seems to reset the efibootmgr on reboot, there's a hard drive ACPI though, anyways it's fine [22:48] j #linux