
shiggitayhi all... I have a question...12:44
shiggitayI'd like to install Mythbuntu onto a computer that's currently a Hackintosh...12:44
shiggitay...and its MythTV install is sorta screwed up... I do have my sql database backed up though...12:45
shiggitaymy question is, under OS X I have my storage drives labeled a certain way... What are the ...consequences? of them not being named the same as they were when the DB was running previously?12:46
shiggitayand how would I restore my DB properly on the newly installed MythBuntu?12:46
shiggitayI hope I'm making sense to someone here12:47
tgm4883shiggitay: There isn't an issue with how the drives are named16:51
tgm4883shiggitay: with the way storage groups work, only a few things matter regarding that16:51
tgm4883A) They need to be on a machine with the same hostname that they were on. This isn't 100% necessary, but would require an extra step during restore16:52
tgm48832) They need to be at the same relative path. What I mean is that if your old install had the recordings group at /srv/mythtv/recordings/ and your new install has it at /new/place/for/recordings/ that will work fine as long as the recordings are in those directories and not in any subdirectories below that. You will need to run mythtv-setup though and point16:55
tgm4883the storage group at the correct place16:55
tgm4883III) You would restore the database with the mythtv datbase backup and restore scripts16:55
shiggitaytgm4883, thanks, but I was able to restore and get back up to speed with my original setup :)17:31
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].20:57
pkuykenWhat would cause my mythbuntu system to blank the screen after a while but not respond to keyboard, mouse, or remote?21:22
pkuykenI know the system is still responsive, as I can switch to a different virtual console and kill the front end, then restart it. I just wish I didn't have to do that.21:22
tgm4883pkuyken: how are you killing the frontend21:23
pkuykenkill -9, as a last resort :(21:24
pkuykenps aux |grep front then find the front end and kill it.21:24
pkuykenneedless to say, this way is not acceptable to my non-technical wife. :)21:25
pkuykenThe other issue I'm having is getting the remote to work.21:30

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