[00:44] hi all [00:56] hello [00:56] help [02:46] Hey, this is going to be Ubuntu Touch or Ubu desktop on mobile device related, I swear, even though it may not look like it right away! But, uhm. Anyway. Is this just a local problem or do I spy correctly that it seems pretty hard to find Windows tablets which are 9" or LESS in size? === xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix [02:46] Android devices seem to be plentiful also in the strictly below 9" category. [02:54] Augh, latter 9" should be 10". [05:47] Thaurwylth: Which part was Ubuntu-related? :) === blah is now known as dhbiker [07:25] hi there [07:26] i'm curious how this core thing in arale works [07:26] because i only see mmaximum of 2 cores active (out of 8 ofc) [07:26] does it need some fixes or is it done by the CPU itself ? [07:43] can someone tell me what the new way of syncing stuff was in ota6? [07:43] like syncevolution [07:43] but there was something new [07:43] b...something [07:57] TonyBoston: its not in ota6 [07:57] buteo [07:58] ahh buteo, right [07:58] popey, so should one still be using syncevolution then [07:58] dhbiker: not all processors (cores) are powered up all the time. under heavy load it will spin up more cores [07:58] TonyBoston: sync-monitor and eds, yes. [07:59] monitor? [07:59] eds? [08:02] popey, yes... but is it HW controlled or driver side [08:08] dhbiker: not sure. [08:08] dhbiker: I think there are kernel options to fiddle with, but not sure where [08:08] TonyBoston: yes, launchpad.net/sync-monitor and EDS [08:10] popey, do you know if I could sync more than one calendar with it? [08:10] also if its working with owncloud or another caldav service [08:46] Hello I have one question for install of ubuntu touch in meizu mx4 (ubuntu edition original) [08:48] I have a meizu mx4 and I would like to install ubuntu touch original version (meizu ubuntu edition) Can you help me please ? [08:52] j'ai une question j'ai un meizu mx4 et j'aimerai installer ubuntu touch mais la version edition originale comme quand on le commande avec Ubuntu deja installé dedans [08:54] car aucune personne et pas de documentation sur la manière de procéder appart avec ubuntu-devices-flash ou bien c'est une autre image que l'on met dedans [08:58] TonyBoston: no, it only does the default calendar, known issue, we are working on fixing [08:58] popey, thanks [09:14] deejay-bertix,hey, please refer to this wiki https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/QA/Phone/ChannelsToFlash, hope that would help :) [09:41] I have not acess in Wiki canonical sorry why ? I don't know [09:42] I have already rigister in wiki/canonical [09:43] register* [09:56] deejay-bertix: here's a public list of image channels https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/ [11:47] Where can I get the source code of Ubuntu touch? [12:00] johnsonSteward: mostly on launchpad [12:00] johnsonSteward: anything in particular? [13:22] popey: is there web view? [13:24] popey: im trying to port Linux to nexus 5, and trying to understand how ubuntu-touch handles android lxc containers and libhybris [13:28] johnsonSteward: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers lists many of the projects that make up ubuntu touch [13:28] there is already a nexus port, maintained by Tassadar [13:29] popey: I'm not porting Ubuntu touch; I'm porting Gentoo and this may be helpful [13:30] popey: that link doesn't contain low level things, such as HAL [13:33] my point was the ubuntu touch port to nexus 5 may be a useful reference [13:33] we don't use HAL. [13:33] deprecated a while back [13:34] popey: I have plasma active(based on Ubuntu touch) in multirom now. [13:34] popey: I mean Android hal for graphics and telephony [13:35] johnsonSteward, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ContainerArchitecture [13:37] Nhaines, I'm trying to figure out devices for my future Ubuntu installation. So after that question the next questions might have become Ubuntu specific. [14:08] hi guys, i managed to port ubutu touch on s2 plus aka s2vep, since my device doesn't support fast boot, i made an odin version to flash boot.img and recovery.img which work fine, after install the system.img and wili package from rootstock, the installation is done now ubuntu stored on /data/ubuntu but stuck on logo and cannot get even logcat to check what are problems, does required apparmor 3 patch and where can i get it?tha [14:10] you guys seen this1 yet: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aiforeveryone/mycroft-an-open-source-artificial-intelligence-for [14:11] powered by snappy === LjL-Cat is now known as LjL === Thaurwylth is now known as Thaurwylth_ === Thaurwylth_ is now known as Thaurwyl1h === Thaurwyl1h is now known as Thaurwylth === Tolken is now known as thex === thex is now known as thex11 === thex11 is now known as Tolken