
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert
ennuifollowing the 'Building Unity 8' instructions, cmake fails at "find_package(Qt5Core 5.2 REQUIRED)", though libqt5core5a is installed. it's the exact same error that's described here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/625471/installing-dependencies-for-building-unity-816:17
ennuiany ideas?16:17
JanCennui: not sure exactly what you need, but 'libqt5core5a' doesn't contain header files, which I assume cmake is looking for...16:55
JanCyou probably need 'qtbase5-dev' & such17:06
JanCapt-cache showsrc unity8 | grep Build-Depends17:08
JanCor to install those dependencies, use: sudo apt-get build-dep unity817:09
JanC(didn't try that, but it's what I would try :) )17:12
ennuiJanC: thanks! 'sudo apt-get build-dep unity8' fixed the qt5core error, but I'm getting a bunch of other 'not found' errors. could you have a quick glance?17:15
ennui(I'm working with a fresh, up-to-date vivid install and precisely followed all steps in the build guide.)17:17
JanCto be clear: I've never built unity8, that was just general development info on Debian-based distros17:21
JanCI assume you are trying to build a current source version of unity8, which might have extra build-dependencies compared to the version in vivid17:23
JanCor newer versions of build-dependencies17:23
JanCmaybe somebody else can help you with that17:24
ennuiyes, I checked out the current trunk (as suggested). so there's no automatic way to figure out the build dependencies?17:24
JanCthe main developers are more likely to be around during European (or maybe US) business hours on work days17:25
ennuiJanC: okay, I'll ask again tomorrow, then. thank you!17:26
JanCennui: the wily source package would probably have more up-to-date build-dependencies17:26
JanCennui: see e.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/wily/unity817:27
ennuiJanC: ah, perfect, thanks!17:27
JanCremember that it might not be possible to build a trunk version of unity8 on vivid without replacing a number of libraries with newer versions etc., which might break existing applications...17:29
JanCwell, build deps won't break vivid, but libraries needed to run could break other apps17:31
JanCone way around this would be to create a wily chroot and work inside that17:32
ennuiJanC: the unity build worked fine on wily. i'll file a bug about the outdated instructions.20:38
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