
OneM_IndustriesSo, I am trying to access a USB floppy drive, and for some reason my box can only see it about 1/10th of the time, and even then, I cannot access data on the drive.00:01
OneM_IndustriesGparted shows constant I/O errors with the drive when attempting to format it.00:01
OneM_IndustriesAny ideas?00:01
geniiOneM_Industries: Do you have the fdutils package installed?00:06
OneM_IndustriesSorry, about that, now I do.00:07
OneM_IndustriesInstalling fdutils did not help, as the drive is still not showing up.00:08
OneM_IndustriesI have plugged and unplugged it a few times, and it has now shown up. However, I cannot access the drive, nor format it.00:10
geniiOneM_Industries: You may also need ufiformat00:11
genii!info ufiformat00:11
ubottuufiformat (source: ufiformat): disk formatter for USB floppy drives. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-1 (vivid), package size 13 kB, installed size 60 kB00:11
OneM_IndustriesOdd side note: now that it is showing up, it is showing up before the floppy is inserted into the drive.00:12
arasa7resize disque partition problem00:12
arasa7 i can't resize my partition00:12
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OneM_IndustriesAnyone have any ideas?00:24
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shajuhow can i begin here00:34
shajuhai juiced00:34
shajuno answer00:35
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hdominicHi. I'm using SSH in rsync scripts and the like and I recently discovered that I *do not* have to type my passphrase for some reason even after a restart of the PC. It seems to get remembered somewhere. That makes it a bit hard to find a solution on the web because most people want it to be remembered, but I absolutely don't want that. At least not after a restart. In fact, I am quite a bit paranoid right now. Any ideas where I c00:52
hdominican configure that?00:52
mach20xcan someone help me get this device to mount from this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/12290515/ ?00:57
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elena_Ciao sono Elena01:07
x86iacwhat does ciao mean?01:08
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x86iacyea but she/it/he didn't leave?01:09
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FelixFire619Looking for skilled graphic artist for small "header" logo please pm if your interested in the work & accept bitcoin.01:11
FelixFire619sorry wrong window seriously01:11
cfhowlettFelixFire619,  #ubuntustudio!01:11
cfhowlettor #ubuntuofftopic01:12
FelixFire619cfhowlett waiting to finish installing it, but seriously was a wrong window01:12
x86iacbitcoin? isn't that what the US fed reserve bought with all their gold when it was $2000/oz and now the reason they filed for bankruptcy?01:12
FelixFire619its the crap they stole from silk road and auctioned off01:13
x86iacso where did all the gold go then?01:13
hdominicwent to #ubuntuofftopic. :p01:14
Ninja_I am trying to install ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the touchpad and optical mouse doesn't work.01:15
x86iacwhat drivers that they need to work didn't you modprobe?01:15
x86iachdominic: you like sending people to empty channel?01:17
cfhowlettdoh!  my fault!  #ubuntu-offtopic01:17
x86iacplace is just full of ircops01:18
LambdaComplexx86iac: What are those?01:24
x86iacfirst ... what is a LambdaComplex01:24
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x86iacgoogling it got me banned from google?? wtf01:24
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cfhowlett!wtf | x86iac01:25
ubottux86iac: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:25
LambdaComplexx86iac: http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Sector_F_Lambda_Complex01:26
x86iaccfhowlett: wtf   means  WHAT THE FUCK    is that engrish ?01:27
x86iaccfhowlett: you a channel nazi?01:27
cfhowlettx86iac, are you TRYING to get banned?  this is a family friendly channel.  use appropriate language.  yes, this means the rules apply to you as well.01:27
cfhowlettI'm neither a nazi nor an op.  I can't ban you.  But I can add you to my /ignore.01:28
x86iacfeel free01:28
x86iaccfhowlett: i can give you a link to how to do /ignore mask if you want?01:29
Bashing-omelena_: ' /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* ' looks for channel topics containing searchterm. The * are required.01:33
nightlyHi there! Could someone help me? I just installed Ubuntu 15.06 to my laptop, now I try log in but after I entered password and clicked Enter Ubuntu logout and returns me back to log in screen, how can I fix this problem?01:43
x86iacenter the correct password?01:43
x86iacdid you write down what you used to set it up?01:43
nightlyx86iac, sure, if I enter incorrect password it says that01:44
nightlyx86iac, sorry?01:44
x86iacthis is a fresh install?01:45
nightlyx86iac, yes, I just installed Ubuntu 10 mins ago to my laptop01:45
nightlyx86iac, I formatted hard drive in installation process01:47
x86iacand the install finished with no errors?01:48
nightlyx86iac, yep, it seems like that. Also then I trying log in as Guest, its immediately log out and throws me back to log in screen :(01:50
x86iacuse the 'user' you installed01:50
nightlyx86iac, hm, I tried it before but there is same behavior01:52
Bashing-omnightly: I do not know that the boot parameter works in 15.04 (systemd) but try and see what results.01:53
Bashing-om!nomodeset | nightly01:53
ubottunightly: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:53
___Rocky___Ubuntu 15.10. Trying to use the xkboption ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin. Tried the tweak tool, tried using setxkbmap in /etc/profile and tried setting /etc/default/keyboard01:58
___Rocky___but non of these procedures work01:58
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | ___Rocky___01:58
ubottu___Rocky___: wily werewolf is the codename for Ubuntu 15.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+101:58
___Rocky___Can someone give me suggestions01:58
___Rocky___cfhowlett, Thank you01:59
cfhowlett!cn | andyhuzhill02:05
ubottuandyhuzhill: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:05
langxmthat's japanese02:08
langxmnot chinese02:08
cfhowlett!jp | andyfied02:08
ubottuandyfied: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。02:08
cfhowlettgrr.   he already left.  sorrry andyfied02:08
sakHappy Saturday and first days of school. Hope your ubuntu systems are playing friendly02:21
langxmthink you02:21
sakwelcome :=)02:22
x86iacsak:  are you hanging around the school yard again? you know you aren't allowed to do that02:26
ThaurwylthHey, I'm sort of interested in the HSA Heterogeneous System Architecture features of AMD/others in Linux. Would #ubuntu-kernel be a good place to ask about that? Or where?02:27
cfhowlettThaurwylth, perhaps ##linux?02:28
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ThaurwylthYeah, but I'm sort of interested about their compatibility especially with Ubuntu, hehe. Of course they might be kernel-specific, so in that sense not dealing with Ubuntu per se at all,02:28
sakx86iac, I am only monitoring good behavior02:29
neldogzAnyone else experiencing general graphics issues with Ubuntu 14.04.3 and Virtualbox 4.3.30? Flickering windows, unable to minimize the virtualbox window. Flickering text.. This is with 3d acceleration enabled and 128mb of memory allocated with the guest additions installed.02:30
somenickasdi am02:30
somenickasdi am yeah02:30
sakthaurwylth, what is the  HSA Heterogeneous System Architecture features of AMD?02:31
x86iaci am yeah yeah yeah02:31
Eduard_Munteanuneldogz, 128MiB of memory sounds rather low02:32
neldogzEduard_Munteanu, thats all virtualbox will allow for Linux VM's02:32
x86iacyou can set any size you want02:33
neldogzx86iac, really where?02:33
ThaurwylthMemory management and graphics processing management in such a way that there is minimal, ideally no distinguishing between CPU and graphics RAM and CPU and graphics tasks. And all devices are supposed to share memory allocation with the CPU if they're under the HSA umbrella.02:33
sakneldogz, does this happen without 3d acceleration?02:33
ThaurwylthSo it's like, long ago they had this idea called HyperTransfer to replace the traditional BUS clock thinking, and now this is like the next step, or one after many next steps, that grew out of it. Philosophically speaking, that is.02:34
neldogzsak, without the 3d acceleration unity is so slow its unbearable but yet it cooperates much better02:35
ThaurwylthI'm mainly interested in whether the Linux kernels running behind new versions of Ubuntu will be fully using those HSA features on AMD hardware.02:35
x86iacare dem fancy features in the kernel to begin with?02:38
ThaurwylthThis is kind of like my question...02:38
neyderping jose02:39
ThaurwylthAlso it's sort of known that not even all hardware produced by AMD is going to be fully HSA capable right out of the bat. So that might be my other question. But seeing how that is not Ubuntu or Linux kernel related...02:39
neyderjose, are you from UbuConLA02:39
joseI am, yes02:39
neyderjose, great! Here in Puno, will host SFD'15 , so Do you still have the banners?02:41
joseneyder: pm02:41
anandhGood morning friends..(GMT +5.30)02:47
ThaurwylthI sort of swer my clock's right and I deduce GMT should be 2:48.02:48
anandhI have  an Question . can i upgrade the Ubuntu 12.0 to 14.0  without affecting the data02:48
ThaurwylthWoops, I can't read, sorry.02:48
cfhowlett!home | anandh, if you have separate /home, yes02:49
ubottuanandh, if you have separate /home, yes: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving02:49
ThaurwylthI often suggest doing a clean update, though. There are reasons.02:50
anandhthanks friends.. I will check the link and try to upgrade it . Okay02:51
ThaurwylthWith older versions of Ubuntu I just did version upgrades for a long time and... it broke stuff. Gradually.02:51
ThaurwylthSo even though I might be in the minority here, I'd suggest a clean new installation of Ubuntu.02:51
trekker118hey gang, any tips for getting network/wifi printer address to get it workin02:55
trekker118it's not for me my bro is trying to get something working02:56
trekker118most of the online stuff looks outdated02:56
x86iactrekker118: you saying the inernet is already out of date?02:57
trekker118i guess we have old internets D:02:57
trekker118the setting he found seems to want an address we're just not sure how to find it02:58
ThaurwylthBah, anything that's not web 2.0 is for wussies! And IPv6.02:58
x86iacsome of it is rather mouldy02:58
LightweightOSTrekker118: Search for the phrase: "printer" in Unity.02:59
ThaurwylthDoes this stuff still work through CUPS or is that completely outdated?02:59
trekker118darn i think he already started fixin it03:00
x86iacthemill: what are you doing here and in debian ? are you a troll03:00
trekker118isn't that how it goes :/03:00
LightweightOSTrekker118: By address it wants the ip address of the printer, which is typicially 192.168.1.xxx03:00
trekker118see that was my first guess, thx03:00
x86iacthemill is a gentoo user ... so why is he masquerading as a ubuntu person and a debian person of quality03:01
LightweightOSTrekker118: You can scan your network for machines, and it will list the ip addresses of the machines, if you so wish.03:01
ThaurwylthAnyways, if you find the localhost address that CUPS resides in, sort of, you might be able to locate the printer there, no?03:01
sakanandh, yes you can. Upgrading only upgrades the system and applications. User created generally does not get touched. Unless you are doing a clean install, then it would be better to backup.03:04
m000gleIs there anyone, here, who can help troubleshoot an audio input issue on Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit)?03:04
LightweightOStrekker118: There's a program called nmap you can use if Ubuntu's printer application can't find your printer.03:04
sakneldogz, I can imagine the frustration of that03:05
m000gleI am using a Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000, which has functioned flawlessly for years under Ubuntu; however, today it's settings appeared greyed out in the sound settings03:05
m000gleUsing the Pulse Audio Volume Control, though, it picks it up fine and the microphone appears to be working03:05
m000gleSo, there seems to be some sort of disconnect between Pulse Audio and the Ubuntu audio/sound settings03:06
sakthaurwylth, is this something in relation to your earlier question about AMD HSA, http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-hypertransport-bus/03:09
trekker118LightweightOS: thx for the tips, hopefully it helps03:09
trekker118i'm more of a gentoo guy, i'm not really familiar with the  interface03:10
LightweightOStrekker118: I just set up my printer a couple seconds ago, and Ubuntu's printer application automatically searches for it, and displays it under "network printer".03:11
trekker118my brother's kind of weaning  himself off of windows, so i'm weary to help him too much :/03:11
LightweightOStrekker118: If you click on "network printer" It will come up under there if it finds it.03:11
ThaurwylthSak, hm, perhaps not really, since HyperTransport is a much older protocol than the current HSA specifications.03:12
ThaurwylthI think HSA Heterogeneous System Architecture 1.0 is pretty much like a 2015 thing. More or less.03:13
trekker118now he thinks he connected the printer to the wrong network :/03:13
ThaurwylthThe specification might be older, but even hardware support for it might not have existed before 2015.03:13
trekker118argh, i'm so not good w/ tech support03:13
trekker118my new firefox build should use system libvpx so it'll be less vulnerable to these zdays03:14
LightweightOStrekker118: I'm assuming this is the printer in your house, and you only have one wifi network. I don't think you could connect it to the wrong network.03:14
trekker118darn firefox people just dont keep their internal code up to date03:14
trekker118LightweightOS: yeah I don't get what he means either :/03:15
LightweightOStrekker118: You're setting up a connection for your computer to the printer, anyways.03:15
LightweightOSI'll brb, I'm restarting my computer.03:17
trekker118oh he thinks it was a neighor's connection he accidently clicked on03:17
ThaurwylthTee hee.03:17
trekker118gosh darnit03:17
ThaurwylthAnyways, do you know CUPS? Open address localhost:631 in  a browser and that gives you a surefire way to always do pretty much as you please with things related to printers.03:18
ThaurwylthLike, adding printers, managing network printers, etc.03:19
LightweightOSI'm back :)03:19
ThaurwylthHah ha, I was sowing seeds of evil behind your back...03:19
trekker118hm cli has unicode error :/03:20
LightweightOSDoes anyone here see a black screen flash for a moment when they log out of the default unity desktop environment?03:21
wydhryHi what app to index files in ubuntu? Ive many PDFs, usually it takes some times to find a file. Any app to help this?03:21
KerijeanbeanCan I get some technical support here?03:23
trekker118ya know, a wireless mac filter might be to blame for this :/03:23
cfhowlett!ask | Kerijeanbean03:23
ubottuKerijeanbean: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:23
trekker118god i hate c++03:24
trekker118well not really..03:24
KerijeanbeanHow do are you supposed to set up a new account if you can't read the security thing that has weird writing.   We have been through about 20 of them and none of them have been right.03:24
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cfhowlett!adduser | Kerijeanbean03:24
ubottuKerijeanbean: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "sudo" - See !sudo03:24
Bashing-omwydhry: Might try 'locate' . see " man locate " and set up a simple data base for the PDFs ?03:24
KerijeanbeanThat doesn't help.  Is there an audio option.03:25
wydhryBashing-om thx, i ll check it03:25
KerijeanbeanWe can't get the captcha solution.03:26
cfhowlettKerijeanbean, something like "Siri, add a new user!" ??03:26
cfhowlettKerijeanbean, captcha?  ubuntu doesn't have captcha!  what are you talking about?03:26
KerijeanbeanThat would work if we had an Apple product.03:26
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)03:26
LightweightOSKerijeanbean: What account are you trying to create?03:26
KerijeanbeanWe are trying to set up a new Ubuntu Software Center account.03:27
Ben64Kerijeanbean: you don't need an account to use that03:28
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cfhowlett... unless you are paying for software03:28
Ben64which is going away soon03:29
trekker118this is a patch i was going to try w/ firefox:  https://bpaste.net/show/150c2958f72203:29
trekker118jit is so messed up >_>03:30
trekker118i looked at it in a debugger, and some of it  gets called in reverse order to what you see in the code03:30
trekker118which for a stack gets *really* confusing03:31
trekker118you c++ people idk :)03:32
nightlyI thought Ubuntu is user friendly distro but I just installed 14.04 to my laptop and it cannot just login, omg. It immediately logout when I'am logging in, I checked out ~/.xsession-errors and it seems at-spi2-registryd cannot start, I tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/223501/ubuntu-gets-stuck-in-a-login-loop, but it did not help03:34
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Ben64nightly: were you ever able to log in03:36
nightlyBen64, 1 hour ago I tried fresh install 15.04 to my laptop, I get this problem, I thought it may be 15.04 is unstable and tried install Ubuntu 14.04 now, but get same problem!03:38
Ben64doesn't really answer my question03:38
nightlyI just formatted hard drive and install Ubuntu 14.04 with its GUI, Next->Next->Choose Time Zone->Ok->Finish03:39
Ben64nightly: were you ever able to log in?03:39
Ben64just answer the questions03:39
nightlyBen64, my english is poor, I loged in via Ctrl+Alt+F3 in terminal, if you mean this03:40
nightlyBen64, I used Ubuntu 14.04 1 year ago on same laptop, and logged in ok03:42
KerijeanbeanThanks. I don't know what the issue was he is up and running now.03:43
nightlyBen64, hello?03:45
Bashing-omnightly: What results when you boot with the boot parameter "nomodeset" ?03:48
ThaurwylthNightly, do you have encrypted /home/<username> partitions?03:49
nightlyBashing-om, Unfortunately, I could not understand this article and what I need to do, because my english is too poor :(03:50
nightlyThaurwylth, no, I installed Ubuntu simpliest way, no partitions, entire hard drive for OS03:51
ThaurwylthOK, then it's not the possible problem I had in mind.03:52
dinoocchnightly: have you tried updating your packages (apt-get update; apt-get upgrade)?03:53
sakthaurwylth, I think this was what you were referring to, http://developer.amd.com/resources/heterogeneous-computing/what-is-heterogeneous-system-architecture-hsa/03:53
nightlydinoocch, when I google this issue, I tried sudo apt03:53
nightlysudo apt-get install ubunty-desktop03:53
LightweightOSWhen I install another desktop environment on Ubuntu, what steps can I take to ensure it doesn't interfere with other desktop environments, and ensure that when I delete it, I get rid of every package/config file?03:54
nightlytried reinstall unity, but I did not updated some packages03:54
notaeonLightweightOS: purging? i'm not sure there's any other automated way of cleaning packages but purge03:55
LightweightOSnotaeon: Yeah, purging.03:55
ubottuTo purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P03:55
notaeonhmm better find the wiki page instead03:55
=== Blaster is now known as Guest38852
notaeonLightweightOS: here we go https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Removal_commands03:56
LightweightOSI'm installing the lubuntu-desktop currently, and I may even uninstall the Unity desktop.03:56
cfhowlettLightweightOS, you are NOT installing the DE.03:56
cfhowlettyou are installing the lubuntu OS apps + DE03:57
dinoocchLightweightOS: you may want to be carefull purging meta-packages...it may yield unexpected results03:57
cfhowlettsudo apt install lxde          = DE only03:57
ThaurwylthSak, I sort of know the HSA specifications, like HSA 1.0 and, um, does HSA 0.8 even exist, well anyway. But does the extra info PDF they have there, or whatever, answer the questions about the current situation? Does the Linux kernel have support for, say, HSA 1.0? Does all the current AMD APU hardware already come with HSA 1.0 support?03:58
LightweightOScfhowlett: I typed in sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop so I am installing the lubuntu-desktop and all of its dependencies.03:58
LightweightOSWould it be a terrible idea to purge the Unity desktop environment?03:59
cfhowlettLightweightOS, "When I install another desktop environment on Ubuntu ..." was your original question.  now you are saying something different.03:59
ThaurwylthRight, now I also know that HSA 1.0 was publicly specified in March '15.04:01
suragrub2 - ACPI PCC probe failed, starting version 21904:05
surahow can resolove this prob04:05
surait s long time troubled me04:06
Bashing-omsura: It is not generally a problem. just the sytem looking for hardware that is not present .04:06
sura@<Bashing-om> how can i found the hardware which made the trouble04:07
nightlyOh Ubuntu is really troubled distro04:08
Bashing-omsura: The kernel is probing ACPI, looking for the "Platforms communication channel" interface. This is a new ACPI interface and not much hardware currently supports it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/143217104:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1432171 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[udev] Shows "starting version 219" boot message even with "quiet"" [Low,Fix released]04:09
lotuspsychjenightly: dont say things that arent true04:09
suraevery time i upgraded the system,troubles fllowed04:09
nightlyI think Linus Torvalds absolutely right about it distro04:09
lotuspsychje!ot | nightly04:09
ubottunightly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:09
LightweightOSIf I want to remove Unity, should I run the command mentioned on this forum post? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/509478/remove-ubuntu-desktop04:11
lotuspsychje!notunity | LightweightOS04:11
ubottuLightweightOS: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.04:11
sakI was not sure I understood HSA as you do, Thaurwylth. I was not trying to answer your question, but to educate myself on what you know. So if the link about HSA is what you were referring to, then I am on the same page in knowledge04:12
LightweightOSlotuspyscheje: I'm going to use LXDE instead.04:12
nightlyubottu, I asked about my problem twice here, and no one helps :((04:12
ubottunightly: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:12
surawhy not install fedora instead04:13
lotuspsychjesura: this isnt the channel to propose fedora04:13
lotuspsychjeLightweightOS: why not install lubuntu then?04:13
suralotuspsychje: are u a bot too?04:13
Bashing-omnightly: What graphics set (card) are you using ?04:14
LightweightOSlotuspsychje: I installed Lubuntu, but now I need to get rid of the Unity Desktop Environment.04:14
suraACPI PCC probe failed] starting version 219,big trouble for me04:15
nightlyBashing-om, I am using ATI Radeon HD 6480G04:15
suraamd cpus and amd vedio card04:15
lotuspsychjeLightweightOS: sounds like a reversed plan..you installed ubuntu desktop, then installed lubuntu-desktop now you wanna remove untiy?04:15
LightweightOSlotuspsychje: Yes, that's precisely what happened.04:15
lotuspsychjeLightweightOS: i would suggest a clean install lubuntu 14.04.304:16
LightweightOSlotuspsychje: Should I get it from Lubuntu.net?04:17
lotuspsychje!lubuntu | LightweightOS04:17
ubottuLightweightOS: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.04:17
ThaurwylthSak, I see, OK. Anyways, I guess the HSA Foundation page would have good plenty of information on the contents of that specification. Seeing how it's now five months old.04:17
nightlyBut "lspci | grep -i vga" shows me 2 VGA: 00:01.0 VGA Compatible controller: AMD/ATI Sumo Radeon HD 6480G and 01:00.0 VGA Compatible controller: AMD/ATI Whrisper [Radeon HD 6630M/6650M/.. and etc]04:17
ThaurwylthBut I guess I'll go bother people on #ubuntu-kernel about its current inclusion in Linux.04:18
LightweightOSlotuspsychje: Lubuntu uses the Ubuntu OS, so I can come here for support right?04:18
lotuspsychjeLightweightOS: sure or #lubuntu04:18
suraWhat is [ 0.4486641 ACPI PCC probe failed] starting version 219?04:18
alocersura google is your friend04:19
Bashing-omnightly: OK, Older card - open source driver "radeon" should work just fine . Does for me as I run a slightly older ATI card. nomoeset -> do you know how to boot to the grub boot menu ?04:19
suraalocer ,googled so much ,but probles still04:20
nightlyBashing-om, no, I think I have no grub installed04:20
nightlymay be installed I dont know04:20
alocersura ... you didn't ---> http://askubuntu.com/questions/603398/what-is-0-4486641-acpi-pcc-probe-failed-starting-version-21904:22
sakThaurwylth, this would be interesting to research. Thanks for asking the question04:24
ThaurwylthYou're welcome!04:24
ThaurwylthOne thing worries me, though, the thing that was supposed to be AMD's first 1.0 flagship with full compliance was pulled from their publishing roadmap, at least the desktop version, at least this is the rumour I currently 'know.'04:26
Bashing-omnightly: IF you had no grub you could not boot at all to anything. OK, reboot and as soon as the bios screan clears, depress and hold the right shift key -> grub boot menu. In this menu dpress the 'e' key for edit mode -> boot parameters screen . Arrow down to the line starting with linux arrow across to the terms "quiet splash" and insert the term nomodeset. key combo ctl + x to continue the boot process. Do you now boot to the GUI login screen04:27
LightweightOSWhen I'm in the Ubuntu installer, and I choose the erase disk option, does it really erase everything first or would I need to reformat my hard drive to do that?04:34
nightlyBashing-om, should I insert nomodeset before or after "quite splash"?04:34
ndroidTime for a facenap... Ahhh... ZZzzZzzZzZzz04:35
nightlyBashing-om, I have inserted nomodeset term before "quiet splash" and pressed ctrl+x rebooted and there is same problem ubuntu throws me back to log in screen  when I logging in04:37
Bashing-omnightly: Before will be fine .04:38
Bashing-omnightly: Then that suggest that you had a bad burn in the install medium. Check the burn. Boot the liveDVD and as soon as the bios screen clears depress the right shit key -> language screen; escape key to accept the default -> boot iptiopns screen -> choose " check disk for defects" . Takes some time to check. is the result no errors ?04:41
BBlalianhola. vegasputon!04:42
BBlaliannoodlearm. i things. Blesbian?04:42
BBlalianand to go see the tinder one. haha chrome cops came is on in area. you. timoteo. lol. ultimately release dont theses hanges, it'll say the fuckin for our penis TWICE With concur. heel04:42
BBlalianu wont to it04:42
nightlyBashing-om, tried again, starts strange, when I tried to log in there is show some visual artefacts(lines, rectangles) with different colors, looked like broken graphics and returned me back to log in window :((04:43
Thaurwylthhep tep rog04:43
BBlalian Thaurwylth  told me to go away.04:43
ThaurwylthWhat the heck?!? Does that still work???04:43
nightlyBashing-om, I used USB for install media, burn iso via dd: dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb04:44
alocerThaurwylth, what are you talking about ?04:44
alocerwhat is BBlalian ?04:45
ThaurwylthThose kinds of spam bots have been terrorizing EFnet for at the least a year.04:45
Bashing-omnightly: Same same applies to a USB medium. Check that the burn to USB is good .04:45
alocerand hep teg rog ??? how do you know that ?04:46
ThaurwylthSomebody knew somebody who knew that back at EFnet.04:46
ThaurwylthI was surprised myself that it worked.04:46
alocerle me google that .. :D04:47
ThaurwylthFor future reference, though, it's 'tep.'04:47
alocerThaurwylth, http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/details.php?room=%233ds&net=EFnet04:48
ThaurwylthAnyways, if it still works, it means that whoever created those botnets or viruses in the first place hasn't been evolving their scripts since then.04:48
sakIt's been fun. You guys have a good night04:48
nightlyBashing-om, idk, I think my disk and usb is good, because I installed Gentoo and used it before04:50
ThaurwylthDisk, most likely yes, but creating the install USB media is a different process every time, hm?04:51
Bashing-omnightly: IF you can not boot up with "nomodeset" it suggest that the medium is not good . We must KNOW it is good before anything else is done.04:51
alocerThaurwylth, do you know the language ? are they written by haskel ?04:52
TuquiTuquiHello folks. When I boot Ubuntu I see "Ubuntu" and some dots below it. I'd like to not see that. I'd rather see nothing or the crazy scrolling lines. This is my /etc/default/grub file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12292163/04:54
lotuspsychjeTuquiTuqui: you need to change quiet splash to ""04:56
RouAnyone on?04:57
TuquiTuquilotuspsychje: quiet splash to nothing?04:57
lotuspsychjeTuquiTuqui: yes then update frub and reboot04:58
lotuspsychjeTuquiTuqui: sudo update-grub after04:58
TuquiTuquilotuspsychje: did you see that it's currenty "noquiet nosplash"?04:58
lotuspsychjeTuquiTuqui: did you add that?04:58
TuquiTuquiem yes, I saw that in a thread04:58
lotuspsychjeTuquiTuqui: change it to "" for text booting04:59
TuquiTuquilotuspsychje: and it has worked for me before04:59
TuquiTuquiok I'll remove it04:59
RouI have a windows partition that took up my entire harddrive04:59
TuquiTuquiso the whole line should read: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""   ??04:59
RouIs there any way to resize it and create a new partition04:59
lotuspsychjeTuquiTuqui: correct05:00
RouWithout reinstalling windows???05:00
TuquiTuquilotuspsychje: thanx05:00
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: Wat I do to doo the booting messages " GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" " .05:00
ThaurwylthAlocer, huh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I don't think I know anything about those. Only that they roamed EFnet and caused a lot of trouble.05:00
TuquiTuquiBashing-om: I'll try that as well, thanx05:00
ThaurwylthI'll go away now ==>05:01
Bashing-omRou: Winows tools for Windows partitions. Best adressed in the Windows channel . But yes many do it !05:08
nightlyBashing-om, Just installed Linux Mint 17 via same USB drive, it works :)05:10
C0r3How can I check the depandancies of an executable file in Ubuntu?05:10
chris__Hey guys, I have a quick question for you. I have the Samsung evo 850 with ubuntu 14.04 on kernel 4.1.6. Is there anything I need to do for precaution in terms of the buggy trim command?05:10
TuquiTuquiBashing-om: "text" didn't work05:10
Bashing-omnightly: Cool .. enjoy .05:11
nightlyBashing-om, but thank you for active help!05:11
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: 14.04 or 15.04 ?05:11
nightlyuser Ben64 useless fag05:11
RouYeah he is05:12
Ben64nightly: maybe if you answered the single question i asked you05:12
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: after making the edit did you ' sudo update-grub ' . I assure you it works ! I run it on my 14.04 and I do see boot messagaes as I boot up .05:13
TuquiTuquiyes I did Bashing-om05:13
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C0r3Got it... using ldd command05:14
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: Beats me then . What results if you boot from the grub boot menu with that boot parameter 'text' ?05:15
TuquiTuquiBashing-om: will try that, but since it's already "text" I'm not sure what you're suggesting05:16
chris__Does anyone here use a samsung ssd as their main drive?05:17
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: I do not understand why the edit to 'text' in /etc/default/grub does not result in your seeing the boot messages as you boot. Maybe booting from grub's boot menu will shed some additional light on the subject.05:20
DalekSecBashing-om: Because you need to remove 'quiet splash', 'text' just means you don't boot to the display manager (lightdm)05:21
DalekSecAlso ensure to  sudo update-grub  before rebooting.  You can nalso select this option once usint 'e' on the grub screen and removing those two options.05:22
Bashing-omDalekSec: :) .05:23
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TuquiTuquiBashing-om and lotuspsychje: if I edit the line from grub menu into text it doesn't work well (I don't get the login screen, instead everything keeps being terminal) but if I replace "quiet splash" into "" it works just like I want. However, why is it "quiet splash" if I edited the grub file to be ""?05:27
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: With the parameter 'text' starting the display manager is supressed .05:29
TuquiTuquiBashing-om: I have several kernels installed. Could this be the reason? When you edit the /etc/default/grub file, are you only affecting the default kernel parameters? or are you affecting all kernel entries?05:34
DalekSecTuquiTuqui: If you only edit GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, correct.05:35
TuquiTuquiDalekSec: what bout the other entries?05:37
RouMy lubuntu installation is taking forever05:37
RouAnd removing every ubiquity component05:37
RouShould I give up on it?05:37
Kossilar@Rou How long has it been?05:38
RouAn hour05:38
KossilarWhat do you have on screen?05:38
RouIt's still detecting file systems05:38
KossilarDoesn't sound good.05:38
KossilarWhat are you installing on?05:38
RouThe console keeps saying it can't find ubiquity componenets and removing them05:38
RouA laptop05:38
RouInstalling from inside the lubuntu demo on another partition05:39
Roudunno what its called05:39
RouIt's a Sony something05:39
KossilarWhat other OS's are you running?05:39
RouWindows 705:39
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: In the boot process that file is parsed for all kernels that you boot .05:39
TuquiTuquiBashing-om: then, why when I press E, I see "quiet splash" still as if I hadn't edited the grub file?05:40
KossilarTell me about your partitions @Rou05:40
KossilarHow do you have your partitions set up? You must have one for Windows and one for Lubuntu right?05:42
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: Something then is "not right" . What do you dee in the boot line in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?05:42
KossilarTry hitting ctrl+alt+f1/f2 and see if you can get a command line?05:43
KossilarIf the OS is still stable you should be able to get a command line with ctrl+alt+f1-f605:43
TuquiTuqui Bashing-om: http://lpaste.net/14038005:44
Bashing-omTuquiTuqui: Looks good to me " Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.16.0-37-generic root=UUID=fb804d09-0eb7-46c5-8de5-386f91fbe631 ro " as you see 'quiet splash' os not present . I have no idea why it would still be in grub;s boot parameter in edit mode .05:46
S4hitI've tried to do a quick wipe of my partition with gparted, however I failed. How can I achieve this?05:48
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RouGuys hwat do I format the partition to before using wubi?05:56
S4hitWhat does wubi do Rou?05:57
wileeeRou, wubi is not supported nor put in a partition.05:58
S4hitWhat's a good tool to use to wipe my partition?05:59
baizonS4hit: gparted06:00
LambdaComplexS4hit: gparted and cfdisk both come to mind06:01
S4hitbaizon: I feel like it didn't wipe it properly, because when I format my hard drive to ext4, it says I still have 11 GiB of used space.06:01
RouDo I use logical or primary?06:02
LambdaComplexS4hit: Well, you could use dd to write zeroes to it, but that'd be by no means fast06:02
wileee!wubi | Rou06:02
ubottuRou: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.06:02
S4hitLambdaComplex: When I install Ubuntu, and it says "erase disk" Does it really erase the entire disk?06:03
LambdaComplexS4hit: No idea06:03
LambdaComplexS4hit: How long does it take?06:04
RouMy laptop refuses to boot from USB06:05
RouAnd I can't burn a disk06:05
RouSo I have no other choice than wubi06:05
S4hitLambdaComplex: It takes up to 10 mins to install Ubuntu for me.06:05
LambdaComplexRou: What do you mean by "refuses?"06:05
RouIt just won't boot from usb06:05
LambdaComplexS4hit: Hm, not sure. Using dd will definitely get rid of the data though.06:05
RouI've tried powerISO, I've tried unetboot06:05
RouIt boots Windows 7 from USB06:05
LambdaComplexRou: Have you tried dd?06:05
RouBut not any linux distribution06:05
LambdaComplexbit-by-bit copying utility06:06
S4hitLambdaComplix: Will dd take more than an hour?06:06
LambdaComplexS4hit: How big is the partition?06:06
S4hitLambdaComplex: My drive is 700 gigs.06:06
alocerit depends on the size06:06
dw1try turning the bios to legacy mode06:06
S4hit700 GiB actually.06:06
LambdaComplexS4hit: Ooh, that'd definitely take a while. I used dd to write a ~1.5 GB iso earlier and that took about 10 minutes.06:07
dw1slow drive.. take it easy..06:08
LambdaComplexS4hit: Did you try using gparted?06:09
S4hitLambdaComplex: Bleach bit says it erases free disk space. And yeah, I tried gparted. I reformatted to ext4 on my 700GiB drive and it went from 14GiB used space to 11GiB used space.06:10
dw1try unetbootin or MultiSystem06:10
dw1to make the usb06:10
Rohan_kHi all!06:11
LambdaComplexdw1: Unetbootin is pretty unreliable.06:11
dw1what is the preferred method06:12
Rohan_kNo, it works fine for me06:12
LambdaComplexRohan_k: That doesn't change the validity of my statement.06:12
LambdaComplexdw1: I'd say dd is the best method.06:13
dw1so just dd the iso and it's bootable ?06:13
Rohan_kOtherwise I used to use Universal USB installer when I used windows06:13
LambdaComplexdw1: Yes?06:13
LambdaComplexJust don't get if and of mixed up :P06:13
dw1cd burning programs should burn to other removable media too :/06:14
dw1make it easy06:14
S4hitLambdaComplex: It says my drive is located under /dev/sda1 but I don't see it there in my file system. I'm on a live usb right now.06:14
LambdaComplexdw1: Writing to a USB drive is different from writing to a CD06:15
LambdaComplexAnd generally easier06:15
LambdaComplexS4hit: The drive that should be empty?06:15
Rohan_kAnd faster06:15
dw1still the same commands to get the .iso on there06:15
S4hitLambdaComplex: Yeah, that one.06:15
dw1but i digress06:15
LambdaComplexS4hit: Does it show up under lsblk?06:15
S4hitLambdaComplex: yeah, it says it's located here: /media/lubuntu/a59f1380-1a6b-4856-bdbd-a7cf92f406:16
S4hitLambdaComplex: They type is partition and the name is sda106:17
LambdaComplexS4hit: Does ls -A tell you anything is there?06:17
dw1is "safely remove" still necessary for USB/MMC cards to not experience data loss?06:17
LambdaComplexdw1: Just unmount it06:17
LambdaComplexIt won't let you unmount if something is still using it06:17
dw1i notice nautilus has both eject and safely remove06:17
S4hitLambdaComplex: Yeah, it says the size is 700 Gigs.06:18
dw1i thought thtat was due to some caching that needed a 'flush'06:18
dw1or something06:18
S4hitLambdaComplex: I also found it under my file manager.06:18
LambdaComplexS4hit: Well, you could try using du and df06:19
S4hitLambdaComplex: I'm using bleachbit, and it says there's 30 minutes remaining and it's going to wipe the free space from it.06:20
LambdaComplexThat works too06:20
S4hitLambdaComplex: 109 minutes and climbing :o06:20
* LambdaComplex needs to go to sleep06:20
LambdaComplexGoodnight! Don't break anything :P06:21
dw1bleachbit looks good06:21
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RouI used universal boot loader06:27
RouAnd it finally works06:27
Rouuniversal boot installer*06:27
S4hitHow can I simply delete every file on my hard drive without wiping the data bit by bit with dd.06:30
S4hitDoes reformating with gparted achieve that goal?06:31
S4hitdw1: Thanks.06:33
dw1creates a new file system and forgets the old06:34
S4hitdw1: What if it says that I still have 11 GiB of used space on it, though?06:34
dw1when you format it should all be free06:34
dw1and empty06:34
S4hitdw1: I've formatted it a few times and it's still 11 GiB06:35
dw1in another partition maybe06:35
S4hitdw1: It's all one partition, it says so.06:35
TragicM3LONquestion, whenever i send the restart command to the ubuntu server, its like it doesn't restart properly or something06:38
TragicM3LONbecause I can't SSH into it06:38
TragicM3LONhave to hit the reset on machine to get back in06:38
TragicM3LONsomeone here has got to know something that's happening06:56
akikTragicM3LON: how do you send the restart command?06:59
TragicM3LONsudo restart07:01
TragicM3LONor sudo reboot07:01
TragicM3LONakik it seems it goes to reboot, cause the ssh tunnel gets disconnected07:02
akikTragicM3LON: and you see the machine restarting normal?07:02
TragicM3LONit obviously isn't i don't know, akik it's a headless server box07:03
TragicM3LONso i'm always ssh'd to it07:03
akikcan you connect a display to it?07:03
TragicM3LONya, but don't have a VGA Cable to use atm :(07:04
TragicM3LONotherwise this would be easier to troubleshoot07:04
akikmaybe it's not getting it's tcp/ip settings activated correctly07:04
akikcan you ssh into it after restart?07:05
TragicM3LONno says connection refused07:05
TragicM3LONso i have to manually press the reset button07:05
TragicM3LONthen i can ssh in07:05
akikcan you ping it after restart?07:07
akikyou could add "ps auxwf" into /etc/rc.local and chmod +x /etc/rc.local and see if sshd gets started07:16
akikps auxwf > /tmp/processlist07:16
akikthat will create a processlist into /tmp as the last task in the boot process07:16
akikps auxwwf seems to bring in more detail07:18
TragicM3LONi'm just seeing if updating the kernel will fix it07:19
akikis it using a wifi adapter?07:19
akikyou can try running "nc -v ipaddress 22" from another box to test the ssh port07:22
akikdoes it have a static or dhcp ip?07:22
lotuspsychjesomeone knows a gui package to enable/disable systemd services easy07:25
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renwenhsinI believe my tv is probably supplying wrong EDID information07:33
renwenhsinI figured it from running   $ get-edid | decode-edid07:33
renwenhsinI've read that typically people just override the EDID in various ways, or even disable EDID in xorg.conf07:33
renwenhsinI'm not clear though what is the recommended way07:34
lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: can you give us more details of your end goal?07:34
mikubuntuarrrrrrgh. mom's computer was getting buggy so i decided to do a fresh install. now when i restart getting error: /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found. entering rescue mode... grub rescue .. but not doing anything07:35
mikubuntuinstalled via unetbootin usb lubuntu 14.04.207:36
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: did you disabled fastboot + secureboot?07:36
mikubuntulotuspsychje: nope -- never heard of that -- just did a normal install, seemed to go right until restart07:37
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renwenhsinlotuspsychje,   my colleague recommended a tv screen LG UB850V  for doing some 3D multimedia work that I do.07:38
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: your system is uefi right? you single install ubuntu or dualboot?07:38
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mikubuntulotuspsychje: single install07:38
renwenhsinlotuspsychje,  now I have this expensive tv, but one resolution/frequency mode is missing on Ubuntu 14.0407:38
renwenhsinlotuspsychje,   not a problem on windows, but on linux07:38
lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: on wicj graphics card + driver?07:39
mikubuntulotuspsychje: what is uefi07:39
lotuspsychje!uefi | mikubuntu07:39
ubottumikubuntu: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:39
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: try to find secureboot and fastboot in bios, both should be disabled07:39
renwenhsinlotuspsychje,  Ubuntu 14.04 recommended one was nvidia-346   for my card  GTX97007:39
mikubuntulotuspsychje: ok, lemme check07:39
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lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: is that an optimus card?07:40
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mikubuntulotuspsychje: where are those settings, in the boot sequence screen?07:40
renwenhsinlotuspsychje,   MSI GTX97007:40
Jakey2how do i put the date on the lubuntu desktop07:40
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: bios screen, f2 or DEL07:40
renwenhsinlotuspsychje,  this card runs my ACER UHD monitor at 4k 60Hz without problem... only this LG TV results in problems... a lot of EDID inconsistency errors output in Xorg.0.log07:41
greenrideDoes Ubuntu have a default file for iptables policy files?07:41
lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: have you tryed if you got same issue on different driver?07:41
lotuspsychje!iptables | greenride07:41
ubottugreenride: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo07:41
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, I've been hesitant to backport the driver07:41
lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: would be interesting to see if other drivers get you more modes?07:42
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, yes.07:42
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, I have read that people are having issues, either with nvidia driver or bios on MSI card itself.07:42
lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: also played with xrandr or arandr?07:43
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, in every case people seem to solve problems by generating their own EDID07:43
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, or doing some hocus pocus with xorg.conf07:43
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, I have not tried that yet.07:43
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, can I use xrandr to force a mode on that display?07:43
lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: normally yes07:43
lotuspsychje!xrandr | renwenhsin07:44
ubotturenwenhsin: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:44
mikubuntulotuspsychje: in the main section of bios there are some entries: quiet boot (enabled), network boot (enabled) f12 boot menu (enabled) d2d recovery (enabled) but nothing says 'fastboot' or secureboot07:44
lotuspsychje!info arandr | renwenhsin also nice07:44
ubotturenwenhsin also nice: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB07:44
renwenhsinlotuspsychje, ok, so I should probably familirize myself with using xrandr/arandr first... see if I can force it...07:44
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: check all settings mate, see if you can find anything with uefi, legacy,secureboot,etc07:45
renwenhsinlotuspsychje,  does xrandr talk to xorg system?07:45
lotuspsychjerenwenhsin: not sure how it communicates with xorg, but as the trigger says its the method for dualscreens in X07:46
mikubuntulotuspsychje: none of those appear07:46
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: wich was default Os on your pc?07:46
mikubuntulotuspsychje: it had lub 14.04.3, but i don't know what she had done to make it buggy -- the version that downloaded from unet was 14.04.207:47
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: what brand is your pc?07:48
mikubuntulotuspsychje: but i did 'erase' lubuntu and install07:48
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: i just wanna find out if your system is uefi07:48
mikubuntulotuspsychje: gateway07:48
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: type?07:49
mikubuntulotuspsychje: laptop07:49
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: lol, model?type?07:49
mikubuntulotuspsychje: lemme look underneath07:49
lotuspsychjenug700: have you been able to solve your issue yet?07:50
nug700which one?07:51
lotuspsychjenug700: :p any07:51
mikubuntulotuspsychje: gateway n214 https://goo.gl/9L9ErG07:51
mikubuntulotuspsychje: so funny when i loaded it live it all seemed to work, connected to wifi, etc07:52
mikubuntulotuspsychje: brb 5 mins tops07:55
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: can you find your model here: http://us.gateway.com/gw/en/US/content/drivers-downloads07:55
nug700How do I fix the intense screen tear on Amazon instant video?07:57
lotuspsychjenug700: wich grafix card and ubuntu version?07:57
nug700ubuntu 15.04 with gtx97007:58
nug700and xfce desktop them07:58
lotuspsychjenug700: wich driver loaded?07:58
lotuspsychjenug700: does a vlc or youtube give you same tearing?07:59
nug700yes on yourtube07:59
lotuspsychjenug700: tryed another driver?08:00
nug700curoius only does it on youtube when my mouse is over the video08:00
lotuspsychjenug700: on firefox or chromium?08:00
nug700using google chrome08:01
lotuspsychjenug700: test if you have tearing in vlc video or firefox aswell08:02
mikubuntulotuspsychje: how strange, no product number doesn't appear there08:02
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: yeah cant find neither, trying to find bios manual...08:02
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: ask in ##hardware if your model is uefi please08:02
mikubuntulotuspsychje: was going to try to search via serial # but very hard to read08:03
mikubuntulotuspsychje: i found another number NV59C04u, that page you gave me shows a NV59C series08:07
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: specs show win7 by default, so i dont think its uefi08:09
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: have you tryed ubuntu desktop 14.04.3 to install?08:10
mikubuntulotuspsychje: thats what was on it previously but the version that unetbootin gave me was .208:10
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: did ubuntu desktop install succesfully?08:11
mikubuntulotuspsychje: it seemed to running live, but on the reboot is where i got the problem08:12
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: both on lubuntu and ubuntu?08:12
mikubuntulotuspsychje: no i only have one stick, just used lubuntu never had a problem with it before08:13
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: try making a new usb stick with ubuntu desktop or xubuntu08:14
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: maybe its bad md5 or something08:14
mikubuntulotuspsychje: downloading lub 14.04.308:17
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: you can also try making the usb with something else then unetbootin08:17
=== adrian is now known as Guest28483
mikubuntulotuspsychje: yes, gonna use startup disc creator08:18
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: universal usb installer,yumi,multisystem,ubuntu disc creator08:18
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: great :p08:18
mikubuntulotuspsychje: thx mate -- i'll be back, hope you're still here!! lol.08:19
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: others can help you here also08:19
mikubuntulotuspsychje: hoping i won't need help :(08:19
noethicsanyone experience some flash websites not working lately on ubuntu? (specifically twitch)08:20
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: did you enable internet + updates during setup + 3rd party software during install last time?08:20
lotuspsychjenoethics: try chromium, adobe's flash gets pretty dead08:21
noethicslotuspsychje, yeah i don't really like using chrome though ;/08:21
noethicswas wondering about alternatives for ff or opera that doesn't involve wine08:21
lotuspsychjenoethics: ive seen another distro experiment with pepperflash on firefox, but didnt test myself on ubuntu08:22
lotuspsychjenoethics: for now its reccomended to avoid adobe flash on firefox08:22
lotuspsychje!info chromium | noethics is the linux version of chrome08:23
ubottunoethics is the linux version of chrome: Package chromium does not exist in vivid08:23
lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser | noethics08:23
ubottunoethics: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 43.0.2357.130-0ubuntu0. (vivid), package size 50890 kB, installed size 187747 kB08:23
noethicslotuspsychje, i have chromium08:23
lotuspsychjenoethics: ok08:24
noethicsi use it for testing websites and stuff, but i feel like i'm being spied on08:24
noethicswhen using it08:24
lotuspsychjenoethics: well its good to always have a healthy paranoia :p08:24
noethicslotuspsychje, thanks though ill probably dig into porting pepperflash to firefox08:25
lotuspsychjenoethics: html5 is the alternative also08:25
noethicslotuspsychje, indeed, unfortunately even for modern website development a lot of them use flash for websocket portability08:25
lotuspsychjenoethics: check the article about pepperflash on firefox on softpedia linux08:25
nug700lotuspsychje: back08:26
nug700doesn't work on firefox at all08:26
nug700(instant video doesn't)08:27
lotuspsychjenug700: can you check if you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?08:27
nug700it is not08:27
lotuspsychjenug700: install plz :p08:27
lotuspsychjenug700: see if it improves your online video's08:28
nug700saying I have to remove Libav codec library08:28
nug700to install it08:28
lotuspsychjenug700: did you install something from ppa or something?08:28
noethicsnug having same problem as me? :D08:29
nug700I installed my graphics driver using ppa and a few desktop themes08:29
lotuspsychjenoethics: he's got screen tearing on web videos08:29
lotuspsychjenug700: do what install asks :p08:29
noethicsive had that as well08:29
noethicshad to switch to nvidia nonfree driver08:30
lotuspsychjenoethics: on vlc video's also?08:30
noethicsat the time i was only testing youtube and twitch08:30
noethicsnot using livestreamer or had anything downloaded to watch on vlc08:30
noethicsyou could try livestreamer to see though08:30
noethicsanyway tanks for the help lotuspsychje :P if i can port it maybe i'll come back with results08:30
lotuspsychjenoethics: might be interesting to feedback this08:31
lotuspsychjenoethics: tnx08:31
nug700weird... on the youtube video, the screen tearing over the video stays at a fixed possition below the mouse cursor08:31
nug700until I get about a forth of the way up, then it stays still until I reach half, and goes away08:32
noethicsmight be cool to use livestreamer as a daemon to pipe to a browser extension08:33
noethicsthat renders on an html5 canvas08:33
noethicsand avoid flash altogether08:33
noethicsi hate flash so much08:33
lotuspsychjenoethics: yeah its a danger to use, su vunrable08:34
noethicsthat plus it's like.. old tech08:34
noethicsand still all major sites use it because it's supported everywhere08:35
lotuspsychjenoethics: anyway if you find a fix, come report back ok mate08:35
noethicswell the current fix is pipelight for me08:35
noethicsbut it uses WINE08:35
noethicswill report back pepperflash fix if i can get it working tho ;)08:36
noethicsseeya gl nug08:36
lotuspsychjenoethics: ok good luck08:36
shomonhi, I have 2 ubuntu computers, on one I have apache and on the other I'd like to access it08:36
nug700Ubuntu is acting strange08:36
shomonhow do I get them both to see each other?08:37
nug700 After installing the package08:37
lotuspsychjenug700: define strange08:37
nug700 Taking forever to boot and won't accept input08:37
nug700 It gets to the login screen08:37
shomonthey are on a lan wifi network, so it's an intranet.. but although I can see other machines from the server, it doesn't seem to see the whole IP range08:37
shomonis there a good place to get help with this? maybe it's not ubuntu specific, but more to do with lan networking?08:38
nug700 Like number lock and caps lock isn't toggling08:38
lotuspsychjeshomon: ##networking perhaps08:38
mach20xcan someone help me recognize a device on Ubuntu so that I can hand it off to my virtual machine?08:38
bekksmach20x: Which kind of device?08:39
mach20xAn LG ln27208:39
bekksmach20x: Whats that?08:39
mach20xa cell phone08:39
nug700 Working again08:40
nug700 I've s08:40
nug700I've found that switching off power switch and holding down power button fixes a number of things08:41
mach20xSudo lshw shows me the device, but it is not recognized by the GUI, and it won't allow me to select it in Virtualbox08:42
shomonmach20x, samsungs are terrible for mounting on anything other than their crappy kies thing08:43
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mach20xit's an LG08:43
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shomonah I saw samsung.. ah ssd pro08:43
nug700also I'm still getting the tearing after installing the ubuntu restricted package08:44
mach20xI have the drivers on the windows virtual machine, I just need to be able to forward the connection through Ubuntu to it08:44
mach20xHere is a pastebin of the relevant output for this device from the lshw command http://paste.ubuntu.com/12290515/08:45
mach20xshomon, bekks, is the above going to provide enough information to force recognition so that I can forward it to my virtual machine?08:49
noethicsforgot who i was talking to before about flash08:50
noethicsbut i found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash08:50
noethicsapparently pepper is deprecated, so i installed the new one recommended there and it actually works out of the box on firefox08:50
shomonno idea mach20x sorry08:50
noethicsactually works amazingly, too :)08:52
bazhang!find pepperflash08:53
ubottuFound: pepperflashplugin-nonfree08:53
bazhangnoethics, ^08:53
noethicsbazhang, what about it?08:53
bazhangthats the working flash08:53
noethicsbazhang, that's deprecated nw08:53
noethicsread the link ;D08:53
noethicspepperflash doesn't work in firefox08:54
bazhangfor relative values of flash working08:54
noethicsadobe-flashplugin from the partner ppa is what i switched to08:54
noethics(as recommended and the successor of pepperflash)08:54
noethicsand it's working amazingly even in firefox now08:54
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TheDailyDriverHi, I need help with Optimus/PRIME under Linux. I've got an Intel HD 4600 and a NVidia Geforce GT 840M in my laptop. After installing nvidia-prime (nvidia-346) over the 'additional Drivers' Window and rebooting, running nvidia-settings tells me: ** Message: PRIME: No offloading required. Abort ** Message: PRIME: is it supported? no09:07
TheDailyDriverCan someone help me with this?09:08
Hardcore7hey, can someone send me a message please? thanks09:10
bazhang!test | Hardcore709:11
ubottuHardcore7: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )09:11
Hardcore7oh thanks :D never knew that09:12
nokieyo man09:12
TheDailyDriverNo idea regarding my problem? :/09:13
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu TheDailyDriver09:13
Fjorgynnwhat's the difference between cdrom0 and sr0?09:13
TheDailyDriverubuntu 14.0409:13
bazhangwe need more details TheDailyDriver09:13
TheDailyDriverokay Ill pastebin some stuff09:14
bekksFjorgynn: cdrom0 is an alias for the sr0 scsi reader block device.09:14
TheDailyDriverSo dpkg -l | grep nvidia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12293330/09:15
TheDailyDriversudo lshw -C display: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12293334/09:16
TheDailyDriverany more information you need?09:16
no_gravityThere seems to be no ffmpeg in Ubuntu 14 anymore. What was it replaced by? How do you extract mp3 from mp4 on Ubuntu?09:17
bazhanglibav-tools no_gravity09:18
valutHow can i find someone who well known ubuntu initrd?09:20
mach20x~$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/bus/usb/004 /media/external -o uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=13709:21
mach20xmount:  /dev/bus/usb/004 is not a block device09:21
mach20xthat's what I am getting when I try to mount the LG ln27209:21
mach20xDevice output for lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/12293365/09:23
TheDailyDriveroh man I have no idea what to do09:25
mach20xyou and me both09:25
TheDailyDriveryea :D09:25
TheDailyDrivergonna reboot fast09:26
mach20xwould it be advisable to run a vender exe for windows drivers in Ubuntu via WINE?09:28
TheDailyDrivernvidia-prime still not working...09:29
mach20xso that I can fix a cellphone?09:29
TheDailyDrivermach20x what you want to do?09:30
TheDailyDriverDo you want to extract mp3 from a mp4?09:31
mach20xmount an LG ln272 to the ubuntu machine to fix the bin and dll files09:31
mach20xor at the least mount it in ubuntu so that I can hand it off to my windows within Virtualbox09:32
TheDailyDriverSorry gtg now...09:33
visofhi guys09:35
akikmach20x: are you using mtp mode or usb storage mode with your phone?09:36
mach20xit's not an android phone so I'm going to go with neither09:36
visofmy system is auto-mute enabled how can i disable it?09:37
mach20xTake a look at this to see where I am at http://paste.ubuntu.com/12293460/09:38
mach20xakik ^^09:39
akikmach20x: sorry i don't know how to help you with that. don't know if what you want is even possible09:41
NokajiIs there a way to unarchive a monolithic 'flac' file, via its 'cue' sheet in ubuntu? -I've tried mp3split which fails, i think flac's aren't handled well by it or linux09:42
akikmach20x: maybe you need to change some setting in the phone as it looks like it's advertising itself as a modem09:43
Nokajiit would be one less reason for me to dual boot if I could find a way09:43
mikubuntuhmmmm ... funny thing as i half watched the term during installation -- something went by that said 'this likely means that your installation is broken' .. lol. but it booted up ok (lub 14.04.3) and wifi works. i guess mom will let me know when she finds the part that's broken.09:44
mach20xakik: I'm quite certain it is possible, but it's in the "road less traveled" category. Unfortunately I cannot adjust or manipulate any settings or features as it only boot loops, and I am trying to fix it in recovery mode09:44
rtr-hi, i have a problem building xml-rpc and cant find whats missing on my system. could anybody take a look at it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12293504/09:46
mach20xakik: hence the reason I need it to mount in ubuntu so that I can access it in windows on Virtualbox with the recovery software provided by the vendor.09:46
akikmach20x: why do you need to mount it? isn't it enough to forward the usb device to virtualbox?09:46
mach20xusb device is not found in Virtualbox09:47
akikhave you installed the extension pack to virtualbox?09:47
rtr-Nokaj did you try this? http://danilodellaquila.com/blog/how-to-split-an-audio-.flac-file-using-ubuntu-linux09:47
mach20xyes, let me load up the machine09:48
akiki would say that you don't achieve anything by first trying to mount the phone to linux09:48
akikin regard to the recovery software09:48
akikthe extension pack install brought the usb 3.0 support to virtualbox so it might not be even necessary09:50
mach20xI have Virtualbox Guest Additions09:51
akikguest additions and the extension pack are two different things09:51
mach20xhow may I utilize extensions09:51
akikactually it says also usb 2.0 devices09:52
akikhttps://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Support for USB 2.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards.09:52
akikyou install it through file/preferences/extensions09:53
akikyou could try #vbox channel as this is off-topic to #ubuntu09:53
greylinehy everybody09:53
greylinea bit offtopic: hy all [11:48] <greyline> how do you say "you will be lighten" you will know these things, when you want to say this with somehow referring to the light? [11:49] <greyline> when you will learn something and your mind will be lighter or something [11:49] <greyline> or brighter09:54
lotuspsychje!ot | greyline09:57
ubottugreyline: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:57
greylinelotuspsychje: I know...and how should I know the answer for this question? Where to ask that?09:57
greylinelotuspsychje: oh, offtopic09:58
greylinelotuspsychje: sry09:58
xtroxI run ubuntu and I can't find /boot/grub/menu.lst to edit it09:58
xtroxIt seem to habe been generated automaticly09:59
xtroxcould any one help me see clear in this situation ?10:00
SCHAAP137xtrox, it's generated when you perform sudo update-grub10:01
SCHAAP137or sudo update-grub210:01
xtroxok I just did that10:01
xtroxbut why dont I have a menu.lst file to edit ?10:02
SCHAAP137not sure xtrox, it might be the difference between grub and grub210:03
curiousxxtrox: you shoud edit:  /etc/default/grub10:03
visofhow can i disable auto-mute mode ?10:03
configНарод! подскажите рус канал!10:04
curiousx!ru | config10:05
ubottuconfig: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:05
xtroxok I cant find the line I want in there10:05
xtroxI would like to change the names of the OS that start10:06
fannoI need to create a small  java app  in ubunto, what is a good/ easy to  use platform to use ?  i would like on where i can create the UI "drag/drop style"10:06
gregi  want to  make dialogue box aappear to  be small how to do that?10:20
xtroxThx for your help done10:24
xtroxhave a nice da10:24
gregi  want to  make dialogue box aappear to  be small how to do that?10:28
AEL-HApologies, I am having trouble understanding this line from the man page:10:37
AEL-HThe letters rwxXst select file mode bits for the affected users: read (r), write (w), execute (or search for directories) (x), execute/search only if the file is a directory or already has execute permission for some user (X)10:37
AEL-HWhat exactly does 'X' do?10:37
bekksAEL-H: Which man page are you reading?10:37
zhxkhow to auto-restart a accidently exitd deamon?10:38
bekksAEL-H: thos bits select the files/directories as described. X selects "file is a directory or already has execute permission for some user"10:39
gregi  want to  make dialogue box aappear to  be small how to do that?10:42
AEL-HSo is if I do say chmod o+X file , if at least one user can execute the file, all other users can execute the file?10:42
gregcancel button isnot visible..10:42
ubuntu705Hi, can anyone help with setting up the combo jack on Asus X550C? The mic doesn't work under ubuntu but does on Windows10:48
fiksieHello folks! I'm transferring my wordpress sites from Hostgator to Digital Ocean. I have paid close attention to this guide: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-multiple-wordpress-sites-on-a-single-ubuntu-vps and I think it was successful, but now i need to configure plugins and content before pointing the domain at new server. Is there any way i can access and develop current wordpress installations and pr10:51
cfhowlettfiksie, might that question be better asked of #wordpress?10:52
fiksieYeah, I was thinking about that as well. It's because i could access developing domains with http://ip/~username. Now I'm wandering if it is any different with ubuntu10:53
bekksfiksie: It isnt different because of Ubuntu, it may be different because your of your Wordpress setup.10:54
fiksieokay, thank you for your help10:55
LordDeathis opensmtpd in Ubuntu already a reliable alternative to postfix?11:03
ikoniawhy would it not be reliable ?11:03
ikoniait's an SMTP relay/mail agent11:03
ikoniadon't know what you mean by 'already'11:03
LordDeathwell, it is "new" and it seems like only one maintainer over at debian is taking care of an slightly outdated version11:05
ikoniaso thats your answer11:06
ikoniaare you comfortable witht that situation ?11:06
ikoniawhy do you need to replace postfix ?11:06
LordDeathimho postfix is not very intuitive. I am looking for a solution that is easier to understand and configure11:07
ikoniapostfix is very well laid out and very well documented11:07
ikoniaup to you what you use11:08
BluesKajhiya folks11:12
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papy_Hi! I'm having connection issues to a linux-hosted share from windows 10. I have some logs from the failed connection:  http://pastebin.com/M0xmBuY3. Can't connect from windows 8.1 either. But I can connect from windows 7, no problem.11:24
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ikoniawhat version of ubuntu papy_ ?11:25
usviI have made a patch scanbuttond. the "upstream" source is from 2009 and I'm really not sure whether it is developed at all there. but but, I made a working patch for it in ubuntu. where can I send it?11:28
ikoniait would need to go upstream11:29
ikoniaas ubuntu pulls from debian11:29
usviikonia: do you mean I should send it to somebody at debian ?11:30
ikoniaI mean you should send it to the upsteam sourc11:31
ikoniaso that it's fed down11:31
ikoniayou can do that through the ubuntu/debian bug reporting system / tool11:31
ikoniaor direct11:31
usviI think upstream is some cvs server on sourceforge XD11:32
usviapt-get source scanbuttond shows in debian/changelog:  scanbuttond (0.2.3.cvs20090713-16) unstable; urgency=low   * Orphaned.   -- Milan Zamazal <pdm@debian.org>  Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:11:22 +010011:33
ikonia why are you showing us that ?11:33
usviI guess because I'm stupid11:33
papy_ikonia: 14.0411:34
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ikoniapapy_: how are you sharing the directory ?11:34
papy_ikonia: with an entry in smb.conf? not sure I understand the question.11:35
ikoniaok - ao you're running a samba server rather than using the "share" tool11:35
papy_ikonia: ah, yes.11:35
ikoniaso it stands to reason that the later versions of the windows clients must need an extra setting/change if it works with 7 but not with 811:36
ikoniaI'd start by researching that11:36
papy_ikonia: FYI, I updated samba to 4.1.11 with a ppa, but I had the same problem with 4.1.611:36
ikoniaI'd remove that PPA package set11:37
papy_ikonia: yes, there are a number of things to try that I found online, but none worked.11:37
papy_ikonia: ok, why?11:37
ikoniabecause PPA is unsupported/ stable is11:37
usviok I'll email that debian guy and ask instructions11:38
TJ-Hmmm; managed to lock myself out of the laptop for 2 hours this morning, via a GRUB Denial of Service attack. Warning for others: If you're going to debug GRUB, don't use 'debug=all'11:48
=== MattTS_ is now known as MattTS
helpmeplsAnyone here able to assist me?11:55
cfhowlett!ask | helpmepls,11:55
ubottuhelpmepls,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:55
=== MattTS_ is now known as MattTS
helpmeplsI have a hard drive which I use for my operating system which says it has over 900 gigabytes of free space11:56
helpmeplsyet when I look at my home drive it has only 11 megabytes11:56
helpmeplsMaking it quite difficult to install anything11:56
ikoniayour home directory is not your root file system11:57
ikoniathey are different things11:57
cfhowletthelpmepls, terminal command time:   df -h | nc termbin.com 999911:57
cfhowlettcopy/paste the resulting url here11:57
cfhowlettikonia, /cow          ?  what the hey?11:58
ikonianot even looksed at it11:58
cfhowletthelpmepls, here's one way to clean up some space: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean11:59
helpmeplsBut there shouldnt be any cleaning up needed12:00
helpmeplsI installed ubuntu today12:00
TJ-helpmepls: It looks like when you installed Ubuntu to sda, you allocated almost all its space to the root file-system in sda112:00
helpmeplsIs there a way to fix that, TJ? Or do I have to reinstall?12:00
TJ-helpmepls: You do know you are currently booted from the Live ISO ?12:00
TJ-helpmepls: Did you remove the USB key after installation?12:00
cfhowlettthis ain't windows.  reinstall is the LAST thing we should be considering12:00
helpmeplsAh, should I reboot with that outside of it?12:01
TJ-helpmepls: Errr... it might help :D12:01
helpmeplsAlright, well I'll return.12:01
cfhowlettstill trying to wrap my head around /cow as that seems to be the source or problems12:01
TJ-cfhowlett: Copy-on-Write, the live image file-system12:01
cfhowletthave you updated since install?12:01
helpmeplsI tried12:01
TJ-cfhowlett: it's booted from the Live ISO right now12:01
helpmeplsthe update worked12:01
helpmeplsbut the upgrade stopped12:01
helpmeplsbecause it ran out of space12:02
helpmeplsI'll be right back after a reboot12:02
popeyhelpmepls: the live cd isn't designed to be updated.12:03
popeyhelpmepls: it's for you to install from, onto a hard disk / ssd or indeed other USB device12:03
cfhowlettpopey, how can you identify this as a live CD session?12:04
cfhowlettpopey, google returned nothing on "/cow + linux"12:05
popeyalso rofs12:05
popeycfhowlett: boot a live cd and type mount and take a look for yourself12:05
EriC^^cfhowlett: do you have TJ- on ignore by mistake?12:05
cfhowlettwill do.12:05
=== mhenrixon is now known as mhenrixon_afk
helpedmethankswell you can stop trying to wrap your hand around that poor mammal12:06
helpedmethanksI seemed to have just been a bit of an idiot12:07
cfhowlettyou were booting from CD not from HDD ... :)12:07
helpedmethanksAs it seems12:07
cfhowletthelpedmethanks, EVERYONE has done that at least once.  so --- all things are good now?12:07
popeycfhowlett: http://termbin.com/xfn112:08
popeyi just booted a live cd to show what it looks like12:08
helpedmethanksSure looks like it12:08
cfhowlettpopey, thanks.12:08
helpedmethanksBut I will return if/when I run into more issues, almost entirely new to linux.12:08
cfhowlett!manual | helpedmethanks,  also fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads          start by reading issue #0 and work through to #100.12:09
ubottuhelpedmethanks,  also fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads          start by reading issue #0 and work through to #100.: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:09
helpedmethanksMan, this is already a hundred times more helpful than microsoft support ever was. Thanks a lot.12:10
=== mhenrixon_afk is now known as mhenrixon
FuraiOk, I'm losing my temper slowly. Been fighting with sound on 15.04 and my asus g751jt for way too long.12:42
FuraiHeadphones weren't working, I got it to work but then microphone still wasn't working.12:43
lvlephI have a 4k screen which is causing issues with font sizes, especially in tty. How can I fix the tty font size?12:43
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FuraiAnd now god only knows why I have sound from both speakers and headphones, one being left channel other the right one.12:44
lvlephFurai: ctl+alt+t then amixer12:44
lvlephsee if you can fix things that way12:44
trijntjeIt looks like I have a failing harddisk. I'm trying to create an image of the disk as backup using dd but I run into input/output errors. What should I do?12:45
TJ-trijntje: Use 'ddrescue' from the 'gddrescue' package12:46
lvlephtrijntje: backup important files using rsync.12:46
cfhowletttrijntje, if it's failing, every i/o brings you closer to catastrophic failure.12:46
cfhowlettconsider cloud storage of critical stuff12:46
lvlephHowever, as cfhowlett said you are getting closer and closer to complete loss.12:47
Furailvleph, I've been fiddling with alsamixer, pavucontrol and everything for quite a while.12:48
FuraiAlso alsa-base.ctf12:48
TJ-If I/O errors have started rsync is no good to you since it will fail as soon as it tries to read a bad sector12:48
TJ-ddrescue maps the I/O errors and works around them, and tries its hardest to recover everything despite I/O errors12:49
trijntjelvleph, cfhowlett I know, but what else can I do? I can leave the harddisk and never access it, or read it and risk a failure12:49
lvlephI would rsync important things to another disk.12:49
cfhowletttrijntje, back up to the cloud.  no write needed.  box/dropbox are your friends and/or rsync12:50
lvlephIf you have to buy a new drive and a usb external case for it if you can't install directly into your machine.12:50
TJ-lvleph: rsync is no good if there are I/O errors12:50
Seveastrijntje: ddrescue is your friend12:51
cfhowletttrijntje, also: no more boots from the HDD!  boot from USB, copy off the data12:51
trijntjecfhowlett, I'm trying to dd to another disk, so there's no need to backup to the cloud. It would be too slow anyway12:51
Seveastrijntje: it's like dd but won't break on failing sectors (but log them) and copy all it can.12:51
popeyanother +1 for ddrescue, has helped me in this situation before12:51
trijntjeSeveas, TJ-  I'm reading the ddrescue manual now, thanks12:51
TJ-trijntje: I had a 2 TB disk in for recovery a while ago... ddrescue recovered all but one 4096 byte sector.12:52
SeveasTJ-: that's better luck than me. Lost a few meg last time (on a 900gb disk)12:53
TJ-trijntje: but that sector happened to be in the middle of a critical file-system data structure12:53
TJ-Seveas: It depends on the extend of the failure I guess, and how fast it degrades, how fast you catch it, etc.12:53
SeveasTJ-: catching was the problem. Literally. The disk broke when it fell :)12:54
TJ-Seveas: LOL ... I've been there... and was SO thankfully the disk was fitted with a free-fall detector!12:55
trijntjeTJ-, thats unlucky. I'll have to see how much is damaged, I have had problems for a while, but only in windows, never in ubuntu, so I didn't suspect my harddisk itself12:56
SeveasThis one wasn't mine. The owner of the disk was incredibly happy I recovered most of his irreplacable photos, and was taught about the benefits of backups :)12:56
TJ-trijntje: As cfhowlett said, stop booting/mounting that drive, Use a USB live ISO. Get a 2nd disk that is at least as big as the failing drive, use ddrescue to recover everything it can to the good drive, then use tools like 'testdisk' 'fsck' and 'photorec' if needed to recover file-systems andfiles12:57
trijntjeTJ-, I've booted from usb. Should I just run ddrescue with the default settings the first time? ddrescue /dev/sdb image logfile12:59
TJ-trijntje: use smartmontools 'smartctl' to check the SMART diagnostic info the drive firmware stores, it will give you an idea of what the extent of the failure is, and whether it is major damage, or slowly degrading. Probably failing to remap failing sectors.13:00
Seveastrijntje: yup.13:00
TJ-trijntje: The other possibiliy is it is just a cable failure ... that is easy to fix13:02
trijntjeTJ-, smart says 'one bad sector', but the disk has been online for 2.5 years, so I guess its getting old. I've put it in another pc so its not a cable problem sadly13:03
Seveasone bad sector isn't too bad13:03
TJ-trijntje: It depends if that one bad sector is in a 'bad' place I guess :)13:04
TJ-trijntje: The Linux kern.log should report the Logical Block Address (LBA) of the failing sector read. Get that number, and you can figure out what data is mapped to the sector. That will help identify how serious the issue is.13:05
trijntjeTJ-, looks like its about 10GB into the disk, so safely in the windows part of the disk13:05
TJ-trijntje: If it is affecting Linux too, the error could be a mechanical issue that 'moves' rather than being a literal surface defect on a platter13:07
trijntjeTJ-, this is the dmesg output since starting ddrescue http://pastebin.com/GVYqRAX913:09
TJ-trijntje: If that is all that fails, you're very lucky13:14
TJ-trijntje: You might be able to use 'hdparm' to force that sector to be reallocated, if the SMART reallocated count isn't already at its maximum13:15
trijntjeso far so good, ddrescue has read 54G and found one 33kb error.13:16
trijntjeTJ-, this is what smartctl says, I dont really understand the output though: http://pastebin.com/yBymxi8k13:21
TJ-trijntje: That actually looks very good; There's just 1 pending sector for reallocation, which you can probably force using hdparm. The UDMA CRC error count could indicate problems with the link to the disk controller, or the controller itself, in the original PC.13:24
TJ-trijntje: Here's a simple overview: http://www.sj-vs.net/forcing-a-hard-disk-to-reallocate-bad-sectors/13:25
trijntjeTJ-, I'm glad that the disk is mostly ok, but I'm not sure I still trust my pc. I've also had it hang at the bios a few times, or suddenly reboot. Could that all be caused by a faulty harddisk (connection)?13:27
TJ-trijntje: My first suspect would be faulty power supply issues13:28
* onepolar leaving to downtown13:36
yppoHow to debug invoke-rc.d errors? ssh restart fails for me...13:40
ikoniaread the log ? manually start it ?13:41
jjavaholicif I plug in my usb device and it doesn't show up in lsusb does that mean it is broken13:41
ikoniait means it can't see it as a usb device13:42
=== hanzo is now known as hanzo2
hanzo2hey, all.  i am wondering if anybody can help me set up an ipv6 tunnel.  i have registered a /64 through he, but can't quite figure out how to configure it.13:44
yppoikonia: i am doing it manually, are there a log for invoke-rc.d?13:45
ikoniathe system log13:45
yppoikonia: cannot find it in /var/log13:45
yppoikonia: okey13:46
lotuspsychje!ipv6 | hanzo2 can this help?13:46
ubottuhanzo2 can this help?: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:46
hanzo2ubottu: it does, thanks, but i read that and followed all steps earlier13:47
ubottuhanzo2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:47
hanzo2oh, darn13:47
yppoikonia: it writes nothing in the syslog, the only info i have is "invoke-rc.d: initscript ssh, action "restart" failed.", hard to debug:P13:51
=== Ricky_ is now known as Guest52378
ikoniamanually launch sshd13:52
ypporunning /usr/sbin/sshd gives me "Missing privilege separation directory: /var/run/sshd"13:54
Guest52378hello, I have ubuntu 14.04, upgrade the kernel 4.1.6 and would like it removed but not to remove it ... when you start the grub loads the kernel 4.1.613:56
ikoniaso there you go13:56
ikonialook at that diretory13:57
akikhanzo2: he.net has documentation on how to configure their ipv6 tunnel13:57
krizoeki have a computer that sometimes freezes; and im attempting to disable acpi in the grub. someone know how to check if its disabled?13:57
akikhanzo2: i meant tunnelbroker.net13:58
akikhanzo2: click your tunnel and then example configurations13:58
auronandaceGuest52378: how did you install 4.1.6?13:58
KiraHello all :)13:59
lotuspsychjekrizoek: did you add no_acpi ?13:59
lotuspsychjeKira: welcome, what can we do for you?13:59
Kiraanyone able to offer a little advice please?13:59
Kiralotuspsychje: Hi :) i have an old mac pro 1.1 is it possible to install ubuntu on?14:00
lotuspsychje!mac | Kira14:00
ubottuKira: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:00
yppoikonia: I have no /var/run/sshd dir, should it not be automatically created?14:00
krizoeklotuspsychje without space, i added noacpi to the general settings-kernel parameters by using grub customizer14:00
Kiralotuspsychje: thanks :) been looking for that for like an hour ha14:01
Kiralotuspsychje: the following link is not found http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/ do you know of another reliable source?14:05
lotuspsychjeKira: 11.04 is end of life14:05
auronandaceKira: 11.04 has long since been unsupported14:05
yppoikonia: okey, do you know what group I shoud use as owner for /var/run/sshd? I have a user sshd that I guess shoul be used but no group called sshd14:05
Kirayeah though so..14:06
lotuspsychjeKira: maybe this can help a bit: http://askubuntu.com/questions/507354/how-to-install-ubuntu-14-04-on-my-mac-pro-1-1-with-a-raw-hard-drive-by-a-bootabl14:06
ikoniaI think it's root14:06
Kirathanks again lotuspsychje14:07
Seveasyppo: are you sure the ssh server is installed?14:07
Seveasbecause that directory is created when you install the package and whenever you reboot (/run, which /var/run symlinks to is a temporary in-memory filesystem)14:08
yppoikonia: Okey, root:root? or sshd:root?14:08
Seveasdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 sep  1 17:33 /var/run/sshd14:09
ikoniathanks Seveas14:09
yppoSeveas: thx14:11
NGC3982Guys, do you know of any top/nload/CLI software that can keep track of CPU temperature?14:13
ikonialmsensors ?14:14
ikoniaand then any sort of graphing tool14:14
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.14:14
NGC3982lmsensors does not seem to give me interactive information14:14
NGC3982But forces me to actively run a/the script for every time i want to read the temperature.14:14
NGC3982HackerII: Oh, that sounds like something.14:15
NGC3982Although, i'm on a server with no X support.14:15
cfhowlettNGC3982, you might want to read the description.14:15
NGC3982cfhowlett: Ok.14:16
yppoikonia: I can now start sshd but I still get "invoke-rc.d: initscript ssh, action "restart" failed."14:17
ikoniait should be logging14:17
yppoikonia: i get nothing with tail -f /var/log/syslog14:18
NGC3982cfhowlett: As far as i can see, the article does not give me a CLI option to monitoring temperature in real time, as with psensor in X.14:25
NGC3982Do you have any suggestions? I got lm-sensors to properly display my temperature.14:25
mogreenHow do I get to the equivalent of Windows' Task Manager in Ubuntu?  Need to see how much RAM a process/program is taking up14:26
cfhowlettNGC3982, best I punt this to #bash channel.  pretty sure they'd know how to pipe the temp from sensors > something else14:26
cfhowlettmogreen, top14:26
yppoI have read http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/invoke-rc.d.8.html but i cannot fully understand the purpose of invoke-rc anyway, does it just run the action in my case restar for a given script in /etc/init.d?14:26
NGC3982cfhowlett: I see. Something tells me someone made something for this before (most server owners would like the system temperature available, i guess?). I'll google a bit and ask in that channel. Thanks. :)14:27
NGC3982cfhowlett: But still, you see what i'm after? Just like top, but for temperature.14:27
NGC3982Like a CLI Speedfan or something.14:28
cfhowlettNGC3982, great idea!  ask #ubuntu-server14:28
cfhowlettI get what you're after, I'm just not knowledgeable14:28
NGC3982Although, i think i know how..14:28
mtnmogreen, system monitor, should be easy to find in your menu14:28
NGC3982the watch command should be able to help me here14:28
NGC3982Like, watch -n 4 -d sensors14:28
mogreenmtn: That did the trick thanks :8]14:29
mtnmogreen, welcome14:29
mogreencfhowlett: thanks but I couldn't figure out how to read that14:29
cfhowlettmogreen, I believe ubuntu has a gui equivalent but I'm on xubuntu so can't specify14:30
=== ZiNk is now known as ZiNk_
NGC3982cfhowlett: I solved it!14:34
cfhowlettNGC3982, please share!14:34
NGC3982'watch -n 1 -d sensors' runs <command> every second.14:35
NGC3982No graphs or anything, but it fills the purpose in my status screen.14:35
cfhowlettNGC3982, fair enough.  good work14:35
=== ZiNk_ is now known as ZiNk
=== rory- is now known as rory
gregi  have downloaded sublime in zip format , how to install that zip file?14:42
popeygreg: you probably just need to unpack it in a folder like "Apps/Sublime" in your home directory (that's what i did)14:43
=== mhenrixon is now known as mhenrixon_afk
fl0wI’m trying to switch user using su. I just created the new user with `adduser —disabled-password newuser`, but when I’m trying to switch to newuser I get the error “No passwd entry for user 'znc’”. What am I missing?14:48
akikfl0w: please read the error message again. the answer is there14:50
vevi m looking for people who have spare time to help me on semantic form / Je cherche des gens qui ont du temps pour m'aider sur semantic form - /contact me on the new project #libreidea14:50
fl0wBut how can a password be the requirement when I added a new user with the —disabled-password flag?14:51
fl0wakik: I read it as “Give me the password for user X when I know there isn’t one”14:52
akikfl0w: you can use that account with a ssh key login but not with su14:53
mach20xanyone have an idea what is going on here in this output? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12295800/14:54
ioriafl0w how are you logging in ? which command ?14:54
=== mhenrixon_afk is now known as mhenrixon
akikfl0w: when you use su to switch uid, the first thing it asks is the password for the new uid14:59
stevecamakik, that is correct14:59
fl0wnvm, the adduser command had failed and never created the user :/15:01
fl0wand now, it works, so I’m  not sure what you’re saying akik - it doesn’t ask for password.15:02
liquidmetalI'm using an nvidia card on my laptop. Firefox is able to render webgl while chromium can't - any clue why?15:04
Amozfl0w, it should15:05
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Amozunless you're already authenticated as a superuser or similar15:06
=== francisco is now known as Guest76197
CRYPTIIXHey everyone, I've been having difficulties with my ubuntu 14.04.03 install where on suspend, my screen goes black with a white line in the top left corner of my screen and does nothing else. The only way to start up again is by resetting my computer. I have tried multiple solutions and none of them work. Does anyone know of any solutions to this issue?15:08
Amozliquidmetal, maybe this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/146359815:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1463598 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Chromium 43 fails to use hardware acceleration" [Undecided,Fix released]15:08
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: usually it's a graphics driver issue15:08
gregpopey: send me the  cmd15:09
CRYPTIIXI'm using the proprietary nvidia driver15:09
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: dmesg might show some useful info15:09
EriC^^try /var/log/kern.log15:10
AmozCRYPTIIX, that could be caused by a lot of different things, e.g. USB not handling suspend correctly15:10
CRYPTIIXWhat should I do to check where the problem is coming from?15:11
CRYPTIIXI've scoured google and tried multiple different solutions and I'm getting desperate now haha15:11
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: paste /var/log/kern.log15:12
liquidmetalAmoz, interesting - I think that might be it.15:12
CRYPTIIXhow much of /var/log/kern.log/? it's very long15:13
gcbirzan_CRYPTIIX: The bits that look relevant :)15:13
gcbirzan_CRYPTIIX: Around the time it crashed, that is.15:13
EriC^^search for suspend15:13
CRYPTIIXalright, I'm going to recreate the issue. I need to restart my computer so I'll be right back15:14
yppoIn /etc/init.d/ssh, log_daemon_msg is used a log, where does the output from this function go? And where can i find the implemenation of log_daemon_msg on ubuntu, it is a LSB command15:14
AlexQHi guys. I am trying to make two scripts that I could run without sudo that would start and stop my lighttpd, using "service stop/start" command. I created the scripts, set the owner user to root and group to root, and run sudo chmod g+s on both of them, so they ownership and permissions look like "-rwxr-sr-x 1 root root  104 Sep  6 17:12 http-start". But it doesn't work - I still get a pop-up password request from Ubuntu. When I modified15:19
EriC^^AlexQ: you can't use setgid bits with scripts15:20
CRYPTIIXAlright I'm back, what was the log I was supposed to look at?15:21
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: /var/log/kern.log15:21
AlexQEriC^^: Why not? So I'd need to write a C program to do that? Because it seems to work well when I copy /usr/bin/id to the same location as the scripts and use setgid on that15:22
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AlexQEriC^^: Also, how can I prevent the lighttpd server from starting automatically on bootup?15:22
EriC^^AlexQ: you can put the script in sudo visudo15:22
gp5stis there any irc clients that won't give "SSL Handshake Failed" errors and then not fix it because it's "a stupid serve config option" like pidgeon? something that's multi-network (well, xmpp and irc at least) would be nice15:22
CRYPTIIXSep  6 11:14:28 blubuntu kernel: [ 1823.873413] vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device Sep  6 11:14:28 blubuntu kernel: [ 1824.069130] wlan0: deauthenticating from 80:37:73:ec:bf:d4 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING) Sep  6 11:14:28 blubuntu kernel: [ 1824.075829] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain Sep  6 11:14:28 blubuntu kernel: [ 1824.083281] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated: Sep  6 11:15:23
CRYPTIIXThat is everything that happened at the time of suspend15:23
bekksCRYPTIIX: Use a pastebin please.15:23
CRYPTIIXsorry, I'm new to this haha15:23
EriC^^AlexQ: if you can start lighttpd already from service lighttp start, then add that line in sudo visudo, or set it up that way and add it15:23
EriC^^AlexQ: sudo update-rc.d -f lighttpd disable should stop it from starting automatically if you're using upstart15:24
CRYPTIIXHere is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/frgqsv9515:24
CRYPTIIXI put everything that happened after I suspended my computer in the pastebin15:25
AlexQTHanks, EriC^^15:26
yppoMy ssh restart fails because init_is_upstart, what should I do about this? Im on ubuntu 14.04 and cannot update since because dpkg: error processing package openssh-server (--configure) which is using this feature15:26
EriC^^AlexQ: no problem15:26
AlexQEriC^^: update-rc.d: error: no runlevel symlinks to modify, aborting!15:27
EriC^^i guess it's not added, can you use service lighttp start to start it?15:27
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EriC^^CRYPTIIX: paste /var/log/dmesg.015:28
ioriaCRYPTIIX, it'a fresh install ?15:28
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CRYPTIIXYeah, I reinstalled because I though I put something on here that broke it15:29
AlexQEriC^^: Yes, I can use service lighttpd start to start it. What's more, when I run "service" with no sudo, Ubuntu asks me for my passwd automatically, which is kinda new for me15:29
ioriaCRYPTIIX, before it was working ?15:29
CRYPTIIXIt wasn't, I thought maybe I installed something that caused it to happen, and I figured a fresh install would fix it15:30
=== Thaurwyl1h is now known as Thaurwylth
EriC^^AlexQ: type ls -l /etc/init/lighttp.conf15:31
CRYPTIIXEric^^: heres the pastebin http://pastebin.com/ibyg21Ak15:31
ioriaCRYPTIIX, well,  paste /var/log/dmesg.0    and see if you have this file /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop15:31
CRYPTIIXioria: thats the pastebin in my previous message15:32
AlexQEriC^^: No such file15:32
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: did you just suspend?15:32
CRYPTIIXThe last time I suspended was around 11:1415:32
AlexQEriC^^: But there's /etc/init.d/lighttpd obviously15:32
CRYPTIIXAnd I needed to restart my computer15:32
EriC^^AlexQ: try sudo update-rc.d lighttp disable15:33
CRYPTIIXioria: there is no light-locker-settings file15:33
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: try to suspend now15:33
=== Evanion is now known as Evanion[AFK]
EriC^^and then pastebin /var/log/dmesg.015:34
AlexQEriC^^: update-rc.d: error: cannot find a LSB script for lighttp15:34
AlexQEriC^^: I don't know if my OS is using upstart or what.15:34
CRYPTIIXEric^^: I haven't done anything. Do you just need the updated dmesg?15:34
nug700I get really bad screen tearing in youtube and amazon instant video15:34
nug700however in youtube the tearing only happens when the mouse is over the player15:35
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: try zgrep suspend /var/log/dmesg.*15:35
EriC^^CRYPTIIX: try zgrep -H suspend /var/log/dmesg.*15:35
EriC^^do you get anything?15:35
CRYPTIIXI don't get anything15:36
ioriaCRYPTIIX, please, try again   ls /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop15:36
EriC^^AlexQ: which os are you using?15:36
AlexQEriC^^: Xubuntu 15.04 64 bit15:36
EriC^^AlexQ: ok you're using systemd15:37
CRYPTIIXioria: I get something now15:37
=== Evanion[AFK] is now known as Evanion
Yaser_AmiriHi! how to get used internet traffic in bash and assign it to a variable?15:37
ioriaCRYPTIIX, you used locate before ?15:37
CRYPTIIXioria: nope15:38
ioriaCRYPTIIX, what did you used ?15:38
ioriaCRYPTIIX, what did you use ?15:38
CRYPTIIXioria, use for what?15:38
ioriaCRYPTIIX, for searching the file ...15:38
danhi all!15:38
CRYPTIIXI used the ls command and found that file15:38
danmy uname -a is Linux faith 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:08:14 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux15:39
Steve973Hello.  Is there any way that I can use unity (in ubuntu server 15) with vnc server or nx server?15:39
ioriaCRYPTIIX, ok... do you ahe xscreesaver installed ? dpkg -l xscreensaver15:39
SchrodingersScat!info ngrep | Yaser_Amiri there's probably many programs like this, but with bash arrays and something like this you may get closer to what you need.15:39
ubottuYaser_Amiri there's probably many programs like this, but with bash arrays and something like this you may get closer to what you need.: ngrep (source: ngrep): grep for network traffic. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.45.ds2-13 (vivid), package size 25 kB, installed size 85 kB15:39
danstill have huge problems with copy paste... is there any way to put all selections in one?15:39
danthis policy of having to registers to put thins in is not the right one15:40
CRYPTIIXioria: if it says, un  xscreensaver   <none>       <none>       (no description available), does that mean it isn't installed?15:40
danfor instance, i'm in emacs, i am maring text, then have to put it somewhere with the mouse 215:40
ioriaCRYPTIIX, ok... you can try to mv or rename that file above and install xscreensaver15:41
CRYPTIIXioria: just to clarify, which file?15:41
ioriaCRYPTIIX, ls /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop15:42
danthen i copy text in xterm, there is the nee to use glipper, there i bound Alt+Control+C to show the selection, the last selection in xterm is on the top of the list, but not the bold face one, the one that i really insert15:42
danwho ever invented this wheel?15:42
CRYPTIIXioria: what should I rename it?15:42
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop_backup, for example15:42
ypponvm, just reinstalled openssh-server in the end, it would be fun to find out the error but now it works15:43
CRYPTIIXioria: is there anything I should do after installing xscreensaver?15:47
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  did you rename that file ?15:47
CRYPTIIXioria: Yes sir15:47
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  try to suspend15:48
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  install xscreesaver, first15:48
CRYPTIIXioria: Alright, I'm going to suspend, If it takes longer than 5 mins to respond, it probably means it didn't work, haha15:48
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  good luck15:49
CRYPTIIX_ioria: No luck :(15:52
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  ok, revert the file to original15:52
CRYPTIIX_ioria: what was the filepath again?15:53
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  now it will be different the original is  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop15:53
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  how did you rename it ?15:54
CRYPTIIX_ioria: I just reverted the file15:57
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  ok15:57
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  what happens when you resume ?15:58
CRYPTIIX_ioria, resume from suspend?15:58
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  yes15:58
CRYPTIIX_ioria, the screen is on, but it is black, and there is a white marker in the top right corner15:59
CRYPTIIX_top left15:59
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  so you have to reboot or what ?15:59
CRYPTIIX_ioria, yes i do15:59
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  can you past sudo lshw -c video16:00
CRYPTIIX_ioria, http://pastebin.com/zbKEPSJ116:01
p3rror how to limit bandwidth on a web server16:01
=== mhenrixon is now known as mhenrixon_afk
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  laptop intel/nvidia ?16:03
CRYPTIIX_ioria, yes sir16:03
EnezausHi! what am i suppose to do if i forgot my BIOS password! :o16:03
k1l_Enezaus: talk to the manufacturer :)16:04
BluesKajtake the battery out of the mobo for at lwast 30 mins16:04
k1l_Enezaus: sometimes they got reset procedures or universal passwords.16:04
Enezausk1l_: and if i cant? :s16:05
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  how did you install nvidia, from Additional Driver or from command line ?16:05
EnezausBluesKaj: im on a laptop so its not easy yo find the battery...16:05
gregi  have downloaded sublime in zip format , how to install that zip file?16:05
CRYPTIIX_ioria, additional driver16:06
k1l_greg: the website where you got that .zip or inside the .zip should be a readme or howtoinstall16:07
* NGC3982 notices his atom230 nettop server is pending on 80C16:07
NGC3982That's a lot.16:07
=== mhenrixon_afk is now known as mhenrixon
gregk1l_: its sublime text editor there its not given16:08
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  as a try, when you resume you could ctrl-alt-F1 or F2  and then ctrl-alt-F6 of F7 to return to the GUI..16:08
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  but that doesn't sole the issue ... i think16:08
SchrodingersScatEnezaus: my bios password survived no cmos battery if that's what you mean. should probably check manufacturer's documentation16:08
EnezausIs it possible to reset the BIOS PW using the terminal?16:09
CRYPTIIX_ioria: I've tried that and it doesn't work :( . I've been trying for almost a week to find out what this problem is, but nothing has helped me16:09
EnezausSchrodingersScat: thank you :)16:09
k1l_greg: sublime text is payware. so ask sublime for support16:10
ioria!info nvidia-prime16:10
ubottunvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:10
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  can you paste ubuntu-drivers list16:11
CRYPTIIX_ioria, where do i get that?16:12
gregk1l_: on sublime its given in zip format, i  have donloaded it, unpacked it but cant directly get into  it16:12
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  run in terminal16:12
CRYPTIIX_ioria, nvidia-340-updates nvidia-340 nvidia-346 nvidia-346-updates16:12
k1l_greg: so where did you get that zip from?16:13
Norbinany way to make applications minimize when their icon is clicked in the launcher? in case and they are open16:13
EriC^^Norbin: ccsm then unity then launcher > minimize when clicked16:13
NorbinEriC^^, will try, need to install ccsm right? not installed by default16:14
EriC^^Norbin: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager if you don't have ccsm installed16:14
Norbinyeah thought so, thanks - will try now16:15
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  sorry, run out of ideas , maybe some else can help16:16
CRYPTIIX_ioria, I appreciate the help16:17
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  no problem16:17
ioriaCRYPTIIX,  you can try to use only intel and see if the problem persist16:18
CRYPTIIX_How would I do that?16:18
NorbinEriC^^, awesome thx16:18
EriC^^Norbin: np16:18
AmitKumarwhat to do?16:20
DrunkwizardAmitKumar: what do you mean?16:20
AmitKumari mean topic of discussion.16:21
k1l_AmitKumar: this is the ubuntu support channel16:21
NorbinI am working with 2 monitors (1080p) sometimes when moving from one screen to another, one of them is just blank until i move the mouse cursor to it16:29
Norbinhard to even describe the problem16:29
stan_man_canHi all. My VPS s running 14.04. I want to move to 15.04. I updated my /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set prompt to normal then ran sudo do-release-upgrade16:29
stan_man_canthe process took about 15 minutes, said it was updating 403 package, installing 24, removing a few, whatever. I had to manaully decide which configs to use. then it prompted for a restart16:29
stan_man_canit restarted but lsb_release -a still says i'm running 14.04?16:30
AmitKumarfirst update it again16:30
AmitKumarthen try for upgrade16:30
AmitKumarand reboot the system16:30
AmitKumarhope it will help16:31
stan_man_canAmitKumar, So, just try again?16:31
AmitKumari have done the same it worked16:31
BluesKajstan_man_can, you can't upgrade directly to 15.0416:31
AmitKumarbut i did it16:31
stan_man_canBluesKaj, oh really?16:32
AmitKumarfirst installed 14.10 then upgraded to 15.0416:32
BluesKajyou have to upgrade to 14.10 then 15.0416:32
stan_man_canBluesKaj, Ohh sorry Yes you're right I just noticed im' on 14.10 now not 14.0416:32
stan_man_cansorry that was dumb of me16:33
k1l_stan_man_can: so once again do-release-upgrade16:33
stan_man_cank1l_, Yeah I"ll just repeat the process16:33
AmitKumargo for it16:33
stan_man_cansorry for that guys I should have been paying better attention16:33
stan_man_canas soon as I saw 14.* I think my brain shut down in a "wtff"16:33
AlexQEriC^^: So, how do I properly disable autostart of lighttpd on my Xubuntu, which you said uses system.d?16:34
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers16:35
EriC^^i think you should use systemctl lighttpd disable16:35
saturday_sunSince the topic are upgrades, can I (next year) upgrade from Server 15.04 to 16.04 LTS? Or am I stuck on the "non-LTS"?16:35
AlexQEriC^^: Managed to add my script folder to NOPASSWD record in conf file in /etc/sudoers.d/,thanks.16:36
trijntjesaturday_sun, you'll have to upgrade to 15.10, and then to 16.0416:36
trijntjeafter that you can stay on lts if you want16:36
saturday_sunok! thanks!16:36
EriC^^AlexQ: np16:37
asad_Hi there. When will Ubuntu 16.04 LTS be releasing?16:37
Norbindoes desktop sharing only work locally via LAN btw? like remote desktop?16:38
k1l_saturday_sun: 15.04 looses support after 9 months so you want to upgrade to 15.10 in this year anyway.16:38
gajushow does centos 7 compare to ubuntu 15?16:40
ikoniayou can't really compare16:40
gajusmy understanding is that centos is considered more stable than ubuntu. Primarily, because its main repos are lagging behind ubuntu16:41
ikoniayou can't compare16:41
gajuswell, I need to have some criteria to decide whether to use ubunto or centos16:42
gajusso where do I start?16:42
gajusIt is for a web server16:42
BluesKajapples and oranges , silly comparison16:42
ikoniause what you like16:42
ikoniaor best meets your needs16:42
AmitKumarhow do i configure grub,since i installed ubuntu with window10 in the system and ubuntu is not showing in grub16:43
k1l_gajus: better ask in ##linux since this is #ubuntu16:44
gajusk1l_: I am Okay with biased answer.16:44
AlexQEriC^^: And what would be the proper way (i.e. to be able to umount from userspace by just clicking "Umount" on the desktop etc.) to automount a NTFS drive on that Xubuntu, on boot up? Guess not by directly using ntfs-3g in /etc/fstab ?16:45
ikoniagajus: you can't compare16:45
gajusso far my understanding is this: Ubuntu gives access to the latest tech. This comes at the cost of a less predictable behaviour.16:45
k1l_gajus: nope. ubuntu got LTS releases16:45
EriC^^AlexQ: you could add gvfs-mount -d /dev/sdxY to the startup apps or so16:46
gajusHowever, this only describes repositories. In case of CentOS you can use custom repos too and make it as much unpredictable.16:46
Norbinyep use lts and u are safe gajus16:46
gajusI'd be a lot more interested to know whats the overhead/how do the two compare in terms of performance16:46
k1l_gajus: we in here cant help you on that decision. we focus on technical ubuntu support in here16:46
ikoniagajus: you can't compare - grasp that16:47
AmitKumarhow do i configure grub,since i installed ubuntu with window10 in the system and ubuntu is not showing in grub16:47
BluesKajthe suggestion to ask in ##linux iss the right one, gajus16:47
AmitKumarcan anyone suggest me?16:47
gajusikonia: Sorry, your statement "You cannot compare" is nonsensical. I *can* compare apples and oranges (http://www.diffen.com/difference/Apples_vs_Oranges). The same way there is a common ground for Ubuntu and CentOS16:48
gajusBluesKaj: Thanks. I will head to Google.16:48
ikoniagajus: no. it's not16:48
ikoniagajus: if you could compare - you'd be researching16:48
BluesKajgajus, just click on here ##linux16:48
gajusThank you all16:49
balleyneHaving trouble getting Ubuntu to play DVDs (for the first time in 8 years). I've followed all the instructions for 14.04, and I can play CDs (so not a hardware problem), but no luck mounting nm playing any DVDs. Help?16:50
ActpaCan someone help me?16:51
k1l_!details | Actpa16:51
ubottuActpa: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:51
BluesKajbal commercia dvds orhome recorded ?16:51
ActpaSo I was trying to get my laptop internal mic to work for skype, I messed with some settings and I restarted my computer. When I got back on my Sound Icon from the top right menu bar went missing.16:52
Actpaand I can't hear anything now.16:52
balleyneBluesKaj, commercial, this is a libdvdcss thing16:52
Actpado you know how I can fix it?16:52
BluesKajballeyne ,  yes download libdvdcss from the videolan site16:53
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:53
NorbinIs skype for linux developed by microsoft?16:53
BluesKajnope , but MS owns it16:53
Actpacan anyone help me with that problem?16:54
balleyneBluesKaj, I've followed all the instructions. I've run /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh. I'm getting this error: "libdvdread: Could not open /dev/sr0 with libdvdcss"16:55
AmitKumaris there anyone to suggest me?16:55
AmitKumarhow do i configure grub,since i installed ubuntu with window10 in the system and ubuntu is not showing in grub16:55
ActpaI was told to do this command in terminal "gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.sound visible true" then I get this error "No such schema 'com.canonical.indicator.sound'"16:55
* Actpa slaps Drone` around a bit with a large fishbot16:56
=== solid is now known as Guest63376
ActpaNo such schema 'com.canonical.indicator.sound'16:56
ActpaDoes anyone actually help anyone on this chat? Lol16:56
laslasI cant view my ssd in ubuntu but i can through bios16:56
Actpa!help No such schema 'com.canonical.indicator.sound'16:57
ubottuActpa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:57
balleyneActpa, I'm not sure how to fix it, but I'd start by running commands like `lspci | grep -i audio` (is there a hardware audio interface that's detected?), or `alsamixer` (can you manage volume from the command line?)16:57
liopActpa: is your sound is ok? You have icon missing but can you hear played sound?16:58
AlexQEriC^^: Thanks, it works well16:58
ActpaMy sound icon is missing and I cant hear sound16:58
wileee!sound | Actpa16:59
ubottuActpa: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:59
EriC^^AlexQ: np16:59
liopActpa: can you check if your system "see" your sound card?16:59
ActpaIt does Liop17:00
balleyneActpa, or, if you try to play an audio file from the command like, like `mplayer something.mp3` -- see if it thinks it's playing but you don't hear anything, or if you get some error you can look up info on?17:00
ActpaThe sound works17:00
Actpajust no icon now17:00
TheDailyDriverHey guys, somone can help me with my optimus setup and nvidia-prime now? :/ really need help17:01
liopunity/gnome/xfce/kde or something else?17:01
AlexQEriC^^: Was quite irritating to get an error from Copy daemon after every reboot, and then need to click to mount that drive and re-select Copy directory after mounting :D. Hope that it mounts it before Copy daemon starts. Could always add some pause command before Copy start command or sth.17:01
balleyneActpa, what did you do to get it to work?17:02
kalbyHallo Guys, may i join here17:02
ActpaI just changed my sound card with alsamixer17:02
ActpaIt wasnt selected.17:02
kalbyhalo actpa17:02
ActpaBut I still dont see my sound icon17:02
kalbyhow are you doing?17:03
TheDailyDriverliop: Can you help me?17:03
ActpaGood, just still figuring out how to get my sound icon to show up and my Mic doesnt work..17:03
ActpaThats why I was hoping someone here could help me.17:03
kalbywhat linux distro did you use?17:04
ActpaUbuntu 14.04 LTS17:04
BluesKajballeyne, do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed , after installing run this,  sudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh17:04
kalbycan you find applet from the search menu17:04
balleyneActpa, Are you using Unity? Maybe logging out and back in, not that you have the sound card selected?17:04
ActpaUm What do I search in the search menu17:05
Actpajust sound?17:05
kalbywell, i am using mint, so i can find Applets, to configure such as icons17:05
wileeeActpa, Slow down, stop spamming the channel, name the release and desktop, we know you're missing the sound icon.17:06
balleyneBluesKaj, thanks, yes, I've done that already (a few times, also apt-get purged it and reinstalled). Still getting that error when trying to read any DVDs...17:06
kalbynot sure where with the ubuntu LTS17:06
ActpaI'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64.17:06
gulag2014You need to install donf editor17:06
kalbyyou mean dconf editor?17:07
gulag2014dconf, yes17:07
BluesKajballeyne, have you tried mounting /dev/sr0 or whatever wodim sees your cdrom as ?17:07
kalbysure, install it first buddy17:07
ActpaWhere do I install it from?17:07
wileee!who + gulag2014  kalby Actpa17:07
ubottuwileee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:07
Actpa!who actpa17:07
wileee!who | gulag2014  kalby Actpa17:08
ubottugulag2014  kalby Actpa: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:08
Dro__I have 6 Gb of RAM but my Ubuntu system get always freezing.. viruses?17:08
balleyneBluesKaj, no, reviewed /etc/fstab to see an entry for it, but haven't tried mounting it manually, How would I do that? `mount /dev/sr0`?17:08
wileeeActpa, stop just posting.17:08
TheDailyDriverGuys, someone can help me with the installation of nvidia-prime? Cant get it running...17:08
BluesKajballeyne, run wodim --devices to se what dev cdrom desgnation is17:08
ActpaYou're telling me to stop talking?17:08
kalbythe dailydriver, there is bunch of tutorial in the internet17:09
wileeeActpa, No, stop spamming the channel, this is not chat, no hello's stick to your issue and have some patience.17:09
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ActpaI asked how to install Dconf editor.17:09
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kalbydoes anyone here ever using metasploit?17:09
ActpaI'm completely new to Ubuntu.17:09
kalbyactpa okay, wait let me see17:10
wileeeActpa, why are you asking?17:10
ActpaI was told I needed it.17:10
kalbysudo apt-get install dconf-editor17:10
Actpathank you17:10
wileeeActpa, no nick was given, it was for anther read the posts.17:10
gulag2014Actpa, try sudo apt-get install dconf-editor17:11
ActpaI did it, thank you.17:11
kalbygulag: have you ever used mesploit?17:12
TheDailyDriverkalby ive got problems with it. Its NOT working. Thats why im here. I was trying around over 10 hours17:12
k1l_kalby: metasploit is not in the focus of this channel17:12
balleyneBluesKaj, getting a "Cannot open SCSI driver!" error when I run wodim devices, looking that up. (I'm pretty sure it's /dev/sr0 based on modification times because it gets updated every time I eject)17:12
ActpaWhere can I find the sound applet inside search? Mine has dissapeared on the top right bar.17:12
kalbykill: alright then17:12
gulag2014Actpa, When you get it open look for this path, com, cononical, indicator17:12
kalbywhat can i ask? kill?17:13
kalbyactpa, can you open the dconf?17:13
k1l_kalby: the focus of this channel is the technical ubuntu support.17:13
kalbykill: okay17:14
Actpagulag2014: none of those worked.17:14
blah-how to create root on ubuntu?17:14
blah-my default is a user only17:14
k1l_blah-: you dont17:14
k1l_!sudo | blah-17:14
ubottublah-: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:14
blah-i cannot log-in su17:15
gulag2014Actpa, so there was no sound indicator for you to choose visible or not?17:15
blah-so root is not possible?17:15
ActpaNope. not that I could find. It was available last night and I turned off my PC to go to sleep and today nothing.17:15
EriC^^blah-: sudo -i to get a root shell17:15
wileeeblah-, Ubuntu is designed for that not being needed and can be troublesome.17:15
kalbyactpa: did you have the answer, look at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/483397/missing-sound-volume-icon-on-screen-top-14-0417:15
k1l_blah-: ubuntu is build around not using the root account. if need a command with root permissions you use sudo. see the bots message17:16
blah-sudo -i if i will use the root shell17:16
gulag2014Actpa, What I meant was in "dconf"17:16
Actpakalby: When I run that in terminal I get this error:    gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.sound visible true17:16
blah-but if i'm using the terminal only, i cannot use/connect the root itself right?17:16
ActpaNo such schema 'com.canonical.indicator.sound'17:16
k1l_!root | blah-17:17
ubottublah-: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:17
k1l_blah-: please read the bots messages17:17
EriC^^blah-: if you need a root shell, sudo -i17:17
gulag2014Actpa, Are you using the gui?17:17
blah-thanks guys.17:17
ActpaTerminal GUI?17:17
dantheman1800doesn't sudo passwd let you set s a root password?17:17
k1l_dantheman1800: and that is the best way out of the supported ubuntu way.17:18
mach20xthis is a rather fishy output http://paste.ubuntu.com/12297405/17:18
Actpablah-: You can do 'sudo passwd' then enter a root password, after you've done that you can type 'sudo -i' and enter that password.17:18
k1l_Actpa: dantheman1800 that is not supported17:18
EriC^^Actpa: that isn't right..17:18
ActpaThat will give you a # instead of a $ indictating you have root access.17:18
ActpaI just did it last night.17:18
blah-Actpa, ok i will try it now.17:18
SchrodingersScatbut you can sudo -i first...17:18
Norbinguys, any decent app for screenshots taking, pref with upload option? such as ShareX on windows if u know it17:18
EriC^^Actpa: you don't need sudo passwd to use sudo -i17:18
ActpaI know you dont.17:19
k1l_blah-: dont set a root password.17:19
mach20xthe problem with the output in that pastebin is the fact that both cards are in actuality the same card (3600 series)17:19
k1l_Actpa: stop giving bad advise!17:19
kalbynorbin: why do you need an apps for screenshot?17:19
EriC^^Actpa: also the password you enter after sudo -i, isn't the root password you've set17:19
blah-Actpa, i think it is not working17:20
blah-i type sudo -i17:20
TJ-mach20x: They are on different PCI busses17:20
blah-ohh not possible17:20
balleyneBluesKaj, seems like the wodim error isn't relevant. I can run `wodim dev=/dev/sr0 --devices` and confirm that /dev/sr0 is the DVD drive17:20
Norbinkalby,  mainly for automatic upload i guess ;oo17:21
Norbinto sites like imgur17:21
Norbin; 017:21
blah-so, whenever i run packages, i will login only the user right?17:21
mach20xyes they are, but they are both the same model of video card... I just have two of them and one of the pci's are reading i lower version...17:21
k1l_blah-: no17:21
blah-i'm using synaptic also17:21
k1l_blah-: you can run root-tasks like "apt-get " with sudo. "sudo apt-get update"17:21
BluesKajballeyne, that's odd...then i have no ideas left17:21
blah-so that's why there is a sudo it means that is the root17:22
balleyneBluesKaj, I know! Very odd, can't figure this out... Thanks anyways!17:22
blah-like sudo apt-get install irssi17:22
k1l_blah-: please read the bots messages: they do explain it17:22
kalbyNorbin: well, i get your point. maybe you can google it bro17:22
Actpakalby:  when I run this command in terminal "gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.sound visible true" I get this error "gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.sound visible true"17:22
=== znf_ is now known as znf
k1l_!root | blah-17:22
gulag2014Actpa, accept my screenshot17:22
mach20xyes su=root do=what you do, hence sudo17:23
ActpaHow Gulag.17:23
k1l_!root > blah-17:23
ubottublah-, please see my private message17:23
kalbyActpa: you dont copy paste with double mark right?17:23
kalbyactpa: (") i mean that maek17:24
olverclockAlguem que fale portugues ?17:25
k1l_!pt | olverclock17:26
ubottuolverclock: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:26
olverclockobrigado você?17:26
olverclockobrigado você!17:26
kalbyolverclock, can you speak english?17:27
DJonesolverclock: This channel is English language only, but for portugese/brazilian language chat/support. please use #ubuntu-pt17:28
Smartyis this a help channel?17:28
wileee!topic | Smarty17:28
ubottuSmarty: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:28
k1l_Smarty: a ubuntu help channel, yes17:28
DJonesSmarty: Its an Ubuntu support channel17:28
blah-i got it17:29
blah-thanks k1l_17:29
gulag2014So I lost color changes for directories in the terminal? What do I need to do to set --color on directories permanent ?17:30
SmartyMy laptop is Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Sa 3650    when I close the lid and it goes to sleep, it never come back! I had to force shutdown. Is there any fix?17:30
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EriC^^gulag2014: check ~/.bashrc , did you modify it recently?17:31
TJ-mach20x: When you said 'they are in fact the same card' you make it sound like you mean they are the same device, *not* that you think they should be the same model. It's surprisingly common that the same brand/model has multiple hardware IDs... often due to product revisions17:31
gulag2014Eric, I tried finding that file is it in etc? I found a bash.bashrc ?17:33
EriC^^gulag2014: no it should be in your home dir17:34
EriC^^type ls -l ~/.bashrc17:34
gulag2014Eric, okay found it. Color=auto. is that what it should be?17:36
SmartyMy laptop is Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Sa 3650    when I close the lid and it goes to sleep, it never come back! I had to force shutdown. Is there any fix?17:38
Smartyand BTW, in all linux not only ubuntu.17:39
EriC^^gulag2014: you should have the aliases there17:39
EriC^^gulag2014: type type ls17:40
gulag2014Eric^^, here is what it reads. alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'17:41
EriC^^gulag2014: try ls --color=auto does it work?17:43
Smartyhelp my ass17:43
gulag2014Eric^^ everything appears to be working, and I didn't select changes. Thanks for helping me locating bashrc.17:44
EriC^^gulag2014: ok, np17:44
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olverclockGood afternoon  I dual boot Ubuntu 15.04 and Windows 10  for some grub problem has error  Could anyone help me?17:46
EriC^^olverclock: what's the error?17:47
gulag2014What is the error? I had an issue and Windows 10 was displaying as recovery and that was the actual Windows 10 entry.17:48
mach20xTJ-: I bought them at the same time when I got them both, there shouldn't be any difference between the two.17:48
Smartycan anyone help??17:50
ActpaI fixed my Sound applet issue17:50
olverclockerror: no such partirion Entering rescue mode17:50
EriC^^olverclock: that happens when you click on ubuntu?17:51
olverclockThe ubuntu partition disappeared just have the windows boot and local windows 1017:52
EriC^^olverclock: do you have a live usb?17:53
gulag2014olverclock, you could use a bcd editor, or download the ubuntu recovery disk that will restore your grub menu.17:53
olverclockI'm in the ubuntu live dvd17:53
=== trijntje is now known as trijntje_
trijntje_I have created an image of a complete harddisk using ddrescue, how can I tell ubuntu to treat the file like a device and look for partitions on it?17:54
EriC^^olverclock: type sudo parted -l and paste in paste.ubuntu.com17:55
gulag2014olverclock, I never tried the live cd to fix grub menus, I have one I labeled "Boot Repair" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:55
ActpaAnyone here mind helping me with a Microphone issue?17:56
EriC^^trijntje_: sudo losetup /dev/path/to/img , i'm not sure exactly17:57
eraggoActpa: waht kind of microphone issue?17:57
olverclockI tried using the boot-repair program with graphical user interface.17:58
olverclockhe bore me an online report at the following url.17:58
Actpaeraggo: I have skype and my internal laptop mic is unavilable atm17:58
Actpano idea why17:58
ActpaI tried using a bunch of programs to fix it.17:58
Actpanothing worked.17:58
eraggoActpa: can you see internal microphone in sound settings?17:58
ActpaIt just says unavilable for some reason.17:59
Actpaoh shit17:59
Actpano not in sound settings17:59
ActpaIt just shows one microphone.17:59
ActpaWhen I right click my sound applet at the top right and choose sound settings, it brings me to system settings and I dont know how to get to sound settings.18:00
olverclockboot -repair did not work18:00
eraggoActpa: that's right place.18:00
Actpaeraggo: How do I get to my sound settings from there?18:01
eraggowhat does it say in input tab?18:01
EriC^^olverclock: it looks like you're missing the partition type, and also you used to have sda5 and sda6 but have disappeared18:01
Actpaeraggo: There is no sound settings. It brings me to system settings and not sound settings when I click on it under the sound applet18:01
olverclockEriC^^, the command returned Error: Invalid partition table on /dev/sda -- wrong signature 0.18:02
EriC^^olverclock: does windows boot right now?18:02
NorbinUbuntu 15.04, I5 6600k+Intel HD 530, I can't quite explain it but I am having graphics issues. I can fire up a game like dota2 and the whole system would freeze. I can just watch a stream and I can see the screen shutters... even when I just open apps on full screen (Got 2 monitors) on my monitors, sometime it will just flash for a second.... weird graphics issues... which way do I go to resolve this?18:02
eraggoActpa: what version of ubuntu are running on?18:02
Actpaeraggo: 14.04 LTS18:02
Actpaeraggo: x6418:02
eraggoActpa: weird. It should open sound settings. can you open alsamixer in console?18:03
Actpaeraggo: yep18:03
Actpaeraggo: I got it open.18:03
olverclockEriC^^, Ubuntu was in sda4 partition18:03
kalbyactpa: did you get your answer18:04
Actpakalby: yes for the sound applet, now working on fixing my Mic.18:04
ShalokShalomhi there18:04
ShalokShalom@web admins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM_with_.22Checksums_calculator.2218:04
ShalokShalomthe link (here) is a 404 now18:04
EriC^^olverclock: try sudo parted -l and paste it18:05
wileeeShalokShalom,  not hetre18:05
ShalokShalomthat one is correct: www.checksumcalculator.com/18:05
wileeeShalokShalom, Both work and this is not the right place to notify.18:06
ShalokShalomand only a exe now, no os x and linux anymore, for which reason so ever18:06
kalbymy /home partition is needed more size, does anyone know how to do it without backing up my data?18:06
ShalokShalomhttp://sinf.gr/en/hashcalc.html does NOT work18:07
ShalokShalomand i report, where i want18:07
k1lShalokShalom: hmm. i can change the link, but is there another solution working on all OS?18:07
ShalokShalombe happy, that i do it, thanks18:07
trijntje_kalby, no, you always have to make a backup before changing partitions18:07
ShalokShalomk1l: i dont know, any, sorry :/18:07
kalbyi use gparted, but it has to be with live cd, can i do it directly when i am in the installed system?18:07
ShalokShalomROSA image writer in the future, there is a bug report open18:08
ShalokShalomits a image writer, which plan to include md5 checking18:08
trijntje_kalby, no, and please make a backup of all important data before changing your partitions18:08
ShalokShalomlike Win32 image writer18:08
EriC^^olverclock: is windows booting right now?18:08
EriC^^olverclock: i think you're missing information about the partitions and maybe testdisk can help, but it would be best if you backed up any important data first18:09
campeefor some reason my mouse laptop's touchpad has stopped working after upgrading to xubuntu 15.10. i checked "settings" and verified that the device is enabled. i ran "evtest" against /dev/input/eventX and when i move my finger around on the touchpad and i see a ton of output, so it's picking up the device properly. any ideas?18:09
naim* #ubuntu :http://www.ubuntu.com18:10
naim<EriC^^> olverclock: i think you're missing information about the partitions and maybe testdisk can help, but it would be best if you backed up any important data first18:10
=== TheDailyDriver_ is now known as TheDailyDriver
hbcami have xubuntu and my pulse auido is not working how can i fix it ?18:10
naimip addrees18:11
kalbytrij: yeah thats what i think, i just lazy to buy the back up drive. anyway, thank you18:11
k1lnaim: do you have a ubuntu support question?18:11
PCatineanhoes does one install php nginx and mysql easiest in ubuntu 14.04.03?18:11
Egyptian[Home]hello y'all18:12
Egyptian[Home]juju question - if i have a bundle that will deploy to 4 machines but i only have 3 machines .. will the cli deployment complain?18:12
hbcamhi everyone i am new in irc my writes appears ?18:12
bekkshbcam: yes.18:13
ShalokShalomhbcam: yes .)18:13
proprobeyeah we see it18:13
Egyptian[Home]hbcam: you are not invisible and you have  a voice in this channel18:13
hbcamthank you :)18:13
ShalokShalomk1l: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jacksum/jacksum-1.7.0.zip?download18:14
kalbykil: id rather have the ubuntu support question, how do i fix the broken application once i already installed it?18:14
ShalokShalomlast update 2006, java, open source18:14
=== mhenrixon is now known as mhenrixon_afk
Legitkrillinhello all sorry to bother you18:15
ShalokShalomk1l: oh sorry, command back, no gui here18:15
ShalokShalomLegitkrillin: all fine, whats up ?18:15
LegitkrillinI am starting to learn ruby18:16
Legitkrillinhow hard is it to install with ubuntu18:16
MonkeyDustLegitkrillin  is your suestion about ruby?18:16
Legitkrillinfadora has been a nightmare!18:16
MonkeyDustLegitkrillin  type /j #ubuntu-app-devel18:17
olverclockThere is no command to rebuild partition table by? either automatically or manually?18:17
EriC^^olverclock: have you backed up the data you need?18:19
ShalokShalomk1l: this one ? http://sourceforge.net/projects/quickhash/18:19
trijntje_I have created an image of a complete harddisk using ddrescue, how can I tell ubuntu to treat the file like a device and look for partitions on it?18:20
Bashing-om!info ruby18:20
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 1: (vivid), package size 5 kB, installed size 47 kB18:20
EriC^^trijntje_: sudo losetup /path/to/img , not sure of the exact command18:20
olverclockEriC^^, I will try18:20
olverclockmore precise recover patição of ubuntu18:20
olverclockor recover the files!18:20
EriC^^trijntje_: then type lsblk it should list /dev/loop018:21
olverclockEriC^^, I will try to do,18:22
olverclockbut I need to recover partition of ubuntu18:22
olverclockor recover the files!18:22
bbHas anyone came across an error with the command ls.  stderr = ls: invalid line width: xr-xr-x18:23
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freezerIs Ubuntu 15.10 per default with GNOME desktop?18:25
Legitkrillinmany thanks18:25
ShalokShalomk1l: one more, all not tested by me, hope this helps: http://javazquez.com/juan/2008/06/21/md5-goodness-in-java/18:25
hbcamfreezer: i know as unity18:26
EriC^^olverclock: install testdisk, sudo apt-get install testdisk18:26
bbls: invalid line width? can anyone elaborate on this error18:26
NorbinAny help's appreciated http://askubuntu.com/questions/671039/ubuntu-14-04-15-04-skylake-i5-6600k-intel-hd-530-graphic-issues18:26
freezerhbcam: what?18:26
EriC^^olverclock: if universe repository isn't enabled, enable it first with sudo software-properties-gtk -e universe18:26
hbcamfreezer: default UNITY18:27
freezerweird, when i search ubuntu 15.10, first thing is popping up is gnome18:27
kalbydoes anyone suddenly use ubuntu cause you just watched Mr.Robot series?18:32
EriC^^olverclock: im going to go, if you install testdisk, you can do a quick search to find partitions, then view the files by pressing p, and have someone help you with it cause you could overwrite the partition table easily18:32
kalbyeric: can i connect to the wifi around, using terminal?18:34
EriC^^kalby: yes, using nmcli18:34
hbcamHey, I want to know everything about Linux systems. From the beginner level. Can you guys suggest me a book of about it ?18:36
kalbyeric: can you show me how? i recently tried using gksu gedit /etc/wap_supplicant_conf; then suddenly i got this error (gksu:10077): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:18:36
kalbyDid not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.18:36
kalbyGConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running18:36
kalbyhbcam: google is the best18:36
gulag2014Kalby, looks like a good show :) and I hate tv.18:37
hbcamkalby: there are hundred of books, i want good suggestions18:37
kalbyhbcam: type on it, then try whats told, and copy paste the error you got. you will learn from trials and error. it will be better off18:37
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kalbyhbcam: then i cant help at the moment. sure i will tell you if i have later on18:38
Norbinhbcam, check out "how linux works, what every superuser should know"18:38
Norbinit's insanely good18:38
hbcamthanks for replies18:38
kalbygulag: it is great show. cant think of any better series at the moment18:39
anonymoushow  are  we18:39
gulag2014kalby, yep well have to watch it. I saw Christian Slater in one of the previews.18:40
kalbygulag: been waiting for this kinda series whole of my life. before i watched movie called "black hat", not nearly as good as this one18:41
kalbyanonymous: hi man18:41
jcstarkenafter I have now  ran tar xjf "name of program I need to find the configure file or what ubuntu 14.04 lts thank you18:42
kalbyjcstarken: yes, do some ls from that folder18:43
jcstarkenkalby: thank you18:43
gulag2014kalby, I don't have cable, so maybe it will find it's way on my hd. I just watched a realistic IT movie called https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qpudAhYhpc. the acting is really bad but at least it's authentic IT language was othetic \for once.18:44
kalbyjcstarken: you see one of the name called "configure", then do some ./configure, i assume you want to install that thing right?18:44
jcstarkenkalby: yes I have not seen a configure, i do see run-"program name. sh18:44
kalbyjcstarken: remember to use google about it. i recently had problem about it. trust me it will work out. Just need to be patient. i think you will be great. keep on man18:46
p3rroris there someone who used trickle18:46
p3rrorI need to limit bandwidth on a production web server18:46
jcstarkenkalby: thank you18:47
kalbygulag: dont need a tv cable man, i watch it by streaming. that wesbite is damn cool thing to stay on18:47
skyhorseHi all, I get the following error when installing npm packages: "npm ERR! Linux 3.19.0-26-generic". Any idea what to do to resolve the error?18:49
auronandaceskyhorse: what does uname -a show?18:51
skyhorseskyhorse@Merlin:~$ uname -a18:52
skyhorseLinux Merlin 3.19.0-26-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 11 14:16:32 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:52
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skyhorseauronandace, which is the problem with the version? (Linux Merlin 3.19.0-26-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 11 14:16:32 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)18:55
auronandaceskyhorse: i'm not familiar with npm sorry but from the looks of that error it isn't very informative18:55
auronandaceskyhorse: my estimate is that it doesn't like your kernel18:56
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skyhorseauronandace, is there a way to update the kernel?18:57
auronandaceskyhorse: sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:57
auronandaceskyhorse: that will give you the latest updates in the repos18:58
skyhorseauronandace, latest updates? what do I have to execute to get such info?18:58
skyhorse"sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" gives "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."18:59
auronandaceskyhorse: if you ran that after sudo apt-get update then you alreay have the latest updates installed18:59
skyhorseok, then bad issue with the npm. Even the npm works to slow, it takes around 15 min to install something19:00
=== zero is now known as Guest67944
hadbeld_hhHi guys. How is it that some function output can be piped to grep and some can't?19:12
Guitar1Any Musicians around?19:12
PromilleHi guys. It seems like I can't stream from HTML5 players like Netflix and tv2sumo.no on Ubuntu x64 14.04 . Do you know if the DRM enabled  version of HTML5 is shipped on ubuntu repo's?19:13
=== Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms
aeon-ltdGuitar1: just ask your acutal question19:13
Guitar1Okay I want some shrooms19:14
Guitar1I was just wondering if anyone wanted to talk about rock guitar?19:14
aeon-ltdGuitar1: #ubuntu-offtopic for that stuff19:15
Guitar1Is this a programmers chat room?19:15
aeon-ltdno this is a ubuntu support chat room19:15
auronandace!topic | Guitar119:15
ubottuGuitar1: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:15
Guitar1okay sorry19:15
bishopsIs there a way to get the mouse pointer to disappear after while when idle, when reading on a screen in ubuntu? in my case it's stays there at all times.19:17
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=== michael__ is now known as Guest77660
ioria!info unclutter19:18
ubottuunclutter (source: unclutter): hides the mouse cursor in X after a period of inactivity. In component universe, is optional. Version 8-19 (vivid), package size 14 kB, installed size 76 kB19:18
auronandaceioria: good find19:19
LightweightOSOther than xbacklight, what can I do to save battery life on my laptop running Ubuntu 15.04?19:21
k1lLightweightOS: see powertop19:22
ioriadeduce screen brightness19:23
ioriareduce screen brightness19:23
MonkeyDustLightweightOS  find TLP19:23
pecanqni have this problem. kate: cannot connect to X server :019:23
ioria!info kdesudo19:25
ubottukdesudo (source: kdesudo): sudo frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 24 kB, installed size 152 kB19:25
ioriapecanqn, are you using kate with sudo ?19:26
pecanqnim loged like root19:26
ioriano good ...19:26
ioriaexit from there and use kdesudo19:27
=== athairuzzz is now known as athaiuofftogetlu
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pecanqnthere is no way i can use kate loged like root?19:28
ioriadon't know... but it's said it's not a good practice19:29
MonkeyDustpecanqn  it's safer to use sudo19:29
auronandacepecanqn: you certainly shouldn't be running an entire graphical environment as root anyway, massive security risk19:29
ShalokShalompecanqn: you mean start kate as root ? in KDE, i guess ?19:30
ShalokShalomkdesu kate19:30
ShalokShalomkdesu kate19:30
ShalokShalomthere is a #kubuntu channel as well19:30
LightweightOSMonkeyDust: Thanks, I just got tlp.19:32
MonkeyDustLightweightOS  also install thermald, to control your laptop's temperature19:34
Appl3Korkdon't know if i'm really making progress or not19:38
Appl3Korkbut if i do the reboot command from ssh or the console itself, it doesn't go back to the HOSTNAME login>19:38
=== Yukiku is now known as Dhs92
kalbyapple: hey apple, do you know what .sh file?19:40
LightweightOSMonkeyDust: Thanks!19:40
Appl3Korkwhat .sh file?19:42
kalbyapple: well i get this; sh files are unix (linux) shell executables files, they are the equivalent (but much more powerful) of bat files on windows. So you need to run it from a linux console, just typing its name the same you do with bat files on windows. Typically a .sh file is a shell script which you can execute in a terminal.Dec 10, 201219:44
ioriai think i mean .ssh19:44
k1lkalby: that doesnt relate to the issue of the user19:44
kalbyapple: have no idea about its root file from, and what i can do about it19:44
kalbykil : it does. i had some problem with it before19:45
=== athlunchbrb is now known as athairus
kalbymohanad: halo19:52
mohanadwhats up guys19:53
kadiro!ot | mohanad19:54
ubottumohanad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:54
LightweightOSIn tlp, does this mean that the minimum cpu state is at 36%? Also, would it save power if I changed that to 5%? /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/min_perf_pct      = 3619:54
=== don is now known as Guest77086
=== malik_ is now known as mdiarra
andy_mahurinI have been trying to follow the instructions on how to upgrade the voice for festival.  http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jyamagis/software/page54/page54.html19:59
MoPacI'm having an issue with a clean server install (has come even when repeating the install from scratch). In normal boot, ACPI PCC probe fails, a "starting version 219" systemd message appears, and that's it. I never get to the LUKS volume unlock screen20:04
MoPacBut if I choose advanced options and recovery mode, then opt to continue normal boot, everything works fine20:04
=== Blaster is now known as Guest95763
TJ-MoPac ACPI PCC probe fails message is just noise; shouldn't be there - a debug message. Was removed in later kernels.20:09
neldogzwhat is the recommended method of installing the virtualbox guest additions for an Ubuntu guest?20:09
MoPacTJ-: This is the latest 15.04 kernel - 3.19-0-2620:09
TJ-MoPac: "starting version 219" is just systemd init telling you it is starting; usually that message isn't an indication of the cause of a failure, it just happens to be the last message written to the console20:09
TJ-MoPac: The lastest version is v4.220:10
TJ-MoPac: Vivid's kernel doesn't contain the ACPI PCC probe patch20:10
TJ-MoPac: if the system boots in Recovery mode, use that to look at the system logs in /var/log/{syslog,kern.log} for clues as to why the previous boot failed.20:11
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rplutoHi can someone with expirience in lvm help me ?20:13
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MoPacTJ-: I don't see anything logged from the boot attempts that aren't the successful recovery-mode-resume boot. And, I mean, they wouldn't have been able to write anything to the root filesystem at that point anyway -- do they write something in /boot that gets pulled into syslog later when there's a successful boot?20:15
KatronixI put a hard drive with Windows 10 on it, into my tower (it came from my laptop) I tried to get grub to detect it and it came back with: http://pastebin.com/SPVV1gCy is there something else I need to do for grub to detect an OS on a GPT drive?20:18
kalbykatronix: you cant detect your windows os within your boot table?20:19
Katronixkalby sorry not sure I understand the Q20:19
arcskyhey guys, i want to install an APK file. ist that possible in ubuntu ?20:20
kalbykatronix: whats with GPT drive? i thought you have prob with your grub in linux.20:20
Katronixor would the issue be that Windows is hibernating? not shut down? I'm being told that's why I can't mount it20:20
Katronixkalby the drive Windows is on is in the GPT fashion20:21
kalbykatronix: i got the answer i guess, just wait a sec20:21
mtBakercan any one else see the software center api ?20:21
CyroosIs possible to remove folders by `shred  -vufzn0`? which option shoud be added?20:21
CyroosI want to delete a bounch of folders permanently; Can I use `shred` over folders?20:22
kalbykatronix: run this, 1. sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda , then 2. sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda20:23
bxxHow to find out the real device used by /dev/dm-020:23
francisleyola a todos20:24
francisleyboa tarde20:24
kalbykatronix: you can try to reboot your system, and check it with gparted20:24
LightweightOSHow do I save the most power with my cpu using  cpufreq scaling. This is the setting I have currently: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq  =  1200000 [kHz]20:24
francisleysou novo em linux20:24
Katronixkalby gparted sees it20:24
MoPacTJ-: Is there any other place to look? Maybe there's a way I can look at the script used by the "resume normal boot" option in recovery mode and compare it to the normal boot scripts?20:24
LightweightOSMy max freq is: max_freq  =  3300000 [kHz] and my cpu is 2.3GHz20:24
kalbykatronix: oh i am sorry, so the problem is with mbr here. usually windows using mbr20:25
Katronixkalby yes, older versions used mbr, it uses gpt for the newer versions20:26
regedit_anyone else here being PMed by ShadowVix ?20:27
kalbykatronix: do you try to find it on google?20:27
=== regedit_ is now known as regedit
Katronixkalby yes, but didn't find anything :(20:28
TJ-MoPac: It's suspect it's a timing/race issue between 2 devices or services, which has had time to initialise when you do a recovery boot20:30
TJ-MoPac: usually, if init has started the root is remounted read-write and logging via journald, or rsylog, should be active quite soon. If it isn't that gives you a window to focus on... the time before rsylog is active20:31
cishi folks20:35
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tabulatorI like to see nice Fluxbox screenshots, there is a guy which makes awesome Fluxbox themes, do anyone happens to know his nick or something?20:49
k1l!themes | tabulator20:49
ubottutabulator: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:49
tabulatork1l, No, I am looking for a specific guy, I heard he use Slackware...20:53
tabulatorI'm not sure how to google that :)20:54
k1ltabulator: well, this channel is obviously the wrong place then.20:55
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FjorgynnGod natt och glöm inte groggen21:15
=== wook is now known as Guest36811
madebymarkcahey guys, I have an old macbook pro (2007) I put ubuntu mate on, I was just curious if anyone knows which way is best to activate right click on the trackpad button21:25
auronandace!mac | madebymarkca21:28
ubottumadebymarkca: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:28
KatronixHi all, I've added a second hard drive to my system which already has Windows 10 on it. The drive is in GPT mode. I'm unable to get Grub2 to see the drive. I can boot from it at the EFI boot menu. Any suggestions? I've tried Google, haven't found anything useful.21:30
Bashing-omKatronix: A thought; Both hard drives are GPT, and you boot up MBR, the two partitioning schemes are not compatible and thus the partition table(s) are not seen ??21:34
=== Evanion is now known as Evanion[AFK]
KatronixBashing-om: okay, how do I tell Ubuntu to be in GPT mode?21:36
=== Evanion[AFK] is now known as Evanion
ikoniaKatronix: when you partition the disk21:39
ikoniayou put a partition table on it, it can be a legacy msdos, or modern gpt21:39
EriC^^Katronix: can you reiterate your problem, it's not that clear21:40
Bashing-omKatronix: When you install, boot up from the firmware as EFI mode . Mind you, there is more I do not know about EFI than I do know .21:40
ikoniaGPT and EFI are two different things21:40
KatronixIf I have to re-install ubuntu, can I keep /home in MBR, so I can keep its contents?21:40
ikonia"in mbr" ??21:41
ikoniathere is only 1 partition table on a disk21:41
Katronixokay so I would have to loose /home ?21:41
ikoniaKatronix: what exactly are you trying to do ?21:41
EriC^^Katronix: what is it that your doing?21:41
KatronixI want to get grub to see the Windows drive21:41
ikoniathe windows drive ?21:42
ikoniais that a seperate disk ?21:42
EriC^^drive a has win10 you installed ubuntu to drive b?21:42
ikoniaso why do you care about your ubuntu partition?21:42
=== Evanion is now known as Evanion[AFK]
KatronixDrive A has Ubuntu, drive B has Win1021:42
EriC^^and you get grub right now?21:42
ikoniaso why are you trying to re-partition the ubuntu drive ?21:42
EriC^^paste sudo parted -l please21:43
Katronixgrub right now only sees the Linux drive21:43
Bashing-omikonia: True that GPT and EFI are not the same, but does not EFI require the drive to be partitioned as GPT ?21:43
ikoniaBashing-om: if you're using the actual EFI boot manager in "modern" mode yes21:43
ikoniaKatronix: I don't understand why you are messing with the ubuntu partitions if you want it to see the windows one ?21:44
Katronixikonia: I want to be able to get grub to see both21:44
Bashing-omikonia: Tks, just keep'n my think'n linear.21:44
ikoniaKatronix: I get that, but why are you re-partitioning your linux drive ?21:44
EriC^^Katronix: ok, win10 is installed in uefi mode, ubuntu was installed in legacy(mbr)21:44
Katronixikonia: was just asking if that is what was needed21:45
ikoniaI don't understand, it makes no sense21:45
ikonia"I can't boot the windows partition, so I'll re-partition the linux drive"21:45
EriC^^Katronix: you need to reinstall ubuntu in uefi mode, when you boot the live usb, open a terminal and type ls -l /sys/firmware/efi to see if it exists and know you're booted in uefi mode, then install21:45
Katronixikonia, never said I couldn't boot Windows, only said that grub didn't see Windows :)21:46
ikoniaKatronix: which is "can't boot windows"21:46
ikoniaif your boot loader can't see it - you can't boot it21:46
KatronixEriC^^ so I would loose my /home partition?21:46
TJ-Bashing-om: The EFI spec mandates that EFI *must* support both GPT and MBR partitioning, regardless of CSM/Legacy support21:47
TJ-Katronix: If you alter the Linux boot style to be EFI ( which you can do without a reinstall) then both Windows and Linux can be chosen from the EFI boot menu21:48
KatronixTJ so that would mean not using Grub?21:48
Bashing-omTJ-: K. so long as there is a /boot partition to support grub ?21:48
TJ-Katronix: No, it would mean GRUB only boots Linux. The purpose of the EFI Boot Manager is to allow the firmware to store and offer the boot selection without another boot manager being involved21:49
TJ-Bashing-om: Yes... /boot/grub/<arch>-<mode>/ stores the GRUB modules21:50
KatronixTJ okay, so that would explain why the boot manager on the motherboard only sees the Windows drive?21:50
TJ-Katronix: To make it happen you'd swap out the 'grub-pc' packages for the 'grub-efi' packages; the grub CORE.img (grubx64.efi) would be install in the EFI system Partition on the drive that has Windows on, the remainder of GRUB's files are on the Linux drive21:51
TJ-Katronix: Correct21:51
TJ-Katronix: With Linux/GRUB also configured to boot with EFI, the tools (efibootmgr) will add an entry for Ubuntu to the firmware's boot menu21:51
=== OS-17344 is now known as nullsign
KatronixTJ I don't know if it makes a difference, but the Linux drive is plugged into a lower numbered SATA connection, wouldn't that make it the primary boot device?21:52
TJ-Katronix: The only 'fly in the ointment' is if the system boots with SecureBoot21:53
Katronixno I didn't turn that on21:53
TJ-Katronix: No, there is no such concept of boot device order with EFI21:53
KatronixTJ okay wanted to make sure, since you said I'd install it on the Windows drive, not the Linux drive21:53
TJ-Katronix: each boot menu entry stores the location of the boot-loader by the PCI device path and UUID21:53
KatronixTJ is there a page that you know of to give me the list of commands I need to use to make this switch?21:54
TJ-Katronix: Yes, that is because the "Windows Drive" has the EFI System Partition (ESP) - a fat12/16/32 file-system of around 256-512MB which stores the EFI files required by *all* operating systems21:54
TJ-Katronix: No, it's very infrequently done. I can guide you through the steps though.21:55
* TJ- is currently doing a build of GRUB 2 and has some time to wait :)21:55
KatronixTJ is this something I can be chatting with you on the same system I'm making the change on?21:55
TJ-Katronix: Yes21:56
KatronixTJ okay cool, is it okay if I private message you?21:56
TJ-Katronix: I have PMs disabled; best to keep support in-channel so others can contribute too, or if I have to leave21:56
Katronixso what do I do?21:57
TJ-Keep it here because swapping the packages is Ubuntu specific21:57
TJ-Katronix: first, make sure the target system has pastebinit installed: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"21:57
KatronixOkay, if it makes a difference, I'm actually using Mint, which hopefully is close enough?21:57
* TJ- rolls eyes21:58
TJ-Not at all; there is no guarantee their packages are the same as Ubuntu. We only support Ubuntu here21:58
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:58
ikoniaapologies - this isn't the first time he's been warned about that21:59
TJ-hehehe phew! saved me a lot of typing :)21:59
ikoniaprobably why he didn't want to do it in public chat21:59
TJ-He did originally ask in #grub but I wasn't there at that time; then I saw he'd got support here22:00
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TJ-We've got a neat bug in GRUB too - if there's more than 1 cryptodisk and you try to mount the additional volumes, GRUB thinks they are already mounted and doesn't mount them. Nice denial of service; locked me out the PC for a couple hours this morning :)22:02
=== g4mby is now known as PaulW2U
Bashing-omTJ-: ^^ How tough was that to track down ?22:08
TJ-Pretty easy. At the rescue prompt with "set debug=cryptodisk" the 'cryptomount hd0,gpt4' command kept telling me 'already mounted as crypto0' - I just grep-ed the source for the message and am about to test a fix22:10
Bashing-omTJ-: :) .. When you know what you are doing, does make it 'easy' .22:11
TJ-Bashing-om: grep-ing is hardly rocket science :)22:14
TJ-OK, reboot time... hopefully won't take me 2 hours to get back in this time22:16
Bashing-omTJ-: It is knowing what/when to grep that takes the cogitation. Like I have never encountered the need " set debug=cryptodisk " . Chances are I would heve missed it entirely . Good thing to keep in mind !22:17
HomerDonutcan i install ubuntu on raspberry pi 222:18
HomerDonutwith the official iso?22:19
HomerDonutthank you!22:19
=== user is now known as Maratus
eatingth_I am having some issues with wired connectivity. It's strange because my router sees its connected my computer shows it has an IP assigned but i can't get to google or any other site.22:21
eatingth_I also can't access the router at
HomerDonutBen64: is trusty 14.04 lts?22:21
Ben64did you read the page22:22
HomerDonutokay, nvm22:22
madebymarkcaHey, I havent read all of the convo, but have you tried refit for your mac22:22
madebymarkcait is useful for dual boot and such22:22
=== user is now known as Maratus
=== richard is now known as Guest31321
Bashing-omeatingth_: DNS issue ? What returns ' ping -c3 ' ?22:25
eatingth_that just fails out. I have and set as my DNS in my router22:25
eatingth_connect: Network is unreachable is the exact error Bashing-om22:26
MaratusI installed Ubuntu 15.04 and after some fiddling around with drivers to my r9 290 it seems when I boot back into Windows it no longer recognizes ANY USB devices. Has anyone had this problem before?22:26
MaratusI can't fix anything on the Windows side because I can't get any input in, I have a feeling there's something with GRUB that I can do to fix this.22:26
Bashing-omeatingth_: Not even getting out of house. OK is the card working ? ' ping -c3 ' .22:28
chimid checkout stackoverflow22:28
TechMongerI am trying to get a linksys wireless-G pci adapter to work on ubuntu. anyone know where i could get the drivers?22:29
=== MattTS_ is now known as MattTS
eatingth_Bashing-om: that responds properly22:31
Bashing-omeatingth_: K . Then it is back to look at what the system sees ' sudo lshw -C network ' .22:33
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eatingth_Bashing-om: Do you want everything from that command? or a certain part? Just the computer im running it on i can't connect to in any way :/22:35
ActpaAnyone know how to get TeamSpeak 3 for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?22:35
k1l!teamspeak | Actpa22:36
ubottuActpa: teamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/22:36
eatingth_well and no it just keeps trying to connect before it was getting connectivity but it was because i modified /etc/networking/interface so it was auto eth0 and iface eth0 inet dhcp22:36
eatingth_but if i change it back to the default of auto lo and iface lo inet loopback it wont connect anymore22:37
eatingth_but even if it does connect as above i still can't talk to anything22:37
eatingth_*and now22:37
MaratusActpa: If you want to install Teamspeak you'll have to use Wine.22:37
aedendTechMonger, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper22:37
kostkonMaratus, there is a linux version22:37
MaratusAh, I was not aware.22:37
k1lMaratus: no22:37
Bashing-omeatingth_: The point of interest is the configuration line , what driver is loaded ? Mine " configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=8139too " .22:38
ActpaMartaus: What's wine?22:39
k1lActpa: you dont need that. read the bots message22:39
Actpakll: I did that but idk how to connect to a ts server22:39
eatingth_Bashing-om: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=r8169 driverversion-2.3K-NAPI duplex=full firmware=rtl8168g-2_0.0.1 latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes port=MII speed=1Gbit/s22:39
k1lActpa: like you would on a windows machine22:39
Actpakll: I've never connected like that via windows.22:40
k1lActpa: you never used the teamspeak client on windows?22:40
Actpakll: I have but it says to connect like teamspeak://22:41
k1lActpa: just click in the client and enter the ip and port22:41
Bashing-omeatingth_: Realtek .. driver is loaded . Are you running with network-manager (GUI) ? Have to tried to re-configure the networking from the app ?22:41
Actpakll: Where do I install it at..22:42
k1lActpa: install what?22:42
eatingth_Bashing-om: yeah i have the network-manager GUI started. I am using the default settings on DHCP auto22:42
Actpakll: nevermind.22:42
k1lActpa: are you trolling? you said you installed teamspeak client already and cant connect. now you say you dont have it installed?22:43
Actpakll: I never installed the TS client I'm here to find out how lol22:44
eatingth_Bashing-om: I can set it to manual and then set all my info and it connect right away. however if i ping i get connect:network is uncreachable22:44
Bashing-omeatingth_: Is the correct interface identified . What does 'ifconfig' report as the interface name ?22:44
k1lActpa: like most programs teamspeak got a menu. most of the menu entries are self explaining.22:45
eatingth_Bashing-om: I have eth0 and lo listed. with eth0 showing the ip address that i manually set.22:45
eatingth_Bashing-om: syslog shows No DHCPOFFERS recieved when it connects as well as no working leases in persistent database - sleeping.22:46
kaimastoes anybody know hwo to remove saved settings for different monitors? i plug mine in and it sets it to the wrong frequency. nothing is displayed and there is no way to change it22:47
eatingth_Bashing-om: I can also see the driver r8169 report eth0: link up22:47
Bashing-omeatingth_: Far from knowing network-manager ,,, but in " /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf ' file is "managed=false" set ?22:47
eatingth_Bashing-om: yes it is22:49
eatingth_Bashing-om: I tried setting it to true as well as i saw that may help and restarted network-manager but exact same thing22:51
eatingth_syslog was exactly the same output as well22:51
Bashing-omeatingth_: Confirm " /etc/network/interfaces // line 2 - auto lo - ; line 3 - iface lo inet loopback - // and nothing else .22:53
eatingth_Driving me a little crazy :/ I can see that dhcp is getting an offer of from after it requests it but then just keeps outputting DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 internal 722:53
Bashing-omeatingth_: a value of 'true' directs the system to use manual as the networking method from the set up in /etc/network/interfaces .22:54
eatingth_Bashing-om: Yeah that is exactly what i have on those 2 lines22:54
kaimasthelp please: need to reset my monitor configuration(s) somehow. there is no xorg.conf and no monitors.xml on my machine22:54
Bashing-omeatingth_: Well, what is set for the nameserver to get dhcp ' cat /etc/resolv.conf ' . And is the symlink still in place ' ls -l /etc/resolv.conf ' ?22:59
_dreamerHave some trouble loading jquery and other javascript into my html file. I've tried both chrome and firefox, but nothing. Googled for a while and found out it may have something to do with file permissions on my ubuntu system. Used chmod -R 775 on my /var/www/html folder. Still nothing23:00
eatingth_Bashing-om: hmmm.. I have nothing in resolv.conf but it is symlinked23:01
_dreamerfollowing lines of code have been added to my head in html file. <script type="text/javascript" src="/res/lib/js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/res/lib/js/system.js"></script>23:01
_dreamersystem.js contains only $(document).ready(function() { alert("hello"); });23:02
_dreamerfor testing23:02
_dreamerbut nothing23:02
_dreameris there some known bug of this?23:03
eatingth__dreamer: /res/lib/js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js is not in /var/www/html23:03
eatingth_it's not a bug23:03
_dreamermy index file is in html folder23:04
_dreamerfrom there I take the path res/......23:04
eatingth__dreamer: that doesn't matter23:04
_dreamereatingth_: so what am I doing wrong?23:04
eatingth__dreamer: You need to move jquery into /var/www/html23:05
ActpaWhen I try to CD to my user Desktop with root it gives me an error that says that directrory doesnt exist23:05
Actpacan someone help?23:05
eatingth_or set the permission on that directory to one that the var-www user can access23:05
_dreamerbut I get css files in the same way and that workd23:05
eatingth__dreamer: i'm guessing it's permissions are set different23:06
eatingth_or the owner is differen23:06
ActpaAnyone? Please?23:07
Bashing-omeatingth_: Is your router set up tp provide the dhcp ? I have mine set up such that sysop@1404mini:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf >> Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8 >> #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN >> nameserver .23:07
eatingth_Bashing-om: yes my router is setup to provide dhcp23:08
_dreamereatingth_: various sources I've googled say that the files only need read permission, is that true? I mean my js files23:08
eatingth_i'll try manually adding the nameserver see if that works23:08
eatingth__dreamer: yeah but it will likely need to be world readable because i'm guessing the file is now owned by www-data23:09
_dreameractually by me23:09
_dreamerhow can I see all available groups?23:09
eatingth_yeah it could be you or root it wouldn't matter as apache is serving it up23:09
eatingth_well i guess it depends are you serving through a webserver23:10
_dreamereatingth_: I listed all groups by typing groups. I only seem to have a root group23:11
eatingth_Bashing-om: Thanks for all your help i think this is a dhcp issue ill have to look into more23:11
eatingth__dreamer: you typed in sudo groups23:11
_dreamereatingth_: cat /etc/group23:12
k1lActpa: dont do stuff as root23:12
Actpakll: I dont have access to make a Dir..23:12
k1lActpa: where?23:12
eatingth__dreamer: that file only has root in it?23:12
_dreamereatingth_: never mind I checked the wrong thing at first23:13
k1lActpa: you got all right permissions in your users home. if you dont you have already messed up the system with using root in very false ways23:13
_dreamereatingth_: I found the www-data group, but I dont know how to list its permissions23:13
_dreamereatingth_: I chowned the /var/www folder and it now works23:17
_dreamereatingth_: is this safe?23:17
k1lActpa: ?23:17
samthewildoneIs there a way I can get audio to play on my server ?23:17
samthewildoneI attempted the ubuntu-server channel but no one responds.23:17
=== MattTS_ is now known as MattTS
NegativeFlaresamthewildone: pulseaudio23:18
Bashing-omeatingth_: Yeah I do think we have the problem identified, Now maybe run ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf ' -> It will present you with a question about preparing /etc/resolv.conf for dynamic updates .23:18
NegativeFlaresamthewildone: but you're going to probably have issues with systemd not wanting to install properly :/23:19
ActpaI still gotta fix my damn microphone..23:19
Actpano clue why it doesnt work.23:19
NegativeFlareActpa: checked alsamixer?23:20
NegativeFlareor pavucontrol?23:20
ActpaYeah.. I've done alot.23:20
ActpaMy internal mic on my laptop23:20
Actpasays it's unavilable.23:20
Actpaon skype.23:20
Actpaon pavu*23:20
k1l!skype | Actpa23:21
ubottuActpa: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:21
Actpakll: I have skype installed.23:21
tgm4883Actpa: does the microphone work on your desktop in other software?23:21
ActpaOn windows 7 it did.23:21
k1lActpa: really look into the help page for skype the bot linked. it got a troubleshoot section23:21
ActpaAnd I tried it with audicity23:22
Actpait didnt work.23:22
tgm4883Actpa: k1l: well if it doesn't work outside of skype, it surely won't work inside skype23:22
Actpatgm4883: thats what i dont understand. It works perfectly find on Windows 7. I came to ubuntu and it doesnt work at all.23:23
k1lif the soundsettings are wrong it will not work anywhere, correct. but we will never know if he doesnt look that up and works the step by step23:23
tgm4883Actpa: well Windows isn't Linux, so the fact that it works there only serves to show that the microphone hardware isn't broken23:23
ActpaMaybe I need a select Driver for ubuntu?23:24
ActpaThis is a Dell afterall..23:24
tgm4883Actpa: did you go through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SkypeTroubleshooting23:24
k1lActpa: did you look into the troubleshoot wiki page that is linked in the skype wiki page?23:24
tgm4883Actpa: now sure how it being a Dell matters...23:25
tgm4883Actpa: what model is the laptop?23:25
Actpatgm4883: Dell Latitude E642023:25
NegativeFlareCharlatanPleb: let's not, Rated G please.23:25
Actpakll: and yes, I did go through it. I'm not using a external microphone. It's on my laptop.23:26
k1lActpa: that doesnt matter23:26
Actpakll: well, I looked through it. Nothing relates to my issue.23:27
k1lActpa: m(23:27
tgm4883Actpa: is this 14.04?23:27
Actpatgm4883: Yes.23:27
k1lActpa: ok i am out. there is a brilliant troubleshoot page, but since you dont even want to read and use it i lost motivation.23:28
Actpak1l: I read it. I told you nothing releated to my issue.23:28
tgm4883k1l: well, interestingly enough there appears to be a driver for the microphone23:29
Actpak1l: I see the microphone under my input devices, It says it's unavilable.23:29
NegativeFlareSounds like a driver issue lol23:29
k1lActpa: it is.23:29
ActpaI was talking to someone earlier, we couldnt find out how to install the driver.23:29
tgm4883But the driver link I've got is for 10.10, so unless it can't be included I would have thought it would have made it into stock by now23:30
ActpaOh dear.23:30
ActpaSo do you think I should contact Dell or something?23:32
=== MattTS_ is now known as MattTS
tgm4883Actpa: can you fire up pavucontrol and post a screenshot of the page with the microphone on it?23:34
Actpasure one sec23:35
ActpaYou mean the dropdown menu or with the (unavilable) microphone selected?23:35
tgm4883drop down menu should be fine23:35
=== rax-Y is now known as rax-
Actpatgm4883: http://imgur.com/Y739hjl23:37
Actpatalking to dell atm to see if they have an updated driver..23:39
tgm4883Actpa: What's listed under configuration?23:39
Actpasec I'll screenie it.23:39
ActpaI cant screenie it..23:39
ActpaIs there like a gyazo for Ubuntu?23:40
* tgm4883 shrugs23:41
ActpaWe don't have Ubuntu drivers for this system and we also don't support Ubuntu for Dell. You will have to contact Ubuntu support for this. Their numbers are 1-866-6221947 and 1-866-9828688 .23:41
ActpaThat's from dell...23:41
andy_mahurinI have been trying to follow the instructions on how to upgrade the voice for festival.  http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jyamagis/software/page54/page54.html23:41
tgm4883Actpa: how about the output of 'dmesg'23:41
Actpatgm4883: Whata mean? Under output devices?23:42
tgm4883Actpa: no, run that command and pastebin the output23:42
Actpaoh okay23:42
Actpatgm4883: http://pastebin.com/3PNB1eyM23:43
tgm4883Actpa: sorry, I don't know23:46
ActpaIt's okay.23:46
Actpathank you for trying.23:46
tgm4883There doesn't seem to be much indicating why something would be "unavailable"23:46
ActpaI appreciate it.23:46
=== MattTS_ is now known as MattTS
tgm4883I've seen that on my wifi device when the hardware switch was off23:46
tgm4883I'm guessing you don't have a hardware switch on that23:46
ActpaI think it is a driver issue.23:47
ActpaThey told me to contact Ubuntu.23:47
ActpaI'll try that.23:47
mtnActpa, I missed what you were trying to fix. what kind of driver?23:47
tgm4883mtn: his microphone says "unavailable"23:47
Actpamtn: I'm trying to fix my microphone.23:47
mtnActpa, builtin or headset?23:47
ActpaBuilt In.23:47
tgm4883mtn: dell Latitude E642023:48
tgm4883we found a driver for 10.1023:48
ActpaI already contacted Dell they said they dont support drivers for Ubuntu.23:48
mtnActpa, have you tried using pavucontrol to set it?23:48
ActpaThat's where it tells me my microphone is not available.23:48
tgm4883Actpa: how old is this laptop?23:48
mtnActpa, are there device options?23:48
Actpatgm4883: I bought it used, but it's only 6 years old.23:49
Actpamtn: Under Input?23:49
mtnActpa, input and configuration, I believe it is called23:49
Actpamtn: There's alot under config but I cant print screen it.23:49
Actpamtn: already tried.23:49
mtnActpa, ok.23:50
mukaI have a problem. I'm pressing volume up and down, and xev shows same keycode for both keys. How can I remap it?23:50
mtnActpa, is you sound card intel?23:50
Actpamtn: Where do I find out? I believe it is.23:50
tgm4883Actpa: show us the output of 'lspci'23:50
mtnActpa, also you can install inxi and then run: inxi -A23:51
mukaActpa, first try alsamixer and press F5, see if mic is detected and CAPTURE is showing under it.23:51
Actpahttp://pastebin.com/x4FKQ4Sd <-- lspci23:52
mtnActpa, to get any other intel audio drivers, you would have to get them from intel23:53
Actpamuka: There is no mic that has capture under it. There's a bar with just 'CAPTURE' under it23:53
Actpamtn: Is it a Intel Driver?23:54
Actpamtn: I mean is my sound card Intel?23:54
mtnActpa, yes, that is what you pasted says23:54
Actpamtn: Okay, thank you. I'll try contacting them.23:54
mtnActpa, Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)23:54
mukaok, now try this arecord test.wav23:54
mukaafter you done press ctr+C23:55
mukato quit23:55
Actpai did aplay test.wav23:55
ActpaI heard nothing.23:55
mukaany sound?23:55
mukaok try this: sudo dmesg | grep -i mic23:56
Actpawant the pastebin?23:56
mukain terminal. Can kernel recognize your mic or you get some errors23:56
Actpamuka: http://pastebin.com/GP7RLCLe23:57
Actpait has "mic" highlighted in red.23:57
Actpamuka, http://imgur.com/Yd7ZEC723:58

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