
=== Vito is now known as Guest42122
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ugly_catI'm trying to create a custom global shortcut that executes a python script, it doesn't seem to work though. I thought it might be because kde doesn't recognize python scripts, so I had a shell script call it but it does the same thing.. It just draws a cross hair and lets me rectangle select, which is weird because that is not at all what the script does.04:12
ugly_catI've got it running shell scripts no problem, but for some reason this doesn't work.04:13
ugly_catI'm also open to alternative approaches to scripts executing via keyboard shortcuts.04:13
austin6598is it possible to run system updates from a terminal?04:14
ugly_cataustin6598: sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install upgrade04:15
ugly_cat*minus the install bit04:16
austin6598ok i did it and muon still shows updates available and when i install them it doesnt do anything04:17
austin6598wait nevermind04:17
austin6598well i recently just updated to the latest kde04:18
austin6598oh i had to apt-get autoremove04:18
KDG-machow open dashboard from terminal?04:42
dcv49ofhey, quick question. which version of kubuntu  do you recommend? Lts or latest and what are the differences?04:54
KDG-macdcv49of: long support vs new apps05:01
dcv49ofdo both versions allow upgrading without reinstalling the distro?05:03
KDG-macyea ,,, ehh05:03
KDG-macsome time it does not work but...05:04
KDG-maclike 50% it work with no problems at all :)05:05
dcv49ofhmm i see, which version do most people choose?05:06
KDG-machmm i think mabye long support so no need or reinstall or bad upgrades..05:09
KDG-macso 14.0405:09
dcv49ofi see, ill use lts then :)05:11
dcv49ofthanks for your help, have a great day :) bye05:12
KDG-macsome here adv kde4 user?05:13
KDG-machow open dashboard from terminal?05:22
ugly_catKDG-mac: dashboard? Try plasmashell05:30
KDG-macdoes not got plasmashell on KDE405:33
KDG-macgot kubuntu 14.04 with KDE405:33
lordievader Good morning.05:58
KDG-macugly_cat: yea06:10
Roeylordievader:  hello.  Good lord where do you live such that you wake up only now?06:16
lordievaderOnly now? It is rather early here.06:16
soee8:25 now :)06:25
Roeylordievader:  what's your time zone?06:27
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cornelhey guys. I have Kubuntu running on Ubuntu 14.10. It says there is a new version available, if I download and install it through software center, what are the chances that my OS will break?06:36
cornelI don't trust most linux software centers06:36
hateballcornel: well if you're worried, run "do-release-upgrade" in a terminal06:41
hateballthat's all the GUI does anyhow06:42
corneland that's a safe upgrade?06:42
cornelthe kubuntu I have is still pretty unstable, lots of features in the GUI need work, are new version better looking yet?06:42
cornelps, thanks hateball06:42
hateballcornel: I've upgraded machines since 6.06, and not really had any issues ever, but ymmv as usual06:43
hateballyour mileage may vary ):06:43
cornelok, well, I guess there's only one way to find out :)06:44
hateballcornel: most notably, in 15.04 it is Plasma 5 instead of KDE 4.x06:44
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BluesKajHi all10:34
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svend-evGood morning12:06
BluesKaj'Morning svend-ev12:09
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KSXis there a way to make plasma 5 more transparent?15:00
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regedithey SuperHappyRoey :)16:03
Roeyhey hey regedit :)16:03
RoeyI'm actually gonna head out to walk for a bit16:03
regeditRoey: enjoy!16:04
regeditso; isn't the OS supposed to detect if i'm playing a video (both media applications as well as in browser) and prevent locking the screen? this does not seem to be the case here in 15.0416:06
Roeythank regedit, you too!16:06
BluesKajregedit, I had to turn the lockscreen off on 15.04 and 15.10 in order to watch videos uninterrupted16:11
regeditBluesKaj: so this is a known issue? is there a bug i can vote on?16:12
BluesKajregedit, dunno for sure16:13
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BAkihey, how can i open a samsung 3 note wich doesnt start with kubuntu20:42
BluesKajBAki, maybe ask in #android20:45
soee_shouldn't it work with kde connect ?20:46
soee_what android version is there ?20:46
BluesKajoh yeah soee_ ..heh I forgot about kde connect20:47
BluesKajgonna be looking at that next week when my android phone arrives...just an elcheapo but it should still be interesting20:49
DurhamhsHow do I update to KDE plasma 5.4 on my Kubuntu 15.04 machine ?20:53
DS-McGuireHello all! I have messed up my PPA's. Where can I find a list the default ppa's that come with Kubuntu 15.04?22:45
Roeyhi hi23:29
Roeylordievader:  hi!23:29
Roeyhttp://pastebin.com/m4c8ag3Y <-- this is dmesg when I plug my external backup hard drive in.  when I do "mount /dev/sdb /backup", I check /backup and see that nothing was mounted.  YET I get a pop-up notifier from Plasma that lets me open it as a directory.. what do you think could be the issue?23:30

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