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pittiGood morning04:58
happyaronLaney: worked, thanks!05:51
didrocksgood morning06:29
larsugood morning!06:32
didrockshey larsu, how was your week-end?06:35
larsudidrocks, great! My niece had her first-day-of-school celebration :)06:36
larsualso I unpacked a lot of boxes and assembled furniture...06:36
didrocksGood, back to home! Spent then a quiet week-end, went to some friends and played board games06:36
didrocksfirst day of school, nice! :)06:37
larsuya crazy06:37
larsushe even goes to the same elementary school as I did06:37
larsuthey just moved into that neighborhood a year ago06:37
larsufun to see06:37
didrocksdid you go back and saw how it changed?06:38
larsuit all looks the same06:38
larsua bit of renovations06:38
larsuand a small new building06:38
larsubut even the color stayed the same :)06:38
didrockswaow, interesting, not the same experience for me :)06:38
larsuit all changed?06:39
didrocksyeah, modern colors, big renovation, new rooms…06:40
didrocksthat's when you want to go back to school for a bit! :)06:40
larsuelementary school?06:40
larsuhm ... could do06:40
didrocksyeah, easy life then!06:41
larsuthey colored the first letter of their name on their first day06:41
larsuI think I can manage that06:41
didrocksand how is your accomodation lookin?06:41
larsuactually she should be on her first "real" day now06:41
larsuerr.... better06:41
larsustill lots of boxes and stuff06:41
didrocksI imagine :p06:42
larsubut a wardrobe and my desk are up06:42
larsuthat helped the chaos *a lot*06:42
larsustill no internet :/06:42
didrocksI guess!06:42
didrocksyeah, not surprised :/06:42
didrocksdo you have any ETA?06:42
larsuit's all messed up - telekom and the building's electrician are fighting about what needs to be done06:43
larsuit's a bit ridiculous...06:43
larsuyou'd think they know how to connect a freaking dsl line these days06:43
didrocksgot exactly your case in Paris in 2008: was between France Télécom (now Orange) and my ISP provider06:43
didrocksthey all said to have done their work06:43
didrocksand it was the other's fault06:44
didrockswell, first, that it was mine and that I can't setup a dsl box…06:44
larsulol, seriously?06:44
didrocksso had to wait a month for something to come and check that yeah… I can do that :p06:44
larsuplug it in and wait06:44
didrocksright :/06:44
didrockshow to lose a month06:44
didrocksgood luck I guess, that's the only way you can go through… be patient…06:45
TheMusoGood morning guys.06:45
larsuhi TheMuso! What's up?/06:45
TheMusoHey larsu.06:45
TheMusoYour DSL issues remind me of many an issue many people have trying to get DSL here in Australia,e xcept all our phone lines are owned by one somewhat monopolistic carrier thats privately owned.06:46
larsuTheMuso, ya, we have this too. They have to rent out the lines to other providers, because market. But then they still need to come connect stuff and they give their own customers priority06:47
didrockshey TheMuso!06:47
TheMusoHey didrocks.06:47
didrockssame here as well06:47
pittihey didrocks and larsu!06:48
* pitti waves to TheMuso, how are you?06:48
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti06:48
larsuguten morgen pitti! Wie geht's dir?06:48
TheMusopitti: Well thanks. Yourself?06:48
pittiquite well, thanks! I was alone at the weekend, so spent it with some gardening, running, and playing basketball06:49
pittibut also pizza delivery and watching like 12 episodes of "Orange is the new Black", bachelor style :)06:49
pittithis is a really good series, much more interesting than the two line summary let me hope for06:50
larsuyeah I have heard good things about it as well06:50
larsudoes anyone know who maintains ubuntu-geonames?06:51
* larsu hopes the answer isn't "larsu"06:51
larsuit's really, really broken06:51
didrockspitti: oh, so you recommend it? We only tried to watch the first episod with Julie and we weren't convinced06:52
didrockslarsu: it's not larsu, it's Lars! :)06:53
larsu"Berli" should really be a superset of "Berlin"06:53
larsuit returns 3 cities, none of them Berlin06:53
larsuwhereas Berlin returns >10, including every district name06:53
didrocksyeah… agreed on geoname situation :/06:54
larsusame for other cities. Bug #1045224 is about Paris for example06:54
ubot5bug 1045224 in Ubuntu Geonames "search string 'Pari' doesn't return 'Paris' " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104522406:54
larsudidrocks, if this doesn't get fixed I'll turn it off in system settings06:54
larsuthe phone doesn't use it either iirc06:54
pittididrocks: yeah, as always one needs to get over the first two episodes or so, but it develops quickly06:54
didrockspitti: ok, we'll maybe try a little bit more then06:56
pittididrocks: I can relate to that -- when you arrive at something new, everythign seems hostile and fierce, but once you get to know people it becomes much more interesting06:56
didrockslarsu: agreed06:56
pittididrocks: they really captured that "rough but honest" spirit that's going on in a prison; well, matter of taste perhaps06:56
larsuxnox' first comment on that Paris bug is hilarious06:56
larsu"just type 'Paris'. Importance -> Low"06:57
didrockslarsu: heh :)06:57
didrockslarsu: I disagree thought it's a "low" priority06:57
didrocksit's the kind of things that makes the experience lower than standard quality expectations06:58
didrocks(even without trolling on Paris :p)06:58
pitti"just type 'Paris'. Importance -> Low" is such a good flamebait for a context-less quotes page06:58
larsuya, it looks very unprofessional06:58
didrockspitti: you wouldn't have a lot of people to deny this fact though :p Only upset parisians ;)06:59
larsumaybe I should file a bug about a better city?06:59
didrocksLyon? ;)06:59
didrocksTBH, for a long time I didn't switch to Lyon as my place in the settings due to that bug07:00
didrocksI types Lyo -> no Lyon07:00
larsuah, there's one about Tel Aviv and Jerusalem07:00
pittididrocks: seulement les 2.2 mio habitants -- plus les quelque mio touristes d'autres pays :)07:00
didrocksso why continue typing? It's obviously not there :p07:00
didrockspitti: broutille! :)07:00
larsudidrocks, ya...07:00
larsuthis is precisely the problem07:00
larsuok let's file a bug about that, maybe pitti will fix it07:01
didrockspitti is down the street with burn torchs due to ubuntu geoname :p07:01
pittibut does that really do substring search?07:01
larsulet's channel all that rage into patches07:01
pittiI tried it with several names, and it only seems to accept actual city names, not substrings07:01
didrockspitti: yeah, seems it's the behavior07:02
larsupitti, I think it does substrings, but only on word boundaries07:02
pittilarsu: ^ or on unicode characters07:02
pittiwhat kind of broken result is that??07:02
larsupitti, Berlin-Marzahn gets matched for "Berlin"for example07:02
* didrocks is puzzled07:02
pitti"name" : "Berlīne"07:02
larsutotally broken07:02
didrocksyeah, that one should report nothing07:03
larsu(leaving out the fact that "Berlin-Marzahn shouldn't even be in there)07:03
didrocksas per other behavior07:03
* larsu wonders where "Lungsod ng München" is07:05
larsuthat's the 2nd result for "München"07:05
larsuI'll turn it off and use local cities only07:06
larsuin fact, I think having only major cities for time zones would be more than enough07:06
larsubut probably people will get mad if I do that :)07:06
pittiin all fairness you probably would query a geoip lookup service for, well, coordinates, not name substrings?07:10
pittiI wonder why that doesn't work07:10
pittiat least not on the phone07:10
pittibut I also never saw it working on the desktop, just in ubiquity07:10
pittithe interwebs knows pretty damn well where I am (and a lot about what I do and like too), after all07:11
larsupitti, indeed. I don't know what the original purpose of this was, but using it in sugges-as-you-type UI is just wrong07:12
* larsu changes location. brb07:32
Mirvcould someone top-ack https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/lp-1406972/+merge/259239 ? knome is cautious about merging, but it'd be nice to have.07:35
didrocksMirv: done07:37
Mirvdidrocks: thanks!07:37
didrocksyw ;)07:37
pittiah, didrocks beat me to it07:37
didrocksfor once!!! \o/07:38
knomedidrocks, pitti: thanks, i'll go merge it next07:38
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willcookeMorning all07:55
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didrockshey willcooke08:00
didrockshey hey Laneyyyyyyy!08:03
larsumorning Laney!08:06
larsuoh hi willcooke as well08:06
larsuhow are you guys?08:06
Laneyi tried to make jam last night08:12
Laneyand this recipe was like DEAR LORD NEVER STIR IT08:12
Laneyso i didn't08:12
Laneyand loads of shit burned to the bottom of the pan08:12
Laney1) ruined jam 2) pan which takes ages to clean08:12
willcookeBuy a new pan.08:12
willcookeI did the same, and could never get it off08:13
LaneyI got to use a home hack that someone told me once08:13
willcookeand the stuck on bits cause new bits to catch08:13
Laneywater and laundry detergent + boiling08:13
pittihey Laney, hello willcooke08:13
larsuuh oh08:13
Laneythat working was the only cool bit08:13
larsupoor Laney08:13
willcookeLaney, oh cool, did it work then?08:13
Laneyhuge bits of black grime scraping off08:13
Laneyannoying though08:14
Laneywe went foraging on saturday to get the fruit for it08:14
Laneywasted :(08:14
pittiwow, a recipe that says "never stir"??08:14
pittithat sounds like a scam08:15
Laneyit was quite strong about it too08:15
Laneyat least now I know...08:15
Laney(hey pitti!)08:15
pittihm,  so perhaps one can make that in the oven, but not on a stove?08:16
pittiI heard from people who did that, to avoid stirring for 2 h when you make plum jam08:16
pittibut we never tried (we just suffer through the stirring)08:16
Laneythat was on the stove08:19
LaneyIn retrospect I think that it was just to stop you stirring the scum back in08:20
Laneybut who cares about that08:20
Laneyat least now I know where there are local plum and apple trees :)08:20
larsuwhat's up with https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/gsettings-qt/support-ass/+merge/269045 ? Is anybody landing it?08:32
* larsu hates that he has to chase these down08:33
xnoxlarsu: ?! =)08:38
xnoxlarsu: ah, yeah.08:39
LaneyWasn't it going to be uploaded together with the thing that needed it?08:41
anpok_Laney: hm I looked into running gtk 3.14 (i guess it is the same for 3.16) on one of the phones08:47
LaneyI think you're going to want attente. :)08:48
anpok_hm I think on arale and mako, maybe on all of them - we dont have rgba8888 available.08:48
LaneyYa, sorry08:48
anpok_i'll take you instead, untill he wakes up:)08:48
LaneyI can't help, I don't even know what that is08:48
Laneyalso didn't I see him talking about that the other day?08:49
anpok_i just realized that we would have to patch cairo to support bgr surfaces08:49
desrt_hi desktop10:08
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larsumorning desrt!10:09
willcookehi desrt10:17
Laneydesrt riding the jet lag10:18
desrtjet lag is lovely :)10:59
desrtalso lovely: holiday mondays11:00
desrtodd that i feel like working anyway...11:00
Laneyqengho: are you looking into the failing chromium tests?11:07
* desrt contemplates an interesting infinite loop11:16
desrtinotify_add_watch with IN_ONLYDIR returns ENOTDIR, so establish the watch without and stat() the file to find out that it is actually a dir...11:17
desrtnow what?11:17
desrttry again?11:17
desrtpresumably this happens because the FS changed under us, but i can also imagine that this occurs on some weird filesystems and now we've gotten into an infinite loop11:17
larsudesrt, throw an error?11:22
desrti actually think the correct thing to do might be to do nothing11:23
desrtit's weird because i also have to entertain the possibility that the change happened after i made the watch but before i did the stat11:24
desrtin which case i'm watching the wrong thing11:24
larsuhm, indeed11:25
desrtbut in that case, i think the move/delete of the old thing will get flagged anyway, and we'll be back to where we are supposed to have been in the first place11:25
desrtso even though i didn't monitor it _as_ a directory, i can safely assume that it is in fact a directory11:25
desrtsince otherwise i'll find out about it soon anyway11:25
desrtthanks for rubber-ducking me :)11:26
larsuhopefully :)11:26
larsudesrt, to be precise, I think you rubber-ducked me11:26
desrtwell thanks for allowing yourself to be rubber-ducked :)11:26
* willcooke feeds bread to larsu and desrt 11:39
desrtoh.  speaking of ducks.11:39
Chipacaoh, wait, we aren't playing that11:39
desrti'm planning to go to cincinatti soon11:39
* Chipaca has his xchat highlight "quack" for some arcane reason11:39
larsudesrt: are there many ducks in Cincinatti?11:41
desrtor there will be11:42
larsuoh. Mallard balls!11:42
desrtamongst other things11:44
davmor2Chipaca: why wouldn't you?11:45
Chipacadavmor2: I have no answer to that.11:45
Chipacadavmor2: note i said "has", not "had". There just is no good reason to unset that option.11:45
davmor2Chipaca: ofcourse we now know we can chant quack at any point to annoy you ;)11:46
davmor2Chipaca: on a plus side it is so much nicer than ping11:47
Chipacadavmor2: there are more, easier things to chant to annoy me11:47
davmor2Chipaca: Startreking across the universe, never gonna give you up, fling a chicken in the air......I probable know them all ;)11:48
Chipacadavmor2: apparently, the thing that gets me the most annoyed is when i call you to set the dinner table and you ignore me completely11:51
Chipacabut that only is effective after a really long work week, and only after a few times of same11:51
davmor2Chipaca: I can see kids involved here too, to be honest, they are specifically designed to annoy parents did you not realise that?11:52
Chipacadavmor2: i thought that was operating systems11:53
larsuoperating systems annoy their parents?11:53
davmor2Chipaca: no that is adults/kids/coders not parents11:53
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Laneytjaalton: Any chance you know how to fix this kind of thing https://i216573564.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/216573564/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-armhf.gst-plugins-bad1.0_1.5.90-1ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz?token=s1Djdnr1FZb6FNMr5WJm7V58BGw17B7d ? (search for 'conflicting types')13:03
Laneytjaalton: I found gnome bug #721299 which is sort of similar but different types13:03
ubot5Gnome bug 721299 in gst-plugins-gl "Conflict between GL and GLES headers" [Critical,Resolved: notgnome] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72129913:03
Laney& they say it is mesa13:03
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tjaaltonhuh, ok13:08
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Laneytjaalton: Just wondering if you know, if not I can dig more13:09
tjaaltonit's first time for me13:11
tjaaltonoh wth, bug 1433013 is still there13:13
ubot5bug 1433013 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Super -> exec vs Alt-F2 -> exec have different environment" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143301313:13
tjaaltondidn't check before upgrading to wily13:14
didrockswillcooke: nice one to set on your quality list btw ^ (but the fix is on upstart side, we need someone from the foundation team to have a look)13:20
willcookedidrocks, which one?13:22
didrockswillcooke: 2 lines above? bug #143301313:22
ubot5bug 1433013 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Super -> exec vs Alt-F2 -> exec have different environment" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143301313:22
willcookegot it13:22
* willcooke adds tag13:22
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willcookeSweet5hark, http://i.imgur.com/Ir9Abh5.jpg15:31
Sweet5harkwillcooke: awesome!15:31
didrocksoh, you have some power adapter, lucky you :p15:32
Laneytedg: hey, any chance you can help look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-wily/wily/ppc64el/d/dbus-test-runner/20150907_135149@/log.gz ?16:45
Laneydbus-test-runner fails its tests on ppc64el16:45
LaneyI can reproduce it on the porter machine (not as reliably as on the real machines it seems)16:45
Laneyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12308415/ <- is that a race?17:04
LaneyGetNameOwner while it doesn't have an owner, NameOwnerChanged before that returns -> never learn that it exists17:05
Laneydesrt: ↑ (and if so, what's a good way to avoid that?)17:05
* Laney has to go, but brains appreciated17:06
davmor2Laney: is a zombie apparently is all I can deduce from that line17:07
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willcookelarsu, can you chip in on the OSB email, let me know what you think the best option is please18:51
willcookemorning robert_ancell20:00
robert_ancellwillcooke, hi20:00
willcookegnight all20:09
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