
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:15
lotuspsychjegpdev: good morning :p05:33
gpdevMorning?! Good afternoon! :p05:33
lotuspsychjegpdev: yeah worldwide timezone gap here :p05:34
lotuspsychje7h34 here05:34
gpdevSounds like coffee time haha05:35
lotuspsychjemmm yeah05:36
gpdevIt's 3:36pm here05:36
gpdevI'm in between work and irc so there may be a delay05:37
lotuspsychjenp, we are used to idle05:38
lordievaderGood morning.05:58
lotuspsychjehi lordievader06:00
lotuspsychjelordievader: did you see this1 :p https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aiforeveryone/mycroft-an-open-source-artificial-intelligence-for06:00
lotuspsychjehi ObrienDave06:01
lordievaderMorning lotuspsychje, ObrienDave06:01
lordievaderlotuspsychje: I haven't.06:01
ObrienDavesigh, yes it is morning and i have no water in my new place GRRRRRRRR06:02
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: grab a beer :p06:02
ObrienDavelandlord has a plumber coming. be here within 2 hours *sigh*06:02
ObrienDavei have PLENTY of beer ;P06:02
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: go get a takeaway breakfast06:02
lordievaderToo bad it doesn't say what kind of algorithms they use.06:03
lotuspsychjelordievader: yeah not sure, pretty enw to me also06:03
ObrienDavelotuspsychje, wife and i just got back from dinner LOL06:03
lordievaderI hope for them it ain't neural networks. Neural networks and pi's don't mix.06:03
lotuspsychjegpdev: help with what?06:03
lotuspsychjelordievader: the video looks nice, mycroft turn the lights on! make coffee!06:04
lordievaderProbably has Sphinx under the hood.06:05
lotuspsychjelordievader: its snappy core based06:06
lotuspsychjelordievader: maybe the #snappy guys might know more under the hood?06:06
* lordievader wonders if they are using Festival06:07
gpdevlotuspsychje: General/basic queries where I can. Currently working with 14.04 on work's servers06:10
ObrienDavelordy, who let the loonies out in #u-ot?06:10
lotuspsychjeot has always had loonies lol06:12
lordievaderAlda looks interesting: http://daveyarwood.github.io/alda/2015/09/05/alda-a-manifesto-and-gentle-introduction/06:13
lotuspsychjelordievader: your a musician also now?06:14
lordievaderHave been for quite some time.06:15
ObrienDaveplumber will be here in 40 minutes. i guess i'll have to hang out with the cool kids until then ;P06:24
ObrienDaveplumber is here. gotta run07:25
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:18
pauljwhi lotuspsychje17:19
lotuspsychjehello pauljw17:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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