
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella
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ricotzdarkxst, hi, can you drag any file in nautilus?05:23
darkxstricotz, yes I can drag files05:24
darkxstunder x11 atleast05:26
ricotzdarkxst, ok, seems to be triggered somehow, restarting made it work again05:26
darkxsthavent tried on wayland05:26
ricotzthe rename-popover is weird and broken too :\05:26
ricotze.g. it is positioned wrong05:26
darkxstwhere is it meant to be positioned?05:27
* ricotz got a bit suprised by this update and feel suffering now05:27
ricotzdarkxst, i would say in the near of the file to rename and in an actually visible window area05:28
ricotzpopover != window, so it gets drawn onto the parent-widget surface05:28
ricotzif positioned wrong it gets cut off05:29
ricotzunder x1105:29
ricotzwayland handles that with subsurfaces05:29
ricotzheh, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75462005:32
ubot5Gnome bug 754620 in general "positioning and size issues with new rename popover" [Enhancement,New]05:32
darkxsthmm, I get the popover above the file, when it won't fit underneath05:33
darkxsti.e can't find a case where it gets cut off05:33
darkxstwell that is just buggy! it works fine with normal size icons, but breaks with small icons05:45
ricotzdarkxst, it is not related to the window size05:47
darkxstricotz, icon size05:47
darkxstbump the icons up to normal (big-ish) size and popovers work ok05:48
ricotzdarkxst, no, neither that05:48
darkxstit does here05:48
ricotzit gets positioned on the top-outside of the window05:49
ricotz(not for every item though)05:49
ricotzdarkxst, also is something wrong with gnome-desktop? while you tried to copy an older version "Copying failed of gnome-desktop3 (3.17.4-0ubuntu1~wily1)Copied from: gnome317. Copied by: Tim Target series: Wily06:02
ricotzgnome-desktop3 3.17.4-0ubuntu1~wily1 in wily (version older than the gnome-desktop3 3.17.91-0ubuntu1~wily1 in wily published in wily) "06:02
darkxstricotz, no, I uploaded gnome-desktop3 directly (since it was just translations), but then accidently checked the old version when I did the copy06:03
ricotzdarkxst, besides that gnome-shell works flawlessly! :-)06:05
darkxstI have had a few lockups in shell on -90 atleast06:05
darkxstbut otherwise yes!06:05
LinDolhi all13:15
aneesh_hello people. i wish to do something for the development of this amazing distro.. where can i get info on how it can be done16:20
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MalekoCan someone help me, or explain why I needed to download CCSM to change Alt + grave keybind in Ubuntu GNOME?19:40
MalekoI thought GNOME uses Mutter19:40
Malekothere was nothing in either GNOME Tweak or dconf to change it19:40
MalekoAlt key modifier is required for a lot of games , and currently I am using grave (` or ~ key which is left of 1 on my keyboard) for push to talk communication19:41
MalekoThere's no reason for Alt + grave to invoke the switcher in GNOME19:41
Malekowe have Alt + tab already19:42
MalekoPlease clean up Unity / Compiz bloat in Ubuntu GNOME, thanks, or at least make it easier to change the keybind19:42
MalekoAlso, the changes made in CCSM do not persist through a reboot19:42
Malekothis is in Ubuntu GNOME 15.0419:42
MalekoSorry for the rant19:44
MalekoOkay I actually looked again in dconf and found it, it just wasn't in the usual place19:56

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