
=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix
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Hawk_like to try out the newer version of mir03:54
Hawk_can I just installed related debs?03:54
Hawk_such as https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+build/784204803:55
Hawk_QOpenGLShader::link: "--From Vertex Shader: Error: Symbol textured defined with different precision in vertex and fragment shaders.04:27
Hawk_any idea what could cause this in unity log?04:27
Hawk_icons not showing in dash and app scope04:27
RAOFHawk_: That's a GL error; specifically, it seems that QOpenGLShader is constructing a with mismatching precision on one of its shaders.04:41
RAOFSince it seems you've got this problem after a driver update, it might be that the driver is now being more picky, or that QOpenGLShader isn't specifying the precisions and the driver has changed defaults.04:42
Hawk_i am try a port on xperia L04:47
Hawk_its not an update issue04:48
Hawk_can a particular fussy app cause this?04:48
RAOFHawk_: It's not an app being fussy; it's your graphics drivers.04:50
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Hawk_RAOF, i see. guess it out of my league05:47
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mj-meo-dmtgood day everyone06:58
mj-meo-dmtI want to find out if anyone here tried ubuntu touch on the Huawei ascend p1?06:58
Stanley00mj-meo-dmt: you mean this one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/u920007:04
Stanley00mj-meo-dmt: last edit 2013, I'm not sure if anything new, but the current page look not so good07:04
dholbachgood morning07:15
mj-meo-dmtHi Stanley00 sorry was afk, ahh okay i see uhhmm missed that page..  Damn thats pretty sad because im pretty fed up with this 4.0.3 now...07:18
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
mj-meo-dmtyeah that sure doesnt look good.07:21
Stanley00mj-meo-dmt: well, you can try contact the maintainer, I see that he have some recent update on his launchpad account, there may have many good update there07:22
mj-meo-dmtSure thing thanks ill try to get hold of him, Thanks07:24
=== davmor2_HOLS is now known as davmor2
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Buy a Book Day! 😃08:28
dufluDid we recently release changes to touch/gesture logic?08:54
dufluOr is just my mako broken?08:54
=== danilos` is now known as danilos
duflugreyback, Saviq: Did we just change anything to do with gesture recognition? My mako is suddenly quite erratic. Can't notice edge swipes properly even08:57
Saviqduflu, did not, but there's a bug about mako, its input area manages to grow outside of the phone somehow08:58
Saviqbug #140826308:58
ubot5bug 1408263 in android (Ubuntu) "Edge gestures still get lost (mako)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140826308:58
Saviqany chance that's that?08:58
dufluSaviq: A bit different. I need to rule out pure Mir first...08:59
Saviqduflu, you guys working on wily, right?09:00
dufluSaviq: yes09:00
Saviqthere's likely not enough attention being paid to wily09:00
Saviqvivid+overlay is still our main target09:00
dufluSaviq: Nevermind. My touchscreen is screwed. Even with pure Mir demos.09:02
dufluIt works slightly and intermittently09:02
anpok_Saviq: while testing silo-014 I experienced some odd stuff in camera09:02
Saviqanpok_, oh?09:02
anpok_photos looked fine, but video at first did not take up the whole screen09:03
anpok_it first seemed like it would leave an area untouched for the small preferences tool bar..09:04
dufluWhy must there still be so many variables?09:04
anpok_but it also made a low resolution video..09:04
dufluSo many different bugs need fixing simultaneously09:04
anpok_after a restart of camera-app it worked normally..09:04
Saviqanpok_, doesn't seem like anything we (mir or unity8) have control over09:05
anpok_other than that mako / silo-014 on image 232 worked fine09:05
Saviqanpok_, I just tried on mako/wily and indeed the video played back had maybe some 2-3% blank edge09:06
Saviqmore on the longer edges than the short edge09:06
anpok_it seems to depend on the system rotation during start..09:06
Saviqoh, that might be indeed09:06
* Saviq tries09:07
anpok_but i cannot reproduce the issue anymore.. the space just seemed to match the difference height/width between09:07
=== diplo_ is now known as diplo
Saviqanpok_, everything seems fine here, too, I can only notice some margins in the camera app, video is HD09:11
dufluGoodbye mako.09:12
Saviqanpok_, maybe you somehow got into a lower res recording mdoe09:12
Saviqduflu, that bad?09:12
dufluSaviq: It's low level, maybe kernel or hardware. I need to try reflashing09:12
dufluTouches go missing a lot (visible in fingerpaint and target too)09:13
dufluThe same device has been fine for quite a while. I only updated over the air today09:13
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
Saviqanpok_, I can easily get the camera app confused by changing video resolution and toggling between front/back camera, there's a lot of stretched images and such09:14
Saviqbut it's all the app doing that09:15
=== ndec_ is now known as ndec
duflugreyback, Saviq: I've noticed (especially on wily) that the welcome wizard is exhibiting Apple/Lollipop level scrolling smoothness (when selecting language). What's so different about the wizard that makes it fantastically smooth?09:38
greybackduflu: it runs as part of the shell09:39
duflugreyback: Ah, yes.09:39
greybackduflu: am looking forward to your qtmir smoothness patch! :)09:40
duflugreyback: Annoyingly I'm losing count of the number of fixes that have to all work together09:40
dufluBut we're getting there09:40
greybackduflu: is there an obvious way we can measure the improvement, aside from fps?09:41
duflugreyback: Try flashing a device with wily. The welcome wizard's responsiveness really is far ahead of everything else09:41
greybackbuffer acquire/release times09:41
duflugreyback: The Mir client perf report also mentions number of unique buffers (and the queue cycle latency)09:42
duflugreyback: Also, just landed: Mir's latency acceptance test now works and gives proper latency numbers09:43
duflu(coming in 0.16)09:43
greybackduflu: ok. I would like to aim towards gathering numbers on these things, with the goal to ensure we don't regress09:43
duflugreyback: It's actually enforced in CI now. Latency must be in a strict range or failure09:44
dufluThat's not really new, but the test now works as of today09:44
greybackduflu: in mir's perhaps :) I wants me the same in qtmir!09:45
duflugreyback: You know what I was working on in QtMir was actually just smoothness. If it goes well, that will allow Mir's latency improvements but I fear we're also waiting on some GL optimizations (like making the dash consistently quicker to render)09:46
duflugreyback: When do you use wakelocks, btw? Do you have any numbers on their benefit?09:56
greybackduflu: wavelock only grabbed when app running and in foreground09:57
duflugreyback: For the duration of the app?09:58
dufluI thought wakelocks automatically expire so have to be acquired for only short, or regular periods. But could be wrong09:59
greybackduflu: no, they're acquired and released by qtmir. they don't time out09:59
duflugreyback: In that case they're either ineffectual or we're holding them wrong... https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtmir/+bug/148838610:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1488386 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "[performance] Double buffering is only smooth while you're touching it" [Undecided,New]10:00
greybackduflu: then it's not related to wakelocks. Wakelock is held while app running and in the foreground.10:01
greybackuse "power-cli list" to check10:02
duflugreyback: Right, we may well be using them correctly, but they're still not helping us10:02
greybackduflu: they do prevent cpu dropping to low power mode, keeping system a bit more responsive10:03
duflugreyback: Hmm, OK, I guess it could always be worse. My observations are that the scaling and frequency governors are not affected by them then...10:05
dufluAt least not sufficiently. Not as much as just touching the screen10:05
greybackmust be something else at work so10:05
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
zzarrhello everyone! I'm still loving my Ubuntu phone12:07
davmor2zzarr: \o/12:10
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
undertaskerI did it. I ordered an Ubuntu phone.12:28
undertaskerWas too pissed about Google in general and especially about my Android phone.12:28
undertaskerBTW: Does sshunnel run on Ubuntu touch?12:29
zzarrgratz undertasker, I think you should be able to run an ssh tunnel12:32
ogra_ssh server and client are preinstalled (server is disabled by default and only allows login via key auth once you enabled it)12:33
teveIs it so that backgrounded apps will loose network access?12:34
teveI tested quicly and as soon as I change app, ssh connection dies.12:35
ogra_backgrounded apps recieve a SIGSTOP signal12:35
ogra_and once they go back into foreground a SIGCONT12:35
ogra_so it depends how the timeout of the server is set ...12:35
ogra_(for keepalive)12:36
tevealso if the terminal gets locked, unlocking wipes existing session.12:36
ogra_sounds like a terminal bug to me12:37
undertaskerCan I run services?12:40
ogra_without making the system writable you can only run session services for the user (by storing upstart jobs in ~/.init/)12:41
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
popeygreyback_: yo. you mentioned last week that silo0 was all janky and was being moved away from, is there now some way to install latest unity/mir and it be usable?14:04
greyback_popey: by "usable" you're asking specifically about multimonitor/docking phone to monitor?14:05
greyback_popey: we've still work to do before silo0 can go away entirely unfortunately.14:06
popeygreyback_: okay, but silo0 was broken in such a way that it doesn't work / isn't installable right now?14:06
greyback_silo0 just kept for demos really - it is installable on top of the stable image14:06
popeyi misunderstood14:06
greyback_popey: there are instructions at the end of https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EtDf3MXVrTaW3xfPNUALYmKTNmTHxBAAtTmgnpRX-E4/edit# if you'd like to give it a whirl14:08
greyback_works best on N714:08
popeygreyback_: magic, thanks.14:08
ThaurwylthAre SD storages a bottleneck compared to traditional HD's? Let's say I create a new partition on a Windows laptop with Ubu desktop installation for dual boot. Or my Android device has little native disk space so I add more storage and put part of Ubuntu Touch there. Or whatever. Is this going to severely affect performance?14:27
mcphailThaurwylth: I used to do this with my old Nexus One. It was slower, and was at the borderline of annoyance.14:29
mardyjdstrand: hi! When you have some time: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/click-reviewers-tools/new-account-hook/+merge/26844514:35
dhbikerinteresting glitch on arale and RC proposed14:36
dhbikerif you have the screen always on14:36
dhbikerand it dims14:36
dhbikerthe music stutters right after it dims14:37
ThaurwylthAugh, OK. So you'd say it was a serious bottleneck?14:37
mcphailThaurwylth: it was noticeable on that device14:38
ThaurwylthOK, I'll take your word for it. Are there in general benchmarks for SD speed somewhere? I guess traditional HDD speeds are pretty well behaved.14:38
mcphailThaurwylth: no idea, I'm afraid14:40
jgdxdhbiker, can you file that?15:06
dhbikeri would but i don't know where yet :D15:07
dhbikerstill fairly new ~3 weeks with the device15:07
mcphailStill getting frequent lags on current OTA, with "top" showing dbus-daemon consuming up to 99% of CPU. dbus-monitor has lots of entries with "INTERFACE=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager/AccessPoint/variousnumbers". Most lags happen at work, and may be related to poor 3G signal, I suppose. Any way I can debug this further without access to a decent computer with adb etc?15:18
popeyare there lots of networks near you?15:18
mcphailpopey: half a dozen15:18
popeyare there a small number of network SSIDs with lots of access points?15:18
mcphailpopey: I suspect that would be right. I work in a biggish building15:19
popeyknown bug15:19
mcphailaah. Workaround?15:20
popeybug 148087715:21
ubot5bug 1480877 in Canonical System Image "Access points' "PropertiesChanged" dbus signals freeze UI on mobile devices" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148087715:21
* popey pokes john-mcaleely ^15:21
popeyWe all saw this in the Canonical office a couple of weeks ago15:21
popeyLooks like Tony is on it15:22
mcphailpopey: that looks like the culprit. Cheers. Has been driving me mental15:22
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
coinHi. I asked myself why there is (to my knowledge) no application on mako that uses the compass. Looking at /sys, I can't find the magnetometer, which is, according to the Nexus 4 spec, an AK8964, nor the gyroscope/accelerometer, which is a MPU-6050. Looking at the code source of vivid-mako, I see that it contains a code for the magnetometer for AK8975, and not AK8963. Why ? And why the compass seems not to be accessible for applica19:01
cointions ? Any idea ?19:01
dhbikerjgdx, where do i report that ?19:03
jgdxdhbiker, it sounds like pulse, but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe file it against canonical-system-image? https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+filebug19:04
popeycoin: does the sensor status app not have a compass entry?19:12
rschrollQuestion on app review: How long show I expect to wait for a manual review of an app that failed the automated review?19:15
dhbikerty jgdx19:17
popeyrschroll: let me take a look.19:18
coinpopey, yes, that is the point: It says that no datas are available for gyroscope and compass (and all others, except GPS and accelerometer).19:18
coinBut the nexus 4 seems to have a gyroscope and an accelerometer.19:18
rschrollpopey: click app #3405, if you want to see why I'm asking.19:18
popeyrschroll: ah, one for jdstrand who is on vacation today I suspect.19:18
coinit has according to the harware specs19:18
popeycoin: ah sorry, I don't know why, maybe we don't expose that some how, I would file a bug at the link jgdx provided though19:19
* popey checks on his bq e4.519:19
rschrollpopey: Should I try him tomorrow?19:21
popeyrschroll: I would.19:21
rschrollWill do.  Thanks!19:21
popeycoin: yeah, no data on e4.519:21
popeynp rschroll19:21
coinpopey, thanks ! Hope that all the sensors will be exposed !19:26
lpottercoin: that's because there is no QCompass backend in the ubuntu QtSensors plugin19:28
popeyme too!19:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1398809 in qtubuntu-sensors "Compass isn't supported" [Undecided,New]19:29
coinlpotter, thanks !  That explains why there is no Qt application using some sensors. But they should be exposed on /sys, at least.19:31
lpotteryes. but apparmour will not grant access, I believe19:31
lpotterI could be wrong though19:32
coinAh, yes, you must be right. That's another pb.19:34
coinSo I understand that the policy is to expose only the strict necessary (for lib and priviledged procs) on /sys ?19:37
* coin thinks that he should be able to write a priviledged app using the compass19:42
coinwell, lpotter popey thanks19:48
* coin has to leave19:49
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