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Slexhello, i have a litlle question. Where can I find DbusMenu specification?09:04
SaviqSlex, DBusMenu is old news, GMenuModel is the new kid on the block, I believe09:16
Saviqlarsu, can you confirm ↑?09:16
Slexok, however I need the specs, in this case, of GMenuModel09:17
SlexI have to implement menus over dbus on my own global menu09:19
Saviqdednick_, maybe you can point Slex in the right direction?09:25
larsuSaviq, Slex: yep, we're using GMenuModel for most things now09:27
larsuSlex, what do you want to do?09:28
dednick_Saviq, Slex: good question! tedg ^09:28
dednick_but yeah, we're trying not to use that any more i believe09:28
SlexI'm a gnustep contrib/developer. I need to code a simple menu bar to explore how to integrare gnustep apss in the ubuntu global menu09:28
Slexwe have something that is working, but a bit bad for no09:29
dednick_Slex: the only place i know: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dbusmenu-team/libdbusmenu/trunk.15.10/view/head:/libdbusmenu-glib/dbus-menu.xml09:30
Slexthat is a specs?09:30
dednick_it's the dbus interface spec.09:31
dednick_Slex: ^09:31
SlexOk thanks09:31
larsuSlex, just use GMenuModel from GLib09:32
larsudbusmenu might become derecated at some point, and it's much more complicated09:32
dednick_larsu: qt is exported by dbusmenu in unity i think09:32
larsudednick_, they should change as well :)09:33
dednick_larsu: intending to move everything to gmenumodel for u8.09:33
dednick_"in prgress"09:33
* larsu nods09:33
SlexI have to think here. This means I need to link gnustep apps to gtk GLib09:34
larsuwe might at some point make that interface public as well09:36
larsubut I don't know for sure09:36
Slexwhy is not public?09:36
larsuthere was no need to and we aren't sure if it needs to change at some point09:38
larsuwhat does GNUStep use to talk to dbus?09:39
Slexouw dbuskit09:39
Slexthere's also an example of a simple theme working with ubuntu global menu. At leat with 14.10, I still not tested with 15.0409:40
larsuah, libdbus-109:40
Slexis it bad?09:42
Slexwell, I know it is out of the box09:42
larsuit's got some issues (mostly related to threading) and is hardly maintained09:46
larsubut it's still in use by qt and some other things09:46
Slexo is better the one in glib?  libdbus-glib?09:47
larsuno, libdbus-glib is even worse09:48
larsugdbus (which is built into glib) is what gnome applications use these days09:48
Slexok thank you. It's a bit bad that gnustep is falling completely in the oblivion. Bad coice in the past by previous devs, like mantaining the old fashion NeXT unwatchable theme; I know that for us involved developers, the theme is not so important, because gnustep is themable, but  for news developers, is importat becase no one want to write a 2015 application with this look :(09:53
SlexHowever I wrote a new theme, that could become the default theme in gnustep-nextgen10:02
Slex(screenshot at the bottom of the page)10:03
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ennui`i've built the current unity8 trunk on wily and i'd like to run it.14:04
ennuirun.sh doesn't work, since `initctl status unity8` outputs "unknown job unity8"14:04
ennui`is there any up-to-date guide to get started?14:04
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