
mukasorry, you may have done that but in alsamixer, do you have MM under the mic?00:01
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Actpamuka, I was told my Microphone has a driver it self?00:03
mukaand try: select mic and than press space key, that should activate  CAPTURE00:03
ActpaSelect my mic where?00:03
mukain alsamixer00:04
ActpaThere's one called "Mic" I hovered over it and pressed space nothing happened.00:05
ActpaThere's one named "Capture" that when I hover over it the little L and the R dissapear.00:05
ActpaWhen I hover over it and press space*00:05
mukago to alsamixer press F6 select card, than F500:05
ActpaSame thing happens.00:06
mukaor alsamixer -c 000:06
ActpaNothing happens when I press space on a selection.00:07
ActpaI have the card selected.00:07
ActpaThere is 2 Internal Mics at the far right.00:07
mukaso while you in alsamixer pressing F6, how many option you get?00:07
Actpa - Default00:07
Actpa0 - HDA00:07
Actpa0 - HDA Intel00:08
mukaok so select 2nd one00:08
ActpaI selected it already.00:08
mukaHDA Intel00:08
ActpaI pressed enter > Went back to f5 and tried pressing space bar00:08
mukanow press F500:08
mukastill only one bar?00:08
ActpaTheres alot of bars00:08
Actpabut only one changes when I press the space bar.00:08
halionprima prova con irssi00:09
mukaok so now go to your mic by pressing left right key00:09
halionmmm not bad ...00:09
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mukanow press space key00:09
ActpaNothing happens.00:09
mukacapture should show00:10
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mukaand is volume all the way up?00:10
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Hans1Hello. I set up OTR and would like to test message. Anybody here who got it? :)00:10
mukaActpa, is your front mic selected?00:11
ActpaMy front mic?00:11
mukado you have MM under it, or nothing?00:12
ActpaMM is under it.00:12
mukaok press M key00:12
ActpaNow theres a green 0 under the bar00:12
mukanow set volume to 80-100%00:12
Actpaokay it's at 81.00:13
mukaopen new terminal and try arecord00:13
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ActpaJust a constant blrrr sound.00:14
mukawhile you recording open pavucontrol and go to input tab see if pulseaudio volume00:14
mukais also set to 80-100%00:15
ActpaIt is.00:15
ActpaThe orange bar is moving by it self00:15
ActpaIm not talking.00:15
mukatry alsamixer test.wav but let it recording00:16
mukaok, like I said start recording, do not stop it, and open pavucontrol00:17
ActpaMuka, There is a bar with the word Capture under it. It's the only one that changes when I press the space bar. After I press it to stop the capture the orange bar on pavu stops moving00:17
ActpaI have pavu open00:18
Actpawhat now?00:18
mukado you record?00:18
mukaok open pavu00:19
ActpaAlright it's open00:19
mukanow start changing ports. see if volume starts moving00:19
mukasorry, yes what?00:20
ActpaChanging my port from Internal Microphone (Unavilable) to Microphone (Plugged in) makes the orange bar move.00:20
ActpaBut, I only have one microphone on my laptop.00:20
Actpaand it's internal.00:20
mukaor looks like you recording now00:20
mukatry it00:20
Actpatry what?00:20
mukayes it's internal mic00:20
mukalisten to your recording00:21
mukafirst stop it00:21
ActpaI did.00:21
Actpaits a long recording.00:21
Actpaso gimmie a sec.00:21
mukajust wait00:22
crow_Hi :-) I'm having a problem getting to a running application in Ubuntu. Is there a queue to be helped or should I just jump in?00:23
ActpaIt didnt record my voice.00:25
tgm4883crow_: just ask00:25
Actpajust that blare sound again.00:25
mukalet me think here00:26
ActpaHow come I cant press the space bar on the Mic in alsamixer?00:26
crow_I just installed Fallout 3 using PlayOnLinux. Everything is going smoothly in game, but whenever I switch windows the game disappears from the window list.00:26
ActpaDont switch windows00:27
crow_I know it's still running because I can hear the in game music. Is there a way to get back to the running instance? I've tried alt-tabbing and googling.00:27
mukaActpa, lets go from the start. go to alsamixer and select HDA Intel card00:27
crow_lol I wouldn't, but my text messages pop up00:27
crow_they cover the screen unless I make them shoo00:28
Actpamuka, okay.00:28
helala2499I want ask a qustioun00:28
ActpaWhat's your question?00:28
mukanow tel me what options do you have "front mic"?00:29
Actpamuka, do you have join.me?00:29
Actpamuka, or teamviewer?00:29
Actpamuka, dang. okay.00:29
Actpamuka, I'll screenshot them and send you.00:30
helala2499I have a router and I know the wpa password but i wonder if I can know the wps pin00:30
Actpamuka, http://imgur.com/msIuAhS,n1qAfrI#0      http://imgur.com/msIuAhS,n1qAfrI#100:31
bazhang##hardware helala249900:32
bazhangthats nothing to do with ubuntu00:32
kalbyi read about increasing internet speed by modfying /sysctl. anyone tried it before?00:32
crow_helala2499 I assume you've already looked on the router and not found anything?00:32
mukaActpa, ok go to Dock Mic and press M key, raise volume up00:33
Actpaone sec00:33
crow_<helala2499> your WPS mode may be button based, not pin based00:33
mukaand Internal00:33
Actpamuka, okay I raised it to 81%00:33
ActpaI raised them both.00:33
mukanow open pavu...00:34
mukaopen terminal and: arecord test.wav00:34
mukaselect pavu00:34
mukaand try different ports00:35
mukastart speaking00:35
ActpaThere is only one port now.00:35
Actpathat works.00:35
Actpathat shows orange bar moving.00:35
mukavolume bar is moving?00:35
Actpayes, but not when i am talking.00:36
mukaok, click your volume plug in00:36
* Mega help00:37
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mukaany mic option?00:37
ActpaOnly one.00:37
ActpaMicrophone (Built in audio)00:37
mukamove all the way up00:37
ActpaThe orange bars are moving when i am not talking.00:38
AbdoTGM50_soo.... I'm at abit of aloss in insstalling the nvidia drivers00:38
crow_Any takers on my problem? >I just installed Fallout 3 using PlayOnLinux. Everything is going smoothly in game, but whenever I switch windows the game disappears from the window list. I know it's still running because I can hear the in game music. Is there a way to get back to the running instance? I've tried alt-tabbing and googling.00:38
mukanow stop recording and see if it worked. If not I'm not sure what is wrong.00:38
AbdoTGM50_would someone help me? :)00:38
Actpamuka, the same thing happened. Just a solid sound of buzzing.00:38
Actpamuka, It's okay. Thank you for trying. I'll just have to buy a new microphone.00:39
crow_<AbdoTGM50_> Have you gotten as far installing them?00:39
mukaat the end of the recording too?00:39
crow_<AbdoTGM50_> Or rather, finding the list of them00:39
AbdoTGM50_it gives me an error when running the .run fle00:39
Actpamuka, I'm still listening.00:39
AbdoTGM50_you have to terminate x00:39
Actpamuka, But no not yet.00:39
AbdoTGM50_also is the bumblebee project required?00:39
bazhang#winehq with actual game help crow_00:39
crow_<AbdoTGM50_>I manage mine throught the System Settings>Software and Updates00:40
Actpamuka, nothing.. But thank you for trying! I'll try to troubleshoot this. Thank you.00:40
AbdoTGM50_but arent the drivers there outdated crow_ ?00:40
AbdoTGM50_the latest is 355.1100:41
crow_<bazhang> Thanks, but I was hoping there was a general Ubuntu trick for recovering orphaned windows00:41
mukaActpa, try this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Troubleshooting00:42
crow_<AbdoTGM50_> Very well could be, but that's the extent of my knowledge00:42
AbdoTGM50_well to be honest it doesnt seem that ubuntu even aknowledges its existence00:42
AbdoTGM50_soo.... what should I do?00:47
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: What release and distribution are you using ? The release depends on what drivers are available in the repo .00:50
AbdoTGM50_I'm on a Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS00:52
Bashing-omAdbray: Easy way to install drivers ' sudo ubuntu-drivers devices ; sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' Pending these results and purging present driver is the final command.00:55
AbdoTGM50_well here's the thing Bashing-om using sudo ubuntu-drivers devices doesnt list my nvidia card at all00:57
Bashing-omAdbray: Now that is a 1st .. what about ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 ' and '  dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .00:59
AbdoTGM50_do y ou think it would have something to do with me not having bumblebee?01:00
AbdoTGM50_since that supposedly fixes things for nvidia optimus laptops01:01
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: ^^ Adbray sorry bout the ping . dyslexia getting the better of me .01:01
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: the hardware is still there and has to show up on the PCI bus01:01
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: BumbleBee is depreciated in favor of nvidia-prime. see: 'man nvidia-prime ' .01:02
deltIs it possible to use dbus (and a jackdbus server) witout X running?01:03
deltie. i want my jackd to be persistent across/without X11 sessions.01:03
AbdoTGM50_what is ubuntu's equivilant to devicee manager?01:03
delt(tbh i find the dependency on the graphic system to be completely retarded and windows-like)01:03
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: use the command Bashing-om showed you... 'lspci....'01:06
AbdoTGM50_yeah just ysed that01:07
AbdoTGM50_its there01:07
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: show us that output in a pastebin so we know what we are working with .01:08
Bashing-om!paste | AbdoTGM50_01:09
ubottuAbdoTGM50_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:09
OneM_IndustriesHello! How would I network enable a printer in ubuntu 14.04?01:12
AbdoTGM50_heres the output http://pastebin.com/gZxkKtFr01:14
AbdoTGM50_sorry for the dc my internet is unstable today01:14
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wyoungapparmor is giving me grief.  Do I really need it?01:15
AbdoTGM50_so TJ- ?01:16
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: that isn't the output Bashing-om asked for. we need 'lspci -vnn' so we can see the device IDs01:17
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: Look'n at your http://pastebin.com/gZxkKtFr01:17
AbdoTGM50_TJ- http://pastebin.com/qHDwwuwC01:19
TJ-That ID should be supported; it's not new01:22
AbdoTGM50_supported by what?01:22
TJ-The nvidia drivers, for a while now01:24
AbdoTGM50_so how should I procceed?01:24
Bashing-omTJ-: AbdoTGM50_ Nvidia recommends the 352 version driver. It is avalable in the software repository . Why ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' does not see it, is a mystery to me .01:24
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AbdoTGM50_whn I run "sudo ubuntu-drivers list" I get "bcmwl-kernel-source"01:26
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: That one is for the WIFI, you should see also for the graphics chip set .01:27
AbdoTGM50_nope there is nothing else01:27
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: try the "/usr/bin/nvidia-detector"01:29
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: Hummm . A sort of shot in the dark, as "nouveau" (open source); see what results ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .01:30
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TJ-AbdoTGM50_: Also try "ubuntu-drivers devices"01:31
AbdoTGM50_TJ- tried that and it only shows the wirelss driver only01:32
AbdoTGM50_Bashing-om will try that after running the script01:33
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: is the /sys/ file-system mounted "mount | grep sysfs" ?01:33
AbdoTGM50_nvidia detector says none01:34
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: We watch a master at work .01:34
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: it did that on mine - I guess we aren't using it correctly01:34
AbdoTGM50_I seem to be one of those rare cases arent I XD01:34
AbdoTGM50_do you think that it may have somethnig to do with me not updating the packages that came with the default distro installation?01:36
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: Do you have the restricted repo enabled/01:36
AbdoTGM50_where do I find that?01:37
AbdoTGM50_also what was that abouy sys being mounted?01:37
AbdoTGM50_the one in software and updates?01:38
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: "mount | grep sysfs" ?01:39
AbdoTGM50_do I run that in the terminal?01:39
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: Yes; the 'restricted' repo contains non-free packages01:39
AbdoTGM50_I have it enabled as well as all the others01:40
AbdoTGM50_pleases dont tell me it has to do with the "Egypt Server"01:40
AbdoTGM50_when I ran that command I got "sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)"01:40
TJ-I just removed the 'restricted' component here; it reduced the number of driver options offered for nvidia but it still listed the nouveau driver as one option.01:41
AbdoTGM50_do I remove it?01:41
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: Good; that's what we wanted to see. If it had been missing it may have explained why ubuntu-drivers could not localte the GPU info01:41
AbdoTGM50_as in uncheck it?01:41
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: No, I wanted to be sure you *have* Restricted enabled01:42
TJ-I noticed if you do 'ubuntu-drivers --help' one of the commands available is 'debug' - let's use that and capture the output to a pastebin. Do you have 'pastebinit' installed?01:43
AbdoTGM50_no I dont have it installed01:45
AbdoTGM50_I'm just used to pastebinning through the website01:46
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: It helps because it can capture command output and paste it automatically: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "ubuntu-drivers debug |& tee /dev/stderr | pastebinit"01:48
AbdoTGM50_and here it is http://pastebin.com/8Y4zShMd01:53
AbdoTGM50_with the debug argumt01:53
mehello there01:56
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Guest48172i need urgent help in installing the ubuntu 14.04 on Dell inspirion 1701:56
Guest48172i installed it01:56
Guest48172but the problem is01:56
al2o3-crGuest48172: stop pressing \r01:56
Guest48172"when trying to shut down, it does not shutdown, it just hangs, but restart does work"01:56
AbdoTGM50_TJ- Bashem-om ?01:57
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: Strange, mine starts http://paste.ubuntu.com/12303943/01:57
Guest48172shut down only having the issue01:57
Guest48172can some one helps01:57
al2o3-crTJ-: Bit of a difference between graphics/network01:58
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: what does "head -1 /usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers" report?01:59
AbdoTGM50_this head -1 /usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers01:59
AbdoTGM50_correction : this #! /usr/bin/python301:59
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: I just found the bug :)02:01
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: do you want explanation, or just a workaround ?02:02
AbdoTGM50_yay \o/02:02
AbdoTGM50_well an explanation would be nice02:02
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TJ-AbdoTGM50_: look again at the 'lspci -nn' output - the 3rd field reads '[0302]: That is a "device class" code.02:03
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: Usually, a VGA GPU has code 0300 but 3D controllers on Quadro cards (which I have), and on yours, have class code 030202:04
Guest48172can some one help02:05
Guest48172for my shut down issue?02:05
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: ubuntu-drivers' is all Python code, and it uses '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/NvidiaDetector/nvidiadetector.py' to detect the nvidia devices. In that file is a method (function) called 'detection()' which searchs the output of 'lspci -n' for the class code 0300 only02:05
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: therefore never matching your device02:05
AbdoTGM50_but why did it match yours then?02:06
Bashing-omTJ-: AbdoTGM50_ I am in my learning mode again !02:07
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TJ-AbdoTGM50_: This command *should* add in 0302 as well: "sudo sed 's/0300/(0300|0302)/' /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/NvidiaDetector/nvidiadetector.py"02:07
snowkidindsudo shutdown -h now02:07
Guest48172DOES NOT WORK02:08
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: It matched mine because I have 3 GPUs, 2 with 0300 and 1 with 030202:08
snowkidindtry turning all caps off?02:08
TJ-!patience | Guest4817202:08
Guest48172sure tj02:08
TJ-Has ubotto gone to sleep?02:09
AbdoTGM50_now I run nvidia-detctor again right?02:09
TJ-ubottu: are you intelligent/02:09
snowkidindmaybe you were giving it a case sentive issue02:09
Guest48172i see the ubuntu logo02:09
Guest48172and stuck there02:09
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: Yes; re-run "ubuntu-drivers"02:09
LordWillOquestion: I'm trying to run Citadel on Ubuntu 14.04, and when I go to the mail window, and then click where new mail should be showing up, it gets an error and the web app appears to crash. Any ideas on how to fix this?02:10
snowkidindyou may have a hanging process that is not letting it shut down02:10
snowkidindso in that case you need to find said process and kill it02:11
Guest48172i did not anything else02:11
TJ-Guest48172: sometimes, failure to shutdown is due to a motherboard/firmware issue in the ACPI shutdown code02:11
AbdoTGM50_TJ- Bashem-om it works http://paste.ubuntu.com/12304051/02:12
snowkidindTJ-: are there tweaks in the bios for that?02:12
Guest48172Snokidind: am able to restart02:12
TJ-AbdoTGM50_: OK, at this point I'm going to return to my GRUB code hacking and let Bashing-om guide you on the driver install process02:12
AbdoTGM50_thanks alot man02:13
TJ-snowkidind: No; usually it is possible to find kernel acpi=xxxx options that correct the issue by having Linux work-around the problem02:13
Guest48172Snokidind: how ever the restart works fine, i even reinstalled the ubuntu aside with windows 8.102:13
* TJ- goes for coffee :)02:13
Guest48172but still the problem persist02:13
snowkidindyea i dont know about dual installs02:13
Guest48172Snokidind: what work around i have to follow02:13
AbdoTGM50_Bashing-om !02:14
snowkidindis windows still running02:14
TJ-Guest48172: sometimes the correct OS ID string for the kernel's acpi_osi=XXXXX can solve it02:14
Guest48172ya windows works fine02:14
AbdoTGM50_guide me XD02:14
Guest48172this is a new machine just couple of days old02:14
snowkidindbut is it still running in the background of your dual install02:14
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Guest48172Snokidind: i did not get your question02:15
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snowkidindlet me get this right - you have one machine with windows and ubuntu  installed on it?02:15
Guest48172yes Snokidind:02:16
Guest48172it is a new machine02:16
snowkidindhow do you switch between OS'es02:16
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Guest48172thru grub option that appears after restart02:16
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: I am still clapping ( and playing catch up for the masters work) .02:16
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AbdoTGM50_so....... how do I start installing the drivers now :)02:17
snowkidindi dont know grub but i am guessing your issue is that you need to return to grub to power down02:17
Guest48172Snokidind: i mean the option that appears when starting the machine02:18
Guest481721) is ubuntu02:18
Guest481722) windows02:18
snowkidindover my pay grade man02:18
snowkidindlook at the grub docs02:18
Guest48172Snokidind: how come the restart works02:18
Bashing-omAbdoTGM50_: ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' choose 346 ( however I am suprised 352 is not offered ) .. 346 is the stable release .02:19
AbdoTGM50_ok gonna shut down for abit as firefix is updating02:19
Guest48172snowkidind: what to check on the above doc02:23
NikeshIs simply adding `tmux` to the very end of my `.bashrc` and OK way to have my terminals automatically start into tmux?02:23
snowkidindis there a way to get back to grub once an os is booted02:24
Guest48172snowkidind not sure02:25
snowkidindi would guess if you can return to grub gui, you can issue a halt command02:26
Bashing-omsnowkidind: No way to return to grub, but you can examine some of the files that grub parses .02:26
snowkidindmight be a configuration issue with windows02:27
snowkidindapparently it needs to be chain loaded or something02:27
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Nikeshsnowkidind: Well, GRUB settings can be modified after an OS is booted. What would you like to do?02:28
TJ-reported bug 149287302:28
ubottubug 1492873 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "nvidiadetector.py: neglects to match on class code 0302 3D Controller" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149287302:28
snowkidindGuest48172: perhaps you should restate the ? for Nikesh:02:29
TJ-snowkidind: no return to GRUB. Once Linux starts GRUB is toast02:29
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snowkidindmy guess is that windows bootloader is coming first then calling grub and it should be the other way around - or siomething02:30
TJ-Guest48172: As I said earlier, failure to shutdown on command is probably due to an ACPI firmware problem02:30
snowkidindi am out on this convo but i will watch and learn02:31
deltnm solved it =) works perfectly now02:32
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nug700woo fixed the screen tearing02:39
TJ-nug700: Are you going to share the solution with us?02:40
nug700amazon instant video works on google chrome out of box, but has intense screen tearing. It doesn't work on firefox (with the flash plugin) unless you install HAL from a PPA02:41
nug700and there is no tearing with that02:42
jason_Ubuntu is not booting. I'm in recovery mode now, but really have no idea how to begin troubleshooting the problem. I'm stuck in the terminal at the moment (talking from the machine I'm having issues with).02:42
jason_I tried tinkering with my video card drivers, but that's my only real idea about what may be wrong.02:43
Guest48172hi can you help02:43
Guest48172sorry i missed your previous update02:43
eatingthenightI am having an issue with networking. I can connect to my router and i even get an IP but if it's over wired I can't access any website via IP or DNS.02:44
TJ-nug700: Right; because Flash is no longer developed, when they stopped developing it, it still depended on HAL for some services02:44
TJ-eatingthenight: is the IP coming via a DHCP lease from the router?02:45
nug700Really waiting for day flash is a distant memory02:45
TJ-nug700: I don't have it installed; don't miss much02:45
nug700and everything switches to html 5+02:45
jason_Can someone tell me some log files (or something) I can look at to troubleshoot a boot issue?02:46
TJ-jason_: what kind of boot issue?02:46
TJ-jason_: as in, how far does it get, what are you seeing/experiencing when it fails?02:47
eatingthenightTJ-: yes i am getting the IP via DHCP lease02:47
jason_TJ-: Lack of booting :P. I don't have a lot of information, honestly. It just sticks at a loading screen before even logging in.02:47
TJ-eatingthenight: The router should usually also hand out a gateway address that is set as the default route. Check for a 'default' with "ip route show"02:47
jason_TJ-: I have a pretty fast computer and Ubuntu is installed on an SSD. Usually it boots instantly.02:48
nug700have you tried switching off the power switch and holding down the power button for a few seconds? that's fixed a number of boot issues for me.02:48
TJ-jason_: the graphical 'Plymouth' splash screen? You can dismiss that by pressing Escape as the boot starts, or get rid of it entirely but holding down Shift as the PC starts, and don't let go until you get the GRUB boot manager menu. Then you highlight the 'Ubuntu' entry, press 'E' to edit it, navigate to the line that begins 'linux ...', delete from that line the 'quiet splash' and add 'debug text', then02:49
TJ-press Ctrl+X or F10 to boot with those modifications.02:49
eatingthenightTJ-: hmmm well i did a complete reinstall and left everything default and it won't connect at all now :| because i know i had made a few random file changes before i wanted to get ride of them before i started trouble shooting02:51
jason_TJ-: Hmm. Okay thanks I'll try it. I guess I should really plug in my laptop and chat from there.02:51
TJ-eatingthenight: won't connect on wired?02:51
eatingthenightTJ-: yeah this is on wired. it's a desktop and i don't have a wireless card for it.02:52
eatingthenightTJ-: I actually just got it to connect by unplugging and re plugging in the ethernet cord again... but still no internet access so ill run that command from before.02:52
eatingthenightit says default via dev eth0 proto static02:53
eatingthenight192.168.1.1 is the correct ip for my router02:53
TJ-eatingthenight: OK, good. Now do "ping -nc 5"02:54
eatingthenightTJ-: 100% packet loss02:55
TJ-eatingthenight: Do you know 100% that the cable works on other PCs?02:55
eatingthenightTJ-: it was working like 2 weeks ago but i couldn't say 100% right now. I'll go grab another cable to test out.02:56
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TJ-eatingthenight: always the first thing to be sure of... followed by the pins in the ports on the PC and router02:57
Darksegeatingthenight: I would also bounce the router to make sure you don't have an IP conflict02:58
eatingthenightDarkseg: I did drop all the client from it to make sure that wasn't happening about 10 minutes ago but going to try again after new cable.02:59
eatingthenightTJ-: checked pins / cable on both ends it all looks good03:00
eatingthenightnew cable is doing exact same thing03:00
TJ-eatingthenight: OK, can you tell us the Ethernet PCI device ID [abcd:efgh] from 'lspci -nn' output?03:01
Darksegeatingthenight: You could try and set a static ip GW, and DNS03:01
eatingthenightDarkseg: I did that before and it connects much faster but still same issue.03:02
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eatingthenightTJ-: [10ec:8168]03:03
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TJ-eatingthenight: I thought it might be. RealTek RTL-8169 driver03:04
eatingthenightpoorly supported driver?03:04
TJ-eatingthenight: there is a common issue where the 8169 driver 'claims' that device (via modalias) but many users have the same issue; the solution is to use the Realtek proprietary drivers for the 8168.03:05
eatingthenightTJ-: ok so i am guess i need to download that on another computer and transfer it via usb?03:05
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TJ-eatingthenight: do you see any errors in the kernel log ("/var/log/kern.log") ?03:07
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eatingthenightTJ-: not the best at reading the kern.log but i see a ton of link up and a few link down.03:10
eatingthenightone stack trace that is from the eth003:10
TJ-eatingthenight: OK. which Ubuntu release is it?03:10
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jason__Okay I'm fairly certain now my booting issue has something to do with me screwing around with my video card drivers.03:12
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TJ-There are several causes with the RTL8168. This is one of the reports I was referring to, although the cause was mostly fixed before 14.04 came out. bug 99820003:12
ubottubug 998200 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "Wrong driver for GigE Net Cards RTL8111/8168B" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99820003:12
TJ-eatingthenight: there is also bug 12667203:13
ubottubug 126672 in totem (Ubuntu) "Could not read from resource." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12667203:13
TJ-eatingthenight: Try again! there is also bug 126672503:13
ubottubug 1266725 in linux (Ubuntu) "10ec:8168 [Intel DP67BG] Disconnects in realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 NIC" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126672503:13
eatingthenightseem like i should buy a new motherboard03:13
eatingthenightthat would be my luck though haha03:14
PreSSionhello, 1 very fat question, to install ubuntu in surface pro 3, amd64 or intel?03:14
PreSSionhello, 1 very fat question, to install ubuntu in surface pro 3, amd64 or intel?03:15
Bashing-omjason__: ATI or Nvidia drivers ? One can purge and re-install the drivers .03:16
jason__Bashing-om, nvidia03:16
Bashing-omPreSSion: AMD64 and Intell are the same platform as far as the intall is .03:17
eatingthenightTJ-: i found a wireless card in my spare parts. Going to try installing all updates on this machine see if it fixes anything.03:17
PreSSionthanks bashing03:18
PreSSionhola claupr03:18
TJ-eatingthenight: do you get a hit for this? "apt-cache policy r8168-dkms"03:18
Bashing-omjason__: Show us in a pastebin ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 ; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' . We then purge and (re-)install. see what the system is then .03:19
TJ-eatingthenight: if you can get the Wifi up, installing that DKMS package may be the solution. It should be in the 'universe' component of the archives03:19
TJ-!info r8168-dkms trusty | eatingthenight03:19
eatingthenightTJ-: it says unable to locate but im running an apt-get update now and will try again03:19
ubottueatingthenight: r8168-dkms (source: r8168): dkms source for the r8168 network driver. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.037.00-1 (trusty), package size 92 kB, installed size 802 kB03:19
eatingthenightTJ-: did you find that in one of the bugs? just wondering how you found it so i can be a little more self sufficient in the future :)03:20
TJ-eatingthenight: I'm not sure if that package will also blacklist the r8169 module; so you may need to do that too to give the r8168 a chance03:21
TJ-eatingthenight: We've dealt with the same issue many times; I remembered the DKMS package and did "apt-cache search -n 8168' to find it03:21
eatingthenightTJ-: oook so that was experience :)03:21
TJ-eatingthenight: You sound like the Librarian :p03:22
eatingthenightTJ-: is that bad? :>03:23
TJ-eatingthenight: It's a Pratchett Discworld reference :)03:24
* TJ- is doing a reboot for GRUB testing... may be gone some time03:30
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Bashing-omjason__: Did I loose you ? Did you see the :19 entry ?03:43
jason__Bashing-om, yeah sorry I think it's actually a different problem. I forgot this error I got "An error occurred while mounting /boot/efi".03:44
Bashing-omjason__: EFI is not in my experience, All I can do is fumble our way .03:45
jason__Bashing-om, I just booted with an older version of the kernel and everything looks good o_O03:46
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Bashing-omjason__: A proprietary graphics driver in use ?03:48
jason__Bashing-om, I've messed with things now that I'm not sure at this point. But if I boot into 3.16.0-48 or -34 I have problems. If I boot into 3.16.0-30 everything is great.03:50
Bashing-omjason__: Humm .. proprietary driver ? ' sudo lshw -C display ' .03:52
Bashing-omjason__: Nope, you have the open source driver ' nouveau ' installed. Presntly, I have no other idea to offer .03:58
vickycq-hi. What's the difference between package 'bcmwl-kernel-source' and 'broadcom-sta-dkms' ?04:04
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jason__When it comes to using proprietary nvidia drivers, downloading the install script from the nvidia website seems to be the way to go.04:39
jason__Oh man. Tonight is just not my night for dealing with Ubuntu. I reinstalled my graphics drivers, thought I had it all working, then rebooted and everything goes nuts.04:56
KamuelaAre there any known issues with Ubuntu itself if you're running on a disk without much free space?05:03
pragomer1hi. does midnight commander have a queue feature?05:06
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jason__Okay, so if I install new graphics drivers, and then start lightdm everything looks good. However when I reboot it doesn't persist. Any ideas?05:09
ablest1980hello how do i see processes05:10
ablest1980and how do i delete unnessary linx kernels05:11
Ben64"ps" and "sudo apt-get autoremove"05:11
ablest1980Ben64,  me?05:12
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ablest1980im getting05:13
ablest1980The upgrade needs a total of 81.7 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 57.1 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.05:13
ablest1980when trying to update05:14
ablest1980Ben64, it  didnt work05:14
Ben64pastebin the output of the command i gave you05:14
ablest1980ablest1980@HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$ "ps" and "sudo apt-get autoremove"05:15
ablest1980error: unsupported option (BSD syntax)05:15
ablest1980they have paste.ubuntu.com05:16
Ben64are you serious? you asked two questions, i gave you two answers in quotes05:16
ablest1980i did both05:16
ablest1980and togther05:17
Ben64you can't run them how you just showed05:17
ablest1980ps works05:17
ablest1980sudo apt-get autoremove deletes nothing05:17
Ben64pastebin the output05:18
Ben64now pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep linux-"05:20
Ben64and pastebin "df -h"05:22
Ben64you need a bigger /boot ...05:24
ablest1980what must i do?05:25
Ben64you can remove packages now but you'll have to do that every time you get a new kernel05:25
ablest1980Ben64,  dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed  '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]*  [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge05:29
gioantrekminhi am a new ubuntu05:29
gpdevGio: What do you think of Ubuntu so far?05:31
lotuspsychje!discuss | gpdev05:31
ubottugpdev: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.05:31
jason__Welp, I think I'm going to give up and reinstall :\05:32
lotuspsychjejason__: share your question in the channel instead05:32
gpdevNo worries ;)05:32
gioantrekminhi have a problem, it is while  i uses and change Wifi, my ubuntu is breaking, i must restart my computer, i can use againt. Pelease help me05:33
gioantrekminhmy ubuntu version:15.0405:33
lotuspsychjegioantrekminh: wich wifi chipset do you have mate?05:33
lotuspsychje!paste | gioantrekminh sudo lshw -C network05:34
ubottugioantrekminh sudo lshw -C network: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:34
jason__I'm having graphics drivers/lightdm problems. I can't even login when I boot. If I install the drivers package from nvidia in a terminal and then start lightdm, everything works and I can log in and everything looks great, but when I reboot it's back to the same issues.05:35
lotuspsychjejason__: ubuntu version and grpahics card version + driver please?05:35
gioantrekminhi am using a hostpost wifi, if i want to change (replace or chose other hostpost my ubuntu is breaking)05:35
lotuspsychjegioantrekminh: wifi chipset please?05:36
gioantrekminh *-network05:37
gioantrekminh       description: Ethernet interface05:37
gioantrekminh       product: NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe05:37
gioantrekminh       vendor: Broadcom Corporation05:37
gioantrekminh       physical id: 005:37
gioantrekminh       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.005:37
lotuspsychjegioantrekminh: check in your 'additional drivers' if your broadcom driver installed succesfully05:37
Kamueladoes anyone know why vim by default takes arrow key presses and turns them into characters like d and b and such?05:37
Kamueladoesn't do that on my netbook but it does on this fresh install of ubuntu05:37
lotuspsychjeKamuela: maybe #vim can answer that?05:38
gioantrekminhwhat i to do ?05:39
ablest1980Ben64, i did this on the bottom in terminal05:39
lotuspsychjegioantrekminh: i just told you read up mate05:39
ablest1980ablest1980@HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$ uname -r05:39
jason__lotuspsychje, Ubuntu 14.04. I'm not sure what drivers it's currently trying to load when it boots. The install script I'm using is 352.41.05:40
lotuspsychjejason__: did the drivers ubuntu choose not work well?05:40
lotuspsychjejason__: wich graphics card please?05:41
jason__lotuspsychje, I need certain GPU capabilities for my research. It's a geforce 76005:41
jason__lotuspsychje, but I feel like I have a bunch of issues all happening at once that makes it impossible to debug/resolve the situation. I can't even reliably get into a terminal now.05:42
lotuspsychje!recovery | jason__ enter the recoverymode05:43
ubottujason__ enter the recoverymode: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode05:43
lotuspsychjejason__: failsafeX or 'fix broken packages' from there05:43
jason__lotuspsychje, when I do either of those I get an error that the "Dirty bit is set. Fs not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt". Then it looks like it tries to scan for errors and "fsck /boot/efi [839] terminated with status 1".05:46
lotuspsychjejason__: dualboot or singleboot ubuntu?05:47
jason__lotuspsychje, single05:47
lotuspsychjejason__: fastboot and secureboot are disabled?05:47
jason__lotuspsychje, I can check. I haven't changed anything in the BIOS, though.05:48
lotuspsychjejason__: if its uefi both should be disabled05:48
jason__lotuspsychje, fastboot was off. secureboot only has the option to switch "OS type" between Windows UEFI mode and "Other OS"05:51
minty_dhi I'm dona, could I please get a reservation code05:53
lotuspsychjejason__: if recoverymode cant recover might do the clean install afterall05:53
lotuspsychjeminty_d: your on an ubuntu suport channel here05:53
minty_dok on linuxmint.com it says to go to chat for registration code05:54
minty_dam i in the wrong place?05:55
lotuspsychje!mint | minty_d05:55
ubottuminty_d: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:55
minty_dthank you05:56
slee__guys new platform for learners check https://www.clofus.com06:00
lotuspsychjeslee__: not the right place for advertising here06:00
nug700yea.. still getting screen tearing on amazon instant video06:05
lotuspsychjenug700: did you try other graphics drivers yet06:05
nug700what's the best way to update?06:06
nug700(or downgrade)06:06
lotuspsychjenug700: the additional drivers section does it all for you to switch06:06
nug700does this search from the ppa the driver is in?06:07
hateballnug700: Are you getting tearing with nvidia card and proprietary driver?06:07
lotuspsychjenug700: we dont support ppa's here mate, thats on your own risk06:07
nug700well it's the people on this channel that told me to use the PPa06:08
hateballlotuspsychje: iirc he has a 970 card that isnt supported without PPA drivers06:08
hateballso there's not really much option06:09
hateballnug700: you can try running this in a terminal: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"06:09
kalbydoes anyone ever try to edit /sysctl, in the sake of increasing internet speed?06:09
hateballas per https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA#Avoid_tearing_with_GeForce_500.2F600.2F700.2F900_series_cards06:10
=== omnik5570 is now known as omnik5569
nug700hateball: the command disables 2 of my monitors06:12
nug700but I guess that's ok because I turn them both off for watching movies anyway06:12
hateballnug700: oh, it could be adjusted to allow for multiple monitors I suppose, I don't know the syntax tho. hmmm06:12
hateballnug700: anyhow, did it fix the tearing?06:13
nug700testing now06:13
nug700It removes the tearing. However I'm getting 1/4 second freezes in the playback.06:15
lotuspsychjenug700: did you try vlc also for tearing yet?06:17
nug700I would but don't have a good test video for it06:17
lotuspsychjenug700: download a 720p or 1080p sample somewhere06:18
lotuspsychjenug700: if vlc plays flawless, could be flash related tearing/freeze06:22
lotuspsychjeBruhLuuh: can we help you?06:27
BruhLuuhI'm sure that you can. I'm just looking around right now.06:27
nug700well playing it in google chrome instead of firefox fixes the freezing, and the nvidia command fixed the tearing.06:28
BruhLuuhAny audio ppl in here?06:28
lotuspsychjeBruhLuuh: ask your ubuntu question06:29
jason__I've never seen someone just browsing an IRC channel.06:29
BruhLuuhI'm brand new to UBUNTU06:30
nug700plays find on vlc06:30
lotuspsychje!studio | BruhLuuh audio ppl here06:30
ubottuBruhLuuh audio ppl here: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org06:30
penosBUNTU is great06:30
mehdip2007hi fellas how can i write a premanent route?06:30
BruhLuuhIs there a better DAW than Ardour?06:31
mehdip2007or tell me when should i put this line "sudo ip route add via" to make it permanent06:31
lotuspsychjemehdip2007: maybe the ##networking guys can help with that?06:31
lotuspsychjeBruhLuuh: http://alternativeto.net/software/ardour/?platform=linux06:32
mehdip2007lotuspsychje: is that a channel?06:32
lotuspsychjemehdip2007: correct06:32
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Halionsi che funziona molto bene06:38
lotuspsychje!it | Halion06:38
ubottuHalion: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)06:38
nug700ffs it's still studdering...06:38
nug700less though06:38
Halionlotuspsychje:  thanks a lot ... sorry to bother you06:39
Halioni go also in this channel06:39
Halionthanks :)06:39
lotuspsychjenug700: on vlc?06:39
nug700no on amazon.06:39
nug700vlc works fine06:39
nug700and youtube06:39
lotuspsychjenug700: then its flash related06:39
lotuspsychjenug700: try on chromium06:39
nug700lotuspsychje: it wants me to install flash06:44
lotuspsychje!broadcom | kalby06:44
ubottukalby: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:44
lotuspsychjenug700: flash on firefox is about to die, try chromium instead06:44
nug700chromium + flash?06:45
hateballnug700: for flash in chromium you need pepperflash06:45
hateballapt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree06:45
lotuspsychjehateball: there are other distro's that working on pepperflash for firefox also, might be good news in the future for us :p06:45
hateball(which downloads the latest chrome build and rips out the .so and does some config)06:46
hateballlotuspsychje: well I use chromium so :p06:46
nug700The video player works but I get no video playing with chromium + pepperflash06:48
hateballnug700: on youtube or what?06:48
hateballyoutube for the most part should be using html506:49
nug700youtube works fine06:49
hateballoh amazon... dont they use some DRM thing that only chrome supports?06:49
nug700I got it to work on firefox06:49
nug700but has studdering06:49
nug700ther is studdering on chrome also, but not as much06:49
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nug700guess I'll just bite the bullet and try to run it on a windows 10 VM tomorrow06:51
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hateballnug700: can you see if your system load is high? or if it's bandwidth related?06:51
nug700bite the bullet tonight*06:51
nug700well if it was bandwidth related I'd get a loading circle, not a 1/4 second pause06:51
hateballnug700: suppose you could try running chrome in wine, see if the windows version of flash works nicer06:51
nug700and in regards to system load, I have an 07-4790, q6GB of RAM, an SSD, and a GTX 970 and I'm only running 4 programs06:54
nug700can't type tonight :P06:54
BernzelI installed websitebased drivers from AMD and need them gone now. Are those drivers classed as xorg drivers? If so I had thought of --purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx* ?06:55
EriC^^Bernzel: sometimes there's an uninstall.sh script in /usr/share/ati or so06:55
EriC^^Bernzel: type dpkg -l | grep fglrx and paste in paste.ubuntu.com06:56
BernzelEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12305533/06:57
EriC^^Bernzel: type sudo apt-get purge fglrx*06:58
EriC^^then type sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon06:58
EriC^^then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-video-ati06:58
BernzelOk just to be clear so we are thinking of the same thing, I want to remove the drivers I downloaded by hand and use those proprietary ones with ubuntu06:59
jason__Whew, I may not need to reinstall Ubuntu afterall. I mounted my / partition from a live CD, set up a chroot and purged a bunch of packages and I can get into a terminal now :)07:01
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, you installed them by running their command and it made a .deb and that was installed right?07:01
BernzelEriC^^, correct!07:01
Bernzelshould I still run those commands?07:01
EriC^^ok, type sudo apt-get purge fglrx*07:01
EriC^^type apt-cache policy fglrx07:02
Bernzelalready run the command.07:02
BernzelY/n screen saved me07:02
EriC^^paste it please07:03
BernzelEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/07:03
EriC^^link doesn't work07:04
EriC^^which ubuntu version do you have?07:04
BernzelEriC^^, http://pastebin.com/nMqxKwaF07:04
Bernzel14.04 I think07:04
auronandacecat /etc/issue07:05
EriC^^!info fglrx trusty07:05
ubottufglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:15.200-0ubuntu0.3 (trusty), package size 22351 kB, installed size 99504 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)07:05
EriC^^Bernzel: looks like you're already using the one from ubuntu07:06
BernzelEriC^^, yes but the drivers from AMD's site is also installed, which is why my graphics is messed up I like to believe07:06
greenrideI'm trying to understand the ufw default rules. What does the default permit? Tutorials state that everything is denied with some exceptions to make life easier for home users.07:07
hateballnug700: flash on linux is horrible. your system specs dont say anything about the actual system load07:07
EriC^^Bernzel: do you still have the .deb files?07:07
BernzelEriC^^, Dont think so, I found "amd-driver-installer-15.20....zip" with a run file in it though07:08
EriC^^ok, try sudo apt-get purge fglrx*07:09
BernzelEriC^^, ok, then?07:10
EriC^^then type sudo apt-get install fglrx07:10
EriC^^Bernzel: type cat /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log07:11
Silenced_v2I am not able to install the official updates from ubuntu. I get a dialogue stating "Need to install packages from untrusty... ". What should i do now ?07:11
SeveasSilenced_v2: disable third party repos that caused this.07:11
BernzelEriC^^,  there was no such directory07:11
Bernzelor file07:12
EriC^^hmm ok07:12
BernzelI dont have that share folder07:12
Silenced_v2Seveas: I don't know which third party app . How to find it ?07:12
SeveasSilenced_v2: well, you added some repos, disable them.07:13
EriC^^Bernzel: did you run sudo apt-get purge then install?07:14
jason_okay so while trying to fix my install, I somehow installed the new ubuntu desktop and am not a fan of the new style. Is there a way to roll back?07:15
BernzelEriC^^, Yes.07:15
EriC^^ok, i think you didn't have the drivers from amd installed, not sure07:15
EriC^^anyways, try to restart see how it goes07:15
BernzelEriC^^, Ok I will. Just to meantion , Catalyst Control Center is installed. Brb restart.07:16
notafadsanyone got a good idea how to setup a raid 10 on ubuntu install?07:17
notafadsgetting a little stuck07:17
kalbynotafads: what kind of problem you have?07:18
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BernzelEriC^^, Back. And not sure how to know if it's done, but my graphic issues remain.07:18
notafadskalby, well the installer only really lets you do raid 0 or raid 1 and i have found a lot of conflicting information on how to get it set up07:18
notafadsas far as i am aware atleast07:18
notafadsthanks in advance if anyone is willing to help :)07:20
kalbynotafads: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID, did you try this?07:20
notafadsit specifically talks about "Warning: the /boot filesystem cannot use any softRAID level other than 1 with the stock Ubuntu bootloader."07:20
notafadsi have seen it thank you thought :) kalby07:20
EriC^^Bernzel: type apt-cache policy fglrx07:23
BernzelEriC^^, http://pastebin.com/0R59VL3w07:23
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jason_Somehow I screwed up my desktop environment where applications no longer display the menus (File, Edit, ...) at the top. Any ideas?07:25
xanguajason_ can you try to describe better what you did?07:25
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukkii
EriC^^Bernzel: seems the same package was reinstalled07:26
jason_xangua, I did a lot of stuff. Including uninstalling/reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, deleting some file that contained my "gnome settings", and a dozen other things.07:26
EriC^^Bernzel: maybe you need to run catalyst control? are you sure you were using the proprietary amd drivers before and not the opensource ones?07:27
BernzelEriC^^, I think I installed the open source ones before since I came from windows. Then I learned you could apply them in Additional Drivers and did that.07:28
xanguajason_ if you reinstall the ubuntu-desktop metapackage it should install back anything you removed from Vanilla Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop07:28
kunji1Why would make claim a clock skew of ~42000 seconds when checking with date the file modification time is definitely not in the future, let alone that far?07:29
jason_xangua, I just did a purge and install of ubuntu-desktop. I guess I had an old version of it, too, because things looks completely different now.07:31
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kroq-gar78I'm having problems finding the 'parallel' package on a 12.04.5 setup, but I can find it on another. Can anyone help me figure out what's going on?07:32
=== mlazov1 is now known as mlazov
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EriC^^Bernzel: type dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-fglrx07:35
EriC^^Bernzel: type dpkg -l | grep xserver-driver-fglrx07:35
BernzelEriC^^, Nothing happened when running them?07:36
MrCryptoELITEZ BLOG http://elitez.blog.com , EXPLOIT AND PATCH http://packetstormsecurity.com , HACKER TEST http://hack.me and United Nations http://webtv.un.org ... . LATEST KERNEL : 4.3.0.RC707:36
EriC^^Bernzel: ok07:36
MrCryptosearch for astaraos07:36
=== mlazov1 is now known as mlazov
MrCryptoELITEZ BLOG http://elitez.blog.com , EXPLOIT AND PATCH http://packetstormsecurity.com , HACKER TEST http://hack.me and United Nations http://webtv.un.org ... . LATEST KERNEL : 4.3.0.RC7 http://elitez.blog.com search on top astaraos07:37
EriC^^Bernzel: i've no idea, i think you're using the ubuntu drivers, since when did you install the amd ones?07:37
MrCryptoubuntu is just a piece of shit07:37
EriC^^maybe the driver got updated by the ubuntu one cause it was newer?07:37
BernzelEriC^^, since when? About a month ago.07:38
EriC^^Bernzel: which version does the amd file say it is?07:38
kloeriMrCrypto: enough already07:39
ghormoonhi, I've just stumbled upon that my friend on ubuntu, if he runs a bash script containing "exit 0" in terminal, the terminal exits too. does he have something broken or is it "normal"? (I've never seen this so far, though I don't use ubuntu :P)07:39
MrCryptolike i care07:39
BernzelEriC^^, 15.20.1046-x8607:39
EriC^^Bernzel: hmm, try the open source ones maybe?07:40
BernzelEriC^^, The weird thing is that Steam complains about not using direct rendering. And Wine says my graphics card isn't supported and list it as an ATI Radeon 8500 series but it's a Sapphire 695007:41
EriC^^Bernzel: type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices07:42
EriC^^maybe it'll say which driver it's using07:42
EriC^^go to additional drivers and see07:42
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: good morning07:42
EriC^^good morning lotuspsychje07:42
EriC^^Bernzel: also type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA07:44
BernzelEriC^^, http://pastebin.com/9tiFu3Dw and Im using Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators from fglrx(proprietary)07:44
BernzelEriC^^, last command: http://pastebin.com/Pp9gLrdX07:44
EriC^^Bernzel: try  /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test --print07:47
BernzelEriC^^,  http://pastebin.com/rAYd2UH707:47
EriC^^Bernzel: maybe try the latest driver from the amd website?07:49
BernzelEriC^^, Hm I guess. What's the procedure for that? Remove the ubuntu drivers first?07:50
EriC^^yeah type sudo apt-get purge fglrx*07:50
BernzelEriC^^, I guess it's the Proprietary Linux x86 drivers from the website?07:53
BernzelEriC^^,  Ok it's the same version that I had downloaded before. So how do I install that run file again?07:54
EriC^^cd to the dir and type sudo ./file.sh07:54
=== mlazov1 is now known as mlazov
BernzelEriC^^, hm command not found07:57
EriC^^type ls *.sh07:57
Bernzelno such file or dir07:58
Bernzelcannot access though07:58
EriC^^are you in the extracted dir?07:58
Bernzelmust it be a special dir?07:59
EriC^^type ls -l and paste please07:59
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, type sudo ./amd..<use tab completion>....run08:00
BernzelEriC^^, my tab completion is not doing well08:02
EriC^^did you put ./amd ?08:02
EriC^^hmm type08:02
EriC^^chmod +x amd<tab>.run08:03
Bernzelyeah tab completion worked. But running the command didn't do anything08:03
EriC^^sudo ./amd....run ?08:04
EriC^^type head -1 amd...run08:04
Bernzelsudo ./amd worked now08:04
BernzelEriC^^,  http://pastebin.com/48abPEXL during install08:05
EriC^^Bernzel: type sudo apt-get install dh-modaliases execstack dpkg-dev debhelper08:07
BernzelEriC^^, Catalyst is stuck in install progress. Should I run this in another terminal simultaneously ?08:07
EriC^^did it install or it hung?08:07
BernzelEriC^^,  I got an error message that directed me to that log file. Then it hung I guess.08:08
EriC^^ok, press ctrl+c08:08
BernzelEriC^^, on what? where?08:08
EriC^^in the terminal where it is hung08:08
Bernzelthen run the command?08:09
EriC^^yeah run apt-get install ...08:09
BernzelEriC^^,  it didn't find any of them08:11
EriC^^i have them installed, type apt-cache policy debhelper08:12
BernzelEriC^^, it gave me http://pastebin.com/rGHcYzR508:13
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, type sudo apt-get install debhelper08:13
BernzelEriC^^,  ok , then run the install command again?08:14
EriC^^did it install? you still need to install execstack dh-modaliases and dpkg-dev08:15
Bernzelyes it did. This command: sudo apt-get install dh-modaliases execstack dpkg-dev debhelper ?08:16
EriC^^Bernzel: yeah08:18
BernzelEriC^^,  Finished.08:18
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, try installing the amd driver08:18
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
BernzelEriC^^,  Might need to restart first. Seem like the previous install attempt frooze completely and is blocking my new install somehow.08:21
EriC^^try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati08:22
notafadsanyone got a good idea how to setup a raid 10 on ubuntu install?08:24
notafadsgetting a little stuck08:24
BernzelEriC^^ , http://pastebin.com/BCZUGTvN08:24
notafadskalby, well the installer only really lets you do raid 0 or raid 1 and i have found a lot of conflicting information on how to get it set up08:24
Bernzelfrom reinstall command08:24
BernzelEriC^^,  http://pastebin.com/BCZUGTvN08:24
EriC^^Bernzel: type sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core08:25
Chuck_Norrislel, long time ago when i chated here EriC^^ was always helping and nowadays he still helpin' ty EriC^^ for being such a good user :)08:25
BernzelGets the same error message EriC^^08:25
notafadsif anyones got some ideas please let me know :)08:25
BernzelEriC^^,  should I not try to install the run file ?08:26
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EriC^^Chuck_Norris: :)08:26
EriC^^Bernzel: the same exact error?08:26
EriC^^Bernzel: try sudo apt-get install xorg-video-abi-1108:27
BernzelEriC^^, this is from the second error http://pastebin.com/D4ZaPEuR08:27
BernzelEriC^^,  and this for the last one http://pastebin.com/s0e7F8qr08:28
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, try sudo apt-get -f install08:29
LauerHi, I have a server which hangs every time its try to read a specific processes /proc/[pid]/cmdfile08:29
BernzelEriC^^, Done.08:29
LauerHow can I solve that? The processes is in D mode, så a kind of sleep08:30
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, you want to try to install the amd one?08:30
Lauersee http://paste.ubuntu.com/12305943/08:30
BernzelEriC^^, I guess. As long as it works Im happy.08:30
EriC^^ok, try to run the installer08:31
BernzelEriC^^, It's running. But sort of stuck/hung on Generating package Ubuntu/trusty08:32
EriC^^Bernzel: yeah, that takes a long time08:32
Bernzelah okey08:32
LauerEriC^^, could you have a look on my issue?08:35
EriC^^Lauer: no idea, maybe ask in ##linux08:37
Lauerokay, I will08:37
BernzelEriC^^,  its done. It says I must save my x window configuration file and run aticonfig--initial ?08:38
EriC^^Bernzel: yeah, try aticonfig --initial08:39
BernzelEriC^^,  hmm command not found. copied straight off08:39
Bernzelis it a vital command to run?08:42
EriC^^Bernzel: hmm i dunno, i think it's better08:44
EriC^^try sudo updatedb , then type locate aticonfig08:45
Bernzelneither command gave anything08:46
EriC^^i wonder if anybody knows how i can make as if i unplugged the iphone and then plugged it back in, i put a script in /etc/pm/sleep.d for when the laptop resumes cause it loses the iphone and it doesn't work unless you plug it out and back in08:46
EriC^^Bernzel: hmm, type apt-cache policy fglrx08:47
BernzelEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306009/08:48
EriC^^Bernzel: odd, try dpkg -l | grep fglrx08:48
EriC^^Bernzel: oh i think you need to manually install the .deb packages it made08:49
AbdoTGM50_acn someone tell me where to find the log for this channel?08:49
BernzelEriC^^,  ah okey. How? ^^08:49
EriC^^!logs | AbdoTGM50_08:49
ubottuAbdoTGM50_: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.08:49
EriC^^Bernzel: cd to the dir where they are installed then type sudo dpkg -i *.deb08:49
BernzelEriC^^, ok. How do I find the deb packages? Have no clue where they installed08:50
EriC^^Bernzel: they should be in the same dir as the installer was08:51
BernzelEriC^^, oh yes! Alot of them actually. From my many attempts I suppose08:53
Bernzelor is it suppose to be generated a lot of them?08:53
EriC^^i think like 3-408:54
BernzelEriC^^,  Running the command: "dpkg: error: need an action option."08:54
EriC^^did you put -i?08:55
Bernzelmy fault.08:55
Bernzelnow they are done08:55
Bernzelor not. Got errors again08:55
EriC^^what did it say?08:56
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, type sudo apt-get remove libopencl108:57
BernzelEriC^^,  "Virtual packages like "libopencl1" cant be removed"08:58
EriC^^try sudo apt-get remove ocl-icd-libopencl108:58
BernzelEriC^^,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306041/08:59
commxhi, is anyone else here experiencing backward time jumps in it's /var/log/syslog?09:01
EriC^^Bernzel: try sudo apt-get -f install09:01
BernzelEriC^^,  done09:02
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, try sudo dpkg -i *.deb09:03
ItsMeLennyi have a laptop running linux and it is set to "share network connection" on ipv4 so i can take advantage of its wireless card, does anybody know how i can port forward all ports to my desktop, because i cant run any servers or anything09:05
BernzelEriC^^,  some errors again http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306063/09:05
EriC^^Bernzel: seems like a bug, there's a solution here http://askubuntu.com/questions/540780/14-10-wine-and-fglrx-conflict09:08
EriC^^it has to do with wine and fglrx09:08
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BernzelEriC^^,  Ok! Thanks, I'll take a look09:11
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, np, let me know if you need any help09:12
Abhijiti dont have abiword in my startup application and still it auto launched on each login. on 15.04 help!09:14
notafadsif anyone has some ideas how to build raid 10 in install i am all ears09:18
=== jjavaholic_ is now known as jjavah0lic
TarterKHi, I'm trying to copy my Chrome settings over from Windows. I replaced the Profile folder ("Default") with the old one. It loads my tabs (I probably have 150-200 across 10 windows) but then it says "ERROR:shared_memory_posix.cc(290)] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.com.google.Chrome.NJFJF3 failed: Too many open files" and "FATAL:memory.cc(18)] Out of memory. size=4194304"09:19
TarterKI tried increasing limits by modifying /etc/security/limits.conf of nofile and logging in and out.09:20
TarterKI have 32 GB of RAM09:21
TarterKUsually opening Chrome with my windows/tabs takes 9 GB of that or so09:21
Rhino_CrashHello guys, I am running a simple script (http://pastebin.com/7AnHigHk) to supervise over my server. The problem is that it is running at one server and crashes on another. Could someone take a look? Server saves stat file. Watchdog search for it and restart process if the stat file is missing. On a problematic pc I am getting: /home/user/folder/subfolder/_region_monitor.sh: 27: /home/user/folder/subfolder/_region_monitor.sh:09:23
Rhino_Crash len: not found09:23
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TarterKRhino_Crash, I think you need to prefix your variable names with $09:25
TarterKRhino_Crash, line 27 would be: if (( $len > 10 ))09:25
Rhino_CrashTarteK Thank you very much for responding to me! Well, please, could you give me the change what you mean in code?09:25
Rhino_CrashTarteK Trying that! :)09:26
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BernzelEriC^^, you there?09:28
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: seems like he isn't here, tell uncle Chuck what it is :p09:35
BernzelChuck_Norris, Thanks uncle Chuck! I will, in a minute! gotta put out a fire in my home first!09:35
Rhino_CrashTarterK I checked that and now - Making a change suggested on IRC, line 27 would be: if (( $len > 10 )) - Then I get this: /home/user/folder/subfolder/_region_monitor.sh: 27: /home/user/folder/subfolder/_region_monitor.sh: 24129: not found09:35
TarterKRhino_Crash, try changing line 27 to this: if (("$len" < "10"))09:40
TarterKSorry, I meant greater than.09:40
TarterKif (("$len" > "10"))09:40
EriC^^Bernzel: yes, im back09:40
Rhino_CrashTarterK Doing it, very appreciated, your help!09:40
TarterKRhino_Crash, No problem. I'm gonna log out and back in. I'll be a few seconds. :P09:42
jeams  Getting following error while running the the nodedev-create command.09:49
jeamsroot@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/home/vagrant# virsh nodedev-create node.xml error: Failed to create node device from node1.xml error: internal error: Device is not a fibre channel HBA09:50
jeamshave any idea regarding this09:50
Rhino_CrashTarterK It is doing the same :( /home/user/folder/subfolder/_region_monitor.sh: 27: /home/user/folder/subfolder/_region_monitor.sh: 24129: not found.09:54
=== OmnIcK is now known as OmnIcK_
Rhino_CrashTarterK I added to my paste with the problem also  the 2 rows in a script starting that server. But that works. - http://pastebin.com/7AnHigHk09:56
=== OmnIcK_ is now known as OmnIcK
BernzelEriC^^, Great. I was wondering about step 4 on the solution. What exactly should I change in the "control" file?10:00
TarterKRhino_Crash, try: if [[ "$len" -gt 10 ]]10:01
Rhino_CrashTarteK I am going to try that. What "-gt" will do?10:01
TarterKRhino_Crash, greater than10:02
TarterKRhino_Crash, also if that doesn't work, try with only one square bracket on each side.10:02
Rhino_CrashTarterK OK, sure I will try both, those brackets - are generally better to use?10:04
TarterKRhino_Crash, Not sure. I'm just Googling each of your error messages.10:04
TarterKRhino_Crash, I'm logging out and back in again.10:06
Rhino_CrashTarterK - I would be faster in my responses, just to start the server takes those 2 minutes. Thank you for your patience and googling as well :)10:07
tinyhippo /1210:08
Rhino_CrashTarterK 1st variant did not help, trying one bracket I got - [[: not found10:08
ws2k3is it possible to make a cron that runs at 30 minets? so 00:30 01:30 02:30 etc ? how should i do something like that10:09
Amozws2k3, specify 30 in the minute field10:10
ws2k3Amoz so that would be 30 * * * * ?10:10
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Amozws2k3, looks like it yes10:13
Rhino_CrashTarterK You are getting there! :)) I got the number 24129 in terminal with watchdog, so it did not restart immediately. It also removes stat file. I will test now the failure of the server. This is great help!10:15
EriC^^Bernzel: can you paste the current control file?10:15
BernzelEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306328/10:16
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, remove libopencl from Conflicts: Provides and Replaces10:18
BernzelEriC^^, done. Nothing else?10:19
Rhino_CrashTarterK My region was restarted, you made my day to be much better now :) What was the reason to change:   if (( len > 10 ))  to if [ "$len" -gt 10 ], especially those brackets? For all, is -gt in command better than > ?10:21
jjavah0lichow can i change the default touchpad behaviours?10:23
EriC^^jjavah0lic: there are some settings in settings > mouse & touchpad10:25
BernzelEriC^^, I got system warning when executing step 6(installing) http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306360/10:26
tos-1Rhino_Crash: (( and [[ are bash specific. They are syntax for arithmetic resp. conditional expressions. "[" is an ordinary program called test(1).10:27
tos-1Rhino_Crash: Try to `man bash` and `man test` for further details and explanations.10:27
EriC^^Bernzel: try sudo apt-get install linux-generic10:28
BernzelEriC^^, Ok. And then run the install command again?10:28
EriC^^did it install the latest kernel and headers?10:29
EriC^^type uname -r and also dpkg -l | grep linux-image10:29
jjavah0lici just disabled and re-enabled touchpad using settings > mouse & touchpad and xorg0.log reports "synaptics: DLLC6AE:00 06CB:75BF UNKNOWN: touchpad found"10:30
BernzelEriC^^,  I think it got installed. None errors reported. This is the output from uname etc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306371/10:31
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, please type dpkg -l | grep linux-headers too10:32
trash1i need some help10:32
jjavah0licand my xorg0.log is littered with: http://pastebin.com/YPPghUYG10:32
trash1i have implemented a second panel. one at the top. one at the buttom. the one at the button is dynamic. because of that i cannot click on it with right click in order to delete it since all position are occupied with progs or whatever. however, i would need to click on an empty place on the panel. can anyone help me to delete this sec. panel?10:32
BernzelEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306377/10:32
Rhino_Crashtos-1 Thank you for your response. As I understand it, when I want to deploy my script on more PCs, I should use [ true?10:33
trash1i'm new to linux/lubuntu... just started 2 days ago10:34
BluesKajHi all10:34
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, type apt-get purge linux-generic and don't press Y just paste the packages it says it will remove10:35
EriC^^Bernzel: you're using the lts-vivid kernels so i think you should remove the linux-generic package so it doesn't keep installing both kernels all the time and just the lts-vivid ones10:35
BernzelEriC^^,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306386/10:36
BernzelEriC^^, okey. How do I do that?10:36
=== OmnIcK is now known as OmnIcKy
EriC^^ok type sudo apt-get purge linux-image linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic and please paste what it says it will remove10:37
EriC^^ok type sudo apt-get purge linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic and please paste what it says it will remove10:37
EriC^^don't press y yet, just paste what it says it will remove10:39
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=== OmnIcK_Away is now known as OmnIcK
EriC^^ok press y10:39
tos-1Rhino_Crash: If all PCs have bash installed you can use bash specific syntax, however, use #!/bin/bash as shebang and not /bin/sh, if you do the latter, stick with test(1).10:40
BernzelEriC^^,  done!10:40
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, type sudo apt-get autoremove10:40
=== Evanion[AFK] is now known as Evanion
jjavah0licwhat is tap to click?10:46
BernzelEriC^^, done.10:46
BernzelDid get an error not found though10:47
Rhino_Crashtos-1 This is great suggestion (I just copied #!/bin/sh from another script, not thinking more of it). Thank you. The function I needed works for me now. :) All helpful people will be added in the coments of my scripts! :)10:47
EriC^^Bernzel: what eror?10:48
BernzelEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306421/10:48
EriC^^jjavah0lic: it's when you tap on the touchpad to click10:48
BernzelEriC^^, kernel header not found. Line 7710:48
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, type sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-3.19.0-25-generic linux-headers-3.19.0-27-generic10:50
EriC^^then type sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-3.19.0-25-generic linux-headers-3.19.0-27-generic10:50
BernzelEriC^^,  first command gave me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306435/10:51
samba_hi there, I've an ubuntu 14.04 in UEFI mode, I'd like to fix the boot, as per now I can't boot automatically but I need to select the boot in BIOS mode..10:51
Bernzelshould I carry on executing the second?10:51
samba_this is my pastebin of the boot conf : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12302995/10:51
EriC^^Bernzel: ok try it10:52
samba_I red several guide, but still not able to config grub+ubuntu14.04+uefi10:52
EriC^^Bernzel: type dpkg -l | grep linux-headers10:52
EriC^^samba_: are you dual booting?10:52
BernzelEriC^^, reinstall headers first? Or grep linux-headers only?10:52
EriC^^samba_: you're booted in ubuntu right now?10:53
newstime||||| >>>>> WHAT IS YOUR DOMAIN NAME WORTH? Visit >>> www.VALBOT.com <<< FREE DOMAIN VALUATION! or GOOGLE >>> www.VALBOT.com <<< |||||10:53
EriC^^Bernzel: grep linux-headers first10:53
MPenguinHi all. What may be the reason that I can access the Ubuntu Server webpages through a browser, but I can't ping or ssh to the server?10:53
BernzelEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306444/10:54
MPenguinMy server is hosting a Moodle install. I can access Moodle no problem, but can't SSH or ping the server.10:54
samba_sshd service status? firewall, bad routes10:54
samba_EriC^^: yes ubuntu10:55
MPenguinIt was working fine 2 weeks ago, then a router at my school went bad. Today I moved the server to another office, but didn't change the IP or anything. It *should* be working fine.10:55
EriC^^samba_: i think you're missing the boot entry in the efibootmgr10:55
MPenguinWhen I get physical access to the server, how can I check the firewall/bad routes?10:55
EriC^^samba_: type sudo efibootmgr -v and paste it please10:55
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EriC^^Bernzel: ok, it looks good10:56
EriC^^Bernzel: try to restart10:56
NEoneHi. I used the Ubuntu 14.04. default repo for openvpn, therefor had openvpn 2.3.x (I think 2.3.6.). Was able to use sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn start <name-of-config> . Now I added the openvpn community PPA, therefor have 2.3.8. The mentioned command doesn't work anymore. Error complains about not able to enter user/pass on commandline. How to make that command work again? Need to change the script in /etc/in10:56
NEoneit.d/openvpn ?10:56
BernzelEriC^^, my system?10:56
EriC^^Bernzel: yes10:56
samba_EriC^^:  the output partition seems ok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1230646110:58
samba_MPenguin: try to traceroute your server using the ip..10:58
BernzelEriC^^: you there?10:59
EriC^^samba_: yes, there's no ubuntu entry there10:59
samba_MPenguin: then check where it blocks10:59
samba_EriC^^: ok, soo.. how can I set an ubuntu entry in there?10:59
MPenguinsamba_ would that be the last entry before the "request timed out"?11:00
ajnourihow can I redirect the ouytput of "ls" (text files) to "cat"11:00
BernzelEriC^^: I cant enter my system anymore. Anytime I try login in, ubuntu makes a drum nouise and then takes me back to log in screen11:00
samba_MPenguin: yes, check that11:00
MPenguinGot it. Thanks. Something amiss at my school. Guess I'll be calling the IT department tomorrow.11:00
EriC^^samba_: type sudo parted -l and paste it please11:00
EriC^^Bernzel: hmm, press ctrl+alt+f1 then login11:01
samba_EriC^^:  here it is the parted -l : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1230648111:02
BernzelI just got blackscreen now EriC^^11:02
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, hold shift when the pc boots to get grub, then go to advanced > recovery11:02
EriC^^then drop to root shell, type mount -o remount,rw /11:03
EriC^^then type sudo apt-get purge fglrx*11:03
EriC^^and sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati11:03
EriC^^samba_: type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda11:04
EriC^^ill brb in a sec11:04
BernzelEriC^^: I got many options. Ubuntu with Linux 3.19.0-26-generic (recovery mode) etc.. three of those recovery11:05
Bernzel28, 26 and 63 generic11:05
EriC^^ok choose 2811:07
samba_EriC^^: efibootmgr ran, but I can't see any change in it11:08
EriC^^sudo efibootmgr -v returns the same?11:08
samba_yes.. the same. I'm wondering if the path with backslash \\, are you sure? I mean.. is this syntax correct?11:09
EriC^^samba_: yes the syntax is correct, try sudo mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot11:10
BernzelEriC^^: I ran reinstall command and some packages couldn't be installed. "You have held broken packages"11:10
EriC^^maybe your bios will only take the windows efi file11:10
EriC^^samba_: also type sudo mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/Boot11:10
samba_EriC^^: the dir exists11:10
EriC^^samba_: ok, type ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot and paste please11:10
EriC^^Bernzel: try sudo apt-get -f install11:11
samba_EriC^^:  here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1230652011:11
EriC^^Bernzel: try to press ctrl+d then enable networking11:12
BernzelEriC^^:  done.11:12
EriC^^samba_: ok, try sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup11:12
EriC^^samba_: also, type ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/Boot and paste please11:13
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, did you purge fglrx ?11:13
BernzelEriC^^:  I think so.11:14
BernzelShould I do it again to be sure?11:14
samba_EriC^^: done, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1230654611:15
EriC^^samba_: ok, type sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup11:15
EriC^^samba_: do you have secureboot enabled?11:16
EriC^^let me know when you've typed that11:16
EriC^^samba_: ok, type sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi11:18
EriC^^samba_: also, type sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi11:18
EriC^^we're copying the ubuntu efi files and renaming them as the windows one, so the bios thinks it is booting windows11:19
samba_uhm.. ok but I don't have windnows neither previously..11:20
BernzelEriC^^:  should I resume with normal boot or do anything else in Recovery menu?11:20
EriC^^samba_: yes, but some bios are hardcoded to only boot the windows one, and i think even if there's no entry in the efibootmgr it is hardcoded to boot EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi11:21
EriC^^Bernzel: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati11:21
BernzelEriC^^: still says I got broken packages.11:22
samba_EriC^^: ok, so should I reboot and test it, right?11:22
arceteraI'm trying to run touchegg (installed via sudo apt install touchegg), but touchpad gestures are not working11:23
EriC^^samba_: ok, if it doesn't work you can try to add the entry with the windows path11:23
ipanchovskithis is cool program11:23
arceterausing Ubuntu 15.04 on a Dell Inspiron 17R 573711:23
EriC^^samba_: type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\bootmgfw.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda11:23
EriC^^Bernzel: try restarting11:25
nadrimajstorHello everyone.11:25
samba_EriC^^: works! I've a grub efi bootloader now, thanks mate.. but where I can find some docs about efibootmgr.. this was not about the pkg installation.. this was about the .efi file need to be copied and no howto mention11:25
EriC^^samba_: did it work without the efibootmgr command?11:25
EriC^^i'm curious :>11:26
samba_I rerun the efibootmgr commands before to reboot11:26
EriC^^oh ok11:26
BernzelEriC^^, Im back on my ubuntu system! :)11:26
samba_but the output was the same, like before11:26
EriC^^oh ok11:26
samba_not sure if this cmd works inthis case11:26
EriC^^Bernzel: great! :)11:27
samba_this "hack" is permanent or should I do this everytime I'm going to upgrade?11:27
BernzelEriC^^, I do get System program problem detected window a couple of times11:27
arceteraI encrypted my home folder post-install, will I have issues when upgrading to a newer Ubuntu version (e.g. 15.10 when that's out)11:27
EriC^^samba_: it's permanent, but if grub is updated then you won't have the latest efi file, you'll have to copy it again11:28
EriC^^i mean if the grub package is updated and it makes a new grubx64.efi file11:28
EriC^^samba_: arch has a good wiki about uefi, and also there are other sites that have info about it11:29
BluesKajEriC^^, why not just go with legacy mode in the UEFI/BIOS,  grub is sticky once installed11:29
EriC^^samba_: https://www.happyassassin.net/2014/01/25/uefi-boot-how-does-that-actually-work-then/11:30
NEoneNew version (2.3.8.) of openvpn throws an error to the log "cannot enter username/password from stdin, you need to use --askpass if you were using --daemon". Where do I add this --askpass option? Because the call the openvpn is handled by Ubuntu's init.d scripts! The only call I manually make from commandline is sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn start <name-of-config> and then I want it to ask me for user/pass, but11:30
NEone it doesn't anymore.11:30
EriC^^BluesKaj: it's up to him i guess, uefi boots quicker though and is newer11:30
BluesKajEriC^^, agreed but at least he won't lose grub if it's updated11:31
nadrimajstorVanilla 14.04 system, Extended desktop with two monitors: Every time I do alt-tab the Java's Swing GUI window disappears from the second monitor... Changing drivers do not help... Any idea what to try next?11:31
EriC^^he won't lose grub if it's updated, that's very unlikely11:32
BluesKajEriC^^, ok , guess I misinterpreted your post above11:32
arceterathis is proving to be a massive pain in the ass11:33
BernzelEriC^^, What was we doing before my system went haywire?11:36
BluesKajarcetera, think if your  ~/ folder only changes it'smountpoint and you upgrade to 15.10 in / , you should be ok11:36
EriC^^i think you wanted to remove the amd fglrx and use the ubuntu proprietary one?11:37
EriC^^Bernzel: and we tried to install the latest amd one cause ubuntu's wasn't working :D11:37
arceteranow how do I get touchegg working? it doesn't recognize taps or swipes or flicks or anything at all and i have a headache from trying to get this to work11:37
BluesKajarcetera, do you have separate / and  /home partitions?11:37
arceteraBluesKaj unfortunately, no11:38
BernzelEriC^^,  Yeah I remember that much :p but did we finish it? Wasn't I using the solution from that post you linked?11:38
BluesKajarcetera, :/11:38
EriC^^Bernzel: i can't remember about the ubuntu proprietary though, why did we not install that?11:38
arceterathen again11:38
BernzelEriC^^, I remember it as we were going to use the drivers from AMD's website?11:39
arceterathe way I encrypted it was the same way Ubuntu would encrypt if I selected "encrypt home folder" upon install11:39
EriC^^Bernzel: yeah, why though11:39
BernzelI dont know. I thought it was not recommended11:39
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arceterakonversation no11:40
EriC^^after you changed the control file, you put the .deb together again and ran dpkg -i right?11:40
BluesKajarcetera, if you upgrade via the 'net you might be ok , "do-release-upgrade"11:40
arceterathat's what i'm going to do11:40
arceteraif anything, make backups and pray to the lord11:41
Bernzel EriC^^ Yes. But I think I got errors doing so11:41
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BluesKajarcetera, next time you do a clean install set up separate / and /home partitions, you won't regret it.11:42
EriC^^Bernzel: while installing it?11:43
BernzelI think so11:43
arceteraBluesKaj I'm aware, my single partition is the only thing that's keeping me from distrohopping to something else11:43
arceteraas much as I hate to say it I don't really trust canonical really and would rather just move to something that's not owned by a company11:44
BernzelEriC^^,  The steam graphical issue isn't no more atleast? :s but Wine still complains about my graphics11:44
EriC^^what does wine say?11:45
EriC^^Bernzel: can you use apt right now?11:45
EriC^^try sudo apt-get -f install11:45
arceteraalso just throwing a random tip out there11:46
arceterause apt install rather than apt-get install for a progress bar11:46
BluesKaj the advantage of separate partitions gices the option of installing the new OS or release to / without losing data on /home anmd all your config file remain thus saving your desktop and system settings11:46
BernzelEriC^^, Unsupported video card detected! Continuing to run might lead to unexcpected results or crashes. It does recognize the right graphics card now though!11:46
arceteraBluesKaj, i'm aware11:46
BernzelEriC^^, Yes I could run that command11:46
arceteraBluesKaj, I just can't be arsed to reinstall11:47
EriC^^Bernzel: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-vivid libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid11:48
arceteraEven though I've only had this laptop for a few weeks I already have tons of games, applications, pictures...11:48
arceterareinstalling would take days to set back up11:48
arceteraThen again I do have an external HDD, but my home folder is encrypted so :L11:48
arceterai guess if i want to reinstall11:49
arceteradecrypt home -> copy home to external hdd -> install os -> copy home over -> encrypt home11:49
BernzelEriC^^,  Appears it went through with success11:51
EriC^^Bernzel: ok, try to restart11:51
BluesKajpersonally if you're a home user, i don't see the point of encryption, if you're on the job and it's a requirement then it makes sense11:51
EriC^^try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-core11:51
arceteraI'd prefer for my data not to be stolen if I lose this laptop11:51
arceteraThat's all11:52
ajnrPlease help me to solve the issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306181/11:52
BernzelEriC^^,  done11:52
EriC^^Bernzel: is wine working?11:52
EriC^^you could also try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-core11:52
ajnrhow to delete the number from the following type of patterns like 76-----------------------------------------------------£univ11:53
BernzelEriC^^, well I haven't used wine before, but it still complains about my graphic cards. The game Im trying to launch might be the issue, but the fact that Wine complains about it mustn11:54
Bernzelbe good11:54
hateballajnr: sed 's/[0-9]//g'11:54
ajnrhateball, will it work on vi editor ?11:54
hateballajnr: sed is it's command11:55
BluesKajarcetera, if you lose your laptop with linux and you have a strong login pw, chances of losing your data are very low, besides encrypted or not. you data is gone unless it's backed up some where else11:55
ioriased -e 's/^..//'   filename11:55
EriC^^i think you need sed '/^[0-9][0-9]//'11:55
EriC^^ajnr: that will only work if you have 2 or less numbers at the start11:56
ioriahe has11:56
hateballEriC^^: what I typed is enough to remove all numbers11:56
hateballregardless of position11:56
hateballwhich is what I assumed was what was wanted11:56
arceteraBluesKaj, is there a way to automatically back up my important data (as in, non hidden folders in the home folder)11:56
EriC^^hateball: it only removes 1 number, i think [0-9]* removes all11:57
hateballEriC^^: nope.11:57
hateballEriC^^: "echo abc123abc123 |sed 's/[0-9]//g'"11:57
ajnrhateball, will it remove the 0-9 digits only frlom these lines or from the patteren I have mentionjed11:57
EriC^^oh, cause of the g11:57
arceteraalso, are there even official intel drivers for ubuntu 15.0411:57
hateballajnr: if you run it against a file it will remove *all* numbers11:57
hateballajnr: so if you only want to remove if it starts with numbers, then do what EriC^^ said and use ^11:58
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ajnrhateball, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306712/ this is my actual texts11:58
BluesKajarcetera, dunno, but backing it to a different pc in a different location is always best, like an outboard drive11:59
EriC^^yes, use sed 's/^[0-9]*//'11:59
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arceteraalso, how do I make Firefox text fields not look like shit with a dark Plasma/GTK theme12:00
BernzelEriC^^,  so what drivers am I running now?12:01
EriC^^Bernzel: type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA12:01
ph1rmw4r3-222Help with webservor?12:01
BernzelEriC^^, Kernel driver in use: radeon .12:01
EriC^^ok, that's the open source ati driver12:02
hateballajnr, EriC^^, seems vi also has :s for replacing text inside the working file12:02
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ph1rmw4r3-222truck her right in the oussy I need help12:02
EriC^^hateball: nice12:02
EriC^^Bernzel: hmm12:04
SlainvHello everyone, I was given a "transformer" PC/Tablet under ubuntu for work and was wondering whether there was any programme that would allow me to actually swipe pictures left and right around and work. I tried okular, gpicview, Geeqie, qThumb to no avail.12:04
ph1rmw4r3-222can anybody help me12:04
Slainvin fullscreen, by the way ^^ (sorry I did not tell))12:04
ajnrhateball, it remobes all the numbers from the texts :(12:04
BernzelEriC^^, hmm indeed12:04
ph1rmw4r3-222my flash drive is stuck12:05
hateballajnr: see what EriC^^ said, or read the manpage for sed12:05
ph1rmw4r3-222in my arse12:05
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EriC^^Bernzel: which graphics card do you have? maybe there's info about using it with wine online12:11
BernzelEriC^^, Sapphire HD 6950 2gb12:11
ajnrhateball, EriC^^ , So if  I have more than thousand line texts and I want to remove the digits starting from 1----------------------univ to 1267---------------------univ , I should use sed 's/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]//g' is it ?12:11
EriC^^ajnr: no, use sed 's/^[0-9]*//'12:12
the-administrdorI get an arror when I boot apachie12:12
ioriaajnr : or you just remove the first 4 characters12:12
ajnrbut i think this regex will remove *ALL* the numbers from the texts , is it ?12:12
EriC^^ajnr: no, don't put the g at the end12:13
ioriaajnr : try thiss sed -e 's/^....//'  filename12:13
the-administrdorAny help is appricaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306776/12:13
KettleCookedIn Windows I use a neat "Test Mail Server Tool" which popups any mail sent on port 25 in my default mail client (thunderbird). I'm looking for something similar in Ubuntu Server, something that doesn't actually send messages, just notifies me they were created (this is for developing email part of web system). Know any such tool for Ubuntu?12:13
ajnrEriC^^, okey it works now12:14
the-administrdorAny help is appricaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/12306776/12:17
ThePendulumI´m about to reinstall Ubuntu, and I need to decide between 14.04.3 and 15.04. Is there a quick comparison?12:20
compdoc15.04 will go away in a short time12:20
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ThePendulumI guess 16.04 will come soon enough to stick with 14.04 for another while12:21
compdocIm sticking with 14.04 until the next LTS comes out12:22
sardsurferHi, I connected my laptop with Xubuntu 14.04 on a tv ldc http://data4tv.com/en/LG/32LE2R/ but this is a resolution that allows me to get the best overview. Is there anything I can do to fix? Thank you12:22
sardsurferthere's no*12:22
SlainvHello, sorry to ask again, would there be any application useable on ubuntu 14.04 to be able on a touch screen to swipe left and right to go in full screen from one picture to another? I used various software but as for now was unable to find with this12:23
EriC^^Bernzel: maybe try reinstalling the .deb files and the modified one12:30
octopoirothello, I have a list of some hundreds of text files I want to concatenate so that each file is a column in a csv.12:30
BernzelEriC^^, Yeah. I will try another wine game first to see if that's the error12:31
octopoirotso I have like file 1: a,\nb,\nc, and file 2: d,\ne,\nf, and I want file: a,d,\nb,e,\nc,f,12:32
compdococtopoirot, if no one here knows, try ##linux12:32
octopoirotI am mute, compdoc.12:32
octopoirotI have no mouth and I want to ask.12:33
compdocand that means what?12:33
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compdocoh, in that channel?12:33
compdocyou have to register your nick, I guess12:33
octopoirotI tried to use paste but it had limits on number of files.12:33
compdoc'If you can't talk identify with NickServ'12:34
ioriapaste file1 file2 | column -s $'\t' -t12:34
aedendoctopoirot, ^12:34
octopoirotI tried to use paste but it had limits on number of files.12:34
ioriain a script loop then12:35
octopoirotwhy use column in the titbit above?12:36
ioriaIt removes the tab delimiter12:37
bernard_Hi, I have a problem with the window manager? It shows a crashat startup for a second, now, for example, the part of a window where I can drag and drop the windows is black. How can I gather information on that error? Didnt find anything with dmesg so far12:37
bernard_I use gnome312:38
bernard_More general: How to gather informations on errors that belong to gnome3 and similar?12:40
ioriaoctopoirot, you can find more here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23072082/combining-columns-of-multiple-files-in-one-file-python12:41
moldyhow do i get rid of all the desktop notificationss ("system program problem detected", updates etc.) on ubuntu/kubuntu 14.04?12:45
ioriamoldy, /var/crash12:48
barbasundayhello, got an epson 6200L laserjet printer and cannot find out how to get him to print,any insight? ubuntu 14.0412:48
moldyioria: thanks, that's a good hint. but i would actually like to disable all of this stuff.12:49
moldyioria: i am considering apt-get purge notify-osd, but i guess there should be a better solution?12:50
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ioriamoldy, i think it'a apport...12:50
ioriamoldy, but it's advisable to disable apport, it's said12:51
moldyi really don't need apport or any of this12:51
TJ-moldy: If you wish to disable it, see "/etc/default/apport"12:51
moldythis is a temporary vm i am using for some web development while on holidays12:52
moldyTJ-: thanks!12:52
moldyis there a similar thing to disable all the desktop notifications?12:53
moldyspecifically, the ones about updates12:53
ioriamoldy, turn off update notifications in Software and Updates12:54
aedendbarbasunday, maybe this? http://sourceforge.net/projects/epsonepl/  I looked on epsons website for driver for linux, didn't see any12:55
moldyioria: ok, thanks, i think i found it12:55
ioriamoldy, cheers12:55
BernzelEhm how can I cd into Program Files (x86) folder? tab completion dont work and "(" isn't allowecx12:56
tewardBernzel: um... that's a Windows thing, but if you're in the directory before that this will work:  cd Program\ Files\ \(x86\)12:57
tewardBernzel: escape the spaces and the parens, and it accepts it12:57
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: drag and drop that folder into the terminal12:57
tewardalso what Chuck_Norris said12:57
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BernzelEriC^^, Well I think it might've been Wine. I can launch another program without it complaining about graphics. So it might've be fixed I suppose!13:04
Foxhoundzoh ubuntu...13:04
Foxhoundzwhat happened ? when did things go wrong?13:04
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SlainvFoxhoundz, Amazon?13:05
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vltHello. I have a machine running Ubuntu 13.10. How can I upgrade to the current LTS 14.04? I tried "sudo do-release-upgrade" but got "Keine neue Freigabe gefunden" (no new release found). Any idea?13:06
TJ-!eol | vlt13:07
ubottuvlt: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:07
SlainvFoxhoundz, ubuntu was installed on this machine because we believed in it, and now it is performing in simple tasks worse than windows for touchscreens.13:07
TJ-vlt: The EOLUgrades is what you need, I think13:07
vltTJ-: Sounds good. Thank you!13:08
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: i would suggest you "Play on Linux" over wine, idk if that would fix you issue but it's more easy to use and with it you can use old or new version of wine13:09
BernzelChuck_Norris, Sounds interesting. Where can I get this "Play on Linux" ?13:11
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: the thing is, some programs/games runs better on specific wine versions, and "Play on Linux" is much more easier to configure programs/games with diferent wine versions13:11
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: https://www.playonlinux.com/en/13:12
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: i'll send you a couple of channels related to games and POL13:12
BernzelChuck_Norris, You rock13:13
barbasundayaedent: downloaded the driver, should I place him in the Home folder and extract there?13:14
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: Chuck_Norris always rocks :D   this is about games (how install games with POL or wine, benchmarks Ubuntu vs Windows etc ): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBu5HY4---D2BE2Au8BNz3Q13:15
EriC^^Bernzel: sorry, im back13:15
changnesiaHey guys. How I can't figure out why ranger doesn't open my video files with mpv. I have it set as default player and thunar opens it fine, but not ranger. Why is that?13:15
changnesiasorry ignore the "how"13:15
thevaliantxanyone here use Reddit?  In looking at Reddit there are additional languages (besides English) showing up in certain parts of the page in my Chrome browser.  What is that about?13:16
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: and search in Spatry's (mah old pal :D) channel about "play on linux" and or "wine" you'll find good things there:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmO_G49F6QTFS5CPUfuQADg13:16
BernzelChuck_Norris, Much appreciated! (y)13:17
Chuck_Norrisnp bro13:17
thevaliantxThings like links are shown in what looks like Arabic or something.  Anyway to get Chrome to show ONLY English on the reddit website?13:17
gargsmsI made a full backup of my OS using this article http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508713:17
gargsmsHow do I proceed to install the whole OS on a completely new machine.13:18
gargsmsI tried installing Ubuntu first and doing as directed in the / directory of the installation, but that failed somehow.13:18
gargsmsI left it for about 4 hours for a 30GB tar archive13:19
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: oh! and also if you wanna know wich version of wine is recommended to run or play a games there is: https://appdb.winehq.org/13:19
mothershipIs there an easy way to tell if the system was shut down using clean shut-down or not? I know there is a way by searching the log files just thought maybe there is even shorter way?13:19
vltTJ-: I did the steps diescribes in the EOLUpgrade wiki (changed sources.list to old-releases.ubuntu.com, ran apt-get update, ... dist-upgrade) and then do-release-upgrade again. Still the same error. Hmmmm...13:25
BernzelChuck_Norris, I can't install software from an iso file on PlayOnLinux? Must I choose of the list it supplies with games?13:25
fhrhchJust read a news abou dismember a toodler in chicago13:26
vltTJ-: I just removed another trailing slash in sources.list and am trying again now.13:26
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: yes you can install .iso files with playonlinux, and yes, it's best choose from the list, cuz that way playonlinux will know configure and install automaticaly all dependences to run the game properly13:27
BernzelChuck_Norris, Hm.. shame my game isn't listed :(13:27
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gamabunta #ffmpeg13:28
vltTJ-: Nope. Still "no new release" :-/13:28
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: now, if the game isn't listed then you gotta search online (wineappdb, youtube, etc) and see if you can find someone who already installed that game and the step he made to get it working13:29
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: what's the name of the game you are tryin' to install ?13:30
BernzelChuck_Norris, Sniper Ghost Warrior13:30
BernzelI see that alot of people have manage to play it without too much issues13:30
vltHow can I troubleshoot a "no new release found" error from do-release-upgrade? /etc/apt/sources.list already points to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com... as described in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades.13:31
bloopanyone know how to associate programs with file extensions rather than file types13:34
bloopI want to open files of the text type with different programs with respect to extension13:34
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=20656&iTestingId=5489313:34
cfhowlettbloop, right click, properties, "open with"13:35
bloopcfhowlett: as far as I can tell that only works by associating with respect to file type13:35
bloopI want with respect to file extension13:35
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bloopbecause I want to open a class of file types with different programs depending on the extension13:36
bloopso for instance, class of file type "text document" I want to open .txt with one program versus .py with another13:36
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bloopI know it should work for mime-types13:37
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: there you can see the guy who made that post said he use wine version 1.2-rc7 in "Additional Comments" you can see the dependences and some configuracion, like set winever to xp and something about the sound13:37
cfhowlettbloop, exactly what I was looking at this minute ...13:38
bloopcfhowlett: maybe I can just create a mime-type for them13:38
bloopbecause I want to open blah.creator with qt creator13:38
bloopbut blah.creator is a text/plain file type13:38
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: so go and watch some "penguinrecording" videos and you'll learn how to do that13:38
bloopbut maybe I can create a mime that is text/qt-creator13:38
bloopwith respect to all .creator files13:38
BernzelChuck_Norris, Sweet! I will, but should I install DirectX ? Or does it not matter?13:39
vltTJ-: After a reboot do-release-upgrade seems to magically work :-)13:39
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: in "Additional Comments" says: Install d3dx9, wmp9 and xact13:40
BernzelChuck_Norris, ehm yes. So not install directx? Cause I have no clue what those d3dx9 are yet13:40
Chuck_NorrisBernzel: yes, this package does Directx 9: d3dx913:41
jack78someone knows why GPT partitions are limited to 4Gb files ?13:41
bloopI created a new mime type but it's still showing that it's text/plain13:43
thevaliantxanyone know of a way to search the internet WITHOUT ads?  i'm so sick of Google and their stupid ads.  Bing isn't any better.13:43
bloopI even updated the mime database in .local13:43
MonkeyDustthevaliantx  try duckduckgo.com13:43
jack78thevaliantx: AdBlock Plus on Firefox ? coupled with noJS and Ghostery !13:44
cfhowlettthevaliantx, firefox + adblock plugin.13:44
cfhowlettduckduckgo +113:44
thevaliantxi just did a search of "i miss plaid shirts" in duckduckgo and got the same ads that showed up in google and bing.13:45
marienzmmm, presumably not that much of a market for paid general-purpose search engines13:45
MonkeyDustthevaliantx  then use an adblocker plugin13:45
thevaliantxit's ads wanting to sell plaid shirts for misses.  sigh.13:45
thevaliantxthanks MonkeyDust , jack78 and cfhowlett13:46
cfhowlettthevaliantx, happy2help!13:46
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jack78Anyone can help me about GPT partitions ?13:49
jack78When i copy a 4,3Gb file on it, that says : file too large... ?13:49
EriC^^jack78: if it's a fat32 filesystem the maximum is 4gb13:50
cfhowlettI copy and move 4gb + files on the time on my uefi system13:50
gargsms_Reposting: I made a full backup of my OS using this article http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508713:51
gargsms_How do I proceed to install the whole OS on a completely new machine.13:51
jack78.... Oh i see, thanks EriC^^13:51
thevaliantxthat's really sad.  i remember the days of searching the Internet and just finding articles, things I wanted.  Now it's Google Everywhere.13:51
EriC^^jack78: exfat supports larger than 4gb, fwi13:51
rhumbothi all, i just bought a new computer, installed ubuntu on a new hard drive and am setting up the applications now. I use eclipse with quite a few extensions. Can I simply copy eclipse from the old system to the new or do i need to reinstall everything?13:51
jack78EriC^^: exfat = fat more than 32Gb ?13:52
georgeowellrhumbot: thevaliantx:13:52
georgeowellrhumbot: You could just reinstall eclipse and copy the config files over13:53
EriC^^jack78: i don't know exactly, i think it's a different filesystem all together but has stuff in common with fat13:53
berikGPT have maximum file size option13:53
jack78ok EriC^^ , thanks to you !!!13:54
EriC^^gargsms_: did you make the partitions for the install you're going to make?13:54
EriC^^jack78: np :)13:54
thevaliantxgeorgeowell, i searched "what is rhumbot" and got this -> http://cowboyjob.com/member/rhumbot13:55
thevaliantxcowboyjob doesn't exactly make my day13:55
gargsms_EriC^^, I have a completely new machine. I can create them right away.13:55
EriC^^ok, is it uefi or legacy?13:55
EriC^^oh, ok, did you copy the install from a uefi machine too?13:56
pseud0cod3rHello ubuntu fangays13:56
pseud0cod3ryou little shits think ubuntu is good distro?13:56
compdocits a great distro13:56
BBLLCCwhat a nice fella13:56
compdocthe best13:56
cfhowlett!ops | pseud0cod3r, idiocy & profanity trolling13:56
ubottupseud0cod3r, idiocy & profanity trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang13:56
EriC^^gargsms_: ok, make an efi partition at the start that is fat32 and 500mb in size13:56
pseud0cod3rwell guess what, you are CORRECT13:56
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  don't call in the ops too soon13:57
pseud0cod3rcfhowlett: you fucking piece of shit13:57
BBLLCCcfhowlett, felt the need to call the principal13:57
pseud0cod3rget a life you fucking idiot13:57
rhumbotthanks georgeowell ill try this13:57
gargsms_EriC^^, I have Windows already installed BTW. I suppose I would not need to make a EFI partition after all13:57
BernzelChuck_Norris, Ok your penguin dude is awesome :) But what I haven't found him cover yet is what kind of virtual drive I shall create? 64 / 32 bit?13:57
Bernzelnor on the appdb site13:57
EriC^^gargsms_: no, if you're installing to the same disk use the same efi13:58
gargsms_Yes, installing on the same disk.13:58
gargsms_what do I do then?13:59
EriC^^gargsms_: mount the partition under /mnt13:59
EriC^^gargsms_: sudo mount /dev/sdxY /mnt14:00
gargsms_I formatted a chunk of my disk as ext4. Do you mean that partition?14:01
gargsms_For that, I guess I need to boot from a live disk first14:01
gargsms_Anyway, after mounting14:02
EriC^^ok, boot from a live disk first, there are a couple steps after that14:02
gargsms_I don't have the access to the machine currently. :p14:03
gargsms_Just tell me the steps and I will do as needed14:03
georgeowellrhumbot: I'm not sure where eclipse puts them, but they'll either be hidden .~ files in your home directory (revealed with ctrl+h) or in /etc/ or in /opt/14:03
EriC^^gargsms_: well, it's kind of long14:04
gargsms_No issues :)14:04
EriC^^can you come back later when you have access to the machine?14:04
KanchelsisHello World :p14:04
gargsms_The machine has been staying dead for a long time now14:04
gargsms_I can. Sure.14:04
gargsms_EriC^^, 2 hours later? Is that fine with you?14:04
EriC^^ok, come back and we can get it running, yeah that's fine14:05
gargsms_Thanks a lot. I will try to get it ASAP14:05
EriC^^ok :)14:05
KanchelsisAnyone up for a simple challenge?14:06
akikdon't ask to ask14:07
KanchelsisTwo hard drives14:07
riqiHi, I saw a video where the XFCE desktop manager displayed a tab for each app on the topmost panel. What other distros can do that? Unity?14:07
KanchelsisPrimary is windows 1014:07
Kanchelsissecondary has two partitions currently and 320 gbs free space14:07
KanchelsisI want grub on the primary for boot14:07
Kanchelsisand ubuntu on the secondary14:07
MonkeyDustKanchelsis  keep your question in one line, that's easier to read and repeat14:08
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akikKanchelsis: you can select where to install grub during the installation14:08
akikKanchelsis: when you are creating your partition layout, there's a place to select it14:09
riqiCorrection: The App tabs would appear on the menu bar. What other distros can do that besides XFCE? Can I get that in Unity?14:09
KanchelsisWith wubi?14:09
KanchelsisI want to do it from my windows desktop14:09
akiki think wubi is not supported anymore14:10
cfhowlettKanchelsis, wubi is unsupported unsafe and it WILL break ubuntu 14.04 and newer.14:10
KanchelsisSo do not install ubuntu from my windows desktop effectively?14:10
MonkeyDustKanchelsis  you don't14:10
akikKanchelsis: boot off a usb stick or dvd14:11
cfhowlettKanchelsis, options: dual boot or install virtualbox to windows and add ubuntu to vbox14:11
MonkeyDustKanchelsis  install ubuntu independent from windows, on its own partition14:11
k1lKanchelsis: so boot a ubuntu dvd or usb-pendrive like you would do to install any other OS. you can then choose where to install ubuntu14:11
KanchelsisI can install it on it's own partition14:11
KanchelsisI just don't have any spare installation media I can setup up on me right npw14:11
KanchelsisI guess I will do that later14:12
KanchelsisAnything else I need to know?14:12
MonkeyDustKanchelsis  read this as an introduction http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:13
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prashHello guys14:16
BernzelChuck_Norris, Okey my attempt became a disaster. Now the game wont even launch, instead crashes as soon as I "Run"14:16
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jack78Has anyone ever use mkfs.exfat here ?14:43
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monty_hallI installed btrfs and my hdd is just trashing15:00
monty_hallis there some setting to minimize this behavior?15:00
monty_hallI'm talking even on minor things15:00
monty_hallsave a small text file - crunch15:00
monty_hallopen a small text file - crunch15:01
monty_hallyou get the idea15:01
monty_hallfire up bash - cunch15:01
BluesKajwhy btrfs anyway ?15:01
k1lmonty_hall: what do the logs say? is the ram ok?15:02
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jason_So I had to reinstall some packages (lightdm, ubuntu-desktop, etc) and now my UI looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/kK0daPc.jpg. Is there any way to get back to the old look (like this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Ubuntu_14.04_Search_applications.png )15:04
BernzelEriC^^, Graphics still messed up.. sigh15:05
compdocjason_, I think that first shot is gnome3, and the 2nd shot is unity15:05
jason_compdoc, okay, I never quite understood the whole linux desktop environment thing. I believe I have unity installed, how do I activate it?15:07
EriC^^Bernzel: did you try reinstalling the .deb files?15:07
EriC^^Bernzel: did it used to work with any graphics driver? or an older kernel maybe?15:07
jack78I don't succeed to find any official documentation about how ubuntu usually make his install live-cd... anyone can help me ?15:07
xanguajason_: it looks like you installed gnome shell15:07
hotmedalI can't find my DVD drive on my Lenovo laptop. paste.ubuntu.com/12307666/15:08
jason_xangua, can I destroy it? >_>15:08
MonkeyDusthotmedal  what does lsblk give you15:09
xanguajason_: I don't know why you "had to reinstall some packages" but if ubuntu-desktop is installed, just log out and change your session to Unity; you should see a little icon next to your user name in lighdm15:10
hotmedaljust sda15:10
MonkeyDusthotmedal  pastebin the output of  lsblk15:11
jason_xangua, thanks I'll try that15:11
hotmedalMonkeyDust: I also just intalled libiso9660-dev. Didn't have it before15:12
jason_xangua, hah, that indeed fixed it. I thought I somehow updated into a very massive unity overhaul.15:13
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BernzelEriC^^,  I did. But Im no longer sure it's the graphics. I got the weirdest error message when debugging my wine run on a game. Look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12307652/15:14
hotmedalMonkeyDust: I also did modprobe sr_mod, didn't help15:15
BernzelEriC^^, You see that "wine: Call from 0x7b83e372 to unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite, aborting" ?15:16
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EriC^^Bernzel: hmm, yeah15:19
SuperEngineerI erased my Ubuntu 14.0 .0->.1->.2->.3 [don't ask, TLDR] ;) & so installed a fresh 14.04.03 - I've just noticed that I used to be able to click on an app in the launcher to launch it, then click again to minimise it - on fresh install, I can't click on lancher icon to minimise... any thoughts on what I have/haven't done in my fresh install that stops this behaviour?15:19
BernzelEriC^^,  not sure if that's graphic related?15:19
EriC^^Bernzel: try to mv ~/.wine ~/.wine.old15:20
hotmedalCall: yes?15:21
Callhello a friend15:21
Callhelo ?15:21
MonkeyDustCall  this is the ubuntu support channel15:21
TJ-hotmedal: can you "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg"15:22
hotmedalTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12307750/15:22
BernzelEriC^^, Ok!15:23
TJ-hotmedal: There's your problem; The device is on ata3 and the link isn't stabilising15:25
hotmedalTJ-: ohhh, so that's what the message is for. It showed up on every boot and I ignored i.15:25
TJ-hotmedal: There *may* be a BIOS setting to change the mode of the DVD/CD device to ATAPI from AHCI15:26
BernzelEriC^^, Hm no difference. I might just install win 7 a side of ubuntu (or the other way around?) so that I can play.15:26
TJ-hotmedal: I also noticed the bluetooth device firmware isn't being found/loaded; so Bluetooth may not work until you resolve that15:26
TJ-hotmedal: "[   32.212774] Bluetooth: can't load firmware, may not work correctly"15:27
hotmedalTJ-: two hardware things I haven't used in ages15:27
hotmedalTJ-: what do I do?15:27
TJ-hotmedal: for the DVD, check BIOS settings. For the Bluetooth; identify which firmware the BT chipset requires, and install it in /lib/firmware/15:28
TJ-hotmedal: Also, the BIOS disabled hardware assisted virtual machines; you might want to enable that if you intend using vbox etc15:29
hotmedalTJ-: I remember now, I struggled with UEFI bullshit and stopped messing with it when it suddenly worked15:29
hotmedalTJ-: yeah... I tried to fix the virtual thing but I was unsuccessful15:29
hotmedalTJ-: thanks for the debugging, I shall go dive into my BIOS. Bye.15:30
AbdoTGM50Guys is it normal that starting up/booting Ubuntu takes 32 secs and goes to purple screen then black screen then ubuntu loading screen then black screen then login screen?15:38
micromI just installed an SSD, and resintalled linux on it. I do NOT dual boot. After the BIOS, I get a blinking cursor.15:38
micromthe installation DVD mounts the ssd as /cow15:39
micromand says there are not partitions on it15:39
TJ-microm: /cow is the Live ISO root file-system Copy-On-Write15:40
micromah. ok.15:41
micromSo, I can`t find the SSD then... but it did the install on it.15:41
ioriaAbdoTGM50, nvidia ?15:41
TJ-microm: "sudo lsblk -f"15:42
AbdoTGM50ioria, yup15:42
ioriaAbdoTGM50, it behaves like that for me too...15:42
ioriaAbdoTGM50, but less than 32 secs15:43
Ev0luti0n_Guys.. is there any chance of resizing an extended partition, so that it takes up unallocated space on the disk?15:43
jack78Ev0luti0n_: Depends on the filesystem... and the method you want to use15:44
Ev0luti0n_the extended partition i want to resize, is currently ex4, with /boot/on it15:44
Ev0luti0n_the tool i would like to use is disks15:44
AbdoTGM50Ioria, does it also occasionally go into a guiless dos like screen when shutting down through power button?15:44
jack78Did you try with gparted ?15:44
Ev0luti0n_since gparted, is unable to list the partition details15:44
micromTJ-: thanks, found it, the SSD is on /dev/sdb15:44
ioriaEv0luti0n_, no15:45
jack78Ev0luti0n_: Make in commandline : partprobe /dev/sdX15:45
TJ-microm: If the system is UEFI, you may have a PC with a firmware bug that prevents the OS from adding itself to the UEFI boot menu15:45
jack78to permit gparted to re-read parition table15:46
ioriaAbdoTGM50, no15:46
Ev0luti0n_jack78: gparted shows all of the space as unallocated15:46
AbdoTGM50Would UEFI have something to do with it? Like should I enable legacy support?15:46
ioriaAbdoTGM50, don't know, i think not... i think it's about nvidia15:47
AbdoTGM50The ACPI node loading failed thing?15:48
TJ-AbdoTGM50: Look in /var/log/syslog at the boot-time timestamps; those might reveal what is causing the delay15:50
AbdoTGM50Will do15:51
EriC^^also press esc while it loads you can see what's going on15:51
EriC^^/var/log/boot.log should have the last boot15:51
AbdoTGM50I think secure boot may have something15:52
TJ-AbdoTGM50: With the nvidia driver, by default it displays its Logo when the X server driver starts; that is probably causing the last 'flash' you see15:52
TJ-AbdoTGM50: The other flashes will be mode changes15:54
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AbdoTGM50So its nothing to worry about TJ- ?15:56
jack78Is there anybody who knows how ubuntu team made their ISO ? (i'm talking about the EFI compatibility, the chroot is already done)16:00
vge If i have a disk that is over 2TB and I format it using parted. Then I mount it with "mount /dev/sdb1 /data" and all is well. Yet mount tells me the type of disk is fuseblk?16:01
PCatineanIn order to run a php script through CLI and retreives some stuff from a mysql database I have to do sudo apt-get install php5-cli php5-mysql and mysql-server ?16:02
PCatineanIs that the minimum requirement?16:02
tewardvge: fuseblk - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1096841.  "Ther short answer is that "fuseblk" is just how an ntfs partition is reported via the "mount" command, among others. The "fuse" part comes from FUSE (file system in userspace)."16:03
mdikhi. i accidentally set the partition type of my FDE system to 0x8e, but after setting it back to 0x83 it tells me that it is not a LUKS partition anymore :-(16:03
mdikany ideas?16:03
mdikis the default FDE a LUKS inside an LVM or an LVM inside a LUKS, though?16:04
vgeteward: I know. Yet gparted tells me it's ext4, fdisk -l tells me its "Linux filesystem"16:04
AbdoTGM50EriC^^ this is the boot.log output paste.ubuntu.com/1230800616:05
regeditisn't the OS supposed to detect if i'm playing a video (both media applications as well as in browser) and prevent locking the screen? this does not seem to be the case here in 15.0416:07
regeditnot sure if it matters that i'm on Kubuntu with plasma desktop16:07
micromTJ-: I do not have UEFI, but EFI BIOS yes. I swapped the drives to put the SSD on the first SATA6G port, still a blinking cursor.16:07
k1lregedit: the player should announce it to the system/screensaver, yes16:08
regeditk1l: whom should i cry to if i get lock screen while playing a youtube clip (in full screen mind you)16:09
EriC^^AbdoTGM50: no idea16:09
k1lyoutube? flash or html5?16:10
k1lregedit: see if that is a common issue on kde plasma16:10
EriC^^AbdoTGM50: try pressing esc while it boots maybe it will show what it's hanging on16:10
regeditk1l: how can i tell which one it's using? somehow i suspect not flash16:10
regeditk1l: i right click on the video and the last context option is "About the HTML5 Player"16:11
regediti see checkmark "The HTML5 player is currently used when possible." on my browser16:11
ioriaAbdoTGM50, did you tweak  nsswitch.conf or hostname or your fstab has some network share ?16:12
k1lregedit: i am on cli here, cant check16:12
AbdoTGM50EriC^^ when I press esc I get a grub bash console thingy16:12
regeditk1l: it strongly seems like the html5 player is the one being used16:13
AbdoTGM50iorua I don't even know what that is16:13
regeditk1l: now what?16:13
EriC^^AbdoTGM50: i mean right after you press enter to boot ubuntu, press esc16:13
micromI made the mistake of assuming all SSDs were created equal, on my Motherboard website, I see that only a few are supported for my MB.16:13
k1lregedit: do other real media players like vlc etc work?16:13
AbdoTGM50EriC^^ I dont get a press enter to boot ubuntu16:14
AbdoTGM50Atleast as I recall16:14
EriC^^AbdoTGM50: do you get grub?16:14
regeditk1l: i guess I havent tried that...16:14
AbdoTGM50Let me reboot for a sec16:14
TJ-AbdoTGM50: When GRUB boots the default entry you won't see its boot menu. If you did, you'd press Enter to start he default entry16:14
EriC^^AbdoTGM50: i mean press enter to boot ubuntu as usual, then press esc16:14
TJ-AbdoTGM50: You'll usually only see the boot menu if the previous boot failed, or you hold down Shift at boot time16:15
akikmicrom: ssd's supported by motherboard?16:15
badbodhregedit, you can install caffeine (there is a ppa) to prevent screen from lock/sleep16:15
kostkonregedit, caffeine -> https://launchpad.net/caffeine16:15
AbdoTGM50EriC^^ you mean the GNU grub that lists: ubuntu, advanced options for ubuntu and system setup?16:16
TJ-AbdoTGM50: whilst the OS is starting 'Plymouth' displays a 'splash' screen to hide the kernel/init system messages. Pressing eacape whilst the splash screen is up flips to the console so you can see those messages.16:16
EriC^^AbdoTGM50: yeah16:16
regeditbadbodh / kostkon: it seems that helps with specific applications/executables like vlc, what about in-browser players like youtube html5 player?\16:17
micromakik: yes, my MB only supports a handful of SSDs according to ASUS16:17
AbdoTGM50So do I press esc after choosing ubuntu?16:17
akikthat's weird16:17
AbdoTGM50TJ- I dont get a thing when pressing esc on the splash though16:18
badbodhregedit, it also has options for flash, but it basically detects fullscreen videos if running in background. add any number of applications, browser video player whatever16:18
badbodhas long as they run, screen doesn't turn off16:18
Knight80Hello everyone!16:18
regeditbadbodh: cool ok thanks, will try it out16:19
StepnjumpHi guys, I am trying to know if there is an EASY way to connect to my daughter's edubuntu's computer remotely so I may help her out and teach her  how to do things on her computer?16:19
mothershiphow to tell if system had a un-clean shutdown?16:19
TJ-AbdoTGM50: That's not unusual; with nvidia there sometimes isn't a console driver loaded when the console is in graphic mode.16:19
BernzelIm trying to add a new wallpaper for my desktop. Using the "+" to add it. But when I restart my system the default one remains. What's the deal?16:19
badbodhStepnjump, teamviewer16:20
Knight80I have a question: Is there any way to recover my Windoze 8.1 boot data after having installed Ubuntu 15.04? Windoze doesn't appear in Grub2...16:20
AbdoTGM50Why does nvidia treat linux distros this bad? XD16:20
TJ-mothership: At boot you'll be at the GRUB boot menu for a time, rather than auto-starting the default entry immediately. The OS sets the simple-boot flag when it shuts down to tell firmware/boot-manager everything was OK16:20
badbodhKnight80, just run 'sudo update-grub' again. it should detect.16:20
vgeStepnjump: I have found that Teamviewer is the simplest. OS dont matter and it's fast enough16:20
badbodhcan you see your windows partition in nautilus?16:20
Knight80badbodh Thank you16:21
Knight80badbodh Yes, I can16:21
mothershipTJ-, is there a way I can check if the shutdown wasnt clean from a shell script?16:21
AbdoTGM50Wow when I shut down the splash screen started flashing qnd rendering 3 screens at once16:21
badbodhyou can access the files ? Knight80 ?16:21
AbdoTGM50Nvidia also I presume,16:21
Knight80badbodh Yes16:21
badbodhthe update-grub16:21
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regeditbadbodh: i just install it and that's it, it works? or do i need to enable it / start it somehow?16:22
ioriaAbdoTGM50, which driver are you using ?16:22
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badbodhregedit, you have to start it. icon should appear in dash16:22
ioriaAbdoTGM50, with nouveau (default driver) it was the same ?16:22
badbodhregedit, there is systray icon too, but i don;t think unity will show that. will run in background though.16:23
regeditbadbodh: i'm actually on kubuntu 15.04 with plasma desktop16:23
badbodhoh. then systray icon will show up. no problem.16:24
badbodhand search "caffeine" in start menu, it should show up16:24
AbdoTGM50Disabling secureboot enhanced boot time by 2 secs XD16:24
ioriaAbdoTGM50, good ... the only suspicious line seems to me  ModemManager[691]: <info>  ModemManager (version 1.0.0) starting...16:25
regeditbadbodh: ah i do find it in start menu search, tho option there does seem to "toggle" between activate/deactivate, but there's no systray icon (yet?)...16:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:25
Kalimeroi am trying to configure my network config manually . but i dont know the gateway16:26
Kalimeroaddress of the fritz box i am using16:26
AbdoTGM50ioria, why is it suspecious?16:26
Tim_hi everyone. ive got an asus x205ta with windows 10 currently installed that im trying to put ubuntu on but it gives me an error saying that the os cannot boot16:27
bstarekKalimero, do you have access to your router?its ip adress?16:27
MonkeyDustKalimero is very common16:27
badbodhregedit, look like you gotta move your shop in #kubuntu channel.16:27
vgebstarek: At what point of the install are you?16:28
MonkeyDustKalimero  or
bstarekvge, i am not installing anything :)16:28
ioriaAbdoTGM50, well, it doesn't reply [ok]... how do you connect to interner ? usb modem ?16:28
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bstarekKalimero, if you have another computer around, check the info in it16:29
vgeTim_: : At what point of the install are you?16:29
vgesecond time the charm16:29
Tim_i have the install on a usb flash drive and opened it and it said to restart the pc and it comes up with to either boot into windows 10 or ubuntu.16:29
AbdoTGM50ioria, Through the wireless card and thr broadcom drivers that came with the distro. I think16:29
TJ-ioria: Yes it does: You've misread. The line you're looking at is from the modemmanager process incorrectly writing to stderr I think, the init script line is later "Starting modem connection manager4G[ OK ]"16:31
ioriaTJ- oh... OK16:31
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Tim_vge, should i have to disable the bitlocker recovery on windows 10 in order to continue? im at a loss at this point16:32
regeditbadbodh: it just screen-locked again :( maybe a restart is required?16:32
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Kalimerobstarek: the other pc is connected via dhcp. how do i check the gaateway address of it16:32
reSpawngood daz16:33
TJ-ioria: Some daemons do that, incorrectly, there's a few more further down the boot.log; also the services are started in parallel so the log entries don't necessarily make logical sense when read in order16:33
reSpawngood day16:33
bstarekKalimero, is it windows what?16:33
Kalimerobstarek: no its linux16:33
badbodhregedit, i don;t really use it. i've turned off screen-locks :D but keep tinkering, caffeine is what you are looking for.16:33
bstarekKalimero, what linux? with GUI or not?16:34
Kalimerobstarek: it has a gui but would prefer a terminal-based answer16:35
ioriaTJ-  i see16:35
Tim_im getting an error 0xc000007b when installing ubuntu16:35
bstarekKalimero, i understand...open terminal  ansd type  route -n16:36
bstarekKalimero, you will see the gateway16:36
MonkeyDustTim_  that's a windows error, i guess16:36
bstarekKalimero, on the first line..16:36
Kalimerobstarek: there are two ip addresses one is the gateway and one is the destination16:37
Kalimerobstarek: the second line destination doesnt matter?16:38
bstarekKalimero, the second one is the gateway, which you need right?16:38
bstarekKalimero, dont worry about the second line16:38
AbdoTGM50Is installing Ubuntu for the firsr time always this stressful? XD16:38
ioriaTJ-  it's possible edit /etc/init/failsafe.conf  and comment the sleep instructions ? i know it's not orthodox16:39
MonkeyDustAbdoTGM50  learning something new can be stressful and frustrating16:39
MonkeyDustAbdoTGM50  learn ubuntu like you learned windows or mac: by using it16:40
AbdoTGM50Well learning gradle was more stressful so I guess youre right16:40
TJ-ioria: Yes, anything is possible :) just " echo manual | sudo dd of=/etc/init/failsafe.override"16:41
AbdoTGM50Its just that these glitches are bugging me XD16:41
Tim_should i be disabling secure boot control to install?16:41
ioriaTJ-  thanx16:41
bstarekKalimero, you got it?16:42
ioriaAbdoTGM50, you can always start ubuntu in text mode and then sudo service lightdm start16:42
reSpawnquestion would ubuntu work good on single core amd sempron 3000 1.8 ghz am216:42
AbdoTGM50Ubuntu has a text mode?16:42
neopsycheI am wondering, is there any way to get hibernate working on some of the DELL INSPIRON series? It seems that for whatever reason.. ubuntu has trouble with some hardware vendors regarding this support either in the bios or whole board config.16:43
ioriaAbdoTGM50, yep... but it'a dirty workaround16:43
neopsychePossibly due to issues with the various changes in linux kernels, continuously16:43
Kalimerobstarek: i got the gateway and set it up but ethernet is still down16:43
akikioria: there's nothing dirty about it16:43
bstarekKalimero, explain what you did exactly16:44
Tim_the file wubildr.mbr is preventing me from installing ubuntu it seems like. what can i do to the installer to pass this error16:44
AbdoTGM50ioria, I programmed in both java and c++ Im used to dirty workarounds by now XD16:44
MonkeyDustTim_  ah, wubi16:44
TJ-AbdoTGM50: The lightdm service looks for the string "text" on the kernel's command-line. If it finds it, lightdm doesn't start, so you remain at the (usually invisible) terminal console16:45
Tim_monkeydust  please tell me theres a workaround for this lol16:45
MonkeyDustTim_  don't use wubi, install ubuntu independent from windows, on its own partition16:45
Kalimerobstarek: i changed the gateway and dns ip of my netctl config  to the gateway route -a showed me16:45
AbdoTGM50So in the end all the booting issues I have ate because of nvidia and my bios?16:45
bstarekKalimero, did you use GUI or cmd?16:46
TJ-AbdoTGM50: You might want to lose the "splash" line from the default boot options in "/etc/default/grub" if you prefer to see what the OS is up to. You might also want to edit that to prevent GRUB switching to graphic mode, so everything is on text consoles. I prefer than. Less to go wrong, more feedback16:46
Tim_monkeydust  do you happen to have a link to where i can get an independent copy? i only seen the version with wubi16:46
ioriaAbdoTGM50, you just have to edit /etc/default/grub file and change 'quite splash' with ' text ' and run sudo update-grub16:47
TJ-AbdoTGM50: Ubuntu's default choice of a graphical splash screen causes a lot of issues which sometimes don't work so well with proprietary drivers. I have nvidia; don't have problems that way, but it depends on the GPU16:47
MonkeyDustTim_  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop16:47
Tim_monkeydust  thats the same version i have on my usb drive16:48
AbdoTGM50TJ- so doing that will make it so that booting up is in text but the Unity Workspace/normal destkop will remain unchanged,16:48
MonkeyDustTim_  great, but don't use wubi16:49
regeditbadbodh: ok thanks. Is it not weird that a 3rd party package is required? shouldnt the OS be mindful of this? is this a bug to be reported?16:49
ioriaAbdoTGM50, yes16:49
AbdoTGM50Most of my problems are actually with the splash screen yes XD16:49
k1lTim_: boot the usb, dont start it in windows16:49
Tim_how do i get around not using wubi?16:49
neopsychereSpawn: it depends what you want to do with ubuntu16:49
TJ-AbdoTGM50: Yes. The GUI is started by lightdm (Lightweight Display Manager). Using "text" means that won't start automatically. To start the GUI you'll need to log-in and do "sudo service lightdm start"16:49
Tim_thats what i tried and it gave me the error still16:49
MonkeyDustTim_  insert the usb stick, restart and boot from usb16:50
AbdoTGM50TJ- you mean kike the ctrl alt f1 thing?16:50
TJ-AbdoTGM50: My systems all have a kernel command line of "debug" rather than "quiet splash"16:50
AbdoTGM50With loging and password16:50
Kalimerobstarek: i edited the config file via terminal16:50
Tim_monkeydust  sadly thats what ive done and thats what is giving me the wubi file error16:50
bstarekKalimero, /etc/network/interfaces ??16:50
regeditheya TJ-! did you ever see my memos about the wget_nvidia_drivers.bash script? there's a little bug in there with an easy fix i suggested16:50
MonkeyDustTim_  not sure how that is possible, wubi is a windows program16:51
MonkeyDustTim_  how did you put the iso on the usb stick?16:51
TJ-AbdoTGM50: Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6 get you out of the X server and back to the console. There are Virtual Terminals (VTs) on tty1 through tty7. tty7 has the X server and GUI on it. So from a VT pressing Alt+F7 will get you back to the GUI if it is running16:51
Tim_it still gives me the \ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr error while booting from the usb16:51
TJ-regedit: I'm sure we talked about it; If you're on about the nvidia-settings versions? The version of settings doesn't always match the version of the driver being installed.16:52
AbdoTGM50Well TJ- is it also normal to get a graphical glitch in one of those virtual terminals too?16:52
Kalimerobstarek: no like i said /etc/netctl/homenet (homenet is just the name of the config )16:53
MonkeyDustTim_  then there's something wrong with the usb stick, i guess16:53
ioriaAbdoTGM50,  sudo lshw -c video ?16:53
TJ-AbdoTGM50: All the terminals are driven from framebuffers controlled by the video driver. If there are bugs in the code it isn't hard to imagine bytes being written into the wrong framebuffer; which looks like corruption/random chars16:53
regeditTJ-: oh did we? i just checked your version at http://iam.tj/projects/misc/ and still didnt find the fix in there so i asked again. The bug causes mixing together of packages from different non-matching versions, like 3 352s with 4 355s16:53
bstarekKalimero, thats not the way i do it bro16:53
regeditTJ-: with the fix it has all matching versions as the one the user input16:54
TJ-regedit: Yes, but that might work for you but it'd fail for me, then16:54
TJ-regedit: matching versions are required; they are often different, so the script cannot assume that.16:54
regeditTJ-: how so? it simply needs to add .*'${VERSION}' on line 6216:54
AbdoTGM50TJ- I wouldn't call it corruption Id call it a pokemon fighting sequence initiation XD16:55
bstarekKalimero, this is how i do it:   http://pastebin.com/1TZh5ac816:55
TJ-regedit: Which would break the result16:55
regeditTJ-: when i soffered form that bug, i was getting a bunch of 352 packages together with the 355 packages, whereas after applying my fix i got all 355s and seemed to install & work fine16:55
TJ-AbdoTGM50: yes; because the bytes happen to be color control codes sent to the terminal, probably16:56
bstarekKalimero, i have to go bro, I hope you can make it work like i showed you.16:56
Kalimerobstarek: yeah thats the way i know too but now i am on a different system which handles it differently than ubuntu16:56
bstarekKalimero, for DNS, you have to edit    /etc/resolv.conf    you can find info on google.16:56
bstarekKalimero, whats the system you are on?16:56
Kalimerobstarek: arch16:57
TJ-regedit: if you can find a way for the script to figure out which is the correct version in all circumstances; last time I looked at it, I couldn't see a way the script can know. Maybe it needs specific user selection at that point16:57
bstarekKalimero, sorry to ask, but why dont you ask in Arch channel?16:57
regeditTJ-: i seemed to me like there is always (either subfolder or correctly named) set of package files dedicated for each version16:57
Tim_monkeydust  last question, should i be installing 64bit even though ive got 32 bit windows16:57
MonkeyDustTim_  if your hardware is 64bit capable, then yes, use 64bit16:58
regeditTJ-: that's how i deduced how to fix the version bit16:58
TJ-regedit: Yes; but as I keep saying, the version of nvidia-settings can often be different to the version of the binary driver package, and the script cannot know what is the correct solution automatically16:58
regeditTJ-: so i was lucky with version 355 that all packages were indeed 355?16:59
Kalimerobstarek: because in the arch are 10 people and the chances to get an answer in the ubuntu channel is higher16:59
TJ-regedit: Yes. For people with older GPUs support for it stopped with the v340.76 driver, but the latest nvidia-settings still is required17:00
sudomarizewhat's a great, small, efficient dns forwarder?17:00
regeditTJ-: herm... when will i know when my own GPU falls behind?17:00
TJ-regedit: when the driver versions don't keep coming17:01
akiksudomarize: if i understand your question right, dnsmasq17:01
regeditTJ-: where, with that script of yours? or in driver manager?17:01
sudomarizeakik: to clarify, i need a dns forwarder so that docker containers can access my laptops /etc/resolv.conf addresses17:01
TJ-regedit: You tell the script the version you want. You have to know that from elsewhere. You'll soon know it doesn't work after installation though :)17:02
TJ-regedit: The driver package release notes always note changes like that. The appendix lists supported GPUs, too17:02
bstarekKalimero, https://paste.debian.net/310682/17:03
regeditmy driver manager doesnt even show any graphics drivers anymore...17:03
bstarekKalimero, i found this on google, it will help you17:03
regediti see a lot of K lines17:03
TJ-regedit: Doesn't surprise me - I fixed a bug in ubuntu-drivers last night, in the nvidia detection code. I bet if you do "lspci -nn" your GPU has class code 0302 in its title17:03
regeditTJ-: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller [8086:0166] (rev 0917:04
TJ-regedit: That's not an Nvidia :)17:04
regeditTJ-: yeah where's the nvidia one?...17:05
Teedubjoin irc.evilzone.org17:05
TJ-regedit: somewhere else obviously :)17:05
regeditTJ-: what does all this mean? :D17:06
TJ-regedit: look at the rest of the lspci output until you find the Nvidia17:06
regeditTJ-: that's the thing, i dont see anywhere17:06
regeditgrep vid17:06
TJ-regedit: "pastebinit <( lspci -nn)"17:07
regeditTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12308528/17:07
regeditTJ-: oh wait17:07
regeditTJ-: does it matter that i'm currently on the intel?17:07
regeditso the nvidia is not in use ATM17:07
TJ-regedit: well duh :D17:08
regeditoh ok :D17:08
TJ-regedit: although with Optimus the Nvidia should still be on the PCI bus17:08
regeditOS should/could still detect & manage drivers for it though, no?17:08
regedityeah right?...17:08
TJ-regedit: did it get stolen whilst you were asleep? :D17:08
k1ldid you change it in the bios?17:09
regediti was wondering why i found my laptop in a bathtub of ice17:09
TJ-regedit: this is still the ideapad?17:09
regeditTJ-: indeed17:09
TJ-regedit: Hmmm; missing from the PCI bus suggests -as k1l asked - it is disabled in firmware17:09
regeditreally? i think i can switch it on from nv settings, requires logoff though17:10
TJ-regedit: which explains why ubuntu-drivers doesn't offer a driver for it17:10
TJ-regedit: I've never seen the Optimus config actually take the device off the PCI bus before17:10
regeditTJ-: maybe it's new in 355?17:11
TJ-regedit: because the OS cannot then correctly allocate resources for it17:11
TJ-regedit: If I were you I'd check you can use the nvidia still17:11
regeditsure le'me try17:11
regeditlogging off/ on, brb17:11
TJ-k1l: this is an interesting one!17:11
ioriasudo lshw -c video should detect it if not disabled in bios, or not ?17:12
regeditwell whadya know17:16
regeditTJ-:  switching to nvidia and loggign off / on remains intel :)17:16
regeditleme try reboot. if that doesnt work, i'll check bios17:16
regeditmaybe i did in fact switch it of in bios, while drunk or in my sleep...17:17
regeditrebooting, brb17:17
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regeditTJ- k1l: well BIOS didnt have it switched off, but after rebooting nvidia does work now and i do see drivers again in driver manager17:22
regeditso something for some reason detected my Intel preference and switched off the nvidia at the PCI level?...17:22
CarlFKregedit: your laptop has 2 video cards?  (quick skim of history, didn't read it all...)17:24
regeditCarlFK: yup, "hybrid" embedded intel and discreet nvidia 610m17:25
lotuspsychjeregedit: have you installed nvidia-prime?17:25
regeditlaptop model is Lenovo IdeaPad U41017:25
regeditlotuspsychje: yup17:25
TJ-regedit: I suspect you changed it at some point and forgot; Never heard of a firmware figuring out you wanted it disabling all on its own17:26
lotuspsychjeregedit: you can enable performance mode in there17:26
regeditTJ-: all i did was opt for Intel in the nvidia settings, is all! i checked bios, it had optimus (not UMA) selected17:26
CarlFKneat.  yeah, it is odd that one would go away from lspci.17:26
TJ-regedit: well, you're not affected by bug #192873 at least17:26
ubottubug 192873 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[915GM] X freezes after resume" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19287317:26
regeditwell i haven't noticed it yet anyway :)17:27
TJ-regedit: well, you're not affected by bug #1492873 at least (the correct number this time)17:27
ubottubug 1492873 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "nvidiadetector.py: neglects to match on class code 0302 3D Controller" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149287317:27
sudomarizethis work?17:27
regeditwhile were at it with HW issues, another unsolved mystery is why my audio does not work upon boot until i plug in earphones in the audio jack even just for a second and then unplug - only then does speakers work17:27
TJ-regedit: muted at start-up maybe? use 'alsamixer' to check the channel states17:28
BluesKajregedit, yes, check if automute is disabled17:29
regeditTJ-: master is "00" showing full volume, headphone is "MM' empty volume17:29
regeditBluesKaj: auto mute? where's that17:29
TJ-regedit: there is sometimes a separate Mute too17:30
BluesKajits usually on the far right17:30
Ev0luti0n_folks.. anybody here uses heimdall, to flash samsung devices?17:30
regedit"Auto-Mute Mode" shows Disabled17:30
lotuspsychjeEv0luti0n_: best to ask your specific issue in channel mate17:30
TJ-regedit: Try toggling it to enabled, reboot, see if you have sound :)17:31
regeditTJ-: k, trying now17:31
regeditrebooting, brb17:32
Ev0luti0n_lotuspsychje: sure. Just going to try to use heimdall to flash a samsung gear 2, from tizen to android. But i am kind of afraid the tool doesn't support the device properly.17:32
knobHey guys... looking for some direction.  Probably it isn't #ubuntu specific, yet you can provide with a general direction.  I installed a Ubuntu MATE distro for the Raspberry Pi.  Everything seems fine, yet I cannot ping the Raspberry Pi machine from the same network.17:33
knobAny idea? I saw some bug reports for MATE, yet that was 10 months ago, and the bugs are now closed as resolved.  What I am thinking is that maybe the MATE port to the rPi is stale, and doesn't have that fix.17:33
diegoaguilarHello, why cant I apt-get update on an Ubuntu 12.04 live CD17:34
lotuspsychjediegoaguilar: errors?17:35
MonkeyDustdiegoaguilar  i guess only one or two sources ar active on a live cd17:35
diegoaguilarIm using sudo17:36
diegoaguilarbut it will fail17:36
lotuspsychjeEv0luti0n_: there was a user here last time, with a heimdall bug, you might wanna try latest heimdall version?17:36
regeditTJ-: didnt seem to help enabling Auto Mute Mode...17:36
regediter enabling Auto Mute Mode didnt seem to help ...17:36
diegoaguilarI need it as Im having this http://askubuntu.com/questions/260297/12-04-2-failed-to-install-grub-efi-to-target issue17:36
diegoaguilarand some solutions need to install or reconfigure stuff17:36
diegoaguilarI cant understad why Im getting that issue now though17:37
Ev0luti0n_yup. Using the 1.3 beta17:37
diegoaguilarI had already installed 12.04 on the same machine17:37
regeditTJ-: (BTW i also switched back to Intel and now, upon restart, again no sign of nvidia neither in driver manager nor lspci -nn)17:37
TJ-regedit: does alsamixer show the channels in a different state when the system first starts?17:37
diegoaguilarand for "why do u want to use 12.04" well its because I really really find it MORE stable than 14.0417:37
TJ-regedit: You 'switch' in the firmware setup do you?17:37
regeditTJ-: i switch in the nvidia settings PRIME profile section thingy17:38
lotuspsychjediegoaguilar: your on single boot or dualboot?17:38
TJ-regedit: hmmm... that is a strange. Not really Optimus, just exclusively choosing between 2 GPUs17:38
diegoaguilarlotuspsychje, single boot17:38
diegoaguilarI dont have Windows anymore17:38
lotuspsychjediegoaguilar: disabled secureboot and fastboot?17:39
diegoaguilarI try to install having an EFI partition with 100 MB17:39
theRealGentCan anyone assist me in resetting/defaulting my sources.list in my Xubuntu install? I borked my sources and now apt-get updates and upgrades are failing on me.17:39
lotuspsychje!efi | diegoaguilar17:39
ubottudiegoaguilar: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:39
lotuspsychjetheRealGent: installed a ppa?17:39
regeditTJ-: alsamixer channels different state? different from what state? i am currently in the freshly-rebooted still-no-audio-from-speakers state17:39
ioriadiegoaguilar, try to unchek your cdrom from update manage17:39
theRealGentlotuspsychje, a few over the years im sure17:40
diegoaguilarand btw I'm booting live "cd"17:40
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | theRealGent you can try this also17:40
ubottutheRealGent you can try this also: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:40
diegoaguilaractually from a pendrive17:40
diegoaguilarusing unetbootin17:40
regeditTJ-: maybe switching vidya cards runs as deep as bootup settings, and turns off the hardware from way earlier on?17:41
regeditor just some newfangled 355 feature?17:41
theRealGentlotuspsychje, I dont know which PPA is causing the issue, and I can't install packages.17:42
TJ-regedit: it looks like it. Like I said, it's not Optimus it's just using 1 or the other GPU exclusively. Sounds strange!17:42
theRealGentW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/openshot.developers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found17:42
regeditmaybe it's a powere saving measure or something17:42
k1l!paste | theRealGent put the sources.list there and show the link here17:42
ubottutheRealGent put the sources.list there and show the link here: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:42
diegoaguilarshould I have "Legacy option ROMS" enabled or disalbed on my bios17:43
MonkeyDusttheRealGent  find opeshot in the repos, no need for a ppa17:43
regeditTJ-: any other ideas about what can i do to jumpstart my speakers, other than carrying around a severed 3.5mm audio plug with me :D17:43
TJ-regedit: Re audio: I wondered if the channels appeared in a different state at fresh boot, after enabling the auto-mute. There is probably an ALSA quirk/setting to solve that. It appears as if it simply is getting the wrong idea about the current state of the outputs at boot time. Once you do something with switching the outputs they are correctly set17:43
theRealGentWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ppa:openshot ppa:openshot17:43
AbdoTGM50would uefi have something to do with my graphic card stuff?17:43
theRealGentTrying to remove it17:43
regedithm interesting17:44
lotuspsychjeAbdoTGM50: whats your issue mate?17:44
k1ltheRealGent: remove that ppa with ppa-purge17:44
theRealGentk1l, that's what I'm trying to do.17:44
theRealGentBut ppa-purge keeps saying it can't find it17:44
regeditTJ-: is there a way to save a "snapshot" of the state of audio upon fresh boot, and after 3.5mm jacking, and compare?17:44
AbdoTGM50lotuspsychje : some graphical glitches17:44
k1ltheRealGent: what command did you use?17:45
theRealGentk1l, sudo ppa-purge ppa:openshot.developers17:45
theRealGentTried with just openshot as well17:45
k1lsudo ppa-purge ppa:openshot.developers/ppa17:45
lotuspsychjeAbdoTGM50: ubuntu version and grafix card chipset?17:45
theRealGentk1l, nope. Still a bunch of 404's.17:46
MonkeyDusttheRealGent  pastebin the output of    sudo apt update17:47
k1ltheRealGent: well, they dont have 14.04 packages anyway. so that might be the reason why that errors17:47
theRealGentIt seems like if the PPA server goes down and there are 404's, then you can never purge it. lmfao17:47
k1ltheRealGent: nope17:47
k1lthe genuius was the one adding a ppa that doesnt even have 14.04 packages :/17:48
theRealGentOh there's definitely fault here as well.17:48
k1lbut sudo ppa-purge ppa:openshot.developers/ppa should work17:49
theRealGentk1l, MonkeyDust http://pastie.org/private/68ehyozbgenk0l8j17hapg17:49
theRealGentk1l, please see paste above :)17:49
k1lyeah, its failing because it wants to remove the ppa packages but cant find them for 14.04. so just remove the ppa17:50
TJ-regedit: Re speakers. Have you tried booting to text mode rather than GUI, and using 'aplay' to play a file - that would help figure out if the issue is related to the GUI config. Secondly, try booting and logging into the GUI guest user session and see if you get sound there. Again, it's a process of narrowing the possibilities17:51
regeditTJ-: sounds like a plan, le'me try the suggestions and report back17:52
theRealGentk1l, you didn't even look at the paste...17:52
theRealGentOr are you saying removing != ppa purge?17:52
k1lof course i id17:52
k1lremoving is not ppa-purge17:53
theRealGentYou keep recommending the ppa purge command, which leads me to assume that is what you mean by removing. How can I remove it?17:53
TJ-regedit: also, see comment #38 of bug 352732 (and the rest of that thread)17:53
ubottubug 352732 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "Sound muted after boot" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35273217:53
sudomarizei'm trying to use to dnsmasq so that my docker containers will be forwarded to the dns server in /etc/resolv.conf. I set the resolv config option in /etc/dnsmasq.conf, but after doing that i couldn't access websites17:53
sudomarizeany ideas how to do this?17:53
TJ-sudomarize: if it is a regular install, the resolver in /etc/resolv.conf "" *is* a dnsmasq instance17:54
diegoaguilarhow can I access to whole HDD partitions on a live cd17:54
diegoaguilarand copy them to an external hdd keeping original file permissions17:54
sudomarizeTJ-: ah the current value is ""17:55
sudomarizeTJ-: would that cause problems?17:55
SLW3H3TD!seen joejaxx17:56
ubottuI have no seen command17:56
TJ-sudomarize:  no, that should be fine. resolvconf scripts are responsible for setting it. Usually Network Manager has a private instance of dnsmaq and its listening port is in /etc/resolv.conf (which is actually a sym-link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf)17:56
SLW3H3TD@seen joejaxx17:56
MonkeyDustdiegoaguilar  mount the HDD partiton, format the external hdd as ext4, then copy17:56
knobGuys, an Ubuntu MATE installation is not replying to my pings... any idea what could be going on?17:56
knobI disabled ufw17:56
sudomarizeTJ-: hmm strange, i wonder why i couldn't access any websites then17:56
knobstill no ping17:56
sudomarizemy knowledge of networks is abhorent, so maybe i'm missing something really obvious17:57
TJ-knob: check for dnsmasq processes "ps -efly | grep dnsmasq" - look at their command-lines to deduce which process started/owns them17:57
TJ-sudomarize: sorry! check for dnsmasq processes "ps -efly | grep dnsmasq" - look at their command-lines to deduce which process started/owns them17:57
diegoaguilarMonkeyDust, why should I format it as ext417:58
diegoaguilarits already a NTFS partition WITH files17:58
MonkeyDustdiegoaguilar  because you want to keep the file permissions17:58
knobTJ-, checking now...17:58
TJ-knob: On the RasPi check the status of the ethernet port with ifconfig, ip link, ethtool, etc.,17:58
regeditTJ-: reading...17:58
TJ-knob: sorry about that, sent you a msg about dnsmasq by mistake17:58
knobTJ-, no prob.  Well, the rPi is connected via WiFi adapter (usb).  I am able to ping google, and download all updates and everything.17:59
knobYet the odd thing is, from this laptop (which is in the same network) I am unable to ping the rPi's IP.  And from the rPi, I am unable to ping anything except the gateway.18:00
sudomarizeTJ-: er so one is owned by dnsmasq, one by nobody and one by user: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/084371769526c88da5f418:00
knobI don't understand where it's failing.    From this laptop, I scanned the network with zenmap, and every host came up except the rPi18:00
TJ-knob: then the router is not forwarding18:00
theRealGentk1l, openshot isn't in my sources.list file18:00
TJ-knob: are all devices using WiFi ?18:00
knobTJ-, yes18:01
MonkeyDust!info openshot18:01
ubottuopenshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1.1 (vivid), package size 21223 kB, installed size 55704 kB18:01
knobthis laptop, and the rPi... both on WiFi, connected to the same AccessPoint18:01
theRealGentaggh yes! Finally! I used the add-apt-repository --remove command. Yaaay updates18:01
TJ-sudomarize: look more carefully. The last line is you 'grep' command! The 2nd line has parameters indicating it belongs to NetworkManager18:02
TJ-sudomarize: So line 1 is the process you started yourself, which probably has prevented network manager's instance from working correctly.18:02
TJ-knob: both on the same frequency band (2.4GHz or 5GHz - some APs operate on both bands but don't bridge the connections)18:03
knobTJ-, just confirmed.... both on 2.412 GHz18:04
knobIt must be a setting in MATE.  I have a second rPi next to me, with Raspbian installed... and it pings/ssh perfectly.18:04
sudomarizeTJ-: ah ok. so do i need to start dnsmasq in some special way to be able to still access websites?18:05
TJ-knob: on the RasPi check the routing table looks like all the others ("ip route show") and check there are no firewall rules set ("sudo iptables -nvL")18:06
knobchecking now18:06
TJ-sudomarize: The container's should be able to use the dnsmasq instance operated by NetworkManager without you needing to manual configure another system daemon. I'd disable the system service and let NM get on with it itself.18:07
knobhmm TJ-, on  ip route show    on the second line, I think I have a "internal" or "self" IP?      It says dev wlan0 scope link metric 100018:07
TJ-sudomarize: As long as the containers have permissions to access things should work.18:07
sudomarizeTJ-: the thing is though that dnsmasq wasn't installed until a few minutes ago18:08
sudomarizewhat was NM using before that?18:08
TJ-knob: Yes, that is an autoconf IP when the device cannot get a DHCP lease.18:08
knobWell... ran   ip route show   on the working laptop, and it's all good.    ok ok18:08
TJ-knob: Now read the "/var/log/syslog" for clues as to why there is no DHCP lease. It should use 'dhclient' to obtain one and configure the system18:08
knobOk.. checking now on the rPi18:09
TJ-sudomarize: NM brings up a link. If that link is using DHCP it slaves a dhclient process to obtain the DHCP lease, gateway, DNS and other info. It passes the DNS resolver info to it's private dnsmasq instance which does all system resolving. That instance listens on
TJ-sudomarize: so if the containers can connect to then they will use that. That assumes the containers are configured for their resolver to be of course.18:11
edgyHi, My web server (ubuntu 14.04 LTS) running as kvm machine frequently stopped working since some days ago. I cannot access the page. I try to ssh or ping but still but not response. However, I managed to login via console and can't see anything wrong18:16
AHemlocksLieWhat's the recommended driver for nVidia these days? I'm using a GTX 570 if that matters18:16
AHemlocksLieAnd I'm on 14.04 LTS18:17
tomodachiAHemlocksLie: im sure the ubuntu recomendation will always be to use the driver in the repository18:17
tomodachisince it has the widest use base18:17
AHemlocksLietomodachi: I think it installed nouveau by default, and that's not cutting it for Steam, at least, so I think I need something a little more powerful. Wanna say I saw on the Wiki that it doesn't handle 3D acceleration and such too well18:18
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tomodachiAHemlocksLie: thats true , go for the nvidia-current if your device is supporte18:23
AbdoTGM50and I finally installed HexChat on my ubuntu \o18:23
MonkeyDustedgy  there's also #ubuntu-server18:24
AHemlocksLietomodachi: do I need to uninstall nouveau first?18:24
S16can i know how to find kali linux server18:24
MonkeyDustS16  type /j #kali18:25
S16ty Monkey18:25
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regeditTJ-: i am daunted by the seeming complexity / mysteriousness / unresolvedness of this issue, and tempted to give up and live with my severed 3.5mm dipping hack :D18:28
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tomodachiAHemlocksLie: i believe, so but perhaps consult a faq , so you dont get stuck into terminal after reboot *if you are uncomfortable with the terminal*18:29
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gargsmsEriC^^, ping. Sorry for being late. It was raining cats and dogs18:29
EriC^^gargsms: no problem18:29
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AHemlocksLietomodachi: Actually, the wiki gave me the idea to dig in the settings, and I found the additional drivers window that suggests exactly what I need. Thanks for the help, though18:30
AHemlocksLieWasn't aware that was a thing, but if it can pop up and suggest drivers, it's gotta be found somewhere18:30
tomodachinice , good luck!18:31
gargsmsEriC^^, so this is the current scenario. I installed ubuntu on the new machine earlier, trying to do it myself. The GRUB still loads, but Ubuntu fails to start, somehow. I deleted the Ubuntu partition from the live disk. Is this fine?18:33
gargsmsI am creating a new partition to work on now18:33
EriC^^gargsms: ok, cool18:34
gargsmsGreat. So now I am booted in a live disk. And I have my backup tar ready18:36
EriC^^gargsms: ok, mount the partition18:37
EriC^^gargsms: do you want to use a swap partition?18:38
gargsmsNa. I have 16G of RAM18:39
EriC^^gargsms: if you want to use hibernate you'll need it18:40
gargsmsNot really, I don't.18:40
EriC^^ok, cool18:40
gargsmsBut if it is easier, tell me18:41
EriC^^extract the tar18:41
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TJ-sudomarize: It was; just not the system service package: "apt-cache depends network-manager | grep dnsmasq"18:41
EriC^^use sudo with tar so you get all the files18:41
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TJ-regedit: I suspect there is a snd-hda-intel module option to correct that; the alsa forums/people might have better knowledge of that18:41
gargsmsOkay. Just extract it to the partition right away?18:42
EriC^^gargsms: the swap is easy to setup, but you'll have to make a partition for it, it's up to you18:43
gargsmsHmm. I can make one18:43
EriC^^ok, make a 17gb swap partition18:44
gargsmsPartition type linux-swap, I made one18:44
gargsmsOkay, 17GB, right on18:44
EriC^^ok, type sudo mkswap /dev/sdxY18:45
regeditTJ-: i tried following a link to an alsa bug about the issue, but the link was dead or site down18:45
regediti'll try #alsa18:46
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EriC^^gargsms: ok, mount the ubuntu partition and extract the tar ( use sudo )18:47
gargsmsdo I use the -C flag. The forum post has the flag18:47
EriC^^-C /path/to/mountpoint18:47
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sudomarize TJ- ah ok, cool18:53
BluesKajregedit, adding this line ' options snd-hda-intel index=0 ' to the bottom of  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf used to solidify that the intel driver would load as default on boot ...still seems to work for me.18:54
regeditBluesKaj: hm, le'me try then18:54
TJ-regedit: this page is informative http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA18:54
regeditTJ-: ye i just found that one by googling your earlier hyphened keyword18:55
BluesKajregedit, with root permissions18:55
regeditBluesKaj: right ok18:55
TJ-regedit: "modinfo snd-hda-intel" gives an overview of the command-line parameters the module can accept18:56
regeditok cool18:56
HardtailHi. I just went to boot into an SSD on my desktop that has both Ubuntu and Windows on it. It has taken me to Grub Rescue. When I try to ls (hd0)/boot + (all the other partitions) I am told that they are all unknown filesystems, except one windows. Any idea how I can get out of this?18:56
BernzelNot sure this is a ubuntu or a Wine issue but my mouse pointer wont lock to the game I run using Wine. So the mouse registers outside the game window, causing no movement ability in-game. Anyone got a clue?18:56
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SCHAAP137Bernzel, which game?18:58
SCHAAP137if PlayOnLinux has an installer profile for the game, you could try to install it through there, with potentially better results18:58
lotuspsychjeHardtail: changed anything to bios/uefi recently?18:58
Hardtaillotuspsychje: Not that I can recall..I have been booted in another SSD for over 2 months though.18:59
binary01hello all, i am getting an error trying to install steam.. missing libgl.so.1.. ive tried a few suggestions i found on the forums with no luck. has anyone seen this before?18:59
lotuspsychjeHardtail: when did this started to happen?19:00
SCHAAP137binary01, try this: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx:i38619:00
EriC^^gargsms: done?19:01
Hardtaillotuspsychje: Just moments ago, I restarted OSX, went into my BIOS and selected my drive with Ubuntu on it and Grub Rescue is the first thing that appears.19:01
binary01thanks SCHAAP137, i tried that and i get a bunch of errors about unmet dependencies19:01
gargsmsEriC^^, there are more files than I thought. :/19:02
lotuspsychjeHardtail: not sure on mac sorry19:02
gargsmsWhat should I do after this?19:02
ioriaHardtail, can you paste the ls line ?19:02
regeditBluesKaj: i noticed that when i wanna mess with volume limits using pactl that i need to specify pactl -- set-sink-volume 2 instead of 0 as i usually find in snippets online, might that mean i need to set index=2 for your snippet aswell?19:02
EriC^^gargsms: np19:02
Hardtaillotuspsychje: it's not a Mac, just a partition has OS X on it19:02
Hardtailioria: one moment19:02
tomodachiHardtail: did you do modprobe ext219:02
tomodachiso it has support to recognize your filesystems19:02
tomodachialso do modprove lvm , just in case19:03
Hardtailioria: (hd0) (hd0,msdos3), (hd0,msdos2), (hd0,msdos1), (hd1)19:04
BernzelSCHAAP137, Sniper Ghost Warrior 219:04
Hardtailtomodachi: No I have been following this Ubuntu guide - http://askubuntu.com/questions/197833/recovering-moved-mod-files-using-grubrescue19:04
ioriaHardtail, ls (hd0,1)/19:04
Hardtailioria: error: unknown filesystem19:05
ioriaHardtail, ls (hd1,1)/19:05
sakrecoer_Zhi, im running ubuntustudio 14.04.03 and i am confronted with this issue, but i can't find a fix. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/50527819:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505278 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "ssh-add -D deleting all identities does not work. Also, why are all identities auto-added?" [Low,Confirmed]19:05
Hardtailioria: no such partition19:06
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ioriaHardtail, ls (hd0,3)/19:06
Hardtailioria: lots of directories here ./ ../ lost+found/ etc/ + many more, vmlinuz.old is there too19:07
BluesKajregedit, sorry I no longer use pulseaudio since intel supports the alsa driver directly so well that I eliminated the extra layer of processing pulseaudio does, since I don't need to run more than one audio source at a time .19:08
Hardtailand vmlinuz19:08
tomodachiHardtail: your boot stuff should be under /boot/19:08
tomodachiso set root=(hdx,x)19:08
ioriaHardtail, set pager=119:08
tomodachiinitrd /boot/initrd-yourverxxx19:08
tomodachilinux /boot/yourlinuximage-xxxx19:08
tomodachishould be it19:08
Hardtailsorry, not the most experienced here. I set pager=1. so now set root(hd0,3)  ?19:09
ioriaHardtail, did you   set pager=1 ?19:09
Hardtailioria: yes19:10
BluesKajregedit, pulseaudio is great if you run several audio ssources simultaneously19:10
regeditBluesKaj: maybe i should do the same? what/how did you do that setup?19:10
Hardtailthere was no response or output from terminal19:10
gargsmsEriC^^, my source tar drive got ejected somehow in the middle due to USB connection loosening. I will need to re-extract it. Can you tell me what to do after extracting? it has been seriously long I have kept you dangling. :-|19:10
ioriaHardtail, set prefix=(hd0,3)/boot/grub19:10
ioriawithout any spaces19:10
Hardtailioria: done19:11
EriC^^gargsms: no problem, let me know when it's done19:11
nullbyte_who can recommends a free VPN tool for linux to use it?19:11
ioriaHardtail, set root=(hd0,3)19:11
BluesKajregedit, which ubuntu are you running ?19:11
BluesKajwhich flavour ?19:11
lotuspsychjenullbyte_: mullvad is a nice swedish vpn for ubuntu, but only 1 time free testing19:12
Hardtailioria: root set19:12
ioriaHardtail, insmod normal19:12
lotuspsychje!vpn | nullbyte_19:12
ubottunullbyte_: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN19:12
Hardtailioria: entered19:13
ioriaHardtail, normal19:13
sixun8Hello! Is there a way to define a default keyboard language different for each program? For ex, I would like Thunderbird to use Spanish keyboard but terminal to use EN keyboard. And I would like the change to be automatic when I change active windows.19:13
Hardtailioria: wow, grub is back with boot options!19:13
ioriaHardtail, ok it's not ended19:13
Hardtailioria: ok, understood. what should I do, boot into Ubuntu?19:14
ioriaHardtail, now the difficult part ... reinstall grub19:14
regeditBluesKaj: Kubuntu 15.04 x64, with plasma desktop & all19:14
ioriaHardtail, we need to know what happened and why grub it's not finding your kernel ...19:15
lotuspsychjesixun8: can this help mate: http://askubuntu.com/questions/79319/how-to-change-language-of-a-specific-application19:15
ioriaHardtail, yes19:15
Sna4x81Any suggestions on a program to take movies in various formats and create DVDs from them?  I've been using DeVeDe, but it's... shaky at best.19:16
Hardtailioria: you don't want to know my problem now...I have forgotten my password..19:17
lokcan anyone help me how to use this method in smartphone? ( i dont have ubuntu knowledge)19:17
ioriaHardtail,  ?_?19:17
k1l_lok: ubuntu laptop or ubuntu smartphone?19:17
lokandroid phonje k1l_19:18
lok& windows also19:18
loki dont ahve ubuntu device19:18
k1l_lok: so windows laptop and a android smartphone?19:18
BluesKajregedit, ok,  my setup uses phonon-backend-vlc instead of gstreamer and because it's plasma 5 i also need phonon4Qt5 VLC backend, both are in muon. Also i purge pulseaudio and pulseaudio-utils from my syste.m since any vestiges except for a plugin or 2 will interfere with the intel-hda driver19:19
lokwindows phone & android phone k1l_19:19
Hardtailioria: I will try to reboot and append the password in the bash19:19
lokdont own any laptop19:19
MoehCan someone tell me why I get this error on my ubuntu Digital Ocean server? (Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-57-generic x86_64))19:19
lokwe are group of friends k1l_19:20
k1l_lok: i still dont get where the ubuntu come sinto play here?19:20
lokall having different smartphones19:20
ioriaHardtail,  if you reboot you'll fall tom grub shell again19:20
regeditBluesKaj: ok, should i first remove/purge and then install? or no difference19:20
ioriaHardtail,  if you reboot you'll fall into  grub shell again19:20
lotuspsychje!info dvdstyler | Sna4x81 maybe this1?19:20
ubottuSna4x81 maybe this1?: dvdstyler (source: dvdstyler): cross platform DVD Authoring System for Video DVD Production. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.2-0ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 770 kB, installed size 2252 kB19:20
sixun8lotuspsychje, thanks.19:21
lokhi k1l_19:21
Sna4x81lotuspsychje: Thanks, let me try it out.19:21
ioriaHardtail,  you can reset the passwd19:22
loki could google solution for ubuntu only; i cant find any equivalent answer from internet about windows/android phone k1l_19:22
BluesKajregedit, purging pulseaudio is the secret here, do that first then reboot , then install the vlc backends which will also require a reboot afterwards...getting to be like windows :-)19:23
k1l_lok: this is a ubuntu support channel. so what is your ubuntu issue? you said you are not running ubuntu? so you should ask in ##windows or #android19:23
regeditBluesKaj: lol19:23
lotuspsychjeSna4x81: or here perhaps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVDAuthoring19:23
Hardtailioria: I did reboot and fell into that grub shell. I wrote down your instructions and am now back into the grub loader.19:23
lokok k1l_19:23
loki thought some people may have multiple knowledge19:24
ioriaHardtail,  good ... if you are sure to have forgotten the passwd , you can only reset it19:24
regeditBluesKaj: i'm also seeing pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-x11 should i just sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio* --purge?19:24
lokwindows guy cant interepret this answer19:24
BluesKajregedit, not sure. i don't have any blutooth devices19:25
Hardtailioria: Ok I am trying to reset the pw19:26
BluesKajregedit, leave it alone for now, we'll check on it later after you finish19:26
regeditBluesKaj: and the x11 one?19:26
mnathani_is there a method during the ubuntu install process, to disable gpt and use mbr instead?19:26
ioriaHardtail,  you need to enter in recovery mode, root shell, mount -rw -o remount /  and passwd user ( or maybe chroot ... don't remember well)19:27
BluesKajyes leave it , regedit19:27
Sna4x81lotuspsychje: DVD Styler crashed on my first attempt to create an ISO.  SIGFPE crash. =\19:27
lotuspsychjeSna4x81: ouch19:27
Sna4x81lotuspsychje: Getting pretty used to that though.  DeVeDe crashes about 95% of the time.  I tried AcidRip, DVD::Rip, Handbrake, but those aren't really comparable to DeVeDe (more for ripping DVDs, and I'm going the other way).19:28
regeditBluesKaj: cool ok, will be reticulating splines now...19:29
lotuspsychjeSna4x81: you sure nothing shows up as error on your dvdplayer/recorder in logs?19:29
Sna4x81lotuspsychje: I usually create ISOs first.  DeVeDe's typical crash has to do with avconv.  DVD Styler's crash was an av_interleaved_write crash, whatever that means.19:31
lotuspsychjeSna4x81: might be also a bug, you might wanna try latest dvdstyler (on your own risk)19:31
Hardtailioria: I am in recovery mode, root shell prompt. I have attempted to change the password but the retype it tells me passwd: Authentication token manipulation error, password unchanged19:31
Sna4x81lotuspsychje: Yeah, let me get the source and build it.  Maybe it's fixed.19:31
ioriaHardtail,  did you mount -rw -o remount /  ?19:32
Hardtailioria: arg, I forgot to do that. It worked!19:33
ioriaHardtail,  exit and resume19:33
Hardtailioria: in the grub recovery menu there is an option to update grub bootloader, should we go here or resume back to booting into ubuntu?19:33
ioriaHardtail,  mmm.... never done from there... the issue it's not updating grub but reinstalling it19:34
regeditBluesKaj: IT BE WORCKSZ!19:34
Hardtailioria: ok, I will just reboot back into ubuntu19:34
lotuspsychje!info bombono-dvd | Sna4x81 found another1 :p19:34
ubottuSna4x81 found another1 :p: bombono-dvd (source: bombono-dvd): DVD authoring program with nice and clean GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 677 kB, installed size 2246 kB19:34
ioriaHardtail, init 219:34
Sna4x81lotuspsychje: I saw that one (first in the software center).  I'll try that after DVD Styler - thanks.19:35
regeditBluesKaj: i purged pulseaudio, rebooted, installed those phonon vlc and 4QT5 packages, rebooted, i hear sound!19:35
Hardtailioria: I am inside the ubuntu desktop with my reset password, the resolution is off, should I reboot before we continue?19:35
ioriaHardtail, you'll fall back in grun shell again ...19:36
Hardtailioria: ok, no matter. so init 2 in terminal?19:36
ioriaHardtail, it's normal to have a low resolution on rsume....19:36
BluesKajregedit, ok , make sure in system settings>multimedia>audio and video>device preferences that the alsa driver is the default19:36
ioriaHardtail, yes, terminal a sudo parted -l19:36
Hardtailioria: disk /dev/sda: 250gb ext4 is 15.7gb for ubuntu19:37
ioriaHardtail, sudo update-grub  and check all the entries19:38
binarydepthI want to try Xubuntu-desktop package does it conflict with Unity ?19:38
evonHello everyone, Is any one aware of any linux programs that will create a USB that can boot multiple operating systems on it? I'm trying to create a USB with multiple repair tools on it.19:38
lotuspsychjeevon: multisystem19:38
lotuspsychjeevon: you can get the install script from their website19:39
ioriaHardtail, you have windows and ubuntu on the same disk ?19:39
Hardtailioria: yes19:39
Hardtailioria: it updated, though19:39
evonlotuspsychje, I've installed Multisytem and created the USB but I can't get anything to boot from the grub menu.19:39
ioriaHardtail, it's ok .... do you see the windows and ubuntu entries ?19:39
regeditBluesKaj: i seem to have a different audio/video cpanel layout, and all options seem to show 1 "Default" driver19:39
ikoniaevon: this really isn't an ubuntu issue19:40
regeditBluesKaj: the "Backend" is showing Phonon GStreamer19:40
binarydepthI want to try Xubuntu-desktop package does it conflict with Unity ?19:40
Hardtailioria: yes, windows and linux19:40
ioriaHardtail, your disk id /dev/sda ?19:40
wileeebinary01, should not, you will share apps is all.19:40
BluesKajregedit, ok is the vlc backend listed?19:40
Hardtailioria: yes19:41
regeditBluesKaj: i dont seem to see anything "vlc" anywhere there19:41
pressure679How can you stream from LAN TV to Ubuntu with software?19:41
ira_install phonon-qt5-vlc19:42
ioriaHardtail, ok.... now you should reinstall grub     sudo grub-install /dev/sda    and then sudo update-grub ... but consider that we are working blindly .. becasue we don't know why grub it's not finding a kernel to boot ...19:42
Hardtailioria: what is the worst case scenario ?19:43
BluesKajregedit, check muon to see if phonon-backend-vlc and phonon4qt5-backend-vlc are installed19:44
ioriaHardtail, you don't boot neither win or ubu19:44
sudomarizeI'm trying to get containers to forward to dnsmasq, currently the only way dns works with them is if i copy the address from the host resolv.conf to the container resolv.conf19:45
sudomarizeanyone know how to do this?19:45
Hardtailioria: I have no recovery for windows (long story) - would it be best if I reboot, go through your grub rescue commands again, boot into windows and destroy this linux partition and just reinstall ubuntu?19:45
regeditBluesKaj: phonon-backend-vlc Yes, phonon4qt5-backend-vlc Not yet, should i?19:46
popoboGuys, is there any channel for Wine?19:47
EriC^^Hardtail: pastebin sudo parted -l19:47
ioria2_Hardtail, sorry lost connection19:48
lotuspsychje!alis | popobo19:48
ubottupopobo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:48
ioria2_Hardtail, sorry lost connection19:48
MintzbergLinux is confusing19:48
MintzbergI know nothing19:49
lotuspsychjeMintzberg: ask your question rather19:49
stomanataHi, can somebody help me with may be samba? I "see" 1 computer with windows 7, but can`t see other computer with windows xp. What i need to do?19:49
popobolotuspsychje: I joined #wine but is private :S19:49
lotuspsychjestomanata: you can try the #samba channel19:49
popobothanks lotuspsychje19:49
k1l_!wine | popobo19:49
ubottupopobo: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:49
Hardtailioria2: no prob one sec19:50
BluesKajregedit, yes, both are needed19:50
Hardtaileric^^: http://pastebin.com/PMddh5x919:50
Hardtailioria2_: I was asking when you dc if it is best for me to boot into windows and wipe ubuntu and install fresh since I have no windows recovery (long story)19:51
regeditBluesKaj: i installed it now and rebooted. The settings panel looks largely the same, only difference is a new option for the backend; now there's Phonon GStreamer AND Phonon VLC19:51
OliverMTI am trying to figure out how to do dpkg -i with force yes19:51
OliverMTlike you can for apt-get, anyone got a hint?19:51
ioria2_Hardtail, you are msdos on /dev7sda so you could safely done what said before, i think19:51
BluesKajregedit, ok choose the vlc backend and move it up19:51
regeditBluesKaj: it seems to work fine now with the GStreamer, should i specifically choose the VLC?19:51
regeditBluesKaj: ok19:51
lotuspsychje!info mistelix trusty | Sna4x81 if your still on 14.0419:52
ubottuSna4x81 if your still on 14.04: mistelix (source: mistelix): DVD authoring and slideshow creation application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.33-3 (trusty), package size 1322 kB, installed size 2235 kB19:52
TJ-OliverMT: see 'man dpkg' under OPTIONS force-things19:52
BluesKajregedit, you can use gstreamer as a backup in case vlc mucks up19:52
OliverMTalready been there, I can not see anything about yes19:52
Sna4x81Thanks, lotuspsychje, I'll have a look.19:52
ioria2_Hardtail, no, you are not, sorry19:53
regeditBluesKaj: k, thanks so very muchly!19:53
BluesKajregedit, you're welcome , glad to help ;-)19:53
shachafMy CPU gets throttled to 800MHz frequently. I temporarily unthrottle it with "cpufreq-set -g performance", but it happens again after a few minutes. What's causing it, and how can I configure it?19:54
ioria2_Hardtail, you have two disks 1 win / ubu and 2 mac ?19:54
OliverMTTJ-: I am installing elixir through a .deb, and the installer is asking: Shall I install hex? [Yn], which one of those options touch on that?19:54
OliverMTI dont get which one to use19:54
Hardtailioria2_: 2 disks, 1 windows/ubuntu and the second mac19:54
lotuspsychjeSna4x81: or videotrans19:54
TJ-OliverMT: that looks to be something specific to the package's .preinst script, or conffile. You'd have to check on the requirements of that specific package to understand the implications19:55
OliverMTI want to answer yes, I just dont get how19:55
TJ-shachaf: could be thermal throtting19:55
ioria2_Hardtail, and from grub you could select the 3 ?19:55
OliverMTI am doing this on a circleci ubuntu box :)19:56
Hardtailioria2_ from grub i can select ubuntu or windows. to boot into osx i go into bios and boot to other ssd with no issue19:56
OliverMTholy shit, haha I Am sorry TJ19:56
OliverMTthe dpkg succeeded, the error is from the next command relying on this T.T19:56
shachafTJ-: How would I find out or configure it?19:56
John[Lisbeth]Hey guys. I am installing ubuntu on my chromebook using chrubuntu.19:56
OliverMTthanks though19:56
BluesKajsudomarize, list the address in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head , and /etc/resolv.conf won't get overwritten every boot19:56
John[Lisbeth]Is this a supported action in this channel?19:57
ioria2_Hardtail, ok .... better ask Eric^^ about that... but i think you can reinstall grub on /dev/sda and then update it19:57
hdonhi all :) i am trying to select utf8 snowman in gvim and middle-click in gnome-terminal, but i don't get snowman19:57
sudomarizeBluesKaj: in the container or host?19:57
EriC^^ioria2_: sounds good19:57
ioria2_Eric^^ have you seen this http://pastebin.com/PMddh5x9 ?19:57
John[Lisbeth]I just don't want to get flack from someone saying "that's not ubuntu"19:58
Hardtailthis is the partition EriC^^ setup for me last year19:58
ioria2_Hardtail, follow Eric^^ he is the Grub Wizard19:58
lotuspsychjeJohn[Lisbeth]: there is a small #chrubuntu channel :p19:58
John[Lisbeth]Yeah but screw that. It never works.19:58
HardtailI know :D19:58
John[Lisbeth]I only have a quick question alright?19:58
Hardtailioria2_ thank you for your help!19:58
John[Lisbeth]it's not even about chrubuntu it's about chroot19:58
ioria2_Hardtail, np19:58
BluesKajsudomarize, the host ? , not sure19:58
lotuspsychjeJohn[Lisbeth]: shoot19:59
John[Lisbeth]Well I am following this guide: https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/blob/master/README.md19:59
TJ-shachaf: not sure; the question has no context for me.19:59
John[Lisbeth]It's got two simple commands. A command to form the chroot, with options, and a command to enter the chroot19:59
John[Lisbeth]But I'm afraid of borking the command20:00
shachafTJ-: Oh, every time my laptop gets unplugged, it throttles to 800MHz. Maybe that's happening accidentally.20:00
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John[Lisbeth]what I think I want to do is: sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -t cli-extra -r trusty20:01
lotuspsychjeJohn[Lisbeth]: never played with crouton on chrombooks myself, i would join that #chrubuntu channel, might be a good bet for specific issues20:01
John[Lisbeth]alright /join #chrubuntu20:02
John[Lisbeth]forgot return20:02
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regeditargh did BluesKaj leave?20:03
santosxenhey guys! is it possible to edit keyboard layouts on ubuntu?20:03
santosxenthe best solution would be a gui programm20:04
wileee!ccsm } sont20:04
ubottuwileee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:04
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:05
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wileeesantosxen, ^^^20:05
santosxenwileee, but compiz is a desktop modding software. i just want to exchange some keys in the keyboard laout20:06
wileeesantosxen, That is where you do it.20:06
regediti just purged away pulseaudio and installed phonon VLC in its place. Audio seems to work, but accessing the Multimedia system settings crashes the systemsettings...20:07
regeditSegmentation fault (core dumped)20:07
BluesKajregedit, check your  /var/log/syslog for any errors20:09
santosxenwileee, got it and now?20:09
regeditBluesKaj: oh great you're back :)20:10
regeditBluesKaj: Sep  7 16:10:37 regedit-U410 kernel: [  725.284560] systemsettings5[2793]: segfault at 7f22a4a16010 ip 00007f2284922fcc sp 00007fff09eb3680 error 7 in libQtGui.so.4.8.6[7f228476d000+aac000]20:10
BluesKajyeah, i had a freeze ..testing Wily beta here , not exactly stable20:11
regeditBluesKaj: am i missing some package maybe?20:11
wileeesantosxen, I don't use unity, nor reset keys, so I have to assume you can figure it out or address the channel with issues.20:11
regeditBluesKaj: how do i switch back to gstreamer for now, i cant even access the settings panel20:11
BluesKajregedit, update and upgrade then reboot20:12
regeditBluesKaj: there was nothing to update/upgrade20:13
regeditshould i reboot just for fun and science?20:13
BluesKajregedit, maybe gstreamer backend is better for your setup , yeah reboot20:14
regeditBluesKaj: so audio works, i hear sound, but i dont know what backend is being used and accessing multimedia settings still crashes20:16
BluesKajregedit, open a terminal and remove phonon4qt5-backend-vlc20:18
unoobtucan someone help me20:19
Bashing-omunoobtu: No one know 'til you say the issue .20:20
BluesKajregedit, and if that doersn't fix it , regedit remove the phonon-backend-vlc as well, then you'll be running with gstreamer which is still reliable as a backend20:20
regeditBluesKaj: does it matter at all if i used to have vlc the media player installed from before? perhaps a bad combination of installed packages exist here?20:21
k1l_!details | unoobtu20:21
ubottuunoobtu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:21
BluesKajregedit, no the vlc backend is just a plugin20:22
unoobtuim trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 7, I don't understand the partitions. when trying to install ubuntu it does not recognize my windows os.20:23
BluesKajgstreamer works well too. i'm just partial to vlc because it works better with my spdif digital output , regedit . and i thought it would work better with your setup too,, but I'm obviously mistaken20:23
JOWubottu, I don't see it.20:24
ubottuJOW: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:24
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JOWHey guys, I'm trying to connect to an Intel NUC and I'm getting " port 22: Connection refused "20:24
JOWPlease somebody help!20:24
regeditBluesKaj: alright things are back in order for now with gstreamer, thanks20:25
JOWPlease, someone: " port 22: Connection refused "20:26
JOWIt was working fine a few days ago...20:26
regeditJOW: maybe the port changed?20:26
JOWNow when I try to ssh I get "port 22: Connection refused "20:26
wileeeunoobtu, you on the ubuntu live now?20:26
JOWregedit: if it changed was NOT intencionally20:27
JOW* intensionally20:27
unoobtuwileee, yes. i actually restarted it and now ubuntu recognizes that there is a windows boot manager, not sure what i did but it seems to be working now20:27
wileeeunoobtu, Cool, check in if it seems confusing.20:28
JOWwait, the ip seems to be different..20:28
regeditJOW: * intentionally, and well i guess you'll need to tell us more about the machine in question and what you've been doing with it20:28
BluesKajregedit, whew ... :-)20:28
unoobtuwileee, i have windows installed on my ssd. my ubuntu is currently installing right now but im not sure if it is installing on my ssd or hdd. how can i tell?20:29
regeditBluesKaj: i'll have at all this audio setup again maybe with next ubuntu release, or something :)20:29
regeditfor now i'm glad audio works upon startup, finally20:30
JOWI was setting the Intel NUC to connect to the wireless without asking for password20:30
BluesKajregedit, one never knows what's going to happen with plasma 5, it's still an unknown quantity in some ways20:30
JOWand for it to log in my account without asking for password as well20:30
wileeeunoobtu, the tiny window at the bottom of the install sgould be showing the partition as a sdXX X being a letter than number here.20:30
JOWbasically I set it up so that after pushing the button it logs into my account and connects to internet automatically20:31
pz3GullHi Everyone!20:31
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rvizcainoi think pack debian, only error and the instalation..20:31
regeditJOW: logging in without password - you mean by ssh key setup?20:31
regedithow then?20:31
k1l_JOW: its hard to understand what your issue is right now20:31
JOWI mean access my account without asking for a password20:31
k1l_JOW: "account"? what account?20:32
regeditJOW: how are you thinking of doing that? anything other than ssh public/private key is probably a horrible idea and/or won't work20:32
JOWOkay, let me try to explain20:32
JOWThe device in question is an Intel NUC20:32
unoobtuwileee, don't see that. gunna wait till its done installing and see what it says, regardless, it shouldn't have deleted windows right?20:32
JOWmy goal is to put it on board of a robot and access it through ssh20:33
JOWtherefore it needs to be able to connect to internet just by pushing the power button of the Intel NUC20:33
wileeeunoobtu, It can, this is a user beware area, correct installs wont.20:33
regeditwell that's one way to pique geeks attention; using the word robot20:33
pz3GullIs there a way to define an Xterminal profile with its own .bashrc or .bash_aliases file (on Trusty with Unity desktop)20:34
wileeeunoobtu, I have a clone of any install and backups myself, nothing can stop me. ;)20:34
k1l_JOW: well make it to connect to your wifi as standard on startup and then make it work with your ssh keys.20:34
JOWSo I did change stuff and accomplished that. Now after I push the power to turn the computer (Intel NUC) on it connects to internet automatically20:34
pz3Gull* ?20:34
k1l_JOW: "i did some stuff" that is the important step to help you now what is not working.20:34
JOWWell, stuff like making myself the administrator. Change my password to blank...20:35
MonkeyDustJOW  "stuff" is too vague, please specify20:35
k1l_JOW: :X blank passwort is bad idea. use ssh keys20:36
JOWNow I realized the Intel NUC actually changed its IP20:36
unoobtuwileeee, if i bought the actual dvd/cd copy of windows 7 do i even need to worry about ubuntu deleting it?20:36
JOWkiI_ what does that means?20:36
wileeeunoobtu, If you have an install media and key you can reinstall yes.20:36
JOWI'm okay about the security here, no worries about that20:37
k1l_JOW: blank password is a security nightmare20:37
BluesKajunoobtu, not if you install ubuntu to it's own partition after you install windows20:37
wileeeunoobtu, There is little MS and ubuntu can do to each other, they boot separately, you just have to be aware of issues that are common, like the boot.20:38
JOWkIl_ Now the problem is that it's asking me a password and I tried and can't get it right... =(20:39
unoobtuwileee, k i think im good then. im trying to get it situated to where i have ubuntu on a usb flash drive and whenever i want to use it just plug in the drive and restart. i think i just need to change the boot order real wuick20:41
wileeeunoobtu, There is a per boot menu outside the bios, you can probably hit f something and get it to boot from what you want.20:42
umindedI have TERRIBLE network preformance. iperf says <4Mb/s between wifi laptop and desktop wired in same room. All new network gear.20:43
monty_halldid installing kubuntu f' up anybody's keyboard?20:43
monty_hallused kde for 5 minutes, didn't like it20:44
k1l_JOW: again: set the intel nuc to accept your ssh keys on login. then set it to auto connect to the wifi (with a static ip). everything else is just pure nonsense20:44
monty_hallbecase my apps were behaving strangley20:44
monty_hallswitch back to unity and now my kb is acting flakey like it did in kde.20:44
monty_hallnot cool20:44
EriC^^monty_hall: kde f'd up my eye balls20:44
wileeemonty_hall, `3rd door says address support. ;)20:44
JOWOkay kIl_ so let's go through this20:45
JOWwhat should I do first?20:45
JOWI'm having a hard time here20:45
EriC^^it sucks20:45
k1l_JOW: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys20:45
unoobtuwileee, no im lost again. ubuntu is still able to run even without my usb flash drive.20:45
MonkeyDustmonty_hall  i agree with EriC^^ , be it not with such sharp words... kde is 'too much of too much'20:45
unoobtuwileee, im currently looking at my boot menu20:46
JOWOkay, I'll read and ask you if I'm in trouble20:46
wileeeunoobtu, get to a ubuntu desktop and have the usb plugged in and we will run a couple of commands.20:46
SparkHi, for some reason x11vnc and vncviewer combo won't let me hit start+space, i test it with xev and the event never appears.  However, both keys work separately.20:46
Sparkis there something weird about start+space that the vnc client would block it?20:47
gvoI've installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a system that was running centos.  It works fine if I us DHCP, however when I went into the network configuration via the control panel and set a static address I can no longer ping the gateway.  I can get to other systems on the network OK.  I have rebooted a couple of times.  Any ideas?  The gateway is and the other systems are on that  subnet also.20:48
gvous = use20:48
unoobtuwileee, okay, im there20:48
sbaughhey, which of these are preinstalled on Ubuntu? {curl, wget}20:48
EriC^^sbaugh: both20:49
rorygvo: you need to make sure the subnet mask is set correctly and that the IP is within the range permitted by your router.20:49
wileeeunoobtu, Pastebin run from the terminal   sudo fdisk -l20:49
sbaughok, thanks20:49
unoobtuwileee, um not sure what that means, hence my name20:50
gvorory: I am running an identical OS on another system on the lan and it's configured identically20:50
gvoThe netmask is the same.  The router let centos run from that ip address.  The ip address is not in the reserved section for dhcp.20:51
wileee!pastebin | unoobtu you copy and paste all the terminal info after running that command, ctr-alt-t will bring a terminal.20:52
ubottuunoobtu you copy and paste all the terminal info after running that command, ctr-alt-t will bring a terminal.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:52
rorygvo: It might help to compare the output of the "ifconfig" command on both the working and non-working system20:52
gvoIt refuses to connect to .1 but .44 and .95 and other work fine. Except for the ip address and mac address, they are the same.20:52
gvoThe ifconfig that is.20:52
rorygvo: Is .1 the gateway IP?20:53
gvoYes and the router.20:53
rorygvo: Yeah that's what I was referring to. Does it not let you configure *any* static IP or just this specific one?20:53
gvoI only tried this one.20:53
gargsmsEriC^^, finally! It did complete20:53
gvo.55  My dhcp range is 101 - 15020:54
shomonhi, I have a ubuntu computer which has an ndiswrapper enabled wifi card. When I go in though, with iwconfig it can see all the wifi networks, but how do I connect to one? All the gui tools seem not to list them20:54
EriC^^gargsms: wow20:55
unoobtuwileee, okay i brought up the terminal and copied what was in there. and now i paste it to paste bin?20:55
EriC^^gargsms: thats nuts20:55
EriC^^gargsms: either you have a 2000gb install or a 1 legged hamster for a cpu20:55
wileeeunoobtu, run the command    sudo fdiak -l    than copy and paste all of it to http://paste.ubuntu.com  save it and post the url here to it.20:56
wileeeunoobtu, sorry sudo fdisk -l20:56
gargsmsI checked, 90GB of bz2 :(20:56
gvorory any other ideas?20:56
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type ls -l /path/to/install and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com20:58
unoobtuwileee, paste.ubuntu.com/1231070920:59
zacktuIn a dual-boot system of Ubuntu w/ Windows can I delete the partition containing Windows?  That leaves the original System partition that came on the computer.  Does that partition have a pointer to grub in my /boot partition?20:59
EriC^^zacktu: if you're using uefi and you mean the efi partition yeah21:00
wileeeunoobtu,   sudo fdisk -l   l is a amall L21:00
EriC^^is it fat32?21:00
monty_hallgoing to reinstall ubuntu21:01
monty_hallkde borked my machine21:01
wileeemonty_hall, don't swear here21:01
=== fernando is now known as Guest63713
MonkeyDustmonty_hall  wise decision, sometime it's better to simply start over21:01
unoobtuwileee, sorry. try paste.ubuntu.com/12310725/21:01
gargsmsEriC^^, paste.ubuntu.com/1231072721:01
wileeeunoobtu, Ah you have gpt try   sudo parted -l21:02
zacktuEriC^^: This is a Lenovo T410 w/ no UEFI, so I don't think that there's anything going on w/ the BIOS.  The System partition is fat32; the Windows partition is fat32; and the extended partition w/ Ubuntu is ext4.21:02
RouHi can you install ubuntu on a rockchip processor?21:02
unoobtuwileee, say again?21:02
EriC^^zacktu: type sudo parted -l and paste it21:03
eurythmiaThanks for the help folks, I found the answer to my question: the HDMI cable I had used was bad. Plugged in a new one and my third display was automagically detected.21:03
wileeeunoobtu, run this command now   sudo parted -l21:03
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type sudo mkdir /path/to/install/proc /path/to/install/sys21:04
k1l_!language | monty_hall21:04
ubottumonty_hall: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:04
gargsmsEriC^^, Done21:04
monty_hallk1l_: you too?21:04
monty_halli heard it once21:05
monty_halldon't you read the logs21:05
unoobtuwileee, paste.ubuntu.com/12310750/21:05
monty_hallanybody else wants to scold me?21:05
RouCan you install ubuntu on a rockchip processor?21:05
k1l_Rou: that depends on the device21:05
EriC^^gargsms: type sudo blkid and paste it21:06
wileeeunoobtu, different command      sudo parted -l  you are running the first.21:06
zacktuEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12310753/21:07
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gargsmsEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1231077021:08
EriC^^zacktu: if you remove the 177gb partition you should be fine21:08
gargsmsI removed the unnecessary drive that was attached to my system for clarity21:08
regeditBluesKaj: what is the gstreamer equivalent to pulseaudio's "pactl" ? i want to increase volume beyond built-in limit21:08
zacktuthanks EriC^^21:09
EriC^^np zacktu21:09
unoobtuwileee, i did, i used that command under the first, do i need to close the terminal and make a new one with the new command? oh well ill do that anyways lol here paste.ubuntu.com/12310772/21:09
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /path/to/install$i; done21:10
wileeeunoobtu, Looks like you wiped the windows C install from here, however you have all the other windows partitions there. This looks like it was a W8, that had W7 installed on it?21:11
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /path/to/install/boot/efi21:12
EriC^^gargsms: hold that though21:12
EriC^^gargsms: type sudo chroot /path/to/install21:12
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gargsmsNow type the mount?21:13
EriC^^no, type ls -l /boot/efi and see if it's empty21:13
unoobtuwileee, not sure? dont think so i just had this computer built yesturday and they installed windows 7 on it21:13
wileeeunoobtu, There is a large partition there a ntfs sdb321:13
shomonhi, how do I connect a computer to the wpa wifi network using wpa_supplicant?21:13
BluesKajregedit, normlly you can do that in your audio player settings21:13
regeditBluesKaj: i'm discovering something very strange;21:14
gargsmsEriC^^, it isn't. It has two entries - boot, EFI21:14
wileeeunoobtu, Ah, than a W7 gpt install, I would contact them and see what they know on linux installs as well, that is an easy dualboot, if you want that besides a ubuntu on a usb mobile.21:15
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type rm -r /boot/efi/*21:15
EriC^^type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi21:16
wileee!gpt | unoobtu21:16
regeditBluesKaj: when opening multimedia settings from start menu > system settins, it's rather empty and generic, and currently only lists phonon gstreamer. Whereas if i go systray speaker icon > mixer > settings > audio setup, i seem to arrive at the same kind of dialog, except its very populated with alsa/phonon/HDA options, and has "VLC" and "GStreamer" options (without phonon prefix)21:16
wileee!uefi | unoobtu this is what is there and why I said GPT21:16
ubottuunoobtu this is what is there and why I said GPT: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:16
gargsmsAre you sure about /dev/sda1 ? I guess it should be sda221:16
EriC^^gargsms: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /boot/efi21:16
gargsmsAh. Thanks21:16
gargsmsI am root already, no sudo I guess21:16
regeditBluesKaj: and in that panel, VLC (which has been uninstalled by now?) is in fact the first option!...21:17
EriC^^you didn't mount /dev/sda1 right?21:17
gargsmsNo, I haven't.21:17
gargsmsNone except /dev/sda6 which is the partition I want to install to21:17
unoobtuwileee, ok im  a little confused. did i just fuck up my windows install?21:18
gargsmsDid that.21:18
MonkeyDustunoobtu  mind your language21:18
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type nano /etc/fstab21:18
unoobtumonkeydust my bad21:18
gargsmsNow I have 3 entries in /boot/efi/ with one setenv.bat :/21:18
EriC^^gargsms: can you paste /etc/fstab?21:18
savelosboas noites21:19
EriC^^gargsms: you should have an EFI dir there21:19
wileeeunoobtu, no swearing, and it looks like you installed ubuntu in it's place. You are not really able to give any confirmation of anything, so I would see the installers of the windows honestly.21:19
gargsmsWell, yes. /dev/sda2. See for yourself http://paste.ubuntu.com/1231081721:20
wileeeunoobtu, I have to get some coffee so will be afk, I would find some local help, you have all you need still there but the windows C partition it looks to me, easily reinstalled.21:20
JustBerryNeed help installing Intel GPU drivers, any help?21:21
unoobtuwileee, k thanks for ur help21:21
JustBerrywileee: ^^21:21
JustBerryunoobtu: hey21:21
EriC^^gargsms: no i meant in /boot/efi you should have an EFI dir21:21
wileeeJustBerry, intel should be auto installed, we don't support their gui.21:22
gargsmsYes, I do21:22
unoobtujustberry, hi, could you help?21:22
JustBerryunoobtu: with?21:22
EriC^^gargsms: ok, you need to remove the old UUID's in /etc/fstab and replace them with the ones from sudo blkid21:22
JustBerrywileee: What do oyu mean21:22
EriC^^gargsms: the one for the ext4, and /boot/efi and the swap21:22
wileeeJustBerry, I've assumed you're trying to use the intel down-loadable installer, and address exactly what confuses you.21:23
EriC^^gargsms: ?21:24
EriC^^just a moment21:24
EriC^^gotcha ;)21:24
JustBerryHere's the long story:21:24
JustBerrywileee: I'm trying to mine with https://github.com/sgminer-dev/sgminer.git on my MacBook Pro21:25
JustBerrywileee: I did all the ./autogen.sh ./configure and make stuff21:25
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JustBerryonly problem is, according to the output I get, the Intel drivers aren't really installed.21:25
gargsmsEriC^^, done.21:26
JustBerryEriC^^: any ideas? ^^21:26
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type sudo update-initramfs -u -k all21:26
=== tsimonq2_alt is now known as tsimonq2
gargsmsI am doing all the commands you have typed after chroot without sudo, as a root user. I suppose that is fine. Or do I switch back to normal user?21:27
EriC^^no, that's fine21:27
unoobtuJustBerry, im trying to install ubuntu along side with windows 7. i just installed ubuntu and its seems to be working fine. how can i make it to where it boots up windows autmatically instead of ubuntu21:28
skinuxFor some reason, Ubuntu restarted and now when I log in, I get a mouse pointer, but nothing else ever loads up. And when I try to use recovery it says fsck exited with status code 1.21:28
gargsmsIt is indeed a long procedure. No wonder why the first time I did it, it didn't work21:28
gargsmsDone, by the way21:28
JustBerryunoobtu: you should be able to choose21:28
JustBerryunoobtu: if you installed refit or something21:28
knobHey guys, I have an virtual Ubuntu server.  I just added a 5TB hdd to it. Rebooted.  I can see the hdd listed. I want to format it, then later mount it.  Yet I am at a loss.21:28
knobI am using this "guide": http://askubuntu.com/questions/517354/terminal-method-of-formatting-storage-drive21:29
knobSome questions: Do I have to leave empty space at the beginning of the hdd?21:29
knobOr can I take up all of the hdd with a ext4 partition?21:29
gargsmsEriC^^, done.21:30
=== christos230 is now known as chris230
skinuxAny help for figuring out why my desktop won't load after login?21:31
DJno idea :D21:31
DJi dont use unity though21:32
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type grub-install21:32
DJor skinux21:32
mtnskinux, were you messing with video drivers before the reboot?21:32
gargsmsEriC^^, finished.21:32
EriC^^gargsms: ok, type update-grub21:33
DJhey is there any android support chat?21:33
mtnDJ, google knows21:34
DJdamn :(21:34
DJi need help with android soo bad :(21:34
DJi bricked my phone with a god damn font21:34
* mtn scratches head21:34
DJhey it also includes the terminal :D21:35
k1l_DJ: #android21:35
gargsmsEriC^^, finished21:35
DJhow do i join it?21:35
EriC^^gargsms: ok, did it pick up windows and vmlinuz?21:35
k1l_DJ: click on the name or type "/join #android"21:35
gargsmsYes, it found 4 linux images, and a Windows one21:36
EriC^^ok, cool21:36
EriC^^type exit21:36
gargsmsI had my /dev/sdc attached and it picked arch and others installed in it too. So I did update-grub again21:36
EriC^^then rebot21:36
unoobtujust berry, wileee said i wiped the windows c intall, but i have all the other windows partitions there. im not sure what that means did i mess up windows? windows seems to be running fine whenever i open it21:38
unoobtujustberry ^^21:38
JustBerryunoobtu: ?21:38
unoobtujustberry, wileee said i wiped the windows c intall, but i have all the other windows partitions there. im not sure what that means did i mess up windows? windows seems to be running fine whenever i open it21:38
JustBerryunoobtu: not sure21:38
JustBerryunoobtu: ask someone else, sorry21:38
JustBerryunoobtu: ask in windows or linux maybe (channels)21:38
FuraiOk, any ubuntu sound guru? Asla and stuff? I'm having problems with getting my microphone to work on ASUS G751JT. No matter what asla models I try it just refuses to work. Been playing with alsamixer, pavucontrol and stuff. Do you have any tips? (I was extensively searching for the issue over the web for around 2 days now.)21:39
gargsmsEriC^^, thank you very much. Finally I can use this machine.21:40
gargsmsI better keep a log of this chat saved.21:40
EriC^^gargsms: great, no problem21:40
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DJwtf i got disconnected?21:41
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
skinuxMy problem isn't specific to Unity I don't think. Something weird, just before it wouldn't load up the desktop, was that Ubuntu restarted itself and upon booting up the computer restarted two more times automatically right after initial bootup loading screen. After that, it loaded up Ubuntu login and that's as far as I seem to be able to get.21:48
mtnskinux, I asked you a question earlier21:49
DJ_SpaceDash__ugh i hate my connection21:50
skinuxSorry, I must have missed it.21:50
mtn skinux, were you messing with video drivers before the reboot?21:51
skinuxNo I was not.21:51
mtnskinux, try this anyway: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu21:51
=== ClarisseMcClella is now known as ClarisseMcClelan
CrowX-where was that setting where I could set my system to use swap less often?22:00
CrowX-Also, what are these insane defaults? I have 4gb ram, I'm swapping like i have 25622:01
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:01
sharky_hi how can i mirror my ubuntu desktop to an amazon fire tv?22:03
sharky_it works with windows22:03
sharky_but didnt find a way to do it with ubuntu yet22:03
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dyrandI've installed ubuntu 15.04 on my flash drive, but when I try to boot from the usb it only loads a command prompot with grub>22:07
dyrandUsing unetbootin22:07
dyrandon Windows 822:08
DJ_SpaceDashdid u just copy the files from the iso onto ur usb?22:08
dyrandNope, I used unetbootin, which downloads a copy of the iso and installs it on the usb22:08
DJ_SpaceDashi use usb creator22:09
DJ_SpaceDashit works for me22:09
dyrandI'll go ahead and try it22:09
DJ_SpaceDashit even supports other linux distros if you really want22:09
chris___Does it boot straight into GRUB?22:09
DJ_SpaceDashdoes what boot straight into grub22:09
DJ_SpaceDashhis usb or my method22:09
dyrandWhat file system should the usb be22:11
DJ_SpaceDashit should be FAT22:11
DJ_SpaceDashanything with FAT22:11
DJ_SpaceDashi think its FAT3222:11
DJ_SpaceDashin windows 822:11
DJ_SpaceDashjust use that22:12
frostyfrogWeeeeee! Does anyone know of some good resources for backporting c++ code? I've got code that works perfectly fine in Archlinux, but when trying to get it to compile on Ubuntu, it fails. :/22:12
mtndyrand, it makes no difference if you are putting an iso on it22:12
DJ_SpaceDashmtn it doesnt?22:12
DJ_SpaceDashi heard u need a FAT usb drive22:12
dyrandI heard the file system mattered22:12
mtnDJ_SpaceDash, putting an iso on the stick wipes it complete off22:12
frostyfrogDJ_SpaceDash: The filesystem is stored within the iso22:12
DJ_SpaceDashoh it is?22:12
* frostyfrog nods.22:13
DJ_SpaceDashthe program i use doesnt write the complete disk22:13
DJ_SpaceDashjust the files and boot system22:13
DJ_SpaceDashi tried it22:13
DJ_SpaceDashi first formatted to NTFS then installed the ISO22:13
frostyfrogWhich OS are you on?22:13
DJ_SpaceDashit failed booting22:13
DJ_SpaceDashi'm on ubuntu 15.0422:13
frostyfrogDJ_SpaceDash: Yep, you. Sorry, forgot to prepend your nick22:14
DJ_SpaceDashdyrand is on windows 8.122:14
DJ_SpaceDashoh lel22:14
DJ_SpaceDashim on ubuntu 15.0422:14
DJ_SpaceDashi had to get 32 bits for my dads pc22:14
DJ_SpaceDashit failed booting in NTFS22:14
DJ_SpaceDashit did boot when i manually made it FAT22:14
DJ_SpaceDashin windows 1022:15
DJ_SpaceDashon my main pc22:15
frostyfrogDJ_SpaceDash: a bit dangerous if you get the command wrong, but I would recommend something like: sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX22:15
dyrandI had a hell of a time try to get my master boot record correct22:15
dyrandI installed windows 8 after I had Ubuntu22:15
DJ_SpaceDashi made the usb drive on windows22:15
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DJ_SpaceDashunder windows 1022:16
frostyfrogI recommend this, however, for windows: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Win32DiskImager22:16
DJ_SpaceDashif you can run ubuntu22:16
DJ_SpaceDashjust any version22:16
DJ_SpaceDashuse the built in disk manager22:16
DJ_SpaceDashselect ur usb drive22:16
DJ_SpaceDashthen restore disk image22:16
DJ_SpaceDashthen select your iso22:17
DJ_SpaceDashits a method that also works if you have access to a ubuntu pc22:17
dyrandIt's gone now though22:17
dyrandI had to go with the recommended route of formatting my drive22:17
deadmundI am trying to connect to WiFi in Japan (works fine in the US).  Any idea of what I can try?  I can see networks, I have the password, but I can't connect to the network (after about ~1 minute it fails to connect)22:18
nug700There a linux support channel for virtualbox?22:18
frostyfrognug700: There should be, have you tried #virtualbox ?22:19
DJ_SpaceDashdeadmund: well i dont know ive never been in japan22:19
DJ_SpaceDashnug700: yeah try that :D22:19
samthewildoneSo I'm having this issue when I build a kernel and install it my system does not want to boot up with then new kernel.22:19
frostyfrogdeadmund: Are you able to get any sort of debug information?22:20
DJ_SpaceDashsamthewildone: how do you mean u build a kernel22:20
DJ_SpaceDashsamthewildone: you mean like a custom kernel?22:20
samthewildoneDJ_SpaceDash, yeah22:20
deadmundfrostyfrog: I'm not sure how.  Can you recommend a way? I'm using network manager on KDE.  How can I try using CLI ?22:20
samthewildoneDJ_SpaceDash, the same steps I've been using since day one.22:20
samthewildoneDJ_SpaceDash, "make menueconf | make -j5 | sudo make -j5 modules_install install | sudo update-grub2 "22:21
DJ_SpaceDashsamthewildone, well, ive never done any coding except batch/shellscript22:21
frostyfrogsamthewildone: Did you make sure to build any dependent kernel modules that may be needed to boot?22:21
EazyEthernetBut every song's like:22:21
EazyEthernetGold teeth22:21
EazyEthernetGrey Goose22:21
EazyEthernetTripping in the bathroom22:21
EazyEthernetBall gowns22:21
samthewildoneum I did not do the cp kernel .conf because that doesn't work.22:21
samthewildoneUsually I do the "cp /boot/kernel-`uname -r1`* .config" but that doesn't work either.22:22
samthewildonejust hangs22:22
frostyfrogdeadmund: Huh, while looking it up (I don't use Ubuntu or KDE) I found this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NetworkManager#Unable_to_connect_to_visible_European_wireless_networks22:23
deadmundit's something, thanks22:23
frostyfrogsamthewildone: cp -v?22:23
samthewildoneDJ_SpaceDash, I've done this many times and it worked, for some reason it doesn't want boot.22:24
frostyfrogdeadmund: Yeah, hopefully that helps you out :)22:24
DJ_SpaceDashsamthewildone, well, i dont know :/22:24
samthewildonewould having an encrypted drive be the problem ?22:24
samthewildonealso here's  a screenshot of the error > http://s4.postimg.org/mig9qezl9/kernel.jpg22:24
sharky_hi how can i mirror my ubuntu desktop to an amazon fire tv? it works with windows, but didnt find a way to do it with ubuntu yet22:25
sharky_hi how can i mirror my ubuntu desktop to an amazon fire tv? it works with windows, but didnt find a way to do it with ubuntu yet22:25
sharky_hi how can i mirror my ubuntu desktop to an amazon fire tv? it works with windows, but didnt find a way to do it with ubuntu yet22:25
k1l_sharky_: that is annoying. please dont flood22:25
sharky_thanks guys for at least talking to me22:25
DJ_SpaceDashsharky_, please dont spam22:25
sharky_k1l_: are you a bot?22:25
sharky_please dont ignore me22:25
DJ_SpaceDashk1l_ isnt a bot22:25
sharky_please help22:25
DJ_SpaceDashsamthewildone, i think it might be a encrypted drive22:26
sharky_i was just trying to gather attention22:26
Ben64sharky_: well don't.22:26
DJ_SpaceDashsamthewildone, type your account password then hit enter :)22:26
skinuxOkay, told recovery to clean, it automatically started fsck and has been running that for maybe two minutes.22:26
k1l_sharky_: if someone knows the answer he will tell the answer. but you will have better chances on the amazon fire tv community. since not everyone in here got that hardware to start with22:26
ptlsajanhi there. can anyone help me with virtual box22:26
sharky_please help though22:26
DJ_SpaceDashskinux, be patient, maybe do something else when you wait :)22:27
sharky_k1l_: but i understand it is just miracast22:27
sharky_and in #firetv there isnt anybody really22:27
DJ_SpaceDashptlsajan, #virtualbox22:27
ptlsajani need to access my usb drive in my virtual box22:27
frostyfrogsharky_: Sending a lot of text at once doesn't help you gather good attention in the slightest. If no one is replying, it may help to do some research while you wait for a reply. :) Just from my experience, that works.22:27
sharky_ok thanks22:27
sharky_frostyfrog: i tried! i read on the internet that there isnt good miracast support or something22:28
deadmundno luck, I don't even have that config file they want me to set22:28
sharky_but that was older information22:28
sharky_so i wondered maybe now and especially in the huge ubuntu community there is22:28
frostyfrogsharky_: Link? Maybe I can dig up something else to help out. :)22:28
sharky_sure frosty, just a second22:29
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sharky_frostyfrog: https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.golem.de%2Fnews%2Fwifi-display-miracast-unter-linux-ist-schrecklich-1402-104315.html&edit-text=22:30
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samthewildonethat did not work22:34
samthewildoneInstead I got another error, " Reading all physcial volumes, This might take a while..."22:34
samthewildoneI think I might know the problem.22:34
k1l_sharky_: that is from 2014 and it says: dont buy it it doesnt really work with linux :/22:35
samthewildoneI might need to add an argument in grub for the encryption checkout.22:35
DJ_SpaceDashyeah its reading your hard drive and such now :D22:35
sharky_k1l_: yeah :( so isnt there something that works by now?22:35
DJ_SpaceDashsamthewildone, its reading your hard drives :D22:35
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sharky_i mean, miracast isnt exactly exotic22:35
k1l_sharky_: ask the firestick/miracast community22:36
sharky_i was expecting there are many who want to use it22:36
samthewildoneDJ_SpaceDash, yeah its reading it but, cannot access it without the password.22:36
samthewildoneDJ_SpaceDash, I'm going to do the old copy n paste method.22:36
skinuxWell, now it's stuck after saying mountall: fsck /boot/efi [897] terminated with status 122:37
herestopzIslam is appalled at the number of hate crimes against them. BUT THEY ARE NOT APPALLED AT THE STONING OF A FEMALE FOR ALLOWING HERSELF TO BE RAPED22:37
skinuxHerestopz: I don't believe any woman can allow herself to be raped. You make it sound like it's the woman's fault, which is bullshit!22:39
Flannelskinux: They're gone.22:39
k1l_skinux: the troll is already kicked.22:39
samthewildoneto edit grub in 14.04.3 is it in the /boot/grub.cfg ?22:39
frostyfrogwee, my term just got messed up :p22:39
* frostyfrog tries to visit the link.22:40
DJ_SpaceDashsam, yes22:40
eurythmiasamthewildone, no, edit the grub defaults in /etc/default/grub22:40
eurythmiasamthewildone, then regenerate the grub config22:40
samthewildonewith the update-grub2 right ?22:41
skinuxIt appears the system is stuck after fsck quit. Is the clean process ever going to continue or do I need to force reboot?22:41
eurythmiasamthewildone, iirc, yes22:41
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samthewildoneeurythmia, wait I don't want to edit the defaults, I want to edit the kernel loading.22:42
samthewildoneeurythmia, I need to add a argument to the newest kernel.22:42
frostyfrogHuh, interesting. https://github.com/albfan/miraclecast The comment about Ubuntu was "This specific linux flavour is so hard to get miraclecast dependencies that an alternative repo was created to install systemd with dbus22:42
eurythmiasamthewildone, defaults in 14.xx might be in /etc/defaults/grub ... I'm on 15.04, and mine is in /etc/default/grub22:42
frostyfrogSo sharky_, this looks like your best bet as far as finding information on casting your screen http://askubuntu.com/questions/318298/ubuntu-as-miracast-sender-receiver Though it doesn't exactly appear to be straight forward as far as I can tell.22:44
F1skrIf I have both vivid and vivid-updates sources enabled and I install a package found in both I assume I get the package from vivid-updates. But what if the package is in vivid-security as well, what happens then?22:53
k1l_F1skr: the one with the highest version number will be used.22:54
F1skrok, I guess that is the same for -backports and -proposed as well?22:55
skinuxWell, no matter which desktop environment I choose, it doesn't load up. FSCK stops with status 1. So, doesn't seem there is anything I can do with Ubuntu.23:03
Ben64fsck has nothing to do with desktop environments, explain more23:03
skinuxI'd like to know why Ubuntu restarted anyway.23:03
skinuxUbuntu restarted itself, then the computer restarted twice right after the basic loading screen. After that I could get to Ubuntu login screen, but not past it. Attempts at using recovery it always automatically launches FSCK which seems to exist with status of 1 before it actually does anything.23:05
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Ben64reboot and go to recovery mode23:06
skinuxAnd do what?23:06
Ben64can run fsck manually there23:06
skinuxI already tried specifically telling it to run FSCK and it existed with status 1 before it seemed to do anything other than listing 336 files or something like that23:07
Ben64manually. don't tell it to run fsck, get to a shell and run fsck23:07
skinuxOr, not list, rather it said there were 336 files or something.23:07
skinuxI did it that way and it said it wasn't mounted23:08
Ben64it doesn't need to be mounted to fsck23:08
Ben64in fact, it shouldn't23:08
skinuxWell, according to it, it does.23:08
skinuxOr maybe it was trying to say it couldn't mount or something.23:09
skinuxI'll try again. I'll get on IRC from my phone.23:10
nils_I would assume that something panics when you try to log in?23:10
Bashing-omskinux: One should not run a file system check on a mounted (file system in use - dynamic and changing !), damage may result if done .23:11
skinuxBoot sector doesn't match its backup. Copy original to backup or back up to original?23:14
skinuxOr neither23:14
cinvokeHey guys.  I want to monitor my mb and cpu temp. corsair app doesnt run on ubuntu (im using 1504).  Does anyone know a good applet ?? perhaps something that will stay on screen in background or on the top panel?23:15
EriC^^cinvoke: or use conky23:16
nils_conky is evil.23:16
cinvokehavent heard of conky23:16
sharky_frostyfrog: thanks!23:17
sharky_frostyfrog: it looks pretty sketchy though23:17
EriC^^it displays stuff on your background, uses a scripting language like "My cpu: $cputemp" temps23:18
sharky_pretty alpha23:18
EriC^^you can use already made configs or edit or make your own23:18
sharky_frostyfrog: also pretty dead23:18
cinvokei tried psensor ... not bad but i need smaller.... ill try conky23:19
sharky_i wonder how windows does it so effortlessly with all kinds of wireless nics23:19
nils_really depends on your desktop environment, the infrastructure should be there by now23:20
EriC^^cinvoke: you can resize the psensor one if you want it displayed all the time23:20
goldstarhas anyone managed to get 3 displays working on ubuntu 14.04; using an nvidia card with 2 display ports and 1 vga and only 2 monitors out of the three work23:21
goldstar1080p monitors btw23:21
nils_goldstar, which driver and what sort of card?23:21
sharky_hi felix23:23
nils_goldstar, nouveau or the proprietary blob thingy?23:23
combatdud3I'm trying to net install using an extracted server iso as a local repo. However I get debootstrap warnings when it tries to install the base system. Any advice?23:23
cinvokeEriC^^,thx!  i think the the conky setups im seeing are more appealing .  ill try to get it configured ...  :)23:24
nils_combatdud3, can you paste the warnings to a pastebin?23:24
goldstarnils_: Quadro FX580 and proprietary nvidia drivers23:24
EriC^^cinvoke: ok, cool23:25
combatdud3nils_ any advice on doing that from a machine that hasn't installed?23:25
nils_combatdud3, good point. Screenshot may be easier ;)23:25
nils_combatdud3, I tend to load some sort of live system via TCP and then run debootstrap over SSH23:26
u258I m big fan of Gedit, but I m wondering if there is some plugin or replacement for Gedit, so that I can toggle (close/open) big block of code, such as function () {}23:26
nils_u258, like code folding?23:27
goldstarnils_: thoughts ?23:27
u258nils_: yes23:27
frostyfrogsharky_: The miraclecast stuff looks fairly liveley development wise, but it didn't seem to be straight forward to setup for Ubuntu. Which was why I was recommending the Ubuntu Q&A site.23:27
nils_u258, last time I checked that was planned as a feature but not implemented23:28
nils_goldstar, which connectors are you using?23:28
sharky_frostyfrog: oh i thought you meant the openwfd stuff23:28
goldstarnils_: all 3, one for each monitor23:28
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u258nils_: cool. hope available soon. as nowadays coding on mobile, it is important to fold codes23:28
sharky_sorry miraclecast supersedes openwfd, thats why the latter is dead23:28
frostyfrogsharky_: Nope, not really. Sorry if I wasn't clear.23:29
nils_u258, maybe try something else, what kind of code are you working on?23:29
sharky_frostyfrog: good point, it does look much less dead23:29
u258nils_:  php html23:29
frostyfrogJustBerry: me?23:29
nils_u258, try PHPStorm or Atom23:29
JustBerryfrostyfrog: qq23:29
u258nils_: ok let me have a apt-get to see see23:30
nils_u258, atom is a ppa I suppose23:30
nils_u258, and PHPStorm is proprietary but I prefer it23:30
sharky_frostyfrog: shouldn't it be integrated in ubuntu so it works with a view clicks just like it works on windows?23:30
goldstarnils_: should I power two of them off one display port extender or something?23:30
nils_u258, https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/atom/ this is for atom23:30
sharky_"Ubuntu  This specific linux flavour is so hard to get miraclecast dependencies that an alternative repo was created to install systemd with dbus"23:31
skinuxBen64: FSCK said clean, other than saying boot sector didn't match it's backup.23:31
jonathonohave an nfs share that I can't get to automount in fstab. This command works "sudo mount -t nfs -o proto=tcp,port=2049 freenas:/mnt/ZFS/Media ~/nas"23:31
skinuxCould the problem being Ubuntu's partition only have 3G free?23:32
nils_goldstar, do you have the nvidia tools installed? Been a bit of time since I used quadro graphics but they usually need some prodding through their tools.23:32
jonathonoLine in fstab " /home/jonathon/nas nfs auto 0 0"23:32
jonathono192.168.3.15 is IP of freenas23:32
goldstarnils_: yes; it does not let me have more than 2 monitors running at any given time; if I do try that, I get an error message and an action to "auto fix" it23:33
nils_goldstar, I think the card only supports two screens though.23:33
frostyfrogsharky_: more than likely the developer is working on a bleeding edge distro (Fedora? Arch? Gentoo? I don't know for sure). Judging by some of the issues, it appears that they are happy to fix issues in other distros :) That's the best I could find as far as a working solution goes, however.23:33
sharky_thanks frostyfrog23:33
goldstarnils_: hmm?23:33
sharky_so i guess i cannot really have miracast on ubuntu23:33
sharky_for now23:33
sharky_too bad :(23:34
frostyfrogsharky_: Happy to be able to help, at least, partly. :D23:34
sharky_yeah thanks anyway :)23:34
nils_goldstar, it's a limitation in the card, you can either use one DP+DVI or DP+DP23:34
nils_and maybe analog output on DVI23:35
jonathonono errors when I run "sudo mount -a"23:36
sharky_i wonder why apparently only so few want this imo amazingly cool feature badly enough to cause solid development traction23:36
sharky_i wonder why apparently not enough want this imo amazingly cool feature badly enough to cause solid development traction23:36
sharky_i mean, it's sending your desktop through the air23:37
frostyfrogsharky_: In my case, I don't have an amazon fire TV stick. Instead, I have a chrome cast which serves the same purpose :)23:38
sharky_frostyfrog: but you can't mirror your screen either, or can you?23:38
sharky_from ubuntu to the chromecast23:38
nils_sharky_, that would be pretty cool. There was once a project where you could move single windows around between X11 servers23:39
sharky_nils_: well it should work with the miracast specification, but turns out this spec is shitty and costs serious money just to read it23:40
frostyfrogsharky_: Well, I use Arch instead of Ubuntu (but I'm sure I could do it with Ubuntu as well). As far as mirroring? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-cast-beta/dliochdbjfkdbacpmhlcpmleaejidimm?hl=en23:40
sharky_nils_: still it works really well on windows23:40
sharky_windows 8.1 to be fair23:40
sharky_thanks frostyfrog23:40
nils_never touched WIndows beyond 7.23:40
sharky_nils_: it also works like a charm on android23:40
sharky_so i'm kinda surprised it is such a big deal on linux23:40
sharky_or, on general linux23:41
goldstarnils_: okay, thanks23:41
nils_well the display system is kind of vintage23:41
nils_it has all the network capability built in but in the entire opposite direction ;)23:42
sharky_frostyfrog: i read the google cast thing is also pretty beta (as even the title says)23:43
sharky_too bad23:43
sharky_also i want the entire desktop23:43
nils_I think single windows would be way cooler... Imagine you can view your Desktop on any device then pull over the window you want23:43
sharky_nils_: yeah well it works like this with miracast if you want to23:44
nils_oh yes I do.23:44
nils_I'll check it out, thanks for the info23:45
sharky_nils_: just not on linux :(23:45
frostyfrogsharky_: I just happen to use the beta channel (I like the latest and greatest), and even though it says it's in beta, it's still pretty stable.23:46
sharky_frostyfrog: oh i see, it was just a beta channel version23:46
sharky_thanks, better than nothing23:47
liftIf I want to play around with lxd, am I better off running 14.04 LTS or just the latest 15.04?  I read something about systemd not being ready for lxd, so I'm wondering if 14.04 is just fine?23:47
nils_lift, play it safe then.23:47
liftnils_: Is safe 14.04 or 15.04?23:47
nils_lift, LTS 14.04, systemd takes a bit getting used to anyways23:48
liftYeah... I ran it on arch last year, and I have a home server running jessie right now.  It's okay.23:48
nils_but if you want to play around, I'd always try the latest or even the beta.23:51
root___11we r such cool nrdZ23:53
nils_this is goind to be good.23:53
root___11who has da cp23:53
root___11cone piece23:53
Bashing-omlift: Dual boot, Have the best of both, A stable fall back system, and the Test/play/break system .23:53

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