
Unit193knome: Pong ish.00:09
Unit193You pinged.00:10
knomei wonder why...00:10
knomelet me see the backlog for context00:10
knomei'll ping you again if i remember...00:11
Unit193Good, because I'm gone again. :D00:11
knomehave fun00:11
bluesabrethe parole crash is pretty annoying... it dies at g_signal_handler_disconnect... even though we make sure the signal is connected beforehand00:22
bluesabretechnically, we can not disconnect the signals at when it's shut down, they *should* get disconnected when everything closes and is finalized00:26
bluesabrei think00:29
bluesabreguess I'll need to valgrind a vivid vs wily vm00:30
jjfrv8bluesabre, taking a pic of my mug seems to work better now. Before it got stuck on "initializing camera".00:39
bluesabrejjfrv8: great, that's very goood news00:43
knomewaiting very impatiently for new uploads :)00:52
knomejjfrv8, did you need help with the thunar documentation?00:52
micahgknome: I'll be either looking at stuff tonight or tomorrow00:53
knomemicahg, happy to hear; here's hoping you will find the time and energy00:54
jjfrv8knome, don't think so. I've been in a holding pattern pending ochosi's review.00:54
knomejjfrv8, okay :)00:54
knomeok, i'm off01:07
knomesee you all later01:07
bluesabrehey micahg01:27
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knomebluesabre, i guess you will still need to upload stuff to shimmer-themes?07:41
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xnoxknome: depedns if that's for upload rights or for inclusions in the various -meta packages08:39
knomexnox, we had shimmer-themes, now it's slipped in the kubuntu packageset08:40
knomeand we want it back; we're basically the upstream for that, and the package includes gtk/xfwm themes and is of no use to kubuntu08:41
knomeso i don't know what the answer to your question should have been...08:41
knomeslickymasterWork, any updates on the translations for the ubiquity slidehow09:15
knomeslickymasterWork, seeing as thing are now, it's likely that this will be postponed for w+1 though..09:22
=== Floris is now known as Flory
slickymasterWorkup to now, nothing from no one knome :(10:00
knomewell i guess that means people don't mind, so it's ok to proceed with it10:00
slickymasterWorkisn't that rationale an assumption stretch10:02
bluesabreknome: yeah, I'll probably need to, but micahg uploaded the most recent shimmer-themes package already11:45
bluesabreso no immediate rush11:45
bluesabrexnox: orion-gtk-theme was added as a recommends to the breeze package (for some reason) which yanked shimmer-themes out of xubuntu and into the kubuntu packageset11:47
bluesabresomewhat unfortunate for them since nobody maintains that theme ;)11:48
knomekrytarik, so... should we tackle the pdf stuff placement today?13:31
krytarikknome: Well, I'm not particularly sure what you and slickymaster are getting at currently. :P13:32
knomei do13:33
knomei can do a mockup for you soonish and i can help with it as well13:33
knomei even have some work for it done in a branch...13:33
knomei hacked this successfully!14:11
knomewell, almost at least14:11
knomebut i solved a problem14:12
knomeanother problem solved14:26
knomenot digging for a solution for a third one14:26
knomekrytarik, is there any way to check if another target is called within a Makefile?14:30
knomekrytarik, eg. if i do "make all", is there any way to check which targets are being built for the "html" target?14:30
knomekrytarik, or do we have to introduce another target that touches some file or sth?14:30
krytarikknome: What specifically do you want to achieve then?14:32
knomekrytarik, currently, we are doing the html stuff first14:32
knomeis there any way to check whether the PDF's will build, eg. if we should mention them in the docs?14:33
knomethe "obvious" choices are to14:33
knome1) simply make pdf before html, but that's meh14:33
knome2) create a new target (added to all and pdf) that touches a file14:33
knomethen all would be14:33
knomeall: clean pdf-check html html-translations pdf pdf-translations14:34
knomeor sth14:34
knomeand pdf14:34
knomepdf: | pdf-check14:34
knome(in case somebody ran "make pdf html")14:34
knomekrytarik, does that make sense at all?14:35
krytarikYeah, thinking.14:35
knomethe actual logic would be to copy the file to the dir so it's found and will be included if we are building pdf's14:36
knomeif not, it will not be found and docbook will fall back to no content14:36
knomei did the same for the translators14:36
knome(basically, C never has that section and thus no weird sentences about each language)14:37
knomebut for languages, i'm creating translators.xml based on a translated translator-credits.xml14:37
knome..which basically has one string14:38
* knome whistles14:43
krytarikknome: You can't really assume a certain build order though.14:48
knomebut otoh, that's the beauty14:49
knomeif you don't want mentions of the pdf's, just build them after html14:49
knomei'm fine with them being fine with just "all" though14:49
knomebecause if people do weirdo things themself (like Unit193 does), they can't expect everything to work14:49
krytarikI'm thinking we might just go with your suggestion to assume they're always build. :P14:50
knomewell, mostly they are14:50
knomebut... i guess i'd like to not do the mention if they aren't there14:51
krytarikYeah, I'm going to continue thinking about it.14:52
knomeok, i'll wait for some more time and do a commit for the translator stuff meanwhile14:52
knomekrytarik, so what do you say14:56
knomekrytarik, should i do "just something" to get it to work for wily?14:57
knomekrytarik, or how long do you think your thinking will take14:57
krytarikYeah, I'd go with I just said. :P14:57
krytarik+ what14:57
knomeso... assumptions?14:57
krytarikAlways in there, that is.14:58
knomeyeah, right...14:58
knomethat's one option14:58
knomei'll consider about it14:59
knomedoing a "fake" check target isn't too hard14:59
knomeand we can simply document that14:59
knomeif people start whining about it14:59
knomeor just ignore them.14:59
krytarikI think hardly any people aside from us build them anyway.15:00
knomekrytarik, can you think of a reason why we wouldn't just translate all xml files that are in C/?15:13
knomewe use shipped-docs now, but it wouldn't be a big hit even if we didn't use some translations15:13
knomeit's so quick to do them anyway15:13
knomejust an idea..15:13
krytarikHonestly, I was thinking we're doing that.15:14
knomei'll look at disabling that at least15:17
knomethere we go15:20
knomeok, i think that is done now...15:34
* knome test-builds once more15:34
knomeoh heh,15:37
bluesabreI think intltool got a bit dumber in wily15:40
bluesabreit generates its own makefiles, and guesses at what should be in there15:41
bluesabreonly now it guesses incorrectly :\15:41
* bluesabre avoids building parole for a while15:41
knomekrytarik, i found a reason why we don't want to translate all files15:46
knomekrytarik, cc-by-sa.xml15:47
krytarikAh, right.15:47
knomeok, pushing15:51
knomeeh, diverged15:51
knomepushing again...15:52
knomerevision 424 up15:52
knomekrytarik, please test15:52
knomeslickymasterWork, ping, please test lp:xubuntu-docs15:52
akxwi-daveHi Knome, just to let you know been testing the new xfdesktop and so far so good, nothing has hit me with any problems..16:00
knomeakxwi-dave, good to hear16:05
knomeflocculant, bluesabre ^16:05
bluesabreakxwi-dave: that's good news, considering I just uploaded it a few minutes ago to wily16:06
bluesabrethanks for taking a look!16:06
akxwi-dave:-) will keep pushing it harder..  just done the basics so far.. but will start throwing some extra wobblies at it.16:07
pleia2knome: I'm a day behind, but finally home insight on what? (lost in backscroll, would have to open logs...)16:21
knomei'll open the log...16:22
pleia2haha, I can, just didn't know if you knew offhand16:23
knomepleia2, flocculant was asking about why ubuntu mate can take donations16:23
knomepleia2, and stuff around it16:23
pleia2either they made some kind of arrangement with Canonical or are ignoring potential conflicts/legal/whatever stuff16:24
pleia2it's easy to ignore them, most young projects do16:24
knomewould be nice to know16:24
pleia2someone could ask them :)16:24
knomeanyway, the point is that the donations they get aren't very small, they are giving away like 350-400$ a month in total16:25
knomeok, they aren't very large either16:25
knomebut they are basically giving their own developers and maintainers money16:25
* pleia2 nods16:26
pleia2I have no interest in handling finances and taxes for these things, I do it for a non-profit that's only US-based and that's hard enough16:27
pleia2so even if Canonical is ok with it, the administrative overhead for non-trivial amounts of money is painful16:28
knomeyeah, i'm not exactly looking to start taking donations16:28
knomei just asked #ubuntu-mate, let's see what they say16:28
davmor2pleia2, knome: also you can just ask people to give when they download the image, Pretty sure you can select xubuntu, then canonical have the over head16:30
pleia2davmor2: there's no xubuntu or flavors slider anymore, just community - a fund we can draw from16:30
pleia2davmor2: so we mention that on our donations page :) http://xubuntu.org/donations/16:31
davmor2ah fair enough16:31
davmor2I haven't seen that page in a while16:31
knomedavmor2, if you have problems with eyesight, i would consult a doctor ;)16:36
davmor2knome: :P16:37
flocculantnot on a monday in the uk ... 16:37
bluesabrenot without insurance in the us ...16:47
bluesabrenew blueman uploaded, expect to see that a bit later today16:57
knomebluesabre, assigned the bug to you...17:21
knomenice to see the burndown looking better day by day17:22
krytarikknome: You changed the indention style of all scripts, thus also making the diff a little hard to read. >_<17:22
knomekrytarik, yeah but the indentation sucked17:22
knomeit was a mix of tabs and spaces...17:22
bluesabreknome: thanks17:25
bluesabrekrytarik: diff -w ?17:34
krytarikYep, done already - had to download the files from a previous revision for that, of course.17:34
bluesabremight be able to do bzr diff --diff-options=-w or something similar17:35
bluesabrehaven't tried it17:36
krytarikAh, right.17:36
krytarikknome: Slight streamlining and adjustments: http://paste.openstack.org/show/f4g6iLQNuq0PtGoZKBjr/17:49
krytarikknome: Also, while slickymaster seemed to agree with your idea to only link to the PDFs from each doc version's main page, he's also said he agrees with my idea of linking to them from each page - hence my confusion reg. him.17:53
knomekrytarik, MP please or i'll forget...18:02
knome(and mess it up)18:02
krytarikbluesabre: Didn't even think of doing it within bzr, that is :P - that works though.18:04
knomekrytarik, if you have a better idea on how to remove the xml tag from the files than tail...18:04
bluesabrekrytarik: at work I have my editor set up to convert tabs to spaces and strip trailing whitespace... and I'm the only one so I depend on the -w option to see what I am breaking18:09
bluesabreotherwise its just alllllll whitespace changes18:09
Unit193What?  I don't do that weird of things, and sure I can expect things to work.18:27
krytarikknome: 'tail' is fine there, I guess - only the '-q' flag is unnecessary.18:46
bluesabreflocculant: poke19:02
bluesabreochosi: poke19:08
bluesabreanybody around running wily want to take mugshot 0.3.0 for a spin before I upload today? https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging19:09
bluesabreif you haven't installed today's xubuntu-default-settings and restarted your session, do that first ;)19:09
krytarikknome: So it's currently at: http://paste.openstack.org/show/Gfqdqx4eP8c61pyZhtpQ/19:13
flocculantbluesabre: that'll be a \o/ 19:26
jjfrv8bluesabre, 0.3.0 still looking good here too.19:30
bluesabregood good19:36
flocculantoh ... 19:36
bluesabreuh oh19:36
flocculantyep - still \o/ 19:36
flocculantfreshly brewed dad joke19:37
bluesabreseems the tea leaves were bad, better toss it out19:37
flocculantseem good to me 19:37
flocculantstill appear to have parole issues here - but assume that's because old install19:39
bluesabreflocculant: which issues?19:39
knomebluesabre, don't ask him what "issues" he has19:39
flocculantknome: it's ok - we're talking specific issues currently :D19:40
knomebetter be very specific then..19:40
bluesabreflocculant: crash on close or startup?19:40
bluesabreI have a fix for that now, just in any of our PPAs at the moment19:41
knomeit's always funny when you're told that "app crashed so it must close" - when you click on the close button..19:41
knomemicahg, hello19:42
flocculantbluesabre: cool 19:42
bluesabreI'll probably have that uploaded some time today, hopefully19:43
flocculantokey - I'll watch for something regardless of when 19:43
bluesabrein fact, packaging it to send to ppa now19:48
bluesabreflocculant: uploaded to xubuntu-staging... should build and be available shortly19:53
bluesabreI feel so productive on my days off19:53
flocculantha ha 19:54
flocculantok - well I'll check in a bit, if not it'll be the morning 19:54
bluesabreflocculant: should be available now (and anybody else interested in parole not dying)20:09
krytarikknome: Btw, the all-spaces indention in the lower 'sed' part of pdf-create.sh was deliberate, to adapt to the formatting of the produced HTML file.20:13
jjfrv8bluesabre, verified crash on close pre-upgrade, all better after. Didn't do much more testing than that.20:14
bluesabrejjfrv8: great, thanks20:14
krytarikknome: Not that it matters currently, since we're not using that now.20:14
jjfrv8bluesabre, gmusicbrowser crashes on close. Related?20:16
bluesabrejjfrv8: slim possibility that it might be20:16
bluesabreI'll have to check that out20:17
flocculantbluesabre: not seeing new parole - but then I've got it available from staging and daily - and daily failed to build20:17
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, need to fix daily build.. new build requirement in trunk20:17
bluesabrethe one is -staging should be good if you were to force install it, the bugfix was pretty clear for that one20:18
flocculantconfirm that fix :)20:19
knomekrytarik, :)20:20
flocculantwell - night all :)20:40
bluesabrenight flocculant 20:41
bluesabreand parole-daily should be fixed tomorrow20:41
bluesabre... if I commit a change to trunk20:41
bluesabreand possibly add appstream to our ppa20:46
bluesabrework work work20:46
knomepleia2, what kind of data do we want to get out of the survey results?20:52
knomepleia2, can you think of any correlations we'd like to do?20:53
two_jaysdkessel: can you tell me how to review a suggested translation in launchpad? i already did a ne translation, but couldnt see how i could review one. Thanks :)21:02
knometwo_jays, you can't review unless you are a member of a specific LP group21:04
two_jaysok. then i will keep translating. and if i think a suggested one is good should i copy it or leave that completely?21:06
knometwo_jays, if something is suggested and it's good, just leave it21:11
knometwo_jays, and thanks for contributing21:11
two_jaysim happy to help you. I like Xubuntu and want to take part in that :) its my 21:16
two_jaysmain and productive system for my studies.21:16
bluesabrewonderful progress today22:12
knomesame amount tomorrow and we're looking much better:P22:18
bluesabretomorrow I work, so don't expect that from me :D22:24
knomemicahg, good evening22:41
knomeslickymaster, around?22:42
knomenope what?22:46
bluesabrehe's not around22:47
bluesabrefound a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/catfish/+bug/1395720, woohoo22:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1395720 in catfish (Ubuntu) "authentication in livesession accepts any value as password" [High,Confirmed]22:47
knometime for an upload then ;)22:57
knomewith the optional CSD flag for catfish, obviously22:58
knometwo items with one upload!22:58
bluesabrethat's the plan22:58
bluesabretrying to fix all the things22:58
pleia2knome: the survey we already did, or a future one?23:17
knomewe did23:18
knomei hate analyzing surveys with LO calc, fwiw23:19
knomeespecially since google exports the results in a VERY silly format23:19
flexiondotorgbluesabre, Thanks for your work on Blueman2 :-)23:19
knome(all answers for a checkbox group are comma separated in a single cell, not different columns)23:19
knome^ MEHH23:20
pleia2that's annoying23:20
knomei was actually just considering creating an sql database for that23:20
knomeand scrape results off that...23:20
knomebut not if we don't need correlation data23:21
knomebecause the basic stuff is totally available from gforms directly23:21
knomeand i'm not sure what correlations we'd like23:21
knomemaybe that would mean we'd be overthinking it23:21
pleia2heh :)23:21
knomeanyway, for example23:21
knomeonly 20-25% people said the default office/media apps satisfy their needs23:22
knomeok ok, the office stuff has changed now23:22
knomebut wondering about the media part23:22
knomemaybe that's something we should dig deeper into23:22
pleia2I haven't looked at the results23:22
pleia2the media stuff is interesting, I also don't use defaults23:23
knomei'm the odd bird, but i actually do..23:23
knomei only use vlc when parole fails to play a dvd23:23
pleia2well, I'd jusually say I'm odd so I don't do what normal people do with xubuntu23:23
knomejusually :D23:23
pleia2but in the case of the media player, I agree that *you* are odd ;D23:23
knomebut otoh, i would say i don't really use gmb as-is23:24
pleia2it's just hard because vlc doesn't really work for us23:24
knomei've hacked in a lot of custom stuff23:24
knomei know23:24
knomebut parole is great23:24
knomei'm happy with it, really23:24
pleia2I love vlc, parole never plays things I want it to play by default23:24
pleia2I think vlc ships with a bunch of codecs or something23:24
knomeif i could only use parole or vlc, i'd pick parole23:24
pleia2I wouldn't23:24
knomebecause i can watch the rest of the stuff elsewhere23:24
knomei know23:25
knomei do hope that parole improves over time23:25
knomelike ps323:25
knomei know that's not a real solution, but just to prove i would be happy without vlc23:25
knomeanother question about the survey results is if we want to publish all the data23:26
pleia2I think we did say that the data would be available to the xubuntu team23:26
pleia2I can't remember exact wording though23:26
knomei'm thinking we should make some kind of report available in static.x.o23:26
knomelike, a very general, anonymous one23:27
knomethen maybe a blog article highlighting some of the interesting finds23:27
* pleia2 nods23:27
knomeso i know we already discussed it for some time, but would you have some time to over it nowish?23:28
pleia2no, I have to go grocery shopping now23:37
knomehave fun there then :)23:37
pleia2no food in my home post travel23:38
pleia2anwyay, bbiab23:38
knomeno surprise23:38

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