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vmayoralSome might be interested on https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/erle-spider-the-ubuntu-drone-with-legs.06:15
dholbachgood morning06:40
fgimenezgood morning07:05
ogra_mvo_, hmm, vivid images stopped building, seems the ubuntu-snappy source doesnt build the ubuntu-snappy binary anymore07:56
ogra_resulting in:07:57
ogra_The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:57
ogra_ ubuntu-snappy : Depends: ubuntu-snappy-cli (= 1.0.1-1+467~ubuntu15.04.1) but it is not going to be installed07:57
ogra_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.07:57
ogra_P: Begin unmounting filesystems...07:57
ogra_oh, failed on amd64 ...07:59
ogra_   dh_install -O--buildsystem=golang -O--fail-missing08:00
ogra_cp: cannot stat 'debian/tmp//usr/bin/xgettext-go': No such file or directory08:00
ogra_dh_install: cp -a debian/tmp//usr/bin/xgettext-go debian/golang-snappy-dev///usr/bin/ returned exit code 108:00
ogra_make: *** [binary] Error 208:00
ogra_Chipaca, any idea about the above ? seems it comes from backporting https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/delayed-service-start into 15.04 (why is there xettext in that merge at all ?)08:22
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Physical Therapy Day! 😃08:33
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Chipacaogra_: not entirely sure, no; mvo patched up the xgettext thing for it to work09:32
livcdHi what exactly is ubuntu Core ? I have obviously read the description page but still fail to understand the purpose09:46
livcdis it meant to be a "container OS" for a docker like environment09:46
livcdor a base system running docker images ? :309:46
livcdor both09:46
ogra_it is meant to be a core of any kind of OS09:47
ogra_(even a desktop install is planned)09:48
livcdok so what do you think about a base host for docker and docker containers ? :D09:49
Chipacawhither mvo?09:50
Chipacalivcd: grab snappy ubuntu core, then "sudo snappy install docker"09:50
ogra_pitti, is there an easy way to find that sysvinit scripts are in use via systemctl ?10:12
pittiogra_: you mean that a unit was generated from a sysvinit script?10:12
ogra_(we just seeded ppp in the image and that doesnt ship any systemd stuff)10:13
pitti$ systemctl show -p SourcePath networking.service10:13
pittisomething like that?10:13
ogra_ah, perfect10:13
ogra_event works with a wildcard :D10:14
pittiogra_: I assume this is for a script -- as a human, looking at systemctl status foo is a bit more obvious, and simpler to remember10:14
pitti● networking.service - LSB: Raise network interfaces.10:15
pitti   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/networking)10:15
ogra_pitti, well, i was not sure if snappy ships the sysvinit generator at all10:15
pittiogra_: oh, ambitious :)10:15
pitti(but indeed that does sound achievable)10:16
ogra_and pppd ships a /etc/init.d/pppd-dns script ... we need to be sure this still works (ppp doesnt seem to have any kind of native systemd integration)10:16
ogra_ricmm, seems watchdog is completely configured via /etc/default/watchdog that should be easy10:20
ogra_and its is already shipping proper systemd service files too ...10:20
ricmmogra_: perfecto10:21
* ogra_ guesses there is nothing to do for watchdog except adding writability for the confi10:21
Chipacaogra_: arch seems to have pppd systemd scripts :)10:49
Chipacaogra_: otoh, systemd was working on pppd support10:49
Chipacaas part of networkd though10:49
ogra_yeah, but thats for later10:49
ogra_the sysvinit script it ships is a one liner:10:50
ogra_[ -x /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0000usepeerdns ] \10:50
ogra_        && exec /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0000usepeerdns10:50
Chipacaah. meh :)10:50
ogra_also pretty debian/ubuntu specific too10:50
ogra_i think we're fine shipping it as is for now ... just need /etc/ppp/ writable10:51
ogra_(and if needed have snappy config modify/add/remove files in there)10:51
sergiusensgood morning from the americas!11:12
ogra_yo yo!11:13
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* ogra_ sees that ubuntu-snappy has finally built and triggers a new 15.04 image12:19
livcdis there a generic image i can get ?12:42
livcdi plan to use it with vbox12:43
* Chipaca shakes his fist at classes that use private globals for configuration you should change for testing use of the class12:47
Chipacalivcd: yes, you probably want the amd64 15.04 stable image12:47
guest42315livcd,  wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz ?12:47
Chipacalivcd: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/12:47
livcdChipaca: is that the one ?12:48
livcdis not that the one for KVM ?12:48
Chipacalivcd: the url guest42315 pointed at works with kvm, yes12:49
Chipacalivcd: i assume vbox is virtualbox, in which case I understand it also can work with that image, but I haven't tested this myself12:50
livcdoh i think i have to convert that one first12:50
livcdi have seen on the page a "larger" multipurpose image for vmware,vbox,etc12:50
Chipacalivcd: get the OVA file12:51
Chipacalivcd: from the page i pointed you at12:52
Chipacalivcd: probably the easiest way12:52
livcdthe ova file12:53
livcdyeah that's the one12:53
livcdthough i wanted the smallest image possible :D12:53
rickspencer3jdstrand, I noticed that I am getting this error when I try to use certain pins on my bbb13:26
rickspencer3Sep 08 13:25:36 localhost.localdomain ubuntu-core-launcher[1090]: open /sys/class/gpio/gpio44/direction: permission denied13:26
Chipacayashi_: hello13:26
yashi_just tried to run ubuntu-device-flash under systemd-nspawn container and found out that oem handler runs `udevadmin control --reload` which is not possible under nspawn containers.  installOemHardwareUdevRules seems to assume that environment it's called is runtime env, but not a host with u-d-f13:27
Chipacarickspencer3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1488618 ?13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1488618 in Snappy trunk "cannot specify /sys/class/gpio/export with hw-assign" [Critical,Fix released]13:27
rickspencer3I added this to my apparmor profile to try to hack around it, but it didn't work13:27
rickspencer3  /sys/class/gpio/gpio44/direction rw,13:27
rickspencer3Chipaca, well, that is another bug I found perviously13:28
rickspencer3not sure if this is the same or related13:28
Chipacame neither :)13:28
rickspencer3is there a way for me to tell my bbb to update to the latest daily image?13:28
ogra_sudo snappy update ubuntu-core13:29
ogra_shoudl work13:29
rickspencer3arg, ogra_ maybe I didn't get onto rolling when I made the image :(13:30
ogra_ah, thats the hacked channel image ?13:30
yashi_it seems to me that what u-d-f want is to install udev rules but not activation.  does anyone know around this?13:30
rickspencer3is says I am on version 413:30
ogra_yeah, that might not just work13:30
ogra_you can force it in the bootloader config to switch to the other partition13:31
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ fw_printenv |grep ^snappy_ab13:32
Chipacayashi_: sorry, what?13:32
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo fw_setenv snappy_ab b13:32
ogra_then reboot13:32
ogra_((unless your image is really really old ... in which case you dont have the right bootloader setup and actually need to re-flash)13:33
yashi_Chipaca: have you run ubuntu-device-flash under systemd nspawn containers?13:34
Chipacayashi_: I have not. What for?13:34
yashi_Chipaca: using a container for lightweight vm, nothing more.13:34
* ogra_ guesses the typical ubuntu user uses lxc instead of nspawn :)13:35
Chipacayashi_: and you run u-d-f _inside_ the container, and ... something about udev?13:36
yashi_ogra_: oh13:36
* Chipaca isn't getting where udev comes into it13:37
ogra_yeah, sounds weird13:37
ogra_is that when you are executing it ?13:37
Chipacaat first i thought you were trying to use the output of u-d-f inside an nspawn (which wouldn't work) :)13:37
yashi_Chipaca: yeah, in short u-d-f does not work inside the container.  reason: no access to systemd-udevd13:37
ogra_or do you refer to the u-d-f package shipping rules13:37
jdstrandrickspencer3: let me look at the bug again13:39
yashi_but i thought u-d-f does not need to / should not access systemd-udevd via udevadm.13:39
ogra_well, it creates partitioned images ... i havent seen the source but it might talk to udevd to determine loop devices and whatnot13:40
ogra_sergiusens, ^^^^ ?13:40
Chipacathat's probably the oem setup?13:40
jdstrandit is related but the fix isn't broad enough. unfortunately, I've never done gpio so not sure of all the paths. I am going to suggest going broader to cover this13:40
ogra_Chipaca, yeah13:40
yashi_ogra_: hmm.  I'l check about loop device13:41
yashi_Chipaca: yes, it's activateOemHardwareUdevRules() in oem.go13:41
Chipacaoh. lunch.13:42
* Chipaca ~> lunch13:42
jdstrandmvo_: hey, I just filed bug #1493389 on rickspencer3's behalf. it is essentially the same bug as the one you fixed before but for a different path. In the bug, the fix I suggested should prevent this bug in the future for any path in /sys/class/gpio13:49
nothalBug #1493389: cannot specify /sys/class/gpio/*/direction with hw-assign <Snappy:New> <Snappy 15.04:New> <Snappy trunk:New> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1493389>13:49
ubottubug 1493389 in Snappy trunk "cannot specify /sys/class/gpio/*/direction with hw-assign" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149338913:49
jdstrandmvo_: I took the liberty of triaging it to match bug #1488618 (without assigning you)13:50
nothalBug #1488618: cannot specify /sys/class/gpio/export with hw-assign  <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1488618>13:50
ubottubug 1488618 in Snappy trunk "cannot specify /sys/class/gpio/export with hw-assign" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148861813:50
sergiusensyashi_, ogra_ what u-d-f are you using, the udev rules are not supposed to be triggered, just layed out13:50
ogra_sergiusens, well, it seems to actually try to call udevd13:51
sergiusensyashi_, that is inhibited from u-d-f (activateOemHardwareUdevRules)13:51
mvo_thanks jdstrand13:58
yashi_sergiusens: do you mean u-d-f shouldn't call activateOemHardwareUdevRules() ?14:00
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sergiusensyashi_, it shouldn't and I'm sure I added code for that14:02
sergiusensyashi_, I'm checking now14:02
ogra_yashi_, are you actually using the latest u-d-f from the snappy-tools PPA =14:02
ogra_just to make sure :)14:02
yashi_sergiusens: i've checked the u-d-f from the snappy official ppa and bzr14:03
yashi_ogra_: I noticed errro with the official binary so did `go get` and built u-d-f myself14:04
yashi_ogra_: i'm not bzr guy so not sure which branch is the tip, but i've built the one in goget-ubuntu-touch revno 6114:06
yashi_sergiusens: which branch should I checkout to see your change?14:08
Chipacayashi_: i suspect the change has gotten lost, as I don't see code in tip to not do the activate14:08
sergiusensyashi_, I was looking at bzr logs to figure out where the change went14:08
* Chipaca hugs sergiusens 14:09
sergiusensseems I did something similar, but not to this14:09
ogra_and on a sidenote https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/goget-ubuntu-touch/trunk is trunk :)14:09
sergiusensChipaca, seems it's not there, we need to either split write and install or pass in inhibitHooks14:09
* Chipaca runs back to his own code14:09
yashi_ogra_: thanks!14:10
sergiusensChipaca, no, please stay ;-)14:12
rickspencer3jdstrand, I applied your work around, but I am still getting denied14:18
rickspencer3maybe I need a different hw-assign?14:18
rickspencer3Sep  8 14:14:58 localhost kernel: [   69.578787] audit: type=1400 audit(1441721698.017:10): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="ssh-ready.sideload_ssh-ready_0.1" name="/sys/devices/platform/ocp/4804c000.gpio/gpio/gpio44/direction" pid=1098 comm="ssh-ready" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=0 ouid=014:18
jdstrandrickspencer3: yes, you need an additional hardware assign14:23
rickspencer3jdstrand, so, weird that it always works fine on pin 67 and 6814:24
jdstrandrickspencer3: do remember that if you do hw-assign again, you'll have to re-add the workaround rule14:24
Chipacamvo_: ogra_: hadn't we fixed the thing where we create vmlinuz-$version and initrd-$version?14:25
Chipacabecause wily edge 166 still has it, right now14:26
ogra_Chipaca, i think sergio did the u-d-f side to ssuport the versioned binaries ... and i think mvo_ recently added code that makes sure everything is removed from /boot14:26
sergiusensChipaca, the part missing is that system-image would need to generate the yaml14:26
mvo_Chipaca: I have a branch for this up for review right now14:26
rickspencer3jdstrand, ack14:26
ogra_it might be that we still have unversioned duplicates in the oem snap14:26
Chipacamvo_: you have a lot of branches waiting on the integration test runner, it seems14:27
Chipacamvo_: is that thing working?14:27
mvo_Chipaca: I think so, I tested it on some kernel change image iirc14:27
zygahey everyone14:27
zygatedg: I'd like to sync with your on python support14:27
Chipacamvo_: i meant the integration test runner thing14:28
tedgzyga: Morning, I have a branch, but it needs to get updated with sergiusens' fixes.14:28
zygatedg: can I have a look?14:28
zygatedg: maybe your approach is easier to land than mine :)14:29
mvo_Chipaca: it seems its not right now, we probably should ask fgimenez :)14:29
tedgzyga: No, it is a secret. What ever you do, don't click on this link! https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/snapcraft/python-pip14:30
zygatedg: thanks14:31
fgimenezmvo_, you mean this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1476129-boot-ok/+merge/269224 right? we can keep the rc local failover test commented14:32
Chipacafgimenez: there are a number of branches that are waiting for the integration test +114:33
Chipacafgimenez: is that working? because it's been a week for some of them14:33
Chipacafgimenez: so if you think it's working, you think wrong :)14:34
yashi_sergiusens: gotta go, it's late here.  let me know if you need a tester for it,  i have some time tomorrow14:34
fgimenezChipaca, it's not enabled yet afaic, probably some of the jenkins instances kept requesting the review, while the jobs weren't triggered14:35
Chipacamvo_: top approve 'em all!14:36
Chipacago go go14:36
ogra_shell shell shell14:36
sergiusensyashi_, sure, just remind me tomorrow14:36
mvo_Chipaca: :) yay14:38
elopioogra_: how do I generate the init img from this initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core branch?14:38
Chipacaelopio: first, you take a black rooster on a full moon14:38
mvo_elopio: the initrd.img  ? find .|cpio -o -H newc|xz -c -9 --check=crc3214:38
mvo_elopio: after you unpacked it to "." of course14:39
mvo_elopio: and yes, full moon also helps ;)14:39
elopioChipaca: that's easy to get.14:39
ogra_elopio, make a chroot ... install initramfs-tools and initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core in it ... chroot into it ... sudo update-initramfs -kfoo -c14:39
Chipacaelopio: your neck of the woods, sure14:39
mvo_oh, what ogra_ said works too to build it afresh, my suggestion works when modifying a existing one14:39
ogra_right, you can as well unpack and re-pack14:40
ogra_and replace the right bits14:40
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elopiofgimenez: do you have ssh access to that instance that failed on the free space test?15:49
fgimenezelopio, yep, let me add your key15:50
fgimenezelopio, the jenkins container is running at, you should be able to access now, sudo docker exec -ti snappy-jenkins bash to enter the container15:52
elopiofgimenez: I meant to the snappy instance.15:53
elopiosorry for not being clear.15:53
fgimenezelopio, the instance itself where the tests run is deleted, but you can spin it up again with nova15:53
fgimenezyep, np :)15:53
elopiofgimenez: I have started a couple of instances and can't reproduce it.15:54
elopioI think this will help, for sure: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/snappy/parted_script/+merge/27042115:54
elopiobut I'm not sure if it will fix your problem. Does it happen on all the runs from jenkins?15:54
fgimenezelopio, these are the results, fails with each execution15:55
elopiofgimenez: great, so let me try with this branch from a jenkins instance. Thanks.15:55
fgimenezelopio, maybe it's because it's running against 15.04?15:56
fgimenezlet me try rolling too15:56
elopiofgimenez: if ogra has not backported this, then the image doesn't have parted installed. Let me check.15:57
ogra_elopio, right, not backported yet15:57
ogra_i was waiting for test feedback first ...15:58
elopiofgimenez: ^ so the test is rolling only.15:58
fgimenezelopio, ogra_ ok thanks, now running it15:59
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tedgUhg, this sucks. bug 130699116:17
ubottubug 1306991 in python-pip (Ubuntu) "pip stops with ImportError for request-Modul" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130699116:17
tedgFinally found the issue, but not sure how to work around it.16:17
tedgFrustrating, but ironic, to run into the issue that people have working with Ubuntu packages while trying to build Snappy16:19
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sergiusenstedg, maybe just easy_install pip and forget the ubuntu package?16:34
elopioogra_ or sergiusens: when do we need the dtbs? only for uboot?16:45
sergiusenselopio, yes; for arm16:46
ogra_elopio, what sergiusens said ... depneding on the device you need them earlier or later16:49
ogra_(BBB only needs them in uboot, RPi already in the first stage loader)16:50
tedgsergiusens: Yeah, working through that... directories become fun.17:12
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mhall119hi everyone, is there a way yet to use snapcraft on my (x86) laptop to build a package for (armhf) RPi2?18:43
mhall119using a .deb from the archives18:43
beunomhall119, are you subscribed to snappy-app-devel?18:44
mhall119probably not18:45
beunomhall119, if you do, and if you look at the latest thread18:45
beunoyou will get your answer!18:46
* beuno doesn't want to spoil the ending18:46
tedgbeuno: You're such a tease!19:03
tedgHa, I think it works.19:45
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rickspencer3jdstrand, does this mean I need to do hw-assign /sys/devices/ ?20:04
rickspencer3Sep  8 20:03:12 localhost kernel: [19340.684890] audit: type=1400 audit(1441742592.719:445): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="pan-tilt-camera.sideload_pan-tilt-camera_0.1" name="/sys/devices/" pid=1852 comm="pan-tilt-camera" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=020:04
jdstrandrickspencer3: that one is annoying. does the app not work correctly without that access?20:15
rickspencer3jdstrand, well, it threw that error constantly in a loop20:15
rickspencer3then, I granted the app access to /sys/devices20:15
rickspencer3not more error, but the app is not working20:16
rickspencer3also, I just burned out a servo by plugging it into the wrong pin20:16
jdstrandright. if it wants /sys/devices/ it is perhaps looking for something20:16
rickspencer3jdstrand, I think it is a pwd port20:16
rickspencer3as in, I think the port support pwd20:17
* rickspencer3 notes to be more careful with servos20:18
rickspencer3there's $3 I'll never see again20:18
rickspencer3jdstrand, so I am not seeing any denials or errors20:18
rickspencer3it's just not working20:19
rickspencer3and I have no idea where to start20:19
rickspencer3nothing in pwm20:19
* rickspencer3 goes to google20:19
jdstrandI'm going to allow access to /sys/devices/ so you won't have to worry about that20:20
rickspencer3h man, I plugged it into the totally wrong pin20:20
rickspencer3ogra_, anything I need to know before using pwm on my bbb?20:40
rickspencer3for example, "how to make it work" ;)20:40
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sergiusenstedg, can you peek at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/filesets/+merge/270455 (work in progress) and get some initial thoughts in? I'd also appreciate if you can look at all the prereqs to this which are under actual review :-)21:24
tedgsergiusens: Not a fan of "!include"21:34
sergiusenstedg, well, that is part of the spec ;-)21:34
tedgsergiusens: Means that you have two "languages" in the same file. YAML and a string lang.21:34
* sergiusens wasn't there21:34
tedgEh :-/21:35
sergiusenstedg, also, ! means something in yaml so you have to explicitly cast the string with quotes :-/21:35
tedgWhat does "!" mean in YAML?21:35
sergiusenstedg, ready for the irony...?21:36
sergiusenstedg, it is some form of 'include'21:36
tedgOh, an it seems !! allows for typing.21:37
sergiusenstedg, I'll be writing an email about this21:37
tedgWow, YAML is kinda crazy on this.21:40
* tedg had no idea21:40
tedgsergiusens: Not sure I have useful comments... it matches the spec :-) The spec is a bit odd in this case.21:46
tedgIt feels like we're real close to needing regular expressions.21:46
tedgWhich I don't think is a good place to be.21:47
sergiusenstedg, ;-) well you can review the prereqs I guess :-P21:49
tedgWe effectively have sets of globs which use to generate sets of files.21:50
tedgI can't figure out a way to resolve it, but it feel yucky.21:51
tedgsergiusens: Didn't we have something autobuilding the MRs?21:53
* tedg doesn't see a comment21:53
sergiusenstedg, after approval iirc21:55
sergiusenselopio, ^ ?21:55
tedgsergiusens: Why can't tabs be in a snapcraft.yaml?21:57
tedgsergiusens: It seems like valid YAML.21:57
sergiusenstedg, It is not; tabs can't start a line like that21:57
sergiusenstedg, http://www.yaml.org/faq.html21:58
sergiusenstedg, it made it to the two question faq :-P21:58
tedgsergiusens: Hmm, I think that Juju allows them atleast, I'm sure I've used them :-)22:00
tedgsergiusens: Interestingly they can be used for spacing values but not indentation.22:01
sergiusenstedg, the golang based parser doesn't care; snappy doesn't care either22:02
sergiusenstedg, it is just not following the spec, that's all22:03
sergiusenstedg, I would rather ont patch python3-yaml to not follow the spec :-P22:03
sergiusensseems to be the wrong direction :-)22:04
tedgsergiusens: You could patch the YAML spec ;-)22:04
* tedg wants to move things the right direction22:04
* sergiusens would make all code just use tabs22:05
* sergiusens walks away for a bit22:05
tedgI like tabs for YAML files because you can just set your tabstop to 10 and see what the indentation really is.22:05
tedgI'm going to have to go soon.22:06

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