
Odd_Blokeharlowja: I've been OOO since the weekend, I'm planning on spending some time this morning to get a proof of concept that we can discuss at the meeting this afternoon.07:58
Odd_Blokeharlowja: So none as yet, but thanks for the offer!07:58
openstackgerritDaniel Watkins proposed stackforge/cloud-init: [WIP] TaskFlow for running shell commands  https://review.openstack.org/22059310:31
openstackgerritDaniel Watkins proposed stackforge/cloud-init: [WIP] TaskFlow for running shell commands  https://review.openstack.org/22059310:35
Odd_Blokeharlowja: ARGH, so networkx have dropped Python 2.6 support in their latest release.10:41
Odd_Blokeharlowja: Which the latest two versions of taskflow depend on.10:41
Odd_BlokeTotal sadface.10:41
Odd_BlokeAlso the installation failure doesn't happen in tox. :/10:55
eofsis't possible to put cloud-config data into file and re-run it using cloud-init cli?12:35
eofscurrently I've to stop EC2 instance, update UserData and restart it which I find it to be very inconvenient method12:36
natoriouseofs: should be doable.  Just rid your instance data from /var/lib/cloud13:22
eofsnatorious: I tried to put my config into /etc/cloud/cloud.conf.d/10_custom.cfg, removed everything from /var/lib/cloud and rebooted13:24
eofs"final_message" was printed into logs, but htop wasn't installed and no packages were upgraded13:25
natoriouseofs: what was the cli command you used?13:26
smoserrebooting as you suggeted should work . after removing /var/lib/cloud13:27
smoserpastebin (hint, wonderful command called 'pastebinit' is installable from ubuntu) your /var/log/cloud-init.log13:27
natoriouseofs: reason I ask is that the update upgrade install pkg module defaults to loading in the config mode so you would trigger it with something like 'cloud-init modules --mode config' or something along those lines13:36
eofsodd, it seems to work now13:39
eofslaunched new, clean instance, added my settings into /etc/cloud/cloud.conf.d/10_custom.cfg, removed /var/lib/cloud and rebooted13:39
eofsmaybe I managed to "brick" by previous instance somehow13:40
natoriouseofs: removing /var/lib/cloud could be problematic on some distros init systems too13:40
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smosernatorious, it shoudl be ok to do taht.13:42
smoserif not, i'd consider it a bug. things should be generally idempotent.13:43
natoriousok, cool.  I did see some odd behavior with 0.7.7 when troubleshooting nic config on systemd by blowing away the /var/lib/cloud dir13:46
natoriousiir I had asked that same q here a year or so ago and blowing away /var/lib/cloud wasn't the rec way of resetting at the time13:47
Odd_Blokesmoser: harlowja: claudiupopa: 10 minute warning for meeting. :)13:50
eofscoreos-cloudinit seems to have easy to use cli: "coreos-cloudinit --from-file /path/to/file"13:50
eofseasier than removing some random folder and rebooting and waiting n-seconds for instance to come online again13:51
smosereofs, well, you dont have to.13:53
smoseryou can run a single mode again13:53
smosercloud-init single --name=foo --frequency=always13:53
eofsaah... where's the documentation!? ;)13:53
jimbobhickvilledid something break in the latest release for CentOS 6?13:54
jimbobhickvillefirst bit is the exception that is thrown when trying to run cloud-init, the 2nd is the yum update output where it updated to the latest version.  This was a fresh image built yesterday13:56
smoserjimbobhickville, it would seem that your 'requests' package is busted somehow13:59
Odd_Blokejimbobhickville: That _looks_ like a packaging problem with python-requests.13:59
Odd_Blokesmoser: harlowja: claudiupopa: Meeting?14:01
jimbobhickvillethis is all just from the official centos repos14:01
Odd_Blokejimbobhickville: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=9139 looks similar.14:02
smoserok. lets start a meeting.14:03
jimbobhickvillethx Odd_Bloke14:03
smoserwe'll just walk through open reviews quickly and then a open discussion14:03
jimbobhickvilleOdd_Bloke: looks like the suggested fix of cleaning up the leftover folder worked, thanks14:04
Odd_Blokejimbobhickville: \o/14:04
smoserreviews at http://bit.ly/cloudinit-reviews-public14:05
claudiupopaSo no hangouts meeting?14:05
smoseroh. hm.. do you want hangout? i'd gotten to enjoy these in irc.14:06
claudiupopaNot necessarily, no.14:06
smoserand some others had been showing up for them.14:06
smoserand are not on our hangout.14:06
smoserlets put that into open discussion :)14:06
smoserfirst review in my list is14:06
smoser https://review.openstack.org/#/c/220593/14:06
smoserwhich is marked WIP14:07
smoseri know that Odd_Bloke and harlowja have talked some about taskflow14:07
claudiupopaYeah, I talked with harlowja as well regarding https://review.openstack.org/#/c/220095/14:07
smoserthis does add a requriement on taskflow, which generally speaking we'd like to avoid. so maybe in the commit message or somewhere, a justification for picking up that requirement woudl be nice.14:08
smoserespecially since python3 version is not terribly easily available14:08
smoseri'll put such coments into review here14:08
claudiupopaThe question if we really need taskflow for this.14:08
claudiupopaFor instance, regarding the parallel discovery and execution, it might not be so easy to use it.14:09
Odd_BlokeSo I really like taskflow for the overall stuff.14:09
Odd_BlokeIt allows us to declare a graph of tasks and dependencies, and execute as we want (persisting between runs).14:10
claudiupopaIt supports the whole range of supported Python versions?14:10
Odd_BlokeWell, that's something I want to bring up in general discussion.14:10
Odd_BlokeIt does not support Python 2.6.14:10
Odd_BlokeBut I'd like to have a discussion about why we support Python 2.6.14:10
natoriouswould /tmp be the best place for a taskflow db though?14:10
natoriouswouldn't some distros blow away /tmp on reboot14:11
smoserall probably do14:11
Odd_Blokenatorious: I would expect that to move to /var/lib/cloud.14:11
claudiupopaExcept windows maybe.14:11
Odd_BlokeBut that's a PITA for testing.14:11
Odd_Blokes/testing/manual testing/14:11
Odd_BlokeBecause /var/lib/cloud either does not exist or is owned by someone inconvenient (i.e. root). :p14:12
smatzekI believe RHEL 6.x still has Python 2.6 by default.  I'm not sure about SLES 11 / 12.14:12
Odd_BlokeYeah, RHEL 6 is definitely still on 2.6.14:12
smoserits worth discussing.14:12
smoserwe'll have to investigate the plausibility of RHEL 6 support with a newer python if we want to drop 2.614:14
tpeoplesiirc sles 11 is using 2.6 as well14:14
smoserie we really do need to have *some* supported path there.14:14
Odd_BlokeDo we think that a new version of cloud-init is ever going to hit RHEL 6?14:14
smatzektpeoples: do you know about SLES 12?14:14
smoserits quite possible that it would not be in official archives of rhel614:14
larsksOdd_Bloke: if there were a critical new feature + lots of customer demand, the answer is "maybe".14:15
natoriousOdd_Bloke: I would hope that to be the case too14:15
smoserbut we have people who would want to use it there in their images (possibly on their official images for their users on public clouds)14:15
jimbobhickvillethat ^^14:15
jimbobhickvilledid taskflow drop 2.6 support recently?  It used to support it14:16
smatzeksmoser:  I agree, and some companies may build cloud-init 2.0 RPMs for use on RHEL 6 to maintain the same level of cloud-init functionality across their private clouds regardless of the operating system in the image.14:16
smoserjimbobhickville, harlowja is sleeping14:17
smoserbut he can answer that, and i'll follow up with him today14:17
smoserthat coudl be an option also14:17
Odd_Blokejimbobhickville: Taskflow recently bumped its networkx requirement to a version of networkx that has dropped 2.6 support.14:17
smoserthere ya go.14:17
natoriousthough, redhat doesn't have specific requirements going into base images and so if needed, they could add in their py 3 deps14:17
smoserexplain ?14:18
smosernatorious, " redhat doesn't have specific requirements going into base images" ?14:18
jimbobhickvilleyou're not gonna convince public cloud providers to install py3k in the cent6 images by default14:18
natorioussmoser: I'm not aware of specific guidelines for a red hat base image per se.  The python 3 dependency packages could also be pre-installed in the base images14:19
smoserso we do need to look more into this.14:19
smoserand see if there is some path to python versions from this decade in rhel614:19
Odd_BlokeThis sounds, to me, like there are a loooong list of people who could club together to backport cloud-init and its dependencies to Python 2.6, if they insist on supporting a version of Python that is EOL.14:20
smoserand sles14:20
jimbobhickvilleI imagine that networkx dependency issue was a mistake. openstack requires python 2.6 support last I checked and taskflow is trying to become an official library14:20
smoserok. lets move along. this has been good discussion though. but i need to move.. to make another meeting :)14:20
Odd_BlokeAs an upstream, I'm not sure why we would take on the burden of supporting a Python version that is, I stress, END OF LIFE. :p14:21
Odd_BlokeAnyway, to be continued. :)14:21
smoserOdd_Bloke, because we want to support an OS that is *not* END OF LIFE (for another 5 years ;)14:21
smosernext: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/220095/14:21
smoserfor that... anyone reading along here.14:22
smoserpelase read that spec that claudiupopa has written and comment on the review14:22
smosermake sense ?14:22
* smoser will read today also14:22
smoserthat seems to me to be straight orward enough14:22
smoserthe one thing that i would suggest is that '--log-to-console' is long to type.14:22
smoser--log=- ?14:22
smoserwoudl that be possible , Odd_Bloke ?14:23
smoserok. i'll comment on review. lets go on14:24
Odd_Blokesmoser: It's non-trivial so, yeah, let's continue that conversation in the review.14:24
smoseri'll just ack that now.14:24
smoserok. and thats it. the only other one is my pip2distro... which i thin is pie in the sky, but i wish someone had.14:25
smoserso that i could do some thing like: pip-install-deps-as-seen-on-ubuntu-14.0414:25
smoseror rhel6. or whatnot. to easily test in a similar environment to that you'd get with package installed dependencies.14:26
smoserso. open discussion..14:26
smoser2 things here.14:26
smosera.) do people find this medium appropriate, or do we want to have some audio/voice enabled medium ?14:27
smoseri've been happy with this one... i want tog et a channel logger in here though at very least.14:27
Odd_BlokeI prefer IRC, because it's more transparent.14:27
smatzekI like this medium.14:27
smatzekisn't ubuntulog2 logging the channel?14:28
claudiupopaYeah, and the fact that more people can chime in is also better.14:28
Odd_BlokeAnd will scale better once we hit the $video_provider channel limit. :p14:28
smoserb.) ... shoot . what was this one ?14:28
Odd_Bloke+1 on shoot.14:28
natoriousIm fond of irc as well14:29
smoserwell, i'll dig a bit on our py26 discussion.14:29
smoserplease feel fre to ping me at any time here.14:29
Odd_BlokeI think it might be worth blocking out an hour for this meeting.14:30
smosersmatzek, was right.14:30
smoser http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/09/09/%23cloud-init.html14:30
Odd_Bloke(He said, setting up Hangouts for his meeting)14:30
smoserthat log is sufficient for me.14:30
Odd_BlokeIt would also be good to have a way of proposing topics etc.14:30
natoriousSo, I've read thru the hacking and spec docs.  Not sure where to get started though.  The spec mentions distro namespaces and datasources that don't exist.14:31
smoseryou have thoguths ?14:31
Odd_BlokeSo, for example, people can't forget what they were going to bring up. ;)14:31
Odd_BlokeI don't, but I'm happy to take an action to go and find something.14:31
smosernatorious, yeah.. a getting started and list of things to do would be good/necessary.14:32
smoserwe do have http://bit.ly/cloudinit-roadmap14:32
natoriousbc the distro classes are already spec'd? Should I start hacking on some distro basics and datasources from scratch?14:32
smoserwhich is intended to be that.14:33
natoriouslike current master branch has an osys namespace which looks like it should be distro related?14:34
smoseri do have to jump away for a minute.14:35
smoserfor a while. so natorious you can continue with Odd_Bloke (possibly) or i can return to you in a while.14:36
smoseri think you're US time zone-ish, right?14:36
natorioussmoser: yeah, CST14:36
claudiupopanatorious: there are is a data source implemented already.14:36
natoriousk, so all our current configs use ConfigDrive as a datasource and am looking forward to persistency whatnot.  Would need to get that going to be able to test14:37
natoriousthink I saw a trello task for that14:37
natoriousclaudiupopa: is that something your actively working on or mind if I hack at it a bit?14:38
claudiupopaNo, I'm not doing any work with that right now, please go ahead and hack at it. :-)14:39
natoriouscool deal.  I might have a trello login somewhere14:43
Odd_BlokeApologies, was on a call.14:44
Odd_BlokeBack now.14:44
natoriousyeah, I can login and subscribe to trello tasks but, can't assign14:45
claudiupopaWhat's your trello id or email? I'll add you on the board.14:46
jimbobhickvillehrm… cloud-init should still be writing /var/lib/cloud/data/result.json on completion right?16:02
smoserjimbobhickville, /run/cloud-init/result.json16:03
jimbobhickvilleah, the path changed recently?16:05
jimbobhickvillethat file doesn't exist either16:05
smoserjimbobhickville, /run/cloud-init/ shoudl be there.16:24
jimbobhickvillethe folder does not exist.  maybe rackspace overrides that?16:28
jimbobhickvilleresult.json used to be in the path I pasted up until I just updated our image and now it no longer seems to be generated at all.  /var/log/cloud-init.log and /var/log/cloud-init-output.log both indicate that cloud-init completed16:28
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jimbobhickvilleooh, missed this error: http://mirror.rackspace.com/centos/6/updates/x86_64/Packages/libXfont-1.4.5-5.el6_7.x86_64.rpm: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"16:57
harlowjajimbobhickville what u doing here16:57
jimbobhickvillehaha, wrong room on that last paste16:57
jimbobhickvilleso, nevermind, cloud-init is still the default installed version on this image because the yum update failed when I built it.16:58
harlowjasooo hmmm, good point on 2.6 and taskflow, arg, didn't think about that16:58
jimbobhickvillethus no output of the results.json16:58
harlowjajimbobhickville 'taskflow is trying to become an official library'16:58
jimbobhickvilleis it official now? I haven't paid as much attention lately16:59
harlowjai think its official as u can get16:59
harlowjaobamba didn't sign it into law though17:00
harlowjabut i'm working on that17:00
Odd_Blokeharlowja: Well, I'm trying to convince everyone to drop Python 2.6 as a requirement.17:00
Odd_BlokeBecause this problem is only going to get worse and worse.17:01
Odd_BlokeAnd also anyone still shipping Python 2.6 needs to go and sit in a corner and think about what they've done.17:01
Odd_Bloke(Whilst paying people to backport modern Python software for them)17:01
harlowjaOdd_Bloke oh, i'm probably the person asking for 2.6 support :-P17:05
harlowjabut maybe, it can be done, ha17:05
Odd_Blokeharlowja: WHYYYYYYY17:05
harlowjaand just say use 0.7.x for rhel617:05
harlowjamainly rhel6 + yahoo will probably be around for a while17:06
harlowjabut i think it might be ok to just say 0.7.x is the last rhel6/python2.6 stuff,17:06
harlowjacern i think also even wanted support for rhel5 (which uses 2.4 python)17:06
Odd_BlokeI don't understand the person who needs to run RHEL6 but is also happy to run something from outside of the RHEL6 repos as root. :p17:06
harlowjasome cern guy asked me at the summit about that17:06
harlowjai think i told that cern person to go talk to smoser ha17:07
* harlowja didn't want to touch that with a stick, lol17:07
Odd_Bloke(Furthermore, I don't understand why that person wouldn't also be happy to install a modern Python also from outside of the RHEL6 repos :p)17:07
harlowjaOdd_Bloke ya, its possible, and probably we should just do 2.7 and i'll figure out what to do about the yahoo stuff (which i don't think will be a big issue on my side)17:08
harlowjavs making all your lifes painful :-P17:08
harlowjai'll take one for the team, lol17:08
Odd_BlokeWell, there were other people at the meeting earlier (thanks for showing up BTW ;) who also didn't like the sound of dropping 2.6 support.17:09
harlowjahmmm, meeting17:10
harlowjau guys still have that to early, lol17:10
harlowjaOdd_Bloke but jimbobhickville knows some taskflow, so he can represent a little :-P17:11
harlowjagood ole jimbo17:11
smoserOdd_Bloke, i agree with above.17:11
smoserer... sort of17:12
harlowjai'll let u smart people decide, i think i'd be ok with dropping 2.6 and i'll deal with it here17:12
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harlowja0.7.x for rhel6/python2.6 and thats fine i think, for the time being at least from my side17:12
smoseri'd expect someone who really wanted new software on rhel6 to be fine to build their own python (or get it from some source they trusted)17:12
harlowjasmoser agreed, yahoo can/will do that if needed (and already does some of that anyway)17:13
harlowjaor just https://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories/SCL17:13
harlowjawhich provides Python 2.7 (python27)17:13
harlowja*although its a PITA to use imho, but whateva17:13
smoserthe use case which woudl warrent 2.6 support is public cloud use17:14
harlowjawhats this public thing u talk about17:14
smoserif someone makes an image available on a pbulic cloud of something called either "centos" or "rhel", then i'd expect that they'd need very-close-to-fficial python17:14
Odd_BlokeWould someone want a new version of cloud-init in their "assumed to be normal" RHEL6/CentOS 11 image?17:15
harlowjaCentOS 11?17:16
harlowjathat may arrive in year 210017:16
Odd_BlokeUm, *SLES.17:16
Odd_Bloke$enterprise_linux_distro $old_version_number17:16
harlowjaya, so i'm torn here, i get both of the views on this17:20
harlowjaand taskflow also dropped 2.6, because pretty much all of openstack dropped 2.6 (including libraries that taskflow uses, which means that taskflow also has to drop 2.6 due to the transitive of this...)17:21
harlowja*transitive nature of this17:21
harlowjanow one could make a minature taskflow, if they so wanted17:21
harlowjabut that sorta sucks as a solution imho17:22
smoseropenstack dropped 2.6 ?17:22
smoserwhat is the rhel 6 support case then ?17:22
smoserfor openstack, surely redhat supports openstack kilo or liberty on rhel617:22
harlowja'The application projects are dropping python 2.6 support during Kilo' ...17:23
harlowjalibraries dropped it this cycle17:23
harlowjasooo smoser  afaik, there is no kilo + rhel6 support17:23
harlowjabasically from what i know its 'go use rhel7'17:23
smatzekharlowja:  yep17:23
harlowjawhich afaik, rhel7 is/was always the recommended RDO 'solution'17:24
harlowjanever rhel617:24
harlowjamy team (and other companies, cern, godaddy) gets to have the fun time of actually moving rhel6 -> rhel717:24
harlowjaits super-fun :-/17:24
harlowjaespecially on hypervisors :-/17:24
harlowjait helps that i also maintain http://anvil.readthedocs.org/ but its still a pita17:25
harlowjabut afaik, no kilo and beyond for rhel6 (from redhat at least)17:27
harlowjathose companies that used openstack on rhel6 are on there own...17:27
* Odd_Bloke --> EOD17:29
smoserok. well, then for rhel i'm kind of convinced.17:29
Odd_BlokeFinal thought: we should consider having this sort of conversation on some sort of ML so that people don't have to be temporally present to have input. :p17:30
harlowjaOdd_Bloke agreed17:30
harlowjaisn't there one that is setup for launchpad?17:31
Odd_BlokeBut that is a discussion for another time when we N meet again. :p17:31
harlowja*for/by launchpad17:31
harlowjahttps://launchpad.net/cloud-init/+topcontributors crap, no longer #217:31
harlowjadamn u Odd_Bloke damn u !!!17:31
* harlowja guess i've been slacking, ha17:34
jimbobhickvilleinteresting, didn't realize openstack was dropping 2.6 support.  we have to support centos6 because all the hortonworks stuff only just now started offering centos7 support and we support the most recent two versions.  Until they release another version and we can drop the last centos6-only version17:35
jimbobhickvillewhich is like 6 months out most likely17:35
harlowjajimbobhickville cool, good to know17:35
harlowjaya, openstack dropped it like a year ago (for the projects, libraries dropped in last 6 months)17:35
jimbobhickvillewe do install py27 as well, though, so we could probably work around it if cloud-init can be configured to not use the system python install17:35
harlowjait should be able to be configured that way17:36
harlowjadepending on how u guys build py2717:36
harlowjaand how u want to install cloudinit (rpm?)17:36
jimbobhickvilleboth are rpm-installed17:36
jimbobhickvilleno cloud-init-env.sh we can force the PYTHONPATH in or something?17:37
harlowjanot sure, probably a few ways to pull it off17:37
smoserjimbobhickville, the goal would be to be virtualenv installable.17:37
jimbobhickvilleanyway, we can probably just stick with the current version anyway, and rhel6 won't ship a version that requires py2717:37
smoserso yeah, fairly easily relocatable.17:37
harlowjado we have any offical RH person involved here?17:38
smoserthe one thing that is most annoying for that at the moment is python-yaml. i *think* its the only thing that isnt pure python17:38
harlowja(aka, not me) ha17:38
harlowjasmoser i think the python-yaml library works in pure python (but slower)17:38
harlowjait just has 'speedups' that it can compile in17:39
harlowjaprobably can tell it to stop doing that17:39
jimbobhickvilleyou can do compiled modules in a virtualenv anyway17:39
jimbobhickville(at least I thought you could, pretty sure we do)17:39
harlowjafrom http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML 'both pure-Python and fast LibYAML-based parsers and emitters. '17:39
harlowjau can probably tell it to just use the pure-python one (or it should be smart and fallback)17:40
smoserharlowja, yeah, i just tried that and verified.17:40
smoserseems like it does a reasonable job of figuring it out17:41
harlowjahttp://svn.pyyaml.org/pyyaml/trunk/setup.py has a interesting 'LIBYAML_CHECK' in it (some c code, ha)17:41
harlowjaso i guess thats whats being used17:41
harlowjaanywayssss, so i'll let u guys ponder over the py26 question17:43
harlowjai'll be ok with it, and will deal with whatever the consequences are here at y! (nothing to much expected that i can think of right now, ha)17:43
jimbobhickvillewe'll be fine here as long as the new version doesn't show up on the rhel yum repos17:49
jimbobhickville(for rhel6 I mean)17:50
harlowjasmoser somehow i got emailed about this, https://github.com/number5/cloud-init/commit/7bde163d344737b99c594ae1d2cdcb3e31d45197#commitcomment-1312593718:24
harlowjanot sure whats up with that :-P18:24
harlowjasomeone complaining...18:25
jimbobhickvillehe lost me at "nobody writing code in 2015"18:26
jimbobhickvilleso many logical fallacies in one small statement18:26
harlowjagood think i wrote it in 201218:26
jimbobhickvillethat's what you should respond.  just that18:27
harlowjajimbobhickville ok i responded18:28
harlowjaand i left a hamburger18:28
harlowjahopefully meets your expectations as far as response, lol18:29
jimbobhickvillea++ would troll again18:32
natoriousshould the configdrive source live in the openstack namespace?19:16
natoriousit looks like alot of the base can be shared between the two etc19:17
natoriousor would having them in their own be better bc of configdrivenet?19:17
smosernatorious you can look 0.7 to see how that was done19:18
smoserharlowja used a lot of common code there.19:18
natoriousyeah, via helpers19:21
natoriousnothing other than the openstack helper mod ever made it in there though19:22
smoser"in there" ?19:22
natoriousalmost seems like configdrive should live in the openstack ns.  But, if other clouds use it outside of openstack, not sure it would make sense19:23
natoriousyeah so like 0.7.7 has sources.helpers.openstack19:23
natoriousbut nothing else in sources.helpers19:23
smoseri'd consider configdrive to be in openstack namespace.19:24
smosereven if someone else used it. they'd be mimicking openstack.19:24
smoserif i understand what you're asking19:24
natoriousk, right.  Like as in should configdrive and httpopenstack share a base19:25
harlowjadoesn't configdrive and httpopenstack share a base?19:56
* harlowja thought they did19:56

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