
ovidiu-florinwho's Christo?06:27
valorieThere is Christo the artist, but I assume that's not your ref06:28
ovidiu-florinvalorie: email just now to the mail list06:38
ovidiu-florinabout seconding a nomination06:38
valoriethank you for putting yourself up, ovidiu-florin06:49
lordievaderGood morning07:26
sgclarkany ML admins around? I need my gmail address permission to post, seems I cannot change the From to kubuntu address in gmail....08:00
vipvivid -> wily update success, only networkmanager lost few of my wifi passwords...08:06
valoriesgclark: I'll do it08:08
sgclarkvalorie: thanks08:09
vipwthe only thing that does not work is volume control in kmix (or whatever its name is now)08:20
valoriesgclark: your gmail is now on the accept list08:28
sgclarkyay thanks08:28
=== greyback|eod is now known as greyback
valorieeek, how did it get so late08:38
vipwoh, the 'real' kmix works, the other volume control in tray does not08:38
soeegood morning11:11
soeeyofel: you had some problemws with wifi passwords after upgrade to 5.4.1 ?11:14
yofelyeah, it refused to store/provide the password for one network (the one I was connected to during the upgrade I guess?)11:15
soeeRiddell: do we have any plans to  backport 5.4.1 ?11:15
yofelyes, we have plans, no ETA11:16
soeeyofel: see last comment https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/RqYukgtPzN311:16
yofelno, it did not do that for me, just for one11:16
soeestrange ... :/11:17
BluesKajhiyas all12:15
clivejohas kolab support been disabled in Kontact 15.08?12:47
clivejoIt no longer has Kolab as an option when adding a new account :(12:51
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellclivejo: it may well not be compiled with libkolab which is something we could look at13:31
sitterRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubiquity/breezeification/+merge/270549 needs landering asap what with ui freeze around the corner14:58
Riddellahoneybun: so will you update ubiquity-slideshow?16:16
Riddellahoneybun: I don't know if it also needs some breezeification to use new kde artwork16:21
=== greyback is now known as greyback|eod
Riddellsitter: uploaded! looks and test good on my installed system, I'll test it from a live environment on tomorrow's image16:46
Riddellsitter: looking at http://mobile.kci.pangea.pub:8080/job/vivid_unstable_kaccounts-integration_bin_armhf/6/console I think mobile ppa needs akonadi added? how do I do that?16:51
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.0-29-g7c5f073 * Matthias Klumpp: CMakeLists.txt18:18
pursuivantRequire the right ASQt version18:18
pursuivantThe AppStreamQt versions are now aligned with AppStream versions, to18:18
pursuivantgive better control over the feature-level an ASQt-based application18:18
pursuivantrequires (and to make maintenance easier and avoid confusion).18:18
pursuivantmuon (Plasma/5.4) v5.4.0-6-gd513cbf * Matthias Klumpp: CMakeLists.txt18:19
pursuivantRequire the right ASQt version18:19
pursuivantThe AppStreamQt versions are now aligned with AppStream versions, to18:19
pursuivantgive better control over the feature-level an ASQt-based application18:19
pursuivantrequires (and to make maintenance easier and avoid confusion).18:19
sitterRiddell: jenkins_jobs_update.rb18:25
valorieare we going to use http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Breeze+GRUB2+theme?content=171217 ?20:09
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
sittervalorie: https://goo.gl/photos/pmqot138pQCNJmvv7 jens says it would be more breeze like that20:33
sitteralso solid color background from breeze color swath20:33
sitterprobably papergrey20:33
sitteralso it should not fill the entire screen widthwise20:34
sitteralso the elements should scale down the more stuff is there20:34
sitteralso if there are more than 4 distros they should be positioned in a grid20:34
sitteri.e. no scrollybars20:34
sittervalorie: just in case you want ot forward that ^^20:34
valorieto the KDE-look person, sitter?20:35
sitterI am not gonna do it ^^20:35
valorieif so, can I just send along Jens' email so that they can talk one-to-one?20:36
sittervalorie: yes of course he says20:36
valoriecool, will do now20:36
sittervalorie: and he asked me to give you his love20:36
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and kisses to you both20:36
valoriestill dying of jealousy that y'all are there and I'm not, but rising above it! <320:37
valorieahoneybun: did you see the email about ubiquity slideshow translations? no answer yet, but it seems right up your alley20:46
valoriesitter: done20:58
sittervalorie: <321:04
soeeoh nice: Among the new features for Qt 5.6 are various performance optimizations and reduced memory usage for different tasks :pO22:11
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.0-30-g3f455d7 * Aleix Pol:  (9 files in 3 dirs)22:19
pursuivantMove the UpdateModel into libmuon22:19
pursuivantThis way it can be re-used by Discover as well.22:19
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.4.0-31-gc96be2e * Aleix Pol:  (6 files in 4 dirs)22:19
pursuivantIntroduce a separate "Updates" section22:19
pursuivantmuon (Plasma/5.4) v5.4.0-7-g6243eaa * Aleix Pol: discover/org.kde.discover.desktop22:21
pursuivantRename desktop file22:21
pursuivantAs requested by Harald Sitter22:21
pursuivantCCMAIL: sitter@kde.org22:21
sitterRiddell: ping22:24
pursuivantmuon (Plasma/5.4) v5.4.0-8-g5861150 * Aleix Pol: discover (2 files)22:44
pursuivantRemove deprecated file, fix install file name22:44

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