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jcjordyn120i have a idea on the ubiquitty installer, I would like to be able to specify multible mount points on the custom partition screen03:03
pittiGood morning04:48
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spineaudoko: hello, I've proposed a patch to solve the update issues with plainbox-provider-resource-generic (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plainbox-provider-resource-generic/+bug/1493356) that with have on some arch.07:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1493356 in plainbox-provider-resource-generic (Ubuntu) "plainbox-provider-resource-generic fails to update to 0.19-1 on some architectures" [Undecided,In progress]07:10
dholbachgood morning07:27
zzarrhello! I installed ubuntu-lxc on a computer running Wily today, but it hangs on login, it seams to be a common problem, is there a solution?07:41
zzarrohh, my bad, the package is called unity8-lxc07:43
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pittiLaney, slangasek: do you understand dracut on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt ?09:02
pittiLaney, slangasek: we fixed kbd and console-setup yesterday, and now in a wily-proposed chroot "apt-get install dracut-config-generic dracut dracut-config-rescue" works09:02
pittiThe following packages will be REMOVED:09:03
pitti  initramfs-tools mountall plymouth upstart09:03
pittiis it somehow complaining about that?09:03
pittidoko: ^ FYI09:03
pittior does this need some hinting?09:03
Laneypitti: seems to be http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12319635/09:05
Laneyis there a matchin upload09:05
Laneymatching upload* of initramfs-tools or something?09:05
pittiLaney: no, we are actually ahead of debian09:05
pittiLaney: yes, dracut does conflict to initramfs-tools, you can only have one provider of it09:06
pitti"it" == linux-initramfs-tool09:06
pittiLaney: i-t is Priority: important, is it due to that?09:06
Laneyso it's a chain from those packages I listed in the intstall line09:06
pittiLaney: hm, console-setup and kbd got fixed already09:07
pittito depend on i-t | l-i-t09:07
pittiLaney: ah, kbd hasn't made it yet: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#kbd09:09
pittiboot test stuck since yesterday, argh -- /me pokes09:10
pittiLaney: so I guess that's why09:10
Laneyyes, it's kbd09:10
LaneyIf the autohinter doesn't figure this out you can add an easy hint for it09:10
pittiLaney: I cancelled the boottest (running for 21h), I give it another chance, and if it hangs again I'll force kbd09:11
pittithen let's see whether that suffices09:11
pittiLaney: thansk!09:11
dokojamespage, there are test failures for python-pyeclib on powerpc09:13
Laneypitti: I wrote https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-archive-tools/update-output-helper/+merge/267970 a few weeks ago to make it a bit easier to debug these things btw09:13
Laneymight be useful to have around09:13
jamespagedoko, yes I know - and I am trying to resolve them09:13
Laneyits current interface needs work but it's still helpful09:13
dokoLaney, norwegian dep-wait (desktop)09:19
Laneywhat are you talking about?09:19
darkxsthey Laney pitti09:20
pittisitter, Riddell: FYI, kwin tests regressed, so yesterday's KDE updates are stuck09:22
Riddelluh oh09:23
Riddellpitti: upstream says he knows and is working on how to fix the test rather than the code so I'll set it to ignore, do you know if I should use force-badtest or force-skiptest or both?09:41
pittiRiddell: I'd use force-badtest on that specific kwin version here09:41
pittiRiddell: that will unblock the packages that fail on the kwin reverse dependency too09:41
pittiRiddell: skiptest> unblock only that very package, regardless of hwo many test failures it triggered09:42
pittiRiddell: badtest> skip that particular test result, for any proposed package that triggers it09:42
Laneydoko: it's going to fail to build anyway: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=79415209:42
ubottuDebian bug 794152 in ispell "ispell: munchlist error detection is overly aggressive" [Important,Open]09:42
Riddellpitti: thanks09:42
Laneylet's just leave it09:42
Laneyhey darkxst09:43
dokoLaney, then I ftbfs issue would at least document it09:44
Mirvpowerpc chroot problem on fisher01 https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-012/+build/788960509:44
dokogiven back09:45
Riddellpitti: do you know what's up here? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/d/debconf-kde/wily/ppc64el/09:48
Laneydoko: component mismatch too09:48
Laneyno point sorting that out if it won't work anyway09:49
pittiRiddell: "Temporary failure resolving 'ports.ubuntu.com'09:53
pittiRiddell: I'll retry09:53
pittiRiddell: i. e. that was already my retry from this morning's combing of excuses.html, apparently it needs retrying harder :)09:53
LaneyI've seen a fair few of those lately09:53
pittiyeah, not sure what's up with those wolfe boxes09:54
pitticjwatson: ^ wrt that, your last LP status report (thanks for that!) made me hopeful that ppc64el in scalingstack might be a thing RSN?09:54
cjwatsonpitti: It's in the production testing phase, and needs some bits redeployed cleanly, but otherwise almost there09:59
pittiRiddell: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/d/debconf-kde/wily/ppc64el/ green again10:04
Riddellpitti: lovely10:41
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jamespagedoko, pyeclib fixed....12:31
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mdeslaurslangasek: still no new edk2 in unstable?13:20
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morphismterry: ping13:47
mterrymorphis, hello13:48
mterryI mean pong  :)13:48
morphismterry: hey!13:48
morphisregarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/149244113:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1492441 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Cannot connect to 1byone bluetooth keyboard (after successfully pairing)" [Undecided,New]13:48
morphiscan you check if you have the hidp kernel module loaded?13:48
mterrymorphis, ok13:49
mterry$ lsmod | grep hidp13:50
mterryhidp                   24576  013:50
mterryhid                   118784  1 hidp13:50
mterrybluetooth             507904  30 bnep,hidp,btbcm,btrtl,btusb,rfcomm,btintel13:50
mterrymorphis, ^13:50
mterrydoko, man you're killing me with bug 1493037.  like 40 packages14:00
ubottubug 1493037 in Ubuntu "lib*-perl dependencies of dh-golang and libtype-tiny-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149303714:00
dokomterry, that's why I'm filing it myself ;-P14:01
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hallyngah.  it's a FAIL any time a dist-upgrade resets my xmodmap14:10
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morphisbdmurray_: thanks!14:53
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bdmurraymorphis: no problem14:55
dokojamespage, python-oslo.service b-d's on routes, which is missing a MIR14:55
jamespagedoko, should be just a binary only promotion I think14:55
jamespagerouts is in main14:55
dokook, done14:58
jamespagedoko, ta15:02
TeduardoHowdy, does anyone know when Ubuntu will release a sendmail package that allows you to mitigate the logjam issue?15:18
mdeslaurTeduardo: do the instructions here not work? https://weakdh.org/sysadmin.html15:23
slangasekmdeslaur: no, edk2 still stuck in the Debian NEW queue15:24
Teduardois there any way to contact a packager for a ubuntu package?15:28
rbasakTeduardo: packages in Ubuntu are team maintained. Try the ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list, or file a bug if it's an actionable item.15:32
jpdsTeduardo: Also, postfix and exim4 seem to be the MTAs in main15:45
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jrwrenI wish there were links from packages.ubuntu.com to the source on lp18:44
jrwrenoh, the bug reports link is close enough, nevermind me.18:45
sarnoldjrwren: it's nice to have an lpsrc keyword search in firefox: "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s"18:49
sarnoldjrwren: then you just open e.g. lpsrc apparmor to get right to the apparmor package18:50
tarpmanI like pad.lv. → http://pad.lv/u/firefox18:52
jrwrensarnold: I need that, for sure.18:56
jrwrensarnold: i just learned duckduckgo has !lp search for launchpad. so close!18:57
sladenand yet, 10 years on  bugs.launchpad.net/NNNN  still doesn't work19:00
sarnoldjrwren: hah! nice. with a ddg search provider for firefox then that'd just be ddg !lp foo   :)19:00
sarnoldjrwren: I've got a 'ubug' for that, too, http://launchpad.net/bugs/%s19:01
sarnoldjrwren: it's a nice complement to 'dbug' http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=%s19:01
tarpmansarnold: bugs.debian.org/%s ;)19:03
sarnoldtarpman: if only changing firefox search keywords wasn't a pain in the ass...19:03
slangasekmdeslaur: edk2 unblocked in Debian NEW, so should be syncable to wily shortly19:56
slangasek("shortly" == "next 24 hours")19:56
mdeslaurslangasek: ah, great, thanks19:56
ScottKsladen: pad.lv/NNNNNN does work.21:35
sladenScottK: yes.  I was not questioning that ;-)21:36
lifelessbarry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/testtools/+bug/1488710 <- see my comment please21:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1488710 in testtools "testtools is incompatible with newer versions of Twisted" [High,Triaged]21:47
barrylifeless: not sure what you mean by "namespaced"21:48
lifelessbarry: ubuntu-ftbfs or something21:49
lifelessbarry: since its not a ftbfs for anyone else atm21:49
barrytoo bad you can't tag bugtasks21:49
lifelessbarry: yes, the its-not-quite-federated data model is a significant limiter here21:50
barrylifeless: i just removed the tags.  cjwatson's fix gets me almost all the way there.  still two failures; one i have fixed the other not so much yet21:51
lifelessbarry: oh?21:52
barrylifeless: yep.  the odd one is test_run_list_failed_import21:52
barryit doesn't raise SystemExit21:52
lifelessbarry: have you put a patch up for the other ?21:54
barrylifeless: not yet, i want to get it passing first and then i'll comment and/or submit a patch21:55
barrylifeless: i think i also need to dup #150 to #14921:56
barrylifeless: in the meantime, this is the other patch i needed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12324069/21:59
barrylifeless: and the last one i'm hunting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12324090/22:01
lifelesswe're getting a valueerror there?!22:03
lifelessI'd want to see where thats coming from - it may indicate a deeper problem22:04
barrylifeless: yes22:04
barrylifeless: but right now testtools is blocking several other packages so i'm just trying on bandaids that aren't too ugly22:05
lifelessbarry: hang on, what version of testtools is this?22:05
lifelessthat pastebin patches a test tht we don't have in that file...22:05
barrylifeless: ha.  1.4.0.  i guess that's old.22:06
lifelessbarry: ahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaa]22:06
lifelessbarry: yes. 1.8.0 is current22:06
barrylifeless: yay for ubuntu deltas :(22:06
lifelessbarry: its not that old - nov last year22:06
barryand 1.8.0 is in experimental only right now22:06
barrylifeless: so maybe bandaiding isn't horrible for wily.  we'll definitely sync up again in x.  or should i push through an ffe and try to get 1.8.0 in from experimental?22:07
lifelessso 1.6.0 is when we fixed up all the cruft and started depending on unittest222:10
lifelesshonestly, nothing is super critical22:10
lifelessdevs are going to pip install anyhow22:10
lifelessso if 1.4.0 is whats needed for other things packaged in Ubuntu, thats fine22:10
lifelessthere's no security issues that I can see22:11
barrylifeless: yeah, it's just a matter of bureaucracy ;/22:11
barrywell, i think i'll spend a little more time trying to fix this, and if i get lucky, i'll just upload fixes to ubuntu to unblock everything else.  maybe by the time we sync for x, upstream will release a fixed version22:12
lifelessbarry: heh, upstream works fine on 3.5 and 3.6 already22:17
barrylifeless: excellent22:18
lifelessbarry: the only issue upstream has is the twisted version22:18
lifelessbarry: and that cjwatson's patch will fix - its in fine tuning mode atm22:18
barrylifeless: ack22:18
barrylifeless: can you tell me what that test is supposed to do?22:19
lifelessbarry: the one in your pastebin ?22:23
barrylifeless: yeah, the one that's still failing.  i *think* i know but it's very difficult to debug why it's not failing in the expected way22:23
lifelessbarry: so prior to 1.6.0 we had code to handle python2's broken handling of non-text .py files22:24
lifelessbarry: that test tests that such a file errors as either a TypeError or SyntaxError. I'm not sure why TypeError is considered valid22:25
lifelessbarry: the test (and the code) is gone in 1.6, because we now use the rolling backport of linecache, which includes patches for tokenize, so it all just works22:25
lifelessbarry: and we have text strings in the line cache, or None, consistently22:26
lifeless(git diff testtools-1.5.0 testtools-1.6.0 in the source tree will let you see this)22:27
barrylifeless: is it possible that py 2.7.10 may have changed in a way that causes this test to not error?22:27
barrylifeless: since i'm guess you never ran 1.4.0 against 2.7.1022:27
lifelessbarry: hmm, I can't see anything trawling through hg22:30
lifelessbarry: though I'm not happy with the issue 23838 patch :)22:30
lifelessbut thats entirely different :>22:30
barrylifeless: yeah me neither going thru Misc/NEWS22:31
barrylifeless: since this test goes away in 1.8.0 would i make you puke on your keyboard if i just disabled it in 1.4.0 in wily?22:32
barrythough i'm willing to do a bit more debugging, i want to unblock the other packages.  i know it's horrible22:32
lifelessbarry: I think disabling it is probably fine, I very much doubt that other folk deliberately test with broken binary .py files in their tree22:34
lifelesswe had the test because someone somewhere had that happen to them and testtools blew up22:34
lifelessso we wanted to blow up in a way that exposed the issue they had, not our innards22:35
barrylifeless: ack and thanks.  if i can't figure it out by the dinner bell, that's probably what i'll do22:35
lifelessit would be better to migrate to 1.6.0+, but I appreciate your position22:35
lifeless(and won't give you grief about it :))22:37
cjwatsonlifeless: sorry, I had to sidetrack into other things, I shall get back to that branch before the end of the week22:48
cjwatsonlifeless: I think I would appreciate it if a testtools developer could file the bug against twisted though, because otherwise I can foresee myself getting into playing telephone-game between two sets of developers and that seems less than ideally productive22:48
lifelesscjwatson: yup, I shall do that. That comment was mainly what-do-people-thing22:51
cjwatsonThanks.  Since they seem to be trending away from exposing what testtools needs, probably good to let them know that somebody cares22:52
lifelesswhat I should do22:55
lifelessis submit a patch to their CI system to cross-test22:55
cjwatsonlifeless: PR up to date now I think22:57
cjwatsonDisentangling stuff in LP so that we can upgrade is still an open project :-/22:58
lifelessthank you23:00

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