
cyphermoxFudge: well, server images don't actually use the debconf_ui from ubiquity, they work using debian-installer. It's all shell script, but I'm not quite sure how it would get to drive a speech synthesizer01:57
cjwatsoncyphermox: there is some speakup support in it, I believe it works in Debian, may just be a matter of making sure the right bits are hooked into our d-i initrd10:02
cyphermoxcjwatson: ah. I'll dig in some more, thanks.13:01
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
tron103I'm using pxelinux to push ubuntu netinstaller. Is it possible to create a new initrd/vmlinuz with the latest kernel?23:26
* tron103 slaps ubuntulog around a bit with a large fishbot23:41

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