
robert_ancellduflu, hey, up for some XMir volunteering?02:14
duflurobert_ancell: Yes. But in a hangout right now02:15
duflurobert_ancell: OK, now just need to finish the morning's bug triage and code review check-up03:04
robert_ancellduflu, sure03:04
duflurobert_ancell: OK, what's the best hardware setup (in the absence of a slimport cable and bluetooth mouse)?03:08
dufluI can use a mouse on arale (USB)03:08
robert_ancellI'm just sshing into my Nexus 4 and running XMir from one connection and the apps from another03:08
robert_ancellI haven't got past tackling output issues03:09
duflurobert_ancell: rc-proposed on mako then?03:09
robert_ancellduflu, I've just been using the stable image and dist-upgrading. Then building the git branch of XMir on the phone.03:09
duflurobert_ancell: Oh so you use wily?>03:09
robert_ancellNo, it says vivid in /etc/os-release03:10
robert_ancellI've been dist-upgrading just to be newer than the OTA updates to rule out various Mir fixes.03:10
duflurobert_ancell: Sorry, forgot dist-upgrade never upgrades the dist :)03:11
robert_ancellI'm happy to hear other methods if there are easier ones.03:11
robert_ancellduflu, yeah, worst name eva03:11
duflurobert_ancell: You know wily works on mako?... in the devel-proposed channel. Just some bugs to contend with03:12
dufluAnd wily has the latest Mir the soonest03:12
robert_ancellduflu, do you think it's worth trying? We don't need wily specifically.03:12
robert_ancellAnd these might well not be Mir issues03:13
duflurobert_ancell: So long as your vivid ends up with Mir 0.15 it's not necessary03:13
robert_ancellLooks like I have Mir 0.1403:14
duflurobert_ancell: Before I downgrade mako for this, should I use arale instead? I can at least use a mouse on arale03:14
duflurobert_ancell: Yeah 0.14 is soon going to be two releases behind. I guess the overlay's not updated yet03:14
robert_ancellI have no idea what the state of arale is - but it could be useful to have a datapoint if the same issues exist there.03:15
robert_ancellduflu, basically any ARM hardware is a useful dev platform to start tackling these issues.03:16
dufluActually I do have a Bluetooth Apple Magic Trackpad. Just never succeeded in pairing it to a phone03:17
robert_ancellduflu, you really don't need any input devices03:18
dufluYeah I gathered that03:18
dufluTrying to sacrifice arale first. As I like to reserve mako for wily testing03:18
robert_ancellduflu, try it on wily03:20
* duflu does both in parallel03:31
RAOFWhat is the actual *failure* in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/6547/console ?03:32
duflurobert_ancell: "The git branch" of XMir?03:32
robert_ancellduflu, lp:~xmir-team/xorg-server/+git/xmir03:32
dufluRAOF: If everything crashes like that it's possible you've broken an ABI but forgot to bump it03:33
RAOFduflu: But nothing seems to have crashed? All the tests run to completion.03:33
robert_ancellI compile with --enable-glamor --disable-xwayland --disable-xorg --disable-xnest --disable-xephyr --disable-xvfb03:33
RAOFOh, ho. eglflash (and, apparently, *only* eglflash) dies with a segfault on exit.03:35
dufluThat sounds familiar03:36
dufluWonder why03:36
dufluRAOF: Well extra datapoint: It doesn't happen to other branches right?03:37
RAOFNot consistently, at least ;)03:37
RAOFBut I'll work under the assumption that it's hitting a real problem, at least for now.03:37
dufluFun! rc-proposed is a mixture of Mir 0.14.1 and 0.13.303:38
dufluBecause libmirclient803:38
robert_ancellduflu, how can Mir solve the texture format issues? As far as I can tell they are in the OpenGL layer.03:51
duflurobert_ancell: So zenity works on desktop I assume?03:51
robert_ancellduflu, yes03:51
robert_ancellzenity is just the "simplest X app I can run" case I'm working on.03:51
robert_ancellAnd then some hand written trivial GTK+ apps.03:51
duflurobert_ancell: It's just related work, not a complete solution. Mir 0.15 adds a new function to choose pixel formats automatically and correctly (which is a big problem for mako)03:52
dufluMir 0.15 also adds more pixel formats and massively improved texture upload support03:52
robert_ancellduflu, right, the problems are in the Glamor layer - i.e. XMir is not picking the formats.03:52
duflurobert_ancell: Also it's almost obvious Glamor is doing things with extensions not present on phones. I know the alternatives that do work, but need a build environment first obviously03:58
duflurobert_ancell: What's the magic for running Xmir so as to avoid...04:04
dufluXKB: Failed to compile keymap04:04
dufluKeyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config.04:04
dufluI remember hitting that before04:04
robert_ancellduflu, hand on, my phone just resarted04:05
dufluI'm sanity checking on desktop first04:05
robert_ancellIt's just couple of symlinks04:05
dufluWhile the phone installs things04:05
robert_ancellln -s /usr/bin/xkbcomp install/bin/04:07
robert_ancellln -s /usr/share/X11/xkb/ install/share/X11/xkb04:07
robert_ancellsubstitute where you install to and I think you have to delete the existing installed directory04:08
duflurobert_ancell: Always rootless right?04:14
robert_ancellduflu, no, never rootless04:14
dufluOh... ok04:15
robert_ancellrootless has other issues04:15
RAOFLike crashing as soon as you start xeyes :)04:17
robert_ancellxeyes is our number 1 feature04:18
robert_ancellThe killer app04:18
dufluHmm, corrupt mouse cursor on desktop04:19
dufluSometimes corrupt means invisible04:19
duflurobert_ancell: OK, I've made a start thanks. Need to run to the post office and grab lunch too04:22
robert_ancellduflu, ok, cool04:22
robert_ancellI'll be EOD by then but I'll catch up tomorrow04:22
robert_ancellduflu, fyi I just tried backporting all the glamor changes from master and it doesn't fix the crashers :(04:42
RAOFOh, fun. It is a real issue, but odd.04:42
robert_ancellRAOF, hey, could you help me understand why we use DRI2 and not DRI3?04:44
RAOFrobert_ancell: Intel driver had some problems with it at some point.04:44
robert_ancellRAOF, for Mir I mean.04:44
RAOFWe don't use DRI at all for Mir?04:44
robert_ancellLast I heard it was due to buffer allocation.04:45
RAOFOh, you mean for XMir?04:45
robert_ancellRAOF, so Glamor provides DRI3 by default, but we've disabled that and copied over the DRI2 code04:45
RAOFRight, allocation issues.04:45
RAOFSpecifically: in DRI3 the client allocates their buffer and tells the server about it. We've no support for that in Mir; clients use the buffers Mir sends them.04:46
robert_ancellRAOF, can DRI3BufferFromPixmap not be used to do server side allocation?04:46
RAOFThat's not how DRI3 clients - specifically mesa - use it.04:46
robert_ancellor does that only return a buffer if the pixmap was created with DRI3PixmapFromBuffer04:46
robert_ancellRAOF, we can't stop Mesa direcly allocating buffers anyway can we?04:47
RAOFWe can, and do; DRI2 uses server allocated buffers.04:47
robert_ancelli.e. a GTK+ app running inside Mir can happily grab buffers from the Intel driver04:47
RAOFRight, but the GTK+ app can't set that as the surface buffer.04:48
RAOF(This might actually change with the New Buffer Semantics™, in which case we'd just do DRI3 as-is)04:48
robert_ancellThat would make life easy04:48
RAOFYes, it would, wouldn't it.04:49
robert_ancellSo I guess we need to wait to see the result of that before doing much.04:49
robert_ancellBecause I figure DRI3 could do what we want, as long as Mesa knew it was in a "use DRI3BufferFromPixmap not DRI3PixmapFromBuffer case"04:49
robert_ancellBut that would require proposing a DRI3 change04:49
robert_ancellAnd I think we'll have trouble convincing Xorg to take XMir with all the DRI2 code copied.04:50
RAOFI'd raise client-allocated buffers at whatever stakeholder meeting you can get to.04:50
RAOFYeah, DRI2 is not the new hotness.04:50
RAOFXMir has *always* wanted client-allocated buffers; they'll make it much simpler because you're not fighting X's normal desire to allocate.04:51
robert_ancellOK, I guess I'll raise this with Will / Kevin that we're kind of blocked carrying XMir until we decide if we can do DRI3 / new buffer stuff.04:52
RAOFA bunch of the NBS stuff has landed, but client-allocated buffers is an additional change on top.04:52
robert_ancellI might also look at upstreaming XMir minus the DRI code and then we can solve that later.04:53
RAOFOne that should be easy, because NBS will have cleared the path, but still something that needs to happen.04:53
robert_ancellRAOF, is there a bug for this feature?04:53
RAOFrobert_ancell: No04:53
robert_ancellRAOF, so what is the client side feature - Mir will support both methods where possible?04:54
robert_ancellclient allocated I mean04:55
RAOFrobert_ancell: So, the NBS is that clients have a direct handle on their buffers; as it currently stands they still call into the server to allocate, but once they've received the handles they have the handles and can submit them in whatever order they want, etc.04:56
RAOFThe obvious extension is to not call into the server, and instead have a mirclient function that takes an already-allocated buffer; a dma-buf + some metadata like size, stride, etc.04:57
robert_ancellRAOF, and that only works on the desktop drivers?04:57
RAOFYou could probably get it to work on the android side as well, but I'm less familiar there.04:58
robert_ancellRAOF, I'm really struggling to work out what the original reason was for server side allocation04:58
RAOFThere are a bunch of optimisations you can do with it.04:59
robert_ancellAnd they don't matter anymore?04:59
robert_ancellAnd the optimisations are better than a well behaved client?04:59
RAOFWell, *everything* is equivalent with a perfectly-behaved client.05:00
robert_ancellSo we were just taking responsibility for the clients optimisations05:00
robert_ancellAnd now we will offer two methods - the easy one of using server side allocation and the harder one of doing the allocations yourself.05:00
robert_ancellCan Mir deallocate a buffer the client allocated?05:01
RAOFWell, ish.05:01
robert_ancellIs that the major downside of letting the client do it? A bad client might starve the buffers?05:02
RAOFIt requires less communication with the client to get good behaviour.05:02
robert_ancellRAOF, ok, thanks. I think I understand better.05:03
RAOFAny optimisation the server might want *can* be done by sending a message to the client instead and having the client do the equivalent thing.05:03
robert_ancellRAOF, as long as the client hasn't gone rogue and is no longer listening to messages from the server.05:03
RAOFRight. And if you're doing that then any *new* optimisation you might want to make may require a whole new set of clients.05:04
RAOFBecause you might need to send a new message, etc.05:04
robert_ancellRAOF, but it would be wrapped up in libmirclient right?05:04
RAOFNot necessarily.05:04
RAOFIt'd probably be wrapped up in libEGL, though.05:04
RAOFSlash XMir.05:05
robert_ancellRight, so it would be clients(n) where n is a small number and likely under the same development control as Mir.05:05
RAOFYou'd get almost all of the way with EGL, GTK, Qt, SDL and XMir, yeah.05:05
* RAOF is not particularly invested in server-side allocation05:06
robert_ancellI'm particularly annoyed by server-side allocation...05:06
robert_ancellRAOF, thanks again, heading off now.05:07
RAOFI'm not entirely sure that you'll be able to escape it on android, though.05:07
RAOFRaise it with kdub!05:07
RAOFrobert_ancell: Have a fine evening!05:07
robert_ancellbye all05:07
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bschaeferRAOF, do you see this crazyness? Or understand it?06:41
bschaefersomehow *.moved files got added to my MP (i dont remember adding it)06:41
bschaeferthen i bzr rm the moved files only06:41
bschaeferdiff showed that was fine, now its showing the files as added/removed?06:42
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
RAOF*.moved implies a merge conflict at one point.06:42
* bschaefer grabs a fresh branch to check the damage06:42
bschaeferRAOF, right which i resolved06:42
RAOFOoooh, yeah.06:42
RAOFI suspect you've run into bzr's tracking of renames.06:42
bschaeferusually when theres a *.moved file you just need to pick one06:42
* bschaefer guesses i need to edit something in /.bzr06:43
RAOFSpecifically - each file gets an inode which is independent of the filename, so you *can* both remove and add a file at the same time :)06:43
bschaeferRAOF, haha.... hmm06:43
bschaeferRAOF, i wonder if the *.moved files were being re-generated06:44
bschaeferwhen i pushed the branch and said it was a child of the server branch...06:45
RAOF*Was* it a child of the server branch?06:45
bschaeferRAOF, well i merged the server branch into a fresh mir branch06:46
bschaefercommited that, then merged the old attestable branch06:46
bschaeferfixed conflicts06:46
bschaeferthen pushed that branch as the split between the two06:46
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ohi all06:46
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bschaeferRAOF, how else would you normally split a branch? I suppose ... i should have just added the changes to the server branch06:47
RAOFbschaefer: Frankly? The normal way that I'd split a branch is to clone it into git, do a bunch of rebasing, and then push.06:47
* bschaefer doesnt know git well enough06:47
bschaeferRAOF, i know bzr better :)06:48
RAOFBzr does *not* make splitting branches a sensible operation.06:48
bschaeferwhich as it turns out isnt good enough06:48
bschaeferRAOF, i was just imagining a nice split where the server changes would already be commited then i would commit the difference06:48
bschaeferinto a new branch06:48
RAOFWell, it *can* be; if *all* the server changes occur before *all* the client changes then you can just branch from the point that it switches...06:48
bschaeferRAOF, i think ill just put the client code on hold06:48
* duflu learns about git for launchpad and the world gets better06:48
bschaeferuntil server merges06:48
bschaeferthen rebase vs trunk06:48
* bschaefer starts learning git06:49
RAOFYeah, that might help. Rebasing in bzr basically isn't supported.06:49
RAOFIt's somewhat opposed, philosophically.06:49
bschaeferyeah, trunk is always kind to me, or rather a frash branch :)06:49
bschaeferRAOF, cool, ill just make a comment on the branch that it'll be fixed but you can still review the code...06:49
* bschaefer goes away for the night06:50
RAOFUrgh. Our example of creating decorations is all manner of wrong.06:51
RAOFOr, at least, awkward for me :)06:51
anpok_RAOF: is Danger 5 really a thing in australia?06:54
RAOFanpok_: Define “a thing”06:54
RAOFCertainly among a certain demographic.06:54
RAOFBut generally? I don't think it's a mainstream thing.06:55
anpok_humm what could cause the cross compile to fail with: src/protobuf/mir_protobuf_wire.pb.cc:174: undefined reference to `google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream::StringOutputStream(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*)'06:58
RAOFanpok_: C++ std::string ABI issues.06:59
anpok_ahh i was using gcc 5 with a vivid cross environment07:00
RAOFBa baw!07:00
anpok_aye and multistrap works with phone overlay \o/07:02
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dufluanpok_: cross-compile-chroot.sh -d vivid fixes that07:05
anpok_duflu: well not if you then go and selsect CC_VARIANT=-5 :)07:06
dufluBad anpok_07:06
dufluanpok_: BTW it's changed names. You should pull from lp:mir07:06
zzarrhello! I installed ubuntu-lxc on a computer running Wily today, but it hangs on login, it seams to be a common problem, is there a solution?07:24
dufluzzarr: This is probably the wrong channel. Try #ubuntu-desktop. Although that's probably not the best one either07:28
zzarrduflu, I know, but I thought as it's a mir related question I'd ask here07:37
zzarris #ubuntu-devel a better place to ask?07:40
dufluI think so07:40
zzarrI'll try07:41
zzarrI realized I wrote the wrong name on the package, it sould be unity8-lxc07:44
dufluzzarr: Ah ok, then try #ubuntu-unity07:50
dufluor #ubunt-touch07:50
duflubecause that's where unity8 people live07:50
zzarrokey, thanks07:58
Guest30312zzarr, and you are right on time, usually they pop up on the channel at this hour07:59
zzarrnice, thanks to you too08:00
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anpok_.. our cross compile ci run, does it run tools/setup-partial-armhf script or just the cross-compile-chroot script?09:15
anpok_ah ok the latter09:16
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anpok_alf, alan_g: where is the cross compile ci job defined?13:23
anpok_is there a bzr repository with the script?13:23
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alan_ganpok_: IIRC You need to poke around the Jenkins job definitions to find it. (And since I can't get the VPN working I can't look at those currently)13:28
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tedgbregma: Is there any chance of getting a Mir snap that would work with the RaspPi2 touch screen?21:12
bschaefertedg, mir doesnt work on raspi :(21:14
bschaefernot at lease the last time i tested it out21:14
bschaefersince raspi2 doesnt support/have /dev/dri and doesnt support software rendering and does use (something else? atm)21:15
bregmatedg, no21:22
bregmatedg, it has to do wit hthe rendering path through Mesa, er sumpin'21:23
bregmathere is a queued work item to get that working, prolly in the 0.17 release21:23
* bschaefer would enjoy that as well21:24
RAOFbregma, tedg: You could also prod foundations/kernel to get the open-source rpi2 drivers enabled - http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/VC4/ :)23:23
bschaeferRAOF, thats the only issue?23:26
bschaefero yeah that would make it work23:27

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