
OvenWerkssakreZzZZz: when you get back, fontconfig might be fonts-conf?00:36
=== sakreZzZZz is now known as sakrecoer
sakrecoerOvenWerks: fonts-conf gives me command not found 08:28
sakrecoerI noticed scribus has dissapeared from the menu in dev, but its still present. i guess its that desktopfile thing.. looking into that today. just need to read up on the procedure again08:30
sakrecoerscribus is still present *in the system08:31
zequencesakrecoer: I reported a bug on that.08:32
zequencebug 148703108:33
ubottubug 1487031 in scribus (Ubuntu) "desktop file missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148703108:33
zequenceNot sure what the holdup is.08:34
sakrecoerok... something about libstdc++6 transition according to a comenteer..08:38
sakrecoeri havn't been able to test 15.04 at all.... is scribus hidden in it?08:38
zequenceDon't think so08:39
sakrecoergreat... but then, how did you fix it? did you guys made a desktopfile?08:40
zequenceApparently there is a fix in Debian, but no one has yet got the fix into Ubuntu08:53
sakrecoeri'm not sure it is worth the time explain it with more details to me just yet... :)08:53
zequenceIf you like, you could take a look at it. If you can fix the package locally, I can help with the administration of getting the fix into Ubuntu08:54
sakrecoerthat would be AWSOME!08:54
zequencesakrecoer: I would get both the Ubuntu and the Debian sources, and find only the fix for the desktop file in the Debian source, then add it manually to the Ubuntu source08:55
zequencesakrecoer: First, install some dev packages: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools git08:56
zequenceThen, head to http://git.debian.org08:57
zequenceDo Ctrl+F to find scribus. It'll have a link to here http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/scribus.git/08:58
zequenceActually, you can get this info from the Ubuntu package as well08:58
zequenceBut, it's good to know about that place08:58
sakrecoeri still quite havn't figured where the ubuntu packages are... ( . .)08:59
zequenceAt the bottom of the scibus page, there's a section called Clone. The one you want right now is https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/scribus.git08:59
zequenceTo clone the scribus source, you do: git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/scribus.git09:00
zequenceYou might want to add this at the end, so that you can separate source dirs..09:00
zequencegit clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/scribus.git scribus-debian09:00
zequenceTo get the Ubuntu development source, do: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/scribus scibus-ubuntu09:01
sakrecoerthe ubuntu-dev-tools, is it ok to install them in the my dev environement or should i try to keep it as close to the way i got it as possible?09:02
zequenceThe dev environment is for developing, so you'll need tools for that09:02
sakrecoerok :) thanks09:02
zequenceBtw, you'll probably need a ssh key set up in order to get the bzr branch09:03
zequenceBoth a ssh key and a gpg key is needed, if want to build packages and upload09:03
zequenceTo fix the ssh and gpg key, see here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/SetupDeveloperEnvironment09:04
sakrecoerok... gpg is all good, ssh-key gave ma lots of headache on my previous install. But i whiped it so it should be good now.09:04
zequenceYou'll need to add the public ssh key to your lp account09:04
zequenceAlso, the gpg key09:05
zequenceBoth are mentioned on that page I just linked09:05
zequenceMake sure to keep your gpg and ssh folder backed up, so you don't need to do this too many times :)09:06
zequenceIf you ever start packaging for Debian, you will want to keep the same gpg key forever, pretty much. Once other developers have met you in person, and agreed to sign your key, the gpg key becomes your virtual ID, which people can trust.09:06
zequenceSo, also keep them safe. Unreadable, and on encrypted drives.09:08
sakrecoerthanks :) i will09:08
zequencesakrecoer: I'll mention some more stuff now, but you can read it once you catch up09:08
sakrecoerperfect! please do write, i have to go away a short moment, but i keep it logged :)09:09
sakrecoerthis is exactly what i need zequence 09:09
sakrecoera little guidance..09:09
zequenceThere are ways to search for the fix, but in this case, it seems to be simple enough to find09:10
zequenceTo see where the change happened, see the git log, with the command: git log09:12
zequenceYou'll find a commit that says (...) debian/scribus{,-data}.install: install the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications in the scribus binary (...)09:13
zequenceTo see the actual changes in that commit, do: git show 0f3a7ac3af72dac5a4270fa32497072315751ee209:13
zequenceThe 0f3a.. is the id for that commit. You'll see it in the git log.09:14
zequenceFrom that commit, you should be able to figure out how to change the Ubuntu package so that it will include the desktop file09:15
zequenceAs a first step, just add the fix to the Ubuntu source package, commit the change using bzr, and then build and test the package.09:15
zequenceSo, naturally, you'll now be in the root dir for the bzr source package (which we called scribus-ubuntu)09:17
zequenceTo add and commit the change do: 09:17
zequencebzr add .09:17
zequencebzr commit -m "testing fix"09:17
zequenceThen, to build:09:17
zequenceAh, sorry, I forgot :)09:18
zequenceForget the last commands for bzr.09:18
zequenceDo this instead..09:18
zequenceAdd the changes to the bzr branch: bzr add .09:19
zequenceThen, edit the Debian package changelog: dch -i09:19
zequenceDoesn't matter what you write there. This is just a test. The version will have added "ubuntu0" to it, or something like that.09:20
zequenceYou can change the version to "wily" too09:20
zequenceOnce you are done, save the changes. Then, to commit, run the command: debcommit09:21
zequenceNow, you can build the package, with: bzr-buildpackage09:21
zequenceAnd, install and test: sudo dpkg -i ../scribus<something>.deb09:22
zequenceOnce you know you got the fix done and working, let me know.09:22
zequenceI will add this stuff to the wiki in the coming weeks. Let you know when it is in place, and I would appreciate feedback.09:28
zequenceOvenWerks: -menu, -controls and -meta should all be in proposed soon.09:29
zequenceAm I forgetting anything?09:30
sakrecoerzequence: i will be quick letting you know if you did.09:33
sakrecoerthank you very much!09:33
sakrecoeri just got random ubuntustudio lovemail from a stranger on a foroum. Thought it could make you guys smile :)09:56
sakrecoerpeppchannel# (^^,)09:59
zequencesakrecoer: Do you have any experience at all with source code, btw?10:36
zequenceAnd, if you ever want tips on anything at all, just ask. Or, if you would like to see documentation about it on the wiki.10:44
sakrecoerthanks zequence... just a littlebit experience with source code... mostly php/html tho, so no building needed (^^,) but i got a bit of git experience by collaborating on blender projects and with the HTML5 exporter for kid315:07
sakrecoerbut i think your instructions were fairly easy to follow...15:08
sakrecoeri am at it now..15:08
sakrecoeri see kid3 didn't make it in this version btw...15:08
sakrecoerit's a very sweet ID3 tagger...15:09
sakrecoerzequence: i am at the stage where you wrote: dit the Debian package changelog: dch -i15:27
sakrecoerso i did this, and it opens up a log in any of 3 texteditors...15:27
sakrecoerin it i see there is some editing i just did logged, but i don't get *where* to enter "willy" or write something...15:29
sakrecoerwell... i wrote nothing it was happy...15:31
sakrecoernow i'm building...15:31
sakrecoerhmm.. build failed...15:32
sakrecoeri seem to be missing some packages to build...15:34
sakrecoerworking smooth16:06
sakrecoergah... forgot to add my gpg key haha16:23
sakrecoerhmm... DEBFULLNAME="John Doe"17:20
sakrecoerssh-keygen -t rsa made me a bunch of keys without asking for an email adress, so gpg is looking for a key that matches my user@localmachine ... :/17:21
sakrecoernah well.... lets try this again then...17:21
sakrecoerok... maybe the -C flag should be mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/SetupDeveloperEnvironment#Create_a_SSH_Key17:24
sakrecoernot too happy about the comment email adress displaying on my launchpad profile... 17:34
sakrecoerhmm.... i'm doing this wrong...17:35
sakrecoeri must be missing some input where to put my identity for bzr... i've done the bzr whoami, and also added the lines in .bashrc... 17:36
sakrecoermy gpg keys are in the keyring, but when its time to sign the build, gpg wants to have the secret key for set@sakreDEV .... (being my user@localmachine)17:37
sakrecoerhmm... i managed to break the debian/changelog... i think i give up for today...18:19
sakrecoerin the end i got a few error messages such as this one: "E: scribus: debian-changelog-file-contains-invalid-email-address set@sakreDEV"18:20
sakrecoerbut there is no such email in the changelog file... , i removed a few lines where my name was writen in brackets onetime fullname, another just name... and now its borken lol18:21
sakrecoerhmm... maybe because i forget to set my launnchpad id in bzr...18:54
sakrecoeryes that fixed it.... but this time i gpg: skipped "Set Hallstrom <set@sakrecoer.com>": secret key not available" wich is strange because "gpg --list-secret-keys" is showing it..19:47
sakrecoerna well... sorry for flooding the channel maybe... :/19:47
OvenWerkssakrecoer: sorry, I meant to add kid3. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.wily/revision/145121:11
OvenWerkssakrecoer: there is done. I added the qt version as it tries to add a lot less deps.21:17
OvenWerkssakrecoer: it should show up in the "new" menu in Audio Production->Audio Utilities21:18
OvenWerkssakrecoer: It was already installed here from me testing it which is why I thought it was already added and so I had already put it in the menu.21:19
sakrecoerOvenWerks: you rock! :)21:40
zequencesakrecoer: To get build dependencies, do: sudo apt-get build-dep scribus22:00
zequencesakrecoer: You can build without signing, doing: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc22:01
zequenceBut, you might as well figure out all that stuff, so it works for you.22:02
sakrecoerthanks! it's awsome22:02
sakrecoeri'm logging it22:02
sakrecoeri figured the dependencies thing, but your way was much easier22:03
sakrecoerwell.. i havn't tested it yet, but mine was tedious haha22:03
sakrecoernow my problem is the gpg.22:04
zequenceIt's the email that needs to be correct22:05
sakrecoerwell. now it is.22:05
sakrecoergpg: skipped "Set Hallstrom <set@sakrecoer.com>": secret key not available22:05
zequenceWell, I guess both name and email22:05
zequencehmm, skipped?22:06
zequenceYOu have a password for the gpg key, right?22:06
sakrecoeri didn't even have to enter the passphrase for the ssh key this time actualy..22:06
sakrecoerbut it never asked for it22:06
zequenceAnd, if you do: echo $DEBEMAIL22:07
sakrecoer gpg --list-secret-keys shows it22:07
zequenceAnd, $DEBFULLNAME is ok too?22:08
sakrecoerSet Hallstrom22:09
sakrecoeryeah... seems so22:09
zequenceAnd, you are sure the gpg key has the exact same information?22:10
sakrecoergpg --list-secret-keys tells me so22:11
sakrecoeronly diff i can see would be the comments..22:11
sakrecoeri could try bzr with -k C74D7E6722:12
sakrecoerbut i should try with a package that is faster to build.22:13
zequenceDo you have more than one key?22:13
sakrecoernot in launchpad22:14
sakrecoerMAybe it is because no one has verifyed it yet :)22:14
sakrecoeri haven't met a single person with gpg since i started using it.22:15
zequenceNo, it doesn't connect to the internet22:15
zequenceYou can do: dpkg-buildpackage -k<keyid>22:15
zequencebzr-buildpackage will use dpkg to build the package, but it will also do some other stuff22:16
zequenceIf you get a complaint about no orig source (guessing you should have it already), cd to the parent, and do: pull-lp-source -d scribus22:17
zequence-d means download only, so it won't decompress it. You get the orig tar doing that22:17
zequenceAnyways, time to get to sleep. Will check in tomorrow22:18
sakrecoerthanks! :) dream big!22:18
sakrecoerwell, i got no complaint, things seem to have built.23:08
sakrecoerbut signing didn't work..23:08
sakrecoeri did dpkg-buildpackage -kC74D7E67 i don't remember being queried for my passphrase tho..23:11
sakrecoerbuild installed, now its in the desktop menu23:21
sakrecoersoftware seems operational23:23
sakrecoerbut dpkg-buildpackage: warning: not signing UNRELEASED build; use --force-sign to override23:23
sakrecoergeez... scribus is awsome...23:29
sakrecoersometimes freesoftware is overwhelmingly free. i get these fantasies of books and colors, but then again, what text and which form? :D23:41
sakrecoerbut tools are there no problem, you go get that idea23:42
sakrecoer!ubottu echo $WORLD_PEACE >> good --local23:47
ubottusakrecoer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:47
sakrecoeri like you too ubottu23:49
=== sakrecoer is now known as sakrezZZz
sakrezZZzhmm.. apt-get was complaining about dependencies.23:55
sakrezZZzi remembered the sudo apt-get build-dep scribus23:55
sakrezZZzand now the menu is gone23:56
sakrezZZzno to fiesta yes to siesta.. :D23:56

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