
ahoneybunvalorie: I saw it somewhere00:57
* ahoneybun misses everyone lol00:58
ahoneybunvalorie: I need to find the email though lol01:03
ahoneybunmmm "Make sure the upstream project uses the Ubuntu translators team structure" is a bit demanding I think01:07
ahoneybunevery team I think has there own structure01:07
ahoneybunRiddell: I could change out the wallpaper for the new 5.4 one and a few other thing01:14
ahoneybunI see sitter did a change to the font01:15
ahoneybunRiddell: seems he and Jens got some really nice work going01:18
valorieahoneybun: it was to kub-devel, almost a week ago04:09
soeeyofel: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RodrigoPinheiroMatias/posts/Ym2gTyBektN06:20
sbivolHi! KDEsvn is missing from Vivid and Wily. is there a technical reason for that, or has it been forgotten? can I help in some way to bring it back?06:22
ovidiu-florinsbivol: it's because it hasn't been ported to KF507:48
ovidiu-florinand it's dependencies on KDE4 do not exist anymore, they have been ported to KF507:48
sbivolthat didn't stop Krusader from being packaged :-)07:48
ovidiu-florinnot the same dependencies07:48
ovidiu-florinI've started the port to KF5, but it's codebase is HUUUGE07:49
ovidiu-florinand severely outdated07:49
ovidiu-florinthere's still code in there form KDE307:49
ovidiu-florinand at every compilation it screams DEPRECATED!!07:50
ovidiu-florinbut since noone works on it, no one notices that07:50
=== Guest8229 is now known as Tm_Tr
valorieovidiu-florin: so you are becoming the maintainer?08:10
ovidiu-florinnot really08:10
ovidiu-florinI've done some porting and that's it08:11
ovidiu-florinI haven't really had time to look into it more08:11
valoriewhen you are the one who cares for it, you *are* the maintainer08:12
valoriebut anyway, sleep time for me08:20
Riddellsitter: you pung?08:31
sitterRiddell: got sorted I think08:32
lordievaderovidiu-florin, ahoneybun and (I think) claydoh: congratulations with the election :)08:45
ovidiu-florinRiddell: are you on hollidays?08:51
Riddellovidiu-florin: nope08:52
clivejoooo a new verison of Kubuntu is available09:20
=== sitter changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | apps 15.08 https://goo.gl/KFMF4F
yofelsitter: why?10:11
Riddellsitter: oh qextserialthing and marble are in ~jr ppa for review10:11
sitterisn't 5.4.1 done?10:11
yofelthat's not what I meant..10:12
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | apps 15.08 https://goo.gl/KFMF4F
sitterI think we all know that #kubuntu-devel is kubuntu ...10:12
yofelwe always had that there, lets leave it there...10:12
sitterRiddell: qextserialport ftbfs10:13
sitteryofel: that's a crap reason to do anything :P10:13
Riddellsitter: hmm, maybe I should review my own work first10:13
yofelit gives people a friendly impression10:13
yofelhow about that for a reason? ^^10:13
Riddellyay plasma-workspace accepted into wily10:13
Riddellsounds like a good reason to me10:14
clivejosome people are just so unfriendly :P10:14
clivejoRiddell: what did I do wrong with qextserialthingiemabob?10:24
clivejowas I even on the right tracks?10:25
Riddellclivejo: I don't think you did much in the way of changes, it needed the build-depends changed and the generated .deb packages given new names10:29
clivejowhere do you get that information from?10:31
Riddellclivejo: the build-deps I'm still working out, it's educated guesswork based on knowing that it will build with qt5 -dev packages instead of qt4 ones10:42
Riddellit's made harder by not using cmake which says fairly clearly what it's looking for, it uses qmake which is just black magic10:43
Riddelland the name of the packages is the same as the name of the .so library files it makes10:43
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:28
ahoneybunI'm really happy to see all those changes in the slideshow :)12:15
ahoneybunthanks Riddell and sitter12:15
ahoneybunalso jens12:15
ahoneybunlordievader: ovidiu-florin, claydoh and I, yes12:16
Riddellsitter, shadeslayer: how do I fix this?  pangea-tooling (master)>./jenkins_jobs_update.rb12:36
Riddell/usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- jenkins_api_client (LoadError)12:36
RiddellI guessed and tried sudo gem install jenkins but that didn't help12:36
* Riddell guesses and tries gem install jenkins_api_client12:38
shadeslayerbundler install12:41
shadeslayery u no bundler install12:41
Riddellonto it12:45
Riddellseems to have helped, thanks12:46
Riddellsitter: shadeslayer: well running jenkins_jobs_update doesn't seem to add new stuff to mobile.kci, what am I doing wrong? I'm wanting to add kdepimlibs and probably others12:55
shadeslayerRiddell: did you modify projects.json?12:55
Riddellshadeslayer: I did not, but I don't see what to add in there12:56
Riddellit has "all_repos" : [ "frameworks", "plasma", "applications", "kubuntu"12:56
Riddelland I guess it should be included from that12:57
shadeslayerRiddell: did you set your authentication details?12:59
shadeslayerRiddell: in ~/.config/pangea-jenkins.json12:59
shadeslayerRiddell: also, it's using ci-tooling/data/projects_mci.json13:00
shadeslayerso perhaps you edited the wrong projects.json13:00
Riddellthat could be it, let me try that13:02
Riddellshadeslayer: yay it worked, thanks13:07
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
sitterRiddell: seems to me you broke kaccount-integration all the way?14:04
Riddellsitter: see #plasma, but it should be fixed now14:04
Riddellbuilt from wily_archive and building now from _unstable in mobile.kci14:04
sitterRiddell: i will not be able to become green on KCI until all traces of it are gone upstream14:05
Riddellsitter: it'll still complain about the missing dep cmake wants? isn't there a cmake-ignore.json equivalent?14:06
sitteryou shouldn't cmake-ignore things like that14:06
sitterif mck182 wants it gone it has to go upstream14:07
Riddellwhy not? if upstream says it should be ignored then seems fair enough14:07
sitterif it shoulnd't be gone then it should be built14:07
mck182I'll make it gone if that helps14:07
mck182though it's still an optional dep14:07
sittermck182: that does not matter to cmake14:07
sittereither it is supported in which case we should build it14:08
sitteror it is not supported and it should be entirely disabled upstream14:08
mck182how it does not matter to cmake? it will not error out on you if the dep is not present14:08
mck182and being optional14:08
sittermck182: it will report it as missing and missing things are missing14:08
mck182then what's the point of OPTIONAL in cmake?14:08
mck182what's the point of anything? :O14:09
sittermck182: to have something not required14:09
mck182yes, so stop requiring it xD14:09
sitteryou are telling us to ignore that it is missing14:09
mck182well I'll get rid of it...nobody from pim has tested it anyway14:10
mck182so I doubt it even works14:10
sitterproblem solved then14:10
mck182it is...but I still don't understand why can't optional deps be ignored 14:10
sitterthey can be ignored they just shouldn't14:11
sitterignored is for when you optionally depend on vlc and gstreamer. and we don't care for gstreamer so we make the executive decision that we never want to build gstreamer and ignore it being missing14:12
mck182sounds like this case ^^14:13
sitterignoring random stuff because right now we don't want it means that when it becomes a useful thing again a human will need to tell another human that we should package it again14:13
sitterwhich will not happen14:13
mck182yeah I see your point14:13
mck182it will have to be rewritten for akonadi2 anyway14:13
mck182and nobody from pim caring is making me not care if it's removed14:14
jacobteyHi! Can anybody answer me what about localization in KDE Application 15.08? I'm using kubuntu-ci ppa. There isn't kde-l10n-ru-15.08 that was announced in august14:20
RiddellI don't think kde-l10n is in CI14:22
Riddellbut it should be in wily14:22
jacobteyI took this one from wily. But a half is still in english. I thought it is not suitable 14:26
Riddellsitter: why do you say "kdepim: also needs libkolab bdep apparently" ?14:31
Riddelljacobtey: you'd need to look into the package to see what's not there or what's broken then14:32
sitterRiddell: it had them previously. butthey seem gone in 15.08 so I guess that's not actually true14:32
ScottKDepends on if you want to support being a kolab client.14:35
ScottKIt's an optional build-dep.14:35
jacobteyRiddell: Thank U. I'll try14:36
soee_can someone conform bug with Agregator: if we try to open link in it tab, whole Agregator will crash15:29
soee_if we rerun it than, it asks to restore session or not but no matter what we pick it will crash again and after few tries to stat it again it will work15:31
mhall119ahoneybun: ovidiu-florin: claydoh: thank you all for stepping up and taking on roles in the Kubuntu Council16:53
ovidiu-florinvalorie: has that «catching up» been scheduled yet?18:04
ovidiu-florinI have an exam tomorrow, so I'm kind of busy tonight, to study18:05
soee_any idea why Wily doesn't have LO 5 yet ?18:40
davmor2soee_: not packaged at a guess, I think it has a feature freeze exception though Riddell can possibly confirm that though, /me isn't sure where they exist18:43
ahoneybundavmor2: soee_ I know libreoffice has it packaged for wily18:43
soee_uhm, strange as there is already 5.0.118:43
soee_so sticked in proposed maybe ?18:44
davmor2soee_: http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/ubuntu-15-10-wily-werewolf-gets-the-latest-libreoffice-5-0-rc3-487097.shtml18:45
soee_so not in archive :/18:46
murthysitter: Is this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1087409 got addressed in the new installed?18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1087409 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Missing feedback/progress dialog while installing drivers" [High,Triaged]18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389847 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity waits until the driver-manager finishes before proceeding to the partitioning screen" [Undecided,New]18:50
murthycan you take a look at it when you find time?18:52
murthyAlso I think the fadeout time of osd for the new volume control needs to be reduced18:53
sitterterribly unlikely that we'll invest anymore time into ubiquity19:00
sitterthe code is utterly unworkable19:01
soee_are there any alternative installers ?19:15
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
valorieovidiu-florin: I don't know, I just came face-to-face with that email yet again, and wanted to be sure y'all saw it20:14
valorieI'm afraid I don't have the heart to lead on that, but I will attend if others want to "catch up"20:15
ahoneybunvalorie: I'll go if I have time20:23
clivejoanyone up for beta testing KDE Connect - https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.kde.kdeconnect_tp 20:31
valoriethanks, clivejo20:33
valorieI would ask in #kde as well20:34
soee_sure :)20:34
valorieor maybe #plasma20:34
soee_hihi, Whats new: Probably new bugs introduced ... :D20:35
soee_wow, new look is cool :)20:36
soee_mdia controls seems to not work20:39
soee_i can't control Amarok20:39
soee_but i can send files to my laptop and browse phone 20:41
ahoneybunmm right they need to be on the same network...20:41
ahoneybunmy desktop is wired to the network and the phone is wireless20:41
clivejoahoneybun: mine is like that too, works ok20:46
ahoneybunI cannot see my phone and visa 20:46
valorieI said I would be a tester, but don't see anything new on my phone20:46
ahoneybunnow it did20:46
clivejosoee_: I wonder will the desktop software need an update too#20:46
valoriedo I have to click the download button?20:46
valorieas well20:47
ahoneybunI had to search for the app and saw that there was an update20:47
valoriewhen I click on it, it just says "installed"20:47
valorieI'll be patient20:47
clivejohas this been mentioned today?20:48
ahoneybunamarok works20:48
ahoneybunvalorie: think we need a post about the testing?20:48
clivejoIve been logged off so I dont know what has been said20:48
valorieclivejo: mentioned where?20:49
ahoneybunwe for sure need a post on the site about the KC20:49
valorieyou were the first to post here in IRC about this20:49
clivejoin this channel or plasma20:49
valorieI've not read up in plasma yet20:49
* ahoneybun drafts a news post20:53
valoriea search of the bash shows only kdeconnect commits, no mention of testing20:58
valoriehowever, husband is already working on MY project out in the yard, so I'll soon have to start work on that!20:59
valorieesp. since he washed and vacuumed my car yesterday20:59
ahoneybunmy draft of the post21:00
valorieI would say at the beginning: following the departure21:03
valorieand just leave out the reasons21:04
valorieand make "3", three21:04
valoriealways best to spell out numbers under 10021:04
ahoneybunthanks valorie21:06
valoriethanks for writing the story21:07
* valorie leaves to go work in the burning sun21:07
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: seemed to think I wanted to brag XD21:07
ahoneybunI think it is good enough for a launch now21:08
clivejointeresting comment on Play page for KDE Connect - "*NOTE for Ubuntu users: The Ubuntu folks are not updating their repos as fast as this app gets updated. Some features will not work if the KDE Connect version in you desktop doesn't match the one in your phone."21:17
clivejoanything new with you soee_ ?21:30
soee_with ?21:32
clivejolife, Kubuntu, the universe?21:39
clivejooh looks like Mycroft is a go!21:39
clivejoDoes anyone else think this is just creepy ?!? - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aiforeveryone/mycroft-an-open-source-artificial-intelligence-for/posts/134503221:40
* ahoneybun likes it21:41
clivejoMycroft is watching you!!21:42
clivejosoee_: interesting video21:49
clivejogot a shiver down my back seeing Ubuntu!21:49
ahoneybunthe heck... with root?22:00
=== mck182 is now known as mck182|afk

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