
tatwtantHello, I am new for Ubuntu03:41
nhainestatwtant: You mentioned you have some questions, but you didn't ask them here.  :)03:57
nhainesIRC's a bit different in that usually you just ask your questions and then wait around for someone to see it and maybe give an answer.03:57
tatwtantOk I got it nhaines04:04
tatwtantWhat are Ubuntu commands? How does that work? Does it has something similar to programming? If yes, Which language does it similar to? 04:05
tatwtantHow to understand Ubuntu commands and where should I get them from? Or should I try to learn programming frist?04:06
blahdeblahtatwtant: Learning a few commands first is a good idea04:07
blahdeblahYou get to the command line by opening "Terminal" - search for that in your main menu04:07
nhainesThe question's a bit vague.  There are no such thing as "Ubuntu" commands.04:07
tatwtantLinux commands?04:08
nhainesIf you're asking about the command line, you'll be using a mixture of bash commands ("bash" is the name of the default shell you'll see on the command line) and independent programs.04:08
nhainesNone of them have anything to do with programming--with the exception that there are a couple of bash commands you can use in a script, but you wouldn't use them on their own usually.04:09
nhainesMainly, you can do everything in Ubuntu without using the command line.04:10
tatwtantSo what is command line for?04:10
tatwtantJust for making everything faster?04:10
nhainesThe command line is used to tell the computer precisely what to do.04:10
nhainesSo if you wanted to install VLC, for instance, I could tell you two ways.04:11
nhainesI could say open the Dash, go to the Ubuntu Software Center, search for "vlc", click on the VideoLAN Client entry, click install, enter your password when prompted, and click "confirm".04:11
nhainesOr, I could say "Open a terminal and type 'sudo apt install vlc'."04:11
nhainesIf you're just browsing around for software, you probably want to look around in the Ubuntu Software Center.04:12
nhainesBut if you know you want to install VLC and want the fastest way, the command line can do that in a way you can copy/paste.04:12
tatwtantSo it's  a lot faster and easier04:13
nhainesSome things are faster and easier.04:13
nhainesIt doesn't make web browsing any easier.  Although arguably faster.  :)04:13
nhainesI have a book that's just about to be published, and I have a little chapter with specific fun or useful command line things, but the entire rest of the book is all graphical-only.04:14
tatwtantWell one more thing that I'd like to know is command line is only use for changing something inside computer such as copy/paste files, installing/removing apps/sofewares?04:15
nhainesOkay, now that's a good specific question with an answer.  :)04:16
nhainesThe command to copy is 'cp' and the command for move is 'mv', so you can copy file foo to file bar by typing 'cp foo bar'.04:16
nhainesYou'll use 'apt' or 'apt-get' to install or remove software, so you'll need to know the name of the package that contains the software, and you can run 'apt install foobar' to install the "foobar" package any any other software it requires.04:17
nhainesOr you can play 'apt remove foobar' to uninstall it.04:18
nhainesAnd you can read the manual for any command by using the 'man' command, so 'man apt' will tell you all the details about the apt command, for your reference.04:19
tatwtantcan we write some Code from it?04:19
nhainesNo.  To program, you write code in a text editor or IDE.  Later on you compile it or run it with an interpreter.04:20
nhainesYou can use vi or nano as your text editor, but programming has nothing to do with the command line.04:20
tatwtantOk thank you04:25
tatwtantI got it04:25
nhainesYou're welcome. :)04:25
nhainesIf you've never programmed before, I suggest python!04:25
tatwtantI am trying to learn C04:26
tatwtantpeople told me that C is a good first language to learn04:26
tatwtantcause when i get  used to it, I can learn others langueges easier 04:26
nhainesI don't know that it's a good first language.  It's definitely something you can use anywhere (although Python has that too).04:27
nhainesIn general, once you learn "how to program", your language is more of a preference, and while you'll like some languages more than others, you can probably study any new language and figure out how it works.04:27
tatwtantbut I feel like Python has everything in it04:29
tatwtantI can understand the Basics, and how it works04:29
nhainesIt's nice because then instead of wasting your time reinventing stuff that has been done many times before, you can do the interesting bits which is whatever you're trying to get done.04:29
tatwtantagain, thank you :D04:30
nhainesYou're welcome!  Get a good book to help you with programming.  For Python I can highly recommend this one: http://amzn.to/1EPtxV304:34
nhainesFor C I dont have a recommendation but you can surely find something useful.  :)04:34
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