
TJ-Sad state of affairs when I have to go back to Precise and kernel v3.2 to avoid regressions in the Bluetooth core01:21
OerHeksI just read you01:53
OerHeksi setup my apple magic trackpad, no problem at all, TJ-01:53
TJ-OerHeks: It depends on the way the device authorised. Devices that use the original Bluetooth PinCode fail because the stupid developers ripped out functionality and didn't replace it for bluez 5.x01:55
TJ-I get sick and tired of this kind of attitude where devs think it is OK to re-write a codebase and release it before it fully replaces the existing functionality01:56
OerHeksYou mean like the standard pin 0000?01:56
TJ-No PINs at all are support. BT has two authentication methods: PINcode (the original)  and PassCode. They've ripped out PINcode support and not replaced it01:57
TJ-So devices that work fine with 14.04 fail with 15.1001:57
TJ-I found another, similar, issue with the kernel bluetooth driver tonight. I have a USB BT adapter that won't function correctly on 15.10, 14.04, or 13.04. I found out tonight it's fine on 12.04 with kernel v3.2. Between v3.2 and v3.8 the kernel's net/bluetooth/hci_core.c broke it.01:58
OerHeksI am not sure what you mean, i see this, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6885560/bt.png  and works02:00
OerHeksBus 002 Device 005: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)02:00
TJ-I waste so much time tracking these issues down, repeatedly, that I want to give the devs a slap02:01
TJ-Yes, you can see the GUI bits, but there is no longer any bluez bluetoothd code for PINcode support. It uses PassPhrase instead... and older BT devices did not have PassPhrase, so it breaks them02:02
TJ-The bugs are bug 1491988  and  bug 149034702:05
ubot5bug 1491988 in linux (Ubuntu) "15.10: Multiple Bluetooth controllers not found" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149198802:05
ubot5bug 1490347 in bluez (Ubuntu) "[Regresision] 15:10 - Cannot pair with devices using PIN codes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149034702:05
OerHeksTJ-, how did you get bluez 5.3? i am on 4.101-0ubuntu2502:07
OerHekswily only ?02:07
TJ-Yes; testing the dev version now we're closing on the release02:08
OerHeksah oke. most of those commands do not apply on 15.0402:10
TJ-I've already fixed a crypto bug in GRUB this week; hope I can get these 2 pinned down and fixed as well02:12
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:33
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: o/ .... keeping your seat warm .03:34
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: tnx mate ill take over from here03:34
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Great, it is time I thought about vacating .03:36
lotuspsychjespread the word to update systems soon03:36
ubot5Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates.03:36
lotuspsychjenew exploits been patched03:36
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yepper, I be a fanatic about keeping my system(s) updated .03:39
lotuspsychjesame here mate03:39
lotuspsychjehealthy paranoia cant harm :p03:39
daftykinswow magnolia has a hot head10:57
OerHeks10 september is a troll day ?16:40
daftykinsi see they still come here then :>16:40
daftykinsi think they all are :)16:40
OerHeksi'll sit back and zip my coffee for a while16:41
daftykinsi really am beginning to enjoy the ignore function16:42
OerHeksMeanwhile in Japan: "Prime Minister Abe will do its best to deal with the disaster, making the saving of human life our highest priority." http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/site/index.php?pageid=event_desc&edis_id=ED-20150910-50029-JPN16:48
OerHekshi wileee16:51
daftykinsah EriC^^ you found your way back in :>17:13
daftykinssurely CharlesW is a troll :P18:40
daftykinsseriously, even 'memtest' has been deleted now?19:46
daftykinswhat the hell19:46
OerHeksnope not deleted19:46
daftykinsnever existed?19:46
OerHeksit might be in that folder, something has changed19:47
daftykinssorry i mean from ubottu's factoids19:48
ubot5To test your hardware, you can use the packages memtest86+ (for memory, can be started from the !GRUB boot menu), smartmontools (for hard drives), cpuburn (which MIGHT damage your processor if cooling is not adequate!). Additionally, lm-sensors can be useful to monitor temperatures and fan speeds - See also !benchmark19:49
daftykinsbit vague19:53
daftykinsthat guy skinux is such an asshole, always got problems - shows no courtesy to those who help20:25
TJ-I think he's related to JOW in respect of not listening to repeated advice20:27
daftykinsi was told about JOW's regular University IP drama20:35
daftykinssounds really silly20:35
OerHeksit is always ubuntu's problem20:35
=== aarcov_ is now known as aarcov
OerHeksdaftykins, i think it is the solarstorms man22:12
daftykinsso much scum in the world today22:13
daftykinsand far too much allowed internet access22:13
OerHeksjust checked my calendar, it is not weekend, right?22:13
daftykinsnope :(22:14
daftykinsthey've started early22:14
OerHeksah 11 sept ...22:14
daftykinswow i had to check what day it was22:14
OerHeksDo you suffer bicycle-lag ?22:19
daftykins:D non-island lag!22:19
daftykinsi shall go laugh myself to sleep over a long-term user copying an ISO onto a flash drive23:36

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