
henrixrozie: hi! i've just commented bug #1492146 about a new kernel available in -proposed08:01
ubot5bug 1492146 in linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu) "igb Detected Tx Unit Hang" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149214608:01
henrixrozie: it would be great if you could check if that kernel fixes the issue08:01
roziegimme like... 15 minutes08:04
henrixrozie: awesome!  thanks ;)08:08
roziehenrix: can you give me direct link to packages? I see it's in the proposed, but would like to avoid adding repos08:18
henrixrozie: here's the links:08:26
henrixrozie: not sure if at this moment you care about other packages (headers, for example)08:26
roziethx. I dont care about headers. just got lost in complicated Ubuntu repo structure ;/08:27
henrixrozie: heh, no prob08:28
roziejust kidding, but got use to Debian, as it's my primary OS and Ubuntu is... different08:28
roziebut haven't found this kernel on packages.ubuntu...08:29
rozieanyway, rebooting...08:30
rozielooks fine at first glance, but let it work for 5 mins08:33
henrixrozie: sure, not in a rush.  I really want to make sure the bug is fixed ;)08:35
apwhenrix, was that the wholesale revert ?08:35
henrixapw: yep08:36
henrixapw: 14 patches being revert08:36
apwdid the bug get shoved out of fix-released at the saem time ?08:37
henrixwe'll need to take another look at these backports.  and... i'm not sure i changed it to 'triagged' again (although i remember i commented on the bug)08:38
* henrix goes check08:38
apwhenrix, thanks ... i'd not want that to get lost as a result08:39
henrixapw: no, iirc joe is currently working on that bug so he probably actually changed it back08:40
rozie523 packets transmitted, 523 received, 0% packet loss, time 526808ms - looks fine :-)08:42
henrixrozie: awesome!  thanks for testing ;)08:43
henrixrozie: would you please add a comment to the bug, and change the 'verification-needed-trusty' to 'verification-done-trusty' tag?08:44
henrixrozie: (i can do that for you if you're busy)08:44
roziealready commented, pls change tag08:46
henrixrozie: cool, thanks08:47
henrixinfinity: fyi ^^08:47
LocutusOfBorg1Hi, I don't remember who handles the virtualbox kernel modules10:52
LocutusOfBorg1but virtualbox 5.0.4 is out, claiming full compatibility with kernel 4.210:52
LocutusOfBorg1you might want to sync changes10:52
apwLocutusOfBorg1, sounds good, thanks10:58
apwLocutusOfBorg1, mostly i do for what it is worth10:58
popeyAnyone noticed massive slowdown on 4.2? My desktop is pretty much unusable while doing IO13:30
popey15s to open a terminal13:31
tjaaltoni've noticed something similar, building a kernel and doing anything is very sluggish13:44
ckingpopey, I'll sort out some testing against 4.2 and see what's going on13:48
ckingpopey, what's your config in terms of system / CPUs/ HDD/SSDs etc13:49
ckingand what kind of I/O are you doing?13:51
rtgtjaalton, you ought to be able to provide some numbers if you're doing builds. 13:52
rtgthat seems pretty deterministic13:52
popeycking: i7 / one HDD (spinning rust) / 8GB RAM13:54
tjaaltonI have ivybridge, 240GB ssd, but home is on btrfs..13:54
popeyonly thing it's doing is an rsync backup to another machine over gbe13:54
tjaaltonkernel trees on ssd13:54
popeysandybridge cpu, ext4 filesystem13:54
rtgtjaalton, build times with 4.1 v.s. 4.2 ?13:54
ckingwhy does my heart sink when btrfs is mentioned...13:55
popeybackup seems to be chugging along, load average is 4.513:55
tjaaltonah, well the build is fine I think, just that doing anything interactive at the same time is sluggish13:55
popeyno btrfs here :)13:55
tjaaltoncking: hehe13:55
ckingok, let me do ext4 first as that's our default ;-)13:56
davmor2cking: https://i2.wp.com/ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2014-10/7/19/enhanced/webdr05/anigif_original-grid-image-18241-1412725925-4.gif13:56
davmor2cking: just visualising the the heart sinking :)14:00
ckingah, yes ;-)14:00
tjaaltonmore specifically, my $HOME is on a four-disk btrfs HDD RAID14:04
LocutusOfBorg1thanks apw 15:09
LocutusOfBorg1apw, where are the sources for the module?15:14
LocutusOfBorg1here? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/linux.git15:14
apwLocutusOfBorg1, so we update the module directly from the binaries the dksm package produce15:15
apwthough right now i assume we ahve it patched locally15:15
LocutusOfBorg1so you provide a .ko module?15:15
apwbut we need the real dkms package updated, which i htink was what you were telling me i hsould (and will) do15:16
LocutusOfBorg1I thought you were copy-pasting the sources in the kernel tree and providing a build during install :)15:16
LocutusOfBorg1exactly, I guess this is the best way to do15:16
LocutusOfBorg1like we do with vbox-dkms15:16
LocutusOfBorg1having them inside the kernel is really awesome :)15:17
apwwe are indeed pasting in the sources, but i do that from the result of the virtualbox package making the source for the dkms package15:18
apwif any of that makes any sense15:18
apwyeah needed for some clouds apparently15:18
ckingpopey, i've kicked of a range of file systems tests, i'll get back to you once they are complete (probably next week)15:46
popeycking: super, thanks15:48
rul_Hi. Old kernels aren't being autoremoved despite being marked as auto and not being in "APT::NeverAutoRemove"... any hint on how can I debug this issue? 18:59
rul_debugging autoremove I can see this lines19:03
rul_Following dep: systemtap:amd64 2.3-1ubuntu1 Suggests linux-image:amd64 , provided by linux-image-3.2.0-59-generic:amd64 3.2.0-59.90Marking: linux-image-3.2.0-59-generic:amd64 3.2.0-59.90, Curr=3.2.0-59.90, Inst=3.2.0-59.9019:03
rul_it's like the old kernel aren't removed because they're suggested by systemap19:04
apwthose all do provides:linux-image .... infinity ^19:07
infinityapw: systemtap's dep is bogus.19:12
infinity"we recommend you have a kernel installed" is about the most useless dep I can think of.19:12
infinity"Depends: computer".19:12
apwyeah it cirtainly is ...19:12
apwok so we should get that ripped19:12
apwrul_, can you file a bug against systemtap please and tell me the number19:13
infinityrul_: To confirm, if you remove systemtap, do kernels autoremove happily afterward?19:13
infinityapw: It's also possible that our provides is a bit overzealous there, and we should be providing virtuals like linux-image and linux-headers from the metapackages instead of the real packages.19:16
infinityapw: But can't go back in time and fix all the old kernels to do that.19:16
apwinfinity, moving the provides to the to the meta-pacakge is an interesting idea19:20
infinityapw: It would get us the behaviour we'd prefer if something did depend on one of those virtuals.  We don't want a one-off ABI-versioned package installed, we want the meta, so people actually get upgrades.19:23
apwinfinity, yes, seems appropriate19:23
infinityapw: (I still think it's a bug for anything to depend on the virtuals anyway, but some stuff from Debian does, and it's not worth the delta to fix them all)19:23
apwwhen rul_ gives me his bug, i'll file one off that for linux/etc to move them19:24
infinityapw: Anyhow, only something we could fix for >= wily, since stable releases have tons of kernels with the provides already baked in.19:24
apwinfinity, right get it fixed before the next lts19:31
rul_yup, I've marked systemtap package as auto and suddenly all old kernels can be autoremoved20:27
rul_filling the bug20:27
apwbug #149448120:47
ubot5bug 1494481 in systemtap (Ubuntu) "linux-image Suggests cripples old kernel cleanup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149448120:47

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