
joseelacheche: sure thing. you are all set. I will update your team's expiration date until our meeting date.03:07
tatwtanthello guys! i am new for Ubuntu03:30
nhainesjose: it's already been done.03:30
nhainestatwtant: welcome!03:30
josenhaines: great, I was finishing dinner03:31
tatwtantwell, actually I know nothing about Ubuntu03:31
tatwtantCould you guys please give me some informations about it please? 03:31
tatwtantI did google it, but it showed up lots of thing that I couldn't understand03:32
nhainesYour best bet is to start at http://ubuntu.com/03:32
nhainesIf you have any specific questions, you might want to see if there are any local teams nearby that you could visit in person: http://loco.ubuntu.com/03:33
nhainesWhether in person or on IRC, they could help you in more detail.03:33
tatwtantOh I thought this is Australia ubuntu team?03:34
nhainesNo, this is a general channel for LoCo team contacts to discuss administrative issues.03:35
nhainesIs there a page where you got that information?  I could check and follow up with the maintainers to make sure it's more clear.  :)03:36
tatwtantwell, I did logged in this link http://loco.ubuntu.com/ .03:36
tatwtantand I chose Australian Ubuntu team03:37
nhainesThe channel listed there is #ubuntu-au03:37
tatwtanthow could I get into this general channel? I don't know03:37
nhainesHm.  The channel's active.  Well, I don't know if anyone's around in there, but you can definitely join there.03:38
nhainesJust type "/join #ubuntu-au" on its own line without quotes and you'll be all set.  :)03:38
tatwtantwell, not sure if anyone's there too03:40
nhainesWell, 20 people are there.03:40
tatwtantOk thank you so much03:41
tatwtantI'm going03:41
nhainesAnd I recognize one as being pretty chatty usually.  So it should be a good start.  :)  Mail their mailing list if you don't hear from anyone after a couple of hours.03:41
nhainesGreat, and good luck!  :)03:41
tatwtantThey are not active anw :)03:44
nhainesMaybe not at the moment.  Well, IRC moves slower sometimes.  We even have a canned response about that!  :)03:47
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:47
tatwtantyes, Thank you ubot5 and nhaines03:49
Kiloshi svij nhaines and others07:39
Kilosand dpm07:39
svijhi Kilos 07:40
elachecheMorning! Thank you jose :)07:48
Kiloshi elacheche 07:49
elachechewassup Kilos :)07:49
Kilosdifferent day only 07:49
Kilosotherwise same old07:49
nhainesGood morning Kilos!  :)11:24
nhainesI just republished on YouTube one of the first videos of me talking, about a year after I started doing Ubuntu advocacy.  :)11:34
nhainesIn preparation to publish my latest talk from a month ago.11:34
Kilosgood to remind oldies and let new viewers see further11:35
nhainesWatch "Ubuntu lightning talk at LugRadioLive USA 2008" on YouTube11:59
svijnhaines: first reaction "eww nhaines in underwear"12:34
nhainessvij: haha, not me.  I think that was Adam Brockmeyer?  I should probably find out.12:37
svijthat's why I said "first reaction" :)12:39
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
* svij now watches 1:21h of nhaines ;)18:44
nhainessvij: haha, thanks for the reshare.  :)19:37
svijI didn't reshare19:38
* svij only watched 20min sofar.19:38
svijbut the loan for your book is different to how they're handling it here in germany19:39
nhainesThen thanks in advance for resharing.  ;)19:40
nhainesThe way they did the advance for my book was a little different too.  But since I get all the monies (in theory, still waiting for the last 1/3rd) earlier, it worked for me.19:41
svijand I'll only get 6%19:41
svijevery 6 months19:41
* svij will watch the second half tomorrow. But interesting so far, nhaines!19:52

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