
Kilosmorning everyone07:38
pieter2627morning all08:01
barrydkMorning everyone08:02
Kiloshi pieter2627 barrydk Cryterion and inetpro 09:21
Kilosand thatgraemeguy 09:21
pieter2627anyone have any experience of studying at Unisa?09:37
MaNIyes - though its probably somewhat outdated by now09:58
MaNII mean I last studied there in 2008 - is there something specific you wanted to know? :p10:00
pieter2627mainly opinion on their CS course and service10:04
MaNIthere service is not the greatest, though ideally you probably shouldn't have to deal with them much10:06
* pieter2627 observes that they may not know email has a reply feature10:09
MaNII found the CS course decent, in that it had a lot of the right subjects etc. - though I think what you get from it depends a lot on how much you put in as a person - I think if you focus on the exams and assignments only it is possible to come out without learning as much as you should have, if you 'play around' a lot with doing your own stuff on the side you can do well10:09
pieter2627MaNI: overall did the material seem up-to-date?10:09
MaNIat the time mostly, though its been a while10:10
MaNIthe syllabus was busy geting changed when I left so I imagine its changed quite a bit10:10
pieter2627so you used the modules with 3 char codes?10:12
MaNIwell COS416-D etc.10:13
MaNIdepends I guess what you want to do in future as well, I enjoyed that they still had C++, while others in the industry will argue that everyone should be learning python now10:14
pieter2627MaNI: were you able to do the assignments on Linux?10:14
* pieter2627 just happy that it is not java10:15
pieter2627or delphi10:15
MaNIdepends somewhat on the subject, for some subjects yes, others no10:15
MaNIat the time they used bloodshed dev-c++ for quite a few subjects and wanted assignments that worked with that - but I imagine they've probably moved on to something else by now10:16
MaNIat least I hope so10:16
pieter2627but atleast they did not have an issue if you didn't use Win?10:17
MaNIwell generally as long as it can compile on win when they get it10:17
MaNII can suggest the SOC forums to ask for recent experiences perhaps http://osprey.unisa.ac.za/phorum/list.php?66810:18
MaNIthey aren't overly active but the people who do respond there are usually helpful10:18
pieter2627thanks MaNI 10:19
MaNIbut yeah the not replying to email thing is I'm afraid the norm, especially for registrations they aren't great with that10:23
pieter2627yeah, also got that yesterday... "you will only be helped once registered"10:24
MaNIonce you are registered there is 'myunisa' with subject forums and stuff - and individual lecturers are a bit more responsive10:24
MaNIin their defense they do have basically the largest number of registrations in the world to deal with, but yeah :(10:25
pieter2627guess so10:25
MaNII always found it easier to get help in person for registration stuff10:26
MaNIif you happen to be in driving range from one of the main campuses10:26
MaNIthough they may have done away with that and gone online only - hmm10:27
pieter2627was there yesterday and got helped on questions that is not too advanced10:28
MaNIwhat other unis you considering?10:42
pieter2627tuks, but not really interested in it10:42
* mazal peaks in10:43
mazalAfternoon everyone10:43
MaNIhttp://wikistudent.ws/Unisa/Category:Computer_Science < you may find that slightly helpful to get a glimpse into some of the subjects10:44
barrydkAfternoon mazal10:44
mazalGaanit oom barry ?10:44
barrydkSleg man baie besig nie eers tyd vir minecraft vandag nie10:45
mazal:( ook so die kant10:45
pieter2627thanks MaNI, wish some of the wiki entries had more info while also being very excited by others10:46
MaNIyeah :(10:46
MaNIthere used to be this URL where you could get all the TUT letters for the previous years10:47
MaNIso I used to trawl those to make my subject choices - but it seems that they took it down10:47
MaNIdodging the crap subjects is probably key no matter what university :p10:49
pieter2627that wiki, two others that are also floating around and the module brochure atleast helped to gain inside to all the modules10:58
* pieter2627 knows that he wants to dodge the visual modules10:59
MaNIpersonally I hated most of the INF subjects11:02
MaNII did a dual COS/INF major (don't know if they still offer that) and the INF stuff was mind numbingly boring11:03
pieter2627yeah, mostly looking forward to only the HCI and planning INF stuff11:10
MaNIthe various database subjects are a snore fest11:11
MaNIthough I suppose at the end of the day they have aided me in life a little11:11
pieter2627speaking of which, was stored procedures handled when you did it?11:12
* pieter2627 knows he wants to cover that thoroughly11:13
MaNIyeah, pretty sure they were11:17
stickyboyunisa.ac.za is running a phorum?11:44
stickyboyI'm not that into message boards anymore, but I kinda thought this was nice: http://flarum.org/11:44
stickyboyHipsters as F*** though.11:45
stickyboyRight, Kilos?11:45
grembleGood afternoon17:50
Kiloshi gremble Cryterion 17:51
grembleHow arey ou Kilos ?17:52
Kilosfine ty lad and you?17:52
grembleI am well thank you17:52
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
* Cryterion thinks Kilos is confused on devices logging in ;)18:22
Kiloswent to lappy18:25
Kiloseasier and closer when lying down18:26
Kilosgrumbles  ping18:32
Kilosdid you get the mail in our list from karl?18:33
grembleYup. I will send him a message tomorrow18:34
Kilosohi superfly 18:40
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:42

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