[07:34] sakrezZZz: dpkg doesn't apt-get stuff, so if you are missing dependencies, after installing scribus, do: sudo apt-get install -f [14:05] zequence: the fix in debian fixes it in ubuntu. so now the question is, how do i submit it? [14:06] more precisely: 0f3a7ac3af72dac5a4270fa32497072315751ee2 [14:07] commit fixes the issue. === sakrezZZz is now known as sakre_ [14:14] i have missplaces the mail with the links to the wikipages with the desktop file thing... [14:15] it was a list of packages to go thru [21:27] sakre_: I'll get back to you tomorrow about that. What you need to do is make a patch of the changes that fixes the abscence of the desktop file [21:29] I haven't checked the difference between the sources yet, so don't know how far they are apart (Debian and Ubuntu), but since we are past feature freeze, we should only focus on fixing the bug. That means we keep the source as is, and separate the fix in a patch. The path itself is a sort of diff [21:30] Once the patch is done correctly, you can upload your own bzr branch with the fix, and attach that to the bug report as a fix. [21:30] Also, ask to have it merged with the Ubuntu source [21:31] However, I'm not exactly sure what the state of the current "fix commited" is. Could be the fix is about to happen soon. [21:31] In any case, it won't hurt for you to learn this stuff.