
bluesabrejjfrv8: try clicking on "current configuration" and then save01:14
bluesabreflocculant, jjfrv8, ochosi: uploaded a new release of xfpanel-switch to xubuntu-staging. For some reason it displays preinstalled templates twice there, but seems to work otherwise. Please give it a shot when you have a chance so I can upload to wily tomorrow :)02:35
bluesabreflocculant, jjfrv8, ochosi: release notes: https://launchpad.net/xfpanel-switch/1.0/1.0.102:36
bluesabreneed to get some sleep now.... night all!02:37
flocculantbluesabre: tried the updated xfpanel-switch ... saved it(it assumed it was a copy of xubuntu modern apparently) then changed my panel about, tried to restore my panel06:28
flocculantthat didn't work - I ended up with a default panel at the top, with things I remove from default back again06:29
flocculantthings I add not there06:29
flocculantbut I no longer see the problems with closing dialogues and prompts06:30
flocculantknome: on the tracker, bugs specifically - what's triggering something not to count, because at least one is expired/won't fix but shows as something to do :)06:40
Unit193Logan: Re: #ubuntu.  I like you.07:12
LoganI like myself too07:14
bluesabreflocculant: can you try selecting "current configuration", then click save, change it up, and then restore?07:35
flocculantbluesabre: ok - that worked07:37
flocculantwhat you doing about this time of the day ... 07:37
bluesabrewoke up to use the bathroom, made the mistake of looking at my laptop07:37
bluesabreback to bed, bbabl07:37
flocculantha ha ha 07:38
bluesabreoh, but what is happening with xfpanel-switch...07:38
flocculantgo to bed :D07:38
bluesabrecurrent config > save: save new config, others > duplicate config07:39
bluesabrelast release didn't sort, so current was always the first item07:39
bluesabreback to bed :D07:40
flocculantshame it doesn't remember configs - have to reenter weather plugin configs07:55
bluesabreflocculant: it remembers everything stored in the normal panel config location... guessing the weather plugin stores it somewhere else09:54
bluesabresuppose we can extend panel-switch for the next release with that support :)10:02
flocculantbluesabre: ok - just thought I'd say what I saw :)10:03
bluesabreflocculant: much appreciated :)10:03
bluesabrethis is quickly turning out to be a pretty solid xubuntu release10:04
flocculantyep sure is that :)10:04
bluesabreapport (2.18.1-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium10:06
bluesabre  * etc/apport/crashdb.conf: Enable crash reports on Launchpad for wily.10:06
bluesabre    Really late, sorry about that!10:06
flocculantone of the things I do pretty much at the start10:07
bluesabreflocculant: I'm going to go ahead and upload this xfpanel-switch release, and will try to take care of the few nagging bugs by the end of this weekend10:16
flocculantok - works for me 10:17
bluesabreor not10:19
bluesabrexfpanel-switch not in packageset10:19
* bluesabre grumbles10:19
knomeabout time to poke a packageset wizard?10:20
bluesabrei'll drop it into my ppa, poke micahg for an upload, and mail the DMB to get it added10:21
bluesabrehopefully micahg can sponsor shimmer-themes today too10:21
flocculantbluesabre: do bug 1385624 and bug 1332931 need to be on the tracker? 10:24
ubottubug 1385624 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "wrapper-2.0 crashed with SIGSEGV in strrchr()" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138562410:24
ubottubug 1332931 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) ""Display configure screen settings and layout" window opens automatically every few seconds" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133293110:24
knomebluesabre, what about just asking people to add xfpanel-switch to our packageset?10:24
knomebluesabre, i can't imagine it being a biggie.10:24
bluesabreknome: can't, all requests have to go through dmb10:25
bluesabreflocculant: sure, but probably not going to be able to fix that10:25
knomethere was that mailing list for it10:25
flocculantbluesabre: ok - I'll leave them on there then - just seemed a bit daft to track expired or 14.04 things10:26
bluesabreknome: yup10:26
bluesabrewriting the email now10:26
knomeflocculant, what was the bug that was still showing up even if invalid?10:27
flocculant1385624 - not invalid, marked won't fix/expired10:27
* knome checks10:28
knomebug 138562410:28
ubottubug 1385624 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "wrapper-2.0 crashed with SIGSEGV in strrchr()" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138562410:28
knomeright, we aren't tracking that..10:30
flocculantso why is it on the tracker10:30
bluesabreknome: if micahg is not around, we can reach out to folks that have helped in the past to sponsor packages in https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/sponsoring10:30
knomeflocculant, i mean, we aren't tracking those statuses..10:30
flocculantoic :D10:30
knomedo we want to let things that are expired disappear?10:30
knomei mean, that's on organic status after all10:31
knomebut okay10:31
knomei'll hack that in10:31
flocculantanother thing - if we've got bp for bugs - should we keep a 14.04 one that's seperate to wily (or x or y) 10:32
flocculantnot huge issues ofc - but nevertheless the non wily ones show up on tracker10:33
bluesabremaybe have a parent bp xubuntu-bugs that links to current releases?10:33
flocculantat the end of the day - adding to the bug bp is manual - so we could just not do it :)10:34
knomeok, so i'm just not catching those bugs at all to the tracker now10:35
knomewith the newest change, that is10:35
knomewill be live when the cron runs the next time10:35
flocculantnow to stop QA showing on the tracker at all :D10:36
bluesabreLogan: if you are bored, got some easy sponsorships you can do in https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/sponsoring10:37
knomeflocculant, there we go11:11
flocculantknome: thanks :)11:25
knomeno problem11:26
knomehappy to tweak the tracker to fit our needs11:26
jjfrv8bluesabre, oic, current config b4 save. Any chance current config could be the default selection?13:17
jjfrv8Could be a gotcha, since two of us highly experienced guys made the same mistake :D13:17
GridCubeslickymasterWork: i'd like to present you to MrTulias :)15:38
GridCubehe has been translating to spanish for the past few releases and has recently been granted a psotion on the translator team15:39
krytarikGridCube: Ooh, lovely!15:45
krytarikAlso, hi there, MrTulias.15:45
slickymasterWorkHi MrTulias, GridCube 15:50
slickymasterWorksorry, was afk due to work issues15:50
slickymasterWorkMrTulias, as I'm not sure you've already saw it, or if you receive our m/l for that matter, let me provide you some links15:51
slickymasterWorkplease feel free to ping me here if you have any doubts or if you need any specific info15:55
MrTuliasThanks. Yes, I get the message, I'm signed up to m / l15:57
slickymasterWorkgreat 15:58
flocculantknome: if we assumed that when the new jenkins deal gets to work and that the output can be the same, could we add the results from that to the tracker19:12
flocculantpreviously there was at least rss feeds out from it https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Ubiquity/view/Xubuntu/19:13
flocculantjust trying to think about "Methods of - reporting automated image testing results to -team"19:13
knomewe can totally bring in the results19:34
flocculantlet's hope that it's the same then :)19:53
Unit193C/index.xml:69: element abstract: validity error21:50
Unit193xi-pdf-files.xml:1: element section: validity error :21:50
knomethat is totally outrageous21:57
bluesabrejjfrv8: yeah, going to fix that with the next release (which I hope to have this weekend)23:24
bluesabremicahg: if you get a chance, please upload shimmer-themes and xfpanel-switch in https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/sponsoring23:25
knomei'm off, see you tomorrow or sth :)23:35

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