
mhall119what's creepy about it?01:01
valorieI just tried to do updates after adding the ppa for kdeconnect, and get: 01:44
valorieW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/vikoadi/ppa/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found01:44
valorieW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/vikoadi/ppa/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found01:44
valorieI used sudo apt-add-repository ppa:vikoadi/ppa to add it01:45
claydohvalorie: that ppa has no wily packages01:51
valorieah, got it01:52
valoriewell, I have no vivid box left, I don't think01:53
claydoh0.8 is the latest official relaese for desktop iirc01:53
valoriehmmm, maybe the old laptop?01:53
* claydoh uses the new beta android app seems to be fime with the 0.8 on desktop01:59
ahoneybunmhall119: ?02:22
mhall119ahoneybun: clivejo said something about mycroft being creepy02:34
ahoneybunmhall119: he does not like ubuntu 02:35
mhall119this is an odd channel for him to be in then :)02:36
ahoneybunthe flavors are different to him02:37
ScottKmhall119: Ubuntu has more than one definition and you know that.02:37
ScottKIf you're goinng to be difficult, this might just be an odd channel for you to be in.02:38
mhall119ScottK: sorry, I thought he meant Ubuntu as a distro, not the Unity desktop version of it02:39
ScottKThanks to Canonical that's known as "Ubuntu" so there's no correct way to refer to it specifically.02:41
ahoneybunthe dislike may be more pointed at Canonical02:41
ScottKMine's more for people who judge others as unable to follw the CoC and then blow it off themselves (Elfy's rage quit being a really fine example of the art).02:43
mhall119Well Elfy is no longer involed in the project, so there's nothing to be done about that now02:44
ScottKYet he was previously judged to be fit to stand in judgment over all of us. 02:49
ScottKThe damage left in his wake is still with us.02:49
valoriefor sure02:51
ScottKI'm no longer convinced it's fatal however, so that's good.02:52
mhall119I'm glad for that, seeing a fully staffed Kubuntu Council makes me happy and hopeful02:55
ahoneybunWe still have a userbase, we still have people who care to lead and to follow = a very hopeful future02:57
ScottKXubuntu and Edubuntu survived for a while with zero people with upload rights, so it's possible to recover from a very low level.02:59
ahoneybunit only takes one to get a few more03:01
ahoneybunand take off03:01
ScottKSort of it takes three since the quorum for kubuntu-dev to appoint someone new into kubuntu-dev is three.03:01
ScottKShouldn't be hard to find people still willing to do that.03:02
mhall119very true, which is why I'm thankful for the three new KC members and the three remaining ones, for making that effort03:02
ScottKmhall119: kubuntu-dev, not KC.03:02
ScottKSeparate issue.03:02
valorieI'm very stubborn03:02
mhall119ScottK: I was speaking of KC specificially03:02
ScottKKC has nothing to do with approving new developers.03:02
ScottKRight, I wasn't.03:02
mhall119yeah, I was just typing close, so you got a couple sentences in before me :)03:03
mhall119typing slow03:03
ScottKDMB could reseed kubuntu-dev as well if needed, but if there are people involved who are ready to be kubuntu-dev, we'll probably be able to find people to review/approve the applications.03:03
mhall119and poorly, it seems03:03
ScottKCC could also restaff the KC.03:04
ScottKDirect CC appointments would also make the lack of democracy in the project clearer.03:04
mhall119true, but that would be a break from past history, I'm glad it wasn't necessary03:04
valorieit wouldn't have been necessary03:05
valoriethe KC isn't *necessary*03:05
ScottKvalorie: Without it there would be no more Kubuntu members.03:05
valoriethe other flavors don't have a council, do they?03:05
mhall119edubuntu does03:05
valorieright, I think it is important03:05
mhall119well, they did03:05
mhall119not sure if it's active anymore03:06
ScottKWhen there were more of them.03:06
ScottKThey could make Edubuntu members too.03:06
valoriebut I very much got the idea that the CC didn't care whether or not the KC existed, or survivied03:06
ahoneybunScottK: the Membership Board approves Ubuntu members then the admin of Kubuntu members could add those no>03:06
mhall119valorie: that would be incorrect, we always cared about the KC existing and being healthy03:06
valorieour constitution gives that power to the KC ahoneybun03:07
ahoneybunmm k03:07
ahoneybunmm = thinking03:07
valoriemhall119: that was nowhere evident in the recent past03:07
ScottKahoneybun: Not properly.  People involved in Kubuntu could stlll get Ubuntu membership via one of the regular boards, but only the KC can make someone a Kubuntu member.03:07
mhall119valorie: I'm worry for that :(03:07
ScottKmhall119: You have a funny way of showing it.03:07
valoriemhall119: me too03:07
ahoneybunScottK: it was not just mhall119 who made the call, so lets not just hit him up 03:08
ScottKahoneybun: His personal responsibility is not less because he didn't act alone.03:08
ahoneybuntrue but was it not a voted decision?03:09
valorieI would feel quite different about it if the CC had come to the KC with their concerns03:09
ScottKahoneybun: We don't know.  It was claimed to be unanimous and I know that's not true.03:09
mhall119valorie: yes, I think we've learned that lesson03:09
ScottKIt was all decided in secret.03:09
ahoneybunthat's the part that made it very odd to me03:10
valorieanyway, I hope in future it will be better03:10
ScottKI think I'm gong to leave since it's getting late here and roughly the last thing I need is to get riled up before bed time.03:10
valorielosing ScottK has been an enormous loss to us03:12
soeegood morning :)06:06
soeend next good news today :) yesterday i asked why there is no LO 5 in Wily and .. now it is :D06:07
valoriewonderful news about Amarok06:14
soeevalorie: Libre Office06:15
soeeand some bad news for some maybe: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2425381/microsoft-is-downloading-windows-10-to-your-machine-just-in-case :D06:15
valorieyes, I talked with one Win user who shuts down his machine, just in case06:15
soeei need to remove my windows partition fro good 06:16
valorieI have one on my little travel computer, but I've never booted into it06:18
soeenext plus removing it = whole ssd for kubuntu06:21
soeegood morning bshah06:21
bshahgood morning soee 06:21
lordievaderGood morning07:19
sitterRiddell: marble CI needs qtserial thing uploaded to CI ppas07:54
sitterRiddell: kdepim CI needs libkolab and libkolabxml for vivid uploaded07:59
ovidiu-florinfor some whatever reason ^C does not work in Konsole anymore in Vivid on my system08:29
ovidiu-florinI've looked into the shortcuts, and nothing seems to override it08:30
ovidiu-florinany ideas?08:30
ovidiu-florin^D still works08:30
TJ-ovidiu-florin: using the nvidia drivers?08:52
ovidiu-florinI think it's configuration related08:52
ovidiu-florinbecause it worked08:52
ovidiu-florinmost likely I've done something08:53
ovidiu-florinWhat I've observer is that if I press ^C^C^C fast I get a new Konsole Tab08:53
TJ-ovidiu-florin: what does this report in Konsole "cat /proc/self/status | grep SigBlk" ?08:55
ovidiu-florinTJ-: zeros08:56
ovidiu-florinmany zeros08:56
TJ-ovidiu-florin: OK, not blocked then08:57
TJ-ovidiu-florin: any recent package updates?09:00
TJ-ovidiu-florin: check the profile's key-bindings09:03
TJ-ovidiu-florin: does Ctrl+Shift+C generate the SIGINT instead?09:03
ovidiu-florinyes, it does09:06
TJ-That seems to confirm that there is a key binding remap. You should be able to see it in the Edit Current Profile > Keyboard bindings09:06
ovidiu-florinDefault (XFree 4)09:07
ovidiu-florinthat's what is set09:07
TJ-Yes, check the bindings list for that09:10
ovidiu-florinI can't find Ctrl in that list09:12
TJ-Hmmm, strange. Did this start happening recently? Can you associate it with any config changes, or package updates?09:13
TJ-Check in System Settings > Workspace > Shortcuts > Application Shortcuts09:15
ovidiu-florinI've checked that09:22
ovidiu-florinI've installed Yakuake some time ago, and all of the sudden it refusez to start at startup anymore09:23
ovidiu-florinabout the same time yakuake went crazy, also did Konsole09:23
TJ-There are a lot of similar reports, often related to kde4 library updates09:23
ovidiu-florinBTW ^C works in the KonsolePart in Dolphin09:23
TJ-See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31386209:26
ubottuKDE bug 313862 in keyboard "CTRL+C is ignored by konsole" [Minor,Resolved: invalid]09:26
soeewhat ctrl + c should do ?09:55
lordievadersoee: Send sigint.10:24
soeeguys i need someone on Wily (Plasma 5.4.1)10:39
Riddellcyphermox: I'm still getting an error on upgrading from vivid to wily with modemmanager, are you aware of that?10:42
Riddellsitter: new ubiquity working good including for oem-config which is no more broken than before10:48
soeewhere are kubuntu bugs reported ?10:52
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Riddellsoee: depends on the bug, upstream to KDE if it's a KDE bug11:26
Riddellwho wants to package the new amarok?11:27
soeeRiddell: was false alaram with the bug :)11:27
BluesKajHowdy folks11:41
=== sebas_ is now known as sebas
soee_hiho sgclark12:00
BluesKajhey sgclark , soee_12:07
BluesKajwonder if there's any methos of adding kmix back to the system tray, I don't use pulseaudio so the new audio volume icon is useless for me12:09
BluesKajin plasma 5.412:09
kfunkBluesKaj: just start kmix?12:09
BluesKajkfunk, afraid not12:10
BluesKajgot the kmix gui up and system tray option is checked, but nothing12:10
soee_do you have this user icon inside each section in Application Dashboard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y9PhSTLKWM ?12:11
kfunkBluesKaj: hm, indeed12:12
kfunkit surely used to work in 15.10 a few weeks ago12:13
kfunkI explicitely removed my kmix b/c it was showing a dock icon :D12:13
yofelsitter: https://xkcd.com/1172/ ^12:13
BluesKajkfunk, pulseaudio icon audio volume has become the de facto default for the system tray ...another "feature" of the new plasma5 desktop12:15
BluesKaji dont' use or need pulseaudio12:15
kfunkwell, but it's 2015 after all. PA is a defactor standard as well12:15
soee_mentioned it .. there are some updates today in wily for pulseauido :)12:16
BluesKajiI have no need for an extra level of digital audio processing , alsa and the intel audio driver work well together, pulse just gets in the way12:17
kfunkBluesKaj: maybe in the past. PA usually integrates well nowadays12:18
kfunkmaybe you should just give it a try...12:18
BluesKajI have,  I had to use it with my m-audio soundcard which is now out of the mix since it required pulseaudio support from it;s driver... a totaly redundant situation12:20
BluesKajputting it up on ebay 12:20
BluesKajI'm afriad the audiophile in me still surfaces now and then when I see this kind of thing :-) 12:26
BluesKajpulseaudio is for those who like to use several audio sources simultaneously ...for those users it's a necessity12:29
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mamarleyIt is also really nice if you have an HDMI/DisplayPort audio device that you want to be able to use to play arbitrary streams without mucking around in application or ALSA configuration.12:37
BluesKajmamarley, i use VLC audio settings for digital/hdmi or analog outputs to my audio system, it works well12:39
mamarleyVLC has that, but not all applications do.12:40
BluesKajyeah , that's one of the reasons I use VLC12:40
* mamarley uses VLC too.12:41
BluesKajVLC is a great medai app 12:41
BluesKajmedia even 12:42
mamarleyI switched to VLC when it gained native VDPAU support.  Before that, I had used smplayer/mplayer and before that xine.12:42
BluesKajI'm a bit disappointed in the mplayer flavours , but mplayer itself is great with difficult videos that are a bit corrupted codec wise12:46
* lordievader uses mpv as mplayer/mplayer2 are kind of abandoned12:49
mamarleyI considered switching to mpv before I switched to VLC, but smplayer did not work with mpv at the time and I couldn't find a good frontend.12:49
lordievaderI usually launch media players from the commandline anyways, so I have no real need for a frontend.12:50
mamarleyI maintain computers for several other people who would not be comfortable doing that and I like to eat my own dogfood so I know what I am setting them up with.12:51
BluesKajI don't mind using the gui for video , since there are so many options that command line strings can become too complex12:52
mamarleyThat too, I always forget which command-line args I need to enable VDPAU and such.12:53
BluesKajyeah , well I need to make sure wife can handle the movie player so i try to keep the under the hood stuff already setup and saved so she can just use play , pause etc ctls12:55
lordievaderAliases are usefull for that.12:58
BluesKajI use aliases mostly for the terminal with apt etc 12:59
lordievaderFor example I have an alias ls which maps to 'ls --color=force -l'.13:00
BluesKajthe colour here is already setup on the PCs hdmi input on the monitor/TV , so i don't muck about with it13:03
lordievaderErr, --color=force forces ls to add colors to it's output. It has nothing to do with hdmi, etc.13:05
lordievaderIt adds ansi color codes to the output.13:05
BluesKajwhich does what?13:07
lordievaderFor example it colors directories blue, adds a green background to 777 dirs and more. Try it I'd say.13:08
cyphermoxRiddell: what error?13:09
Riddellcyphermox: https://paste.kde.org/pancnvkve13:10
cyphermoxah, ok13:10
sitterthat's invokercd being shit though I think13:15
sitterit happens when it can't detect either systemd or upstart13:15
sitterthen it just assumes the sysvinit file is going to be there13:15
sitterexcept obviously that assumption is false more often than not xD13:15
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sitteryofel: are you on top of the intel SNA crashery?13:37
yofelsitter: I have a bug that's marked Critical against mesa, my plan was to poke around over the weekend - but I see you were faster13:38
yofellet me look up the bug #13:38
yofellp 149203713:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1492037 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Segmentation fault in brw_meta_fast_clear" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149203713:39
sitternot that I am getting much response XD13:39
yofelas usual..13:39
sitterrather content to go for patchy upload if no one wants to talk to me :P13:39
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Riddellpackagekit-qt updated, hoorah16:31
soeeximion: cool stuff tis Limba :)16:38
ximionsoee: yes :) progressing much faster than I originally expected :D16:43
soeeximion: do you have any feedback from distros and devs?16:44
ximionsoee: not yet, except for a whishlist of things developers would like to have working16:45
ximione.g. shipping something like Akonadi doesn't currently work with Limba, due to a conflict with the distributor's own packaging - I am still working on a solution there16:45
soee"conflict with the distributor's own packaging" ?16:46
ximionalso, I got lots of feedback at Debconf and Akademy, but my goal is to get people to create a Limba package - since it's very easy to do for me, but others might run into obstacles I haven't thought about before16:47
ximionsoee: yes, in case there is a DBus activated daemon involved16:47
ximionhow should the system know whether to start the Limba daemon or the one the distributor provides?16:47
soeeduring build ?16:47
ximionno, at install-time16:48
soeei'm not imilar with this stuff, but shouldn'tpackage inform about it all 16:49
soeeand system should recognise package type ?16:49
ximionD-Bus doesn't provide logic to select the right service to start at time, so the short-term solution to this issue will likely be adding support for Limba in the application itself, while the long-term solution is adapting D-Bus16:50
ximionsoee: the Limba bundle isn't the problem here, Limba bundles install conflict-free and happily alongside distributor-provided apps16:50
ximiononly some special features like d-bus daemons can currently cause trouble16:51
soeei think i have some general view now on this :)16:52
clivejohas kolab support been fixed in Kontact/PIM?16:53
soeeRiddell: ^16:54
ximionsoee: there are only a few essential infrastructure tasks left for Limba - I plan to develop the remaining features by packaging more software and see which use-cases need to be addressed16:55
clivejoI noticed a few libkolab packages being updated/installed16:55
soeeximion: but still it cn be tested best if used ny devs right ? :)16:56
ximionsoee: would be cool to have LimbaHub ready soon, but I'm not really a good web developer, so that might take a while ^^16:56
ximionyes, of course16:56
soeeximion: i'm a web developer :D16:57
ximionthe bundle format is also stable and won't change anymore, unless there is a *really* good reason - so whatever you create now will work with future Limba versions16:57
ximionsoee: if you want to help.... ;-)17:01
* ximion is one of those weird people who enjoys working with C more than working on HTML/Python17:01
soeewell i do not know python :) i work in php, javascript, do forntend with css etc.17:02
ximionPython is easy :-)17:03
ximionafter you get used to hitting space a lot, it's really fun to work with it :)17:04
ximionsoee: I just got an email from someone running 4 different Python versions with Limba :P17:14
ximion(apparently for testing code against them ^^ - but nice CPython is working ^^)17:14
soeebut installed with limba ?17:14
clivejoRiddell: did you fix the kolab support in Kontact/PIM?17:40
Riddellclivejo: I think so, I added back libkolab to kdepim-runtime and added the extra files to the .deb packages, but it's entirely untested17:58
clivejoIll reboot in a few minutes and try it17:58
clivejoKontact has lost my Feeds again!18:10
clivejoRiddell: well there is now a Kolab option18:14
Riddellcyphermox: that sounds good :)18:14
yofelwheee.. plasma-nm has lost some passwords again18:14
Riddellsorry clivejo that sounds good :)18:14
clivejolets see if it sync's and connect into the right components18:15
clivejoRiddell: what tests are there to see if its working?18:17
clivejo:) well my notes, contacts, events etc have all sync'ed and just waiting on email :)18:26
clivejoshould it not hide the notes and files IMAP folders?18:29
soeeyofel: i would say it is some bug18:29
soeeas other users also reported similar problem18:30
clivejoRiddell: is there anyone building the new KDE Connect code coming from Randa?18:33
soeeclivejo: btw. after reboot etc. media control works fine in new kdeconnect18:56
clivejoyeah, but apparently there is new desktop software needed too18:57
clivejoboth the phone app and desktop should be running the same version18:57
ovidiu-florinwe have a package in Kubuntu that overrides the default KDE settings, what's its name, agai?18:58
ovidiu-florinfound it18:59
* ahoneybun reminds Riddell we still need to test and push his kubuntu-settings package for wily19:02
clivejoyippeee a Find my phone plugin for KDE Connect :)19:19
clivejoIm having problems with a java application called JOSM.  When I select the GTK+ look and feel the application wont start, could this be plasma related?19:24
ahoneybunso the bot is in here19:28
ahoneybunkubuntubot: testing19:34
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!19:34
ahoneybunkubuntubot: hi19:49
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!19:49
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!19:50
mamarleyIs it really responding to everything that is said?  That isn't good...19:50
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!19:50
ahoneybunyea it is19:51
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!19:51
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!19:52
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!19:52
ahoneybunkubuntubot: hello19:57
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: https://github.com/FruitieX/teleirc19:59
ahoneybunkubuntubot: hi20:08
ahoneybunkubuntubot: hi20:13
kubuntubotError: No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your chat_id!20:13
ahoneybunkubuntubot: hi20:15
ahoneybunkubuntubot: hi20:17
ovidiu-florinkubuntubot: ;rsmvien20:17
clivejois konsole still crashing on exit for people running wily?20:22
kubuntubot<Scarlett>: Fail20:23
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: yuguuu20:23
ovidiu-florinkubuntubot: it works20:23
kubuntubot<Aaron>: testing20:23
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ovidiu-florinI fixed it :D:D:D20:23
ahoneybunyou really did20:24
ahoneybunkubuntubot: ovidiu-florin hello20:24
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: et20:27
ovidiu-florinkubuntubot: yoo20:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hello20:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about telegram20:27
ahoneybunhey claus_chr20:28
ahoneybunhey clivejo20:28
clivejohi ahoneybun20:28
kubuntubot<Aaron>: hello clivejo20:28
clivejoyou are a noisey kubuntubot20:28
ahoneybunovidiu-florin:  and I have been testing it20:29
ahoneybunmostly ovidiu-florin has been fixing it though lol20:29
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: I drink beer20:30
clivejoI drink whiskey :)20:31
kubuntubot<Aaron>: hello claydoh20:32
kubuntubot<Aaron>: hello ovidiu-florin20:33
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: ping clivejo20:33
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: did you get pinged?20:33
clivejokubuntubot: ovidiu-florin: pong20:33
ahoneybunit does not work both ways atm20:33
clivejoahoneybun: well fix it :P20:33
ahoneybunovidiu-florin is working very hard on it and I'm providing emotional support :)20:34
kubuntubot<Rick>: He he lol20:35
kubuntubot<Aaron>: valorie: ping20:35
kubuntubot<Aaron>: hello rick20:35
kubuntubot<Rick>: Hi20:35
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: foo20:36
kubuntubot<Rick>: Probably on IRC on my PC20:36
soeei would rather put this bot on separate irc channel like #kubuntu-telegram or smth.20:36
kubuntubot<Rick>: This is Telegram on my Android20:36
ahoneybunwe'll see soee20:38
ahoneybunkubuntubot: we'll see martin20:38
soeebtw. how can i get telegram channe invite /20:38
kubuntubot<Aaron>: @sgclark2 do you have soee on your phone?20:39
soeeekhm: http://i.imgur.com/4TfZ7Xk.png20:39
kubuntubot<Aaron>: so you can invite him?20:39
soeethe old icons were much much better20:40
valorieweeee, telegrambot!20:40
* ahoneybun uses fullscreen launcher20:40
ahoneybunits a WIP valorie20:40
kubuntubot<Scarlett>: Nope sorry20:40
kubuntubot<Aaron>: @ovidiu_florin is taking care of it20:40
kubuntubot<Aaron>: thanks20:40
soeeahoneybun: so do i but this is from master verion probably so if you are not on it you see no changes20:40
ahoneybunI can't see my power options as they are in dark lol20:41
soeeand probably thois icons in Application Dashboard will get replaed to :~D20:41
ovidiu-florinsoee: are you on telegram?20:41
kubuntubot<Marcin>: Hello :)20:42
kubuntubot<Aaron>: hey marcin20:42
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: I propose having the same nicks on bot IRC and Telegram20:43
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: both*20:43
yofelmaybe a bit late to ask, but... what the hell is telegram?20:43
valoriewow, I lost touch with telegram since I turned off notifications on my phone20:44
valoriey'all were chatty when I was trying to sleep20:44
ahoneybunyofel: a IM thing20:44
valorieyofel, free software IM like whatsapp20:45
valorieit was the killer app for Akademy20:45
valorieand some of us are still using it20:45
valoriesince it works with wifi only20:45
clivejochildren and their toys *shakes head* 20:46
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: efv20:47
ovidiu-florinkubuntubot: sdvnjs20:48
ahoneybunkubuntubot: hello20:48
valorieclivejo: it was useful20:48
valorieI think it can help us to reach out to more people20:48
valorienot everyone knows what IRC is or how to get on20:48
valorieand on a phone, telegram is *much* better than any irc client I've seen20:48
clivejovalorie: I cant figure out how to use it!20:50
yofelhm.. I only have harald in my contacts...20:51
ahoneybunyofel: web.telegram.org for web desktop20:51
valorieclivejo: you use your phone number as your ID to it20:51
yofelyeah, I'm on that20:51
valorieand create a username if you want20:51
valoriehttp://telegram.org/Valoriez is mine I think20:51
ahoneybunthe phone number carries your messages 20:52
ahoneybunfrom different phones20:52
valoriepeople with usernames can be contacts even if you don't have their phone number20:52
valoriehowever, I'm willing for anybody here to have my phone number by PM20:52
yofelhow does the bot work?20:55
ahoneybunyofel: https://github.com/FruitieX/teleirc20:56
ahoneybunhey mparillo20:57
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: test221:07
ovidiu-florinkubuntubot: 312321:07
ovidiu-florinkubuntubot: ash21:10
kubuntubot<Valorie>: ovidiu-florin, I already had Valoriez as a username here, sorry21:10
ovidiu-florinkubuntubot: tete21:12
kubuntubot<Aaron>: @ovidiu_florin https://paste.kde.org/pzc33t2s821:15
valorieone thing I love about telegram, is that it is an easy way to move information from the computer to the phone or vice-versa21:16
soeeit is great tool to use when we break our system and we need to cotact this ol #kubuntu channel for help :)21:19
valoriethat too, hadn't thought of that21:20
valorieI have used irc on my phone to do that, but it's really clumsy21:21
ahoneybunsoee helped me with my laptop when I had to unplug the cable from my desktop21:21
ahoneybunand IRC on the phone is old21:22
clivejowhy does Kontact keep deleting my feeds?21:24
kubuntubot<Ovidiu-Florin>: @athoneycutt https://github.com/FruitieX/teleirc/issues/1021:25
kubuntubot<Aaron>: testing21:25
ahoneybunkubuntubot: testing21:25
ahoneybunso the bot is half working21:26
ahoneybunthanks to ovidiu-florin21:26
clivejocant he fix the other half?21:26
soeenice package name libkf5activitiesexperimentalstats1 :-)21:29
clivejoId shorten it to libkf5aes121:34
murthybshah: hi21:35
Riddellclivejo: fancy packaging the new amarok beta?21:37
Riddellclivejo: what's new in kde connect?21:37
clivejoRiddell: lots of new stuffs :)21:37
Riddellclivejo: great, do package it up :)21:37
clivejocant figure out how to get a snapshot21:38
murthysitter: are you working on ubiquity or ubiquity-kde?21:38
kubuntubot<Aaron>: hello Riddell from telegram21:39
Riddelluh, hello kubuntubot21:39
ahoneybunhe worked hard on it clivejo21:39
Riddellclivejo: git clone21:39
clivejowhat branch, there is a lot of working going on21:39
murthyRiddell: the new kubuntu installer that people are talking about, is it present in the daily build image?21:41
Riddellmurthy: yes it's on today's build21:41
murthy10 sep?21:41
clivejohummm where did the code go21:42
clivejoit was there yesterday :/21:42
Riddellone of our repositories is missing!21:42
Riddellit's moving into the real world21:43
soeecan someone confirm that in fonts kcm, font preview is completely broken ?21:43
clivejono wonder git was freaking out yesterday21:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1087409 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Missing feedback/progress dialog while installing drivers" [High,Triaged]21:44
clivejonow is that site slow to load, or is it my pathetic excuse of an internet connection?21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389847 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity waits until the driver-manager finishes before proceeding to the partitioning screen" [Undecided,New]21:44
soeethere shoudl be some infor message that drivers are dwnloading or some indicator would be better21:46
murthyThis bug is going to make a lot of slow internet users think the kubuntu installer crashes because its going to wait for minutes before proceeding to the partitioning window when install 3rd party software option is selected21:46
clivejoRiddell: so master is always stable?21:47
Riddellclivejo: git master branch is typically unstable21:48
clivejoso just try it and see?21:48
murthynvidia's driver download size is around 100mb+ and with 2 mbps connection you can calculate the download speed and wait time21:48
Riddellclivejo: I think it's the frameworks branch we want to kdeconnect, d_ed would know21:49
soeemurthy: can't we imeplemt something liek progress bar there ?21:49
murthysoee: ya, better thing to do is to remove nvidia from download process21:50
soeemurthy: are the installed anyway after download ?21:51
murthysoee: Its better to avoid the installation of the nvidia driver till the first boot21:51
d_edclivejo: Riddell: we want "stable" but we also have a release coming in ~2 weeks21:55
d_edtranslators have been emailed, so it's in that final stage21:56
Riddellooh release is good21:56
d_edand that's kf5 based21:57
clivejod_ed: I just want to trying packaging up the latest work/features.  If I grab the latest code, it should complie?21:57
d_edyou  probably want to package the branch called "stable"21:58
d_ed(and yeah, it's a weird naem, rather than v5.4 like everyone else)21:59
Riddellclivejo: so go for stable snapshot for now and we'll be ready to get the release in a couple weeks when it's out21:59
clivejoI want to try grab the latest features, that Find my phone feature looks good !21:59
valorieyes, please22:01
clivejoframeworks doesnt seem to have been modified for about 6 months22:05
valoriethey release monthly22:07
clivejowho release monthly?22:28
valorieok, back outside for awhile22:43
kubuntubot<Aaron>: /time22:44
ahoneybunmmm does not shot those out22:44
ahoneybunI'll keep the bot up as long as I can, till ovidiu-florin enables it from boot on my server22:49
kubuntubot<Alex>: How it's supposed to work?23:06
kubuntubot<David>: I believe, a relay bot23:06
kubuntubot<Aaron>: it's working right now lol23:07
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