
Viper550having an issue with 15.04: I'm wiping out a previous Linux system and replacing it with 15.04, but I'm getting the "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 failed"00:53
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LirodonOkay, I was the Viper550 guy from earlier. I did manage to get it installed (yay!), but something feels off;02:32
Lirodonthe screen, at various moments, just loses signal then comes back. There are certain times when this occurs;02:32
ahoneybunthat sounds odd Lirodon02:47
ahoneybunwhat graphics do you have?02:47
Lirodonit's an older ATI FirePro02:47
Lirodonin particular, it happens quite a few times while launching KDE, and afterwards, when launching certain programs (specifcally System Settings and things needing admin access)02:47
ahoneybunnever heard of that one02:48
ahoneybunbut if it is labeled as ATI then it is old lol02:48
ahoneybunsignal: your talking about the screen going dark?02:49
Lirodonthe screen blanks, for a moment then comes back02:51
ahoneybunI've not heard that one before02:52
LirodonI also don't get a plymouth splash02:53
Lirodonthough I did on opensuse02:54
ahoneybundriver versions prehaps?02:54
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nishikino-makiif Xorg is 2 displayscreen 1 Xserver,what about wayland? it's like Xserver(2 display Screen 1 Server) or every display screen is a server06:54
soeenishikino-maki: jump to #plasma and ask there06:56
lordievaderGood morningn.07:19
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j-b-m-Hi, anybody using latest Pladma 5.4.1 packages on WIlly08:23
yossarianukj-b-m-: when did the 5.4.1 update land ?08:23
hateballUsually it is easier asking the actual question08:23
soeemaybe it was the question :D08:24
j-b-m-It sems to completely break plasma for me (main desktop panel is completely useless for me)08:24
soeej-b-m-: work fine here, it breaks plasma or panel only ?08:24
yossarianukj-b-m-: do you have dual screen + nvidia ?08:24
j-b-m-Panel, but also widgets have issues (cannot enter text, etc). No using intel graphic card, issue on one or 2 monitor config08:25
j-b-m-For example in panel, clock does not update time, clicking on sound applet brings network menu, etc08:26
yossarianukj-b-m-: try - creating a new (test) user - logout then login with that user and see if same thing occurs?08:28
yossarianukin case its some local kde/other setting for your user than has buggered things.08:29
yossarianukalso check for more updates (do it via a terminal session).08:29
lordievaderhateball: Do you mean...08:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:41
j-b-m-yossarianuk: seems to work with a new user. I will try to delete all my plasma user preferences, thanks08:53
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:41
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dieterdShort question, how to use apt-get upgrade and leaving out one buggy package?12:53
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lordievaderdieterd: Pin the buggy package first then upgrade.12:59
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:05
BluesKajdieterd, still using kubuntu lucid?13:06
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support ended on April 30 2015. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.13:07
lordievaderForgot which number lucid was.13:07
dieterdubottu & BluesKaj: Thanks hold with dpkg works. Now apt-get upgrade is running well.13:13
ubottudieterd: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:13
CapsAdminis there a way to test wayland? i'm using the backport thing13:14
CapsAdmini saw some wayland package today13:14
CapsAdmin(without recompiling)13:14
dieterdhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS 3/2013 end of full support and 5/2015 endet last low level of support.13:18
CapsAdminnevermind figured it out13:21
dieterdFrom 10.04 to 12.04, is this a good way of doing: https://rtcamp.com/tutorials/linux/upgrade-ubuntu-distro/13:29
dieterdWhen "do-release-upgrade -d" should I better leave X11 session with strg+alt+f1 to terminal?13:43
hateballdieterd: doesnt really matter, do-release-upgrade starts a screen session iirc13:47
hateballso if it for some reason fails you can always attach from a tty later13:47
dieterdI will try. If it is not working then I will have a lot of work around. because old Siemens Scenic does not boot from USB and blocks also USB by using bootCD for USB.13:51
jubo2Hello and Thanks Thanks for the awesome OS13:55
jubo2I'm on Kubuntu14 now13:55
jubo2coz Kubuntu15 thinks something about what it thinks when its docked13:55
jubo2and wont display the lower screen at all13:55
jubo2It's no biggie13:55
jubo2I think it's gonna get solved by just putting it to the dock13:56
jubo2but I don't have it here13:56
jubo2if anyone knows how to reset the machine from thinking it is still on the dock or whatevs is wrong with it13:57
hateballjubo2: you can remove/edit the kscreen config files in your ~/13:58
hateballassuming you are not using a proprietary driver13:58
jubo2gotta do something else now13:59
lordievaderjubo2: Start with the kscreen cache.14:00
lordievaderjubo2: ~/.local/share/kscreen14:00
jubo2now I'm back14:04
jubo2I need to see if the Kubuntu15 disk is mounted14:04
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jubo2I think it is14:13
jubo2but I should prlly access it by cd14:14
jubo2and not the Kubuntu filebrowser14:14
trixiguess what, I have sound14:25
napoleaoVhello, is there a way to avoid plasma5.4 autostart the last application I had open? it takes long to load, and then always opens two dolphin windows and then krunner crashes14:26
BluesKajtrixi, cool, how did you manage14:26
triximy goddamn boyfriend fixed it in like 30 secs14:27
trixithe first thing he did was to purge pulseaudio14:27
BluesKajyeah pulse isn't really needed with intel-hda14:28
dieterddist-upgrade needs >3GB on HD14:29
BluesKajnapoleaoV, close your apps before shutting down14:30
lordievadernapoleaoV: Or configure it not to restore last session.14:31
lordievaderSystemsettings -> startup and shutdown -> Desktop Session -> On Login14:31
napoleaoVwhere can I configure not to restore?14:31
napoleaoVok let me check14:31
trixiwell, thanks for the help guys, you're awesome!14:31
dieterd2GB will take 9h .... :(14:32
BluesKajtrixi, glad to be of service ;-)14:32
dieterdYou should never touch a running system!14:32
napoleaoVperfect, done, thanks14:33
BluesKajdieterd, dist-upgrade to 10.10? it's still not supported14:34
napoleaoVnow I need to find why krunner always crashes after a login, it takes like 3 to 5 minutes before it loads everything, my computer is a macbook pro from this year14:34
BluesKajor LTS upgrade to 12.04?14:34
dieterdBluesKaj, righte 10.04->12.0414:35
BluesKajdieterd, well, you'll have a supported OS and packages, one has to sacrifice a little time to get a proper operating system14:36
trixibye everyone14:36
trixigood luck14:36
BluesKajbye tiwake14:36
dieterdupdater was telling 18 programs not supportet, but not which.14:38
dieterdwhen suddenly logged out, probably my pc will reboot.14:40
tiwakeBluesKaj: tabfail XD14:46
BluesKajtiwake, sorry, she left about a half second before i hit enter14:47
tiwakeyeah, it happens, even among the best of us14:47
BluesKajnot quick enough on the draw in my old age :-)14:48
dieterdBluesKaj: Seems that download failed for one or two deb's. Waiting vor headline failed. gtk-gnome... Should I stop and restart, or will updater try it later again?14:54
dieterdNow was asking for change pwd mysql, download was faster, jumped between 9h and 40 minutes.15:02
BluesKajdieterd, dunno, dist-upgrade is no longer used to upgrade to a new OS the command in the newer releases is do-release-upgrade15:04
dieterdI did do-release-upgrade15:05
BluesKajnow , \dist-upgrade is used to upgrade new kernels. kernel modules and related packages15:05
dieterdxscreensaver and xlockmore must be restarted before upgrading??One or more running instances of xscreensaver or xlockmore have been detected on this system.15:07
dieterdHow to?15:08
BluesKajdieterd, if you have separate / and /home partitions, a clean install from live-media to / would be much better, since the original OS and packages can no longer be updated and upgraded15:09
dieterdBluesKaj: It's all on same partition.15:10
dieterdBluesKaj: Similar things I had in the past. So KDE&Gnome were gone and I had to install this GUI  manually again.15:13
dieterdThat was really big fun (ironically).15:13
dieterdI plan to continue and see whats happen, an happening, who knows15:15
dieterdRunning services and programs that are using NSS need to be restarted, otherwise they might not be able to do lookup or ?authentication any more (for services such as ssh, this can affect your ability to login). Please review the following ?space-separated list of init.d scripts for services to be restarted now, and correct it if needed.??Note: restarting sshd/telnetd should not affect any existing connections.??Services to restart for GNU15:18
dieterdlibc library upgrade: 14 125 vsftpd rsync postfix mysql cups cron atd15:18
dieterdPressed OK15:19
dieterd(No risk no fun, X11 still not shot down)15:21
dieterdError cannot import gmenu - is this important?15:30
dieterddepack packages finished, now installing packages is running.15:39
dieterdnow depacking again next packages15:41
Viper550So I got an older ATI video card, and the screen goes blank every time I use KDE system settings or certain other programs15:51
BluesKajViper550, a pci or onboard?15:53
Viper550PCI, FirePro. It goes blank then goes back15:55
dieterdSome more questions by updater answered - yeah you have to stay near your pc.15:55
Viper550I looked in xorg logs; it's relisting the monitor's supported modes a lot15:55
Viper550but I see no errors. Does this even if I disable compositing15:56
BluesKajViper550, which driver is recommended in system settings> driver manager?15:58
Viper550It doesn't give any. It does offer me intel-microcode15:58
Viper550(this is an Optiplex 745 with a Core 2 Duo processor)15:58
BluesKajno video drivers are listed for the PCI card?15:59
Viper550I also get no splash during startup16:00
BluesKajwhich kubuntu ?16:00
Viper550Latest, 15.0416:01
BluesKajbut you do get the login ?16:01
BluesKajor is auto-login?16:01
Viper550I literally don't get a sign of life until the KDE splash screen16:02
BluesKajahh, that's why there's no splash16:02
Viper550no I mean, no Plymouth splash16:02
BluesKajno 15.04 with the prograss dots underneath16:03
Viper550I do see the Kubuntu logo a bit on shutdown, and it did work on the live CD16:03
Viper550I mean like, the pulsing logo16:04
Viper550the applications that trigger these short blackouts are very arbitary; Kate, KInfoCenter16:08
Viper550kinfocenter PCI does list the card; Raedon X1300/X1550 Series16:10
Viper550okay; this card does have a dual-head plug. I'm trying plugging the monitor into the other cord on it16:13
Viper550And now ... it's not doing it!16:14
Viper550still no Plymouth. But when it was on DVI-1, it was doing all that random monitor turn off business. On DVI-0, it's not.16:15
pdc2 when I try to install play on linux via synaptic, it says in the "TO BE REMOVED" section that it is going to remove kde. How do I go about instaliing play on linux without removing kde or it's dependencies?16:16
anna`pdc2 have you tried googling how to install play with pkg as opposed to apt ?16:19
pdc2anna, I have tried both ways installing via package manager and installing via ppa. In both cases it removes kde installation16:19
Viper550but yeah, splash-wise, first sign of life I see before KDE splash is the console text "starting version 219" in the corner and a cursor16:22
BluesKajpdc2, have you updated and upgraded your packages lately16:24
BluesKajpdc2` have you tried with apt ?16:25
pdc2BluesKaj, yes I did sudo apt-get update/upgrade16:25
pdc2BluesKaj, I have tried apt method16:26
BluesKajwhich ppa are you referring to?16:26
pdc2BluesKaj, wine ppa16:26
BluesKajwhy a ppa , wine should be in the regular repos16:27
pdc2BluesKaj, no i'm trying to tell you I have tried various methods to install wine and play on linux16:27
Viper550oh also why can't I change the font on the digital clock anymore?16:28
BluesKajpdc2, does playonlinux show up in the package manager if you search in it16:29
dieterdUpgrade still running.16:30
pdc2BluesKaj, the version on wine in the regular repos in 1.6, I didnt mention that16:30
BluesKajI'm trying to track down the problem pdc2,  by asking these questions since removing kde is not supposed to happen when installing wine or playonlinux16:31
pdc2BluesKaj, yes it appears in the synaptic section. When i click on mark for installation it shows kde and its dependencies are going to be removed16:31
BluesKajpdc2, why are you using synaptic ..muon is the kde package manager16:32
BluesKajsynaptic old as well16:33
BluesKajdid you kubuntu-desktop to an existing ubuntu OS which has unity or gnome?16:34
Viper550use aptitude.16:34
BluesKajaptitude will make no difference16:34
Viper550that was in response to "why are you using synaptic" actually16:35
pdc2BluesKaj, Yes i understand. Sorry if I come across as rude. English is not my first language16:35
pdc2I have both kde and unity as DE. I think it's easier to use synaptic16:35
BluesKajwell then whynot install playon linux in unity DE rather then KDE DE16:37
BluesKajthen=than ...need my bifocals here16:37
pdc2I added kde on top of ubuntu os, BluesKaj16:38
pdc2I did  try with both of them. like when I install playonlinux/wine, it installs without a fuss but when I reboot my computer both kde and unity are gone, BluesKaj16:38
dieterdIn KDE there are some features  that are nice. On legacy netbook with xfce I forced some to have to by installing some applications from kde (konqueror, koffice).16:40
BluesKajpdc2, then you've done something out of sequence ...install kubuntu-desktop , it will take care of all the kde packages you need ...don't install kde as suchj16:40
pdc2BluesKaj, ok thanks16:42
anna`May i ask which version of KDE is planned for 15.10 ?16:43
anna`Thanks :)16:43
BluesKajanna`, KDE no longer uses a number the latest desktop is called plasma 5.416:44
anna`i am not really sure i understand that answer BluesKaj16:44
anna`That's like saying your name doesn't have a colour in it16:44
KSXplasma 5.4 is buggy as hell16:45
dieterdpdc2: BluesKaj advice is the best. When changing to another GUI (KDE or Gnome) you have to do this better on terminal session. I run there in trouble last year because I did not do this first.16:46
BluesKaj anna`lets just say it's KDE , which now uses a desktop called plasma16:46
anna`Yer :)16:46
anna`There will be a new release of kbuntu based off ubuntu 15.10 using plasma 5.4, is that accurate?16:46
BluesKajanna`, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_Plasma_516:49
dieterdTherefore my upgrade is running in terminal reached by strg+alt+F1. When X11 is shut down installation upgrade will still continue.16:49
anna`BluesKaj i don't quite understand why you're telling me this, i am aware that KDE is now KDE Plasma 516:49
BluesKajKSX, I'm running Kubuntu 15.10 beta with plasma 5.4 ...not nearly as buggy as 5.2 or 316:50
BluesKajanna`, just to clarify , there is no KDE5, that's the way it was expained to me16:51
Viper550no, there is KDE Software Compilation and KDE Plasma Workspaces.16:51
KSXim running 5.3.2 and its so buggy that i was thinking about switching distro16:52
anna`i simply shortened the KDE Plasma to 'KDE' in my original question BluesKaj, that's all :)16:52
soeeKSX jump to 15.10 :D16:52
KSX15.10, lol16:53
Viper550also breeze dark is broken, but they fixed it in Frameworks. http://bugs.kde.org/34714316:53
ubottuKDE bug 347143 in Panel "Panel stays light when theme is set to 'Breeze Dark'" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]16:53
dieterdupgrade is now more installing than unpacking packages.16:54
soeeKSX: why lol ? :)16:54
KSXubottu, i had that problem16:54
ubottuKSX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:54
soeeKSX: I'm using it here on my laptop and also on PC @ work :)16:54
BluesKajKSX, ubottu is an info bot16:55
* anna` hugs KSX16:55
KSXi should had known that....16:57
BluesKajanna`, i didn't mean to be pedantic, merely a clarification since it bothers me that there's no official KDE516:57
KSXim updating my system now, hope this will fix few bugs16:58
soeeKSX: updating ?16:59
soeeto ?16:59
KSX"software update"16:59
soeeah i thought you do version jumo16:59
KSXim on 15.0417:00
soeeyes i know, and i thought you decided to jump to 15.1017:00
KSXis it worth updating to 15.10?17:01
soeeuhm if you have a lot of problems with Vivid and Plasma 5.3.217:01
soeeit is worth trygin17:01
KSXwell, i do have a lot of problems with this version17:02
KSXif software update dosent fix the issues, i try 15.1017:03
KSXi feel like the old kde versions were better17:06
soeeKSX well Plasma 5 is prety young, pps have been ported to QT517:07
soeeso a lot of changes and some might cause problems17:07
BluesKajKSX, agreed, but the new plasma 5  has new "features" which to me are regressions17:08
KSXplasma 5 looks more modern but i miss the old design17:08
BluesKajmodern is a matter of taste17:09
KSXtoday, modern= flat and simple17:09
BluesKajflat look isn't modern to me17:09
KSXBluesKaj, say that apple, microsoft and google17:10
BluesKajbut I'm old17:10
* BluesKaj shrugs17:10
KSXwhen i think of modern, i think of glass and transparency17:12
BluesKajlike I said ...a mtter of taste :-)17:13
KSXbut it would be nice if plasma 5 looked more transparent/blurry like the panel in OSX17:14
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SJrWhen I logged into my KDE 15.04 desktop at home this morning it was weird, my session was gone and I was in the login screen. The uptime indicated that the machine had not been rebooted. When I got to work just now and my laptop running Kubuntu 14.04 it was weird my session was gone and I was at the login screen. The uptime suggests the machine was not rebooted.17:15
SJrWhat happened!17:15
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soeei;m not usre but i had situaton when system kicked me to login screen or even shutdown itself without any command :)17:16
KSXcan i send the KDE team an email?17:19
BluesKajjakob, it probly went into sleep mode , check your power settings17:22
BluesKajoops SJr^17:22
BluesKajKSX ,I'm sure there are various themes coming out soon ..plasma 5 is still in development so we have to wait a while17:30
KSXif i knew how to code, i would had helped the KDE team17:31
KSXall plasma needs is bug fixes, better wallpapers and transparency/blurr17:34
KSXi think plasma should focus more on the design17:39
BluesKajKSX, you could make your suggestions in# kde-devel17:40
BluesKajor  #kde-devel even17:41
dieterdSJr: Did you look into log-files of kde or output of dmesg in a xterm (terminal). That's first places to search?17:41
KSXwhy would they listen to me anyway.....17:41
BluesKajyou give too easily :-)17:42
dieterdKSX: I tried plasma a couple of times and switched off.17:42
KSXdieterd, what do you mean "switched off" ?17:42
dieterdKSX: Changed installation to KDE without plasma (an KDE-Lite version for not so powerful hardware).17:44
dieterdIt was kde-10l-, kde-essentials,  ...   Less running fan.17:48
jubo2Yeah.. Proablem solve by re-docking17:51
dieterdupgrade still running. now xfce packages installed, expecting xfce going down soon. xfce menue lost some entries.17:53
Viper550http://i.imgur.com/dP2P7iM.jpg p.s. my desktop.17:57
KSXmy Desktop: http://imgur.com/sXgZNxI17:59
Viper550also, why is Firefox so ... unfitting looking?17:59
SouL__Hello guys!18:05
soeehi SouL__18:05
SouL__Does somebody knows if there's something like this but for Kubuntu? https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fprint18:05
soeecan't you use this one ? it is ubuntu package so it sgloud work in kubuntu18:07
SouL__What about the Plasma part?18:08
SouL__It says Unity and Gnome18:08
dieterdInstall of Grub. I selected sda and sda5. When repair win i have to overwrite. i hope blocklist is working. blocklist has trobles sometimes with ext4 and a file in grub conf was always changed.18:12
dieterdcan i change with rescatux this later again?18:13
BluesKajdieterd, run sudo os-prober to find the windows installation then run sudo update-grub18:15
dieterdBluesKaj: thanks. I will do later when upgrade is finished an successfully booted. Konversation an kwrite now only working during installation. others all dead now.18:19
SouL__Why nobody uses the fingerprint reader? :'(18:22
ugly_catFingerprint reader?18:23
SouL__Yes please ugly_cat :/18:23
SouL__I want to login with my fingerprint18:23
dieterdupgrade: Now 229 packages will be removed. Attention can take many hours. oh, what a big shock!18:23
ugly_catYou could probably port this to KDE. I'm not sure though. I also don't have a fingerprint reader.18:24
SouL__How many years of university do I need, ugly_cat?18:25
ugly_catSeriously? Zero technically.18:26
SouL__Is there a guide then, for me to do it?18:27
BluesKajdieterd, run the update and upgrade and dist-upgrade , to bring all kernels modules and packages up to date18:27
ugly_catJoin #kde-devel and ask about it.18:27
SouL__I have to read a guide before asking lol...18:29
dieterdnow reboot is asked by installer. When not back in less hours, then all crashed.18:30
BluesKajless=fewer I hope18:30
soeeSouL__: as we use sddm maybe read this https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/28418:43
soeethere is no fingerprint integration in Plasma 5 atm.18:43
dieterdBluesKaj: Back. Reboot worked. Now 12.04. But takes a lot of more resources. 10.04 only used 350MB of memory, 12.04 now 900MB with not more than using Konversation, Dolphin and gmplayer with xfce. Yeah I had to reduce and purge some services there.18:53
BluesKajdieterd, so this pc is fairly old ?18:57
BluesKajmore than 5 yrs?18:57
dieterdBluesKaj: Yes. For surfing and some emails full ok. 1GRam, 2.6GHz CPU.19:05
dieterdnepomukindexer uses a lot of CPU.19:09
dieterd3662 dieterd   39  19 70644  15m 9496 R  1.5  100   1:43.74 nepomukindexer19:09
dieterd 2285 dieterd   20   0 94896  13m  10m S  1.3    1   0:11.26 xfce4-terminal19:09
BluesKajRAM is cheap nowadays...I increased mine to 6Gb on this 2008 pc19:09
dieterdMainboards max is 2G19:10
BluesKajdieterd, the nepomuuk and akonadi server can be turned off, saving some resources19:11
dieterdBluesKaj: thanks found: http://ubuntuku.org/16/how-to-disable-nepomuk-akonadi/19:19
BluesKajdieterd, good :-)19:20
BluesKajdieterd, as long as you don't need kamil, kontact and other PIM resources19:21
SouL__This is so sad soee :(19:24
dieterdNow I will restart if switched of services now stopped.19:56
dieterdBluesKaj: Thanks, deaktivation saves over 300M memory. Before I startet Firefox - was like having a coffee for the next tab.20:03
keithzgHmm, having and issue where I'm unable to run any KDE apps on my crouton+xiwi+openbox session on my new cheap Chromebook Flip. Using Wily. Okay, okay, so I've created a house of cards there, not surprising that it fails :P20:47
keithzgThe error (in this case running Kate, but the problem persists for all KDE apps) is https://paste.kde.org/pxuloferb, I guess it's the lack of OpenGL? Hrmm.20:52
bprompt!es | ALBERTO_20:54
ubottuALBERTO_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:54
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Viper550Okay so some things in KDE 5 irk me; there's no right-click button in the application menu for creating a desktop shortcut23:03
shurtagulOh yea, related I hid desktop icons and I cant figure out how to show my desktop folder on my desktop now23:14
soee_shurtagul: right click to get into desktop properties23:16
soee_unlock it first , than change mode to folder view23:17
shurtagulOh wow, I wasnt unlocking first23:30
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