=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix [05:27] anyone up? are rc-proposed updates released daily? [05:28] I just installed the OTA for version 121, now there's no more keyboard for entering the passphrase :)) [05:31] (works after one more reboot) === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [06:19] Morning. Can I change the behavior of the BQ Aquaris when both volume keys are pressed? Currently it's making a screenshot, but I don't need screenshots. I'd like to toggle the camera light instead. [06:20] Nope. [06:20] That'd be a bad thing to make configureable, but I certainly wouldn't mind some other cool combination that turned on the camera light. [06:40] Can I somehow access the LED? [06:42] undertasker: you mean notification led? [06:46] Yes [06:48] undertasker: code in your app or you just want to see the led lightup? I know that there is some device files in /dev/ for those leds [06:48] As Dekko can't notify me of received emails in the background, I thought I could maybe run a script via cron, that checks for emails and turns on the LED. [06:50] undertasker: look like a perfer job for /dev/ files, your can run find /dev/ -iname '*led*' or find /dev/ -iname '*light*' to find those files then [06:51] undertasker: but well, you can try contact dekko author's for the support is prefer :3 [06:56] Dekko is a somewhat strange app. It doesn't notify me when there are new emails, but when new mail arrive while it is in the background, and I then put it to focus and open it's account overview, it already shows the number of received emails behind the account name. [06:57] So It seems that it indeed polls the mail server in the background, it just doesn't have a notification mechanism (yet?). [06:57] undertasker Dekko only fetches mail in the foreground, so as soon as it is focused it runs as quick as possible to determine everything that's changed [06:57] undertasker: take a look at https://bitbucket.org/snippets/dekkoproject/dEejr/experimental-notifications === kissiel-zZz is now known as kissiel [06:58] it's isn't a complete solution but it works ok for now. Were currently working out the best solution for getting notifications working properly [06:59] Great! Exactly what I need! [07:00] undertasker: If you find after a while dekko keeps crashing in the background just delete ~/.cache/dekko.dekkoproject/notifications/* and it should resolve it [07:03] To be honest, I was thinking of returning the phone, because I have to monitor several email account constantly. That's one of the main reasons why I carry around a smartphone. [07:04] I only tried Ubuntu because of security concerns. [07:05] Hm. I can't find tweakgeek in uApp Explorer. [07:06] undertasker: it's open.uappexplorer, not uapp explorer :3 [07:09] How could I misplace this? [07:09] undertasker: here is the link https://open.uappexplorer.com/app/tweakgeek.mzanetti :P [07:10] I believe that https://code.launchpad.net/~nikwen/account-polld/imap-mails is the feature you're looking for; IMAP support for notifications. [07:14] And how do I install the openstore app? [07:24] Stanley00: How do I install the openstore app? [07:24] undertasker: I didn't, so I can't tell you that :P [07:25] undertasker: use the browser app and go to https://open.uappexplorer.com/docs#install download it from there and follow the other steps [07:32] Can't download it on the phone, the browser always wants to open it. I'll try to download it on the PC and push it via adb. [07:33] undertasker: yeah, the browser can download the file in near future... maybe in OTA7 [07:34] but now, I have to use wget for download files [07:38] Indeed, we have wget. Could've thought of that. [07:38] But adb push also worked. [07:44] About this USB mode setting in TweakGeek: Does this enable USB tethering? [07:44] If so, is there also reverse tethering? === alin is now known as drFaustroll === drFaustroll is now known as drFaustroll_ === drFaustroll_ is now known as drFaustroll [08:18] DanChapman: do the dekko push notifications keep working if you migrate from 3G to wifi and vice versa? === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away === stakewinner00 is now known as stakewinner00|AF === stakewinner00|AF is now known as stakewinner00 === drFaustroll is now known as Guest43794 [08:37] Not for me, currently they don't work at all (at least on 3g). [08:39] But maybe I'm doing something wrong, got the phone just yesterday. [08:40] BTW: is it normal that the phone reboots when I'm trying to mount a smb share? [08:46] mcphail: yes it should do. It watches the connectivity API so will kick off a new connection when network becomes available.I haven't extensivley tested that yet though. IIRC it's also set in limited bandwidth mode so it should be really light on network usage === drFaustroll is now known as Guest43282 [08:46] DanChapman: cheers. Any way to get it to flash the LED? I only get a notification on the icon in the dock, rather than anything in the notification area [08:48] mcphail: the led should flash when you get a notification. So are you not receiving them? [08:50] DanChapman: yes, they are coming thoriugh. When I switch on my screen I can see the number of new mails over the icon. But nothing in the notification area and no LED [08:51] undertasker, you could surely hack it [08:52] by default android-gadget-service only offers forward tethering [08:52] (oops, didnt notice my window was scrolled back) [08:54] mcphail: ahh the emblem count update works seperately to the notifications. You should also be getting notifications in the message tray though. :-( Did you restart Dekko after enabling notifications? [08:58] DanChapman: yes, and tried rebooting the phone as well [09:01] And dekko is ticked on the "Notifications" settings page [09:06] Hello. I very recently got my bq Aquaris E5, and I'm trying to connect via wifi [09:07] Laney, hi, you got a moment? It's re: 1492260 [09:07] bug 1492260 [09:07] bug 1492260 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "typing in search field of date/time settings blocks UI" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1492260 [09:07] the problem however is, that I am on my Univ network, where I have to enter my username and password, whose options do not show up at all here [09:08] jgdx: yeah but I don't know much about why it might happen [09:08] Laney, I have a slight suspicion that the worker thread is running in the gui thread. [09:09] jnxd: you can try as answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/598980/ubuntu-touch-wireless-peap-workaround [09:10] Laney, and qt says at this point that you should never subclass qthread. So i'm wondering if something has changed in qt5 (or qt4.8). [09:12] Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy No News is Good News Day! 😃 [09:12] jgdx: It was the advice to subclass and implement run() [09:13] Laney, it was, but it's not anymore. [09:14] well, is it this part that's causing the problem? [09:14] that QThread is for building the object initially [09:14] then we use QtConcurrent to filter it when you search [09:14] did you check where it happens? [09:14] that'll help to identify the place to look [09:15] uh, taking screenshots locks the UI for 5 seconds https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1494480 [09:15] Ubuntu bug 1494480 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "taking screenshots locks the UI for 4-5seconds on Meizu MX4" [Undecided,New] [09:15] Laney, it's just a theory. But if I'm throttling the filter calls, we still have lag. [09:15] Laney, also, if I print stuff from the worker thread, it's printed twice. I.e. it builds the stuff twice. [09:17] when does that happen? [09:17] when you first enter the panel or when you first search? [09:18] the first search starts the worker, then at some point (maybe the second search), the worker starts once more. [09:18] you could try to make that map building happen when you enter the panel instead [09:19] might make loading it slower but then you can eliminate or not this part [09:19] right, that's fine, but should it run twice? [09:20] no probably not [09:20] I'm suggesting that you find out if this is the real problem if that is the bug you want to fix [09:20] if it runs twice but has 0 impact then maybe a lower priority [09:23] My GPS stopped working again, but I'm not in the mood to do another factory reset. Any other ideas? [09:24] Laney, okay. [09:25] jgdx: Seems you're supposed to use moveToThread now, that's probably worth doing too [09:25] Laney, right. Does this mean that signals from the worker is handled in the gui thread? [09:26] Stanley00: Thanks for the tip. Though now I'm wondering if doing anything such will void the warranty. I got it in my hands literally hours ago. [09:27] jnxd: Sadly I'm sure about that. [09:27] mcphail: Same here. Tweaked Dekko to not suspend, enabled notifications, rebooted. I can see the number of new mails in the icon after a while, but no notifications. [09:29] jnxd: I don't have my phone here now. Can you check the wifi setting to see if there's any enterprise authentication method besides wpa2? [09:29] jgdx: maybe, but it's not meant to do much work there [09:29] jgdx: it might not be wise to emit resultReady for every single location [09:30] maybe batch these [09:30] Laney, yes, this event is seen by the model object quite often. [09:32] Stanley00: It's not even showing WPA2 [09:32] just an IP [09:34] I'm using my own laptop as a hotspot, and it's using WPA [09:41] jnxd: hmm... look like the only method you can try is the link above. You may ask your provider if you care about warranty [09:43] Stanley00: that'd be bq, most like. I'll look around [09:43] thanks === drFaustroll_ is now known as drFaustroll === JMulholland_ is now known as JMulholland [09:53] blah [09:53] is the wily image just busted? [09:53] applications (including scopes) just don't start [09:53] probably [09:53] its never tested [09:54] wah [09:55] Hmm - odd. Just got a proper email notification through [09:55] Laney, indeed it is ... gcc transition ... [09:56] Laney, the C++ libs wont be able to run the apps ... needs a new framework definition and rebuilds for all apps against that new framework [09:56] even the in archive things? [09:56] not sure about them ... [09:56] the "Scopes" thing doesn't start [09:56] depends on their deps i guess [09:56] and neither does ubuntu-system-settings [09:57] how can I get a shell on this thing? [09:58] hmm, yyou have no terminal app either i guess ? [09:59] silly question ... indeed if you have no scopes you couldnt run it [10:01] mcphail: hmm that's odd then. Does the log show anything useful? Also check the IMAP logs under ~/.cache/dekko.dekkoproject/logs. Oh... are you using gmail and using online accounts for it? The notifications won't work for online accounts at the moment if that's the case [10:01] Laney, it ran twice because, the plugin was instantiated twice (first in pagecomponent.qml, and then choosetimezone.qml). FYI :) [10:02] DanChapman: I do have a gmail account set up, but I've been testing on my home server IMAP account [10:03] ogra_: I can get to recovery... [10:03] jgdx: oh right yeah [10:04] Laney, well, you would need to hack one of the persistent android properties to force adb on ... and then hack the adbd upstart job to start regardless of the lock scren state [10:04] or touch /userdata/.adb_onlock [10:05] how do I touch it? [10:06] from recovery [10:06] (it might be mounted as /data not /userdata there though, you have to check ... ) [10:07] I have /data/media [10:07] DanChapman: now I'm getting notification, LED and vibration! I think my phone is getting used to the idea... [10:07] are these meant to be empty? [10:07] also /datadata ... [10:07] no, but perhaps not mounted by default ... [10:07] there should be an fstab entry for /data or /userdata [10:07] moun tit [10:08] oh yes I have this [10:10] Laney, /userdata/android-data/property/persist.sys.usb.config needs to contain: mtp,adb [10:10] that will force adb on [10:10] (create the file if it doesnt already exist) [10:11] with that and the adb_onlock file in place you should then be able to adb shell into it [10:11] ok I did the first bit [10:11] not sure which is the actual /userdata directory in the end [10:11] /data/user-data # ls [10:11] phablet [10:12] well, there are subdirs ... like user-data android-data atc [10:12] seems to contain the home directory? [10:12] if the mount has that, thats the device bcoming /userdata [10:12] right [10:12] it contains all writable data [10:12] is /userdata/phablet mounted at /home/phablet in the end? [10:13] well, /userdata/user-data/phablet iirc [10:13] its a bind mount in the end ... on top of /home/phablet [10:16] ok, well, I just touched it in /data and /data/user-data to be more sure [10:16] * Laney reboots [10:17] FAIL [10:17] how ? [10:18] device not found [10:18] (what does adb devices show) [10:18] none [10:18] hmm, but you edited /userdata/android-data/property/persist.sys.usb.config ? === drFaustroll_ is now known as drFaustroll [10:18] yes I made that file alongside the other ones in there [10:18] hmm [10:18] then adbd should come up [10:18] even if I could get to the terminal the keyboard also isn't working :) [10:19] hard to say whats wrong there without logs [10:19] (you could perhaps capture syslog from /userdata/system-data/ via recovery though) [10:20] how do I get to the system itself? [10:20] is that one of the .img files? [10:20] I think you can boot from fastboot mode with an adb-enabled recovery [10:21] yeah I'm in that [10:21] that's how I have any shell to it at all [10:22] then you should be able to mount the userdata partition and see the syslog [10:24] I had an issue a while ago with the phone not booting at all after a seemingly successful bootstrap [10:26] it had a log in /tmp/recovery.log, where it was complaining it can't mount the sd card; popper an SD card in, flashed again and it worked [10:26] no idea why, though [10:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/12334796/ syslog [10:29] Laney, /var/log/upstart/android-tools-adbd.log ? [10:29] doesn't exist [10:29] hmm, then upstart doesnt even attempt to run it ... [10:30] which means lxc-android-config doesnt emit the android event (which it should do when the container is up) [10:30] you could bluntly hack the android-tools-adbd.conf upstart job to something like: "start on startup" or so [10:31] Any help with the GPS, please? It stopped working again after one day. Where to start looking? [10:35] tvoss, are you here? [10:37] woah [10:37] I got it into "DOWNLOAD MODE" [10:51] now can't get to fastboot any more [10:51] * Laney sucks [10:59] did I break something!?!?<"£:%T@KW£:T?KW [11:01] What device? [11:02] nexus 4 [11:02] got it [11:02] was having it plugged into usb messing things up? [11:03] normally not [11:03] worked first time after I removed it [11:03] could be coincidence [11:03] extra button pressed by mistake? :) [11:04] tried like 9999 times [11:04] Where are the change logs for the rc images? Can't find them [11:06] changelogs would be useful, indeed... maybe even displayed when there is an update available [11:08] undertasker, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/vivid/ (scroll to the bottom) [11:08] http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/vivid/20150911.changes is todays build === stakewinner00 is now known as stakewinner00|AF === stakewinner00|AF is now known as stakewinner00 [11:09] undertasker, where is also a more detailed one at http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu/vivid/ [11:10] hmm, or not, seems lukasz stopped generating them [11:11] s/where/there/ [11:11] ogra_: is this rc-proposed? [11:12] m0n5t3r_, yes [11:12] something is messed up [11:12] start on startup doesn't work [11:12] then try on dbus or some such [11:13] I made a start on startup foo.conf [11:13] and there's no log file for this either [11:13] weird [11:13] talk to the upstart maintainer ... oh, wait ... there is none :P [11:14] someone else try wily plz [11:14] * ogra_ hides [11:17] * Laney goes around turning over rocks [11:17] found you [11:17] haha [11:18] so yeah, no idea how to test if this whoopsie stuff works now :( [11:18] * davmor2 takes of his ogra_ mask and hopes the real ogra_ got away [11:18] Laney: would you like me to test something on a nexus 4? [11:18] i have one here I can flash with wily [11:19] (I mean, wily isn't used by anyone so it's kinda largely irrelavent whether it works or not) [11:19] * ogra_ hugs davmor2 [11:19] Laney: wily mako is in bootloop hell I think iahmad can you confirm I'm not mixing up the devices [11:19] i use wily [11:19] o_O [11:20] Guest38281, dont... really [11:20] wily will never officially see a device ... [11:20] and is generally broken [11:20] never? [11:20] never [11:20] wily+1 will :) [11:21] until then we stay with vivid [11:21] davmor2, I haven't tried mako myself, I tried krillin and it was. evanwang reported the same problem for mako too. [11:21] Laney: ^ [11:21] i can't even compile unity8 on vivid+overlay [11:21] davmor2, Laney https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1490398 [11:21] Ubuntu bug 1490398 in Canonical System Image "Rebooting issue after flashing the devel image" [Undecided,Confirmed] [11:21] wily is better :)) [11:22] Guest38281, not really, given the C++ stack is completely incompatible [11:22] i'm joking :P [11:22] there was an ABI bump :) [11:23] hmm, my krillin device is black and does not seem to turn on (this was after a reboot after a recent update) [11:23] what tricks are there to see how dead it is and how to revive? [11:23] I'm probably just not pressing the right combination of keys [11:23] to make it boot === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [11:37] davmor2: no bootloop, I get unity8 but it mostly doesn't work [11:38] popey: if it works then I was going to test if you can enable and disable reporting crashes across a reboot now [11:45] ok I re-flashed with --developer-mode and have adb in session now [11:46] +1 [11:46] so where to look to find out why all is bad? :) [11:47] oh noes, no keypad to enter my pin to unlock the phone [11:47] touch /data/.adb_onlock ... from recovery [11:47] that makes it skip the greeter check [11:47] i'm already in [11:48] ah [11:48] just now can't unlock it :P [11:48] unless there is a way from adb [11:48] hmm. not that i know of [11:48] What's now wrong? Get https://system-image.ubuntu.com/channels.json: dial tcp connection refused [11:49] network issue ? [11:49] No, the rest of the internet works [11:49] and where do you see that [11:50] Ah, now it works. [11:51] When running ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en [11:52] ah [11:55] quick question: Let say I flash my BQ with ubuntu-device-flash with different channel, does that mean all old rom from BQ is replaced or just part of the rom is replaced? === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [12:00] Stanley00: depends how you install and which components have changes [12:01] Rebooting into recovery to flash [12:01] Failed to enter Recovery [12:01] Is this a serious problem? [12:02] undertasker, I'm around [12:02] tvoss: My GPS stopped working again overnight. [12:02] Where should I start looking? [12:02] undertasker, okay, what is the exact scenario we are looking at? [12:03] undertasker: adb is not enabled in recovery, you would need to flash with the --recovery-image recovery.img image can be located https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ChannelsToFlash#Image_Testing_Channels [12:04] davmor2: so, if ubuntu-device-flash download the *full* image, and upgrade from that. Does that replace all the old rom from BQ? [12:04] I got the BQ4.5 two days ago. Did an OTA to latest stable. Then I noticed that the GPS isn't working. Did a factory reset yesterday, GPS worked. Today, some effect as before, no GPS fix. [12:05] Stanley00: if you change to any channel other that stable it removes the image that came on the phones [12:06] I just changed to rc channel and flashed r27. Let's see if this changed something. [12:06] davmor2: ah, I see. Thank you very much. [12:07] tvoss: No, still no gps. [12:07] Can someone tell me whether or not Bluetooth can be used for file transfer in bq aquaris e5? [12:07] undertasker, so what is the exact scenario in which you are testing whether the gps works? [12:08] jnxd: I can receive file via bluetooth, but I don't know how to send file with it :3 [12:08] I tested all GPS applications I could find, none gets a position. SensorStatus shows "Found supported backend", but all position data is empty. [12:09] After the factory reset yesterday, it worked immediately. [12:09] Needed only a minute for a fix. [12:09] jnxd: and, btw, are you the one ask about wifi with username/password sometime ago? [12:10] undertasker, the interesting bit is: you cannot be sure that it acquired a fix by gps [12:10] undertasker, would you mind sending me the output of /var/log/messages and logcat? [12:11] I'm relatively sure, as I used here in the car on my way home, and it showed the accurate position on the map all the time. [12:11] tvoss: Already searched for logcat, but couldn't find it. Is it only in the devel images? [12:12] adb logcat [12:12] /bin/bash: line 0: exec: logcat: not found [12:12] undertasker, it should be in the usual images, too [12:12] popey, ^ [12:13] tvoss: If it is, then it's not in the search path [12:13] undertasker, that's maybe true, you also might to run it with sudo [12:13] /android/system/bin/logcat [12:13] ^ [12:13] undertasker, probably best to adb shell into the phone [12:13] popey, thank you [12:13] np [12:14] tvoss: Just running find on the phone [12:14] undertasker, see popey's reply :) [12:16] tvoss: found it. It's indeed not in the path [12:17] Does it need parameters? [12:17] just /system/bin/logcat please :) [12:18] no need to go through multiple bind mounts for this [12:18] undertasker, nope [12:18] Well, it does nothing [12:19] tvoss: And /var/log/messages doesn't exist [12:19] undertasker, did you run it as sudo? [12:20] undertasker, try sudo dmesg [12:20] undertasker, /var/log/messages has been dropped years ago in ubuntu :) [12:20] No, dumb. Sorry. [12:20] alll logs are aggregated into /var/log/syslog nowadays [12:20] D/mnl_linux( 6919): mtk_gps_sys_gps_mnl_callback: MTK_GPS_MSG_FIX_READY,GET_RTC_FAIL [12:20] and you say /system/bin/logcat doesnt output anything ? [12:21] ah [12:21] ok change of tactic, which channel is daily builds of stable-phone-overlay + vivid? [12:22] Laney, rc-proposed [12:22] thx [12:22] tvoss: http://pastebin.com/Kinp8YpB [12:25] Stanley00: yes that was me, the wifi guy [12:26] jnxd: I just see my E5, you can connect to hidden wifi network and choose wpa2-enterprise there. [12:27] jnxd: wpa2-enterprise is kind of complicated, so you may need to ask the IT in your universe for the right config [12:29] That's the reason why we have a separate "bring your own device" wifi network here === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [12:31] tvoss: Any idea? [12:33] BTW, when I tested the GPS on my way home yesterday, I noticed that the position jumped to a few kilometers away here and there, for a short time. I thought it was the GPS itself, but it may as well have been a communication problem [12:51] ogra_, managed to build wily proposed branch. conclusion wily = the best [12:51] * Guest623467 hide [12:51] lol [12:57] undertasker, looking [12:57] tvoss: Thanks [13:01] undertasker, okay, so all the fixes reported by the chipset are marked as invalid (see GPGGA lines) [13:01] undertasker, it seems like the chipset is unable to determine correct time, I will investigate the issue [13:02] undertasker, http://aprs.gids.nl/nmea/#gga [13:03] undertasker, thanks for the data :) [13:03] tvoss: Thanks for your help. [13:03] Am I the only one having this problem? Because it's a brand new bq4.5, and i didn't do anything special. === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:06] undertasker, we fixed a bunch of issues around gps, but I personally haven't seen this rtc issue before [13:07] may pop up more frequently, now that the bq phones arrived in stores all over the world. [13:10] Stanley00: I hope you haven't replied in the time I got disconnected :/ [13:12] jnxd_: did you get this? "you can connect to hidden wifi network and choose wpa2-enterprise there." [13:13] Stanley00: yes. To that I asked if you were able to get options for all username, password, and proxy. [13:14] jnxd_: I didn't get your question then. You can set username, password, but I'm not sure about proxy, let me check for that [13:14] Stanley00: I'll try asking the IT guy but I'm not sure how interested and experienced he'd be with ubuntu phones. [13:15] Stanley00: Sorry my institute's network is kinda peculiar in all these terms [13:16] jnxd_: with wpa2-enterprise, you need to know at least authentication method, I think the IT guys can help you with that. === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [13:17] jnxd_: about the proxy, I can't see anything like that in the setting :( === stakewinner00 is now known as stakewinner00|AF === stakewinner00|AF is now known as stakewinner00 [13:19] Stanley00: okay then. It'd be progress if we can get to even a username. [13:20] jnxd_: ah, found it, you can follow this url, http://askubuntu.com/questions/614462/network-proxy-settings-bq-aquaris-e4-5 , but it's not so easy [13:23] Stanley00: I guess I'm gonna soon say bye bye to my warranty :/ [13:25] jnxd_: haha... I think I lot that 2 days after I got mine. It's totally worth it for rc image :3 [13:26] rc image? [13:26] say, do you get OTA's? [13:27] I will probably survive the warranty voidance, but It's gonna be a royal pain if I lose that. [13:27] Configuring Linux to use a proxy is always a pain in the back. You'll always find programs that ignore the environment variables. I gave up and use sshuttle instead. [13:28] Stanley00: Is there an overview of differences/new functions between stable and rc? [13:30] undertasker: well, I'm currently on rc-proposed. I usually get update daily :3 [13:30] undertasker, stable and rc are essentially the same [13:31] So I should try rc-proposed. maybe the gps problem is fixed then. [13:31] rc is just the final QA stage before an image goes into stable ... it will only get updated shortly before a stable promotion [13:31] jnxd_: well, I think you can just reflash the rom from BQ and no one will know about what you did :P [13:31] rc-propoased is the automated daily build ... without any QA [13:32] undertasker: yeah, I would not recommend rc-proposed for daily use. [13:33] So rc it is. [13:34] ogra_, we QA rc-proposed. there are automated sanity tests, weekly manual review, and bi-weekly exploratory testing [13:36] * ogra_ uses it daily :) [13:36] bu you need to be aware that bugs or regressions can slip through [13:36] code that lands gets a lot of QA before landing, usually it is relatively safe to use [13:36] it is jjust missing the final QA of the code in context with the built image [13:36] jibel: I just knew about the automated test. What is the result of weekly and biweekly test then? [13:37] jibel, you Qa rc-proposed the same time as users use it ;) [13:37] so if i user rc-proposed i dont have any QA [13:37] ogra_, true :) [13:37] :) [13:38] undertasker, as i said, rc is exactly the same as stable ... until a few days before a new stable goes out [13:38] it is the staging space for the final stable image [13:38] you either want stable ot rc-proposed ... using rc makes not much sense unless you want to help with final testing of stable images [13:40] Stanley00, as ogra_ said we don't block rc-proposed builds on failed results but identify issues to fix before the OTA. So if you use rc-proposed you might hit regressions that would have been blocked in the stable image. [13:40] but you also see the fixes coming in :) [13:40] yeah otherwise no release ;) [13:41] I'll try rc-proposed. The phone is new, so I won't lose important data if I have to reflash and reset it. [13:42] I'll reset it anyway, and look if the gps problem comes back. [13:42] jibel: oh, I see [13:43] anyway, I just need to install some apps, and copy some MB of books in case of a reflash :3 [13:44] Sd cards FTW :) [13:45] One question about the bq phone. Why BQ e4.5 have 2 sim cards and only 1 SD card? I think it's better to have 2 SD card and 1 sim card... [13:46] stakewinner00: what?! [13:48] Stanley00, my bq have two slots for sim cards, and one slot for a SD card. [13:48] ogra_: ah, I've never try an sdcard. Can I save all installed apps/config and data on it? Or in other words, can sdcard mount as /home/phablet? [13:48] you could use one big SD card and partition it in half. [13:48] Stanley00, currently only data [13:49] and no, it gets mounted under /media/phablet/ same as on desktop [13:49] bfiller, mpt, kenvandine: /usr/share/zoneinfo fyi [13:50] BTW: I tried to mount a smb share, and this crashed my phone. Is cifs support even official? [13:50] ogra_: ah, thanks. I'll keep my only sdcard for my primary phone then :3 [13:51] undertasker, not yet, no [13:51] (i dont think we even build the module) [13:51] undertasker, there is work in the filemanager app going on to use smb mounts in that app ... not sure where that stands, i think popey was involved [13:51] jgdx, binary files? wot [13:53] ogra_: well, mount did take -cifs as an argument without complaining, but then the phone rebooted [13:53] well, i dont think the kernel has cifs [13:54] If only I had Kodi, it comes with inbuilt cifs support [13:56] Where can I request a kernel with cifs support? [13:57] sounds like a good project to learn click packing ;) [13:57] I don't need a file manager, i just want to mount a network share. [13:57] (well, probably not ... kodi isnt actually for starters i guess :) ) [13:57] yeah, i doubt we'll support it in kernel [13:58] you would have to roll a module yourself [13:58] Well, someone in the mood to build the modules? [13:59] Ok ok, I'll install a build environment myself. [14:00] What do i need? md4.ko, cifs.ko, nls_utf8.ko ? [14:00] no idea === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [14:01] i'd use menuconfig on the kernel source and diff the two configs (before and after enabling cifs) [14:01] Not the worst idea. [14:01] so guys... scrolling inertia died in all webaps [14:02] inertia dead X-( [14:02] is there a way to debug this? i have no idea how [14:02] jtag to the phone [14:02] Guest623467, try swiping to the app overview, then see if it scrolls again [14:02] i noticed something similar the last days on my MX4 [14:03] ogra_, nope. inertia still dead :D [14:03] yep i'm on mx4 [14:03] Guest623467, well, then in the app log [14:03] "stable" [14:04] and someone helped me to build unity8 on vivid+overlay :)) [14:04] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1494704 [14:04] Ubuntu bug 1494704 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "vivid+overlay : package 'unity-shell-application=7' not found" [Undecided,Won't fix] [14:04] i still have to try it :> [14:10] ogra_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1494770 [14:10] Ubuntu bug 1494770 in Canonical System Image "Scrolling intertion for webapps died on Meizu MX4 (stable channel)" [Undecided,New] [14:11] Guest623467, oooh, *that* ... try holding the home button til it goes to the home screen then go back to the app [14:11] i noticed that too, must be realted to touching the home button during scrolling or so [14:12] ogra_, omg that worked :D [14:13] pmcgowan, ^^ [14:13] thats around since a while [14:13] should i add it to the bug report? [14:13] another issue that i didnt file yet is that the home button stays active if you lock the screen [14:13] i just added it ;) [14:13] :))) yay [14:14] that stayig active is really annoying ... if you put down the phone you accidentially touch it because you hold it where the button is ... and if you unlock your app went to bg [14:15] ogra_, you punged? [14:15] yep pretty annoying [14:15] pmcgowan, bug 1494770 [14:15] bug 1494770 in Canonical System Image "Scrolling intertion for webapps died on Meizu MX4 (stable channel)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1494770 [14:15] pmcgowan, for your collection :) [14:16] ogra_, why does that fix it? [14:16] there is another one where scrolling hangs completely [14:16] bah [14:16] and only moves on if you shortly switch to the spread [14:16] ogra_, is this only webapps? [14:17] pmcgowan, i rarely use other apps, hard to tell :) [14:17] but i think so [14:17] ok [14:17] only webapps works with qml === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk [14:35] ogra_, are you on the stable channel on mx4? === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [15:10] Elleo, any update on that bug with unity8 when malit restarts? [15:10] Elleo, and what's the bug number? === MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow [15:17] is it possible to have a usermetrics string take a variable for units? [15:19] kenvandine: will just try to find it, I think jgdx opened the bug we reported for it, but greyback mentioned that it was a known issue with the shell rejecting OSK connections after a restart that I think he said dandrader|afk had been looking at? [15:20] kenvandine: here we go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1492185 [15:20] Ubuntu bug 1492185 in QtMir "unity8 crashes when running ubuntu keyboard test" [Critical,In progress] [15:20] Elleo, thx [15:21] no problem :) [15:23] dandrader|afk, any eta on a landing for the fix for bug 1492185? [15:23] bug 1492185 in QtMir "unity8 crashes when running ubuntu keyboard test" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1492185 === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [15:39] kenvandine, landers are on holiday today [15:39] kenvandine, it's in silo 27 [15:39] dandrader, cool, thanks! [15:47] Laney: on wily, did you try any pure qml apps to start - like music for example [15:48] I tried... phone? system-settings and something else [15:48] all binary apps [15:48] do you see this? [15:48] qml ones would avoid the gcc issue [15:48] what gcc issue? [15:48] well, whatever the issue is with compiled apps not being launchable on wily [15:48] sorry, may not be gcc specifically [15:49] ubuntu-system-settings comes from the archive [15:49] so if there's any ABI issue there we should be worried [15:49] and I didn't have any crashes in /var/crash [15:49] hm. okay. [15:50] I could try to look more but everyone tells me wily is meant to be broken which isn't very motivating [15:51] or not 'meant', but not intended to work, or something [15:51] :) [15:51] right [15:52] Laney, the gcc 5 abi change was unfortunate and basically broke continuity of the 'stable base system' that was supposed to be [15:54] sergiusens: no doubt, but everything in the path to system-settings is in the archive which should be free of ABI problems === balloons_ is now known as balloons [16:05] Chipaca: btw. what do you think about that external poller work? (just asking as you seem to be one of the guys being active on this) [16:08] morphis: i haven't looked into how it's been done, much, but i did suggest it be done :) [16:08] so i'm glad somebdoy did it [16:08] :) [16:08] Chipaca: basically I added a click hook to get a .json file into .local/share/account-polld/pollers/.json [16:08] which includes the name of the poller executable [16:09] then simply just executing that and parsing the output as json and pushing that out as notifications [16:09] misses security things completely atm === stakewinner00 is now known as stakewinner00|AF === stakewinner00|AF is now known as stakewinner00 === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === stakewinner00 is now known as stakewinner00|AF === stakewinner00|AF is now known as stakewinner00 === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [17:21] dandrader, re: silo 27. Would it be possible to confirm that the test fixes the failing test before landing? [17:21] s/test/fix :) [17:46] jgdx, I guess so [17:51] I'm in a Pillo hotel and the E4.5 doesn't connect to the network because the browser doesn't present the routers "Start surfing" page as Firefox does on the laptop. Is there a way I can debug/provide helpful info on this issue for a bug report besides just describing the problem? [18:55] Ah, I believe it's covered by this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/1422534 [18:55] Ubuntu bug 1422534 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "No user name and password prompt for http basic authentication protected pages" [High,In progress] === lkoranda_ is now known as lkoranda === Inglebard1 is now known as Inglebard === kissiel is now known as kissiel-zZz [22:27] zsombi: think I've figured out what's going wrong with trailing/leading list items being super difficult to press: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1486008 (comment 13) [22:27] Ubuntu bug 1486008 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[sdk] leading actions width is too small making it very difficult to press" [Medium,Confirmed] [23:06] best install instructions for phone on nexus 5? [23:06] I"m guessing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install but was wondering if any other links are recommended [23:09] ah dang, Nexus 5 isn't supported? [23:09] Android has been doing crazy things the past few days...so I figured now would be a good time to try. I do have a Nexus 7....guess I could just try it on there [23:53] designbybeck: the N5 is support by a community port