=== tsimonq2 is now known as FloppyDop === FloppyDop is now known as tsimonq2\ === tsimonq2\ is now known as tsimonq2 === tsimonq2 is now known as FloppyDop === FloppyDop is now known as tsimonq2\ === tsimonq2\ is now known as tsimonq2 [03:38] I am looking for help, I'm trying to install some progeams but my system is asking for a root pword and my login pword is not working. [03:40] khold: can you open a terminal and run groups and see if you are in the sudo group [03:40] khold: also make sure caps lock isn't pressed [03:41] khold if this is a virtual machine I have managed to get caps lock in the vm and the led on my keyboard out of sync [03:42] won't let me into sudo group. asks for pword. Not a vm, it is the only os on my hd. [03:45] also i have toggled the caps lock and tried to login with it on and off and nothing is working [04:02] I have googled and searched, but I can't find a solution. Everything I read says that my login password is the root password, but when the system doesn't take my pword, I can log out and then back in, but not able to install programs. [04:18] khold: whats the error? [04:18] if you can login, then, your user is likley not in the sudo group.. [04:18] khold: there is a recovery console that will allow you root access.. [04:19] unless he removed himself from the sudo group somehow and has no users in it [04:19] how would i access that? [04:19] try "sudo adduser sudo" and share errors [04:20] it'll either say "you are already there" or, your password wont work.. or whatever.. [04:21] you can basically, then, follow this.. if you have no admin user.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword [04:21] you'll just add your user to the sudo group, instead of resetting passwords.. [04:23] ok, I'm going to try that. when i try to add myself to a group it asks for a pword and mine isn't working [04:30] that worked! thank you so much!!! [04:37] \o/ [05:52] hello [06:23] Is there a way to apt-get update offline. i'm working on broad com driver. [06:23] Guest40483: do you have an ethernet port [06:23] it is the easiest way [06:23] also do you have two laptops? [06:24] !bcm | This tells you how to do it offline [06:24] This tells you how to do it offline: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [06:25] no ethernet port only bluetooth [06:25] havent put time into figureing out bluetooth tethering to laptop wifi. [06:26] yes two laptops [06:26] thanks will try [06:27] argh my bridge utils idea won't work [06:27] And apt-offline doesn't do downloader packages. [06:30] i using acer v5 122p 0869. would the up-date and or broadcom drivers be on the lubuntu 15.04 install iso [06:33] b43-fwcutter would be, but the actual drivers wouldn't. [06:58] thanks all later [08:51] whats the ubuntu equivalent of lubuntu 15.04. [08:52] in terms of version number (of Ubuntu) [08:53] 15.04 [08:53] oh thanks [08:53] Same repos, just different defaults/etc. [11:06] hi [11:08] weather in lubuntu 14.04 . is that possible ? [14:29] how do i add a date to the taskbar [14:30] ? [14:37] x1_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/CustomizingTheClock [14:39] krytarik, thanks [16:07] Hey everyone! [16:07] o/ SirReginald [16:08] I need some opinions. I'm hoping you folks can help. [16:08] let's see :) [16:11] go ahead SirReginald [16:11] I am currently running an old acer laptop. Single core Celeron M 520, 1.5GB ddr2 and currently Mint Cinnamon. I'm thinking about switching to Lubuntu because of how low the specs on this dinosaur are. The opinion I need is: Is it worth keeping my SSD in this laptop (it was the only drive I had available to get it running) or would the difference be negligible if I went to a 5400 RPM and put the SSD in my desktop? [16:12] I used an SSD in a "dying" desktop computer and its performance increased a lot. Lubuntu is a very light system, but it's good if you help him a little. [16:13] But you can try. Install Lubuntu, lighter than a Cinnamon desktop, or any other Mint distro, and test it without the SSD. But I recommend to keep it. [16:14] I was thinking that it seems a waste to use the SSD in this laptop since it can't really use it anywhere near its potential. [16:14] Use the Live CD to check it out, so you don't have to wait to install it. === io is now known as IdleOne [16:16] I was also wondering, is there any way to save a physical copy of a repository? If I reload this laptop, I may not have internet available. I would need to be able to get the broadcom drivers (wifi never works out of the box on an acer!) [16:16] If you're a bit used to Ubuntu distros you could even try with an Alternate Install, using only Lubuntu Core components to make it lighter, without apps. [16:16] I'm on an Acer right now :) [16:16] My wifi works fine [16:17] But there're apps to save your repos, packages and everything in your setup. [16:17] I've had 3 acers. any time i decide to tinker with linux I have to download the wifi drivers lol [16:17] Not me. It detected the wifi fine. I also configured an HP ePrinter via Wifi. [16:18] might be due to the age, last acer i had was a 5720, and this one is even older. 3680-2472 [16:18] Maybe [16:18] Y-PPA Manager can save your package list, but not the physical packages. [16:18] http://askubuntu.com/questions/24022/how-can-i-backup-my-repositories [16:19] thanks, I'll look into it. [16:20] Downloaded packages are kept in a database. It's not safe backing them up and restoring later. You'll miss some ones for sure. Sadly, the DEB package system is highly net-oriented. [16:21] the only package i would need is the broadcom drivers. It's the only thing that doesnt work out of the box for me. [16:21] if it's only a DEB without dependencies you can keep. I keep some for a quick install, but they usually need dependencies. [16:21] the system is basically just a netflix/youtube/facebook box that i decided I could learn to tinker with linux on haha [16:22] nice use :) [16:22] I'll have to find the command line i used for the drivers. [16:22] yes, if you didn't do it with the Drivers tool [16:23] it was a sudo apt-get line. drivers tool didnt detect any issues [16:24] SirReginald, there's a nice tool, I remembered it now: Aptik [16:24] it can do both things: save packages and repos list [16:24] http://www.howtogeek.com/206454/how-to-backup-and-restore-your-apps-and-ppas-in-ubuntu-using-aptik/ [16:25] and there's AptOnCD if you want to "freeze" your current system and replicate later: http://www.howtogeek.com/110034/how-to-back-up-restore-your-installed-ubuntu-packages-with-aptoncd/ [16:25] awesome, I'll look into those before I reload. [16:26] good :) [16:26] theres no rush, I just got laid off so I have some free time to tinker haha [16:26] well, if you have then you can start playing with these :) [16:29] yep. I originally started looking for lightweight distros to try. I was thinking LXLE but it wouldnt install, then I tried to download Elementary but it would always get to 3% and the download would fail. finally got mint to work, but its a bit slow, so next up is Lubuntu. I mean, LXLE is just a prettied up Lubuntu anyway. may as well just go with the original right? [16:29] LXLE is Lubuntu with things on it, like LibreOffice (pretty heavy) [16:31] Yeah. I figure I'll go for the lightest and fastest, and then add what i need. As long as I have chrome and wifi I'm pretty much set. [16:31] Chrome will eat your memory, try Qupzilla or Midori [16:33] will they run netflix? the only reason I use chrome is because I thought it was the only browser to support netflix [16:34] hmm I don't think so, you're right [16:35] but I know, chrome is a memory hog even on my windows desktop [16:35] even firefox surprisingly eats a lot of ram. [16:35] Version 45 seems a bit lighter, but still RAM hungry [16:37] anyway, i've got to run. but as soon as I get back to some internet I'll likely log back on. IRC is so much easier that starting a thread in the forum or on reddit haha [16:38] it is, we're usually here the whole day :D [16:38] thanks for the help! [16:38] ok, enjoy :) [16:38] you're welcome, SirReginald === BotchlaB is now known as Botchla