
=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix
=== drFaustroll_ is now known as drFaustroll
nclshi all, how can I use cpan for perl and pip for python in ubuntu touch ?08:51
nhainesncls: chroot jail.08:55
nclsnhaines: mh, okay, but can you explain what it means ?08:55
nclswhat is jail ?08:57
nhainesncls: it's a way to create a writeable system that can be used to install perl and python that you can run those programs in.  Because the system image on an Ubuntu phone can't be modified.08:59
nclsok, so ... "is it safe" ? is it worth it if it's only to make tiny scripts09:01
nhainesIt's safe.  I can't say if it's worth it.09:01
UndertaskerBTW: would it be possible to use overlayfs with the system image?09:02
nclsso, concretely, how does it work ? it creates a copy of the system ? that is used every time I use the terminal ?09:07
nhainesUndertasker: Maybe, but I think you'd have to modify the system image first.  And apt-get doesn't understand links across partitions in a way that apt-get upgrade tends to break everything.09:07
nclsok found an article in french ... it looks a bit complicated and I don't think it's worth it, but thank you09:13
nhainesncls: you're welcome!09:14
peat-psuwitCould anyone have a look at this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta/+bug/146075210:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1460752 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu RTM) "Can't read Thai character." [Undecided,Confirmed]10:05
calmarhi all. I want to install ubunto-mobile onto my .. galaxy. However it seems to require such things: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash ... but I'm I'm running gentoo. Any easy solution? (maybe running ubunto from some persistend usb-stick.. etc.. needed?)10:14
zsombiElleo: the problem is that swiping should not be captured when the press happens on the leading/trailing panels. This is a bug in the press filtering of the ListItem. The trailing actions are worst, when you press ovet them the ListItem content jumps leftwards... and only on touch!10:42
zsombiElleo: and if I move back to have 7GU width, this doesn't happen :/10:43
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Undertaskercalmar: you can run Ubuntu or Mint in a Virtualbox VM. Flashing out of this VM works, I've done it just yesterday.10:54
calmarUndertasker: ok, thanks you very much10:55
UndertaskerBut you need the non OSS extensions for Virtualbox, for the USB port virtualization.10:56
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UndertaskerHow do I solve this?14:00
UndertaskerCannot install openstore.mzanetti_0.93_armhf.click: Signature verification error: debsig: Origin Signature check failed. This deb might not be signed.14:00
justCarakas:Undertasker I think there is some kind of flag to skip the signature verification14:14
justCarakasbut I don't remeber how it goes14:14
mcphailUndertasker: have you used "pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted name_of.click"?14:16
nik90Undertasker: since you're sideloading an app to your phone you need to use the "--allow-untrusted" argument as suggested by mcphail14:19
UndertaskerWorked. Thanks guys, I knew that there must have been some flag, but I couldn't remember.14:49
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hakumbain one of the q&a's they mentioned of someone proposing a new theme or such for ubuntu phone. Does anyone have a link to that theme?16:40
Wessamcould i ask how coiuld i Install ubuntu touch for my xperia S LT26i while i can not root my phone?16:49
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
dhbikerhi there17:00
dhbikerany plans to implement miracast/dlna stuffs17:00
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OerHeksdhbiker, it is on sturmfluts whishlist http://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/touch/2015/05/31/ubuntu-touch-app-wishlist-may-2015/17:37
dhbikerand this means ? :D17:42
dhbikerit's only a wishlist... :D17:42
dhbikerthere are many things on my wishlist... and that doesn't mean i will have them17:49
rachelfishHow come all the ubuntu phones are EU only?17:59
=== anonym is now known as sepp1232
sepp1232can somebody tell me which target i should choose, when i want to build android for bq aquaris 4.519:03
sepp1232Is the target the same as the one for Nexus 4 (aosp_mako-userdebug)19:04
lotuspsychje!devices | sepp123219:05
ubot5sepp1232: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices19:05
sepp1232This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.19:06
sepp1232i am trying to find some information about the target i should set in "lunch", before i start to make the Android Image. Googles it, but didn't find anything.19:09
tathhupopey: <319:16
m0n5t3r_sepp1232: krillin19:17
sepp1232krillin is not available19:19
sepp1232here is the list19:19
sepp1232Lunch menu... pick a combo:19:19
sepp1232     1. aosp_arm-eng19:19
sepp1232     2. aosp_x86-eng19:19
sepp1232     3. aosp_mips-eng19:19
sepp1232     4. vbox_x86-eng19:19
sepp1232     5. aosp_deb-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     6. aosp_tilapia-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     7. aosp_grouper-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     8. aosp_flo-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     9. mini_x86-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     10. mini_armv7a_neon-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     11. aosp_mako-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     12. aosp_hammerhead-userdebug19:19
sepp1232     13. aosp_manta-userdebug19:19
popeytathhu: ?19:21
popey!paste | sepp123219:22
ubot5sepp1232: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:22
popey(for future reference)19:22
tathhupopey: just sharing my love to you :P19:22
popeyaww, thanks19:22
* popey hugs tathhu 19:22
tathhuGetting a ubuntu device again, lol19:22
tathhuShame i sold my e5 xD19:22
popeyi might get an e5 sometime soon19:23
tathhuYep. :(19:23
tathhuGot a Jolla.. now I've sold it. Thought ordering e5 on thu but got an shitty android19:23
tathhuNow trying to find someone who wants to swap x)19:23
m0n5t3r_sepp1232: no idea then... maybe it's on some branch? if you're already on a krillin-related branch it's probably aosp_arm19:24
tathhuMeizu would be nice, lol.19:25
popeyneed to replace the screen on my meizu19:26
sepp1232i followed the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting but it is only explained for nexus 4. I downloaded everything with "phablet-dev-bootstrap phablet" and now i must choose the correct target. This is mysterious, because i couldn't find any post related to building ubuntu touch for aquaris 4.519:27
sepp1232I will try it with arm option, because all the other names are codenames for various nexus targets.19:34
popeySorry, I don't know, I've never built Android19:37
sepp1232but ubuntu touch?19:39
popeynah, never felt the need19:45
sepp1232tried ubuntu touch on my aquaris 4.5, but somehow most of the sensors didn't work. But on Android all sensors are working, so i wanted to build ubuntu touch and check whats wrong with the sensors. My assumption is, that they either have not implemented the HAL for the sensors, or they dont have the binary blobs included in their image. The only sensor which is working is gps, but very poorly.19:49
popeyaccelerometer works too20:02
UndertaskerAnd compass, but not really good. Needs some better filtering.20:14
sepp1232strange. Couldnt get output from qt sensors class20:16
Elleocompass isn't implemented, or at least wasn't when I last checked a couple of months ago20:17
Elleopretty much only the accelerometer has a backend iirc20:18
Elleosensorfw would probably be a good place to look for an idea on how to get them working (since that implements a backend for most sensors with libhybris on Jolla devices)20:19
ElleoI had a bit of a look at the ubuntu accelerometer implementation, but it all seemed like black magic20:19
sepp1232seems like android build was successfull. needed to install some audio dev packages, but now everything is building as intended. Thanks for your tips/hints20:37
AbhijeetHi , Anyone has success in installing Ubuntu Touch on MotoG 1st generation21:18
tester_guys i am noob , please guide to a channel where I can find how is ubuntu created22:07
tester_the technical process22:07

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