[20:54] I've been logged into several channels for a while. I've noticed on some of them my nick was highlighted. Is there an easy way to see where I was highlighted without scrolling thru hours of buffer? [20:59] aedend: not sure in hexchat [21:02] cyberanger, I found this script for hexchat. It prints the highlights to a new tab. https://github.com/TingPing/plugins/blob/master/HexChat/highlight.py [21:05] cyberanger, btw, how did you know I was using hexchat?? [21:06] lol [21:06] /ctcp aedend version [21:07] cool, so you like the command line eh? [21:07] yeah [21:07] perhaps too much [21:07] I installed weechat, but man, so many options... I got a little overwhelmed [21:08] It's a good client [21:09] so is weechat the new irssi? [21:10] It's a nice client, but irssi is still in active development too [21:10] so I don't want to say it like that [21:11] do you use Ubuntu or do you use another distro? [21:12] Personally I use Debian Sid [21:12] with some stuff being experimental [21:13] so that version never really gets released then? [21:16] Yeah, it's above the releases [21:22] It gets new versions, then those versions get pushed down to testing, and again to stable [21:24] ah, I see [21:29] So I'm ahead of the releases [21:30] do you not worry about not having a stable computer to work when needed? [21:30] between that and how I barely have a UI, the ubuntu advantages vanished releases ago [21:30] No, cause I keep it stable [21:30] just not debian stable [21:31] I stay on top of my changes, rarely does that cause an isuse [21:31] issue* [21:32] do you use w3m or something similar for browsing the web? [21:34] I tend to keep to iceweasel [21:34] I have elinks too [21:35] HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript, AdBlock Plus and Foxyproxy Standard are my goto addons [21:38] why not use firefox, since they're basically the same? [21:41] It is the same, aside from the apt repository they come from, and branding [21:41] It's just part of keeping the sources.list small [21:45] I use privoxy, is foxyproxy basically the same thing? [21:55] No, privoxy is a seperate tool, an http proxy (and a nice one too) [21:56] foxyproxy is an addon, allows for fine grained control, I use it to tell a few URI's to go through a british proxy for the BBC iPlayer, ITV and Channel 4 too [21:56] and an Austrailian one for Channel 7 [21:57] cyberanger: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4196776/ [21:57] And when I leave the US, to access Hulu, Pandora, Netflix and CBS from abroad [21:58] Unit193: Another Bourne movie [21:59] eh, at least it's Matt Damon again, still feels worn out though [22:01] aedend: Guessing you don't watch any foreign shows [22:01] Yes, at least Matt Damon! [22:03] cyberanger, I don't watch much tv [22:08] aedend: I don't like I used to, but I still enjoy breaking geo filtering schemes [22:14] Just for the fun of it [22:14] cyberanger, when using foxyproxy, which proxy service do you use? [22:15] I tend to set my own up on VPS providers lately, and even that's starting to have issues [22:16] alot of the ip classification providers have started flagging datacenters [22:16] and hence, hulu and most of the others call them anomyous tools and block them [22:16] is this something I could use? http://www.publicproxyservers.com/proxy/list1.html [22:17] pandora appears to be the most lax, and channel 7 seems to do little too, in part becuase there isn't too many providers in Australia and the issue isn't as common for them yet [22:18] Looking at it, that's a list of web proxies [22:18] https://getfoxyproxy.org/proxylists.html [22:19] http://www.xroxy.com/proxylist.htm [23:32] cyberanger, does using foxyproxy slow down your connection speed? [23:41] No, not on it's own [23:42] Routing my connection thru a server in Zambia, with or without foxyproxy will slow it down though