
richachello all, I just installed lubuntu today02:27
richacI have a couple weird issues though,  the notify alert bubble looks glitched out with lines through it02:27
richacanyway to fix that?02:27
richacok I just changed the theme that fixed it02:35
richacthe other issues I have is the icon doesn't change when lauching an application to show its loading/busy02:35
richacand the apparmor profile for chromium doens't work, only for firefox02:35
richacwhen i said icon i meant the mouse curorse02:38
ianorlynrichac: I think changing the widget in lxappearcen is one workaround02:43
richacianorlyn: a workaround for which?02:45
ianorlynthe lines in notification02:45
richacoh I just fixed that by just changing the theme in customize appearance menu02:45
ianorlynI am not sure about apparmor for chromium02:46
ianorlynyeah I was trying to tell you but got called afk02:46
richacwhat about making the mouse curso change to the busy symblo when launching an application from desktop or start menu?02:46
richaci can see my parently clicking too many times lol02:46
ianorlynI don't really know about that02:46
richaci wonder if apparmor works on 14.04.3 i installed the 15.04 iso02:48
richaci mean for chromium,  seems to work ok for cups, ntpd and firefox though02:49
richacianorlyn: is there a lubuntu forums i can post on?02:51
ianorlynthere are the main ubuntu ones02:51
richacianorlyn: i posted on this thread https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/147164502:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1471645 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "[trusty] [regression] chromium-browser crashed with SIGABRT in base::debug::BreakDebugger()" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:53
=== richac is now known as CooloutAC
CooloutACianorlyn: would you know where i can find the apparmor profiles for ubuntu 15.04 online?03:01
CooloutACMetacity: hey man you know how i can get the chromium apparmor profile to work?03:04
CooloutACoh so interesting on launchpad.net they don't have a chromium profile online03:07
CooloutACat bazaar.lauchpad.net i guess ubuntu no longer supports a chromium apparmor profile03:08
CooloutACit says its supported ont he wiki.ubuntu.com/security/team/...03:11
CooloutACbut the link they give to the repo.  there is no chromium profile03:11
CooloutACoh wait it says "other"profiles so I guess thats not official03:11
CooloutACwhere can I find the offical profiles online?03:11
=== Metacity|znc is now known as Metacity
CooloutACit says "profiles in active development can be found in the public repository, is that something diff then whats official?03:12
CooloutACnevermind the suggestion on launchpad bug page worked03:17
CooloutACi put it int he wrong spot i think the first time this time i put it at the very top03:18
CooloutACoh tk god03:18
CooloutACwell i downloaded profile from github but I think it was same then added the lines in there at the top03:18
CooloutACok so thats 2 out of 3 issues fixed03:19
CooloutACnow my only issue the fact the mouse cursor doesn't change to loading or busy symbol when lauching an app from the desktop03:19
CooloutACpeople in my house tend to click too much already haha03:20
CooloutACok i feel better now though03:22
CooloutACI just switched from fedora lxde03:22
CooloutACi've used fedora for years,  but every it just becomes more of a pain03:22
CooloutAC*every year03:23
ianorlynI don't know much about apparmor03:24
CooloutACianorlyn: it helps a bit for security of the internet facing apps03:29
CooloutACwouldn't hurt to turn it on,  nothing complicated you have to do03:29
CooloutACsudo apt-get install apparmor apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils03:29
CooloutACthen sudo aa-enforce usr.bin.firefox03:30
CooloutACcups and ntp will already be auto enforced03:30
CooloutACif you want it to work for chomium then you have to add the lines from that bug report to your usr.bin.chromium-browser profile file located in /etc/apparmor.d03:31
CooloutACyou can always check the status with sudo aa-status03:31
CooloutACif profile is not working right for example if chromium not working right iwth apparmor on,  then you do sudo aa-complain usr.bin.chromium-browser03:32
CooloutACto disable the profile,   thats all there is to it really03:32
CooloutACI don't make my own profiles or anything03:32
CooloutACthats what I like about ubuntu lol03:32
CooloutACon fedora i was using the default targeted selinux profile03:33
CooloutACbut i was getting tired of manucally configuring things on fedora,  like yesterday i had to make a udev rule so my parents phones would mount properly.  the 4.1 kernels give an annoying error message on boot,   just annoying things all the time with fedora03:34
CooloutACit gets more buggy every year03:34
CooloutACsince fedora 22 the bad mirrors are always staling the update process making it frustrating to wait03:34
CooloutACi got tired of it switched to lubuntu03:34
userunis skype compatible with lubuntu ?14:57
holsteinnothing is preventing stkype from being made to run on linux/ubuntu/lubuntu, userun14:57
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:57
baqiranyone here15:47
baqirneed help15:47
baqir please15:47
baqirplease need help15:48
rafaellagunawhat's wrong, baqir?15:48
baqirhow can i check the iso file?15:48
rafaellagunayou mean the md5 file?15:49
Botchlabaqir, weren't you told in #ubuntu you needed to use the Mint channel elsewhere?15:49
Botchlaiirc you had an issue trying to install Ubuntu from an USB stick which you 'burned' from a Mint program?15:50
baqirman i dont know y i cant download it rafaellaguna , it told me http://im78.gulfup.com/0dUQlu.png15:59
baqirr u here rafaellaguna16:02
rafaellagunaYES, i CAN'T SEE YOUR IMAGE16:03
rafaellagunasorry, caps16:03
baqiry u cant16:03
baqirBotchla, but an operator from linuxmint-help told me to check the iso from ubuntu16:04
wxlbaqir: that operator means check the md516:04
wxl!md5 | baqir16:04
ubottubaqir: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:04
rafaellagunayes, but we can't give support to their tools16:05
wxlthat too16:06
wxlso once you check the md5 is correct, you go back to mint16:06
wxlif the md5 is not correct, it is likely a download error, in which case, you download again16:06
wxlthe best way to do it is to get it over zsync or torrent which will do some checksumming along the way16:07
wxl!torrent | baqir16:07
ubottubaqir: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P16:07
wxl!zsync | baqir16:07
ubottubaqir: Use zsync to update your Ubuntu CD image without needing to download the parts that didn't change. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage16:07
baqirguys sorry but u didnt understood my issue . im using linux mint but i need to know if the iso is safe and correct to install ubuntu, but when i go where did u told me and try to download it they told like the picture http://im78.gulfup.com/0dUQlu.png16:10
rafaellagunaI'm sorry, baqir, I can't see it16:11
rafaellagunacan you use imgur, for instance?16:11
BotchlaThat picture doesn't load here.16:11
wxlbaqir: Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.'16:13
baqirokay wait16:13
wxlbaqir: in other words, your image is in accessible16:13
rafaellagunabaqir, imgur.com works fine for me16:14
baqiris thats site okay?16:18
wxlbaqir: those are the md5s. what's your point?16:18
baqirneed to check the iso file16:19
baqirof ubuntu16:19
wxlbaqir: right. i sent you the instructions, already16:19
baqirthey told me use this16:19
wxl!md5 | baqir16:19
ubottubaqir: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:19
wxlbaqir: those are the md5 checksums. the instructions i give you tell you how to check them.16:20
baqirwxl, what did u give me16:20
wxlbaqir: i can't read it for you, my friend. it's the instructions on how to do what mint told you to do.16:21
baqirman didnt get it16:24
rafaellagunabaqir, you want to download an ISO and check its MD5 to ensure it's downloaded right, don't you??16:24
rafaellagunathen http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM16:25
wxlbaqir: you read the instructions and follow them. essentially if you have the program md5sum (you do), you run (in terminal) md5sum /path/to/your/iso/file16:25
wxlit will split out a value that should match the associated value in your image16:25
wxlif they match, go back to mint16:25
wxlif they dont' match, re-download16:25
wxlif you do (literally) md5sum foo, you get this:16:25
wxlmd5sum: foo: No such file or directory16:26
wxlnot that hahahahah16:26
wxlb8ac69272de657f579ebe3594b7a03bc  foo16:26
baqirman what i should write in terminal16:38
rafaellagunabaqir, may I ask why are you worried about the ISO integrity?16:38
baqirbecause i think i have a problem with16:40
rafaellagunaI recommend downloading it using a torrent file, with Transmission16:40
rafaellagunaas it's continuously synced it's safer. and usually faster.16:41
rafaellagunabaqir, grab the torrent for AMD64 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/15.04/release/lubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent16:42
rafaellagunaor the 32bit one: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/15.04/release/lubuntu-15.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent16:42
rafaellagunamore info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu16:42
andre0991Hi. I am trying to execute some xcape and setxkbmap whenever lxde starts. I added them to autostart in ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu, but it doesn;t work. I am using Lubuntu 15.04.18:37
andre0991These commands show up in the LXSession configuration and they are enabled, but they aren;t executed18:39
andre0991Actually, I added leafpad and it starts fine, but xcape does not.18:48
tsimonq2oh no lubotu is down22:37
tewardanyone know if there's an Lubuntu that works on armhf hardware?23:59

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