
Chipacaso ... yaml mappings can contain themselves as keys or values11:29
ogra_geeez !!!!11:30
ogra_snappy config just got unreadable11:30
ogra_(i didnt know we'd actually print out all of /etc/ppp now)11:30
Chipacaso I could do11:31
Chipacafoo: &id11:31
Chipaca  *id: *id11:31
Chipacaand that's a mapping that, when you look for it in the keys, it gets itself as a value11:31
Chipacajson can't serialize that11:31
Chipacaogra_: *all* of /etc/ppp?11:32
ogra_yeah, run snappy config on a recent 15.04 edge image :)11:32
ogra_oh, it doesnt print as much if you dont update a value11:32
ogra_snappy config ubuntu-core that is  ... if i set hostname or timezone it prints the values afterwards ... and there it seems ot have all of /etc/ppp11:33
Chipaca/etc/ppp wasn't that big, from memory11:34
Chipacaunless you left all the comments in there11:34
Chipacaoh, wait11:34
Chipacathe directory?11:34
Chipacai was thinking of /etc/ppp/options11:34
ogra_after i did set hostname to "testhost"11:35
ogra_just running snappy config ubuntu-core doesnt show any of the ppp values though ... it is only after i changed something when it prints the changed values11:36
Chipacaogra_: and are they then "stuck"?11:36
ogra_well, snappy config ubuntu-core only shows "ppp: []"11:36
ogra_seems ot prints defaults when changing values ... but not when just printing from snappy config11:37
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/12395393/ thats plain "snappy config ubuntu-core"11:38
ogra_we should make it omit the ppp values in the printout after changing any values as well11:38
Chipacayeah, not sure what's going on there11:39
* Chipaca wonders if he should look11:39
ogra_nah, leave that to michael :)11:39
ogra_just cosmetic11:39
ogra_setting a static ip via the new snappy config interface leaves me without any DNS config13:31
ChipacaDNS is for people who can't an ip address13:35
ogra_tell that to webdm :P13:35
ogra_ok, specifying dns-nameservers in the inerfaces file seems to work ...13:36
* ogra_ adds another variable to his setup script13:36
* Chipaca wonders what DNS - nameservers leaves13:40
* Chipaca starts considering expensing a pizza15:19
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