
blahdeblahgbell: Linux.conf.au is on in January as well - I think it's in Geelong this year12:51
gbell@jea: I hadn't ever heard of OSDC!  Thanks Jea!  I went to Linuxconf in Tassie years ago... was fun and interesting but not sure worth the trip.  Anybody going to OSDC?21:38
meetingologygbell: Error: "jea:" is not a valid command.21:38
gbelljea: I hadn't ever heard of OSDC!  Thanks Jea!  I went to Linuxconf in Tassie years ago... was fun and interesting but not sure worth the trip.  Anybody going to OSDC?21:38
jeagbell: I know of some people going, but not from this channel specifically22:07

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