
pleia2nigelb: ubuntu-community-team mailing list, it got worse even after I looked on Friday x_x05:37
pleia2there's a bit difference between "just do it" and making decisions and changes that impact the whole team without actually ever talking to the team about it05:38
pleia2anyway, I'm done with the threads, behavior like this from members of our community is what's been burning me out05:38
pleia2it's not what I signed up for in Ubuntu (in fact, it's what I came to Ubuntu to get away from in other communities)05:39
* popey hugs pleia2 09:14
* nigelb hugs pleia2 too09:59
popeypleia2: mail sent about UOS.14:08
belkinsapleia2, sorry.14:45
* belkinsa hugs pleia214:45
belkinsaWait, pleia2, I shouldn't be sorry for anything!14:48
belkinsaBut still you need that hug.14:49
belkinsaAnd also....14:49
* belkinsa hugs popey14:49
pleia2thanks popey, nigelb and belkinsa, you all are awesome <317:19
pleia2popey: thank you re: UOS announcement! adding to fridge and UWN17:24
pleia2fowarded to community-announce too17:27
belkinsaAww, not a problem, pleia2.17:30
popeydoh, knew I'd missed a list17:33
pleia2it's ok, always happens :)17:37
* czajkowski hugs pleia2 18:42
czajkowskiso much for taking a brak from ml over the weekend, lordie that's depressing18:42
* pleia2 hugs18:44
czajkowskipleia2: on a good news side of things I got star wars baby grows for future niece18:45
czajkowskiand the star wars book for a princess18:45
czajkowskihad to read it before I gave it, hilarious!18:46
pleia2:D :D18:46
czajkowskiI have also just had CODE as a response to a wedding invite18:47
czajkowskiit's hilarious18:47
czajkowski- hosts: jon_and_laura18:47
czajkowski  tasks:18:47
czajkowski  - name: read rsvp18:47
czajkowski    message: delighted=true honoured=true attending=true drunk=probably18:47
czajkowski  notify:18:47
czajkowski     - NAME and NAME218:47
czajkowskihow nerdy is that :)18:47
czajkowskibut also flipping cool!18:47
pleia2nice :)18:48
czajkowskiI wish times like this before decisons are made it's actually put to the community team to discuss and roll out19:05
czajkowskidownside to LP being so easy to use to create a team on a whim which is great 99.99999999% of the time19:05
czajkowskialso stuff like this on the weekend when not enough people are around to weigh in or get people to pause before they go off and do stuff is really demotivating to come back to19:06
popeythat might be beneficial19:06
popeymeans people have a nice relax before mailing on monday morning19:06
popeyof course sometimes it all burns out before they get to19:07
czajkowskipopey: inded, but lordie I'm only half way through this ml and I'm outta steam19:08
popeyindeed, I tried to reply many times, then went to bed and replied in the morning when it had gone worse19:09
* czajkowski hugs popey 19:09
czajkowskiI've been on mothership duty and now looking19:09
czajkowskiI've been offline since thursday - although clearly the memo didn't reach CA office as they kept calling on Friday >:(19:10
nhandlermhall119: Very nice proposal20:35
belkinsa+1 for the proposal and yeah, I lost steam and the willpower to say anything to those threads.20:38
mhall119thanks, wish I had addressed that thread sooner, but I only just now read it all20:44
czajkowskiI do think the other option of deleting the lp team should be on the table tbh20:46
mhall119czajkowski: I agree, but I was trying to propose a middle ground that both side could perhaps agree on20:51
popeypleia2: awww, softpedia beat you to it :) http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-online-summit-for-ubuntu-16-04-lts-takes-place-on-november-3-5-2015-491614.shtml21:03
czajkowskipleia2: anyone you know out in http://sfist.com/2015/09/13/valley_fire_emergency.php#photo-121:08
hggdhyou now have been witness: how someone full of enthusiasm can share a whole structure23:22

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