
dsmythiesIt seems the mainline PPA kernel 4.3RC1 compiles failed. It seems that kernel compile now needs the libssl-dev package to be installed. Once I installed that package my compile of kernel 4.3-rc1 completed, albeit with a ton of dpkg-genchanges and "Use of uninitialized value" warnings at the end. 16:35
bkeroHeya guys. I'm trying to get the 4.3rc1 mainline kernel. The build script is broken. It's expecting some openssl headers to be installed it looks like: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.3-rc1-unstable/BUILD.LOG.amd6418:18
dsmythiesbkero: You were not in the room when I wrote earlier. You need the libssl-dev package installed to compile now. Also instead of compiling with "deb-pkg" using "bindeb-pkg" works a bit better, but I still get 532 lines of crap at the end and the .changes file that I do not want.18:27
bkerodsmythies: I usually just grab the debs and install those -- not compile myself18:29
bkerodsmythies: possible to fix the build server? :)18:30
dsmythiesI do not know anything about the build server. I just stopped by this IRC channel after having grief this morning, and baiscally finding what you found also.18:32
bkeroah ok18:32
dsmythiesbkero: If you are in a hurry for it, I could drop a built amd64 4.3-rc1 on my web site for you.18:36
bkeroNah, i have one. Thanks though.18:38
dsmythiesCommit 3716001bcb7f5822382ac1f2f54226b87312cc6b does the messing around with the deb-pkg option and introduces the bindeb-pkg build option as "the old way". Does anybody know why the bindeb-pkg option now introduces the change file. I ask becuase maybe I don't know somrthing about the bigger picture. 20:54
dsmythiesI am suggesting that in scripts/package/builddeb this stuff:20:55
dsmythies+       dpkg-genchanges -b > ../${sourcename}_${packageversion}_${debarch}.changes20:55
dsmythiesshouldn't be there.20:55
bkerodsmythies: hey, could you throw those debs for 4.3.0-rc1 up somewhere? :)21:30
dsmythiesbkero: O.K. give me a few minutes. (and by the way, my upink data rate is not great, so be prepared for a snooze while you wait.)22:03
bkerodsmythies: Don'tworry about it, compiling my own now :)22:04
bkeroTHought it would save me some time, but I decided to do it myself because I need a few new config options.22:04
dsmythies... Oh. O.K. Report back if your compile is O.K. Mine was, and I have been running it for over 5 hours now (but didn't stress it yet).22:06
bkeroI'm sure it'll be fine. Just need to get libssl-dev on the build servers so others can benefit.22:07
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