
=== One3yedd is now known as One3yed
One3yedcould a hospital's wifi have a firewall that blocks my Ubuntu guest from using the Bridged Adapter?00:27
mccHello, I am trying to do-release-upgrade on a VPS running Ubuntu. There are two partitions, and / (the older one) is very, very small. The drive is only 1.4 GB. The install demands 500 MB free. I have 50.00:30
mccIs there any way to get the install to store its temporary packages on some drive other htan /?00:31
mccfailing that, is there any sensible way to get the two partitions merged into one?00:31
mccor just any way out of this trap at all?00:31
LtLOne3yed: yes it's very common that hospitals block certain incoming ports and remote ip's00:32
SDRerDoes Ubuntu now come with .NET and the other Micorsoft technologies they open sourced?00:32
LtLOne3yed: i know for a fact some do00:32
Bashing-ommcc: Clean all the caches, and delete old kernels ? maybe get enough space .00:35
mcci did apt-get clean...00:36
mccare there any other caches? where do kernels live?00:36
SDRerDoes Ubuntu now come with .NET and the other Microsoft technologies they open sourced back in 2014?00:37
Bashing-ommcc: ' sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get autoremove ' Then check what is in /boot ' ls -al /boot ' that nothing else can be removed .00:38
Bashing-ommcc: ^^ Might gain a bit more : ' dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge ' he state is rc, the package is removed, but the config files are not removed .00:40
One3yedLtL do you know how I can force my vbox ubuntu guest to just use my network?00:41
One3yedhost network*00:41
One3yedor how to get around this problem of the firewall blocking my ubuntu guest00:41
mcchmm... well, i have about 52 MB free, and /boot contains only about 27 MB of files.00:42
mcci'm still hundreds short.00:42
mccit seems like i need to find a way to reformat.00:42
LtLOne3yed: no i don't00:43
Bashing-ommcc: :)00:44
mccoo, wait...00:44
mccswap appears to be in /var/swap? i guess i'm using a swap file?00:44
mcccan i move that? :O00:44
EriC^^One3yed: settings > network > bridged00:45
veXxi am trying to do a cli install only because the system is fairly old and only has an onboard video controller. i downloaded the i386 server 14.04 iso and used startup-disk-creator to make a bootable usb. when i boot to usb, i get no video signal. any ideas?00:46
One3yedbridged is whats not working, it worked at my house though00:46
EriC^^try nat maybe00:46
One3yedthe others don't work either though00:46
One3yedhow can i find out which step it gets stuck on?00:47
One3yedon the network layer00:47
Bashing-ommcc: Bear in mind I have no VPS experience, might look in "/etc/fstab" see what the mount point for swap is .. ' sudo fdisk -lu ' will tell ya if /swap is a partition .00:48
mccyeah, it's totes /var/swap00:48
mcccan i just change that path and it will make a new swap file on reboot? or is it more complicated than that?00:49
mccis editing /etc/fstab even safe? :O00:50
Bashing-ommcc: I do not know, can  the VPS for swap be configured to pass that virtual boundry ?00:50
mccwhat would happen on a non-VPS machine?00:51
mcci don't know how swap is normally selected.00:51
mcchm, this looks relevant https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq00:52
Bashing-ommcc: On a "normal" install .. /swap can be anywhere and as well a swap file can be abuwhere . // For that matter with enough ram /swap is not even needed .00:52
reisiomcc: you trying to make temporarily more space?00:53
mccreisio: yes, i want to run do-release-upgrade .00:53
reisioswap is pretty expendable and restorable00:54
Bashing-omreisio: mcc I had that same thought, but does the upgrade require "swap" for termporary files ?00:59
Bashing-omtemporary *00:59
reisioswap is not used for temporary files01:00
reisioit's basically if you run out of ram, which shouldn't be a problem for most environments most of the time01:00
Bashing-omReScO: mcc Worth a shot !01:00
reisioyou could also just make the swap file massively tinier, but I'd probably just nuke it01:01
EriC^^mcc: i think you should contact the vps regarding updating01:01
Bashing-ommcc: EriC^^ Has the beter idea, should not your hosting service upgrade for you ?01:04
mccthis is... not a very full-service hosting provider :(01:07
mccfrankly, i need to find a new vps provider.01:07
icy`hey, is Gnome better than KDE?01:17
Ben64if you like it more, then it is01:18
f10w3r5same same01:18
CyberGlohi, is trim for ssd enabled by default ?01:19
f10w3r5thats like coke vs pepsi, sprite vs sierra mist, Beverly Hills 90210 vs Melrose Place01:19
ubottuMany Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.01:19
CyberGlothank you.01:20
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:21
icy`the guy in Mr. Robot uses Gnome so I won´t use KDE01:21
reisioCyberGlo: depends on the FS01:21
iandbige_#/yikes sorry!01:22
CyberGloreisio i think it is ext401:23
CyberGloi beter look at that01:23
reisioCyberGlo: check /etc/fstab is using discard is all01:23
CyberGloyep it's ext401:27
CyberGloi did an fdisk -l and that didnt give the info01:27
CyberGloso i cd'd to etc and did a cat fstab01:27
CyberGloreisio since it is ext4 would that be enabled by default01:28
CyberGloi think it runs as a chron job or something is that right?01:28
reisioCyberGlo: it might have been enabled during FS creation, see tune2fs -l01:30
Bashing-om7JTAANZDL: []\qp[]\r9~jkl;'01:31
Bashing-omopps ^^ cat learning to type :)01:32
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=== staticsamurai is now known as Ricardus
abkshI'm having trouble installing ubuntu on my brand new machine... i know this is a noob question.. but can someone please help.. I posted the question on superuser as well : http://superuser.com/questions/972262/unable-to-install-ubuntu-on-new-machine01:47
gsaulabksh: Hmmm01:48
gsaulabksh: Troubling01:48
Xanlandgood evening everyone01:48
gsaulabksh: Maybe check the BIOS/UEFI settings for everything drive-related?01:49
abkshgsaul: can you think of anything that might be off ?01:49
gsaulA brand new drive shouldn't really be doing that01:49
gsaulabksh: If you reset your BIOS, it should default right to working settings, but of course that resets your BIOS01:50
gsaulmaybe RAID settings?01:50
abkshgsaul: everything is set to UEFI01:51
gsaulabksh: Yes, UEFI should be friendly...01:51
abkshgsaul: I have not configured anything !! this is freshout of the box.. built the system just 2 hours ago.. definitely have not configured RAID01:52
gsaulabksh: Maybe try a different installation method?01:52
pwhqHello all was looking for some assistance with proper use of a VPN/Proxy01:52
gsaulabksh: I would maybe look over your hard drive physically01:53
gsaulabksh: If you just built it, there may be some problems with the drive installation01:53
abkshgsaul: So i have tried two versions.. Ubuntu 15.04 and xUbuntu 15.04.. both give the same error.. so I'm guessing nothing worng with the images..01:53
pwhqIf I am trying to bypass a work firewall so I can watch football tomorrow, what type of setup should I use proxy or VPN?  I'd like to connect to either using just google chrome since the computer will not allow me to install extra software01:53
gsaulabksh: I would maybe burn the image on a DVD (most can hold it) and try to install that way01:53
gsaulabksh: Also, can you put the drive in another computer (desktop) and look for weird stuff there?01:54
abkshgsaul: yes i have tried this drive on my other machine to see if there are any errors.. It seems completely fine. Windows was able to pick it up and even format it to NTFS.. and was usable..01:55
gsaulabksh: Did you check the hash on the file system01:55
gsaulabksh: ?01:55
gsaulabksh: So Windows could format to NTFS, and the error message is it couldn01:56
gsault reformat to ext4...01:56
gsaulabksh: I would try it with 14.10 or some other 14.x.x version of Ubuntu01:56
gsaulabksh: Maybe 15.04 has an issue with installing to some NTFS-formatted drives?01:57
abkshgsaul: ok I will do that01:57
gsaulabksh: Doesnt really make since though01:57
abkshgsaul: exactly..01:57
gsaulabksh: I would try that first01:57
gsaulabksh: Then use a DVD instead of USB01:57
Ben64you can't install to ntfs01:57
gsaulabksh: And be sure to check the hash every time!!!01:58
gsaulBen64: But he is trying to just wipe over01:58
veXxabksh: you could try booting to a live cd, and installing gparted. let it partition and format then try the install?01:58
gsaulBen64: He isnt installing with NTFS filesystem01:58
gsaulveXx: Very nice idea01:58
abkshgsaul: Yes, like Ben64 says.. I just want to wipe it clean..01:58
gsaulabksh: I would try that01:58
abkshgsaul: I will try the live boot with gparted01:59
gsaulabksh: After this you deserve an Ubuntu sticker for your laptop01:59
abkshgsaul: thanks, I just want ubuntu on my new machine :cry: hope this works.. will update here if it works02:00
Xanlandanyone in here perhaps having experience with openstack and ubuntu?02:06
Xanlandlike, I have two fixed an two floating IPs assigned to my server - but still can't connect to my server via the second floating IP02:10
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mccSo... I am confused. I ran dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge02:21
mccaaand it seems to have uninstalled mysql.02:21
Ben64thats why you shouldn't run a command like that without checking what it will do first02:22
mccnow if i say sudo apt-get install mysql-server it says it's alreayd installed.02:22
mcc*shrugs* i did, it looked innocuous02:22
Ben64check dpkg log to see what exactly happened02:22
mcci guess i'm going to remove and reinstall that package02:22
mccok, that seemed to work02:24
Bashing-ommcc: All the the 'dpkg' command does is look for files that are marked 'rc' and purge them .02:25
mccwhat is rc?02:25
ki7rwfiles like rc.local?02:28
mcchere is another question... /var/log is taking up a lot of space on disk… is there a "correct" way to clear that out and start over? if i say rm /var/log/*, or delete the files without removing the dirs, will that break anything?02:30
Bashing-ommcc: "rc' from the package manager  is packagess (R)emoved but (C)onfig files remain .02:30
mccah, i see.02:30
Bashing-ommcc: One can safely remove all log files . Sometimes these logs go deep .02:31
mccok. and probably deleting the *directories* will lead to them politely being recreated?02:31
Ben64maybe, maybe not02:32
Bashing-ommcc: That has been my experience .02:32
reisiomcc: you can delete any logs you don't want, but it's harder to undelete them :p02:32
mccyes, it is true02:33
reisiotext files like logs usually gzip (etc.) very well, though02:33
mccthis is… five years? worth of gzipped logs :)02:33
Bashing-ommcc: I would not de;ete the directories . There are applications that rely on the directories presence .02:33
reisioyou can also dial back the verbosity of your apps that log02:33
reisioand dial them back up if things go pear shaped02:33
OerHeksmcc old but still valid, logrotat, so you can set days/size to store https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-manage-log-files-with-logrotate-on-ubuntu-12-1002:34
mccprobably after this i'm good for another five years.02:35
mccand probably i won't let these VPSes survive that long. i hope.02:35
reisiocould also just add more space02:36
OerHekssome add a dedicated drive for /log/02:37
mccreisio: yeah, that's the awkward part. i have more space. it's just / is on a very small partition, and the rest of the virtual drive is on a bigger partition :/02:45
Bashing-ommcc: How many kernels remain installed ? One only needs 2 .02:46
mccit appears i've only got the 1. it looks like the LAST do-upgrade removed the extra ones.02:47
mccanyway, i eventually got JUST under the limit, mostly by moving things to the larger partition.02:47
mccso, yay!02:48
reisiomcc: what're the separate partitions for?02:49
mccreisio: literally no reason. there is a partition that was originally there, at a certain point the virtual disk increased in size, a new partition was created out of the blank space.02:50
mccthis entire setup is awful.02:50
Aqui1aHello, peeps. I'm going to install Ubuntu onto a second drive. I just wanted to know where you think I should install GRUB2?02:50
reisiomcc: ah :)02:51
Bashing-omAqui1a: To the drive that ubuntu is installed onto .02:51
reisioAqui1a: what's on the first?02:51
mccAqui1a: Out of curiosity, do you know if this is a UEFI machine...02:51
Aqui1aI've just installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 on my new SSD02:51
reisioAqui1a: so... windows is on the first?02:52
reisioAqui1a: if you want GRUB in control, I'd make Ubuntu's drive the first, not the second02:52
reisioif you want Windows' loader in control, you can just put grub on the 2nd02:52
reisioyou can also put grub on the first and still have windows on the first02:52
Aqui1areisio: What do you mean make ubuntu's drive the first?02:53
reisiobut that's a little more complicated than is necessary02:53
reisioin the order your bios/etc. sees drives02:53
Aqui1aOh, I see...02:53
Aqui1aSomeone did mention about putting GRUB on my Windows drive, but honestly I didn't understand why, or even how...02:53
ViperZQUESTION - i ran easybcd on my windows 8.1 to point to my linux grub bootloader and it broke my bootmanager for windows - im on a linux live and was wondering how i can edit my efi to fix this boot problem02:55
reisioAqui1a: well if it works right, all you do is tell grub to install to /dev/sda02:55
reisioAqui1a: and if it doesn't, you have to jump through some hoops02:55
reisioAqui1a: but if you make the ubuntu drive the first drive, and put grub on that first drive, and have the windows drive the second drive, there'll be slightly less to go wrong02:56
Ben64ViperZ: you should ask ##windows about that02:56
reisiothough conceivably if the other drive is a spinner, booting would be slower02:56
Aqui1areisio: I see... They're both SSD btw.02:56
reisioViperZ: how's it broken?02:57
ViperZBen64: no as i am trying to manually fix the problem from linux02:57
reisioAqui1a: k, so that won't be an issue02:57
reisioAqui1a: I'd put the ubuntu disk as the first disk, and grub on that disk02:57
Aqui1areisio: Could you tell me if I'd be able to see GRUB on my first drive, if I install it on there?02:57
reisioAqui1a: it's more straightforward to have the bootloader for each OS on the same disk02:57
Aqui1areisio: Hmm ok02:57
Ben64ViperZ: yes as it is a windows problem02:57
reisioand GRUB is designed to boot multiple OSes02:57
Aqui1areisio: Yeah, that's true02:57
reisiowhereas Windows' boot loader is only designed to boot Windows02:57
ViperZreisio: when it comes up it shows a linux boot but it only takes me to a repair for windows - will not boot to any os02:57
ViperZBen64: i need to know how to access from linux02:58
Aqui1areisio: So all I'd have to do is install it normally, and just change the boot order in BIOS?02:58
reisioViperZ: can probably run boot-repair from an Ubuntu image02:58
Ben64ViperZ: to fix windows, ask ##windows02:58
reisioAqui1a: be better to change the order first02:58
reisioAqui1a: or simply physically change the order02:58
sbluenso I'm trying to restore my windows partition02:58
ViperZBen64:  thank you but reisio understands the issue02:58
reisioAqui1a: then, if it were the first disk, there would be no defaults to change at all, IIRC02:58
Aqui1areisio: I might as well do it prior to installation! :)02:58
sbluenI think using windows installation media should work02:58
reisioAqui1a: yeah :p02:59
reisioif I remember correctly02:59
reisio's'long to type, y'see02:59
Aqui1alol Yes02:59
Aqui1aYou know, I've grown up on the internet, and know all the old-school initialisms/acronyms, but the new ones just don't stick in my head...03:00
Aqui1aI think I'm getting old.03:00
Aqui1areisio: Anyway, seeing as you've convinced me to do it your way ;P do you know if it's possible to change the order of the GRUB loader?03:00
sbluenI might end up buying a new windows license if my ubuntu installation forces me to give microsoft more money if, in an ironic twist of fate, that's the only way ot get to my windows partition03:00
Ben64sbluen: what are you talking about03:01
ViperZreisio: i have a bootable boot repair disk but it wants me to to be in uefi mode to use it but when i switch to uefi mode to boot i no longer can boot from my cd as its not an option03:01
reisioAqui1a: change the order?03:01
reisioIIRC is probably the first one :p03:01
reisiogod it's long03:01
reisioit's more of a PITA to type than internationalization03:02
ViperZreisio: Is there a boot repair on can download and run my my live linux im on?03:02
sbluenBen64, dual boot configuration problems03:02
reisioViperZ: do you have grub-install or grub2-install?03:02
Ben64sbluen: so ask a question03:02
reisiothat frikkin' capital 'I' is the killer03:02
Aqui1areisio: Well, when I used to use GRUB2, it would list Ubuntu at the top, and Windows at the bottom... and the countless times I'd let the bloody timer run down to 0 before choosing to boot Windows...03:02
ViperZthis is a install live so it should have it03:02
sbluenif I didn't shrink my windows partition, how do I get it as a dual boot option?03:03
reisiosbluen: get another disk03:03
Aqui1areisio: I'd honestly prefer to have Windows at the top, as it's probably - definitely - the one I use more often03:03
Ben64Aqui1a: you can set grub to boot what was booted last03:03
reisioAqui1a: yeah you can change that to anything you like03:03
ViperZreisio: i have grub installed though just not on the MBR volume03:03
reisioit's based off a text file, even if the file tends to be a bit unreadable these days03:04
reisioViperZ: where was it installed before?03:04
utu8odoes anyone here have trouble with the tinychat website when using Ubuntu?03:05
reisioutu8o: you perhaps?03:05
ViperZreisio: i created all new partitions and installed linux to it - was going to point windows bootloader to the grub bootloader when it broke the bootmanager03:05
utu8oreisio, yeah me :P03:05
reisioViperZ: so only windows was booting at that point03:06
reisioViperZ: and you were going to config windows so it could load grub03:06
ViperZreisio: correct03:06
reisioViperZ: I'd probably get Ubuntu working first, then you can go about fixing Windows' loader, if it needs it03:06
utu8othe captcha won't load on the website for me, could it be a flash or java issue with Ubuntu?03:07
reisioeither install grub to the first disk and get Ubuntu booting, or reorder the disks and install grub to the first disk03:07
reisioutu8o: which website?03:07
ViperZreisio: well i have grub installed but nothing in the boot points to it so nothing on the hard disk boots03:07
reisioViperZ: you can install grub to the mbr/etc. and make sure the config is good so Ubuntu will boot03:08
ergwhy is the nvidia-current point to nvidia-304 instead of nvidia-346?03:08
reisioWindows can be trickier, it depends what you've done03:08
reisioerg: why's it matter03:08
ergbecause i want the performance and bugfixes that later versions are supposed to bring03:08
ergand there's nothing "current" about an old version. unless i dont understand the version numbering scheme03:09
Aqui1areisio: Thanks very much for the help. You've definitely saved me a lot of time and effort lol. I'm off to get things rolling. bb!03:09
reisioerg: what's your graphics device?03:10
erggtx 97003:10
ViperZreisio: it shows sda2 as a FAT32 with the flag for boot - so your saying if i installed grub there it would boot to that?03:11
Ben64erg: what version of ubuntu03:11
reisioViperZ: no I wouldn't install to a partition03:11
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reisioViperZ: if you aren't dealing with too much u/efi nonsense, you just grub(2)-install to /dev/sda03:11
utu8oViperZ, maybe just try the boot-repair app03:12
erg15.04 with latest stuff03:12
Ben64erg: then it shouldn't be 30403:12
ViperZutu8o: i did but it wouldnt fix unless i was in efi mode and when in efi mode i do not see my cdrom to boot from03:12
ergBen64: that's what i joined #ubuntu to bitch about03:13
Ben64erg: please don't come here to complain03:13
cfhowletterg, not the channel for that03:13
ViperZreisio: will that take over the boot process - would that make things worse from a boot perspective03:13
ergi'm not only complaining though, i want to run the latest driver...03:13
ergso if installing nvidia-current isn't the right way, then what is?03:14
Ben64you just said you came to complain. anyway, install nvidia-340 or something, there are newer versions in the repo03:14
ergi said i came to bitch03:14
uRockI download the latest driver I can find and install it'03:14
reisioerg: not sure what version if any supports gtx 97003:15
erghonestly i'd rather have http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/90393/en-us (355.11)03:15
Ben64then do that03:15
ergbut the packages only go up to nvidia-34603:15
reisioah, that one does03:15
reisioerg: it's a binary any way you slice it, download it and run it if you want03:15
ergso should i just install that from the link, or does ubuntu put some secret sauce in it?03:15
Ben64or use a ppa03:15
Ben64whatever you want, really03:15
ergk cool03:16
reisioubuntu tracks the files via the package manager03:16
reisioif you use a ppa it'll do that03:16
reisiodon't care for nouveau?03:16
Bashing-omerg: Terminal command ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' to see the drivers available in the software repository .03:17
uRockI haven't had many driver issues since the days of 10.04 and 10.1003:17
erg"In comparison, benchmarks, nouveau has not been able to keep up with Nvidia's proprietary graphics device drivers." -wikipedia03:17
ViperZreisio: it looks like i have to install grub - it in the install package but not in the live03:17
ergyeah, nvidia-346 is the latest from ubuntu-drivers list03:18
capsicum1Hi I trying to write a script and come accross a new variable. Not sure what it is, it is "$$"03:23
capsicum1fount it  The process number of the current shell. For shell scripts, this is the process ID under which they are executing.03:26
samthewildonemy newest error  >http://codepad.org/cJsDmB0p03:29
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ergreisio: the ppa is awesome. it has nvidia-355, which i'm downloading (slowly)03:43
reisiocool, gj03:44
WeaselsDoes anyone here use Geary as their mail client?03:46
bazhang!info geary03:47
ubottugeary (source: geary): lightweight email client designed for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.3-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 1360 kB, installed size 6297 kB03:47
WeaselsI'm looking to customize a font colour in it - I know I can with CSS, but I don't know what element to target.03:48
karlthaneAnybody use HPLIP to run their printer?03:52
reisiokarlthane: probably some bodies do, yeah03:56
reisioViperZ: ?03:59
karlthaneMine is officejet pro 8600, when I try and configure it so that it knows it has a duplexer, that option is greyed out. I don't know if you have to be root to fix that or if I am missing something. If root, then how to I get config program to run. I try sudo hp-toolbox and it errors out with error: dbus initialization error: exiting04:00
ViperZreisio: I used a tool called Rescatux which had a grub2 loader on it and it found my installed version and I am now on my installed linux - but cant boot to it from hard disk04:01
reisiokarlthane: no more specific model #?04:07
reisioViperZ: need to grub-install to the first device04:08
happyhapyJust stopping by to let you poor cunts know that ubuntu is total fucking asswipe garbage, i wouldnt use a canonical dvd coaster for coffee lest i catch some fucking disease. fuck mark shuttleworth, i feel sorry for you cunts,04:09
reisiocds make great coasters, though04:09
reisiokarlthane: ever run hp-setup?04:10
clonk2ubuntuhello, first time user here, how do I change which audio device plays sound04:11
ViperZreisio: i get a permission error04:11
ViperZreisio: unshare failed: Operation not permitted04:11
ViperZInstalling for i386-pc platform.04:11
ViperZgrub-install.real: error: cannot delete `/boot/grub/i386-pc/macho.mod': Permission denied.04:11
reisioclonk2ubuntu: what for?04:13
reisioViperZ: as root?04:13
ViperZyes - using sudo04:13
clonk2ubuntureisio, I have a usb headset I am trying to get to play audio instead of my laptops built in speakers04:13
veXxclonk2ubuntu: try using pavucontrol04:14
clonk2ubuntuveXx, pulse audio volume control?04:15
ViperZreisio: im looking at a link that shows mounting the ntfs and installing grub - https://www.maketecheasier.com/restore-grub-2-as-the-main-bootloader/04:16
reisioclonk2ubuntu: if all else fails, look into ~/.asoundrc pcm.!default { ... playback.pcm { type plug slave.pcm "usb"... etc.04:16
reisioViperZ: don't need to mount ntfs to install grub04:16
veXxclonk2ubuntu: yes, it will let you reroute your input and output to the device you want04:16
clonk2ubuntuveXx, reisio Many thanks04:17
ViperZreisio: just trying to figure out why it wont install with the command you gave me04:17
NikeshIf I'm on 14.10, can I use 15.04 .debs for certain packages?04:17
reisioViperZ: page wants you to mount your Ubuntu root fs04:18
reisioNikesh: you can try04:18
Nikeshreisio: Hah. Well, I suppose there might be dependencies from other things..04:18
ViperZreisio: hmmmm it showed sda1 which was the ntfs - ok let me try04:18
sbluenI really think fixing dual-boot should be a priority for us04:20
reisiosbluen: first it'd have to be both something that was broken, and then also something that had a point to it :p04:22
reisioas it is, most people only need one OS04:22
samthewildoneI'm having 401/403 errors trying to add ppa from my launchpad04:23
clonk2ubuntuveXx, Its not letting me change my output device04:24
sbluenreisio, it is almost broken04:24
samthewildoneactually here is the error now, "Adding private PPAs is not supported currently04:24
clonk2ubuntusbluen, hes gone04:24
sbluenas a steam user, I have plenty of reason to want to keep windows04:25
quiet_nerdsbluen: any particular steam games keeping you on Windows?04:26
sbluenosu is a hard one to get working with wine04:26
sbluenhttps://osu.ppy.sh/ that's this one04:26
quiet_nerdohh yes. I have first-hand seen that mess04:27
quiet_nerdI just set up a Windows VM today for Microsoft Mathematics, I'm going to give osu! a try when I have some free tiem04:27
sbluenhttp://store.steampowered.com/app/282900 this one is also difficult04:27
sbluenquiet_nerd, let me know if it runs at a playable speed04:30
sbluenfor now, it might be best to set osu's wine status as garbage04:30
quiet_nerdsbluen: it probably won't since I have a potato computer compared to many (2014 Celeron laptop, Bay Trail-D)04:30
quiet_nerdwacom tablet, mechanical keyboard... bay trail-D.04:31
sbluenyeah, celerons are nearly always cheaper and worse on benchmarks than intel core computers04:31
quiet_nerdof course I get more performance with Ubuntu MATE than I was with W1004:33
sbluenthat depends on what bloatware and settings corruption your windows installation has04:34
quiet_nerdwent from a clean W7 install to W10 with minimal additions (Spotify and Skype were the only two autostarts)04:34
sbluenI used my task manager and process hacker a lot on windows 7, and I still had a hard time dealing with the indexing service and windows defender04:34
quiet_nerdyou know a channel is dead when you can talk offtopic for a long time without anyone yelling at you04:35
veXxwell it is fairly late04:36
mccCan you help me understand what this error message means or what to do about it? https://gist.github.com/mcclure/32077c05ee617c098afc04:36
sbluenmcc, does it work to run mysql on your computer?04:37
mccsbluen: what do you mean?04:37
mcci can run the mysql client, although it fails to connect to the local socket (which makes snese as the server is not rnning)04:38
quiet_nerdmcc: run sudo apt-get -f install04:38
quiet_nerdthen try whatever you were doing again04:38
mccquiet_nerd: same error messages, line 11 on are identical04:39
mcci just did two do-dist-upgrade's or whatever they're called04:40
veXxlol were you running ubuntu 8.04 or something???04:40
alocerversion mismatch i say .04:40
mccvexx: … … w… what if i say yes04:41
veXxthanks, that made my night04:41
veXxhave you tried purging the packages and reinstalling?04:42
mcci actually upgraded from 10.04, but i… *think* this VPS was upgraded 8.04 -> 10.04 only very recently.04:42
veXxhow about i trade you my problem for yours04:43
mccwhich problem was yours again04:44
veXxtrying to get ubuntu installed on a nexcom ebc563... i managed to get alpine installed but then realized they didnt have most of the packages i wanted04:45
veXxit was a realitively easy install04:46
veXxbut i cant even get the ubuntu install to boot04:46
mccok so on doing a purge and reinstall i get some funny configure box that asks me to set a mysql root password ... i get an uninformative box that says the password couldn't be set04:46
mcci tr running start mysql"04:46
Trinityhi guys, I have a process that is sending 100kib upload04:47
mcc 04:47
Trinityi ran nethogs and the program sending is called whoopsie04:47
Trinityshould I be worried? and also what is the processes called whoopsie?04:47
mccstart: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory04:48
mccthat… is that bad? that sounds bad.04:48
veXxmcc: sudo service mysql start04:50
mccthis looks like kinda the same problem and it does seem to be migration-related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/811441 :(04:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Fix released]04:50
mcc"start: Job failed to start"04:51
Trinitynvmd, fix mine04:51
veXxmcc: you also got some every about a directly not existing right? have you tried creating it?04:57
veXxmcc: owernship and perms should be something like this drwxr-xr-x  2 messagebus messagebus04:59
veXxmcc: if you dont already have that directory04:59
mcchow do i check to see if a package is installed…?05:02
mccdpkg --get-selections | grep  i guess.05:02
mcci do not seem to have dbus installed.05:03
mccfor this reason, it seems it would be unsurprising if the /var/run directory for dbus is not present.05:03
mccactually, i don't have dbus installed on my other vps either, and that one is running mysql fine.05:03
veXxdont question the binaries gods man05:04
samthewildonenite nite people05:06
veXxmcc: just dont reboot it lol05:08
airstrikehi. i'm trying to use gitweb with nginx, but I'm getting 403 forbidden when I try to list contents in /home/git/repositories05:11
airstrikenginx is running as www-data as per `ps aux | grep nginx` and /home/git/repositories has 755 permissions and is owned by git:www-data05:11
airstrikewhat else should I check for?05:11
mccso let me take a different tack… "invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed" is there a way to get more verbose errors for this line?05:12
veXxairstrike: maybe apparmor?05:15
veXxmcc: you looked through your logs?05:16
stevecamim trying to troubleshoot an error and i keep on running in to dead ends, i have an ATI graphics card, all of a sudden my drivers have stopped working, i can't find /dev/dri/card0 but my fglrx module is loaded05:23
veXxwhen im stuck on something, i just grep -iR [whatever] /var/log/05:24
veXxmaybe fine something else to start with05:24
stevecami cant remember which update might of broke all this, but i started experiencing the issues with after installing KDE on my ubuntu installation, X kept on complaining about going in to failsafe05:24
ghostinzshellIs there a reason why Ubuntu's Docs recommend /boot/efi instead of /boot alone? Just wondering.05:30
mccso i am beginning to think my problem is that /etc/mysql is hanging around from a previous install05:33
mccif i "purge" mysql and mysql-server, i still find /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql are still there05:33
veXxmcc: yea purge/remove wont get rid of those05:34
mccis there another likely folder i should be aware of?05:34
mccthe punchline is when this is all done i'm gonna try to restore a /var/lib/mysql i pulled out of the LAST install :/05:35
veXxyou could try something like05:36
veXxfind / -name mysql05:36
memelordHello, I have installed i3 on Ubuntu, but I am having an issue accessing dmenu. I press mod+D and it just sits there with a loading cursor and doesn't actually do anything. Has anyone else had this issue?05:44
mccvexx: you have a point05:47
mcclook at this bizarre error "plugins already exists" https://gist.github.com/mcclure/f1faf4da7d083e125c2705:47
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veXxmcc: thats odd for a clean install06:00
mccthere might have been a  mysql-common package already installed actually06:00
mccOKAY, that was it06:05
mccit wasn't a clean install at all06:05
mcci had removed mysql-server but not mysql-common06:05
mcci … i think i win!06:05
mccexcept that i still haven't restored my old mysql tables.06:06
vinicius_hi there06:06
mcci'm gonna take a break and watch some speedruns i think :P06:06
mcchanks much for the help so far06:06
vinicius_anyone having issues using pipelight and latest ubuntu 14.04's firefox versin06:06
veXxmcc: got mysql to start finally?06:08
rustuptwist__I am about to install Ubuntu 12.04.3 onto a school computer. What most essential files should be added immediately after the install, i.e. Anti-virus, etc? Thanks06:28
bekksrustuptwist__: Install 14.04.3 instead.06:30
macopythonGuys I am executing this "echo '" + root_pwd + "' | echo 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password " + mysql_pwd + "' | sudo debconf-set-selections"06:31
macopythonAm I doing anything wrong ?06:31
macopythonIt is not working06:31
macopythonIt says "[sudo] password for mac sh: echo: I/O error"06:32
bekkstoloudz: You should stop insulting me in an unasked query.06:33
toloudzmacopython: try without password. bekks06:33
rustuptwist__bekks: it's a dell Optiplex 790 and the Ubuntu website said that was the preferred OS and I just so happened to have the CD06:33
bekkstoloudz: Whatever you are talking about.06:33
macopythontoloudz, I want to supply password inline06:35
rustuptwist__bekks: my main obj is to get a computer up and running and hope to show the school how easy (I hope) using Ubuntu is. Also I hope to thwart the student tweaking and viruses that come with that activity.06:35
macopythonIt seems multiple echos not working06:35
bekksmacopython: whats the mysql-server command you want to execute, in fact?06:36
macopythonI use that statement to set default password for installing mysql-server06:37
bekksmacopython: Is it: "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password shinypassword"?06:37
macopythonAfter that I execute apt-get install mysql-server06:37
macopythonSo it will not ask for password06:37
bekksmacopython: That statement you wrote will never work, so you cannot use ut.06:37
bekksmacopython: Whats the actual command you want to use?06:38
rustuptwist__bekks: I assume you are suggesting 14.xxx because it is latest os version and/or is more reliable than 12.xx? Would that hold true for the PC model I mentioned?06:38
bekksrustuptwist__: I am suggesting it because it is the latest LTS.06:39
macopythonI want to install mysql-server without entering paassword06:39
macopythonand using default password that I set prior using debconf-set-selections06:39
bekksmacopython: You are repeating yourself. dpkg-set-selections sets a selection, it does not install anything.06:39
macopythonYes but after that statement I execute apt-get install mysql-server06:40
bekksmacopython: So which command do you want to use for installing and configuring your mysql-server ?06:40
bekksmacopython: Yes. And then?06:40
macopythonapt-get install mysql-server06:41
macopythonI am using this command to install mysql06:41
bekksmacopython: And after it?06:41
rustuptwist__bekks: ok then I will DL it and if my experiment goes well I will use it in the next machine. I hope these machines are not too old for it.06:41
macopythonThats it06:41
bekksmacopython: So you dont even provide an inline password, so your first statements doesnt make any sense06:42
macopythonbekks, check http://justpaste.it/nol806:43
macopythonI am doing everything from fabric script06:43
bekksmacopython: So in fact you want to execute another command after installing mysqlserver - you just said no.06:43
macopythonAccording to script, yes06:44
bekksmacopython: Which kind of script is that, where did you get that snippet from?06:44
rustuptwist__Being that it is a school environment I'm concerned about malware/viruses. Are these fears unfounded since it is a Linux OS?06:44
macopythonI have written it06:44
bekksrustuptwist__: No.06:44
macopythonIts a Python fabric script06:44
macopythonCheckout formatted http://pastebin.com/NMsntaVi06:46
rustuptwist__bekks: can you suggest a freeware or shareware anti-virus software? I'm assuming the boot cd will not include, correct?06:46
bekksmacopython: When stripping off all that python - which deb-conf command are you trying to execute?06:47
bekks!info clamav | rustuptwist__06:47
ubotturustuptwist__: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 95 kB, installed size 743 kB06:47
baizonrustuptwist__: btw. im not using an av for 10 years now and had 0 viruses in that time06:48
baizonuse it only if you have windows related stuff on your system06:49
bekksbaizon: The difference is: in a school hundreds of kids are using computers, with hundreds of possible infected media.06:49
macopythonbekks, command is debconf-set-selections06:49
bekksmacopython: So you would open a shell and just type "debconf-set-selections" and press enter? No further options, nothing?06:50
bekksmacopython: If so - why are you providing all that crap before calling that command?06:50
rustuptwist__And the school is in the Middle East so they don't view anti-virus software the same way we do in the States 😖06:50
macopythonExact command is : sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password your_password'06:51
bekksmacopython: Thats what I am asing all the time...06:51
bekksmacopython: As you can see, you script code doesnt even contain "<<<".06:51
macopythonI am executing in this way : echo "mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password password root" | debconf-set-selections06:51
macopythonyes I know06:52
bekksmacopython: I am out of that issue, since I get two different answers from your withing 40 seconds - regarding the same question. I cant handle your inconsistency.06:52
macopythonI am executing echo "mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password password root" | debconf-set-selections06:53
macopythonForget first one06:53
macopythonFirst version I told you does same but the way is different06:53
macopythonI have got ah t from : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7739645/install-mysql-on-ubuntu-without-password-prompt06:54
bekksmacopython: Your script code contains two pipes while the command you want to execute contains one pipe only.06:54
rustuptwist__So to update the 12.04.3 sw will be approx 395mb. I'm getting a choice to upgrade to 14.04.3 LTS will an upgrade to that vers be significantly more MB's or not really?06:57
mccrust: uhh, i just did this. i don't think it was more than like a hundred megs.07:00
mcclook at it this wyay you'll have to upgrade someday07:00
rustuptwist__mcc: it just that here in Riyadh the connections are quite slow. Anyway are you saying you went from 12.04.3 to 14.04.3 and it wa only 100 mb?07:02
bekksrustuptwist__: Just download the 14.04.3 iso.07:03
rustuptwistbekks: clamTk or is that something different that what you mentioned?07:12
bekksrustuptwist: clamtk is a tk graphical interface for clamav07:20
rustuptwistOk got to teach a class. Will try to apt-get it or something later07:22
ubathello ;)07:24
ubatwhat is the best way to have ubuntu lts up to date but with the almost latest version of apache and php?07:26
bekksubat: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;07:26
ubatbekks: ok but now for example in 14.04 lts we have apache 2.4.7 and php 5.5.907:28
bekksubat: Which contain all necessary latest security patches as well.07:28
bekks!latest | ubat07:28
ubottuubat: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:28
ubatbekks: thx a lot07:29
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging07:29
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates07:30
mccEVERYTHING WORKED! somehow!07:31
mccnow i sleep07:31
samsherHello, can I change screen resolution to 1366x768 from 1360x768 ? (my native monitor resolution is 1366x768)07:36
baizonsamsher: http://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution07:39
samsherlet me take a loot @baizon07:39
NorbinI have a secondary SSD /sdb that apparently has "2 bad sectors", according to SMART. the drive works fine as far as I can tell. my issue is actually the fact that smart keeps trying to check the disk "Self test in progress" and it never finishes, stuck on "10% left" for days, I tried to completely format the drive etc, same thing. any suggestions to what I can try?07:40
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bujjihow to to remove installed softwares07:49
bujjipopey: o/07:49
baizonbujji: software center, click the remove button07:49
bujjibaizon: i am using ubuntu software center unable to remove07:50
baizonbujji: then use the terminal and sudo apt-get remove <packagename>07:51
bujjibaizon: that one i tried07:52
baizonbujji: well and what was the error msg then?07:53
bujjiunale to locate the packaege07:55
baizonbujji: then its not installed?07:55
bujjibut its showing in dpkg list07:56
baizonbujji: sudo apt-get autoclean ?07:57
baizonmaybe its in the cache?07:57
bujjibaizon: how to see how much space is taking installed softwares07:58
baizonbujji: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62290/how-do-i-list-installed-software-with-the-installed-size07:59
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bujjibaizon: failed to install  "Synaptic" unable to fetch08:02
max12345hey, reading more firefox shenanigans, how is it decided what's default software on a distribution anyway?08:04
baizonbujji: sudo apt-get update08:04
bujjibaizon: i am doing that one now08:05
baizonmax12345: i dont understand the question08:05
bujjiit takes time08:05
max12345baizon: when you install ubuntu, stuff like firefox is part of the package08:05
max12345how is that decided08:05
baizonmax12345: the one or more maintainer decide08:06
max12345baizon: I doubt there is one maintainer for ubuntu08:06
baizonmax12345: you ask "distributions", thats why i wrote "one or more"08:06
max12345no I didn't. but ok, how is the process for ubuntu?08:08
tkxxxHi, we are using Live Ubuntu USB's in school. Is there a way that I can disable kids being able to install it over a system disk!? We just want to use the 'try ubuntu' option on the LiveUSB08:11
bujjibaizon: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/synaptic/synaptic_0.80.2_i386.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80] E: Internal Error, ordering was unable to handle the media swap08:12
baizonbujji: well change the server?08:12
bujjibaizon: how08:12
baizonbujji: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104695/how-do-i-change-mirrors-in-ubuntu-server-from-regional-to-main08:13
baizonmax12345: well i found all information, but you left. Thanks for that08:15
PsyMarSigh.  I've been trying to install Ubuntu -- 14.04 LTS *or* 12.04 LTS, can't make either work, the latter kernel panics -- on an Alienware laptop with only a USB-based DVD drive.08:15
PsyMar14.04 LTS reaches a point where all 5 of the little lights under "ubuntu" are lit, and then it stops doing anything including accessing the CD.08:16
PsyMarer, DVD08:16
PsyMarI've also tried a USB boot, which complains it can't find the CD.  Help?08:16
baizonPsyMar: edit grub, remove "quiet splash" and analyze the boot process08:16
PsyMarI don't have grub installed.08:17
PsyMarHow do I get that installed?08:17
bujjibaizon: https://bpaste.net/show/005be73f5a86 what i need to change in hs08:17
baizonbujji: so support for saucy anymore. thats apt-get isnt working08:19
bujjiso solution08:19
baizonbujji: upgrade to 14.0408:19
bujjihow to do that08:20
baizonbujji: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TrustyUpgrades08:20
pesariPsyMar: try installing with an older image, I've heard of issues with a usb HD with the 14.04.3 kernel - maybe it's the same issue for you08:20
pesarialthough it was not during installation...08:21
PsyMarI tried a 12.04 and got a kernel panic.08:21
PsyMarI'm using a USB DVD.08:21
PsyMarI found how to boot into grub, though, I think08:22
bujjibaizon: while doing this do i need to take the back up08:22
baizonbujji: yes08:22
baizonbujji: its recommended08:23
PsyMaraha! seems to be working.  Text is tiny in grub, but that's probably just because I have a huge-resolution display08:23
bujjibaizon: any process of doing this08:24
baizonbujji: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem08:24
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rts-Hi, I am trying to write a simple bash script to change a specific $variable in a MySQL table, but the script keeps failing with "line 23: `$DOMAIN': not a valid identifier" I am sorry, but I am just getting started on bash scripting, help would be appreciated.  It is only a few lines, you can look at it here: http://pastebin.com/DEGWePkV08:31
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puffWhat's the current GUI ubuntu installer?  In 14.04 LTS, I mean. Didn't they change away from Synaptic?08:36
DJonespuff: Ubuntu Software centre, although you can still use and install Synaptic08:37
cinvokeI think i should run the latest kernel on ubuntu 1504.  uname says im running 3.19.0-28 and i noticed 3.19.2 is out.  I went through some pain to get nvidia drivers and other low level drivers correct.  If i update kernel, am i looking at all that crap breaking again and also dkms module recompilations?08:39
baizonpuff: ubuntu software center08:40
baizoncinvoke: yes08:41
cinvokebaizon, crap.  probably best to avoid if i have anything important to work on this week08:41
puffDJones, baizon: Thanks!08:42
Technobliteratoranyway to force laptop mode to be turned off?08:42
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baizonTechnobliterator: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man8/laptop-mode.conf.8.html08:43
cinvokebaizon, wont i still be able to boot into the old kernel version in grub until i remove those headers?08:43
baizoncinvoke: yes you can08:43
Technobliteratorah thanks08:43
cinvokebaizon, that doesnt sound so bad.... maybe.... . . .08:44
TechnobliteratorI can't find the file08:45
akikrts-: maybe change '$DOMAIN' to \"$DOMAIN\" or ${DOMAIN}08:48
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denysoniqueWhere can I find a detailed description of the Ubuntu boot process?08:52
denysoniqueWhat starts first, upstart, sysv?08:53
denysoniqueI am particulary interested in the init system08:53
puffDo you still need to adjust the /etc/apt/srcs to stop using the CD for packages after you instal Ubuntu?08:54
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cinvokebaizon, when i upgrade to  3.19.2 , is there a link i can read or any information i should be cautious about when doing this upgrade?  I know i can boot into the other kernel and remove the new one if i cant get it to work with my other drivers but im still a little hesitant . advice?08:55
arronbig problem here !08:57
arrondual boot not working with windows 1008:57
EriC^^did you install ubuntu after win10?08:57
arronyes first install windows 10 and after ubuntu08:58
EriC^^arron: what happens when you boot?09:01
arrondiretcly ooting ubuntu09:02
arronno grub menu09:02
EriC^^ok type sudo aptg-get install pastebinit09:02
EriC^^then type sudo parted -l | pastebinit09:02
arronis cool this poastebinit09:04
EriC^^ok type sudo update-gru09:04
EriC^^*sudo update-grub09:04
arronok i reboot09:04
arronsee you soon09:05
Fudgeanyway to verify that ubuntu is picking up my monitor being attached09:06
UKn0Meneed your opinions guys, tabs or spaces?09:08
macopythonecho 'password' | sudo -S debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password bhoot"09:09
macopython is not working forme. Any idea what is wrong ?09:09
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Norbin"password and keys" is saving the passwords in cleartext? not even asking for password when opening the app?09:11
PsyMarUKn0Me, depends on the application.  Makefiles, for example, require some of each09:11
UKn0Mein this case php/html/css09:12
Kyokushinhey guys. I am dling Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 on a virtual machine... is this the latest stable version?09:12
cfhowlettKyokushin, yes09:12
cfhowlett!kylin | Kyokushin09:12
ubottuKyokushin: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin09:12
Kyokushinum so I shouldnt get tit hen?09:12
KyokushinI am nota chinese user09:12
Norbinno ni hao?09:13
cfhowlettyou can use it in English or any other language, Kyokushin09:13
Kyokushinok I only need it on my VM so that I can make my python/kivy apps, available for android app delivery09:13
Kyokushinso it should be ok right?09:13
PsyMarUm, Ubuntu 14.04 isn't finding my wireless card.09:13
cfhowlettyou can do that with ANY *buntu so ... your choice!09:14
Arronit's ok now i booting windows that's cool !!09:14
EriC^^Arron: great09:14
PsyMarI believe it is a qualcomm atheron wireless card -- is that a problem?09:14
PsyMarand if not, why is it that every laptop I buy seems to have a wireless card that doesn't work with ubuntu?09:15
PsyMar(At least not out of the box.  My old laptop, which I'm using, is broadcom)09:16
cinvoke Using ubuntu 1504. when i upgrade from 3.19.0  to  3.19.2 , is there a link i can read or any information i should be cautious about when doing this upgrade?  I know i can boot into the other kernel and remove the new one if i cant get it to work with my other drivers but im still a little hesitant . advice?09:16
luserrrHi guys, I've been trying to install ubuntu 15 from pendrive, but am getting some issues, maybe you know how to fix it. I've created usb 2.0 (connected to usb 2.0 port) bootable pen, set up boot priority in bios, and it ran fine, but when I try to enter installation from grub menu, I am stuck with info ACPI PPC Probe failed. Starting version 219. Tried several solutions from google, like changing to AHCI in my bios, disconnecting al09:17
luserrrAny ideas?09:17
Kyokushinhey another question regarding my ubuntu install on my VM. Should I store virtual disk in a single file, or split it on multiple files? what do you think is better?09:18
cfhowlettKyokushin, it's a vm.  single file, y not?09:18
Kyokushini dunno its giving me the option and I dont know which to opt for09:19
Kyokushinim using vmware09:19
HarryCrossKyokushin, single file makes it easier to back up. Unless you wanted to store it on 2 different styles of disk like a fast SSD for boot and a HDD for files09:19
Kyokushinno just basic virtual machine, my first ever09:19
Kyokushinso ill go single then09:19
=== Blaster is now known as Guest14650
nduganHi I have a message on a computer "The disk dvie for ..... is not ready yet or not presend"  "Continue to wait...." but it never continues and pressing 'S' or 'M' doesn't do anything! .... how do I get this to boot so I can fix it?09:31
PsyMarok, for the next person who has trouble with an atheros wifi card, here's what fixed it for me:09:32
BBLLCCi live alone, am a student. Is 60 Mbit/s Download and 3 Mbit/s Upload sppeds enough for me?09:34
cfhowlettBBLLCC, how would we know what's enough for you?09:34
BBLLCCthere is a 5 usd price difference between that packet and one offering 10 download and 1 upload09:34
BBLLCCworth to pay the difference?09:34
cfhowlettBBLLCC, wrong channel. ask your classmates09:35
=== Daniel is now known as Guest1672
nduganHi I have a message on a server  "The disk dvie for ..... is not ready yet or not present"  "Continue to wait...." but it never continues and pressing 'S' or 'M' doesn't do anything! .... how do I get this to boot so I can fix it?   The mount is bind mount in /etc/fstab09:38
Rhino_CrashCan someone help me with a basic script? To check if a file1.txt exists every 15 seconds. If yes trigger the start of a script1.sh. If not, search for the file2.txt. If it exists, perform the start of the script2.sh. If not, do nothing. Repeat.09:40
nduganRhino_Crash, there is the 'sleep' command that will stop the executing of a script for a specified number of seconds.  other than that you need to look up how to bash loops etc.09:44
mehdip2007hi fellas what is the difference  between nvidia-340 and nvidia-30409:44
Rhino_Crashndugan thank you, searching that09:45
Daniel__36 lol09:46
popeymehdip2007: basically 340 is newer, will have bug fixes and performance enhancements and will support more cards09:47
EriC^^Rhino_Crash: while sleep 15; do if [ -f "/path/to/file1.txt ]; then /path/to/script1.sh; elif [ -f "/path/to/file2.txt ]; then /path/to/script2.sh; fi; done09:49
Rhino_CrashEriC^^ Thank you very much Eric I will test that! :)09:50
EriC^^nevermind the quotes from "/path/to/09:50
EriC^^unless you're using a variable use "$file1" with quotes09:51
Rhino_CrashEriC^^ This you meant to do? "/path/to/file1.txt"09:51
EriC^^yeah, just use /path/to/file1.txt09:52
Rhino_CrashEriC^^ Great :)) trying09:52
Rhino_CrashEriC^^ Thank you, it is working, I can develop it more to my needs. Very helpful, moved me forward!10:01
EriC^^Rhino_Crash: no problem10:01
macopythonecho 'password' | sudo -S debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password bhoot" is not working for me. Can anyone help me ?10:02
samsherHello, Can I set screen resolution to 1366x768 from 1360x768 ? (monitor's native resolution is 1366x768) I followed this http://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution guide, I can set other resolution besides 1366x768, (with nvidia 304.125 graphic driver)10:02
=== edwin_ is now known as Guest3113
ubottuBRoNX|SeRiE|003: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:10
irgendwer4711hi, in which file I can lookup the kernel source version?10:11
mcfdez87Hello. I installed an Ubuntu 14.04 on a laptop but when I try to login it return to the login page (looks like when you type a wrong pass, but is a correct pass)10:13
mcfdez87Then, I don't kknow what to do. Any suggestion please?10:14
EriC^^mcfdez87: try the guest account, does it work?10:15
mcfdez87EriC^^: no, the same problem10:16
EriC^^ok, press ctrl+alt+f1, then type sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:16
EriC^^then lspci | grep VGA | pastebinit10:16
mcfdez87EriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12394855/10:19
EriC^^mcfdez87: type dpkg -l | grep fglrx | pastebinit10:19
baizonEriC^^: i dont think he has fglrx installed10:19
EriC^^how come?10:20
mcfdez87EriC^^: the first time that I accesed to the terminal with ctrl+alt+f1, when I tried to launch "ls" command I see the error thats ls command was not found. I needed to type export PATH=/bin, bla bla bla to make command works10:20
mcfdez87have relation with the problem?10:20
EriC^^mcfdez87: yeah it could be10:20
inerkickHI Guys. Anyone from Ubuntu team who handles sponsorships and fund for any events?10:20
EriC^^mcfdez87: type cat ~/.profile ~/.bashrc | pastebinit10:21
EriC^^mcfdez87: actually type pastebinit /etc/environment10:21
baizonEriC^^: this a new cpu, i dont think there are open source drivers for this apu on 14.0410:21
EriC^^cause it's system-wide, did you recently modify /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc ?10:21
mcfdez87EriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12394877/ for cat ~/.profile ~/.bashrc | pastebinit10:22
baizonEriC^^: sorry i was wrong, it should work10:22
mcfdez87EriC^^: and http://paste.ubuntu.com/12394885/ for pastebinit /etc/environment10:22
EriC^^mcfdez87: ok, type sudo nano /etc/environment10:23
EriC^^then remove the line at the bottom10:23
mcfdez87EriC^^: removed10:24
EriC^^mcfdez87: ok, type echo 'PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.profile10:25
mcfdez87EriC^^: now I tried to enter after remove the line and worked10:25
mcfdez87I entered without problem10:25
EriC^^ok, type the echo command10:25
mcfdez87then, the error was the line¿10:25
mcfdez87EriC^^: is necesary to repair /etc/envorinment?10:26
EriC^^mcfdez87: /etc/environment is ok now10:26
EriC^^mcfdez87: you might need that path though for a program maybe, so add it to your ~/.profile at the bottom10:27
mcfdez87EriC^^: and how can I add the PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" without destroy this?10:27
pawanred /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER pawanreed reukmghpzkru10:27
EriC^^mcfdez87: i think it's for a program called composer10:27
EriC^^mcfdez87: you add it to your ~/.profile which is for your user only not system-wide10:28
Jakey2Is there chat i can ask about hardware10:28
mcfdez87EriC^^: then I meed to put PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" in -profile?10:28
bazhangpawanred, choose a new pass10:29
EriC^^mcfdez87: if that's the user that has composer installed yeah10:29
EriC^^mcfdez87: the echo command should do that10:29
mcfdez87EriC^^: like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12394923/10:31
EriC^^mcfdez87: yeah10:31
mcfdez87ok EriC^^ thanks for all!10:32
EriC^^mcfdez87: no problem10:34
=== Yukiku is now known as Yukino
=== Yukino is now known as Yukkino
rpm_33hullo everyone. I'm having a lot of toruble with my WIFI: Ubuntu 14.04, Dell M3800, Intel 7260 network card. It seems similar to the problems described in some of these ubuntuforums posts, but I don't really understand what people are talking about/the solutions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226147510:49
rpm_33Sometimes the WIFI is able to connect, other times it just does the "connecting" animation for ages and never connects (usually after closing the lid and reopening)10:51
bazhang!wifi | rpm_33 have a read first10:51
ubotturpm_33 have a read first: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:51
BluesKajHiyas all10:51
=== sergio is now known as Guest16763
rpm_33Can someone explain what's going on in the following forum threads? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2176911 , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2261475 , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224214711:06
bazhangrpm_33, you read and followed the wifi links?11:09
rpm_33bazhang - there's a lot, I didn't understand much of it11:10
bazhangrpm_33, its very helpful take your time11:10
theserverHello I am in xubuntu and I am in TTY1 trying to turn off a frozen program in TTY7 (X runnign xfce).11:16
theserverThe program is wine running halo.11:16
theserverStuck in fullscreen :(11:17
zaggynlfire up htop and kill it?11:17
zaggynlor killall wine11:17
theserverI tried killall wine. Still trying to find the program I need to kill in htop11:17
cfhowletttheserver, ps -x | grep wine11:17
cfhowlettkill -9        the PID number11:18
zaggynlusually the one eating cpu, sort by cpu in htop11:18
theserverthat's beautiful.11:19
zaggynlkill -9 is pretty awesome11:20
cfhowlettkill -9 = nuke it from orbit - it's the only way to be certain.11:20
unRuheone should at least try to use sigterm first11:21
theserverProblem is I don't think that the grep wine is pulling up the right program.11:21
theserverI think it's called somethign else.11:21
unRuhetry to grep for the name of the HALO.exe11:22
unRuhedunno if its called that11:23
zaggynlps aux | grep exe11:23
theserverProtip: with windows stuff use "grep C:"11:23
theserverAt least in virtual filesystems.11:23
theserverI'm starting to suspect this is XFCE and not wine, because I am closing everything I can think of.11:25
cfhowletttheserver, logout/login?11:25
theserverPreferrably not. I'd like to learn to do it the correct way.11:26
theserverIs there a pid for windows in xfce?11:26
zaggynlno results if you grep for exe?11:26
MonkeyDusttheserver  what's the name of the program?11:26
theserverIt's the halo demo.11:26
theserverooh I can do grep ".exe" brb11:26
MonkeyDusttheserver  then grep on any part of that name11:27
HP_HOMEHi. I am unable to boot into my ubuntu OS in dual boot with windows 1011:27
zaggynland you can do tree sort in htop, so you can get to the parent of the exe11:27
lotuspsychjeHP_HOME: explain what happens please11:27
=== HP_HOME is now known as akash14131
=== akash14131 is now known as HP_HOME
unRuhetheserver, btw you can search in htop too using /11:29
HP_HOMEAbout 3 months ago, I dual booted my Ubuntu with Windows 8.1. It worked fine till the new windows 10 update came. After the update, Grub was over-written by Windows Boot Loader.As a result I had to press Esc->F9->Ubuntu during startup to access my Ubuntu 14.04 OS. Someone advised me to reinstall grub2 (sudo apt-get install grub2). When I executed this command, I saw no visible changes....11:29
HP_HOME...However, after a week a got an update. I updated my Ubuntu OS and shut-down the PC. Since then, whenever I pressed Esc->F9 during startup, I noticed 2 ubuntu options there. One of which booted me into Windows and the other one booted me into "Shim UEFI Boot management". It gives me the option to "register a key" or "register a hash". I don't know what it stands for.I tried using the...11:29
HP_HOME...boot-repair disk but to no avail. Then, I backed up my ubuntu data using "Ext2fsd" and uninstalled it Using Boot-repair-disk(OS-uninstaller). I have installed Ubuntu,Elementary and Mint after that but everytime I cannot boot into them.11:29
HP_HOMERecently I used EasyBCD to edit the boot menu and deleted all boot options including the one that redirects to "Shim UEFI Boot Management". However, Every time when I start-up that ubuntu option miraculously reappers although I have uninstalled all OS except Windows 10. I cannot dual boot my PC anymore.11:29
zaggynloh my11:30
lotuspsychjeHP_HOME: make your life easy and loose win10 once and for good, single boot ubuntu11:30
SCHAAP137sounds like UEFI struggles; with legacy BIOS mode this wouldn't have happened11:30
HP_HOMEI have to work on Matlab and Other Windows exclusive Softwares which do not work so well with WINe in ubuntu11:31
lotuspsychjeHP_HOME: did you lookup playonlinux database for matlab?11:31
zaggynlcould run a vm11:31
baizonHP_HOME: well there is a Matlab version for linux you know, im using it11:31
cfhowlettHP_HOME, you might find it better to do as I did: ubuntu + virtualbox + windows + whatever11:31
StratWhenever i try to start Ubuntu after putting it into hibernate mode (using "sudo pm-hibernate" from terminal), the computer freezes before the login screen (i turn the computer on, but nothing is displayed). I run ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and it's somewhat a fresh install of ubuntu. I hjaven't tweaked anything, except installed some software11:32
unRuhehe still probably wants his dualboot fixed though11:32
Stratwhat is wrong?11:32
lotuspsychje!uefi | HP_HOME read up if you still want dualboot11:32
ubottuHP_HOME read up if you still want dualboot: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:32
HP_HOMEThis is a link to my boot-repair-file http://paste.ubuntu.com/12342338/11:32
zaggynlStrat: freeze as in numlock/capslock LEDs don' t do anything either?11:33
StratMy keyboard does not have numlock/capslock leds...11:33
lotuspsychje!pl | wstar11:33
ubottuwstar: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:33
zaggynlStrat: can you access any TTYs?11:34
zaggynlCtrl+Alt+F1, etc11:34
=== root is now known as Guest49069
* zaggynl slaps Guest49069 11:34
zaggynldon' t run irc as root11:34
unRuheHP_HOME, my first Idea would be the following. 1. Get some linux live-cd (like grml) 2. in the live system, mount your filesystems 3. chroot into your root fs 4. reinstall grub on boot device 5. grub update11:35
Stratzaggynl: haven't tried that actually11:35
Stratzaggynl: i'll try that now!11:35
HP_HOME<unRuhe> actually I have done that. I have even updated my grub Using boot-repair disk and suring OS-installation but to no avail11:36
=== Daniel is now known as Guest71510
unRuheHP_HOME, when you did the grub-update. theres a part that lists the available operatins systems (os-prober). did it show the os options you expected or was there something missing?11:39
HP_HOMEunRuhe, I used OS-unistaller to check the installed OS. It showed Ubuntu 14.04 as an option11:40
unRuheHP_HOME, I'm unfamiliar with OS-uninstaller11:41
HP_HOMEunRuhe, OS Uninstaller is a feature of Boot-repair-disk that allows you to Uninstall Operating systems from your PC.11:42
Stratzaggynl: well i'm back up.....nothing seems to work when trying to reboot from hibernate mode, no TTY is accessible, also, the scrlk and capslk buttons don't do anything11:46
Stratseems like i'm fcked right in the pssy11:46
Stratzaggynl: could it have to do something with my /etc/fstab?11:47
Stratbecause when installing this system I created different partitions than the default values11:47
rpm_33bazhang - 1. My card is not in the list of supported cards, 2. Already done all that "getting started" stuff, 3. I've looked at iwconfig and so forth - don't really know what to do with that information, 4. What will "network-adminstrator" get me?11:48
rpm_33I posted this, as per the instructions of "troubleshooting" https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/27134011:49
rpm_33This also sounds fairly similar to my problem (I also have dualboot) https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/25165611:49
unRuheHP_HOME, its difficult to get an idea whats broken on you system from afar. If a reinstall of grub doesn't work. either grub gets installed on the wrong device or something or theres some kind of boot magic happening that I dont understand.11:51
Rhino_CrashCan someone tell me how to change the code so if the file2.txt appears, it will be erased and abiword started? https://www.diffchecker.com/qkgg8ldv11:53
curiousx 11:54
MonkeyDustRhino_Crash  better ask in #bash, i guess11:55
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curiousxsry, was mah cat11:55
Rhino_CrashMonkeyDust OK, I can do that, thank you.11:55
unRuheRhino_Crash, have a look at inotify-tools11:56
Rhino_CrashunRuhe I can do it too, thank you.11:57
rpm_33I have unstable wireless - it's rendering my laptop almost unusable on Ubuntu - I have to sit at my router with an ethernet cable12:03
MonkeyDustyes, ethernet is faster and more stable, and needs no configuration12:06
rpm_33How do I check which driver my network card has?12:07
EriC^^rpm_33: lspci -k | grep -A2 Network12:10
baqircan help?12:10
EriC^^baqir: what's the problem?12:10
baqirhi man12:10
baqiri had a problem during try to install ubuntu12:11
EriC^^what happened?12:11
baqirhi again12:11
EriC^^what happened?12:11
EriC^^when you tried to install ubuntu12:12
baqirit showed me "usb ove current condition"12:12
MonkeyDustbaqir  that has no meaning, what's the exact error message12:13
baqiri will show u, just a moment12:14
rpm_33Networking is so messed up on my Dell M3800. I've read WIFI docs, nothing is helpful.12:17
tinyhipporpm_33: I have a M3800 and no problems with networking12:18
tinyhipporpm_33: what, specifically is the problem?12:18
lotuspsychjerpm_33: we have been tru this yesterday, share your syslog togheter with your wifi issue12:19
=== maximus is now known as inerkick
rpm_33tinyhippo - WIFI works very intermittently. Sometimes it will work after taking a very long time to connect. Others it will keep failing to connect. It usually fails to conenct after suspend/resume. I am currently using ethernet to talk to you. Even after disabling WIFI and trying to use the ethernet connection, it will still try to conenct to WIFI and keep failing.12:20
inerkickAnyone from Ubuntu team who can help to reach their sponsorship team, whom I can contact and ask for event sponsorship12:20
baqiranyone can help?12:20
lotuspsychjebaqir: you have been asked for specific details above12:21
rpm_33lotuspsychje hi again. I have a syslog here; I closed the laptop lid and reopened at 21:56 http://pastebin.com/5E5pSpJW12:21
rpm_33and I posted this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/27134012:22
lotuspsychjerpm_33: you should mention as much info as you can, if you re-ask your issue in the channel, ubuntu version+wifi chipset+driver+specific issue12:22
rpm_33what baffles me the most is that there is very little discernable pattern to the problem, so its hard to describe12:23
baqiri need someone to help12:23
lotuspsychjebaqir: before we can help, we need a question from you12:23
baqirsee this picture12:23
baqirit showed to me12:24
rpm_33I don't know what driver12:24
LordPicardhello there. i need a quick help here. need to add scangearmp to a shortcut in unity (ubuntu 15). how can I do this? the easy way, of course.12:24
baqirwhen i was trying to install ubuntu12:24
lotuspsychjebaqir: when do you get this errors?12:24
lotuspsychje!ru | margulan12:24
ubottumargulan: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:24
baqirafter i choose "install ubuntu"12:25
lotuspsychjebaqir: how did you create your usb ubuntu stick?12:25
lotuspsychjerpm_33: you can check details with sudo lshw -C network12:25
baqirby linux mint image writer12:25
lotuspsychjebaqir: maybe your usb got corrupt?12:26
MonkeyDustbaqir  min is not supported here, you're in the wrong channel12:26
baqiri know12:26
lotuspsychje!usb | baqir try the official way12:26
ubottubaqir try the official way: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:26
cfhowlett!mint | baqir12:26
ubottubaqir: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:26
rpm_33 driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.19.0-28-generic firmware=
cfhowlettbaqir, wait, so you know it's not supported here?  so please don't waste your/our time.  go to mint for mint support.12:27
baqirguys i dont want mint support12:27
lotuspsychjerpm_33: have you installed ubuntu with cable + updates during setup?12:27
baqirthe problem happened with ubuntu12:27
lotuspsychjebaqir: you made the usb from mint, thats also asking for trouble12:28
cfhowlettrpm_33, did you get your answers yet?12:28
baqirokay thanks guys12:28
badbodhlotuspsychje: on what basis ?12:28
baqiri will try what u told me12:28
LordPicardi need a quick help here. need to add scangearmp to a shortcut in unity (ubuntu 15). how can I do this? the easy way, of course.12:28
badbodhbaqir: join mint channels, we will take it from there12:28
lotuspsychjebadbodh: in the way we cant support things made from an unsupported Os12:28
rpm_33lotuspsychje no I didn't install whilst connected to the internet.12:28
rpm_33cfhowlett - hi thanks for the interest, no unfortunately not.12:29
lotuspsychjerpm_33: i strongly advise you to do so12:29
lotuspsychjerpm_33: clean reinstall LTS + cable + updates during setup12:29
rpm_33lotuspsychje damn - does that mean I'll lose all my stuff? it took me ages to get everything set up12:29
badbodhlotuspsychje: ok. but "asking for trouble" was a bit harsh and misleading :) mintstick is a pretty decent usb disk creator baed on dd. similar to ubuntu's own usb creator12:29
badbodhbaqir: what irc client are you on ?12:30
lotuspsychjebadbodh: you have any idea how many users come here with things going wrong in mint?12:30
Botchlabadbodh, "asking for trouble" wasn't a threat or anything, it just meant that, as indeed has happened, they can experience technical issues while trying to install Ubuntu.12:30
cfhowlettrpm_33, ndiswrapper?  for the m3800?  why?  native wifi driver is available!12:31
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: he's getting wifi issues after closing laptop lid12:31
rpm_33cfhowlett - huh what's ndiswrapper?12:31
cfhowlettrpm_33,  it's in your list of greps.12:31
lotuspsychjeBotchla: +1 :p12:31
rpm_33cfhowlett - what where? what did you see that in. I just looked it up - something to do with using Windows drivers on Ubuntu???12:32
badbodhlotuspsychje: Botchla i agree and am sure your heart is in right place, but new users do find "asking for trouble" and similar phrases a bit scary. give right info, not right opinion :)12:33
cfhowlettrpm_33, nvmind.  it's on wiggly woogly's gnome-netool pakcage list.12:33
badbodhbaqir: top left > networks > go through the list. find spotchat or linuxmint > connect12:33
rpm_33cfhowlett the launchpad question I posted?12:34
badbodhmake sure you untick "show favorites"12:34
rpm_33i'm so stuck here. i guess i'm gonna have to call dell tech support tomorrow12:34
cfhowlettrpm_33, great idea.  they took very good care of my issues.12:35
lotuspsychjebadbodh: we will give the right info to ubuntu users, thats why there exist seperate channels12:35
Botchlarpm_33: Was Ubuntu pre-installed on your Dell?12:35
rpm_33cfhowlett are they any good?12:35
rpm_33Botchla - yes, but I wrote Win7 over it and reinstalled Ubuntu in a separate partition. I installed from an ISO I made with the built-in tool, before installing Windows.12:35
baqirin there12:36
Botchlarpm_33: OK -- then if it was preinstalled, they may provide tech. support for it.12:36
skydogHi all, I have ubuntu 15.04, should I use vivid to install all kind of packages?12:36
skydogI mean, the ubuntu software center12:36
rpm_33Botchla - thing is, I forgot to make the dell recovery stick. Which I assume would have installed Ubuntu with all the lovely Dell drivers I need.12:36
Botchlarpm_33: I see -- and hence, your wifi problems. >_>12:37
cfhowlettskydog, UEC is there for those who aren't comfortable with CLI installation and use12:37
rpm_33Botchla - is that the type of thing they can send me? A stick containing that stuff, or a link to download it?12:37
badbodhbaqir: now type "/join #linuxmint-help" a new tab will open up. chat there12:37
cfhowlettrpm_33, I installed a  new ubuntu. no dell.  no hard line connection.  my wifi works great.12:37
=== mission712_ is now known as mission712
rpm_33cfhowlett what on an M3800?12:37
baqirbut my problem with ubuntu not mint12:37
cfhowlettrpm_33, YES.12:38
rpm_33You just used the stock ISO, not the dell recovery thing? cfhowlett12:38
Botchlacfhowlett, how did it get the correct drivers during install without an Internet connection?12:38
cfhowlettrpm_33, as I said, fresh from the factory ubuntu .iso, no internet during the installation12:38
badbodhbaqir: you aren't eligible for ubuntu help until you "install" it apparently. mint channels are a bit more flexible, go ask something.12:38
cfhowlettBotchla, native support seems to included in 14.0412:39
Botchlacfhowlett: What does "fresh from the factory ubuntu .iso" mean, the one that *comes* with the Dell, or one you recently burned?12:39
BotchlaI see.12:39
cfhowlettdownloaded from ubuntu12:39
lotuspsychjebadbodh: this is not the right place for mint advertising here12:39
cfhowlettand I didn't GET one with or from Dell.12:39
rpm_33cfhowlett me neither12:39
cfhowlettrpm_33,  you need to request it from Dell support.12:40
ioriarpm_33   what chipset do you have ?12:40
rpm_33ioria - how do i check that? the network card is intel 7260 if that's what you mean12:40
skydogcfhowlett, how should i install npm with nodejs and the related packages?12:40
lotuspsychjeioria: and driver for his card: <rpm_33>  driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.19.0-28-generic firmware=
skydogI have a mist currently with the dependencies, they dont get resolved12:41
badbodhlotuspsychje: fyi i've been ubuntu user since 8.04, and and been troubleshooting for folks here past 4-5 months. i'm neutral.12:41
cfhowlettskydog, ??? not even sure you're speaking english there, amigo, so I'd guess that issue is WAY above my paygrade12:41
ioriarpm_33   wifi issue   then ?12:41
MonkeyDustbadbodh  we get the message, more discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic12:41
ioriarpm_33   do you have a /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf file ?12:42
rpm_33ioria - intermittently works. usually doesn't. takes ages to connect if at all. doesn't work after suspend/resume (although once or twice it has!). so confusing.12:42
ioriarpm_33   do you have a /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf file ?12:42
kopplehello, I'm using an Ubuntu derivated distro but it's a system issue what I'd like to discuss with you, can I ask here? It's a /etc/rc.local problem12:42
cfhowlett!flavors | kopple,12:43
ubottukopple,: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.12:43
rpm_33yes i do ioria12:43
cfhowlettkopple, if it's another flavor ask.  if not, go back to the publisher for support12:43
rpm_33iroia here are its contents: http://pastebin.com/3efxnKWi12:43
koppleok it is, as it is Xubuntu12:43
ioriarpm_33   you can try to move that file in another location ... if fails ... revert it12:43
cfhowlettkopple, ask here or in #xubuntu.  that is an official and support ubuntu flavor.12:44
kopplesimply put my system won't launch commands I put into /etc/rc.local and I made sure that file is executable and also tried "sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local start" that gives me an error like this: Starting rc.local (via systemctl): rc.local.serviceJob for rc-local.service failed. See "systemctl status rc-local.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.12:45
rpm_33ioria OK let me see...12:45
rpm_33iroia i'm currently trying to join WIFI (whilst being connected to ethernet to talk to you)12:45
rpm_33ioria - let's see if it fails, then i'll move the file as you suggest and try again12:46
kopplethen "systemctl status rc-local.service" gives a long output with this error "set 13 14:39:26 mycomputername systemd[1]: Failed to start /etc/rc.local Compatibility."12:46
MonkeyDustkopple  that's a lot of error, better put them in a  pastebin12:47
kopplecan't say I'm used to this kind of scripts, but as far as I know it shouldn't be really much more than writing in the rc.local with a correct syntax and rebooting.. am I correct?12:48
koppleMonkeyDust: okay, sorry. Next time I will12:48
rpm_33ioria didn't make a difference12:48
=== badbodh_1 is now known as badbodh
batboyhelp me12:54
cfhowlett!ask | batb12:55
ubottubatb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:55
badbodhcfhowlett: how do you remember all these factoids? it's a huge list12:56
loahello, what i can use to investigate memory usage? for example such proc like php-fpm and chromium, all of them are multichild12:56
bhoj_loa: top12:56
cfhowlettbadbodh, too much time in irc + wasted youth = retention of random mental facts, e.g. irc triggers12:56
badbodhloa: "free" "top" "htop" <- in terminal, install if you don;t got em12:57
koppleit must be some kind of owner permission problem... rc.local must be owned by the user itself or by root?13:08
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badbodhkopple: how did you create those files in that folder?13:11
koppleself-created during the installation, edited via gksudo gedit13:12
badbodhkopple: that shouldn't change the owner/permissions13:13
badbodhwhat commands/edits do you have there ?13:13
koppleI'm trying on two different Ubuntu distros, namely Xubuntu and Mint, I changed the ownership and chmodded rc.local on mint but it still doesn't launch at startup, while it does on "/etc/init.d/rc.local start" in Minx, no need to sudo13:14
tewardkopple: Mint isn't Ubuntu13:14
ikoniakopple: we don't support mint here13:14
koppleyeah sorry, then the problem is in Xubuntu13:14
MonkeyDustkopple  mint is not an ubuntu distro, you won't find support for it here13:14
badbodhikonia: terminal echo, h80 and jokerinho will return to troll. not that object to their unbanning :)13:14
koppleGOT it, was trying to help figure out13:14
scatterphi can anyone help me with vnc I have this xstartup http://pastebin.com/LP9DRjfx and get this result http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/09/13/55f5765276208.png i do get a password prompt from vnc before the screen with odd colors13:14
kopplein Xubuntu the service itself is stuck13:16
kopple"rc.local.serviceJob for rc-loca.service failed" all the time13:16
ikoniakopple: try the mint support channel on sportnet.org13:17
koppleit's not Mint13:17
koppleit's Ubuntu13:17
ikoniayou just said it was mint13:17
koppleI said it was what I was checking against13:17
ikoniathanks ben13:17
badbodhkopple: mint still uses older init (upstart?) , xubuntu 15.04 is on systemd.13:17
scatterpalso if anyones looking this may be relevent http://pastebin.com/1vNRdtHz (logs)13:17
badbodhguys - he said it worked on mint, but not on xubuntu. he's on xubuntu currently. stop this hate.13:17
koppleyeah it's non-sense but no worries, you're helping badbodh13:18
ikoniabadbodh: no - he said he changed it on mint and it still doesn't work13:18
koppleikonia: waste less lines and read more13:19
badbodh[18:15] <kopple> ok it is, as it is Xubuntu13:19
kopplebadbodh: systemd is what should start the service? I need to read something, what should I look for?13:19
ikoniabadbodh: yes - he changed it to that after we said mint is not supported13:20
ikoniakopple: what's the output of "uname -a" please13:20
koppleikonia there's no need for that, you know what Xubuntu output looks like13:20
ikoniakopple: please show me the output of uname -a13:21
koppleLinux myusername 3.19.0-25-generic #26-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 24 21:17:31 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:21
badbodhkopple: co-operate. you are on troll-radar. type /exec -o uname -a13:21
badbodhin this chat13:21
ikoniaand what version of xubuntu is this ?13:21
kopplebadbodh: doesn't work..13:22
ikoniakopple: what version of xubuntu are you running13:22
koppleikonia:  I'm not entirely sure, I'm trying to find out13:22
ikoniakopple: you don't know what version you're running......?13:23
koppleyes it's from months ago13:23
stevecamhey, im having trouble setting resolution for lightdm, is there any resolutions? ive tried display-setup-script option with the lightdm.conf file, ive tried /root/.xprofile im not really sure what else i can do i need 1920x1050 and it keeps on using 1920x108013:23
* badbodh facepalms with napalm13:23
ikoniakopple: can you pasebin the output of lsb_release -a please13:23
ikoniapastebin sorry13:23
badbodhstevecam: what kind of reso is 1050 ?13:24
koppleokay it's 15.04, do you still need the Pastebin?13:24
badbodh1920x1080 is standard 16:9 screen13:24
stevecambadbodh, it's my monitors resoltion, its a 16:1013:24
koppleUbuntu 15.04 Codename: vivid13:24
Ben64stevecam: what monitor? and 16:10 is 1920x120013:25
badbodhstevecam: after very complicated mathematical treatment, i conclude 1920x1050 os not even remotely 16:1013:25
ikoniakopple: how do you know it's 15.0413:26
ikonia(no don't need the pastebin if it's 15.04)13:26
kopplelsb_release -a13:26
ikoniakopple: ok - now I know you're telling lies13:26
ikoniaas that is not the 15.04 kernel13:26
kopplewhat do you need? a printscreen??13:26
ikoniathe kernel you posted the output of "uname -a" was not a 15.04 kernel13:26
badbodhikonia: for the love of god he posted systemd commandline outputs earlier. have faith in humanity :P13:26
kopplethen something is wrong13:26
stevecamok, maybe its not 16:10, but either way, its resolution is 1920x105013:27
kopplethis is insane really13:27
badbodhoh that 3.19 kernel ?13:27
ikoniakopple: ok - so lets try to clear up13:27
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Ben64stevecam: ok which monitor still, and how is it connected13:27
ikoniakopple: lets find out where you are and see if we can move you forwad13:27
stevecamHDMI, Okano 55"13:27
koppleyes, just trust what I write and things will be easier for both of us13:27
ikoniakopple: so you're %100 sure this is 15.04 not 14.04.3 with the 3.19 kernel13:27
badbodh[18:17] <kopple> simply put my system won't launch commands I put into /etc/rc.local and I made sure that file is executable and also tried "sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local start" that gives me an error like this: Starting rc.local (via systemctl): rc.local.serviceJob for rc-local.service failed. See "systemctl status rc-local.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.13:28
kopplefrom the commands you mentioned that's the output I received13:28
badbodh^^ systemd13:28
bioramIs there a human with some free time, i have some questions.13:28
ikoniaok - systemctl suggests 15.04 - good13:28
Ben64stevecam: sounds like a 1920x1080 tv13:28
badbodhbut it is a self inflicted wound tbh13:28
bazhangbioram, just ask13:28
stevecamBen64, its most definately 105013:29
ikoniakopple: what is the actual init issue you have (just one line summary)13:29
badbodhkopple: and you still gotta post/pastebin the exact changes you made to text files13:29
Ben64stevecam: what makes you think that13:29
kopplebadbodh: you mean the script itself?13:29
kopplebadbodh: ok will do shortly13:29
stevecambecause 1920x1050 doesnt chop off the top and bottem of my display13:30
bioramWell, i have just installed Ubuntu from Windows 10, its installed on a striped raid-0 (2*ssd) and im unable to boot into my bios, on restarts, ive tried pulling the powerplug as well, but theres no F2/del/esc. to boot into the bios13:30
koppleikonia: my script isn't launched at startup and the service itself seems to be stuck for no reason13:30
bazhangbioram, from?13:30
ikoniakopple: what are you actually trying to launch ?13:30
Ben64stevecam: so fix overscan settings instead of trying to force the wrong resolution13:30
badbodhstevecam: adjust your display's settings. height/width/pan/zoom etc13:30
bazhangbioram, wubi install?13:30
badbodhuse the pretty LED buttons on the side13:31
bioramEmm i installed from a Usb Boot drive13:31
koppleikonia: I still have to try to reboot after chown-ing /etc/rc.local to my account, it is executable13:31
ikoniakopple: it should be owned by root13:31
koppleikonia: I need to launch a wine instance13:31
ikoniakopple: what is the actual "thing" you're trying to launch13:31
ikoniakopple: ok, that's not going to work13:31
koppleikonia: then it was, and didn't work. It's an application, a .exe13:31
ikoniayou're not going to be launching a wine instance as part of an init script13:31
ikoniait would take a good ammount of work to setup a wrapper enviornment13:32
ikoniait's meant for launching "services"13:32
stevecamive tried adjusting my display settings, pan, height, width, zoom, i can make it smaller but it just gives me a smaller box with the edges cut off13:32
koppleikonia: can't scripts include different things though? Such as launch "Pidgin" ?13:32
bioramOh, no i did a Ubuntu install, formated and erased the disk windows was on13:32
ikoniakopple: no13:32
ikoniakopple: that is a "system" script13:33
ikoniakopple: you are trying to launch "user desktop" apps13:33
ikoniathat runs before you are logged into the desktop13:33
Ben64stevecam: depending on your video card you may be able to adjust it in software. some tvs have the overscan settings hidden, you may have to dig around in menus13:33
koppleikonia: so something like "turn off WiFi" would work instead?13:33
ikoniakopple: depends how wifi is configured13:33
stevecamit is a 1920x1050 TV, ive been over this before, it is definately not 108013:33
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koppleikonia: like "ifconfig wlan0 down"13:34
Ben64stevecam: you're wrong13:34
ikoniakopple: technically you could do that - but if it's also configured by network manager, it will overide/create conflict13:34
stevecamBen64, im right13:34
stevecamhow do you establish that i am wrong?13:34
Ben64stevecam: you're not, but you can believe whatever you want. its called overscan13:34
koppleikonia: so if I want to launch user desktop programs I should ask for support to the very developer, in my case XFCE developers?13:35
ikoniaerr no13:35
ikoniakopple: just put them as part of a user session, rather than a system init script13:35
koppleikonia: you mean do not shut them down and hibernate?13:36
ikoniano, nothing like what I said13:36
koppleikonia: I don't know what it means13:36
ikoniait means launch it a user setting from within your desktop enviornment13:36
ikonianot as a system service process (such as you're trying to do with rc.local)13:36
koppleikonia: that's why I was wondering if this was a DE-related thing and need to ask the DE developers13:37
kopplerather than Ubuntu support13:37
stevecamBen64, solution?13:37
ikoniakopple: ask the developers what ?13:37
ikoniakopple: this is not a bug/problem13:37
Ben64stevecam: i gave you two solutions above13:37
koppleikonia never mind13:38
badbodhkopple: by user session he meant run those wine thingies -after- you login13:38
stevecamBen64, ive tried ensuring overscan is off, adjusting height, pan and zoom etc.13:38
badbodhthat means play with 'startup applications', .profile , .xresources etc13:38
kopplebadbodh yeah thanks, would like to automate my "working kit" to open on its own13:39
scatterphi can anyone help me with vnc I have this xstartup http://pastebin.com/LP9DRjfx and get this result http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/09/13/55f5765276208.png and http://pastebin.com/1vNRdtHz (logs) i do get a password prompt from vnc before the screen with odd colors13:39
bioramDoes Anyone know how to Invoke cmake? im trying to install Razer device config13:44
badbodhbioram: hve you installed 'build-essentials'13:47
bazhangno s13:47
kopplethanks badbodh for your kind help, and ikonia for your help13:50
scatterpanyone can help me with vnc please ?13:54
zulemaHi guys, can anybody give me a hand i have a doubt on unistalling windows 8 on a uefi machine and resizing ubuntu / and /home partitions14:00
bioramEmm im not sure what build-essentials is? is that in the the Ubuntu search? or in the razerd installation?14:02
bazhang!info build-essential | bioram14:03
ubottubioram: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6ubuntu6 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 37 kB14:03
biorambash: !info: event not found14:04
bazhanginstall the metapackage build-essential bioram14:04
bioramYes i got that14:05
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SCHAAP137bioram, sudo apt-get install build-essential14:06
bioramemm i get this msg back ould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)14:07
bioramE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:07
bioramoh wait, is that the Synaptic Package manager?14:08
PCatineanHey guys, I would like to have a ftp account to have access to a certain directory and only there without ssh access, how do I proceed?14:09
biorama thanks for the try help ;) time go try and see if i can enter the bios now, think i have to disable my motherbord14:11
curiousxPCatinean: http://blinkenshell.org/wiki/Start14:13
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Nahledgeapt-get wont run because of lack of space, i have zero user  files, this space was created by triyng to install something  large on a fresh install. Now I cant run apt-get to remove  the package that failed to install.14:27
Nahledgeit says to run "dpkg --configure -a"14:27
rpm_33cfhowlett is there something I can compare with your system to see if we're running the same hardware/drivers etc? (we both have m3800's right?)14:27
Nahledgewhen i run that i get complaints for lack of space14:27
Nahledgeobviously there is nothing i can remove since i do not have any user specific content, just whatever downloading during the failed samba/bittorrent install14:28
cfhowlettrpm_33, yeah there's a hardware list command14:28
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HP_HOMEHello Friends. I posted a problem a few hours ago about not able to access Ubuntu in dual boot. The problem is solved with your help. I am currently posting this from Ubuntu. You guys are the best! God Bless and Thankyou14:28
rpm_33do you have the intel network card or the broadcom one? cfhowlett?14:28
SchrodingersScatHP_HOME: great job, have fun!14:28
SchrodingersScatNahledge: how big is the drive/partition?14:28
HP_HOMEubottu, special thanks to you bro!14:28
ubottuHP_HOME: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:28
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:29
cfhowlettrpm_33, intel.  sudo lshw gives: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12397269/14:29
Nahledgeabout 400 mbs, its an arm installation, i was upposed to enlarge the filesystem to fill the entire card before attempting installs but i forget to14:30
SchrodingersScatNahledge: could search around in apt directories for that downloaded package, if you have enough space for that.14:30
Nahledgethe filesystem filled up really quick14:30
SchrodingersScatNahledge: or maybe apt-get clean would do that14:31
NahledgeI just tried and i think it worked, thank you.14:32
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akashdeepsinghcan anyone suggest good themes to make ubuntu look cooler14:33
joe_wwould formatting my old win8 partition cause any prolems with boot???14:34
rpm_33cfhowlett I notice you have driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.19.0-28-lowlatency firmware= and I have driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.19.0-28-generic firmware=
BluesKajfolivora, yup, deleted grub14:35
cfhowlettrpm_33, ubuntustudio gives me a low-latency kernel so yeah14:35
BluesKajoops sorry folivora , wrong nick14:36
rpm_33cfhowlett oh ok well apart from that, we seem the same http://paste.ubuntu.com/12397331/14:36
rpm_33cfhowlett does that mean I can rule out driver issues as the root of my WIFI/networking problems?14:36
BluesKajjoe_w, yes, grub was probly deleted14:36
ubuntu-mate_Having a problem trying to set-up a dual boot system.14:36
ioria*-network DISABLED14:36
rpm_33ioria - yeah I know I did that on purpose because I'm using ethernet right now14:37
cfhowlettrpm_33, I suspect it's not the driver but 2 things: 1. sudo apt full-upgrade         2. install the latest bios from dell.  mine is A914:37
joe_wblueskaj; not done yet just want the space it was using as not used in 2 years...14:37
rpm_33cfhowlett - how do I find out my BIOS version?14:37
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate, please tell your problem14:37
SchrodingersScatBluesKaj: really? I didn't think removing windows would mess with grub, say deleting it from gparted14:37
cfhowlettrpm_33, wait 114:38
rpm_33Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.14:38
cfhowlettrpm_33, there it is: "firmware = A09 line 2314:38
akashdeepsinghSchrodingerScat, dont use gparted to remove windows!14:38
tewardis there a CLI way to determine the max memory my computer can have?14:38
akashdeepsinghit messes up everything14:38
baqirneed help14:38
teward(installed to the system board, that is)14:39
rpm_33cfhowlett oh ok so we have the same bios too?14:39
ubuntu-mate_thank you. I don't usually create a dual-boot situation but need to. I have installed Win7Pro ahead of Ubuntu-Mate 15.04. I have set-up an ext4 and swap partition on the boot drive but in Mate install can't seem to find it.14:39
cfhowlettrpm_33, seems like14:39
BluesKajSchrodingersScat, usually grub is installed in either the windows mbr, or the uefi boot14:39
ioriateward, you mean  free  ?14:39
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate, are you using a live USB?14:39
tewardioria: no, i mean as in the max memory that can be installed to the system board, not the current-installed available max (i.e. free -m)14:39
tewardioria: i'm trying to determine the max installable ram limit on this computer, but i can't find system board specs online :/14:40
ioriateward, i think it mainboard related14:40
ubuntu-mate_no I'm trying to install from an iso on dvd14:40
cfhowlettrpm_33, question: do you have wifi connection issues on ALL wifi connections or limited to one connection?14:40
Chuck_Norristeward: sudo dmidecode -t memory | grep Maximum14:40
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate, do you see an option that says "Try Ubuntu without Installing"14:40
rpm_33cfhowlett i only have 1 wifi connection to test. I guess I could try connecting to a phone tether or something.14:40
ioriateward, the manual of the motherboard should tell you that14:41
tewardChuck_Norris: that works.  Thanks!14:41
Chuck_Norristeward: mnp14:41
tewardioria: yeah, it should.  guess what I dont' have.14:41
ubuntu-mate_yes. i brought up the live system before proceeding14:41
tewardioria: hence the question if there's a CLI way that works with pretty much anything xD14:41
ioriateward, ok14:41
cfhowlettrpm_33, no, you specified a wifi connection issue.  try a different wifi connection >>> go to costa/startbucks and use theirs14:41
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate, select "Try Ubuntu" and then open gparted14:41
joe_wblueskaj; ok then...whats the best way to recover the space??14:41
rpm_33OK so just now I turned on WIFI and it connected pretty quick. cfhowlett14:41
akashdeepsinghin gparted , you can format again the partitions and select ext4 for them14:42
rpm_33This is so awful, if its going to work badly, I wish it worked consistently badly14:42
rpm_33I guarantee if I try suspend/resume it won't be able to connect again.14:42
BluesKajjoe_w, the unallocated space ? depends what you want to do with it14:42
cfhowlettrpm_33, keep noting the failure mode.  could be something different than what you're focusing.  but I'll test my suspend just for fun.14:42
baqirhow i can erify iso and prepare ubuntu live disk with command line??14:42
ubuntu-mate_I opened and used gparted to use the balance of the disk with windows and created an ext4 grub flagged partition and a swap partition.14:42
rpm_33cfhowlett what's the failure mode?14:42
rpm_33(amazing. ethernet is now unplugged and I remain able to talk to you.)14:43
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate, please elaborate on the steps you take after that14:43
cfhowlettrpm_33, and I'm back.  failure mode = exactly what were you doing leading up to the fail.14:43
SchrodingersScatbaqir: you can find the md5/sha sums online, then run md5sum or the sha sum to check.14:43
cfhowlettrpm_33, do you have a /swap?14:44
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rpm_33cfhowlett - oh well it tends to be suspend/resuming. is /swap a partition?14:44
ioriateward, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/whatis-maximum-ram-supported-by-linux-server-computer-system/14:44
baqircan u give me a link please SchrodingersScat14:44
ubuntu-mate_after i finished creating the appropriate partitions I quit gparted, returned to the live system and started the installation. It fails after the language selection screen.14:44
joe_wblueskaj; just store images i create for a website, got lots..can't access anymore it says "needs to be shutdown properly..." when accessing the partition from ubuntu..and cant load win8 just hangs so....delete? and format?14:44
rpm_33cfhowlett, im not sure how to check14:44
cfhowlettrpm_33, yes swap is a partition.  do this:   free | nc termbin.com 999914:45
BluesKajjoe_w, yup14:45
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SchrodingersScatbaqir: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes can get more specific with flavor/version info14:45
elias1how are u ?14:45
rpm_33cfhowlett - ok http://termbin.com/t05f14:46
cfhowlettrpm_33, almost identical to mine14:46
rpm_33cfhowlett oh that's my virtual memory14:47
joe_wblueskaj; looked at the "disks" program and can format "compaq"?14:47
ubuntu-mate_The install says that it is working in superuser mode but fails to find the partitions that I created.14:48
BluesKajjoe_w, use gparted to unmount the partition then format to ntfs14:48
=== mira is now known as Guest3075
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate_, I think there is some error with your Installation DVD14:49
joe_wblueskaj; thanks will do...14:49
=== Guest3075 is now known as Mira6
ubuntu-mate_Ok. So I should recreate the install DVD and try again?14:49
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akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate_, try using a USB-Drive(atleast 2GB space) and make a LIve-USb out of it14:49
darkvadorJE SUIS TON PERE14:49
SchrodingersScat!fr | darkvador14:50
ubottudarkvador: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:50
darkvadorla flemme lol14:50
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate_, Always prefer Live-USB over DVD's14:50
ubuntu-mate_OK. I have the ability to do that. I'm working now through the live system. Will that allow me to do what you suggest?14:50
compdocusb is faster, but DVD is fine14:52
rpm_33cfhowlett do you understand whet they're talking about on this thread: something about "backports" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2176911 and the same guy posts an answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/331667/no-wireless-for-intel-corporation-7260-version-6314:52
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate_, yes that will14:52
Mira6does anybody here knows how to install SKYPE on unbuntu please?14:53
cfhowlett!skype | Mira614:53
ubottuMira6: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:53
cfhowlettrpm_33, ... reading14:54
Mira6@ubottu thxs a lot, u 're so fast :P14:54
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ubuntu-mate_can i download the iso to usb and use it directly from there or does it need to go through some sort of install14:55
EriC^^fastest bot in the west14:55
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate_, here you go http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows14:55
cfhowlettrpm_33, if you enable the backports repos in your software sources and if there are backports available, then perhaps you can get a more updated driver14:56
lapinozzHello, is there a way to put a window on fullscreen from terminal?14:56
rpm_33cfhowlett, OK thanks man I'll maybe consider that14:56
elias2Is there any french here ?14:57
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lapinozzme :D14:57
cfhowlettrpm_33, here's mine:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12397528/14:57
ubuntu-mate_thank you, akashdeepsingh. I'll try this and get back to you.14:57
rpm_33cfhowlett also what about in this thread, it sounds kinda similar to my problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226147514:57
akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate_, i will be waiting14:57
rpm_33cfhowlett ah ok how do I find out my version?14:57
lapinozzor to make every window fullscreen automaticly14:57
cfhowlettrpm_33, modinfo iwlwifi | grep 726014:58
rpm_33cfhowlett, thanks, reads the same for me14:58
SchrodingersScatlapinozz: wmctrl may help you?14:58
lapinozzSchrodingersScat: thx :)14:59
iorialapinozz, for example if you run gnome-terminal --maximize   it will open full screen ....15:00
PCatineanI have managed to create a ftp user and enable vsftpd how do I make him login to a certain directory and not be able to move from there?15:01
ioriaPCatinean, chroot jail15:03
lapinozzioria: i need a solution that work for anywindow15:03
PCatineanioria, I get: Response:500 OOPS: cannot change directory:=/path15:03
ioriaPCatinean, in vsftpd  you can use - chroot_local_user=YES  allow_writeable_chroot=YES15:04
PCatineanioria, I did that, seemed to work fine, then I moved the home directory of the user to an actual module where I will allow him to write and nothing more15:05
scatterphi can anyone help me with vnc I have this xstartup http://pastebin.com/LP9DRjfx and get this result http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/09/13/55f5765276208.png and http://pastebin.com/1vNRdtHz (logs) i do get a password prompt from vnc before the screen with odd colors15:05
PCatineanand I get that error15:05
PCatineanResponse:500 OOPS: cannot change directory:=/path15:05
Mira6infact @obuntu didnt tell me the right link15:07
ioriaPCatinean, the ownership is ftp:ftp ?15:07
Mira6so does anyone know how to install SKYPE via unbuntu please?15:08
PCatineanioria, no it's the user:group-to-handle-this-module15:08
ioriaPCatinean, of the home dir , i mean15:08
PCatineanIt worked the first time I set it then after that after I changed it it no longer worked, not even changing it back15:08
PCatineanI also would like to limit him to that folder with ssh too15:08
elias2me I know15:08
rpm_33very interesting. don't really have any trouble connecting to an Android tether cfhowlett15:11
rpm_33that's how I'm speaking to you now, even after suspend/resume15:11
rpm_33although since suspending/resuming, some weird things happened such as WIFI being disabled, and Bluetooth turning itself on.15:11
Botchlarpm_33, they quit.15:11
rpm_33oh damn15:11
rpm_33is there something that could be incorrectly set up with my router, that hurts ubuntu's ability to conenct but not mac or windows? because that could be the situation here15:12
baqirhi need help15:12
BotchlaBut what you said is likewise interesting -- let me explain. I was at a hotel for a couple of weeks some time ago; their wifi hotspots in particular exhibited the exact same behavior you're describing (I have a Toshiba Satellite U305-S7477, you can look up its specs).15:13
ioriarpm_33, have you tried some solutions in here ? http://zeroset.mnim.org/2014/04/22/unstable-wifi-connection-on-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr-ctrl-event-disconnected-reason4-locally_generated1/15:13
BotchlaAll other networks worked fine -- here was one of the many problems with the hotel wifi; the hotspots were all close to each other so the adapter picked them all up, and since they all had the same ESSID, it confused the network manager so it would frequently drop the closer hotspot and try one further away.15:14
akashdeepsinghbaqir, please tell your problem15:14
Botchlarpm_33, and I had to fix it by telling it to only auto-connect to a specific hotspot with a specific MAC/BSSID.15:14
Botchlarpm_33, see if something similar applies here?15:14
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl15:14
rpm_33thnks for that ioria. if I try that "temporary solution" how can i later undo it? TBH i don't really uunderstand what theyre talking about.15:15
baqirhow can i use sha256sums install it and use?15:15
rpm_33i'm going to starbucks down the street for a little bit, see how it fares on their internet. as i say strangely no trouble connecting to an ANdroid's broadcast. See you on the other side!!!!15:16
Botchlarpm_33, see you.15:16
ioriarpm_33 that just reloads the module with an option ..., reload the module without15:16
rpm_33also thanks Botchla15:16
Botchlarpm_33, for what it's worth, a program like wavemon may also be worth it to analyze the signal strength.15:17
BotchlaI found that very useful on Lubuntu at the hotel.15:17
akashdeepsinghbaqir, i suggest you try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSHA256SUM15:17
rpm_33Botchla, I'll have to quiz you on that in more depth in a little while, hopefully see you here in 15-20 mins or so15:17
rpm_33wish me luck!!15:17
* Botchla nods15:17
Botchlag/l, see you.15:17
TJ-rpm_33: if a suspend/resume changed the behaviour of the Wifi/Bluetooth radios, that strongly suggests a PC firmware bug in the ACPI DSDT15:17
baqirakashdeepsingh, y i cant download it on http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/15:21
akashdeepsinghbaqir, can you elaborate15:22
joe_wblueskaj; still there??? thanks for your help...can you help me stop the grub loader from offering me the choice of system??15:23
FrencisCarvalloUbuntu customer service are you there?15:25
BluesKajjoe_w, the grub loader lists your OSs so you can choose which one you want to boot into15:25
bazhangFrencisCarvallo, what is your issue15:26
TJ-joe_w: GRUB shows the boot menu if the previous boot failed. That is determined by the operating system setting the 'simple boot flag' to indicate to GRUB that the last shutdown was successful. If that flag is not set, GRUB will show the boot menu since it doesn't want to put the PC in a possibly endless boot loop15:26
TJ-joe_w: Alternatiely, GRUB can be configured to show the boot menu regardless, but that isn't the default setting.15:27
FrencisCarvallomy issue is windows 10 privacy15:27
FrencisCarvallocan someone help?15:27
baqirakashdeepsingh, when i press on sha256sums it not download15:27
bazhangFrencisCarvallo, not this channel no15:27
FrencisCarvalloevil Microsoft15:27
joe_wTJ; can i just set it to run ubuntu only, no longer use the windows option...15:27
bazhang!ot | FrencisCarvallo15:28
ubottuFrencisCarvallo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:28
tomodachihi suspend isnt working for me , how can i debug it in ubuntu 15.04 *systemd*  , dontk now where to check the logs15:28
lapinozzcan i login a TTY from another one and then send it command?15:28
woveninstalling skype, which distro do I pick from the list if it doesn't show 14.04?15:29
tomodachiwoven: latest ubuntu you find there15:29
wovenok ty15:29
TJ-joe_w: You can configure the 'default' menuentry to use, yes. All configuration is done via variable settings in "/etc/default/grub"15:29
bazhanginstall from partner repos woven15:30
bazhang!info skype partner | woven15:30
ubottuwoven: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:30
bazhang!partner | woven15:30
ubottuwoven: Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:30
baqirakashdeepsingh, r u here?15:30
joe_wTJ; if i change the "timeout" to "0" to load straight away, how do i save?? i'm using text editor,,,,cant remeber how to open with save function??15:32
TJ-joe_w: If using the GUI, start the text editor with gksudo (or kdesudo on Kubuntu)15:34
TJ-joe_w: If I recall correctly a timeout of 0 actually means 'wait forever'15:34
MonkeyDustor until a key is hit15:35
TJ-Same thing. the countdown isn't used15:36
joe_wTJ; still(after 2 years) consider myself a newbie.....can i change boot to just run ubuntu, not have an option, cos i no longer have any other system on board15:37
TJ-joe_w: That doesn't make sense. Are you saying you're removed all operating systems other than Ubuntu, but GRUB still lists other OSs?15:38
baqirguys anyone can help?15:38
joe_wTJ; yes15:38
qlu-Hey there, I'm new to ubuntu and just installed it, my sound quality is really shitty compared to windows 10, I have a realtek hd audio soudn card which comes with my HP laptop, how can I fix the quality?15:38
TJ-joe_w: if that is the case then you didn't completely remove the other OS. When 'update-grub' executes is uses 'os-prober' to find the boot loaders of other OSs, and if found, adds them to the boot menu15:39
TJ-joe_w: Run it manually and see what it reports: "sudo os-prober"15:39
rpm_78heyheyheyheyhey checkitout!!! I went to starbucks and it connects to their WIFI easy as pie. It also connects to my dad's Android tether easy as pie. Will NOT connect to my home WIFI. ioria and Botchla you had something to say about this??15:39
jak2000i have a clean installation of ubuntu server 14.04, how to do, create 1 user:JAK and do FULL root Privileges? (visudo and copy root ? 2) how to add user and add privileges but, i want, this user cant see the JAK home directory and root directory?15:39
joe_wTJ; windows 8 & Recovery15:40
TJ-rpm_78: Is your home Wifif operating on the same frequency band as the PC is scanning? Is the regulatory domain the same (that could limit the channels seen by the PC)15:40
baqirneed help15:40
rpm_78Even after suspending/resuming I had no trouble (except it switched off "wifi enabled" but all I did was switch it back on and voila, connected real quick)15:40
TJ-joe_w: OK, so those are still installed, which is why GRUB lists them15:40
Botchlarpm_78: Yeah, two comments -- first, have a look at something like wavemon to analyze the wifi signal strength from your router.15:41
Botchlarpm_78: Compare with that Starbucks and that phone tether's signals.15:41
ioriarpm_33, router settings15:42
TJ-joe_w: It could be an issue with the channel the router AP is on, it could be using 802.11n exclusively (wider channels - 40MHz rather than 20MHz)15:43
Botchlarpm_78: wavemon will also show other relevant information for signals that are in the vicinity; the wifi adapter you have, is it for 2.4 GHz or the newer 5 GHz signals? I often hear that's an issue.15:43
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BotchlaTJ-: Was that for joe_w or rpm_78?15:43
TJ-rpm_78: It could be an issue with the channel the router AP is on, it could be using 802.11n exclusively (wider channels - 40MHz rather than 20MHz)15:44
Botchla(YEs, the underscore also confused me.15:44
TJ-Was thinking about joe_w's issue whilst typing a response for rpm_78  :)15:44
TJ-rpm_78: In a terminal, you can check what the PC is seeing with "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" (assuming the WiFi interface is wlan0)15:46
joe_wTJ; no i just formated the main data area; would like help to remove completly15:46
BotchlaTJ-: I guess that is just a command line version of a graphical frontend like wavemon.15:47
TJ-Botchla: Yes. I prefer it, easier to collect information especially remotely15:48
baqirneed help please15:48
rpm_78thanks guys it says:  Channel:11                     Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)15:48
TJ-joe_w: you could delete the partitions os-prober reported as containing those OSs15:48
joe_wTJ; how? please?15:49
TJ-rpm_78: Are you able to pastebin from that PC? If so could you do "pastebinit <( sudo iwlist wlan0 scan )" and give us the pastebin URL?15:49
TJ-joe_w: there is a graphical paritioning manager called 'gparted'15:49
ioriathere is also a tool https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OS-Uninstaller15:50
joe_wTJ; i used that to delete the "comapaq" partition.15:50
joe_wTJ; "format" the partition15:50
TJ-joe_w: either it didn't do the 'format' or you only did 1 partition, and there are 2 others still to do15:51
rpm_78Thanks TJ http://paste.ubuntu.com/12398083/15:52
joe_wTJ;  what about the "factory image" partition?15:52
TJ-rpm_78: which SSID is your router?15:52
bodhithere is the channel #ubuntu-bugs-announce. Is there a channel where solved bugs are announced, similar to the debian channel #debian-devel-changes on OFTC?15:53
TJ-joe_w: I'd guess 'factory image' would be the Recovery image15:53
bozsikarmandHi! Maybe it is not the best place to ask in hardware related questions, but I am using Ubuntu 15.04 with an asus usb-n13 wifi stick and it works very... well... rhapsodically. Sometimes it disconnects from network and dont really want to connect again until restart. the it reconnects but only that case if i disconnected the stick from the usb port and connected again. Can you please suggest or reccomend me a model which can15:54
bozsikarmandbe bought nowadays and works ootb on Ubuntu? I have a 240 mbps connection, s I know that anything I will buy wont be able to transmit the full speed. Between me and my Ubee HGW/router (given by the ISP) I have a concrete wall and approximately 8 meters. Thanks15:54
TJ-rpm_78: That scan shows you have 2 APs on the same channel 11; "TALKTALK-2E95D8" and "O2wireless3C4605" - so they will conflict and interfere15:54
joe_wTJ; can i get you a prntscreen of gparted partitions?15:55
rpm_78TJ Mine is the talktalk one15:55
TJ-joe_w: you can do, at a terminal, "pastebinit <( sudo parted /dev/sda print )"15:56
smashmaster2000ugh this is all tech talk15:56
Botchlasmashmaster2000: This is a support channel, so that's to be expected. :)15:56
rpm_78Thanks TJ, what do I need to do? Is it a question of router settings.15:56
FooQuuxmanuh.... this is #ubuntu, what did you expect?15:56
smashmaster2000oh i thought this was just a talking thing15:56
Geohardcore man on man porn15:57
kostkon!ot | smashmaster200015:57
ubottusmashmaster2000: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:57
MonkeyDustsmashmaster2000  this channel is for technical (and functional) support15:57
TJ-joe_w: The O2 AP although with a lower-strength signal is going to cause interference, so that may be part of your problem. Interference from a strong signal can cause disconncets15:57
TJ-done it again!15:58
rpm_78TJ I think you meant to direct that at me ;)15:58
TJ-rpm_78: The O2 AP although with a lower-strength signal is going to cause interference, so that may be part of your problem. Interference from a strong signal can cause disconncets15:58
BotchlaTJ-: rpm_78 * :)15:58
* TJ- goes or a STRONG coffee15:58
FooQuuxmanI'm having problems with several programs that use opengl, don't know where the problem is and no error messages are appearing, the result looks like this: http://imgur.com/MxBAAZV15:58
FooQuuxmansummary of what I currently know: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/3kq52b/ubuntu_1404_opengl_sometimes_garbled_intel/15:58
joe_wTJ; http://pastebin.com/uKBesTmc15:59
rpm_78Before I left for starbucks, somebody mentioned something about 802 and N and yada yada yada I don't remember so well... What was that?15:59
Botchla<TJ-> rpm_78: It could be an issue with the channel the router AP is on, it could be using 802.11n exclusively (wider channels - 40MHz rather than 20MHz)15:59
ioriarpm_78, cat /var/log/syslog | grep DISCONNECTED   says something ?16:01
rpm_78ioria hi again, it returns the following: http://pastebin.com/UUHsxYDj16:02
sbluenI wish I didn't have to reinstall steam under all the different wine settings16:03
TJ-joe_w: That confirms there are 3 partitions for Windows NTFS: 1,2,3 using up a combined 220GB16:03
PCatineanCould someone please help me setup a sudoers.d file that allows all users in bla-admin group to execute sudo service bla *whatever* without passowrd?16:04
joe_wTJ; how do i remove and have only for ubunru?16:04
TJ-rpm_78: "CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=90:94:e4:2e:95:d8 reason=3 locally_generated=1"  == interference16:05
rpm_78Botchla, TJ, do you find it strange that WIFI should work fine on win7 and mac?16:05
Botchlarpm_78: Dual-booting in same computer, or on a different system?16:05
TJ-joe_w: Use gparted to delete those 3 partitions, then you could create 2 new partitions using the free space and use then for Linux16:05
FooQuuxman[insert "you should backup those partitions" disclaimer here]16:06
rpm_78Dual booting Win7 the wifi works fine on Win7, also several different computers in the house work fine too16:06
ioriarpm_78, did you try sudo sh -c 'modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1' ?16:06
joe_wTJ; thanks will let you know if i run in to any problems...thanks again16:06
TJ-rpm_78: No; different chipsets/antenna combinations have different performance characteristics. There are some tunables to try to persuade the client to try harder to remain on a busy channel16:06
BotchlaTJ-: That's why I asked if he dual-booted; if it's a dual-boot, it is the same chipset/antenna combination, albeit different driver?16:07
TJ-rpm_78: the Intel 7260 is known to perform poorly on Linux16:07
rpm_78thanks ioria, what does sh -c do?16:07
ioriarpm_78, sh it's the shell16:09
TJ-rpm_78: bug 135497516:09
ubottubug 1354975 in Unity Linux "iwlwifi Intel 7260 Wifi disconnects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135497516:09
readoitioria: really16:09
=== luny` is now known as luny
rpm_78ioria, did what you said, it disconnected then connected to talktalk very quickly16:10
readoitrpm_78: all OS are in beta stage16:10
rpm_78oh my lord! ioria, did you just hook me up??!??!???!16:11
ioriarpm_78, it's temporary  , as said before16:11
rpm_78oh right16:11
ioriarpm_78, http://zeroset.mnim.org/2014/04/22/unstable-wifi-connection-on-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr-ctrl-event-disconnected-reason4-locally_generated1/16:11
rpm_78ioria, WOW so I do the "permanent solution" version16:12
ioriarpm_78,  i wish you all the best ... :-þ16:12
TJ-rpm_78: Right; What you did was disable using 802.11n (40Mhz wide channels)16:13
BotchlaHm, will that make the connection slower?16:13
BotchlaThe permanent solution.16:13
ioriaa bit...16:13
TJ-rpm_78: that will limit the headline connection rate to 54Mbs, effective user rate ~ 5MB/sec16:14
BotchlaTJ-: ._.16:14
rpm_78so i just open iwlwifi.conf in a text editor, add in that line and it will be a permanent fix?16:15
TJ-rpm_78: "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1"16:16
ioriarpm_78,  it should ... otherwise you can make a script and start it at boot16:16
PCatineanCan anyone help with the upstart thing?16:16
PCatineanI made a custom upstart script, placed it in /etc/init16:17
PCatineannow I want all users that belong to group x to start/stop/restart it16:17
PCatineanIt keeps asking for the sudo password16:18
TJ-PCatinean: of course; you have added a system service. That requires root (uid 0) privileges16:18
PCatineanTJ-, that's the point I would like for it to be executable by any user16:19
PCatineanI cannot seem to get it working for the life of me16:22
TJ-PCatinean: you need to read the Upstart documentation then; possibly - although I don't think it is suitable - the --user session facility. I suspect what you need is an entry in  'sudoers ' to permit group members to run the commands to start/stop that service16:22
PCatineanTJ-, that's what I have been trying for the past 20 minutes16:22
=== me is now known as Guest29235
Bremsstrafag<GitGud> Bremsstrafag, if you troll enough times they might actually commit suicide (sarcasm)16:26
rpm_45Hey everyone. sudo sh -c 'modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1' worked OK at first, but I still have trouble connecting after suspend/resume16:26
Bremsstrafagi made him leave #freenode16:26
Bremsstrafagi fucking love this shit16:26
Bremsstrafagi bet the faggots going to kill himself for realz now16:26
TJ-!ops Bremsstrafag16:27
rpm_45iorna i went to sudo gedit and inserted that line into iwlwifi.conf. however since suspend/resume I have been forced to use the ethernet cable again16:27
TJ-rpm_45: "pastebinit /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf"16:28
rpm_45what was the command you told me that allowed you to instantly diagnose that I was disconnecting because of interference?16:28
rpm_45thanks TJ http://paste.ubuntu.com/12398677/16:29
ioriarpm_45 so not working after 'suspend'   ?   try to reload the module   ?16:30
rpm_45ioria whats that mean sorry?16:30
ioriarpm_45  it's  not working after 'suspend'   ?16:31
rpm_45no still lots of funny business after suspend/resume.16:31
ioriarpm_45  lsmod | grep iwlwifi16:31
TJ-rpm_45: that looks correct. As ioria says, it may be an issue that when resuming from suspend the firmware doesn't 'remember' it is supposed to not use 802.11n, so unload/reload the module will reset that16:31
rpm_45ioria, that returned: iwlwifi               188416  1 iwlmvm cfg80211              524288  3 iwlwifi,mac80211,iwlmvm16:32
ioriarpm_45  run again sudo sh -c 'modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1'16:32
daftykinsrpm_45: i really don't see the point in continuing until you contact Dell.16:32
rpm_45ioria yep, connected to my WIFI very quick & easy now16:34
rpm_45daftykins well it seems to be related to my router setup, rather than my computer mostly. i went to starbucks and it worked perfectly, and tethered it to a phone also worked perfectly16:35
TJ-rpm_45: To fix the resume issue I think you need a Power Management script that unloads the module on Suspend, and reloads it on resume16:35
rpm_45TJ how can i make a little thing that will run on startup and/or on each resume?16:35
daftykinsrpm_45: what kind is it? is it on the latest firmware? is it dual-band?16:36
ioriarpm_45  we should modify the suspend / resume script ...16:36
sleezio|bamahello, running xubuntu, wondering if anyone knows of an xfce panel app where you can add your own script to show you random data...like scraping a website(something similar to what you can do with conky, but an widget/app for an xfce panel)16:36
rpm_45daftykins not sure about how up=to-date firmware is, but yes i believe it is dual band16:36
ioriarpm_45  i think there is a better solution ...16:36
daftykinsrpm_45: ok, if it uses the same SSID for both bands i'd split them up - call the 2.4GHz 'network' and the 5GHz 'network_5g' or something16:36
shrekbay bay16:36
daftykinsand look up the firmware16:37
rpm_45 Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 Plus Bluetooth 4.016:37
daftykins'intel 7260' is sufficient ;)16:37
daftykinsalso get it from lspci and not the product spec16:37
BotchIahey where's a good place for suicide prevention stuff? i feel like killing myself :(16:38
TJ-rpm_45: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/12398744/16:38
TJ-daftykins: the device is dual-band; the user's network is only on 2.4GHz16:38
daftykinsTJ-: i know the NIC has been switched to 'n' only, but i'm suggesting actions on the other side16:39
TJ-daftykins: no, the NIC has had 802.11n disabled16:39
daftykinsoh the other way around16:40
daftykinsok, i still don't think checking firmware updates is irrelevant16:40
TJ-daftykins: there are 2 APs very close both operating on channel 11; and another on channel 6. The user's AP is on channel 11. It is having disconnects due to interference from the foreign AP on channel 1116:40
daftykinsheh fair enough, but again what will updating hurt? :)16:41
rpm_45(by the by, thanks everybody so much - amazingly helpful commuity here)16:42
TJ-It has the latest firmware; and the NIC works fine on Windows dual-boot (although we don't know if the Windows driver is using 802.11n or not - often it is disabled because of issues like this without the user being aware).16:43
TJ-rpm_45: Install that Power Management script I pastebin-ed for you, then try a suspend/resume cycle16:43
rpm_45TJ sorry kiddie-pool question, how exactly do i install it?16:45
TJ-rpm_45: copy the content of the pasetbin into a file, as per the instructions in the comments16:46
rpm_45whats the command to make a new file in a protected location?16:47
greenbigfrogWhat RSS readers are their that work under ubuntu 15.04 that are similar to feedindicator and yarssr? (both of them don't work)16:47
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badbodhrpm_45: if it is a text file, you just open your editor with sudo/gksudo and save there16:49
badbodhsudo for command line editors only16:50
badbodhgreenbigfrog: dunno about "similar to blah blah" part, but there is 'liferea' for gtk DE-s, akregator for kde16:51
badbodhjust search rss feed etc in software center16:52
rpm_45TJ ok carried out the instructions in your pastebin, thanks16:53
rpm_45TJ should I be able to suspend/resume now? is trying that out the next step?16:59
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DebrisRathi ! :)17:08
drobbanGuest19858: I realy hope you arent online with your root account :)17:08
rpm_33hello. unfortunately back on ethernet. suspend/resume didn't go to plan TJ17:09
rpm_33ioria are you there?17:15
rpm_33what was the command you told me from which you managed to discern that my WIFI was dropping out due to interference?17:15
rpm_33ioria sorry found it - "cat /var/log/syslog | grep DISCONNECTED"17:17
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akashdeepsinghubuntu-mate_, did you do it?17:22
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linociscohow to convert epub to pdf perfectly?17:24
bazhang!info calibre17:24
ubottucalibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.20.0+dfsg-1 (vivid), package size 19557 kB, installed size 44516 kB17:24
bazhangno perfectly linocisco theres no such thing17:25
bazhanguse calibre to convert linocisco17:25
linociscocalibre? installed by default?17:25
linociscowhat is the best torrent software to search for ebooks?17:30
bazhanglinocisco, thats not what torrent sw does17:30
linociscook. what torrent software is good to use?17:31
bazhanglinocisco, contact amazon or others for ebooks17:31
baizonlinocisco: i personally recommend qbittorrent17:31
bazhanglinocisco, try several and decide there is no ONE best17:31
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P17:31
linociscobaizon, bazhang 10Q17:32
Dro__how to run webcam cheese without led?17:34
bodhithere is the channel #ubuntu-bugs-announce. Is there a channel where solved bugs are announced, similar to the debian channel #debian-devel-changes on OFTC?17:46
MonkeyDustDro__  is this useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1054024617:46
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information17:46
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Guest19858hi, whatis Level 3 Comunications, Inc.17:53
daftykinsGuest19858: an internet backbone co, and offtopic17:53
Guest19858ok thanks17:54
bozeteach a guy to fish. I see a few forum posts that say to install sni-qt:i386 so a missing indicator will show up. I think the i386 would be 32bit. Is there a sni-qt:x86_64? I see on packages.ubuntu.com there's an amd64 architecture. How do you research the right package you need?17:56
badbodhboze: some apps need 32 bit packages to run, even if you use 64 bit os17:58
badbodhfor example skype, teamviewer17:58
badbodhif sni-qt:i386 is a dependency, you have to install it. you can't replace it with "something similar"17:59
bozebadbodh, there's the question I'm looking for. How do you list dependencies for a program?17:59
badbodhthere are "or" dependencies, but not relevant to current discussion18:00
bozeapt-get would usually resolve the dependencies right? but skype I installed through a .deb file18:00
badbodhboze: in terminal run "man apt-cache" to see various commands to find stuff. like "apt-cache search <name>" will search (duh) , "apt-cache show <package name>" shows details18:01
akikboze: apt-cache depends package18:01
badbodhdetails contain dependencies, conflicts, recommends etc18:01
shipshi all18:02
bozeakik, badbodh, tyvm. I didn't know about apt-cache18:03
shipsi even instal tor on my ubuntu18:03
shipsand i want to use it on vbox18:03
badbodhboze: for skype .deb , open it in gdebi and check. if any missing dependencies, it will be installed. that's assuming that dependency is available in repositories18:03
shipssorry i speak english litlle18:03
badbodhelse it will show a red error message18:03
ubuntu-mateI am continuing my quest to install ubuntu-mate 15.04 as a dual boot with Win7Pro. I was told to try it from a usb install, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I still get the ???? error pop-up after continuing past the disk and internet checked screen. Any ideas?18:04
badbodhships: if you want tor in vbox, install it in vbox18:04
Guest19858for go I to the server irc.ubuntu.com, so is necessary?Is necessary more server what irc.ubuntu.com?18:04
redangekships: what18:05
Ntemiscan anyone help me install vdpau  support for amd on 14.04.318:05
badbodh!ops - redangek pming n-word to folks.18:06
ubottubadbodh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:06
ubuntu-mateI have used it in VBox for years, but a Vbox install will not get me the Windows 10 upgrade. The system claims that my video is not good because of the Vbox driver. Also, I need to use certain legacy apps that perform poorly in VBox, even with 4 dedicated processors out of the 8 my machine has.18:06
shipsredangek, i want just to use vbox with proxy18:06
redangekbadbodh: no18:07
akikredangek is some kind of fool18:07
Knight80Do any of you use Konsole terminal?18:07
badbodhignore him. he' a troll18:07
redangekNtemis: hi18:07
Ntemis21:06 <redangek> you bastard18:08
Ntemis21:06 <Ntemis> what?18:08
Ntemis21:07 <redangek> fuck you asshole18:08
Ntemis21:07 <Ntemis> wtf?18:08
Ntemis21:07 <Ntemis> u ok?18:08
akikKnight80: many people use konsole18:09
Ntemissomeone jick this fool out of here please18:09
shipsredangek> can you understand FUCK YOU.18:09
ships<ships> yeah thanks18:09
ships<ships> good bye18:09
Knight80akik Do you know how to activate sound notifications?18:09
akikKnight80: no18:09
badbodhNtemis: poor choice of words. don;t paste those here18:09
shipsredangek, is a children18:09
Guest19858If I talk with one person, is necessary what my call go for 7 homes?18:10
badbodhships: ignore him. install tor inside vbox os that you are running. as long as its network is functional, you'll tor just fine18:10
ubuntu-matebadbodh: any ideas as to why the install cannot find the ext4 and swap partitions I precreated?18:11
Ntemiswhy nobody banned this user yet18:11
thecyclonecan someone suggest ubuntu themes to make my desktop cooler18:11
Ntemishe keeps going 21:09 <redangek> You just been quieted in the room. You prick18:11
badbodhNtemis: ops are fishing in lava lake for fried trouts18:11
redangekthecyclone: sure someone can18:11
thecycloneredangek, rude!18:12
gsaulthis is getting a little rough...18:12
badbodhubuntu-mate: start from beginning of time. what do you have on your hard drive at present, what have you tried so far. if any error mssges you have encountered. etc18:12
thecyclonehey ubuntu-mate, you back again!18:13
thecycloneis it working?18:14
badbodhphunyguy: tonyyarusso bazhang ikonia anybody home? redangek is shaking things up a bit here18:14
redangekgsaul: rough. How18:14
Ntemisso guys some help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399308/18:14
ubuntu-matethecyclone: yes, I'm back and still in the shit18:15
thecyclonedid it work?18:15
badbodhubuntu-mate: tch cth, language fella.18:15
redangekNtemis: it means you don't have proprietary driver18:15
ubuntu-matesorry. poop?18:16
badbodhthecyclone ubuntu-mate what's the story, what have you guys tried so far ?18:16
LambdaComplexWhy does Ubuntu recommend the EFI System Partition be at /boot/efi rather than just /boot?18:16
Ntemismy card isnt supported by it now18:16
redangekLambdaComplex: ?18:16
badbodhNtemis: ignore him. looks like you got broken packages. run "sudo apt-get install -f" and show us the output on a pastebin18:16
Knight80Do any of you know how to activate sound notifications in Konsole terminal?18:17
thecyclonebadbodh, he said that his installer was not able to detect the partition that he wants to install ubuntu on. I told him to use a Live-USB and then try to reformat using gparted18:17
thecyclonethen i said that it could be due to some error in the DVD and advised him to use LIVE_USB for installation and tell me what happened18:17
redangekNtemis: uninstall the vdpau18:17
ubuntu-mateI just re-did the download from ubuntu-mate.org. If I've got bad or broken packages, so does everyone else.18:17
badbodhthecyclone: sounds about right. ubuntu-mate boot to live and join this channel, let's try a few things18:17
Ntemisbadbodh: looks ok to me18:18
Knight80Perhaps I need some libraries or something, don't you think?18:18
LambdaComplexredangek: Having an EFI System Partition mounted at /boot works just fine. I'm wondering why the Ubuntu docs say to mount it at /boot/efi18:18
ubuntu-mateI am here on the ubuntu-mate live system.18:18
Knight80I'm on Ubuntu Gnome 15.0418:18
redangekLambdaComplex: that's what Windows uses18:18
LambdaComplexredangek: Uh...no, that's not how that works18:19
thecycloneubuntu-mate, run this command and show us the output on a pastebin sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda18:19
thecyclone"sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda"18:19
badbodhNtemis: looks like you already have vdpau package installed, why are you trying to install xserver-xorg-lts-vivid ?18:19
Ntemisi dont have it18:19
badbodhNtemis: what command did you run that gave the previous error message18:20
badbodh"you have held broken blah blah"18:20
redangekLambdaComplex: boot your computer holding f12 then select bootable hard drive. It will then show all efi in boot/efi18:20
ubuntu-matehere's the output i received: ubuntu-mate@ubuntu-mate:~$ sudo gdisk -l /devb/sda18:21
ubuntu-mateGPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.1018:21
ubuntu-mateProblem opening /devb/sda for reading! Error is 2.18:21
ubuntu-mateThe specified file does not exist!18:21
LambdaComplexredangek: And in that case "boot" is just the ESP itself18:21
MonkeyDustubuntu-mate  use a pastebin for miltiple lines18:21
badbodhubuntu-mate: run "lsblk" and "sudo blkid" and show on pastebin18:21
thecycloneubuntu-mate, did you have windows 8 preinstalled on your system?18:21
redangekLambdaComplex: it may show all. Even child directories18:22
ubuntu-mateubuntu-mate@ubuntu-mate:~$ sudo gdisk -l /devb/sda18:22
ubuntu-mateGPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.1018:22
ubuntu-mateProblem opening /devb/sda for reading! Error is 2.18:22
ubuntu-mateThe specified file does not exist!18:22
badbodh^ good question. windows 7 doesn;t need gpt18:22
badbodhubuntu-mate: hey! use pastebin :/18:22
ubuntu-mateubuntu-mate@ubuntu-mate:~$ sudo gdisk -l /devb/sda18:22
ubuntu-mateGPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.1018:22
ubuntu-mateProblem opening /devb/sda for reading! Error is 2.18:22
ubuntu-mateThe specified file does not exist!18:22
Ntemisbadbodh: mesa-vdpau-drivers18:23
thecycloneubuntu-mate: this is a common problem18:23
thecycloneyou can try to fix it using fixparts18:23
LambdaComplexredangek: Windows mounts drives to separate letters, not to folders. There is no "/boot" on Windows. And even if that were how Windows did it, that still doesn't really answer my question. It works fine mounted at /boot18:23
thecyclonetry thi ubuntu-mate: "fixparts /dev/sda"18:23
Ntemisbadbodh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399358/18:23
redangekLambdaComplex: if you dual boot. In ubuntu if you select Windows efi to boot it will then on boot straight into Windows. To go back to ubuntu efi just do it again and select ubuntu18:24
badbodhthecyclone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399358/ looks bad ?18:24
redangekLambdaComplex: boot/efi is hidden18:25
shipsbadbodh, i dont want to instal tor inside geust vm18:26
shipsi want that vbox use proxy18:26
thecyclonebadbodh: http://askubuntu.com/questions/124845/eerror-pkgproblemresolverresolve-generated-breaks-this-may-be-caused-by-hel this can solve i think18:26
shipslike that guest use all protocol on tor ;)18:27
redangekLambdaComplex: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/29477318:27
redangekLambdaComplex: But it's still unwritable after doing that18:28
LambdaComplexredangek: I really don't see how Windows handles the ESP is relevant to a discussion of Linux18:28
badbodhships: vbox will use your network adapter. install tor inside vbox for tor functionality. this is how it works, app>tor>vbox-network>host-network>internets18:28
badbodhships: even if you install tor in your host os, the os-es inside vbox won;t be aware of that. you could join virtualbox's channel in freenode and ask for details. i'm no expert :D18:29
redangekLambdaComplex: because installing one leaves others in the folder18:30
badbodhLambdaComplex: he is a troll ignore him18:30
redangekLambdaComplex: allowing you to boot from them latter18:30
LambdaComplexredangek: Either badbodh is right or you have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about. Or both.18:31
akikships: nobody knows what you really want. but you should look up tails os if that fits your bill18:31
LambdaComplexI'm guessing both.18:31
thecycloneubuntu-mate : ????18:31
badbodhthecyclone: ubuntu-mate's paste says even unity control center and gnome contrrol center are broken. how did gnome-control-center end up on ubuntu anyway18:32
ubuntu-mateSorry for the delay. I'm not very experienced with chat and am having an issue getting to the pastebin.18:32
redangekLambdaComplex: I am right and you can install uefi in any partition. It's just that ubuntu defaults to Windows partition. You goof18:32
ExpletiveI've got an ubuntu system that hangs during boot with a flashing underscore on a black screen. I installed 15.04, and on it's first boot it was fine. But after I updated it, it stopped booting. I've tried nomodeset, but it hasn't helped. The good news is that I can boot into recovery mode.18:32
shipsakik, i want to start vbox with proxy without install it inside guest vb18:32
bekksships: Then install your proxy outside a vm and setup your guests like you have been told.18:33
redangekExpletive: you using fglrx18:33
bekksToo late.18:33
thecycloneubuntu-mate: "fixparts /dev/sda" try this18:33
badbodhExpletive: ignore redangek he is a troll. we got a full house, stick around someone will get back to you18:34
akikenglish, do you speak it?18:34
thecyclonebadbodh, are there any admins who ban trolls?18:34
redangekExpletive: you using AMD graphic card with fglrx18:35
badbodhthecyclone: admins are gone hiking to mount wannahockaloogie18:35
badbodhubuntu-mate: running the fixpart cmd ?18:36
redangekYou criticize but nobody talk to Expletive18:36
shipssorry akik i speak litlle english :/18:36
ioriaExpletive, raid ?18:36
akikredangek: did you forget that you were insulting people a couple of minutes ago?18:37
Expletiveredangek: Actually I am18:37
ubuntu-mateI've got the pastebin open but have no idea how to use it.18:37
badbodhExpletive: focus buddy. talk to ioria , ignore trolls.18:37
ubuntu-matebadbodh: I'm peddling as fast as I can, but I'm a little lost.18:37
shipsredangek, its a children do not speak with him18:38
Expletiveioria: No raid. Only the one hard drive.18:38
ioriaExpletive, ssd ?18:38
ThatNewGuyHey guys, does anyone know how to get redshift working?18:38
Expletiveioria: No, just the one hard disk drive.18:38
ioriaExpletive, sudo parted -l ?18:38
badbodhubuntu-mate: you just copy-paste the contents of the terminal into it. there are plenty of pastebin websites. dpaste.com, slexy.org , just pick one and get pasting manually18:39
MonkeyDustThatNewGuy  i use redshift, as we speak... guess you need redshift-gtk18:39
ubuntu-mateok. i am at the fixpart command under gdisk. what now?18:39
ioriaExpletive, and sudo lshw -c video18:39
redangekExpletive: FGLRX and the new kernel and xorg-server 1.17 don't play together18:39
ioriaExpletive, you can paste on paste.ubuntu.com or install pastebinit18:39
MonkeyDustExpletive  or use nc 999918:40
ThatNewGuyMonkeyDust, Alright, I installed both packages, including gtk. When I launch it it says can't locate where I am18:40
Expletiveioria: While I can run those commands on the recovery mode shell I can't pastebin their output because the machine won't boot.18:41
ubuntu-matebadbodh: a have a pastbin open but it will not allow me to paste into it.18:41
MonkeyDustThatNewGuy  i guess it uses locales, to determine when the sun rises and sets18:41
saturday_sunhello! I'm using a pc with a celeron (2 core) for a samba share and some more stuff. last night I copied a lot of files to a remote server via scp and the load got very high (about 8). The thing is that the load remained at 8-7, after the copy was over. I had to restart the server to get it "normal" again. Did I like "crash" it by doing scp?18:41
ioriaExpletive, sudo lshw -c video | grep driver18:41
ubuntu-matei think i found it.18:42
badbodhubuntu-mate: can you select/copy text outputs from terminal? go to this website http://slexy.org/ and paste. share resulting url18:42
Ntemisbadbodh: fixed18:42
saturday_sun(running ubuntu 15.04)18:42
thecycloneubuntu-mate, did you try my fix?18:43
badbodhNtemis: what did you do for fixing ?18:43
Expletiveioria: driver=fglrx_pci latency=018:43
ubuntu-matei am connected on http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399433/18:43
Ntemisbadbodh: sudo apt-get install mesa-vdpau-drivers-lts-vivid18:43
badbodhNtemis: no errors this time? good then.18:43
ioriaExpletive, did you install fglrx from terminl or from Additional Driver gui ?18:43
badbodhdeep breath18:43
Expletiveadditional drivers gui18:44
Ntemisthat package should be on wiki18:44
badbodhubuntu-mate: lol. that's not how pastebin works :D , you just copy-paste stuff like any normal text file.18:44
ioriaExpletive,  sudo parted -l | grep boot18:44
badbodhit's not like skype or something to "stay connected"18:45
Ntemisi was trying to install "mesa-vdpau-drivers" thats is wrong and not installable18:45
badbodhNtemis: makes more sense. you god vivid drivers pre-installed, needs vivd-vdpau drivers with it18:45
Ntemisi dont have vivid i have lts hw enablement stuck18:46
ubuntu-matebadbodh: the last output you asked me for is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399433/18:46
badbodhubuntu-mate: highlight thecyclone's nick too when you reply. we both are following this topic.18:46
Expletiveioria: 1 1049kB 256MB 255MB primary ext2 boot18:47
ubuntu-matethank you, both.18:47
ubuntu-matethe cyclone: the results that i pasted are on http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399433/18:47
funkenstrahlenHey, I try to setup unattended-upgrades, but apperently they do not get run by cron. I did some research and found out that the unnattended-upgrades get run by the /etc/cron.daily/apt script. Is that true?18:47
ioriaExpletive,  no uefi then ?  .... partition table in parted -l says msdos ?18:48
funkenstrahlenFor me it is however named apt.disabled. Does this actually disable the cron run for apt?18:48
redangekExpletive: support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDCatalyst15-7LINReleaseNotes.aspx look at system requirements. Kernel and xorg-server especially18:48
thecyclonebadbodh ubuntu-mate i think he should run "fixparts /dev/sda" and tell us the output18:48
thecyclonethis command can automatically detect and sugget solutions18:49
ubuntu-mateok will do18:49
redangekExpletive: what version of fglrx are you using18:49
Knight80Hello everyone18:49
ioriaExpletive, did you set a different partition for /boot ?18:49
badbodhto my knowledge windows 7 doesn;t use gpt/efi partition. it runs on classic mbr/bios.18:49
ViperZQUESTION - I just installed and configured a windows 8.1 system to be a dual boot - i used easybcd to try and point to my linux grub but it kinda wrecked my bootloader - i currently can get into windows via the boot menu but have to boot from a cd that has grub2 on it to get to my linux install - would booting from my linux live and mounting my linux boot partition and then doing a sudo update-grub fix?18:49
Knight80Speaker's test isn't working in Ubuntu Gnome 15.0418:50
Knight80What can I do?18:50
bekksbadbodh: Windows 7 uses UEFI when you install it with UEFI being enabled.18:50
badbodhoh. ok18:50
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Expletiveioria: The partition table is MSdos, and I don't know if there's a separate boot partition, but I ticked the box to enable logical volume management during the install18:50
ioriaExpletive, sorry ... don't know nothing about lvm .....18:51
ubuntu-matebadbodh thecyclone the output is on pastebin18:51
redangekioria: Expletive is booting. It's his graphic driver. You jacka--18:52
badbodhshare the url here ubuntu-mate18:52
Expletiveredangek: I'm using the version that was installed by the additional drivers gui.18:52
ioriaExpletive, how did you set nomodeset in /etc/default/grub or editing the kernel libne at boot ?18:52
badbodhredangek: how did you know he has ati card? did you tell him to run relevant commands to check gpu details ?18:52
FooQuuxmanFYI: the bug I asked about earlier solved itself with a system update, was probably a kernel problem18:53
FooQuuxman(thanks anyway)18:53
ExpletiveI held shift, selected ubuntu with additional options and pressed e. Then replaces "quiet splash" with "nomodeset"18:53
redangekExpletive: doing an distro upgrade wouldn't upgrade a proprietary graphic driver. You need to upgrade the driver18:53
ubuntu-matebadboh thecyclone the url is http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399478/18:53
badbodhubuntu-mate: now run "lsblk" and "sudo blkid" and show the output. <- thecyclone18:54
ioriaExpletive, well... you can try to purge fglrx* ....18:54
badbodhthecyclone: hold the fort, i gotta run to wonderland for an adventure18:55
ubuntu-matebadbodh thecyclone the output is up18:55
thecyclonepaste the url here18:56
redangekExpletive: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall18:56
thecyclonebadbodh, going for the "nature's call" :p18:56
badbodhthecyclone: nah some serious work :(18:56
badbodhhave fun18:57
thecycloneubuntu-mate, try sudo with the command i suggested18:57
redangekExpletive: sudo jockey-text. That's a text version18:57
ioriaExpletive, but you have to remount the fs rw,,, i think18:58
ubuntu-matethecyclone sudo with which command?18:58
thecycloneubuntu-mate, "sudo fixparts /dev/sda"18:58
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ubuntu-matethecyclone the output is on pastebin19:00
thecycloneubuntu-mate, url please19:00
ubuntu-matehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12399522/ sorry19:01
redangekioria: you trying real good to wreck his install19:01
Expletiveredangek: "W:Not using lock file for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock" "E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt" "E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."19:02
ExpletiveFrom the sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall19:02
ExpletiveI left out the sudo because I'm at the root recovery shell19:02
ubuntu-matethecyclone http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399522/19:03
ioriaredangek, can you elaborate, please ?19:03
x201hi, I have a thinkpad x201 and today I installed Xubuntu on it but I cannot get any audio to come out of the speakers19:04
x201When I plug headphones in, I can get sound out of those just not anything from the main speakers19:04
p3rsistHi guys. Is there a way to disable touchpad input if usb mouse is plugged in?19:05
ioriaExpletive, to have write permission or you 'enable network' or remount the fs rw19:05
ExpletiveWell, here's an idea. Should I just reinstall 15.04 and then not install fglrx?19:05
MonkeyDusthackerman  itw orks19:05
redangekIt's either being used by another process or ubuntu always needs sudo19:06
OneM_IndustriesHow do I remove AVG from my box? It is hogging resources, and it is even harder to remove than an actual virus. =/19:06
bekksOneM_Industries: How did you install it?19:06
OneM_IndustriesI don't remember.19:06
MonkeyDustOneM_Industries  avg is for windows, are you in ubuntu now?19:06
ubuntu-matethecyclone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399522/19:06
OneM_IndustriesI am in ubuntu.19:06
daftykinsOneM_Industries: ask them, they have paid support i'm sure :)19:07
MonkeyDustOneM_Industries  then why and how did you install avg?19:07
kostkon!find avg19:07
ubottuFound: python-libavg19:07
OneM_IndustriesI honestly have no clue.19:07
Expletiveredangek: The machine has no network access.19:07
ioriaExpletive, from recovery you can choose 'enable network'19:08
Expletiveioria: I did choose that.19:08
ioriaExpletive, wifi ?19:08
ioriaExpletive, it's different then .... mount --options remount,rw /19:08
daftykinsioria: that's a whole lot of typing, -o ? ;)19:09
thecycloneubuntu-mate, do you have windows?19:09
RvovI have one window in the wall19:10
ioriadaftykins, can you help him ? no boot after upgrade  ... maybe fglrx issue19:10
OneM_IndustriesBother, their support is useless.19:10
daftykinshmm didn't see any back story, but i can take a glance19:10
ioriadaftykins, driver=fglrx_pci latency=0 ,  use lvm19:11
ubuntu-matethecyclone: I do have a new windows7pro install, but no drivers for internet access. can't imagine why.19:11
daftykinsugh LVM19:11
daftykinsioria: those were boot params?19:12
thecycloneubuntu-mate, open windows and use its disk-management to create free space where you want to install ubuntu19:12
naftilos76Hi is there a safe way to load the entire system in a tmpfs and run from there? I am talking about ubuntu not puppy linux and other similar solutions.19:12
ioriadaftykins, no lshw -c video .... maybe he still have nomodet at boot19:12
daftykinsokie dokie19:12
MonkeyDustnaftilos76  you mean like a live dvd or usb19:12
ViperZQUESTION - I just installed and configured a windows 8.1 system to be a dual boot - i used easybcd to try and point to my linux grub but it kinda wrecked my bootloader - i currently can get into windows via the boot menu but have to boot from a cd that has grub2 on it to get to my linux install - would booting from my linux live and mounting my linux boot partition and then doing a sudo update-grub fix?19:13
daftykinsViperZ: it sounds like you're saying GRUB isn't even installed.19:13
ubuntu-matethecyclone: i will have to exit from here to do that but I'll give it a whirl. thank you.19:13
redangekExpletive: maybe do a new install.19:13
daftykinsExpletive: so what's your current situation? in recovery mode with / remounted read+write ?19:13
ViperZdaftykins, it is but on boot its not being seen19:13
MonkeyDustViperZ  what happens when you try?19:13
daftykinsViperZ: sounds like you left your BIOS/EFI set to the Windows Boot Manager instead of the disk device name19:14
Expletiveredangek , ioria: okay, did that and ubuntu-drivers autoinstall worked. It listed a few packages as no longer required though: dkms fglrx-updates-core lib32gcc1 libc6i38619:14
ViperZdaftykins, i set it to legacy and not uefi19:14
daftykinsViperZ: still relevant, check the boot entries19:14
ioriadaftykins, ^ Expletive19:15
ViperZdaftykins, in windows?19:15
daftykinsViperZ: no in the BIOS19:15
redangekExpletive: wonder if it uninstalled fglrx. See if it boots19:16
ViperZdaftykins, it shows the usual - hard drive - optical - removable - network / for boot options19:16
naftilos76MonkeyDust: probably yes19:16
daftykinsExpletive: "dpkg -l | grep fglrx"19:16
ioriaExpletive, try to resume so we are sure you are not using nomodeset19:16
ioriaExpletive, wait...19:16
Expletivehow do I resume boot from the recovery shell?19:17
ioria Expletive  "dpkg -l | grep fglrx"19:17
daftykinsah well if i'm gonna be invisible... :)19:17
redangekExpletive: sudo reboot19:17
daftykinsViperZ: ok, i reckon you didn't have GRUB install to the correct device.19:17
Expletivefglrx-updates fglrx-updates-core are the listed packages19:18
OneM_IndustriesSo, found how to remove AVG. Wipe it's program directories of the face of the earth.19:18
ViperZdaftykins, i shrunk the windows partition and installed it to my ext4 partition19:18
ioriadaftykins, ^ Expletive19:18
daftykinsViperZ: that's wrong, GRUB goes to the main disk - not to a partition19:19
nmg123I installed kubuntu and many elements will not load. The status icons are black boxes, the application menu icon appears briefly on login, then disappears. No background works. It's always black. The previews in the background selector also appear in black. Finally, in the application menu, the hover highlight color is black. This has happened once, and then again on reinstall. What is happening ehre?19:21
daftykinsvista: hi, ask a support question if you have one :)19:21
daftykinsnmg123: sounds like a lack of proper hardware acceleration, thus no graphics driver installed for your hardware. Which do you have?19:21
vistadoes anyone know how to install minecraft19:22
ViperZwell the install was to /dev/sda but it is found on /dev/sda919:22
nmg123daftykins: which what?19:22
OneM_Industriesvista: try #minecraft on espernet19:22
ViperZdaftykins, that was for you19:22
daftykinsnmg123: graphics card19:22
vistawhats espernet19:22
Expletiveioria: should I try to boot?19:22
daftykinsViperZ: nah you're misreading boot repair logs by the sounds.19:22
daftykinsvista: in what context? where are you seeing that name?19:23
nmg123daftykins: not sure. It's an old gaming desktop.19:23
OneM_Industriesvista: Else, just download it, and set minecraft.jar's executable bit to true.19:23
daftykinsnmg123: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lspci | pastebinit" please19:23
daftykinsvista: nevermind19:23
nmg123daftykins: will try. just a moment19:23
vistai really want to install minecraft but dont know hoe19:24
ioria Expletive  well ... just to be sure what command did you run ? ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ?19:25
daftykinsvista: there are roughly two million guides online, look it up.19:25
HysTGod damn, my vlc player can't play .mkv files, that is hilarious19:25
daftykinsHysT: unlikely.19:25
Knight80Hello everyone19:25
HysTit's an x26519:25
ViperZdaftykins, when i run grub2 from a disk i have it search for any installation of grub and thats where it shows it - what would you recommend i do to fix - i lost access to my windows for a day and it was a pain to get back so hopefully i can get this resolved19:25
Expletiveioria: Yes, that one.19:25
daftykinsViperZ: boot live session, run boot-repair19:25
Knight80After installing Konsole in Ubuntu Gnome 15.04, sound isn't working...19:25
ExpletiveAlso I ran dpkg -l | grep fglrx19:26
nmg123daftykins: unfortunately I forgot my admin password. I can manually paste it though.19:26
ViperZdaftykins, from the command line or where exactly19:26
ubottuBoot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.19:26
daftykinsnmg123: sounds good19:26
daftykinsnmg123: http://paste.ubuntu.com preferred19:27
ioria Expletive  try to reboot so we are sure you're not using nomodeset..19:27
ioriaat least ...19:27
nmg123daftykins: sorry. I did pastebin.com/menXh61M19:27
monika-jancoto co je toto19:28
HysTdaftykins, btw, vlc was missing a codec - libde265, installed it now it's working fine ;)19:28
Knight80After installing Konsole in Ubuntu Gnome 15.04, sound isn't working...19:29
ViperZdaftykins, i have a boot disk with that on it but your saying its on the live disk too?19:29
monika-jancoslovensky prosim19:29
Expletiveioria: Tried to boot normally, it hung on a back screen with a flashing underscore in the top left corner, after showing the splash screen and various text.19:29
daftykinsnmg123: ok that's a very old system, nvidia FX5700 - you can try installing a graphics driver such as nvidia-304 but i don't know off hand if that one even still supports that generation19:29
daftykinsViperZ: or can be added19:29
ExpletiveShould I go back to recovery mode?19:29
ioria Expletive  yes, remount rw the fs and purge it all19:30
ViperZdaftykins, i tried running that from the cd and it yelled at me for having efi on my system19:30
nmg123daftykins: ok. and how would I go about doing that (also the hover previews are all kinds of screwy (but I guess that is just another side effect)19:30
daftykinsViperZ: sounds like you didn't boot in the corresponding mode your installs are in perhaps19:30
daftykinsnmg123: well you'll need the admin pass for that :D19:30
Expletiveioria: Purge what? fglrx?19:31
ioria Expletive  yes19:31
nmg123daftykins: :P I might have to reinstall19:31
ViperZdaftykins, the only way i can boot from a cd or usb is in legacy mode - they dont show up when im in efi - so i did the install in legacy mode19:31
ioria Expletive  purge fglrx*19:31
Knight80Will you please help me out? My sound system is not working...19:31
daftykinsnmg123: nah, boot to recovery19:32
daftykins!patience | Knight8019:32
ubottuKnight80: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:32
Knight80I'm sorry19:33
daftykinsioria: do we know which AMD device Expletive has?19:33
nmg123daftykins: how do I. It boots straight through without giving me an option.19:33
ExpletiveAnd then reboot?19:33
ioriadaftykins,  no19:33
ViperZi will give it a go and jump in here from my live19:34
ioria Expletive  wait... lspci -nn | grep VGA19:34
daftykinsso all this effort is pretty pointless19:34
nmg123daftykins: wait I think I see it19:35
NectarHow do i check to see if OpenVPN is installed by default? Im using Ubuntu Gnome 15.19:35
Expletiveioria: It lists the graphics card. AMD Barts XT [Radeon HD 6870]19:35
stef1ai'm on 15.04, trying to use the Japanese (Anthy IBus) input method, but it shows up as gray in the text entry menu. help?19:35
daftykinsnmg123: yeah holding left shift or hitting escape gives the GRUB menu19:36
ioriaExpletive, maybe it didn't occur to you  in this flood... but daftykins is trying to help you :þ19:36
fnihow to install ssh on ubuntu19:36
daftykinsfni: sudo apt-get install ssh19:36
fnidaftykins, I did it but I don't have ~/.ssh19:36
Expletiveioria: Oh, yeah, it is a bit hard to keep track, .19:37
ioriadaftykins,  ^ Expletive19:37
fniI also installed openssh-client19:37
ioriadaftykins,  AMD Barts XT [Radeon HD 6870]19:37
daftykinsfni: what do you want, server? to remotely connect? that's openssh-server which 'ssh' brings in.19:37
daftykinsfni: if you don't have one, bear in mind it's a hidden path - also just create one19:37
TJ-fni: see "man ssh-keygen"19:38
fniTJ-, daftykins, thanks19:38
nmg123McGrande: hey19:40
nmg123daftykins: ok sooo... I booted into recovery mode and part of my screen is covered in Çâö repeating19:41
daftykinsnmg123: neato.19:41
nmg123daftykins: let me guess, that's not supposed to happen19:41
daftykinsnmg123: up to you then, clean install if you want - or perhaps boot a live session and chroot your existing to reset password19:42
daftykinsnmg123: what's the version on there?19:42
nmg123daftykins: kubuntu 15.04.19:42
nmg123daftykins: but those random character are not supposed to be there right?19:42
ViperZdaftykins: ok there is not boot-repair on the install and i searched the software manager and it didnt find - can you apt-get it?19:43
daftykinsnmg123: *shrug*19:43
daftykinscan't see from here :>19:43
daftykinsViperZ: of course19:43
ioriaExpletive, did you purge the driver ?19:43
=== testBOT is now known as Guest57122
ioriaExpletive, reboot again ...19:44
ExpletiveWell, I did apt-get autoremove to get rid of them19:44
ExpletiveHey it boots19:44
ioriaExpletive, no19:44
daftykinsExpletive: that's insufficient19:44
ioria Expletive  purge fglrx*19:44
=== Groucho_NL is now known as Guest44097
=== Guest44097 is now known as Grouch
ExpletiveA window popped up saying "system program problem destected, do you want to report the problem now?"19:44
ExpletiveI don't know what the program or problem is.19:45
ioria Expletive  a window ?19:45
ViperZdaftykins: by what name - it doesnt find boot-repair19:45
ioria Expletive  are you not in root shell ?19:45
Expletiveioria: No, I rebooted and it booted normally.19:45
daftykinsViperZ: might need to enable universe or multiverse, are you familiar with packages.ubuntu.com also?19:45
ExpletiveIt's an error window19:45
daftykins!info boot-repair19:45
ubottuPackage boot-repair does not exist in vivid19:45
daftykins!info bootrepair19:46
ubottuPackage bootrepair does not exist in vivid19:46
daftykinsok, that's me told.19:46
ioria Expletive  ok then .... now you can paste .... no ?19:46
ioria Expletive  sudo lshw -c video19:46
ExpletiveI can now.19:46
ioria Expletive  sudo lshw -c video19:46
ViperZdaftykins: been away from linux for some time - i did enable multiverse on a different distro but any guidance would be appreciated19:47
ioria Expletive  and "dpkg -l | grep fglrx"19:47
daftykinsViperZ: click the settings cog, go to software & something19:47
ioria Expletive  you can rid of those error rm files in /var/crash19:47
ViperZdaftykins: im at software sources19:49
nmg123ok yeah daftykins I will reinstall it looks like a corrupted install19:49
daftykinsViperZ: i'm sorry but i'm not quite so free for a handholding right now, though it's beginning to look like it's not in repos for 15.0419:49
daftykinsnmg123: okie dokie, since it's so old it might be worth checking the hard disks health19:49
ExpletiveOkay, I did sudo apt-get purge fglrx*19:50
nmg123daftykins: we bought a new hard drive for it19:50
ioria Expletive  well, i asked to paste the outputs, first ... :-)19:50
daftykinsViperZ: yeah my mistake, it's PPA based - see https://damayanthiherath.wordpress.com/2015/07/09/boot-repair-ftw-how-to-fix-the-broken-grub-with-windows-7-and-ubuntu-15-04/19:51
daftykinsnmg123: ah ok19:51
ioria Expletive  paste.ubuntu.com19:51
nmg123daftykins: could I somehow have a corrupted install disk?19:51
ioria Expletive  but ok ... rm files in /var/crash and reboot19:51
daftykinsnmg123: yep, md5 your download and check the disc via its' menu19:52
ViperZdaftykins: that did it - thank you sir19:54
nmg123_daftykins: how do I check the disk via its' menu?19:55
daftykinsnmg123_: well, often they have a 'check disc for defects' option, when you press a key after it begins to load19:55
daftykinsthis is when you're staring at a coloured screen with a small logo at the bottom19:56
nmg123_daftykins: the one with the little dude and the keyboard?19:56
ViperZdaftykins: its telling me the same thing - to reboot and run in an efi session19:56
nmg123_daftykins: ok, missed that. will try again in a minute19:57
daftykinsViperZ: hmm, "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit"19:57
nmg123_daftykins: the strange thing is that the live CD did not have this issues (well, not most of them)19:57
daftykinsnmg123_: *shrug* they're both very different ball-games :)19:58
ViperZdaftykins: Bad API request, invalid api_dev_key19:58
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest64361
daftykinsViperZ: ugh. ok just paste it manually to http://paste.ubuntu.com (sudo parted -l)19:59
NectarIs openVPN installed in ubuntu 15.04 my default?20:00
Guest64361i have a problem. can someone help me?20:00
daftykinsGuest64361: not until you describe it20:00
bekksGuest64361: You have to state your problem first :)20:00
daftykinsNectar: no20:00
Nectarok thanks20:01
Guest64361ok. first im on a VM with KVM and i wanted to make a VM in a VM for development. but if is start the VM i crashes20:01
ViperZdaftykins: pasted20:02
daftykinsViperZ: yeah you have to actually link here, as fun as guessing multi-character strings are for unique paste IDs20:03
ViperZdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12399823/20:04
daftykinsyou're installed EFI :)20:04
compdocGuest64361, I think your hardware has to support that, and you have to enable the feature in the bios20:04
daftykinsViperZ: have you done much in your Ubuntu install yet?20:05
ViperZdaftykins: ummm some - i dont understand how because i cant even boot from cd or usb in efi20:06
Guest64361<compdoc> someone told me it does work. on Proxmox it does work fine. but there im not able to set up network. thats the problem.20:06
daftykinsViperZ: well, your Windows install looks like it's EFI :) so i suspect booting legacy Ubuntu and installing doesn't work because they're now disparate.20:06
ioria Expletive  i'm going to exit ... how are you doing ?20:07
ViperZdaftykins: what do you recommend20:07
ViperZdaftykins: windows def was efi - pre-loaded20:08
Guest64361has someone expirience how to install xubuntu on my DELL VANUE 8 Pro?20:08
bekksGuest64361: What happens when you just use the install cd?20:10
mcnzHi there, just setting up a ubuntu machine and I've ran select-editor, so that visudo will actually use vim (what i want), so i select /usr/bin/vim.basic but when running visudo it still uses nano?20:10
daftykins!efi | ViperZ try following the convert legacy to EFI section20:10
ubottuViperZ try following the convert legacy to EFI section: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:10
ApteryxHello! Is there a way to see a summary of the available updates from the command line? I'd like to know what they are about before installing them.20:10
daftykinsApteryx: well "sudo apt-get upgrade" or dist-upgrade show which are to go on, you want more than that?20:11
Guest64361<bekks> the VM doesn't boot up. it crashes on boot with CD or no CD it doesn'T change anything... :(20:11
Apteryxdaftykins: I'd like something like: some_package: Fix problem XXX.20:12
bekksGuest64361: A VM is not "on my Dell Vanue Pro 8". The former means a virtual machine, the latter means your hardware.20:12
ApteryxA description of the fix brought by the update.20:12
ViperZdaftykins: will go through that and see whats what - thanks for all your help20:12
daftykinsApteryx: good luck with that.20:13
Guest64361ah ok you are at this problem :) i have another with an VM :D  on DELL it ignores it. it just boot windows 820:13
Apteryxdaftykins: When I install updates in the ubuntu UI, I can see this text if I click on 'Details' or something like this.20:13
bekksGuest64361: So disable safemode and disable fastboot.20:13
Guest64361yeah i tried this but there is an error with the key. im not allowed to install it because the is isnt match. and after i touch the screen it reboot20:14
daftykinswhat key? your 8 key?20:15
bekksGuest64361: Error with which key? You dont need any keys for installing Ubuntu.20:15
=== pax2you1 is now known as pax2you
debacHello everyone! I am running ubuntu 15.04. I was in the middle of doing work and I accidentally pressed a combination of f5 or f6 and ctrl and possibly an arrow key. All of a sudden I was dropped out of gnome and into a terminal. I could log on using my name and passwd, but had no DE! My music started playing again, so I know it was the same session. I typed in startx and Im not sure what environment im in. Is it possible to get back to20:17
debacgnome without rebooting?20:17
Guest64361the key bios key doesnt match the cd key. sorry but my english is too bad to explain it right :/20:17
ApteryxAnyone knows if virtual terminals are supposed to work with the AMD closed source drivers?20:17
bekksdebac: Press ctrl+f720:17
ApteryxI might be configuring something badly, but I remember if I tried switching to any virtual terminal, I'd get a black screen and no prompt.20:17
debacbekks:nothing seems to happen...20:17
bekksGuest64361: The Ubuntu cd doesnt have any keys.20:17
daftykinsdebac: Alt+F720:18
Guest64361do you understand german?20:18
bekks!de | Guest6436120:18
ubottuGuest64361: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:18
debacdaftykins: still nada :/20:18
daftykinsdebac: ctrl+alt? :D you should at least change TTYs with F1 through F620:18
Guest64361ah ok thx :D ill go there now20:18
thedanyesdebac: sounds like you've switched ttys.  the X.org usually runs on tty7.20:18
thedanyesdebac: ctrl+alt+f7 will bring you back to x.org20:19
daftykinsthedanyes: heh you're a bit late to the party there.20:19
thedanyesdaftykins: i just sawa  bunch of people saying ctrl or alt, but no one giving the actual right keys20:20
daftykinsthat's because you don't need Ctrl when you're already at a TTY20:20
daftykinsso Alt+F7 is sufficient20:20
daftykinsso no, people weren't wrong20:20
thedanyesdaftykins: ah interesting.  well it's best to know the way that always works, and the guy who said ctrl+f7 was wrong20:21
daftykinsdebac: any progress?20:21
=== WormDude is now known as WormFood
shachafWhen I turn my Bluetooth mouse off and back on -- or let it idle for a while -- it doesn't connect, and the only way I've found to get it working is to pair it again.20:23
shachafdmesg shows e.g. "hid-generic 0005:045E:07A2.0008: unknown main item tag 0x0". Any idea what's going on here? I tried "trusting" it with blueman-manager, which I saw suggested somewhere, but that didn't change anything.20:24
thedanyesshachaf: I've had troubles with bluetooth as well, and not just on Linux.  What kind of mouse?20:26
shachafMicrosoft Comfort Mouse of some sort.20:27
shachafIt used to work in Ubuntu a while ago.20:27
thedanyesshachaf: model number might help20:28
shachafBut I've upgraded several times since then.20:28
thedanyesshachaf: and which bt adapter you're using, whether it's one that came with the mouse or what20:28
shachafMicrosoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse. I don't see a model number.20:29
shachafI'm using whatever Intel Bluetooth card is built into this laptop.20:29
LangleyHelp, on start up the rotation of one of my displays have been forgotten. Using fglrx20:30
jackhumcan anyone help me with this http://puu.sh/kadYl/03afaff2e0.png20:31
thedanyesshachaf: might be worth booting a live CD of LTS to see if you can reproduce the issue there.20:31
thedanyesshachaf: to see whether it's version-related20:31
Guest64361<jackhum> are there important files?20:32
jackhumGuest64361: offcourse20:33
jackhumits like having a wall of ext4 partition in between20:33
=== Blaster is now known as Guest13184
daftykinsjackhum: you want to take 10 off E: for C: and 5GB off E: for ubuntu?20:34
jackhumdaftykins: yeas20:35
daftykinsjackhum: you'll need an external disk to back it all up to / clonezilla20:35
daftykinsthat right there is a tall order.20:35
jackhumdaftykins: is there any other option?20:36
daftykinsdelete ubuntu, delete E: - resize C: from inside Windows, reinstall ubuntu20:36
daftykinsbig mess that is :)20:37
daftykinswhy do you want to make such small changes?20:37
jackhumdaftykins: because i am running out of space in my windows partiotion20:38
Guest64361<jackhum> would be better if you make windows clean? i think there is many trash20:39
daftykinsjackhum: and you've cleaned all temp and windows update cache there i take it?20:39
jackhumdaftykins: yes, i want to give maybe 10gb fat to my windows20:40
daftykinsjackhum: how about hibernation? do you use it? you can regain a few GB disabling that20:40
daftykinsadmin cmd -> "powercfg -h off"20:40
jackhumdaftykins: no i dont20:40
daftykinsgive it a go then20:40
daftykinsdir /a C: to see the size hiberfil.sys is using20:41
jackhumdaftykins: what?20:41
jackhumdaftykins: details20:41
daftykinsphrase your question better, i don't know what you're asking20:41
shachafAnother question: I have Windows installed but it's no longer in the GRUB menu. What's the right way of adding it?20:41
EriC^^shachaf: sudo update-grub20:42
shachafDoesn't find Windows.20:42
daftykinsEFI/legacy mismatch?20:42
EriC^^add it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom20:42
shachafA lot of the documentation I find is about old GRUB commands like rootnoverify, chainloader +1, which apparently don't even exist anymore.20:42
EriC^^shachaf: type ls -l /sys/firmware/efi20:42
shachaf(Last time I set up dual booting that was the standard way of doing it.)20:42
shachafEriC^^: No such file or directory20:43
jackhumdaftykins: what do you mean check hibernation?20:43
jackhumdaftykins: i dont use hibernation20:43
EriC^^shachaf: ok, add it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom then sudo update-grub20:43
shachafAdd what?20:44
shachafEven when I boot to the GRUB command line manually I can't figure out the right incantation to boot to Windows.20:44
EriC^^which windows are you using?20:44
daftykinsjackhum: check how big the file is, disabling hibernation can reclaim multiple GB of space.20:44
shachafWindows 8, I think. But I don't use Windows much and I haven't booted to it in months.20:44
warlock20there is nice whowtogeek.com article out there for it20:44
jackhumdaftykins: which file?20:45
EriC^^shachaf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12400078/ this is what a win8 menu entry looks like20:45
daftykinsjackhum: hiberfil.sys - the hibernation one =|20:45
gsaulguys I really need help20:45
shachafEriC^^: Huh, GRUB has changed a lot since the good old days.20:45
EriC^^shachaf: type sudo parted -l and use the windows partition instead of (hd0,msdos5)20:45
daftykinsgsaul: ask20:45
gsaulI'm running 15.0420:46
gsaulI had to hard stop my laptop because it froze20:46
jackhumdaftykins: i dont have hiberfil.sys20:46
gsaulit now defaults to Plymouth boot system.20:46
gsaulit hangs on starting lightdm20:46
daftykinsjackhum: it's hidden, you have to "dir /a" in C:\20:47
gsaulthe piped dmesg displays nothing out of line20:47
gsaulhow do I get my laptop working20:47
EriC^^gsaul: check /var/log/dmesg.020:47
EriC^^gsaul: nevermind20:48
jackhumdaftykins: hiberfil.sys 3 gb20:48
jackhumdaftykins: pagefil 1 gb20:48
gabriel_Hello everyone! I killed my gnome session and got dropped into a terminal. How do I resume without rebooting?20:48
jackhumdaftykins: whats pagefil?20:48
gabriel_gnome-session doesnt work20:48
gabriel_nor gnome-shell20:49
gabriel_or gdm20:49
Guest64361try startx20:49
gabriel_Guest64361 : it drops me into another session that is not gnome20:49
gabriel_or perhaps not th gnome I am familiar with20:49
daftykinsjackhum: your virtual memory. swap file equivalent on Windows, don't disable it. hibernation you can get rid of as i said - run an admin cmd, then "powercfg -h off"20:50
Guest64361if you log out can you switch the desktop?20:50
jackhumdaftykins: i am using laptop . are there any drawbacks?20:50
gabriel_I am logged out20:50
Guest64361STRG+CRL+F7 ?20:51
Guest64361STRG+CTRL+F7 ?20:51
gabriel_what is strg?20:51
EriC^^gabriel_: sudo service gdm restart20:51
Guest64361wait i have other layout on keyboard20:51
Guest64361CRTL+ALT+F7 sorry :)20:52
gabriel_EriC^^ "failed to restart gdm.service Unit gdm.service failed to load20:52
EriC^^does it say why? i dunno much about systemd20:52
gabriel_"no such file or directory20:52
Guest64361gabriel_ try "CRTL+ALT+F7"20:53
EriC^^try sudo systemctl gdm start20:53
gabriel_thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:53
Guest64361welcome ;D20:53
jackhumdaftykins: ? are there any drawbacks of disabling hibernation , i am using lapto20:53
daftykinsjackhum: yeah, you can't hibernate.20:54
jackhumdaftykins: yeah , but i dont hibernate my laptop a lot ,20:55
jackhumdaftykins: but when my laptop runs out of battery then what happens?20:55
ikonia...it will shut down20:56
jackhumwill it shut down or sleep?20:56
ikoniahow can it sleep.....20:56
ikoniait has no power20:57
bekksjackhum: It will not sleep, there is no hibernation anymore.20:57
jackhumso it will shutdown ?20:57
ikoniaas I said20:57
jackhumlol , i am asking silly questions20:57
ikonia21:57 < ikonia> ...it will shut down20:57
jackhumikonia: yeah , you said that20:57
jackhumwhat about my this problem http://puu.sh/kadYl/03afaff2e0.png20:58
ikoniahow is that a problem ?20:59
jackhumis there any way i can transfer some space from my storage e: to middle partition20:59
ikoniashrink the partition, and grow the other20:59
thecyclonejackhum, yes you can20:59
ikoniause the gparted livecd20:59
thecycloneikonia, right20:59
Guest64361have you tried gparted ?21:00
jackhumcan i do it from my windows?21:00
krizoekwhats inside a .deb files? is there sources that will be compiled?21:00
ikoniathere is a risk of corruption, but as long as you pay attention it is a minimal risk21:00
ikoniajackhum: use the gparted livecd21:00
thecyclonejackhum, yes you can do it with windows21:00
Guest64361user livecd21:00
thecyclonewindows works well. use disk management in windows21:00
jackhumthecyclone: windows dont show option to extend21:00
ikoniayou cannot grow the ubuntu partition from windows21:01
ikoniahence "use the gparted livecd"21:01
thecycloneikonia, no need for gparted live cd21:01
ikoniayes there is21:01
jackhumis there any way i can remove my current hiberfil.sys and not disable my hibernation21:01
thecyclonehe can even use ubuntu live cd21:01
ikoniahe can, but as the gparted gui is not installed, he'll need to install that21:02
ikoniaand looking at the questions - that maybe tricky21:02
jackhumthecyclone: well, i dont have a usb right now , i am poor guy21:02
daftykinsjackhum: no21:02
thecycloneyou have a pc21:02
jackhumthecyclone: i have a laptop21:02
thecyclonejackhum, use gparted installed in your ubuntu21:02
daftykinsbekks: no, sleep is not the same as hibernate21:03
jackhumthecyclone: well, you cant extend root ,21:03
daftykinsjackhum: you could change power management to sleep at a higher battery % than hibernate when flat21:03
ikoniado not use gparted from your ubuntu21:03
quantsi have dyslexia and i need to add coloured overlays to what i read, can you tell me how to do this with ubuntu?21:03
daftykinseither you totally re-do your partitions, make some disk space - or the above :)21:03
ikoniado not use an app from the partition that is running21:03
ikoniahence "use the gparted livecd"21:03
jackhumikonia: you cant extend mounted root partion21:03
ikoniajackhum: why are you telling me this21:04
jackhumdaftykins: how can i delete this hiberfil.sys and yet not disable hibernation?21:04
Guest64361jackhum try this one http://www.paragon-software.com/home/pm-express/ it helped me :)21:04
jackhumikonia: idk ,21:04
jackhumGuest64361: i have easues partion master21:04
daftykinsjackhum: you cannot have your cake and eat it.21:05
jackhumGuest64361: it is not helping me , is your software better?21:05
ikoniajackhum: the quicker you accept the easy solution, - download the gparted livecd and manipulate your partitions, the easier this will be21:05
Guest64361<jackhum> EPM does just do windows fartitions... this one has helped me a lot of time21:05
daftykinshmm, fartitions - i like that one21:06
Guest64361sorry partitions :D21:06
quantsi have dyslexia and i need to add coloured overlays to what i read, can you tell me how to do this with ubuntu?21:07
Guest64361is there a way to install ubuntu phone os on my acer liquid e700 ?21:09
ikoniaGuest64361: looks at the supported devices21:09
k1l_!phone | Guest64361 see that channel and read the poritng guide in the topic21:09
ubottuGuest64361 see that channel and read the poritng guide in the topic: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:09
ikoniaGuest64361: if it's in the list, yes, if not, no21:09
=== wook is now known as Guest16770
jackhumokay so i removed hiberfil.sys , now is there any way , that i can sleep my laptop if i run out of battery? maybe when my battery is about 8-10 %?21:12
shachafIt looks like os-prober is looking for a directory called /win/boot, which doesn't exist on my Windows partition. Is that right?21:12
ikoniajackhum: you've been told multiple times now21:13
ikoniajackhum: is there a reason you're not accepting this ?21:13
daftykinsjackhum: yeah by using sleep, which uses power as it doesn't switch off. why do you not pay more attention?21:13
jackhumdaftykins: where are these settings?21:14
daftykinsjackhum: they're available for discussion over in ##windows21:14
daftykinshonestly if you can't config Windows, good luck here :)21:14
jackhumdaftykins: haha , yeah , i can understand21:16
Bashing-omgsaul: Can you boot from grub to run level 3 in your 15.04 ?21:17
=== mom_ is now known as nmg123
Bashing-omgsaul: Not talking about booting to the GUI . But the boot parameter in grub's boot line . Run level 3 is a text terminal . X is not at that time started .21:19
nmg123I am having a graphical error where several sectinos of the kubuntu desktop are all black (application icon, bg, tray icons, etc.). I have an old nvdia graphics card. What should I do?21:20
platzhirschHow can I find out from which repository an apt package is?21:21
Bashing-omnmg123: Verify the chip set, and what driver matches , and is that the driver that is installed . ( what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say ?) .21:22
daftykinsplatzhirsch: apt-cache policy <package> i think21:22
daftykinsor swap policy for show21:22
Bashing-omplatzhirsch: Terminal command ' apt-cache show <package_name> is one way .21:22
platzhirschdaftykins: that seems to work ( Bashing-om: it didn't list that)21:23
nmg123Bashing-om: it says a lot21:24
Bashing-omplatzhirsch: Should if that repo is eneabled, what is the package name and I will verify .21:24
nmg123daftykins: what was that driver you asked me to install and how would I install it?21:24
platzhirschBashing-om: jenkins21:24
sesshomaruHello, I'm using Nat connection sharing on a live boot to run wireless down to Ethernet and am wondering if it's possible to forward ports21:25
Bashing-omnmg123: Yeay, If ya need guidance . We do .. please use a paste site to show the channel the results of the commands .21:26
daftykinsnmg123: sudo apt-get install nvidia-30421:26
Bashing-omplatzhirsch: " apt-cache search >> jenkins-crypto-util " ; That the one ?21:28
ratracesesshomaru: yes, you'll need some iptables juice and SNAT/DNAT magic. I don't know if there's an easy to use GUI for that.21:28
=== tinyhippo is now known as grumpyhippo
platzhirschBashing-om: no, just jenkins, sorry :-/ http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/21:28
sesshomaruratrace: I can do command line if there's a slight tutorial..21:29
=== para is now known as Guest21707
Bashing-omplatzhirsch: 'debian' repo. Not a great thing to do . You are on your own there .21:29
daftykinssesshomaru: why such a convoluted setup?21:29
platzhirschBashing-om: yeah, that's how they distribute it unfortunately, alright, thanks for the effort21:30
ratracesesshomaru: first on google: http://askubuntu.com/questions/320121/simple-port-forwarding21:30
Bashing-omgsaul: We are here to help . How are you doing ?21:30
sesshomaruNo choice really, live across the property from the router21:30
gsaulI'm very screwed21:31
gsaulit is lightdm21:31
gsaullog files all say it failed, but no indication of why21:31
Bashing-omplatzhirsch: No effort. just not a 'buntu application . Not in our repo under that name . ,, buit as it is 'debian'; I bet we have it .21:31
daftykinssesshomaru: you don't need to NAT really.21:31
nmg123Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12400535/21:31
CayHeya! Have they managed to fix the problems around nvidia and ubu 15.04 yet?21:32
CayI'd like to switch over to the proprietary drivers but am not sure if I should step back to 14.04 LTS or not first21:32
sesshomaruAs long as i can still redirect from WiFi, i can't run any cables as it's not really my house21:33
daftykins'redirect from wifi' isn't a term i recognise :)21:33
daftykinsget yourself some powerline adapters.21:33
daftykinsalso, this query would be best suited to ##networking21:33
Bashing-omnmg123: " 247.465] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) " so need to identify the chip set, purge what is and install a driver .21:34
sesshomaruOkay will head over to # networking21:34
daftykinsBashing-om: FX5700 or so from earlier, not sure if it's still even supported21:35
nmg123Bashing-om: how do I " purge what is"21:36
=== grumpyhippo is now known as sleepyhippo
nadimsiteI use ubuntu server  on virtual machine21:37
Bashing-omdaftykins: Ouch .. maybe ' open source' is the only option . lemme see what Nvidia has to say .21:37
nmg123Bashing-om: it is a GeForce FX 570021:38
daftykinsnmg123: might be game over for 3D accel requiring desktops, might be time for xubuntu and lubuntu alone21:39
Bashing-omnmg123: Nvidia say the 173 driver /// Are you booted up in the ailing system at this time ?21:39
daftykinsmaybe MATE ubuntu too21:39
gnubieCay>  today is the first day my 15.04 would install the nvidia drivers from additional drivers. Seems to be working well. I don't do gaming, but google earth is much nicer looking.21:39
Caygnubie: cool!21:39
CayI'll do a latest pull of all the updates first then21:39
nmg123Bashing-om: yes21:39
Cayand pray to a diety (maybe a few) that it doesn't blow up in my face :D (I'd rather not be booting into text mode to purge this, I hate messing with grub)21:40
Bashing-omnmg123: You may as daftykins afvises have a problem : http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html >> " Note: Support for the 173.14.xx series is discontinued. No further releases from this series are planned. "21:40
gnubieCay>  I have a asus laptop with GT 940m21:41
Caygnubie: btw what linux kernel are you running? (uname -r)21:41
Bashing-omnmg123: What release are we worjing withe here ?21:41
nmg123Bashing-om: Kubuntu 15.0421:41
gnubieCay>  3.19.0-28 generic21:42
Caysweet, and assuming x86-64?21:42
gnubieCay>  yep21:43
nmg123Bashing-om: it appears to be driver 175.21:43
daftykinsgnubie's is an nvidia optimus setup21:43
Bashing-omnmg123: scary thought . ok what returns from ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' . and I cross my fingers for you .21:43
Caygnubie: seriously, thank you. That gives me the confidence to proceed (starts a minor back up to the windows partition)21:43
nmg123Bashing-om: i' ll do that buty I meant the nvidia website points me to driver 17521:44
Cynthia_Shey ilbelkyr :)21:44
gnubieCay>  np as the young ones say :-)21:44
Cynthia_Silbelkyr im going to get some dirt on you too :)21:44
nmg123Bashing-om: ok, all I get is amd64-microcode21:45
Bashing-ombmgNever heard of that version in 'buntu . best I recall it went 173, 304, 340 .21:45
Cynthia_Silbelkyr i know youre a girl (;21:45
daftykinsCynthia_S: inappropriate chat for this channel. cease please.21:46
Cynthia_Soh i'll fucking show you some inappropriate chat21:46
Cynthia_Sdaftykins SHUT21:46
daftykinsmmm badly timed21:46
ikoniasorry about him, lets move on21:47
nmg123Bashing-om: ok, could this be a cause of installing Kubuntu 64bit on a (possibly) 32bit system? I assumed I was 64 bit but I may be wrong. Or would it just not install at all?21:47
Bashing-omnmg123: Then I think it is definitive it is open source as your only option . my optinion .21:47
ikonianmg123: you can't install 64bit on a 32bit system21:48
nmg123ikonia: ok cool21:48
Bashing-omnmg123: 64 bit will not install on 32 bit hardware .21:48
Cayikonia: PAE21:48
ikoniaCay: no21:48
daftykinsnmg123: you have an Athlon64 or X2 era 64-bit capable system21:48
ikoniaPAE is not installing a 64bit OS on a 32bit system21:48
nmg123Bashing-om: ok. so how would I get this to work with open-source?21:49
daftykinsjudging by the chipset i saw earlier21:49
Cayit's extending 32->36 but I thought intel chips with PAE support allowed for psuedo 64bit21:49
daftykinsnmg123: i honestly think you are totally out of luck for KDE.21:49
ikoniaCay: no21:49
ikoniaCay: that is not installing a 64bit OS on a 32bit chip21:49
nmg123daftykins: ok. Would it work if I upgraded my graphics card or would that possibly create more issues?21:50
daftykinsyep something new and supported, but that's such an old system i wouldn't consider it worth trying to use a heavy DE such as KDE.21:50
Caywhoops my mistake then, sorry about that21:50
Bashing-omnmg123: Before we get to re-install; consider .. 14.04 still has the 173 version driver . Want to install 14.04 ?21:51
nmg123hmmmmmm... it isn't supported, so probably not.21:51
=== marcelo is now known as Guest70982
Guest70982hello there21:51
nmg123Bashing-om: daftykins what is a good Ubunbtu DE to use on my system?21:51
Guest70982My first time here21:52
daftykinsas i mentioned, MATE, lubuntu or xubuntu21:52
Caymarcelo why the nick change?21:52
Guest70982Does anybody know a learning english room?21:52
daftykinsCay: it happens when names are taken already. please stick to the purpose of this channel and not go off topic21:52
Bashing-omnmg123: Just a thought, it has 173 . Just because Nvidia no longer supports it is not to say it is not stable .21:52
daftykinsGuest70982: that's not the purpose of #ubuntu - it is not a freenode directory21:53
daftykins!alis | Guest70982 try this21:53
ubottuGuest70982 try this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:53
nmg123daftykins: could I install lxde or xde and then just uninstall KDE or do I have to do a fresh OS install?21:53
jakesyl Hey, I'm setting up a vagrant box,  how can I remap a domain (like wordpress.dev to a local private ip)21:53
Bashing-omnmg123: old hardware, I sure advocate (L)ubuntu .21:53
ikoniajakesyl: dns or a hostfile21:53
nmg123Bashing-om: I was talking about Ubuntu 14.04 itself not recieving updates anymore.21:53
ikoniajakesyl: if you're using vagrant to do dev work, the easy quick option is the host file21:53
Bdubshi anyone on able to give me a hand trying to figure out some steam issues?21:54
daftykinsnmg123: yeah, should be plenty of guides online21:54
=== todblu is now known as ReqSer
Bashing-omnmg123: 14.04 is the current LTS, it is supported 'til April of 2019 .21:54
Bdubssteam keeps forgetting that my games are installed on a second hdd and i have to mimic the steps of reinstalling to the area where the game is installed to get it to show in my library21:55
=== sleepyhippo is now known as tinyhippo
daftykinsBdubs: #ubuntu-steam might help21:55
nmg123Bashing-om: oh. wel then... possibly. But yeah I think you are right. With old hardware I should probably use Lubuntu21:55
Bdubsokay thank you21:55
jakesylhow do I reload my host file?21:55
daftykinsjakesyl: to achieve what?21:56
jakesylrouting a domain to a private ip21:56
ikoniajakesyl: it's dnamic21:56
jakesyloh awesome21:56
daftykinsyep should be instant if you got the syntax right21:57
Bashing-omnmg123: Keep in mind, there is little difference in installing a desk top and using it than installing a release of that desk top environment .21:57
Bashing-omnmg123: I going to go do lung therapy while you consider the options and what you want to do .21:58
SedaritoHi all, I've just installed ubuntu (dual boot with windows) and I can't find a way to boot on ubuntu, i've tried a lot of things i've found on forum (like easyBCD which made thing weirder) but no one is working... Could somebody help please ? (maybe i'm not in the right room, if so i'm sorry)21:59
daftykinsSedarito: which Windows? was Windows installed as EFI? was ubuntu installed as EFI?22:00
SedaritoWell that was my first experience with ubuntu so i have to admit I didn't know what EFI was at the time, i know windows have it (i was on 8.1 when installed ubuntu, and now on 10 since it's been some time i can't figure out a way to go on ubuntu) and no idea for ubuntu22:01
daftykins!efi | Sedarito have a read here see if it jogs your memory22:02
ubottuSedarito have a read here see if it jogs your memory: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:02
SedaritoWould be an option to delete ubuntu and re install it, but no clue how to do that aswell... :/22:02
daftykinsabove link should help you22:03
SedaritoWell ubuntu is already installed and i can't log in there, so i won't be able to see if it's in EFI22:03
daftykinsthat half doesn't matter, confirming Windows is EFI and what your boot menu looked like when you installed will help22:03
SedaritoI've already read this topic, but same problem, ubuntu is already in there (with kinda lot of space)22:03
daftykinspay attention to what i'm saying22:04
CayJust for my information, is there a safe way to move (backwards) from 15.04 to 14.04 LTS or is it a back up and reinstall?22:04
daftykinsyou cannot downgrade22:04
Cay:( but I figured as much22:04
Cayworth asking, thanks22:04
SedaritoSorry daftykins, i don't understand what you're saying :/ but i have indeed read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:05
daftykinsSedarito: #1 confirm your Windows installation is in EFI and not legacy mode. #2 - look at the images in the UEFI help link and confirm whether you booted Ubuntu as EFI or legacy when installing it22:06
daftykinsthere is a big difference22:06
SedaritoYes I understand that, but i don't know how i booted ubuntu since i just did the first option thinking it won't be a problem afterwords :/22:08
daftykinsbut you would have either had white text on the black background, or the logo22:08
daftykinsone way to try is booting it again and see which you see is default22:08
daftykinsalso, you're not answering #122:08
SedaritoYes i'm trying to know how to answer your #1 :p22:09
daftykinsSedarito: boot the ubuntu live session and come back on here22:10
torvicIs it possible to install ubuntu, or other linux distro (or just an unix terminal, which is all I need) in an iOS device such as iPad?22:12
EriC^^unix terminal?22:12
SedaritoBut i can't boot it, it's installed and the CD is no longer recognize at booting, and with easyBSD i was able to select whether i wanted to boot windows or ubuntu, but when i try ubuntu it says i have to "insert windows instal CD"... (sorry still trying to know how windows boot)22:12
torvicEriC^^: yes.22:13
Sedarito(i'm sorry i'm so very new to this)22:13
EriC^^torvic: what do you need?22:13
torvicEriC^^: I need a way to use VIM, GHC (the Haskell compiler) and git on my iPad while my notebook is fixing.22:13
EriC^^torvic: if you want, you could install a ssh program and ssh to a server and run commands22:13
torvicI don't have internet on my university.22:14
daftykinsSedarito: alright well boot windows and share a screenshot of diskmgmt.msc22:14
torvicEriC^^: also, the SSH typing delay makes it very uncomfortable to work with, unfortunatelly.22:14
igoryonyaI want to upgrade my comp Ubuntu 13.10, it says my version is not supported anymore. Is there a way to do it anyway, without clean install?22:14
Sedaritohum.. diskmgmt.msc is what i see when asking which os to launch... ?22:16
daftykinsSedarito: no it's a disk management utility inside Windows22:16
daftykins!eolupgrade | igoryonya22:16
ubottuigoryonya: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:16
Sedaritooh ok, but i have to say i'm affraid to put it in since windows works fine here and ask when trying to lauch ubuntu, will that not be a problem of some sort ?22:17
igoryonyaubottu: I don't want to keep updating 13.10, I want to upgrade it to 14.4, then after finishing updating to 14.4, chain-update to 14.10, and so on, untill I am up to date.22:17
ubottuigoryonya: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:17
igoryonyadaftykins: I don't want to keep updating 13.10, I want to upgrade it to 14.4, then after finishing updating to 14.4, chain-update to 14.10, and so on, untill I am up to date.22:18
Ben64igoryonya: the link the bot gave you is what you want22:18
daftykinsSedarito: i am asking you to run a windows program inside Windows, do you maybe not speak English? i'm finding this exchange very tedious.22:18
EriC^^igoryonya: 14.04 is supported til 201922:18
daftykinsigoryonya: read the second link22:18
Sedaritoi'm actually not english yes but wasn't able to find help anywhere else, and i have to say it seems difficult for me as i don't know well informatic, sorry (i'm actually doing efforts :p)22:19
igoryonyaanyone knows about named stub zone? I've configured a stub zone in bind, but it doesn't seem to transfer the ns or soa info.22:21
daftykinsi think you want a BIND channel :)22:21
daftykinsor DNS / ##networking22:21
Sedaritoi've sent you the screenshot22:22
igoryonyadaftykins: bind channel seems dead, I've asked the question there a while ago, nobody answered, despite the ~120 users logged in22:22
daftykinsand you're aware it's sunday night? :)22:22
daftykinsSedarito: imgur.com would be better - i don't accept DCC22:23
igoryonyadaftykins: Well, it's monday 10:30am, where I am at :), but anyway, I thought that geeks, like me don't look at weekdays and time :)22:24
Sedaritook, 2sec22:24
daftykinswhat a terribly sweeping statement!22:24
daftykinsanyway #ubuntu-server or ##networking22:24
daftykinsigoryonya: one other thought, why bother fixing that if it's still 14.10? ;)22:24
daftykinsassuming it's the same system22:24
EriC^^Sedarito: what's the problem?22:27
daftykinsyep that's EFI alright22:27
daftykinsEriC^^: straight to Windows and no ubuntu, i suspected mismatch install but Sedarito can't remember which mode ubuntu would've installed in22:27
igoryonyadaftykins: no, I have 13.10, sadly, but I will read the link, sent by ubuttu22:27
SedaritoI feel kinda dumb :322:27
EriC^^i think he has ubuntu on disk d? it's using efi22:28
EriC^^16gb swap?22:28
EriC^^c'est ca? :p22:28
SedaritoYes it's on D:22:28
daftykinsooh and two EFIs22:28
EriC^^Sedarito: press esc when you boot the pc and try to get a boot options or uefi menu, then choose ubuntu, you might need to mess with the efi to get it working after you boot into it22:28
Sedaritoi remeber allowed 666 gb for ubuntu :3 (was kinda excited)22:28
SedaritoWill that work even with windows 10 ? And i have no idea how to mess with the efi :(22:29
EriC^^yeah it'll work22:29
EriC^^i'll try to help22:29
SedaritoOk thank you very much, i'll try to reboot and come again if it still doesn't works, thanks again for all the help !22:30
sudokuhey, I've got Ubuntu in a VM and I'm having some trouble mounting a CD. Anyone wanna help a noob out?22:31
ikoniawhy don't you explain the problem22:31
sudokuwell when I try to mount it, I get a "mount: unkown filesystem type 'iso9660' error22:32
ikoniawhat command are you using ?22:32
sudokumount /dev/sr0 /mnt/vmware22:32
ikoniaand what CD is in that virtual device ?22:32
sudokuvmware tools22:33
sudokuan iso image22:33
daftykinsthis sounds like a precursor to installing tools which are available in packages and not needed to be done from the ISO22:33
ikoniaI'd actually recommend you don't use the iso - and use the repos22:33
ikoniavmware tools provides repos22:33
tgm4883IIRC, the recommended tools are in the repo, not the ISO22:33
ikoniabut in answer to your question it sounds like it's not the right format22:33
tgm4883open-vm-tools I think22:33
sudokuI'm just used to doing it from the cd, I'll try the repo way I suppose22:34
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SedaritoI again, it only says windows 10 as an option, and when trying to see what is what, i saw i boot on UEFI mode22:36
SedaritoHi again*22:37
EriC^^Sedarito: try to boot an ubuntu live usb22:37
Sedaritoi'm not realy familiar, do you mean boot with the instal cd on ?22:37
EriC^^yeah, and press try ubuntu22:38
EriC^^then install an irc client or go to webchat.freenode.net in firefox22:38
SedaritoI tried earlier, and windows booted as if the cd wasn't there22:39
SedaritoI'll try again and come back22:40
EriC^^Sedarito: try disabling fastboot in the bios22:40
Sedaritoyes i already did, and disabled secure boot mode "not sure it was a good idea though)22:40
SedaritoI should try to get some sleep, i will see if i can do something tomorrow22:41
SedaritoThank you for your time and help anyway, that's very cool from you ! Sorry for disturbance :p Good night all and thanks again22:42
EriC^^no problem22:42
EriC^^you too22:42
Cayis there an easier way to figure out a binary related to a package than dpkg -L and looking for /bin ? (right now doing dpkg -L unity-editor | grep bin)22:43
daftykinswhat's so hard about that method? :)22:44
EriC^^Cay: you want to list the binaries of a package or find which package owns a certain binary?22:44
CayEriC^^: I want find the binaries it installs22:46
Caydaftykins: it's 3 gigs worth of files22:46
daftykinsCay: what is? if you're specifying a package it can't be.22:47
bpromptCay:     can't think of an easier way for that, that'd list the files under /bin provided by it, but, that IS what you're trying to do22:47
Caythe package itself is 1gig (950meg)22:48
Cayit's unity editor22:48
EriC^^what's it do?22:48
Cayit's a game development format22:48
daftykinsso you're trying to work out how to run it?22:48
Cayhaha yes exactly22:49
Cayand I'm too embarassed to ask the unity dudes22:49
daftykinsso instead waste our time, interesting22:49
daftykinsso why don't you type 'unity' into the dash / alt+F2 and see which autocompletes? :>22:49
Caywell asking how to read dpkg info22:49
Cayis a useful tool for later on22:49
Cayalso daftykins tried that22:49
Ben64you already know how to read dpkg info22:49
Cay(well there might be better ways)22:49
daftykinsi don't really get the problem here22:50
daftykinsyou know what you need to do, do it :)22:50
Caythere is none, this is not the problem you are looking for22:50
* daftykins files this one in the crazy log22:51
somenickasdAre there any musl toolchains for use on ubuntu?23:01
MonkeyDustsomenickasd  is this useful? scroll down to find ubuntu http://wiki.musl-libc.org/wiki/Projects_using_musl23:06
somenickasdMonkey ah yes! thank you23:06
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veXxthat moment when you been troubleshooting for 3 days... and the stars aligned (youre not sure what you did) and everything starts working... that moment... w00t23:40
daftykinsand yet saying it in the wrong channel, doh!23:41
veXxno, it was an issue with getting ubuntu to start on and older system23:42
lapinozzis there a way my program could be notified when a new window is open?23:44
sleeziohello, today i noticed some processes running i don't recall seeing before, google searches on this isn't very informative..can someone tell me the purpose of these processes are? http://i.imgur.com/q3AYkGJ.jpg23:52
lapinozzis there a way my program could be notified when a new window is open?23:53
sleeziobest i can tell these processes run when you plug a usb device in or iphone(from what google searches are telling me)...but i have neither a usb nor iphone plugged in my box23:53
daftykinssleezio: yes, auto mounts23:54
daftykinsMTP is your phone for media transfer protocol - although where volume monitor comes from in that context i have no idea :D23:55
badbodhsleezio: ^^23:58
badbodhit's not a virus ;)23:58

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